Infectious diarrhea than cure. Causes and quick treatments for diarrhea in an adult. Diarrhea: Treating and Preventing Dehydration

) - pathological violation of the stool: frequent bowel movements (more than three times a day). In this case, the stool becomes liquid, watery, since the water content in the feces sharply increases and their accelerated evacuation occurs.

The volume of stool is more than 300 g, while the normal weight of daily stool is 200-300 g. Diarrhea is usually accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, urgent urge to defecate and anal incontinence. Diarrhea is not an independent disease, it is a symptom that indicates a serious malfunction in the body.

Diarrhea itself in an adult, as a symptom, is not dangerous, but its serious consequences are devastating, ranging from dehydration to anemia.

Diarrhea causes

The digestive system is in very close contact with the external environment, is often exposed to various pathogenic microorganisms, which disrupts its normal functioning and, as a result, causes stool disorder.

Other groups of factors also lead to the development of diarrhea: diseases of individual systems and organs.

Infectious processes (viruses, bacteria)

In this situation, viruses or bacteria, getting into the intestinal duct, begin to secrete a huge amount of toxic substances, increasing intestinal motility. Infectious processes include:

  • cholera, an acute infection that affects the small intestine;
  • salmonellosis is an acute intestinal infection that affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, causing severe intoxication of the whole body;
  • dysentery - a general infectious intoxication of the body, affecting the distal colon and causing destruction of the mucous tissue in it, diarrhea is also a symptom;
  • enterovirus infection is a group of diseases characterized by severe fever and a sharp deterioration in the general physical condition of the patient. Once in the body, bacteria infect the epithelial tissues of various organs, including the intestines;
  • rotaviruses and adenoviruses are viruses that infect and damage the walls of the small intestine, often referred to as "intestinal flu." Viruses lead to stool disorder in adults in rare cases, mainly with existing dysbiosis;
  • food poisoning is an acute form of intestinal infection that occurs when eating food contaminated with a large amount of toxins that are formed as a result of the vital activity of bacteria outside the human body.


A condition in which serious changes occur in the ratio of beneficial and pathogenic intestinal microflora. Most often develops against the background:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • with a sharp decrease in immunity;
  • during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Enzyme deficiency, fermentopathy

Impaired production of certain enzymes that aid in the digestion of food also causes diarrhea. This happens in the following cases:

  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, in which the enzymes produced by it remain in the gland itself, destroying it (self-digestion);
  • gallstone disease - when the outflow of bile from the gallbladder is disturbed, digestion is disturbed, food is poorly broken down, which leads to irritation of the intestinal mucosa and, as a result, to prolonged diarrhea. The result is an increased release of water, sodium and chlorine. The mass of feces increases, and their movement along the organ is accelerated.
  • lactose deficiency - occurs due to existing allergic reactions in the body to this component.

Autoimmune diseases

Pathologies in which the human immune system affects the tissues of the colon, the symptoms of these diseases are accompanied by the appearance of diarrhea:

  • - due to abnormal changes in the intestine, the absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins is disturbed, the production of water increases, the passage of feces through the intestinal ducts is accelerated;
  • ulcerative colitis - a chronic inflammatory process in the intestine, disrupts the formation of normal feces due to pathological changes in the mucous tissues of the organ, often accompanied by diarrhea;
  • enteritis - pathological changes in the small intestine, leading to a disruption in the absorption of nutrients by its walls;
  • enterocolitis is a strong inflammation of the large and small intestine, leading to atrophic changes in the epithelial tissue, disrupting the absorption of nutrients by its walls and the formation of feces.

Neuropsychiatric disorders

Disruptions in the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system very often lead to disturbances in the regulation of digestion. Against this background, such a recurrent functional disorder as "irritable bowel syndrome" develops. At the same time, in the absence of any organic or infectious causes, prolonged diarrhea and malfunctioning of the organ are characteristic (over 3 months).


When the body is poisoned with nitrates, heavy metals, pesticides, diarrhea appears due to the destructive effect of toxic substances on the beneficial intestinal microflora.

Cancer tumors

Malignant neoplasms in the rectum can be the main cause of diarrhea in adults. At the same time, admixtures of blood and mucus can often be seen in the feces.

Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis

Pathological liver disease, the main symptom of which is diarrhea. Stool disorder occurs due to intolerance to fatty foods and pathological changes in the tissues of the organ (cirrhosis, hepatitis of all groups, except for A).

Consequences of taking medications

Diarrhea is often caused by taking antibiotics. This is due to the fact that the substances in the composition of these drugs, when they enter the body, begin to actively suppress the growth of living cells, including the intestinal microflora, which causes dysbiosis and, as a result of disturbances in the formation of feces.

Still, the most common causes of diarrhea in adults are the effects of viral and bacterial infections that enter the body with food or water. By disrupting the balance of the intestinal microflora, they change the normal functioning of the organ, which speeds up the digestive process, which leads to the formation of loose and frequent stools.

Diarrhea can also result from the abuse of laxatives, cytostatics (antineoplastic agents that kill cancer cells), prokinetics (drugs to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, often prescribed for constipation).

First symptoms

The symptoms of diarrhea are numerous. In the clinical picture, both intestinal (when acute diarrhea is caused by poisoning) and extraintestinal symptoms (when diarrhea takes on a prolonged course due to some chronic disease) may be present.

Signs of acute diarrhea:

  • pain - arises from strong peristalsis, the site of localization is on the left, most often in the area of ​​the large intestine;
  • - an inherent sign of diarrhea. It develops due to the large amount of gases formed in the intestines: these can be fermentation processes caused by a lack of certain enzymes or the vital processes of bacteria and viruses;
  • high fever is a characteristic symptom for diarrhea caused by inflammatory processes in the body: food poisoning, viral and bacterial infections;
  • tenesmus - painful urge to empty the bowels. A symptom characteristic of intestinal infections (dysentery, colitis);
  • nausea and vomiting are typical symptoms of diarrhea in food poisoning;
  • general weakness is a consequence of severe dehydration of the body with diarrhea.

Signs of extraintestinal chronic diarrhea:

  • anemia - a lowered content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood. It develops due to damage to the mucous tissue of the intestinal walls, through which substances beneficial to the body are absorbed. The result is a deficiency of essential micronutrients;
  • nausea - with colitis, Crohn's disease and other pathologies, diarrhea is almost always accompanied by severe nausea;
  • loss of appetite - caused by virtually no passing nausea, vomiting, impaired metabolism.

With extraintestinal diarrhea, symptoms are also characteristic of the underlying disease that provoked stool disorders. So, intestinal infections are often accompanied by a skin rash, joint damage, etc.

An unhealthy diet, abuse of rough food of plant origin, spicy foods, and strongly carbonated drinks can also provoke diarrhea in an adult. Stool upset can occur due to abrupt changes in water, habitual diet and environment. This is typical of tourists visiting exotic countries. This stool disorder is often called "tourist diarrhea". The symptom quickly disappears on its own when returning to the usual living conditions.

Types of diarrhea and the reasons for its appearance

Diarrhea are divided into the following types:

  • infectious - with dysentery, enterovirus infection, foodborne infections, etc.;
  • alimentary - for allergies to food, in case of nutritional disorders;
  • dyspeptic - with disturbances in the process of digestion, with a lack of certain enzymes, with failures in the normal functioning of the liver, pancreas, thyroid gland, stomach, intestines;
  • toxic - in case of poisoning with heavy metals, chemicals;
  • medication - with side effects after taking antibiotics;
  • neurogenic - with psychoemotional experiences that caused disturbances in nervous regulation.

The color and consistency of stool helps to determine the origin of diarrhea.

Feces color Stool consistency Cause of occurrence
Liquid, unformed. Small green particles or green mucus may be visible. Bacterial and viral infections.
An increased contraction of the intestinal walls, due to which the feces have time to undergo enzyme processing, but do not have time to take their normal form. In this case, there is a partial absorption of the necessary trace elements into the bloodstream.
Liquid or tarry, heterogeneous, unformed. It has two characteristic reasons:

1. Stomach or intestinal bleeding.

2. Eating products based on animal blood, as well as beets, blueberries, activated carbon, preparations based on bismuth.

White Unformed, very runny. The stool may contain bits of undigested food or a lot of mucus. Insufficient bile processing of food due to compression or complete blockage of the common bile duct.
Bloody, dark cherry Liquid, mushy, heterogeneous. Active intestinal bleeding: characteristic of disintegrating tumors in the intestine and in severe intestinal infections, when the mucous tissue of the walls of the organ is completely destroyed.
Light yellow, in some cases almost transparent Diarrhea with water: very thin, watery, frothy. Cholera, a severe form of dysentery.

In adults and children: what to do and how to cure the disease?

Clinical features

In medicine, there is also a distinction between acute and chronic forms of diarrhea.

Acute diarrhea

Stool disturbance lasts 2-3 weeks. The acute form is most often caused by infectious and inflammatory processes in the intestines. Diarrhea is accompanied by severe bloating, severe pain, nausea, and vomiting. Appetite is practically absent, weight loss is possible.

Constant diarrhea contributes to rapid dehydration.

With severe intestinal infections, a sharp increase in body temperature, up to 40 0 ​​C, febrile convulsions and severe dizziness is possible. At the same time, an admixture of blood, mucus with blood streaks is clearly visible in the feces.

Chronic diarrhea

Stool disturbance lasts more than 3 weeks. This may be a consequence of serious diseases in the body, the identification of which is the main task of treatment and further prevention. At the same time, special attention is paid to the frequency of daily bowel movements, the color and consistency of the stool.


Diagnosis of diarrhea is aimed primarily at finding out the reasons that caused this condition. In this case, a number of clinical, laboratory and instrumental procedures are used.

Clinical examination

It includes interviewing a patient by a specialist, in which a number of possible causal factors are found out that caused diarrhea. The doctor specifies when the first stool disturbances occurred, whether another family member is sick, what foods were consumed by the patient the day before, what symptoms accompany this condition (pain, nausea, high fever, etc.). After interviewing the patient, the specialist necessarily conducts a visual examination and palpation of the abdomen. This allows you to identify the localization of pain.

Laboratory research

Laboratory diagnostic methods include:

  • - general analysis of feces in order to diagnose the work of the digestive system;
  • bacteriological analysis of feces - carried out in order to determine the quantitative and qualitative intestinal microflora, as well as to identify possible intestinal infections;
  • general blood test - prescribed to identify infectious pathologies in the body: colitis, allergies, etc.;
  • biochemical blood test - to detect pancreatitis, hepatitis, as the root cause of the development of diarrhea.

Instrumental examination

In acute and chronic diarrhea, a specialist may prescribe the following procedures:

  • - if detected (inflammation of pararectal tissue), it can be assumed that there is Crohn's disease;
  • endoscopic examination techniques - are prescribed for the purpose of examining the inner walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines to identify possible damage to epithelial tissue, inflammation, neoplasms, ulcers, etc.;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs - mainly carried out with chronic diarrhea to diagnose possible functional disorders of the secretory work of the liver, pancreas, and small intestine.

Diarrhea treatment: first aid, diet, drugs

Considering that diarrhea is a consequence of many diseases, then when choosing a treatment tactics, the main role is played by the identification and elimination of the underlying pathology. In this case, the treatment of diarrhea in adults involves the use of complex therapy (diet, taking antibacterial and rehydrating drugs, etc.), depending on the type of diarrhea.

First aid for diarrhea in adults

First aid for diarrhea is not only to alleviate the patient's condition, but also to eliminate adverse effects on the body.

All actions that you can independently perform at home can be broken down into several stages:

  1. Prevention of dehydration of the body. With diarrhea, the water-salt balance in the body is sharply disturbed. To normalize it, the patient should drink large quantities of clean, non-carbonated water. You can take solutions such as Regidron, Oralit. They can be replaced with saline, salted water, chamomile decoction. At the same time, it is necessary to start replenishing the fluid lost by the body immediately, at the first signs of diarrhea.
  2. Reception of sorbents (activated carbon,). They will help improve the condition of the intestines and remove harmful substances from the body that could provoke diarrhea.
  3. Food intake should be limited to 4-6 hours, then adhere to a special diet in the diet.

If the patient's condition does not improve, the upset stool continues for more than three days, you should immediately seek medical attention, especially if there is a lot of blood or mucus in the stool or with blood streaks. In no case should you self-medicate with such dangerous symptoms as tarry black stools with a putrid odor, acute pain in the abdomen, high body temperature accompanied by febrile convulsions, or if you suspect food poisoning.

Diet for diarrhea in an adult

In case of upset stool, special attention is paid to nutritional issues, since the diet helps not only to quickly restore the lost trace elements, but also to normalize the functioning of the organs of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Diet for diarrhea in adults should be based on the following rules:

  • a large amount of liquid should be included in the diet;
  • you can use only easily digestible and digestible foods;
  • meals should be fractional: small portions (200-300 g) 5-6 times a day;
  • "Heavy" food that irritates the intestinal wall should be completely excluded from the diet.

Moreover, with an acute, pronounced form of diarrhea on the first day, any meal should be replaced with liquid. It should also be drunk after each case of diarrhea, in small sips in the amount of 1 glass.

The patient needs to drink about 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day.

Recommended products Prohibited foods
Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, whey, yoghurts (without sweeteners, colors and flavors). Milk, sour cream, cream.
Porridge on the water: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet, wheat. Semolina.
Meat: fish, boiled chicken, rabbit, boiled veal and beef. Pork, game, smoked, dried semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, fatty sausages.
Flour products: black bread, rusks from white or black bread, crackers. Fresh baked goods, cakes, pastries, sweet rolls, sweets.
Boiled pasta, rice. First and second courses, seasoned with spices, mustard, mayonnaise.
Vegetables: soups, broths from potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, asparagus, tomatoes. All legumes and peas.
Fruits and berries: green apples, pears, dried blueberries, bananas. Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes. As well as nuts, plums.

The daily menu should be balanced and contain a reduced amount of fats and carbohydrates. With a strong feeling of hunger on the first day of diarrhea, it is allowed to eat half a banana and a few crackers. On the second day, you can add rice porridge cooked in water to the menu. It is imperative to carefully monitor the body's reaction to the introduced products.

Medicines for diarrhea for adults

In modern medicine, there is a wide range of choices of various medications for diarrhea. The choice in favor of this or that remedy depends on the cause of the stool disorder. At the same time, for each type of diarrhea, a specialist can prescribe several groups of medicines.

Group of drugs Specifications Representatives
Preparations that prevent the death of the natural intestinal microflora. As a rule, they are prescribed for diarrhea caused by bacterial infections, as an addition to the intake of intestinal antibiotics, which tend to adversely affect beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. If probiotics are not taken at the same time as antibiotic therapy, then they are prescribed later, in large doses to restore the vital activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria.
  • Lizalak.
  • Lactobacterin.
Means for the normalization of intestinal microflora A group of drugs that have a persistent antidiarrheal effect, restore beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora and at the same time destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The drugs have a moderate antimicrobial effect. They are prescribed for all types of diarrhea, including relapses of colitis.
  • Linex.
  • Bifidumbacterin.
  • Acylact.
  • Bifinorm.
  • Colibacterin.
Intestinal antiseptics Drugs that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. It is prescribed for diarrhea caused by bacterial infections.
  • Adisord.
  • Mirofuril.

Diarrhea(diarrhea) - frequent, frequent loose stools. Diarrhea is usually accompanied by pain, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, tenesmus. Diarrhea is a symptom of many infectious diseases and inflammatory bowel processes, dysbiosis, neurogenic disorders. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease plays an important role in the prevention of complications. The loss of a large amount of fluid with profuse diarrhea leads to a violation of the water-salt balance and can cause heart and kidney failure.

General information

Diarrhea is a single or frequent bowel movement with a liquid consistency. Diarrhea is a symptom that signals a malabsorption of water and electrolytes in the intestines. Normally, the amount of feces excreted per day by an adult varies between 100-300 grams, depending on the characteristics of the diet (the amount of vegetable fiber, poorly absorbed substances, liquid). In the case of increased intestinal motility, the stool may become more frequent and liquefied, but its amount remains within the normal range. When the amount of fluid in the stool increases to 60-90%, then they talk about diarrhea.

Distinguish between acute diarrhea (lasting no more than 2-3 weeks) and chronic. In addition, the concept of chronic diarrhea includes a tendency to intermittent heavy bowel movements (more than 300 grams per day). Patients suffering from malabsorption of various nutrients have a tendency to polyfeces: the release of a large amount of feces containing undigested food debris.

Diarrhea causes

With severe intoxication in the intestine, excessive secretion of water with sodium ions into its lumen occurs, which contributes to the thinning of the stool. Secretory diarrhea develops with intestinal infections (cholera, enteroviruses), taking certain medications and dietary supplements. Osmolar diarrhea occurs with malabsorption syndrome, insufficient digestion of sugars, excessive consumption of osmotically active substances (laxative salts, sorbitol, antacids, etc.). The mechanism of development of diarrhea in such cases is associated with an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen and diffusion of fluid along the osmotic gradient.

A significant factor contributing to the development of diarrhea is a violation of intestinal motility (hypokinetic and hyperkinetic diarrhea) and, as a result, a change in the rate of transit of intestinal contents. Laxatives, magnesium salts contribute to increased motility. Disorders of motor function (weakening and strengthening of peristalsis) occur with the development of irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, they talk about functional diarrhea.

Inflammation of the intestinal wall causes the exudation of protein, electrolytes and water into the intestinal lumen through damaged mucosa. Exudative diarrhea accompanies enteritis, enterocolitis of various etiologies, intestinal tuberculosis, acute intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery). Often, with this type of diarrhea, blood and pus are present in the stool.

Diarrhea can develop as a result of taking medications: laxatives, antacids containing magnesium salts, certain groups of antibiotics (ampicillin, lincomycin, cephalosporins, clindamycin), antiarrhythmic drugs (quindilin, propranol), digitalis preparations, potassium salts, artificial sugars (sorbitol, mannitol) , cholestyramine, chenodeoxycholic acid, sulfonamides, anticoagulants.


There are the following types of diarrhea: infectious (with dysentery, salmonellosis, amebiasis, food toxicoinfections and entroviruses), alimentary (associated with dietary disorders or allergic reactions to food), dyspeptic (accompanied by digestive disorders associated with insufficient secretory functions of the digestive system: liver, pancreas, stomach; as well as in case of insufficient secretion of enzymes in the small intestine), toxic (in case of poisoning with arsenic or mercury, uremia), medication (caused by taking medications, drug dysbiosis), neurogenic (with changes in motility due to impaired nervous regulation associated with psycho-emotional experiences).

Clinical features of diarrhea

In clinical practice, acute and chronic diarrhea is distinguished.

Acute diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea

Diarrhea that lasts more than 3 weeks is considered chronic. It can be a consequence of various pathologies, the identification of which is the main task for determining treatment tactics. Anamnesis data, accompanying clinical symptoms and syndromes, and physical examination can provide information about the causes of chronic diarrhea.

Particular attention is paid to the nature of the stool: the frequency of bowel movements, daily dynamics, volume, consistency, color, the presence of impurities in the feces (blood, mucus, fat). The survey reveals the presence or absence of concomitant symptoms: tenesmus (false urge to defecate), abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting.

Small intestine pathologies are manifested by profuse watery or fatty stools. For diseases of the large intestine, less abundant stool is characteristic; streaks of pus or blood, mucus may be noted in the feces. Most often, diarrhea with lesions of the large intestine is accompanied by soreness in the abdomen. Diseases of the rectum are manifested by frequent scanty stools as a result of increased sensitivity to stretching of the intestinal walls, tenesmus.

Diagnosing diarrhea

Acute diarrhea is usually characterized by a very pronounced loss of fluid and electrolytes from the feces. On examination and physical examination of the patient, signs of dehydration are noted: dryness and decreased turgor of the skin, increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure. With a pronounced calcium deficiency, the symptom of "muscle cushion" becomes a positive symptom, and there may be cramps.

With diarrhea, the patient's stool is always carefully examined, in addition, it is advisable to carry out a proctological examination. Identification of anal fissure, fistula, paraproctitis may suggest Crohn's disease. For any diarrhea, a comprehensive study of the digestive tract is performed. Instrumental endoscopic techniques (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy) allow you to examine the inner walls of the upper gastrointestinal tract and large intestine, detect mucosal damage, inflammation, neoplasms, bleeding ulcerations, etc.

Stool microscopy reveals a high content of leukocytes and epithelial cells in it, which indicates the presence of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. The detected excess of fatty acids is a consequence of impaired fat absorption. Together with the remnants of muscle fibers and a high starch content in the feces, steatorrhea is a sign of malabsorption syndrome. Fermentation processes due to the development of dysbiosis contribute to a change in the normal acid-base balance in the intestine. To detect such disorders, the intestinal pH is measured (normal is 6.0).

Persistent diarrhea in combination with excessive gastric secretion is characterized by Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ulcerogenic adenoma of the pancreas). In addition, prolonged secretory diarrhea may result from the development of hormone-producing tumors (eg, VIPoma). Laboratory blood tests are aimed at identifying signs of an inflammatory process, biochemical markers of liver and pancreas dysfunction, hormonal disorders that can cause chronic diarrhea.

Diarrhea treatment

Diarrhea is a symptom of many diseases, therefore, in the choice of medical tactics, the identification and treatment of the underlying pathology plays the main role. Depending on the type of diarrhea, the patient is referred for treatment to a gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist or proctologist. It is imperative to seek medical attention if diarrhea persists for more than 4 days, or if there are streaks of blood or mucus in the stool. In addition, symptoms that should not be ignored are: tarry stools, abdominal pain, fever. If there are signs of diarrhea and there is a possibility of food poisoning, you should also see a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment for diarrhea depends on the type of diarrhea. And it includes the following components: dietary nutrition, antibiotic therapy, pathogenetic treatment (correction of malabsorption in case of enzyme deficiencies, decreased gastric secretion, drugs that normalize intestinal motility, etc.), treatment of the consequences of prolonged diarrhea (rehydration, restoration of electrolyte balance).

With diarrhea, foods are introduced into the diet that help reduce peristalsis, reduce the secretion of water into the intestinal lumen. In addition, the main pathology that caused the diarrhea is taken into account. The components of the diet must correspond to the functional state of digestion. Products that promote the secretion of hydrochloric acid and increase the rate of evacuation of food from the intestines are excluded from the diet during acute diarrhea.

Antibiotic therapy for diarrhea is prescribed to suppress the pathological flora and restore normal eubiosis in the intestine. With infectious diarrhea, broad-spectrum antibiotics, quinolones, sulfonamides, nitrofurans are prescribed. The drugs of choice for intestinal infections are drugs that do not adversely affect the intestinal microbiocenosis (combination drugs, nifuroxazide). Sometimes, for diarrhea of ​​various origins, eubiotics can be prescribed. However, more often such treatment is prescribed after the signs of diarrhea have subsided to normalize the intestinal flora (eliminate dysbiosis).

As symptomatic agents, adsorbents are used, enveloping and astringent agents that neutralize organic acids. For the regulation of intestinal motility, loperamide is used, in addition, acting directly on the opiate receptors of the small intestine, reducing the secretory function of enterocytes and improving absorption. A pronounced antidiarrheal effect is exerted by somatostatin, which affects the secretory function.

For infectious diarrhea, drugs that reduce intestinal motility are not used. Loss of fluid and electrolytes from prolonged and profuse diarrhea requires rehydration measures. Most patients are prescribed oral rehydration, but in 5-15% of cases, there is a need for intravenous administration of electrolyte solutions.

Prevention of diarrhea

Prevention of diarrhea includes measures for maintaining body hygiene and nutrition. Washing hands before eating, thoroughly washing raw vegetables and fruits, and properly cooking foods can help avoid food poisoning and intestinal infections. In addition, it is worth remembering the need to avoid drinking raw water, unfamiliar and suspicious food, food that can cause an allergic reaction.

If persistent diarrhea occurs, people cannot lead a normal life, since the patient may experience discomfort in the abdomen, frequent urge to use the toilet and bloating. The causes of diarrhea in an adult can be many: from simple indigestion to serious illness, so if the stool is disturbed for several days, then you should think about going to the doctor.

Since diarrhea is only a clinical picture, and not a disease, it is first of all necessary to find the root cause. Do not be fooled by manufacturers who claim that one tablet is enough to solve stool problems. It is important to remember that by eliminating the symptom, the disease will not go anywhere and, even worse, can be harmful to health, since many drugs have contraindications.

Experts divide the causes of diarrhea into infectious and non-infectious. Also, diarrhea is divided into chronic - it can bother the patient for a long time, causing damage to health and acute - the urge to go to the toilet can bother more than 5 times a day, while diarrhea is accompanied by pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

Infectious type

If you suspect an infection that triggered loose stools, medical attention is required. Infectious diarrhea is manifested by weakness, the appearance of nausea, vomiting, the stool may turn green with the presence of mucus, has an unpleasant odor, and sometimes there may be an increase in body temperature. The reasons for the development of infectious diarrhea include:

Diarrhea of ​​infectious etiology can cause complications and, above all, the immune system suffers, therefore this type of stool disorder requires mandatory treatment.

Non-infectious type

The non-infectious type of diarrhea is less dangerous than infectious, but also requires treatment, since prolonged loose stools can cause poor circulation and dehydration. Non-infectious diarrhea can be triggered by the following factors:

  • frequent use of laxatives;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • frequent consumption of milk;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • decreased levels of immunoglobulin;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • insufficient production of digestive enzymes;
  • the presence of tumors and cysts that provoke circulatory disorders;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • violation of the diet;
  • eating poor quality food;
  • intolerance to the body of certain nutrients.

Chronic diarrhea is most often not infectious; it occurs almost every day for several weeks or months. The main cause of its occurrence is malnutrition or inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

Each disease or factor can be different in the nature of the bowel movements: diarrhea can be accompanied by other symptoms, have a foamy or liquid consistency, different colors (white, black, green, yellow), the presence of mucus or blood in the stool, a fetid odor.

Intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbiosis is one of the most common causes of stool disorders. As the chyme progresses, feces are formed in the intestines. At the same time, the processing and assimilation of nutrients takes place, as well as the absorption of water and electrolytes. The digestion of food, as well as the absorption of nutrients, is due to the microflora, which, during normal functioning, contains lacto-, bifidobacteria, E.coli and other beneficial microbes.

Dysbacteriosis can develop as a result of taking antibiotics, insufficient intake of vitamins with fruits and vegetables, reduced immunity, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, and radiation. With this disease, diarrhea of ​​grade 3 or 4 is observed, which leads to the exhaustion of the patient, his weight loss and the development of chronic enterocolitis. The main reasons for the development of diarrhea in dysbiosis are:

  • deterioration of fluid absorption;
  • increased intestinal motility;
  • accumulation of large amounts of bile acid.

In case of dysbiosis, stool disturbance is often accompanied by allergic rashes, nausea, decreased appetite, belching, pain and bloating.


With a disease of the pancreas, one of the clinical manifestations is diarrhea. The pancreas actively participates in the process of digestion of food and in case of disruption of its work, namely, when diagnosing chronic pancreatitis, a violation of the stool is always observed. This disease is characterized by a decrease in the production of enzymes involved in the digestion of food. Pancreatitis most often develops in people who abuse alcohol, in the presence of diseases such as peptic ulcer disease, inflammation of the small intestine, as well as with a predominance of fatty foods in the diet and overeating.

Diarrhea with pancreatitis occurs due to the fact that fragments of digested food enter the large intestine. A high amount of nutrients activates bacteria, resulting in a putrefactive and fermentative process, leading to bloating and stool disruption.

Stool with pancreatitis often has a liquid consistency, usually of a mushy appearance with inclusions of undigested food. Inflammation of the pancreas, in addition to diarrhea, manifests itself in other symptoms: pain in the lower back or side to the left, nausea and lack of appetite.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Also, one of the causes of stool disorders are diseases of the large intestine, in particular ulcerative colitis. Most often, this disease affects people from 20 to 40 years old, and it is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the presence of mucus or blood in the stool;
  • bloating.

In the acute course of the disease, there may be an increase in body temperature, malaise, weakness and muscle pain appear. In more severe conditions, vision may deteriorate.

95% of patients with ulcerative colitis complain about the appearance of loose stools, which interferes with living fully and enjoying life, since the frequency of bowel movements can occur about 4 times a day in the chronic form, and more than 5 times in the acute course. Often when diarrhea can be replaced by constipation.

Infectious diseases

With the development of pathogens in the intestines of a person, diarrhea often occurs - the body's reaction to their waste products. In this case, you may feel unwell, the appearance of nausea, vomiting and fever.

With infectious diseases, the stool becomes watery, in a short period of time a person can lose up to several liters of fluid, which negatively affects the health of the body.

Depending on which infection is present, the stool may change its appearance, for example, with cholera, it has a liquid state, and with dysentery, it is scanty and slimy.

If treatment is not prescribed on time, the disease can turn into a more serious condition. In addition to dehydration, which negatively affects the body, there is a toxic effect of microbes, the severity of which depends on the type of pathogen. This condition should not be treated on its own, you need qualified help from a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is one of the most serious diseases associated with an inflammatory process in the digestive tract, in which all layers of the intestine are affected: under the mucous, muscular and mucous membranes. The inflammatory process can occur in the lower and upper segment of the digestive tube, but it is the small intestine that is most often affected.

Crohn's disease has 3 degrees of severity:

  1. With a mild course of the disease, the incidence of diarrhea is no more than 4 times, streaks of blood in the feces are absent or mild.
  2. The moderate severity is manifested in more frequent bowel movements, up to 6 times. It is possible to detect the presence of blood in the stool with the naked eye.
  3. A severe course of the disease is characterized by the occurrence of diarrhea more than 10 times a day, in which case complications such as bleeding, abscesses and fistulas may occur.

The causes of Crohn's disease have not yet been studied; it is most often diagnosed in people younger than 35 years old. In addition to diarrhea, this disease manifests itself in severe abdominal pain, the appearance of malaise and weakness. The diagnosis can only be made by a physician after a preliminary diagnosis.

Psychosomatic causes of diarrhea

The human body is a complex mechanism that reacts to any negative factors, including in a bad state of mind. Therefore, very often diarrhea appears when a person experiences a strong nervous shock. Diarrhea and frequent anxiety can provoke serious illness, and most of it is psychosomatic in nature.

In some people, when fear occurs, stiffness occurs not only in movements, but in the entire body. When experiencing fear, many patients experience abdominal pain and other unpleasant sensations in addition to the urge to use the toilet. After the fear has gone, the stool may have a liquid consistency throughout the day. With the frequent occurrence of diarrhea against the background of anxiety, experts recommend taking sedatives.

Treating frequent diarrhea

If you have frequent diarrhea, you need to see a doctor, he will prescribe tests and diagnostics, which will help to identify the cause of the stool disorder. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating an unpleasant symptom with the help of antidiarrheal drugs, while the underlying disease is treated at the same time.

Since diarrhea greatly dehydrates the body, the doctor additionally prescribes rehydrating drugs (Normasol, Gamtrolit, Regidron, etc.), which restore the water-salt balance in the body. Also, during treatment, it is important to consume enough fluids and monitor your diet (exclude: spicy, fresh fruits and vegetables, alcohol).

It is important to know that all drugs should be used only after a doctor's prescription.

In most cases, diarrhea in an adult is acute. However, in some people, diarrhea does not stop for 3 weeks. Gradually, it turns into a chronic stage. Treating diarrhea at home can be as effective as in a hospital, but be sure to inform your doctor.

Types of diarrhea

Depending on the mechanism of occurrence, several types of diarrhea are distinguished:

  1. With secretory diarrhea, sodium and chlorine ions accumulate in the intestines. The person suffers from copious, loose stools. As a result of frequent trips to the toilet, the patient loses a lot of water and electrolytes. The cause of secretory diarrhea is infection with salmonellosis, Escherichia coli or cholera, that is, acute intestinal infections.
  2. Osmotic diarrhea is very similar to the secretory form. It occurs due to the ingestion of a rotavirus infection in the digestive system.
  3. Inflammation of the colon leads to invasive diarrhea. Symptoms of the disease appear with dysentery or amebiasis (amoebic dysentery). At the same time, the reabsorption of fluid in the intestine worsens.
  4. Mucus, pus, and blood, when released into the intestines, cause the stool to liquefy. This is how the exudative form of diarrhea develops. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system is a characteristic symptom of Crohn's disease, colitis and intestinal tuberculosis.

Causes of diarrhea

The main causes of diarrhea in adults include:

  1. Eating expired or substandard foods.
  2. Diarrhea can be the result of allergies to certain substances that are present in the human diet.
  3. Digestive upset affects people who constantly overeat. The body produces too few enzymes needed to digest so much food.
  4. Taking medications can provoke diarrhea.
  5. People suffer from diarrhea when they change their place of residence, as their bodies are not yet accustomed to local water and food.
  6. With the help of diarrhea, the body tries to cope with mercury or lead poisoning.

When can diarrhea be treated at home?

You can get rid of indigestion at home, provided that the patient's condition does not cause fear for his life.

The intervention of doctors is indispensable in the following situations:

  • the patient suffers from high fever, which lasts for a long time;
  • there are traces of blood in the patient's feces;
  • the person experiences dizziness, faints;
  • bouts of vomiting and diarrhea last more than a day.

  1. A digestive disorder such as diarrhea can lead to dehydration. To normalize the water-salt balance, it is imperative to take Citroglucosan or.
  2. To help the body remove toxins, it is necessary to take sorbents (, Polypefan). Be sure to observe the intervals between medications. They are best used on an empty stomach. Sorbents eliminate the manifestations of flatulence, as they adsorb gases formed in the intestine.
  3. To cope with inflammatory processes in chronic diarrhea, you can use sulfasalazine and prednisolone. Attention! You cannot take these medications on your own, without consulting a doctor.
  4. If diarrhea is caused by a lack of enzymes, then experts prescribe or. It is necessary to monitor the amount of food that you eat at a time. Shows frequent, fractional meals in small portions. This will help eliminate the cause of your digestive upset.
  5. Infectious forms of the disease are treated with antibiotics.
  6. Treatment of diarrhea at home is impossible without eliminating the symptoms of dysbiosis. To normalize the microflora, doctors prescribe to patients. These are funds designed to restore normal intestinal microflora (Acylact, Bifidumbacterin).
  7. Sometimes digestive upset occurs during antibiotic treatment. In this case, it is necessary to replace it with safer drugs.
  8. To reduce motility or Laremid. The drugs should not be used in the treatment of infectious disorders and poisoning.

How to cure diarrhea with herbs

Treating diarrhea with herbal tinctures is one of the safest ways to eliminate digestive disorders:

  1. Put half a glass of washed bird cherry leaves in a saucepan and pour 500 ml of water. Boil the broth for 30 minutes. After that, the infusion should languish under the lid for an hour. The finished broth should be taken in 1 tbsp. spoon before each meal.
  2. Brew a few branches of chicory with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. A warm broth is needed after each meal. The herb has helped many people suffering from loose stools.
  3. Add Art. a spoonful of dry galangal in a liter of boiling water. The broth will be ready within 5 minutes. It must be drunk 100 ml 3 times a day.
  4. Mix together raspberry and viburnum leaves in equal proportions. Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. The broth can be drunk instead of black tea 4 times a day.

What berries and fruits help with diarrhea?

Folk remedies based on berries and fruits are in no way inferior to herbal infusions:

  1. To prepare jelly from dried blueberries, you need to prepare 1 teaspoon of berries. Pour 300 ml of water over the blueberries and add a little sugar and starch to the mixture. Kissel must be boiled for 15 minutes. Refrigerate it before use. Kissel envelops the intestinal walls, relieving their irritation. Gradually, the diarrhea should stop.
  2. must be pre-dried. You can use a coffee grinder to grind them. Pour a teaspoon of pomegranate powder with a glass of boiling water and simmer the mixture in a water bath for 40 minutes. The broth should be taken in 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.
  3. Chop the pear finely and pour 400 ml of water over it. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of oatmeal. The solution must be cooked for 5 minutes. After that, the broth should be infused under the lid for 60 minutes. The infusion should be drunk 100 ml 2 times a day.

Therapeutic diet

Diet can help manage the symptoms of mild diarrhea.

The basic principle of treatment is to drink as much liquid as possible.

Mineral water without gas helps to restore the water-salt balance.

With chronic diarrhea, you need to review your diet. Doctors advise steaming or boiling dishes. Serving size should not overload the digestive system. If you want to get rid of the symptoms of diarrhea, then you will have to give up fried and smoked foods.

Please check the expiration date before purchasing products. After all, the main cause of chronic diarrhea is unhealthy diet.

The following foods can be included in the daily diet:

  • stale bread;
  • skim cheese;
  • crackers;
  • broth from meat or vegetables;
  • jelly cooked from natural products (do not buy ready-made semi-finished products, as they contain many different additives);
  • weak tea.
  • it is better to replace coffee with a drink made of chicory.

Foods to eat for diarrhea

If you do not want to provoke bouts of diarrhea, skip several foods:

  1. Fried meat and fish irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive system.
  2. Whole milk stimulates intestinal motility.
  3. For the same reason, completely eliminate radishes, radishes, cabbage, beets and cucumbers from your diet.
  4. Treatments for diarrhea can be delayed if you eat pastries and baked goods.
  5. If you have diarrhea, you need to drink plenty of fluids. However, this does not apply to soda, which is difficult for even healthy people to tolerate.

Prevention of diarrhea

To avoid diarrhea, you must adhere to the following rules.

Frequent loose stools in adults can be due to many different reasons, the most common of which are various infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal system. Their causative agents can be adenoviruses, rotaviruses, salmonella, E. coli, staphylococci, protozoa, for example, lamblia, and other types of bacteria or viruses.

In addition to the above factors, diarrhea in adults can be caused by:

  1. Certain foods and drinks, and food that is too hot or too cold.
  2. Digestive system pathologies associated with disruption of the normal production of gastric juice and enzymes, such as pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and others.
  3. Exposure to certain substances to which a person has hypersensitivity.
  4. Hormonal disruptions.
  5. The period after the operation on the digestive organs.
  6. Side effects of some medications.
  7. Bowel diseases of a non-infectious nature, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and others.
  8. Mental or emotional factors, for example, stress, severe fright, nervous strain, and the like.

In most cases, when diarrhea occurs, adults do not seek medical help, but cope with the problem on their own, with the exception of a strong and sharp deterioration in the condition and an increase in temperature accompanying diarrhea. In addition, you should consult a doctor even if impurities appear in the feces: blood, mucus, foam, as well as when the color of the feces changes, signs of dehydration appear: lips and tongue dry out strongly, urination becomes rare, thirst is constantly felt ... It is imperative to visit a doctor if diarrhea in adults appears after visiting the countries of the African continent, Asia or other distant regions.

One of the causes of diarrhea in adults is taking certain medications. This side effect often accompanies treatment with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants.

Prevention of diarrhea is quite simple, it consists in elementary actions:

  • strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene;
  • control over the shelf life and storage method of food products;
  • drinking only boiled water;
  • mandatory heat treatment of products, the origin of which cannot be accurately determined, for example, purchased in a store, this especially applies to eggs, fish, dairy and meat products.

Differentiating due to diarrhea in adults, there are several groups of diarrhea:

  1. Infectious diarrhea. They arise with food toxin infections, dysentery, viral diarrhea, amebiasis, salmonellosis and other similar diseases.
  2. Toxic diarrhea caused by poisoning with arsenic, mercury, or uremia.
  3. Neurogenic diarrhea is associated with strong psychological or emotional situations (stress, fear, anxiety, etc.).
  4. Diarrhea associated with disruption of the normal process of digesting food. This condition is due to secretory insufficiency of the pancreas, liver or stomach.
  5. Alimentary diarrhea. They are caused by an unhealthy diet or an allergic reaction.
  6. Drug-induced diarrhea. The cause of such diarrhea in adults can be the intake of certain medicines, vitamins, as well as the development of dysbiosis due to improper antibiotic treatment.

Frequent diarrhea in adults

Frequent diarrhea in adults is also called chronic diarrhea. This condition is characterized by the frequency of stools more than twice a day and the amount of stool exceeding 250 g per day. Diarrhea is considered chronic if its duration exceeds 3-4 weeks. There are quite a few reasons for such diarrhea in adults, the most common of them are the following:

  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This factor causes chronic diarrhea in 60% of cases. The main signs are flatulence, abdominal pain after a bowel movement, frequent loose stools, and false desires. Doctors classify irritable bowel syndrome as a functional pathology. This disease occurs against the background of increased irritability of the nervous system. The reasons lie in constant stress.
  2. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both of these pathologies belong to the group of chronic autoimmune inflammatory lesions. Their manifestations are pus, mucus and blood in the stool. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. Since in the absence of timely measures, life-threatening complications can develop, such as peritonitis, intestinal perforation, hemorrhagic shock and intestinal bleeding.
  3. Malabsorption syndrome. Its development is associated with impaired absorption of substances from the small intestine, which leads to the appearance of osmotic diarrhea. The reasons may lie in the deficiency of enzymes in pathologies of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver. This symptom can be acquired or congenital. The treatment of the second type of disease is strict adherence to a certain diet. Often, the occurrence of malabsorption syndrome is associated with an operation to remove a portion of the small intestine.
  4. Diarrhea in adults with hyperthyroidism. This disease occurs with excess secretion of thyroid hormones, which causes diarrhea in adults. After all, these hormones stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Treatment of hyperthyroidism is prescribed by an endocrinologist. It aims to normalize thyroid hormone levels.

Treatment of causes of diarrhea in adults

There are many methods to deal with diarrhea in adults. Some of them are listed below:

  • it is necessary to soak dry black bread or crackers from it for a quarter of an hour in warm water, drink the resulting product in small doses throughout the day;
  • you can get rid of diarrhea in adults by first taking a large spoonful of castor oil, and then lemon juice;
  • suitable for these purposes and tincture of wormwood on vodka. Take this remedy 20 drops every 2-3 hours. If there is no such tincture, then it can be replaced with a decoction of wormwood. For its preparation, take a small spoonful of dried wormwood at the rate of 200 ml. Water and grass are put on fire and boiled. You need to drink the resulting product warm, without adding sugar to it.

If the diarrhea does not go away for several days and there is no increase in temperature and headache, then you can try to cure it in the following ways:

  1. Prepare a decoction of oak bark. For this, a pinch of raw materials is poured into 300 ml of water, brought to a boil over low heat and left for about 10 minutes. As a result, about a glass of broth should remain. Take it one spoonful three times a day.
  2. For a day, you need to eat 12 apples, which are pre-peeled and grated, that is, they eat an apple every 2 hours. In addition to apples, they do not consume any liquid and food, and also do not take any medications. In most cases, diarrhea stops completely as a result.

It is advisable to consult a specialist before starting treatment or taking preventive measures.

Pharmaceutical companies today offer a wide range of medicines to combat diarrhea. Medicines for diarrhea are divided into adults and children. However, it is not always worth going to the pharmacy right away. In the absence of symptoms of a serious illness, it is better to first try to cope with diarrhea in adults using folk methods. If they do not help, the patient's condition worsens, signs of dehydration or more serious pathologies appear, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The most famous and effective traditional medicine for diarrhea are the following:

  1. It will need 200 g of walnuts. They need to be cleaned and removed from the shell of the partition. To prepare the product, kernels are not required, only partitions are needed, which are poured with alcohol (300 ml). Insist on the remedy for several days. Take it 10 drops, adding it to a cup of water, three times a day. It must be remembered that alcohol tincture of nut partitions is a rather strong remedy and in case of an overdose, diarrhea can be replaced by constipation.
  2. The second remedy For severe diarrhea, dried and chopped peel from the inside of the chicken stomach will help. When cutting a chicken, a hard film is removed from its stomach, which is thoroughly washed and dried in the sun. After drying, it is finely pounded, sieved. When diarrhea occurs, this remedy is added to food in small quantities. You can take it again if the diarrhea does not stop immediately.
  3. The third remedy To prepare it, you need to collect green walnuts along with the skin. They are cut into small slices and placed in a prepared container, filling it by three quarters. After that, diluted alcohol or vodka is poured there and left for several days. When the tincture is ready, it can be consumed. They drink it in small doses, no more than two teaspoons at a time. Take the tincture once or twice a day, but not more often.
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