Mkb 10 disease codes convulsive syndrome. Emergency Medical Aid: Convulsive Syndrome. Relief of convulsive syndrome in children: treatment

Febrile convulsions occur in children under 3 years of age with an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C in the presence of a genetic predisposition (121210, B). Frequency- 2-5% of children. The predominant gender is male.

Code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10:

  • R56.0

Options. Simple febrile seizures (85% of cases) - one attack of seizures (usually generalized) during the day lasting from a few seconds, but not more than 15 minutes. Complicated (15%) - several episodes during the day (usually local seizures) lasting more than 15 minutes.

Symptoms (signs)

clinical picture. Fever. Tonic-clonic convulsions. Vomit. General excitement.


Laboratory research. The first episode: determination of the level of calcium, glucose, magnesium, other electrolytes in the blood serum, urinalysis, blood cultures, residual nitrogen, creatinine. In severe cases, toxicological analysis. Lumbar puncture - for suspected meningitis or the first episode of seizures in a child older than 1 year.

Special studies. EEG and CT scan of the brain 2-4 weeks after the attack (performed with repeated attacks, neurological diseases, afebrile seizures in the family history or in the case of the first manifestation after 3 years).

Differential diagnosis. Febrile delirium. Afebrile convulsions. Meningitis. Head injury. Epilepsy in women with mental retardation (*300088, A): febrile convulsions may be the first sign of the disease. Sudden cessation of anticonvulsants. Intracranial hemorrhages. Thrombosis of the coronary sinus. Asphyxia. Hypoglycemia. Acute glomerulonephritis.



Lead tactics. Physical methods of cooling. The position of the patient is lying on his side to ensure adequate oxygenation. Oxygen therapy. If necessary, intubation.

Drug therapy. The drugs of choice are paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg rectally or orally, ibuprofen 10 mg/kg for fever. Alternative drugs Phenobarbital 10-15 mg/kg IV slowly (possible respiratory depression and hypotension) Phenytoin 10-15 mg/kg IV (possible cardiac arrhythmia and arterial hypotension).

Prevention. Paracetamol 10 mg/kg (by mouth or rectally) or ibuprofen 10 mg/kg by mouth (with body temperature above 38 °C - rectally). Diazepam - 5 mg under 3 years of age, 7.5 mg - from 3 to 6 years, or 0.5 mg/kg (up to 15 mg) rectally every 12 hours for up to 4 doses - at body temperature above 38.5 ° C. Phenobarbital 3-5 mg / kg / day - for long-term prophylaxis in children at risk with a burdened history, multiple recurrent seizures, neurological diseases.

Current and forecast. A febrile seizure does not lead to a delay in physical and mental development or to death. The risk of a relapse is 33%.

ICD-10. R56.0 Convulsions with fever

Manifestation convulsive syndrome in children, it can seriously frighten any adult, especially an unprepared one. Various reasons can trigger a seizure in a young child.

And parents need to know why this happened and how to prevent such situations in the future.

convulsive syndrome is a process of involuntary contraction of skeletal muscles caused by a strong external or internal stimulus. Most often manifested against the background of loss of consciousness.

Young children are most susceptible to the manifestations of such convulsions, because their central nervous system has not yet fully strengthened and formed. The younger the child, the higher his convulsive readiness. And it is for the immature children's brain that seizures are most dangerous.

Did you know?Convulsive syndrome may be the cause of a child's stuttering in the future.

Seizures are classified according to various factors.

Origin :

  • epileptic;
  • non-epileptic (may turn into epileptic).

depending on clinical manifestations :

  • localized;
  • covering;
  • generalized.

Depending on the involvement of different brain structures, they may differ in character. :

  • tonic;
  • clonic;
  • clonic-tonic.

Most often, the latter type of seizures is observed. It combines, first, prolonged muscle contractions of a specific muscle group, and then fast rhythmic or arrhythmic contractions of all muscles (starting with the facial ones) with short pauses between them.

The first phase, as a rule, lasts no more than 1 minute, but it is the duration of the second phase that is an important factor in further forecasts.

The causes of the syndrome can be very different. The nature of seizures is diagnosed by a doctor, conducting all the necessary studies.

Seizures can occur with various infectious diseases. This is due to the high body temperature (more than 38.8 degrees). Manifestations of the syndrome are possible with diseases such as otitis media, influenza, and colds.
Also, convulsions often occur with food poisoning and diarrhea, since the body is significantly dehydrated.

Tetanus and encephalitis can also cause seizures.

Sometimes such an attack is a child's reaction to a preventive vaccination. It mostly occurs in children under 1.5 years of age.


Severe rickets is due to a decrease in vitamin D levels and can cause seizures.

They are also observed in children with diabetic hypoglycemia after prolonged fasting and intense physical exertion.

Children with thyroid problems, as well as those who have undergone surgery on it, often meet with such attacks.

A disease such as, in itself, can cause involuntary muscle contractions. Knowing about the predisposition to this disease, and even more so having diagnosed it, it is necessary to be prepared for possible attacks and be able to provide first aid.


Oxygen deficiency can occur both with a low level of oxygen in the surrounding atmosphere, and in pathological conditions. It leads to disruption of the body due to a malfunction in the metabolic processes.

Hypoxia is quite common and is a concomitant symptom of many diseases.

In a child with increased nervous excitability, this may manifest itself at a moment of pronounced joy or anger. Strong screaming or crying can cause this phenomenon.


Structural causes include brain damage:

  • various tumors;
  • head injury;
  • anomalies in development.

Important! Only a doctor can diagnose the causes of seizures, based on the results of all necessary examinations.

The syndrome develops suddenly and is manifested by various symptoms, but they all have a common character:

  • motor excitation appears, the muscles involuntarily contract (flexion of the upper and straightening of the lower extremities is characteristic);
  • the head is thrown back;
  • jaws close;
  • more likely to stop breathing;
  • bradycardia appears;
  • skin color becomes very pale;
  • breathing becomes noisy and very rapid;
  • the look becomes cloudy, the child is not aware of what is happening and loses touch with reality;
  • possible foaming from the mouth.

Accompanying illnesses

Convulsions often appear against the background of acute infectious diseases, poisonings and diseases of a hereditary nature.

They can also accompany the following diseases:

  • congenital pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • focal lesions of the brain;
  • violations of the heart;
  • various blood diseases.

Since there are many causes of the syndrome, the examination should include a comprehensive examination by various specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, endocrinologist, and others).

It is important under what circumstances, how long and what kind of seizure was.

Also, for correct diagnosis, it is necessary to provide reliable information about hereditary predispositions, past diseases and injuries.

After clarification of all related circumstances various analyzes are carried out in order to determine the nature of seizures:

  • rheoencephalography;
  • skull x-ray.

For clarification of the diagnosis may be helpful:
  • lumbar puncture;
  • neurosonography;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • angiography;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • CT scan of the brain.

With the development of the syndrome, it is necessary to perform a biochemical study of blood and urine.

Relief of convulsive syndrome in children: treatment

After identifying the cause of seizures, the doctor prescribes treatment. If the attack was caused by a fever or some kind of infectious disease, then its manifestations themselves will disappear along with the underlying disease.

But if the tests have identified a more serious cause of their occurrence, then drug treatment is prescribed:

  • relief of the syndrome with drugs such as Hexenal, Diazepam, GHB, and intramuscular or intravenous administration of magnesium sulfate;
  • taking sedatives.

An important factor is the normalization of nutrition for the full recovery of the body.

After the removal of the acute condition, maintenance and preventive therapy is carried out under the constant supervision of a physician.

Did you know? Many famous people in history suffered from epilepsy, for example, Socrates, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Lenin, Stendhal, Dostoyevsky.

If an attack occurs, it is necessary to act quickly and accurately so as not to harm the child and not aggravate the situation. Any person can provide first aid, the main thing is to accurately determine the nature of seizures and follow the rules.


  1. If the child was standing, try to prevent the fall (hitting the fall will only make things worse).
  2. Lay on a hard surface, and you can put something soft under your head.
  3. Turn your head or whole body to the side.
  4. Free your neck from clothing.
  5. Provide fresh air.
  6. Place a handkerchief or tissue in your mouth.
  7. If the attack is accompanied by crying or hysteria, it is necessary to calm the child - sprinkle with cold water, give a sniff of ammonia and divert his attention in all possible ways.

Properly rendered first aid is an important step in treatment that will help preserve health or even life.

Important! It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, especially if the attack happened for the first time, and you do not know its nature.

In most cases, seizures stop with age. But precautions must be taken. In order to avoid recurrence of a seizure, hyperthermia should not be allowed in infectious diseases.

Prevention consists in regular examination by a doctor and timely treatment of the underlying disease that provoked convulsions.

With prolonged manifestation of seizures, it can be assumed that the child has developed epilepsy. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination by a doctor and provide the child with proper treatment.
With proper prevention, the likelihood of seizures turning into epileptic seizures is 2-10%, and proper treatment will help to completely stop the disease.

Danger and unpredictability

Seizures are a very dangerous phenomenon, as they can cause brain damage, problems with the cardiovascular system, and respiratory arrest. A prolonged and prolonged seizure can lead to severe epilepsy, so you should not self-medicate and give your child any drugs without consulting a doctor.

Remember that a timely visit to a doctor and proper prevention in the future will help keep your child healthy and protect his life from the appearance of this kind of seizures in the future.

Convulsive syndrome in adults is an emergency condition that can develop for a variety of reasons, although this condition is more common in children.

Muscle contractions during an attack can be localized or generalized. Localized ones appear in certain muscles, while generalized ones cover the entire body. In addition, they can be divided into:

  1. Clonic.
  2. Tonic.
  3. Clonic-tonic.

What type of seizures a person has had can be determined by a doctor based on the symptoms that appear during an attack.

Why does it happen

The causes of convulsive syndrome can be a variety of pathological conditions and diseases. So, for example, at the age of up to 25 years, it occurs against the background of brain tumors, head injuries, toxoplasmosis, angioma.

In older people, this phenomenon often occurs due to the use of alcoholic beverages, metastasis of various tumors in the brain, and inflammatory processes in its membranes.

If such attacks occur in people over 60, then there will be slightly different causes and predisposing factors. These are Alzheimer's disease, drug overdose, kidney failure, cerebrovascular disease.

Therefore, after providing emergency care, a person who suffers from seizures should definitely visit a doctor in order to find out what causes this condition and start treatment, because this is one of the symptoms of many diseases.


One of the most common varieties is alcoholic convulsive syndrome. Moreover, it develops not during the intake of alcoholic beverages, but some time after binge. Seizures can be of varying severity and duration - from short-term to long-term current clonic-tonic, which later turn into status epilepticus.

The second most common cause is brain tumors. Most often, these are myoclonic spasms of the muscles of the face or other parts of the body. But tonic-clonic can also develop, with loss of consciousness, interruptions in breathing for 30 seconds or more.

After an attack, a person notes weakness, drowsiness, headache, confusion, pain and numbness in the muscles.

Almost all such syndromes proceed in the same way, be it alcoholic, epileptic, developed against the background of a head injury or tumors, as well as those that occur due to brain pathologies associated with a violation of its blood supply.

How to help

First aid for the syndrome is on the spot. The patient is placed on a hard surface, a pillow or blanket should be placed under the head, and be sure to turn it on its side. During an attack, it is impossible to hold a person, since in this way he can get fractures - you should only monitor your breathing and pulse. It is also necessary to call an ambulance and be sure to hospitalize this person.

In the hospital, if the attack recurs, it is stopped with the help of medications. This is mainly a 0.5% solution of seduxen or relanium, which is administered intravenously in an amount of 2 ml. If everything repeats again, then the repeated administration of these drugs is carried out. If the status persists after the third injection, then a 1% solution of sodium thiopental is administered.

Treatment of convulsive syndrome in adults is carried out after the elimination of the seizure. It is important to understand what caused the seizures and treat the cause itself.

So, for example, if it is a tumor, then an operation is performed to remove it. If it is epilepsy, then appropriate medications should be taken regularly to help prevent the development of seizures. If it is alcohol intake, then treatment in specialized clinics is necessary. If these are head injuries, then you should be under the constant supervision of a neurologist.

To find out exactly why this condition appears, you need to undergo a thorough examination, which will include a blood and urine test, a brain test, an MRI or CT scan. Special diagnostic measures can also be recommended, which are carried out if a particular disease is suspected.

It also happens that such a condition occurs only once in a lifetime, for example, against the background of a high temperature, an infectious disease, poisoning, or a metabolic disorder. In this case, no special treatment is required, and after the elimination of the underlying cause, this no longer happens.

But with epilepsy, seizures are very common. And this means that a person must constantly be under medical supervision and be sure to follow all the doctor's prescriptions, since an intractable status epilepticus may develop, which can be very, very difficult to cope with.

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The cause of back pain can be myalgia, the symptoms of which are varied. Back pain occurs in every adult quite often. Often they are intense and painful. Pain can occur suddenly or gradually increase over hours or even days. Any gardener is familiar with the situation when, a few hours after work on the site, muscle pain appears in the arm, back or around the neck.

This pain is well known to athletes. In addition to physical exertion, inflammation or emotional stress can cause muscle pain. But not always pain syndromes occur due to myalgia. There are many reasons for back pain. How does myalgia manifest itself and how to get rid of it?

Myalgia is muscle pain. ICD-10 code (International Classification of Diseases 10th revision) M79.1. The pain can be of different intensity and character: sharp, shooting and tearing or dull and aching.

Muscle pain can be localized in the neck, chest, lumbar region or in the limbs, but it can cover the whole body. The most common ailment is myalgia of the neck.

If the pain in the muscles arose as a result of hypothermia, painful seals - gelotic plaques (geloses) may be found in the muscle tissue. They usually appear in the back of the head, chest and legs. Geloses can reflect pain syndromes occurring in the internal organs. For this reason, an erroneous diagnosis of "myalgia" is possible. Geloses can pass to the tissues of the joints, ligaments and tendons. These changes cause severe pain in a person.

If the disease is not treated, it will provoke serious pathologies. Over time, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, or intervertebral hernia may develop.

The nature of the origin of myalgia is different. Depending on the causes of the disease, its symptoms also differ.

The causes of muscle pain can be different. Myalgia can occur after a sudden or awkward movement, after a long stay in an uncomfortable position, as a result of hypothermia or injury, due to intoxication, for example, due to excessive alcohol consumption.

Myalgia is often caused by systemic inflammatory diseases of the connective tissue and metabolic diseases. For example, gout or diabetes.

The disease can be provoked by drugs. Myalgia can appear as a result of taking drugs that normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Often the cause of myalgia is a sedentary lifestyle.

There are several types of myalgia.

There are different types of myalgia, depending on whether muscle tissue damage has occurred or not.

When muscle tissue is damaged, the enzyme creatine phosphokinase (CPK) is released from the cells and its level in the blood rises. Damage to muscle tissue occurs, as a rule, with inflammatory myositis, due to injury or due to intoxication.

It is important to correctly diagnose the disease.

The manifestations of the disease are similar to the symptoms of neuritis, neuralgia or sciatica. After all, pain when pressing on muscle tissue can occur not only due to damage to the muscles, but also to peripheral nerves.

If you experience symptoms of myalgia, you should visit a doctor. If the diagnosis of myalgia is confirmed, only a doctor should prescribe treatment. He will recommend the patient complete rest and bed rest. Useful warmth in any form. The affected areas can be covered with warm bandages - a woolen scarf or belt. They will provide "dry heat".

To alleviate the condition with severe and unbearable pain, it is recommended to take painkillers. Your doctor will help you find them. He will also determine the regimen for taking medications and the duration of the course. In cases of particularly severe pain syndrome, the doctor may prescribe intravenous injections. Treatment with medicines should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

With the development of purulent myositis, the help of a surgeon is necessary. Drug treatment of such myositis is carried out with the obligatory opening of the focus of infection, removal of pus and the application of a draining bandage. Any delay in the treatment of purulent myositis is dangerous for human health.

In the treatment of myalgia, physiotherapy is effective. The doctor may recommend ultraviolet irradiation of the affected areas, electrophoresis with histamine or novocaine.

Massage will help get rid of gelotic plaques. When diagnosing purulent myositis, massage is categorically contraindicated. Any massages for myalgia should be entrusted to a professional. Improper rubbing of the affected areas can provoke an increase in the disease, cause damage to other tissues.

At home, you can use warming ointments and gels. Such means are Fastum gel, Finalgon or Menovazin. Before using them, you must carefully read the instructions and perform all actions strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Folk remedies will help to alleviate the patient's condition. For example, fat. Unsalted lard must be ground and chopped dried horsetail should be added to it. For 3 parts of fat take 1 part of horsetail. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed until smooth and gently rubbed into the affected area.

White cabbage has long been famous for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. A leaf of white cabbage should be generously lathered with laundry soap and sprinkled with baking soda. After that, the sheet is applied to the affected area. A woolen scarf or bandage is tied over the warming compress.

Laurel oil has an analgesic and relaxing effect on tense muscles. To prepare a solution, 10 drops of oil are added to 1 liter of warm water. A cotton towel is immersed in the solution, squeezed out, rolled up with a tourniquet and applied to the sore spot.

At night, you can make a compress from potatoes. Several potatoes are boiled in their skins, kneaded and applied to the body. If the puree is too hot, a cloth should be placed between the potatoes and the body. The compress should not be scalding. A warm bandage is tied on top.

In summer, burdock leaves will help. Large fleshy leaves should be doused with boiling water and applied in layers to the sore spot. A flannel or wool bandage is applied on top.

Pain prevention

Some people suffer from myalgia regularly. It is enough to walk in windy weather without a scarf or sit in a draft, as myalgia of the neck appears literally the next day. Such people need to pay more attention to the prevention of this disease.

To do this, you need to dress for the weather. Since temperature changes can provoke muscle pain, it is impossible to run out into the street in cold weather or in a cold room after physical exertion.

At risk are also people who, due to their professional activities, are in the same position for a long time and repeat the same movements.

These are drivers, office workers, musicians. Such people need to regularly take breaks from work, during which it is recommended to walk around and stretch their muscles. While sitting, you need to monitor your posture, because with the wrong position of the body, the muscles are subjected to unnatural static loads.

People with diseases of the musculoskeletal system need to treat their ailments. This will reduce the likelihood of myalgia.

You should exercise regularly. Moderate physical activity will strengthen the muscles and reduce the impact of various negative factors on them. Very useful swimming in open water in the summer or in the pool in the cold season. Swimming also has a hardening effect and helps to strengthen the immune system of the whole organism.

Additional sources

Myalgia in therapeutic practice — approaches to differential diagnosis, treatment N.A. Shostak, N.G. Pravdyuk, I.V. Novikov, E.S. N.I. Pirogova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Moscow, journal Attending Physician, issue No. 4 2012

Pain syndrome in patients with fibromyalgia I.M. Sechenov, Moscow, magazine BC Independent publication for practicing doctors, issue No. 10 2003

Among the pathological reactions that occur in response to physical stimuli is a convulsive syndrome. It occurs in children and adults. Symptoms of the pathological process should not be ignored, as they can lead to serious complications. With a convulsive syndrome, patients are offered a comprehensive treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the signs of a painful condition and its root cause.

Convulsive syndrome - the reaction of the body to external and internal stimuli, characterized by sudden attacks of involuntary muscle contractions

Convulsive syndrome in men, women and children is a non-specific reaction of the body to internal and external stimuli. It is accompanied by an involuntary contraction of muscle tissue.

The international classification of diseases includes convulsive syndrome. Its ICD-10 code is R56.8. This code is reserved for pathologies that do not relate to seizures of epilepsy or other etiologies.

Convulsive syndrome often manifests itself in newborns. It affects adults of all ages. It is very important to find out the cause of the disorder in order to select an adequate course of therapy.

Reasons for violation

Convulsive syndrome is caused by various reasons. Quite often, it develops due to congenital anomalies and pathologies of the central nervous system. Common factors also include genetic diseases, tumors in the body, and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Common causes that lead to the appearance of the syndrome are presented in the table. They are divided by age groups.

Age Reasons for violation
Up to 10 years Diseases of the central nervous system, fever, head injuries, congenital metabolic abnormalities, cerebral palsy and epilepsy lead to convulsions in childhood.
11-25 years old The cause of the disease is head trauma, angioma, toxoplasmosis and neoplasms in the brain cavity.
26-60 years old Neoplasms in the brain, inflammatory processes in the membranes of this organ and the abuse of alcoholic beverages can cause pathology.
From 61 years old Seizures can be caused by kidney failure, drug overdose, Alzheimer's disease, and cerebrovascular disorders.

Since the convulsive syndrome in an adult or children causes many causes, the methods of treating such a disorder are different. To achieve recovery, it is necessary to correctly determine the factor that led to the development of the disease.

Symptoms in children and adults

Convulsive syndrome in a child and adults has similar symptoms. Pathology appears suddenly.

A typical seizure is characterized by floating movements of the eyeballs, wandering gaze and loss of contact with the outside world.

The tonic phase of an attack is characterized by short-term apnea and bradycardia. The clonic phase is characterized by twitching of mimic areas on the face.

With alcoholic convulsive syndrome, which often occurs in adults and adolescents, there is severe intoxication, loss of consciousness, vomiting and foam from the mouth.

Convulsive syndrome in young children and adults is localized or generalized. In the first case, individual muscle groups are involved in an attack. With a generalized course of the syndrome, the child may experience involuntary urination and loss of consciousness. Because of the pathology, all muscle groups suffer.

Convulsions are characterized by an acute onset, agitation, a change in consciousness

Why is convulsive syndrome dangerous?

Spastic pathology, which is the state of convulsive syndrome, is a danger to human health and life. If you do not suppress the attack in a timely manner and ignore the treatment of the disease, then it will lead to dangerous consequences:

  • Pulmonary edema, which threatens to completely stop breathing.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies that can lead to cardiac arrest.

Manifestations of an attack can overtake a person at the moment of performing actions that require maximum concentration of attention. It's about driving. Even walking can lead to serious injury if an adult or child is suddenly disturbed by the signs and symptoms of a seizure disorder.


Diagnosis of the disease, which is accompanied by convulsions, is carried out in the clinic. The specialist must collect an anamnesis and, in the course of a conversation with a patient, determine the optimal algorithm for conducting an examination of the body.

Convulsive syndrome in an adult, newborn or adolescent helps to identify the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Radiography.
  2. Electroencephalography.
  3. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.
  4. Pneumoencephalography.
  5. Blood test.

The results of the research help the doctor to make the correct diagnosis to the patient, that is, to determine his convulsive syndrome.

To help the patient, it is urgent to call an ambulance

The convulsive syndrome, which manifests itself in a child or an adult, cannot be ignored. Requires adequate treatment.

Before deciding on therapy, the specialist must find out the cause of the disease. This is what diagnostics are for. The therapy offered by the attending physicians is aimed at suppressing the symptoms of the pathological process and eliminating the negative factor that led to the development of the syndrome.

Urgent care

First aid can be provided to the patient at the time of the attack by any person. He must recognize the obvious symptoms of the disease and respond quickly to them. To avoid injury to the patient during convulsions, it is necessary to act accurately and consistently.

First aid to a person with a convulsive syndrome helps him wait for the arrival of a medical team and safely survive the painful condition. If infants, adolescents or adults have symptoms characteristic of an attack, an ambulance should be called immediately. Next, you need to do the following:

  1. It is necessary to provide the victim with access to fresh air. To do this, if possible, remove tight clothing from him or unbutton his shirt.
  2. A small towel or handkerchief is required to be placed in the oral cavity so that a person does not accidentally bite his tongue or break his teeth.
  3. The patient's head should be turned to the side. It is also necessary to do with his whole body. This action will not allow him to choke on vomit.

All these actions must be done very quickly. After that, it remains to wait for the arrival of doctors who will help the person get rid of the attack.


Taking sedatives helps the patient reduce the occurrence of seizures

Emergency care for a person with a seizure disorder may include medication. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the attack and further preventing this condition.

For convulsions, agitation and epileptic seizures, patients are prescribed GABA derivatives, barbiturates and benzodiazepines. Medicines help to calm the nervous system and reduce muscle tone. In acute conditions, antipsychotics may be prescribed.

With cramps in the limbs, vitamin complexes can be prescribed. Such therapy is effective if the attack is provoked by hypovitaminosis.

Treatment of convulsive syndrome includes the use of oral and topical agents. For convulsions, the following medications are recommended:

  • Vitamins of groups B and D.
  • Magnistad.
  • Magnerot.

It is strictly forbidden to give an infant or adult a medicine that has not been prescribed by a specialist. Medicines can be taken strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician. Otherwise, such therapy can lead to complications.

Ointments are among the external remedies for the treatment of seizures. With cramps in the legs, it is customary to prescribe:

  • Hermes.
  • Troxevasin.
  • Venitan.

Ointments and creams reduce the severity of seizures, stimulate blood circulation in the problem area and improve tissue saturation with nutrients.


Of great importance in the treatment of convulsive syndrome is diet. Patients are advised to follow a special diet that helps to reduce the frequency of attacks to a minimum.

Patients with this diagnosis should exclude pastries, carbonated drinks, sweets, strong coffee, alcohol and organ meats from their diet. If a person is overweight, then he needs to constantly monitor the number of calories that have been consumed per day.

To cope with a painful condition, you need to include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products and whole grains in your diet. It is mandatory to monitor the drinking regimen. During the day, patients are recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water. Teas, compotes and drinks in this case are not taken into account.

If a person who has cramps is not able to make a menu for himself for a week, he can seek help from a nutritionist. The doctor will select the optimal diet for the patient, which will allow the body to maintain normal functioning.


Therapeutic exercises should be performed every day in combination with the prescribed treatment.

Remedial gymnastics helps to cope with convulsive syndrome. To achieve results from it, you need to practice regularly. Exercise therapy is also actively used in the prevention of seizures. Simple exercises will help to cope with a painful condition:

  • Picking up small objects from the floor only with the help of the toes.
  • Rolling with the feet of a rubber ball, which is complemented by spikes.
  • Pulling the fingers towards you in a sitting position with outstretched legs.

Each exercise must be performed for 2-3 minutes. You can increase the duration of the training if the patient's condition allows.

If convulsions are disturbing too often, then the patient should arrange for himself to walk barefoot on sand or grass. If desired, you can use a special mat for massage.


If a person who suffers from a convulsive syndrome received medical assistance in a timely manner, then a favorable prognosis awaits him. The chances of a successful recovery are increased by the correct determination of the diagnosis and the causes of the development of the pathological process.

With the periodic occurrence of seizures, it is mandatory to undergo a diagnosis in the clinic. Attacks can be a sign of a dangerous disease that has not yet had time to fully manifest itself. The study will detect the pathology and cure it in a timely manner, thereby preventing the development of serious complications that threaten human life.

Ignoring attacks leads to dangerous consequences, which include death.

Standards, St. Petersburg, 2009

CONVULSIVEseizure - a sudden onset of tonic contractions

and/or clonic twitches of various muscle groups. There are types of episyndromes:

Generalized convulsive seizure - clonic-tonic convulsions or tonic-clonic convulsions in the limbs are accompanied by loss of consciousness, respiratory arrhythmia, cyanosis of the face, foam at the mouth, often bite of the tongue. 2-3 minutes of an attack, are replaced by a coma, and then deep sleep or confusion. After an attack, the pupils are dilated, without reaction to light, cyanosis and hyperhidrosis of the skin, arterial hypertension, and sometimes focal neurological symptoms (Todd's palsy).

Simple partial seizures - without loss of consciousness, clonic or tonic convulsions in certain muscle groups. generalization is possible.

Complex partial seizures are accompanied by impaired consciousness, behavioral changes with inhibition of motor activity or psychomotor agitation. At the end of the attack, amnesia is noted. Often there may be an AURA (various forms of "premonition") before the seizure.

Several seizures in a row - series or statuses - are life-threatening conditions for the patient.

Status epilepticus is a fixed state of a prolonged convulsive seizure (more than 30 minutes) or several seizures, recurring at short intervals, between which the patient does not regain consciousness or constant focal motor activity persists. There are convulsive and non-convulsive forms of status. The latter type includes recurring absences, dysphoria, twilight states of consciousness.

Differential diagnosis is carried out between genuine (“congenital”) and symptomatic epilepsy (stroke, head injury, neuroinfection, tumors, tuberculosis, MAC syndrome, ventricular fibrillation, eclampsia) or intoxication.

It is extremely difficult to identify the causes of episyndrome on DGE.

NOTE: chlorpromazine is not an anticonvulsant drug. Magnesium sulfate ineffective in stopping a convulsive seizure. With hypocalcemic convulsions: 10-20 ml of 10% solution calcium gluconate or chloride. For hypokalemic seizures: panangin, asparkam, their I/O analogues, potassium chloride 4% IV drip.


The seizure stopped before the arrival of the brigade

If the seizure is for the first time or a series of seizures - hospitalization.

To prevent a relapse: diazepam 2 ml IM or IV;

With high blood pressure figures - the ONMK protocol:

With systolic blood pressure greater than 220 mm Hg. Art., diastolic blood pressure more than 110 mm Hg. st.: injections: clonidine 0.01% 0.5-1.0 IV bolus in 0.9% solution of sodium chloride.

With systolic blood pressure less than 200 mm. rt. Art., diastolic blood pressure less than 110 mm Hg: inside (sublingually), nifedipine 5-10 mg, captopril 12.5-25 mg, anaprilin 20-40 mg. Other antihypertensive drugs may be used.

In case of respiratory failure - protocol "ODN";

With heart rate<60 или >100: ECG protocol "bradyarrhythmia" or "tachyarrhythmia";

If the patient refuses hospitalization: FB - report of the responsible. doctor 03;

Active call of the doctor of the district service of the joint venture or the district doctor of the polyclinic on the same day;
