What to do in the office when fun is boring. If the office is boring! Chat with friends

Generally, office work is not a very fun job. There are times when either there is nothing to do, or the work is already so tired that it causes boredom and it is simply unrealistic to force yourself to work.

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There are also some seemingly stupid actions that will definitely make you cheer up and start enjoying your time in the office.

1. Take a run through the whole office - it will amuse not only you, but everyone around you.

2. Pretend that you have not noticed the people who greeted you - something in the style of Mr. Bean.

3. Take a keyboard and mouse and approach one of your colleagues with a proposal to change.

4. Anyone who would not turn to you from the staff within an hour, call Vasek or Harold.

5. Do not tuck a part of your shirt into your pants, and if someone makes a comment to you about this, then answer: "Sorry, of course, but I like it that way."

6. Approach the boss and say: “I like your style” - then put the pistol from your fingers to your temple and pretend to shoot - this is a very daring option and will be appropriate only if your boss has a good sense of humor.

7. Get on your knees in front of the kettle and ask him to boil the water faster.

8. Offer to end the meeting with a hymn. It will be fun if you really sing it.

9. With the same colleague, repeat the same dialogue ten times: "Have you heard new news?" - "Which one?" - "It doesn't matter anymore, let's go."

10. Go to the next office and, despite the irritating glances at you from its employees, turn off and on the light 10 times.

Not boring office work for you 🙂

For you Vladimir Yatsyuk

Bring your chainsaw to work and place it on the table next to you. If someone asks, whisper mysteriously, "Just in case."

Laugh hysterically for 3 minutes, then suddenly stop and gaze at those who are staring at you with a suspicious gaze.% Cut%

Bring plasticine to work and start sculpting little people out of it. Do it very painstakingly and try to make everyone outwardly resemble your colleagues. When employees become interested in what you are doing, tell them that in this way - through creativity, on the recommendation of a doctor, you relieve stress and smile. Employees must understand that you are sculpting them, for which you must hint to them about it. At the end of the working day, when you finish modeling, start mocking the figures with a malevolent expression on your face (poking needles, setting your legs on fire, tearing off heads, etc.), saying something like: now you are not so happy, Petrov ( use the names of colleagues).

Bring some plasticine (light shades) to work and start kneading it. Then dress in silence, take the crushed plasticine and start sticking it to the door (like plastids are attached in films). When colleagues pay attention, with a serious expression on their faces, invite them not to be distracted from work, and, having stuck the wires into the plasticine, hide behind the door with the words “they decided to joke with me” ...

Pretend to talk to a colleague while you just silently open your mouth like a deaf-mute. Begin to get madly angry that he doesn't answer.

When your colleague enters the office, pretend that you are ending the telephone conversation with wild shouts, swearing and the phrase "Never dare to call here again, you scum, he will dial you himself!" After 30 seconds, explain that his mom called and you said he would call her back.

Try to write something with the back of your pen and start resenting that those idiotic gel pens don't work. When a coworker corrects you, slap your forehead, thank him, apologize for the stupidity, turn the page and start over.

Introduce yourself as your twin brother at work and say that you are replacing your brother while he is sick.

Drop the pen near a colleague. When he wants to pick it up and give it to you, rush to her with shouts "This is mine !!!". Tell everyone how your colleague tried to steal your pen.

In a conversation with a colleague, wherever you are, suddenly say: “I think my phone is ringing” and go to the window, purring “Murka”.

When speaking at a meeting, periodically feign a nervous tic, twitching like a ghoul.

To any questions from colleagues, even if they ask: "Why are there no charts in your report on customer satisfaction, and instead of them scanned crosswords?"

Come to the office in the morning, walk slowly, and only someone will open their mouth to say hello, shout: “Don't you dare yell at me!”, And then smile and wish you a good day.

Go to a completely bald employee and start asking about highlights and perm. After he hints that he does not know, tk. he is bald, put on a frightened face and say: “Lord, I'm sorry, I thought you had your hair cut like that on purpose. I really didn't know. I'm sorry. Sincerely condolences ”and run away in tears.

Go to a shy coworker and ask, "Have you eaten beans?" and giggle like a child.

Follow your office colleague and spray everything he touches with air freshener.

When someone comes back from the toilet, grimace and shout "Fu, Fu - what a horror!" run out of the office.

Talk to all your coworkers as if you are a cunning detective investigating a murder, and they are all suspects. Say the phrase "The circle is getting smaller" from time to time.

When someone speaks to you in the office, answer normally, and immediately after answering, mutter quietly under your breath "48th" and giggle. And so with everyone who turns to you, changing the number accordingly.

When someone comes to you in the office, demonstratively get out the huge headphones for music and put them on.

When someone turns to you in the office, indignantly ask: "Is this my deja vu or is it such an idiotic joke?"

By the end of the working day, when everyone goes home, get dressed faster than everyone else and, without saying goodbye to anyone, run out of the office, while grabbing someone's hat and throwing it in the opposite direction from the door. Running out the door, giggle as best you can.

For no reason at all, cover your ears with your fingers and start singing loudly "huyu liu lulyu, hulu liu lulyu".

Sitting at the table, periodically raise your head and angrily shout: “Who ?! Who was that!?". In response to the bewildered looks of the staff, mutter “Savages” with offendedness, whimper and cover your head with your hands.

Walk around the office with the gait of a robot and speak like a robot.

Walk around the office on your knees and mutter something about mines on the floor.

During negotiations, listen carefully to the speaker and, as soon as he pauses in his speech, shout to him: “Why did you shut up !? This is important, damn it! "

Passing colleagues sitting at the table, look under the table and, with a silly giggle, leave with the phrase: "Hee-hee-hee, I thought so."

Start snoring in the meeting and pretend it's someone sitting next to you, not you.

At the negotiations, answer all questions: "Just don't yell at anyone here."

Come up to your colleague in the morning, smile, kindly ask him to tell what he dreamed, and as soon as he starts talking, shout out loud: "Pervert!" and run out of the office.

Take off your shoes and socks and place them on the edge of the table.

Mention the boss in the conversation, calling him our Fuhrer.

Walk up to a colleague's workplace when he is working on a computer and silently turn off his monitor. When he gets angry, answer him in Spanish (German) and pull the keyboard wire out of the computer, then go back to your desk.

Pretend that you are calling on the phone and start talking all sorts of gibberish, as if in Caucasian - periodically laugh loudly and squint slyly. The main thing is to insert into this gibberish the names of the colleagues sitting next to them. After the conversation, if they ask where you called, say: “I don’t understand what you are talking about” and pretend that you are very busy. If they don't ask anything, repeat more emotionally.

Walk around the office bumping into everyone. When you look at you, say: “This is from mushrooms. It will pass now. "

Bring a rattle or rattle and start rattle every time colleagues start chatting or talking on the phone. If asked to stop, say, "She doesn't like you either."

Go to a seated colleague who is busy with something, reach out a centimeter from his head, body and start giggling like a child. When he asks what it is, say: "What, and what, I don't touch."

Walk up to the person with the ruler and start measuring their face. If asked, say that you are a hypocrite.

Take turns to two or three colleagues sitting next to you and ask for help in finding a rolled up cufflink. As you do this, physically help them stand up and bend over to the floor, indicating where to look. When everyone together is passionate about finding your cufflinks, return to your place and start doing your own thing. When someone calls you, tell them you're busy and that fucking cufflink isn't worth the effort.

In a conversation with a colleague, periodically make an offended face after an absolutely harmless phrase, then ask: "WHAT DID YOU SAY?", As if he insulted your mother. Then, in response to the amazed look, say: "I heard it" and with a sweet look continue the conversation. Repeat after a minute.

Walking around the office looking for something and asking if anyone has seen a dwarf with a big nose running through.

Sitting at your desk, start sniffing loudly, looking around. When they pay attention to you, jump up, untie your tie
and, annoyed in your voice, declaring that you can no longer endure this stench, head for the exit, sniffing at your colleagues along the way. After a while, return with air freshener and, spraying it into the air, start laughing madly. Then suddenly become serious and return to your place, and when someone turns to you, answer with the phrase "do not interfere with my work, I am very busy" and start making phone calls.

Entering the office, mysteriously spin around the tables of colleagues, purring something under your breath, and as soon as one of them makes eye contact, stop and stare into his eyes with the most serious face.

Answer all questions and greetings from colleagues in German, Portuguese, Danish, in general, in some least known language in the office.

When talking with colleagues, suddenly burst into laughter, and then with a serious face say “I didn't know you were too,” turn around and leave.

Contact your colleagues by your patronymic. Only in someone else's.

Hook a paper clip or paper holder to your ear and walk around the office. When someone points out to you or asks you, smile kindly, embarrassedly say: “I heard, heard” and leave.

Having tousled your hair and unbuttoned your shirt, walk around the office, squinting your eyes and smiling slyly. Anyone who makes a remark to you, say that "he will be next," and laugh like a senile.

Every hour at exactly 23 minutes, get up and pretend to be a cuckoo - the main thing is that the number of calls does not correspond to the hour.

When talking with a colleague, with permission, take his pen (preferably a parker) and start picking it in your nose / ear.

Go to your colleague and start a completely normal business conversation with him, only whispering questions in his ear and asking him to speak in a whisper.

Call yourself from your mobile to a worker and, while he is calling, start loudly resenting that someone does not pick up the phone, and that you cannot work in such a nervous environment.

Tasks for 1 point.

1. Run around the office at full speed.
2. Ignore the first five employees who say hello to you.
3. Come up with a keyboard to one of your colleagues and offer to swap.
4. Within an hour, call each employee who contacts you Kolyan (Vaska, Tolik, etc.).

Tasks for 3 points.

1. Leave your fly unbuttoned, and when someone makes a comment to you about this, say: "You, of course, I'm sorry, but I like it better."
2. Walk sideways around the office and say "I'm a crab".
3. Tell your boss: "I like your style" - then point a pistol at him with your fingers and shoot. Assignments for 5 points.

1. Kneel down in front of the coffee maker and drink through a straw.
2. Offer to end the service meeting by singing the anthem (and if you really did sing it, then this is another 3 points).
3. Repeat 10 times with the same person the following dialogue: "Have you heard?" - "What?" - "Come on, that's all, passed."
4. Go into an unfamiliar office and, while its employees are looking at you with growing irritation, turn the lights on and off 10 times.

20 ways to have fun during negotiations:

1. Sly shake someone's hand and whisper out of the corner of your mouth "Do you feel IT?"
2. Draw in your notebook a huge w ... and discreetly show to the person sitting next to you, asking his opinion.
3. Chew tobacco.
4. Put on a hands free phone and occasionally say something into it that is not related to the topic of the meeting, for example, "I don't care that the dwarfs were not found! The show should take place anyway!"
5. Write in a notebook "He dreams of you" and show it to your neighbor, discreetly pointing at someone with a pencil.
6. Answer all serious questions with the words "I don't know what to say: I'm certainly flattered, but it all happened so quickly."
7. Thoughtfully shave one of the wrists.
8. Draw a circle around one of the chairs with chalk, and then avoid getting into it until the meeting has begun. When someone does sit down there, close your mouth and stop breathing.
9. Turn your back to the meeting and stare out the window with your legs extended. Loudly declare that "you love this fucking town."
10. Walk up to one of your colleagues and stand with him nose to nose for a minute or two, looking straight into the eyes and keeping silence.
11. To show the eyes of those present with the help of the glass of the clock.
12. Noisy gurgling, gargle with water.
13. Repeat every thought expressed in a child's voice.
14. Gradually move away in your chair closer and closer to the door.
15. Throughout the meeting, hum softly with your mouth closed.
16. Get a huge wad of money and defiantly count it.
17. Take a live hamster out of your pocket and offer to pass it from hand to hand, which in your opinion should symbolize the exchange of ideas.
18. When presenting with a slide show, use a hunting knife instead of a pointer.
19. Make an attempt to hypnotize everyone present using your pocket watch.
20. When addressing someone, call them "my darlings."
21. In the most unexpected places, insert long pauses into your speech. If anyone wants to intervene, shout "I AM NOT FINISHED YET."

If suddenly you become incredibly bored in the office, no one is looking at you except your desktop computer, you are imprisoned in white walls until the evening, - do not get depressed. Take a deep breath and tune in to the creative process: great things await us. Take a close look at your desktop. How many all sorts of stationery, of which it is high time to make a worthy masterpiece!

Staples were created to hold documents together. The paperclip was patented by Samuel B. Frey in 1867. It happened in the USA. However, Samuel Frey's paperclip was originally not used to bond papers, but to secure tickets to fabric. Later, in 1877, Earlman J. Wright patented his paper clip, designed only for binding newspapers.

Today, paper clips are very common all over the world, they are even used as a spy gadget to open locks. Children easily construct long chains from paper clips, which can easily turn into beads. By showing your imagination, you can make a lot of all sorts of interesting things out of paper clips, and even such a hula skirt.

According to legend, the American inventor Arthur Fry marked his hymnal with notes, but they very often fell out and got lost, which made Fry very upset. The inventor was aware of a glue developed by Spencer Silver that was tacky enough to stick a sheet to another, but weak enough to peel off with ease. Gradually, this idea began to develop further, until one day a sticker appeared.

Stickers can be located anywhere: refrigerator, walls, doors, windows, and other surfaces. But Brian Vallett created a huge collage of 183 stickers.

But this swan consists of 500 stickers.

Ball pen.

In case you don't know, the ballpoint pen actually has a steel ball at the tip that regulates and smoothes the ink flow. Each time you touch the surface, the ball rolls around and releases ink. Laszlo Biro Jozsef, originally from Hungary, is the inventor of the modern ballpoint pen, replacing the use of fountain pens. He received a patent for his invention in Paris in 1938.

Ballpoint pen companies consider it essential that a pen should write on any surface. This is very important to Matt Reinbold, because he really loves to draw funny monkeys on bananas.

Rubber eraser.

Someone who hasn't chewed the gum from the tip of a pencil has probably missed half of their life. Englishman Joseph Priestley discovered and coined the term "rubber", but before it was another Briton named Edward Neirne, who used the eraser in everyday life. In 1770, Neirne discovered that rubber easily erased pencil marks.

Today, rubber eraser comes in many forms: vinyl eraser, ink eraser, soft eraser, and even an electric eraser. D. Vinia used a soft eraser to create his amazing sculpture. Here's what happened:

Correction fluid.

It makes sense that secretaries would invent correction fluid. A long time ago, electric typewriters were the most advanced technology, but of course they didn't have a "Backspace" key. American typist Bette Claire McMurray, thanks to her part-time job, was able to come up with correction fluid. If an artist can paint over his mistake, then why not the typists? For five years, she worked on a correction fluid with her son's chemistry teacher, after which she began selling her invention under the name Away from the Bug.

Nowadays, you can see the correction fluid in the form of a corrective pen, and of course a bottle with a corrector that resembles nail polish is also preserved. Children sometimes paint their nails with them. But this is corny. You can find free space on the wall or on the table to depict your masterpiece, which less talented people passing by will enjoy in bewilderment.

Good luck in your creative endeavors!

Tasks for 1 point.

1. Run around the office at full speed.

2. Ignore the first five employees who say hello to you.

3. Come up with a keyboard to one of your colleagues and offer to swap.

4. Within an hour, call each employee who contacts you Kolyan (Vaska, Tolik, etc.).

Tasks for 3 points.

1. Leave your fly unbuttoned, and when someone makes a comment to you about this, say: "You, of course, I'm sorry, but I like it better."

2. Walk sideways around the office and say "I'm a crab".

3. Tell your boss: "I like your style" - then point a pistol at him with your fingers and shoot.

Assignments for 5 points.

1. Kneel down in front of the coffee maker and drink through a straw.

2. Offer to end the service meeting with the performance of the anthem (and if you really did sing it, then this is another 3 points).

3. Repeat 10 times with the same person the following dialogue: "Have you heard?" - "What?" - "Come on, that's all, passed."

4. Go into an unfamiliar office and, while its employees are looking at you with growing irritation, turn the lights on and off 10 times.

20 ways to have fun during negotiations:

1. Sly shake someone's hand and whisper out of the corner of your mouth "Do you feel IT?"

2. Draw a huge w ... in your notebook and show it imperceptibly to the person sitting next to you, asking for his opinion.

3. Chew tobacco.

4. Put on a hands free phone and occasionally say something into it that is not related to the topic of the meeting, for example, "I don't care that the dwarfs were not found! The show should take place anyway!"

5. Write in a notebook "He dreams of you" and show it to your neighbor, discreetly pointing at someone with a pencil.

6. Answer all serious questions with the words "I don't know what to say: I'm certainly flattered, but it all happened so quickly."

7. Thoughtfully shave one of the wrists.

8. Draw a circle around one of the chairs with chalk, and then avoid getting into it until the meeting has begun. When someone does sit down there, close your mouth and stop breathing.

9. Turn your back to the meeting and stare out the window with your legs extended. Loudly declare that "you love this fucking town."

10. Walk up to one of your colleagues and stand with him nose to nose for a minute or two, looking straight into the eyes and keeping silence.

11. To show the eyes of those present with the help of the glass of the clock.

12. Noisy gurgling, gargle with water.

13. Repeat every thought expressed in a child's voice.

14. Gradually move away in your chair closer and closer to the door.

15. Throughout the meeting, hum softly with your mouth closed.

16. Get a huge wad of money and defiantly count it.

17. Take a live hamster out of your pocket and offer to pass it from hand to hand, which in your opinion should symbolize the exchange of ideas.

18. When presenting with a slide show, use a hunting knife instead of a pointer.

19. Make an attempt to hypnotize everyone present using your pocket watch.

20. When addressing someone, call them "my darlings."

21. In the most unexpected places, insert long pauses into your speech. If anyone wants to intervene, scream "I AM NOT FINISHED YET"

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