Hysteroscopy and rdv uterine bleeding. Hysteroscopy with WFD (separate diagnostic curettage): indications, consequences. The sequence of medical procedures for WFD

My dear readers! Now there will be a lot of letters and emotions, be patient. If you have an operation, I will say right away - do not be afraid, just read how it happened to me and mentally prepare for such a thing.

In July 2017, when undergoing a gynecological ultrasound, I was diagnosed polyps in the cervical canal of the cervix and in the uterus itself. According to the doctors (and I visited two gynecologists and underwent an ultrasound scan twice in different clinics), this cannot be treated with any medications and an operation called "hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage (WFD)" is recommended.

At first, of course, I was shocked. I did not understand where it came from, because even a year and a half ago, ultrasound showed an excellent result and the absence of any byak. But either the stress and nervous breakdowns that haunted me all last year, or premenopausal age, or all together, but something played a role in the development of these polyps. I scoured the Internet in search of a solution to the problem. I also looked for feedback in order to prepare mentally for the operation and understand what awaits me both in the process of surgery and after. Especially after. I wanted to understand "is there life after hysteroscopy with WFD". The reviews were very different, mostly positive. I will also share my feelings.

First of all, I had to go through a bunch of examinations: cardiogram, fluorography (if not available), several types of blood tests, also urine and feces tests, and, of course, a vaginal smear. Also, the gynecologist asked if I have any health problems, such as high blood pressure. Having heard an affirmative answer, the doctor wrote out a referral to a therapist, who was supposed to give an opinion on the possibility of an operation. Looking ahead, I will say that the therapist wrote this conclusion without really asking me about anything. Of course, if I fainted or suffered from some other serious illness, I would not keep silent about it. And so I myself was interested in the quickest receipt of a certificate from a therapist, so I did not mind when she silently began to write it out. I hope that not all doctors are so negligent in their duties and at least they will measure the pressure and leaf through the card before giving such permission.

First of all, you have to take a smear, in principle, it is taken immediately when you visit a gynecologist, unless, of course, you came to him with your period. If the smear is bad, then you need to be cured, otherwise you will not be taken for the operation, because there is a high risk of bringing an infection into the uterine cavity.

The gynecologist immediately wrote me a referral to the hospital, saying that the head of the gynecological department puts on the queue, she accepts on certain days and hours, so this stage must be passed in advance. And only when the date of the operation is known, then it is necessary to pass all other tests (since they have a certain expiration date). In my case, the operation could not be scheduled earlier than a month later. Alas, there is a queue for it, our lovely women are sick.

At the hospital, setting a date, I was immediately warned that I would have to bring with me (passport, nightgown, slippers, pad, and, of course, all test results and referral for surgery). It was necessary to arrive at 9 am without delay, not to drink or eat that day. Nothing was said about the enema. Yes, I still had to shave my private parts. You also need to know your height and weight, although all this could be measured in the hospital, the appropriate devices were available. You also had to have a certain amount of money with you, because hysteroscopy procedure is paid. I'll talk about this below.

Another small preface: when I found out on the ultrasound that I had polyps and that an operation was necessary, I already had a ticket to Turkey for September. And I was in the greatest thought to go to rest or give me a ticket. My gynecologist said that you can go, swim too, but you can’t sunbathe: “you don’t know what you have there, a cancerous polyp or a normal one”. After these words, I became completely scared. Therefore, I underwent the second ultrasound in the very hospital where I was to be operated on. The ultrasound was done by the manager herself, to the question "is there anything that looks like cancer there?" she replied "God forbid, nothing like that" and said that I can safely go to rest. But after the operation, such a trip would have been impossible, at least for a month. And there would have already come November and there would have been no point in going at all. Therefore, my operation was postponed until early October, and in August I was undergoing treatment. since the smear was not very good. In September, after a vacation, within a week, I handed over and received all the tests and discharges. And by the beginning of October I was completely ready for the upcoming procedure. Here is a digression for those who are also faced with the need for surgery before or after a vacation in warm countries.

And then day X came. We went to the hospital with my husband. The registration did not take long, and I was told to pay 4650 rubles to the cashier. When making the contract, I noticed that the hysteroscopy procedure itself costs 3000 rubles. And the amount of 1,650 rubles is the cost of one bed-day in a paid ward.

Decryption of paid services

Returning with a contract and a check to the office where I was being admitted to the hospital, I found that the nurse had gone out somewhere, and two more women were standing near the door for the same operation. We got to talking. It turned out that one of them came for a free operation. I was surprised "how so?" (What would you choose? I would also be free.) My husband even found a stand with the name and phone number of the head physician, in order to further figure out why they took money from me, when a free operation is required under the compulsory medical insurance policy. And by the way, they demanded to show me the compulsory medical insurance policy at registration.

But the money was paid, the registration was completed, and now I was placed in the same paid ward. I must say I saw paid wards in the same hospital and better: single, with a sofa (and of course with a bed), with pictures on the walls and flowers. Here, the ward was designed for three people, from the benefits there was a private toilet with a shower and a sink, a TV with a room antenna (who can remember there were such "retractable horns on a stand" in Soviet times), a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a table and a wardrobe. The most interesting thing, I found out that there is only one working outlet for all these devices.

After 10 minutes another woman of 70 years old was hooked up to me (one of those two who, like me, paid for the operation). I tried to find out from her whether they offered her to carry out the procedure for free, to which she replied that as recently as this summer in July, she was given the RFE free of charge (she was also offered a choice: paid or free, and she chose the latter). So, not only that free curettage does not involve hysteroscopy, i.e. the uterine cavity is cleaned out blindly with a curette!, but anesthesia (though at the request of the patient) is given by the local and this poor woman just screamed in pain (as she told me). And most importantly, after this merciless operation, an ultrasound scan showed a few days later that the polyp had never been removed. And now, after 2 months, she was forced to repeat the operation and now she does not want to fall for the free bait. And only now I, as they say, thanked God that I was not even offered to go through this very painful procedure for free.

We had to wait about 2 hours for an invitation to the operation, during which time the doctor talked to us in turn, found out some of the nuances of our health. There was no examination on the chair. They were ordered to take off their underwear, put on a shirt, prepare a pad and wait for a call.

I was called the first one somewhere at 12-30. In the operating room, I was laid on a table-chair, similar to what we see in gynecology. The legs were tied to special supports, a pressure cuff was put on the left hand, and then the hand was also tied to the table. The right hand was placed on another support and a needle was inserted into a vein for subsequent administration of anesthesia. By the way, I was in my own socks. But they put a hat on my head. The abdomen was covered with dense tissue. There were 5 people in the operating room, one of them was definitely a doctor (a man, he operated on me), the rest I don't know who, well, the anesthesiologist is understandable, and the rest might just be nurses. While they were preparing the tools, which for some reason they had put on my stomach, everyone was chatting about what. Noticing my sunburn (I’m after Turkey), one of the doctors scolded me in full, citing Malysheva as an example with her transmission. At first I listened to the reproaches, then asked, "Better a joke, tell me what you are swearing." And I was also worried why I still didn’t fall asleep. And all the time I asked a young nurse who put a needle in my vein when I would fall asleep. To which she very affectionately replied, they say, they will now prepare all the tools and you will fall asleep. And then came the command "inject anesthesia", I was warned that now my mouth will become dry, and in the area of ​​the needle in the vein I will feel tingling. I only had time to feel some dryness, but I so wanted to catch the moment of falling asleep! And so I saw some colored circles and squares flashing before my eyes. I thought that this is how I fall into a narcotic sleep, but it turned out that I was getting out of it. In other words, the operation itself completely fell out of my mind. I didn’t feel anything at all during it. There was no pain, no light, I didn't fly anywhere, I didn't hear anything. I just felt a dry mouth, and then began to wake up.

It was very cool to get out of anesthesia. Colored objects replaced each other, then I began to see some kind of beige color, it turned out that this was the wall of the chamber. Then I saw that something light and long lay in front of me, I tried to understand what it was, then it dawned on me that it might be my hand. I tried to wiggle my fingers, but nothing came of it. Apparently not a hand, I thought. But soon the fingers began to move and this light and long still turned out to be my hand. It was also not possible to raise my head on the first attempt. But most importantly, nothing hurt me. Nothing at all. As if the operation had never happened. When I began to fully feel my body, I realized that I was lying on my side, for some reason, with my feet on the pillow, apparently as they brought me into the ward head first, they moved me, did not turn me around. Between the legs - a gasket, glued directly to the body.

A little later, I was able to start talking, and when I heard that the nurse came in, I said that I woke up. She told me that as soon as I can get up, I can either go home or stay in the hospital overnight. (By the way, the second woman was categorically ordered to stay in the hospital for a day). I was able to get up only after an hour. It was already half past four. I can't say how long the operation lasted. But from the moment they put me on the table until the moment of complete withdrawal from the anesthesia, 3 hours passed. I think this is a very good result.

There was food on the table in the ward, already cold. I didn’t manage to warm it up in the microwave, because the plug did not plug into the outlet, and I did not want to carry the stove around the room. I just ate a piece of bread with compote, because there were pills on the table, and on an empty stomach I did not dare to take them. (Metronidazole - for possible infections, they were told to take 1 tabl x 2 times a day for 5 days).

The most amazing thing is that the protocol of the operation was already on my bedside table. I understood that the doctor would not come to me anymore, since I was offered to leave the hospital at any time. I went in search of a doctor myself, in order to at least learn how to behave in the postoperative period. It was only possible to find a nurse who told me that it was necessary to abstain from sexual activity for two weeks. And nothing more. I read the rest of the recommendations on the Internet.

The course of the operation is described in some detail.

Operation protocol

At half past four, my husband took me home. During the week I had minor bleeding. Nothing hurt. Menstruation came on time, was less profuse, less prolonged and painless.

I received the results of histology in 12 days. I was immediately told that there was no cancer, only then they handed the sheet into their hands.

Conclusion of histology

Based on the results of histology and discharge, my gynecologist prescribed me to take Epigallate and Indinol preparations for 6 months. I will write a review about them after six months.

Yes, I also wanted to say that I did not understand why I needed a paid ward. After all, it was known in advance that most often women are discharged home on the same day. And I would just lie down in the free ward, because I didn't need a refrigerator or a microwave oven. Well, I watched a little TV in the morning, so that it would be easier to wait, I could well do without it. Is it just that money is being lured from us in this way? They say they paid for hysteroscopy, even if they fork out for the ward. This is our free medicine. (And a gynecological ultrasound scan in our clinic is never prescribed for free, it is only allowed for pregnant women).

Here's a long story. I hope he will reassure women who are just about to have this operation. And it is necessary to be treated after it so that the polyps do not grow again.

1. Preparation Before hysteroscopy, the cervix is ​​gently dilated. To make the procedure as informative and effective as possible, and the doctor can examine the corners of the uterus, the internal pharynx, the mouth of the fallopian tubes, the cervical canal, a sterile saline solution is supplied to the uterus. The uterine cavity expands during the study.

2. Examination of the mucous membrane The hysteroscope is inserted into the uterine cavity through the vagina and the cervical canal of the cervix. Using an optical fiber, the image is displayed on the monitor. The doctor has the opportunity to examine the mucous membrane, perform the necessary manipulations, make a video recording (for observation in dynamics).

3. Diagnosis Hysteroscopy in gynecology allows you to accurately identify pathological changes at the initial stage of development. After that, the specialist, having carefully studied the results obtained, makes a diagnosis. Based on the diagnosis, with appropriate indications, it is possible to carry out hysteroresectoscopy - removal of a neoplasm (polyp, superficially located fibroids, etc.).

Duration of the procedure

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is low-traumatic and lasts from 10 to 40 minutes. Complex surgery can take 1–2 hours.

After operation

The patient is in our hospital under the supervision of specialists 2-3 hours after the procedure. Up to 30 minutes, a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen is possible. For several days after hysteroscopy, minor spotting is possible.

After hysteroscopy of the uterus for 2-3 days, thermal procedures (bath and sauna) are not recommended, you should not visit the pool. Take a shower instead of a bath. In addition, you need to refrain from sexual activity: after hysteroscopy - a few days, and after hysteroresectoscopy - up to 3 weeks.

If you need to undergo hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage or to do hysteroresectoscopy in Moscow, contact the specialists of the Clinical Hospital on Yauza. You will undergo a complete examination, which will help to determine and implement effective treatment measures, taking into account your individual clinical situation.

Hysteroscopy- endoscopic diagnostic and operational technique, which involves examination of the uterine cavity and intrauterine manipulations using a special optical system inserted through the vagina. The procedure is informative for the diagnosis of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia and polyps, endometrial cancer, foreign bodies of the uterine cavity, intrauterine adhesions; finding out the causes of infertility, miscarriage, uterine bleeding. Hysteroscopy allows endometrial biopsy, controlled by RFE, to remove ingrown intrauterine devices or remnants of the ovum. Depending on the goals pursued, it can be performed using a rigid or flexible hysteroscope.

Hysteroscopy is practically indispensable for detecting anomalies in the development of the uterus: intrauterine synechiae, intrauterine septum, doubling of the uterus, etc. The question of a diagnostic procedure is posed by a gynecologist for menstrual irregularities in the reproductive period, postmenopausal uterine bleeding, recurrent miscarriage and infertility. Microhysteroscopy in combination with colposcopy is informative for the early detection of dysplasia and cervical cancer. As practice shows, hysteroscopic diagnosis in the course of other operations is confirmed in more than 90% of cases.

Operational hysteroscopy is used for endometrial ablation, laser reconstruction of the uterine cavity, removal of ingrown spirals and other foreign bodies from the uterine cavity (ligatures, ossified fetal remains, IUD fragments). Separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine mucosa can be performed under endoscopic control, since "blind" curettage, performed without visual control, turns out to be ineffective and uninformative in 30-60% of cases. Hysteroresectoscopy is used to remove endometrial polyps and submucous myomatous nodes, separate synechiae and remove the septa of the uterine cavity.

Control hysteroscopy can be indicated after intrauterine operations, hormonal therapy, embolization of the uterine arteries, previous cystic drift, chorionic carcinoma, as well as in the complicated course of the postpartum period.


Diagnostic or surgical manipulation should be postponed if the patient has acute infectious diseases (ARVI, pneumonia, tonsillitis) or exacerbation of chronic pathology (pyelonephritis, decompensation of heart failure, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, hypertension, etc.). Routine hysteroscopy is not performed for colpitis, urethritis, cervicitis, endometritis and other acute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs due to the high probability of the spread of the infectious process.

Relative limitations are cervical stenosis and cervical cancer - in these cases, preference is given to fibrohysteroscopy, which is performed with a flexible hysteroscope, without dilating the cervical canal. Revealing the III-IV degree of cleanliness of the vagina is an indication for its preliminary sanitation.

It is recommended to refrain from carrying out the procedure during menstruation and with profuse uterine bleeding due to poor visibility and the risk of dissemination of endometrial cells through the fallopian tubes into the abdominal cavity. However, in the presence of vital indications, to reduce bleeding and improve visibility, they resort to increasing the pressure created by the fluid, washing the uterine cavity from blood clots, and injecting drugs into the cervix. Finally, pregnancy is a contraindication to hysteroscopy, unless the procedure is used for invasive prenatal diagnosis.

Preparation for hysteroscopy

In order to correctly assess the indications and contraindications, as well as to minimize the risks of complications, it is necessary to conduct a clinical and gynecological examination of the patient. General clinical diagnostics includes an assessment of the results of a general analysis of urine and blood, chest x-ray, ECG, biochemical blood test, coagulogram, basic hospital complex. Before hysteroscopy, the patient must first be consulted by a therapist and anesthesiologist (when planning a subanesthetic study). Gynecological examination involves examining the patient on a chair, smear microscopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Such a preparation algorithm allows, already at the planning stage of hysteroscopy, to obtain the necessary information about the pathological processes in the uterus, choose a method of anesthesia for the procedure and plan the goals of the upcoming study. In case of detection of extragenital pathology in a patient, consultations are organized by specialists of the relevant profiles (cardiologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, etc.); if necessary, pathogenetic therapy is carried out, aimed at compensating for the identified violations.

Immediate preparation for hysteroscopy includes setting a cleansing enema on the eve of the procedure, shaving hair from the external genital organs, conducting intimate hygiene, emptying the bladder, and attendance on an empty stomach. Routine hysteroscopic examination in women of reproductive age is usually prescribed on the 5-10th day of the menstrual cycle.


Hysteroscopy refers to surgical procedures, therefore, it is performed in a small gynecological operating room. The patient is placed in a standard position on a gynecological chair or table. If it is necessary to expand the cervical canal and carry out intrauterine surgical procedures for anesthesia, intravenous anesthesia is used; for the implementation of a diagnostic examination, you can limit yourself to local paracervical anesthesia.

The external genitals of the patient are treated with 5% alcoholic tincture of iodine. Before the start of hysteroscopy, a bimanual examination and probing are performed to determine the position and length of the uterine cavity. The cervix is ​​fixed with bullet forceps, and with the help of Gegar's dilators, the cervical canal is expanded. Then, under the control of vision, a hysteroscope is inserted into the uterine cavity, equipped with a flexible light guide with a light source, a channel for supplying air or liquid and a video camera. The walls of the uterine cavity, the mouth of the fallopian tubes, and when removing the hysteroscope, the cervical canal are examined sequentially.

During the examination, the shape and size of the uterine cavity, the relief of the walls, the color and thickness of the endometrium are assessed, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle, the state of the mouths of the fallopian tubes; pathological inclusions and formations are revealed. In case of detection of focal formations, a targeted biopsy is performed; if necessary - curettage of the endometrium, hysteroresectoscopic surgery. The average duration of the procedure is 10 to 30 minutes.

In the next 1-2 days after hysteroscopy, there may be minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen, scanty spotting from the genital tract. To reduce the risk of infectious and inflammatory complications, a woman is advised to refrain from sexual intercourse, douching, using tampons, visiting baths and saunas, and taking hot baths for 1 week. Antibiotic therapy may be given as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of ascending infection.


Subject to the technique of manipulation, correct assessment of indications and risks, complications rarely occur. Nevertheless, like any intrauterine surgical intervention, hysteroscopy can be accompanied by various undesirable consequences and, first of all, infectious complications (endometritis, salpingitis, pelvioperitonitis).

Careless and inattentive performance of various stages of hysteroscopy can lead to traumatic damage to the uterus: perforation, rupture of the cervix or fallopian tube, and damage to the vessels of the myometrium - uterine bleeding, which can occur both during the operation and in the immediate postoperative period. In case of the appearance of alarming symptoms (severe abdominal pain, fever, bloody and purulent discharge from the genital tract), an immediate appeal to a gynecologist is necessary.

Lack of control over the inflow and outflow of fluid during liquid hysteroscopy can lead to overloading of the vascular bed and pulmonary edema. High velocity, high pressure delivery of gas into the uterine cavity can lead to gas embolism. When performing electrosurgical and laser intrauterine manipulations, thermal damage to the pelvic organs is possible.

Cost of hysteroscopy in Moscow

Hysteroscopy is an inexpensive and fairly common study performed in many gynecological centers and multidisciplinary clinics in the capital. The cost of the technique varies depending on the type of hysteroscopy (diagnostic, therapeutic, control), the amount of additional manipulations, the type of equipment, the field of view (contact or panoramic procedure), the urgency of the procedure and some other factors. The price of hysteroscopy in Moscow is also influenced by the form of ownership of the medical and diagnostic institution and the qualifications of the gynecologist (long experience, the presence of an academic degree or the highest category).

First, let's figure out what this manipulation is.

Hysteroscopy Is a surgical procedure in which a gynecologist uses a small, illuminated telescopic instrument (hysteroscope) to diagnose and treat uterine abnormalities. Using fiber optic technology, the hysteroscope transmits an image of the cervical canal and uterine cavity to a monitor, which helps the gynecologist to insert the instrument correctly into the uterus.

Hysteroscopy is of two types: diagnostic and operational... I had operational.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is carried out to examine the uterus and conclude whether there are any pathologies in the uterus. Diagnostic hysteroscopy allows you to detect the presence of septa, adhesions, polyps, fibroids in the uterine cavity, and thus detect the cause of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, infertility, miscarriage.

Operative hysteroscopy is carried out to correct the identified pathologies. During operative hysteroscopy, additional instruments are introduced through the hysteroscope, allowing the doctor to perform various therapeutic manipulations. During surgical hysteroscopy, it is possible to remove polyps, remove synechiae (adhesions), and dissect septa. Endoscopic methods can also remove uterine fibroids.

It just so happened that I had to experience this operation on myself 2 times.

The first time I went to the hospital on 08/04/2017 with a diagnosis: focal glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium.

And the second time a little less than a month ago (08.08.2018) Diagnosis: p growing glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium, endometrial polyp.

Both times the operation was performed on the 4th day of the cycle.

I will not describe separately all 2 times. In principle, all appointments and manipulations were the same. I'll tell you, summarizing.

The list of tests and examinations required for the operation is, in principle, standard:

  • General blood analysis
  • General urine analysis
  • Swab for flora and infections
  • Duration of bleeding
  • Blood clotting time
  • Blood sugar
  • RW (express) and RW from Vienna
  • Bilirubin
  • Total protein
  • Fibrinogen
  • Blood type and Rh factor
  • Blood for HIV
  • Blood for hepatitis B and C
  • ECG + description
  • Therapist's conclusion.

After passing the examinations and passing all the tests, on the appointed day I came to the hospital.

The operation was paid, I paid 17 150.00 rubles.

This cost includes the hysteroscopy itself, consultation with a gynecologist, anesthesiologist, anesthesia, bed-day in a single room, nursing.

Having formed in the reception area and received the key to my "apartment")) I went to "check in". Slippers, clean bed linen, and a towel were already waiting for me in the ward.

A nurse who came to see me said that I would make the bed, prepare a pad, change clothes and go to a gynecologist for an examination, and then to a conversation with an anesthesiologist.

No sooner said than done. The anesthesiologist said that the anesthesia will be intravenous, lasting 20 minutes. I will fall asleep on the armchair and wake up in the ward. The gynecologist gave me an ultrasound scan, took an express smear and sent me to wait in the wings.

They didn't have to wait long, they came for me and took me to the operating room. In the operating room there was an ordinary gynecological chair, a table with all sorts of medical gizmos and various pieces of glass.

I climbed onto a chair, and they immediately tied my legs. They put some kind of relaxing injection into the vein before the anesthesia itself. The last thing I remember is a doctor in a brown apron walks in and says, "let's start." I am given anesthesia into a vein, my head starts spinning and I flew and eaten.

When I woke up, I lay on the bed, covered with 2 blankets. I could not get up right away, my head was very dizzy. There were pains in the lower abdomen, but bearable, as with menstruation.

About 40 minutes later, the doctor came to me, told me what had been done to me, gave all the necessary recommendations and said that if I feel good, then I don’t have to stay overnight, I can go home, but on condition that someone will meet sometime. This made me very happy, because sleeping in my own bed is much more pleasant than in a hospital.

So, I was prescribed postoperative antibiotic treatment.

Metronidazole 1 tablet 3 times a day - 7 days;

Unidox 1 capsule 2 times a day - 5 days.

Appearance for discharge and histology after 2 weeks, as well as sexual rest for 2-3 weeks, no pools and saunas for 2 weeks, wash strictly under the shower and do not lift weights.

After 2 weeks, I came for the results of histology and subsequent treatment.

Histology results:

Cerv.canal- blood, scraps of endometrium;

Sex uterus- simple glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium;

Polyp- in sections, pieces of endometrial tissue.

My treatment is as follows:

Curantil 1 month, 1 tablet 3 times a day,

Dyufaston 3 months from 11 to 25 days of the cycle, 1 tab. 2 times a day,

Folio 3 months, 1 tab. in a day.,

Ovulation tests,

Control ultrasound in the 2nd cycle, on days 21-24, in order to see what the endometrium will be like.

And yes, by the way, for those who not planning soon pregnancy, treatment will be different. In any case, it will be contraceptive, for at least 3 months.

Hope you found it useful. Be healthy and visit your gynecologist at least once a year.

After visiting a gynecologist, many patients are prescribed an operation for scraping the uterine cavity. Some women also refer to this operation as cleansing. You should not worry about such an operation, since it is not as scary as it seems, and now you will see for yourself.

Let's see what is scraping of the walls of the uterus and what is it used for in gynecology?

The uterus is a muscular organ, doctors call it the pear-shaped body, since the shape of the uterus is very similar to a pear. Inside the pear-shaped body there is a mucous membrane, the so-called endometrium. In this environment, the baby grows and develops during pregnancy.

Throughout the entire menstrual cycle, there is an increase in the shell of the pear-shaped body, accompanied by various physical changes. When the cycle comes to an end and pregnancy does not occur, all the mucous membrane leaves the body in the form of menstruation.

When performing a scraping operation, doctors remove exactly that layer of mucous membrane that has grown during the menstrual cycle, that is, only the surface layer. The uterine cavity, as well as its walls, are scraped out with the help of instruments along with pathology. This procedure is needed both for medicinal purposes and for the diagnosis of such pathologies. Scraping of the walls is carried out under the supervision of hysteroscopy. After the operation, the scraped layer will grow again in one menstrual cycle. In fact, this whole operation resembles menstruation, carried out under the supervision of a doctor and with the help of surgical instruments. During the operation, the cervix is ​​also scraped out. The treated samples from the cervix are sent for analysis separately from the scraping from the piriform body cavity.

The advantages of the technique under the control of hysteroscopy

Simple scraping of the uterine lining is carried out blindly. When using a hysteroscope, the attending physician examines the cavity of the piriform body using a special device, which he inserts through the cervix before starting the operation. This method is safer and of better quality. It allows you to identify pathologies in the uterine cavity and, without any risks to a woman's health, to carry out curettage. After the end of the operation, with the help of a hysteroscope, it is possible to check your work. The hysteroscope allows you to assess the quality of the operation and the absence or presence of any pathologies.

Indications for WFD

This kind of operation has several goals. The first goal is to diagnose the uterine mucosa, the second is to treat pathologies inside the uterus.

With diagnostic curettage, the doctor receives a scraping of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity for further study and detection of pathology. Therapeutic curettage of the uterine cavity is used for polyps (growths of the uterine lining), since there are no other ways to treat this pathology. Also, scraping can be used as post-abortion therapy, as well as in case of abnormal thickening of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. Curettage is also used for uterine bleeding, when the nature of the bleeding cannot be determined, and curettage can stop it.

Preparing a woman for the WFD

With planned curettage, the operation is performed before the onset of menstruation. Before starting the operation, the patient must pass some tests. First of all, this is a general blood test, a cardiogram, an analysis for the presence / absence of HIV infection, an analysis for various types of hepatitis, as well as a blood clotting test. The patient should undergo a complete depilation of the pubic hair, as well as purchase sanitary pads. It is recommended not to eat before the operation. You should also bring a clean T-shirt, hospital gown, warm socks and slippers.

Usually, the operation for scraping the uterine cavity is not very difficult and is carried out within 20 - 25 minutes. After the operation, there should be no complications. In the postoperative period, the attending physician may prescribe a small course of antibiotics. Such a course should be drunk in order to avoid any complications.

The histology results will be ready within 10 days. If you experience abdominal pain in the postoperative period, you should contact your doctor.

I would like to note that the operation of scraping the uterine cavity is the safest and most painless operation in the field of gynecology.

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