Original, euphonious and beautiful female dog names. Beautiful nicknames for girls' dogs of small and large breeds. How to beautifully name a dog and a puppy, a girl, white, black, red, mongrel? Nicknames of girls' service dogs

People have long paid attention to the connection between name and character, and this applies not only to human names, but also to the names of animals, in particular dogs.

A dog's name is not just a set of sounds, and not even just a means of communicating with a pet. Through the animal's name we express our attitude towards it. A dog's name can tell a lot about ourselves: about our habits, character and even hobbies, as well as our sense of humor and erudition.

But what principles should you use to choose names for your pets? What should you pay attention to first of all, what is the best way to name a bitch with an original name? This is what we will talk about now.

What can you call it?

First of all, let's determine what criteria people use to choose nicknames for their dogs and what they pay attention to.

In general, before you start thinking about a name for a dog, you need to decide for yourself: do you want to give your pet a traditional or original nickname, which perhaps no other dog in the world will have? If you are satisfied with the first option, then simply open any of the lists of popular dog names and choose the one you like.

But what if you want to give your baby a truly original nickname? Where can I find such a name?

There can be a huge number of options here.

  • Name of the heroine of the book or film . It's simple. Let's say you like a book or a movie (TV series, cartoon, anime, etc.). Why not name a girl puppy after your favorite heroine? Moreover, most of these names are beautiful and sonorous.
    Assol, Katniss, Arwen, Hermione, Trinity, Fiona, Sakura - these are just a few of the names taken from literary works and from films or TV series.
  • Music and variety . You can name the dog after a famous singer or opera diva.
    For example, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Britney or even Montserrat.
  • Geographical names . Montana, Riviera, Jakarta, Etna, Corsica, Barcelona are some of the geographical names.
  • Story . You can name a dog in honor of some famous queen, queen, empress, warrior.
    For example: Nefertiti, Josephine, Lucretia.
  • Nicknames in honor of world brands . Such as, for example, Fanta, Bounty, Vista, Nokia, Chanel.
  • “Plant” and “Animal” nicknames . These include names such as Hydrangea, Orchid, Azalea, Jasmine, or Panther, Panda and even Anaconda or Mamba!
  • Mythological names, that is, the names of goddesses from different pantheons, as well as nymphs, fairies, dryads and other similar creatures.
    This category includes names such as: Artemis, Vesta, Freya, Astarte, or Danae, Circe and even Lada.

As you can see, the source options original nicknames there can be a lot, and this is not all of them. You can name a dog after a sports star, after a fairy-tale creature, after musical instrument... You never know in honor of anyone or anything else, even in honor of your favorite food or drink. The main thing is that not only you, but also the dog likes it, it is easy to pronounce, and is also sonorous and beautiful.

Here are some of the huge variety of nicknames on a wide variety of topics. As they say, for every taste! Let’s start our list of nicknames with foreign names, which have long been particularly popular as dog names.

Foreign with meaning

Foreign nicknames are especially popular in the canine world and not without reason. They are melodic, beautiful and sometimes very original names. They are easy to select, based on the country in which “your” breed was bred. In this article we will look at names with meanings of both European and Asian origin.


France is the birthplace of such breeds as Basset, Briard, Poodle, Dogue de Bordeaux, Pyrenees Shepherd, and, of course, French Bulldog. Is your girl one of these glorious breeds? Or maybe you just love everything beautiful and sophisticated, so you want to choose an elegant, but not too pretentious name for your new girlfriend?

In this case, French names are what you need! They are suitable not only for representatives of breeds French origin, but also slender and graceful dogs with an aristocratic appearance, such as, for example, Great Dane or Doberman. Or small dogs with an elegant or even sophisticated appearance, such as maltese or greyhound.

  • Aurora - morning dawn,
  • Belle is a beauty
  • Vivienne - lively
  • Desiree - desired
  • Claire - clear
  • Lilian - lily
  • Marguerite - daisy,
  • Fleur is a flower,
  • Fortune - luck,
  • Eteri - airy.


Italy is a sunny, bright country, where life seems like a magical carnival. If your dog has a cheerful, cheerful disposition, then an Italian nickname will suit her perfectly. But among the Italian nicknames you can also find graceful and even majestic names. Such nicknames are primarily suitable for dogs of large, serious breeds.

  • Antonella - invaluable,
  • Bianca is white
  • Lucretia is rich
  • Columbine - dove
  • Marceline - warrior
  • Norina - honor, valor,
  • Ornella - blooming ash,
  • Paola is little
  • Rosetta - rosette,
  • Floriana is a flower.


There are a lot of German dog breeds. These include Spitz dogs, Great Danes, Doberman Pins, Dachshunds, Boxers, and, of course, German Shepherds. If your dog is a representative of the original German breed, you can choose a German name for her. They are a little less graceful than the French ones, but they sound hidden strength, power and confidence.

  • Annelies - grace
  • Gretchen is a little pearl
  • Katherine is pure
  • Leona is a lioness
  • Lorelei - the whisper of a rock,
  • Odile is rich
  • Senta - prosperous,
  • Sophie - wisdom
  • Hedwig - warrior
  • Elfrid is the strength of the elf.

English and American

Perhaps the most popular of all dog names. English or American names sound good; they are simple and at the same time beautiful. Among them you can choose both an elegant name and a simpler name. And, what is also important, English nicknames are suitable for dogs of almost all breeds.

  • Annabelle - gracefully beautiful,
  • Bonita is good
  • Wendy is a friend
  • Gladys - ruler
  • Gemma is a gem
  • Clarity - clarity
  • Mabel is attractive
  • Nancy - usefulness, grace,
  • Roxy - dawn
  • Stephanie is the crown.


Asia has long attracted and fascinated with its unique beauty and incomprehensible mystery. There is something mystical in everything that has to do with her. This also applies to Asian dog names, which, despite their unusual sound to our ears, are beautiful and melodic in their own way. True, they are not suitable for every dog, but primarily for representatives of oriental dog breeds.

Japanese with translation

Japanese names are very beautiful and sophisticated. They seem to be imbued with the very magic of the East. Such nicknames are suitable, first of all, for dogs Japanese breeds, such as Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, Chin or Japanese Spitz . But if you wish, you can call any dog, even a shepherd, by any of these names.

  • Akemi - bright beauty,
  • June is obedient
  • Yoshi is good
  • Kin - golden
  • Mizuki is a beautiful moon
  • Ren - water lily,
  • Suzu - call
  • Fuji - wisteria,
  • Hoshi is a star
  • Shinju is a gem.


Korean names are unique and unusual to the ears of Europeans. But they, like all Asian names, have their own charm. Such names are suitable for representatives of oriental breeds, but some of them are suitable for any other dog. If you are interested in Korean pop music or the history of this country, then why not give your baby a Korean nickname?

  • Bao - protection
  • Van is a cloud,
  • Jin-Ho - precious lake,
  • Yong - brave
  • Lin - spring
  • Mei is a flower
  • Nung - velvet
  • Tuan - bright,
  • Hong - rose
  • Shin - trust.


Chinese names are primarily suitable for dogs Chinese breeds, such as Pekingese, Chinese crested dog, sharpei and even a pug, which, despite its European name breed, was nevertheless bred in China.

These names, which came from antiquity, remind us of the relationship between man, nature and the Universe. Most of these names are associated with natural phenomena or flora and fauna. Any of them will further emphasize the unusual, exotic appearance of your pet and set it apart from other dogs.

  • Biyu - jasper,
  • Jing - abundance
  • Ksia - pink clouds,
  • Lanfen - orchid scent
  • Meiling - plum jade,
  • Nuo - graceful,
  • Rong - warlike,
  • Song - pine
  • Shan - grace
  • Yunru is charming.

By letter


Russian names, especially old ones that are no longer found among people, can also be an excellent option for those who want to name their dog in an original and at the same time beautiful way. These nicknames are close and understandable to everyone, but at the same time the connection between generations is felt in them.

Coming from time immemorial, these names are strong amulets for our pets. In addition, despite the fact that they came from time immemorial, they sound beautiful and unusual and are not at all outdated.

  • Velimira - peaceful,
  • Divna is wonderful,
  • Zhdana - desired,
  • Fun - fun, funny,
  • Mlada - little
  • Radmila - caring and sweet,
  • Svetozara - illuminating with light,
  • Tsvetana - like a flower,
  • Cheslava - striving for glory,
  • Clear - clear.

Lightest and most beautiful

You don't want to name your dog a complicated or exotic name. Well, in this case, you can choose a simple, but at the same time beautiful nickname for your girl. So that it is sonorous, short and easy to remember.

It is to this category that most of the dog names that have become traditional belong. If you are not afraid of the prospect of “being like everyone else” and you do not want to stand out due to being unusual, or even strange nickname your pet, then this is just your option. So, the most beautiful names for your baby:

  • Vesta,
  • Greta,
  • Delta,
  • Iris,
  • Kerry,
  • Martha,
  • Polly,
  • Richie,
  • Frida,
  • Sherry.

With meaning

We consider names with meaning to be those that are not just beautiful foreign names, the meaning of which we sometimes do not know. First of all, these are nicknames that denote any names, as well as phenomena or even objects. Should you call a dog that? Yes, definitely. Moreover, among the huge variety of familiar and even seemingly ordinary words, you can choose one that will become a wonderful nickname for your pet.

  • Guild,
  • Dynasty,
  • Blackberry,
  • Crown,
  • Lyra,
  • Melody,
  • Otrada,
  • Plasma,
  • Dewdrop,
  • Taiga.

Funny and cool

Most often, funny and cool names are given to dogs with an unusual or even strange appearance, thereby further emphasizing their dissimilarity from most other dogs. It doesn’t matter why you chose a funny nickname.

Why not Toffee?

It will always lift the spirits of you and those around you and will make your dog stand out from many of its other peers. However, it is better not to forget that funny nickname It shouldn’t be offensive or stupid, otherwise you yourself will be embarrassed to address your pet this way on the street.

  • Amba,
  • Bucha,
  • Godzilla,
  • Dosya,
  • Toffee,
  • Cutlet,
  • Bun,
  • Tequila,
  • Piglet,
  • Rogue.


Modern nicknames are a reflection of everything that is constantly in our ears. This could be the name of a popular actress, or the name of a modern brand, or even the name of the heroine of a popular film or TV series. Modern nicknames are designed to emphasize that we are aware of modern innovations and that we keep up with the times. Most of these names are suitable for dogs of any breed, but especially for representatives of new-fangled breeds.

  • Angie (in honor of Angelina Jolie),
  • Barbie,
  • Vesta,
  • Malibu,
  • Nokia,
  • Riri,
  • Salma (after Salma Hayek),
  • Trinity,
  • Fanta,
  • Heidi (after Heidi Klum).


Beautiful and rare names chosen by those who want to stand out from the crowd and highlight their dog. Due to their rarity, these names sound original and new. True, if the nickname is really successful, then there is always a risk that very soon it will cease to be so rare.

  • Adriana,
  • Brigid,
  • Virginia,
  • Diodora,
  • Yesenia,
  • Genevieve,
  • Calypso,
  • Liora,
  • Melissa,
  • Eurydice.

Simple and short

It seems that it really couldn’t be any simpler. One or two syllables, unpretentiousness and simplicity in sound... And yet, these unpretentious, simple, short names beautiful and sonorous in their own way. Therefore, one of them can be given to almost any dog, both purebred and mongrel.

  • Bessey,
  • Gabi,
  • Zhuzha,
  • Nika,
  • Rona,
  • Sophie,
  • Tera,

Original and unusual

An original nickname can be given to a dog of a rare breed or an animal with a special appearance. Or the puppy may have an unusual color, such as blue and white or brown merle and tan. Unusual and rare names are perfect for dogs of the Chinese Crested, Basset Hound or, for example, Saluki breeds.

  • Arabesque,
  • Velvet,
  • Violanta,
  • Harmony,
  • Dizizi,
  • giraffe,
  • Quadrille,
  • Lambada,
  • Pint,
  • Rhapsody.

Top: most popular

Now let's see what dog names the most popular in the world and in Russia. The popularity of names is influenced by various factors. This could be the name of a show business star, or, for example, the heroine of a sensational film. This category also includes the names of characters from fairy tales known to everyone from childhood. Often the names of dogs from popular films also make it into the top names.

  • Gerda,
  • Jesse,
  • Dina,
  • Daisy,
  • Zlata,
  • Lada,
  • Lucy,
  • Martha,
  • Molly,
  • Stella.


These names can be given to dogs of any breed, but they are best suited small long-haired dogs like Yorkshire terriers, Maltese or Shih Tzu. Also a name related to fashion can be called a tall, slender dog, such as a Great Dane or Greyhound.

The Shih Tzu is a very elegant dog!

The best stylish names:

  • Bijou,
  • Beauty,
  • Diorite,
  • Coco,
  • Prada,
  • Paris,
  • Rykiel,
  • Rhinestone,
  • Tiffany,
  • Chanel.


Darlings, pet names not suitable for large and powerful dogs. But they are great for small, “toy” dogs. By naming your pet this way, you will emphasize her wonderful character and charming appearance. That is, exactly why dogs of small breeds are loved and appreciated all over the world.

  • Bafi,
  • Vivi,
  • Julia,
  • Zest,
  • Caramel,
  • Lyalya,
  • Milli,
  • Nyusha,
  • Polly,
  • Cherry,
  • Bulya (from the word bun).


These names are suitable for serious, large dogs . Easy names are convenient for training, and subsequently a name that is easy to pronounce will make communication with the animal easier. A simple, well-remembered nickname is better accepted by the dog, which makes it easier for it to follow the owner’s commands. In this way, a connection is formed between the owner and his pet: send - response.

  • Alma,
  • Wanda,
  • Josie,
  • Zosya,
  • Lassie,
  • Myrta,
  • Nora,
  • Pippi,
  • Cherry,
  • Jasper.


Affectionate nicknames are given to gentle, fragile dogs. Just like a Chihuahua Yorkshire Terrier, pomeranian spitz, toy poodle. They emphasize not only the grace of these cute babies, but also the attitude of their owners towards them. The small stature and fragility of these dogs evoke a feeling of tenderness and tenderness in the owner. I just want to call these babies the most tender and affectionate names.

  • Bead,
  • Baby,
  • Cherry,
  • Blackberry,
  • Bunny,
  • Toffee,
  • Sweetie,
  • Sweetie,
  • Baby,
  • Berry.


Nicknames in this category include the names of prominent historical figures, heroines of classical operas and ballets. They also include the names of animals, plants and astronomical objects. Interesting names can be given to slender, graceful dogs, both large and small. These nicknames are suitable for breeds such as Italian Greyhounds, Greyhounds, Salukis, Dalmatians, and Great Danes.

  • Beatrice,
  • Cleopatra,
  • Columbine,
  • Laura,
  • Mamba,
  • Panda,
  • Octavia,
  • Flora,
  • Francesca,
  • Esmeralda.


In general, it is not recommended to name animals after people. But if this name is not very common or dogs have been called this way for a long time, then why not? Moreover, these nicknames emphasize the connection between dogs and their owners. True, there is always a risk that when you call your dog while walking, several passersby will turn to your call. Therefore, in this case, it is still better to give preference to rare names.

List of female names:

  • Amelia,
  • Dina,
  • Lisa,
  • Laura,
  • Milana,
  • Nika,
  • Nyusya,
  • Sonya.


Double names are not often given to dogs that do not have breeding documents. But if your girl has a pedigree, then it will be very beautiful if there is a nickname written there, consisting of two words related to each other in meaning or simply beautiful-sounding words.

Such nicknames can become business card show dog, highlight its origin and magnificent exterior. And names such as Lady Luck or Palm of the Championship, among other things, can also become unique talismans. Who knows, maybe, not least thanks to them, your dog will only take first places at all possible exhibitions.

  • Hakuna Matata,
  • Eternal love,
  • Lady Luck,
  • Dolce Vita,
  • Candy Kiss,
  • Marilyn Monroe,
  • Palm,
  • Polar Star,
  • Saint Clair
  • Queen of Clubs.

For hunting

The most popular names hunting girls dogs (for example, hounds):


These cool, cool names are usually given to dogs of hunting, working or fighting breeds. Such as Rottweilers, Dobermans, hounds, pointers, greyhounds, spaniels, terriers, bull terriers or Staffordshire terriers. These names emphasize their serious character, service and security qualities, as well as their speed of reaction, strength and endurance. When you hear such a nickname, you immediately understand: this dog is not to be trifled with.

Don’t become a hostage to stereotypes: a dog is the way its owner raised it!

  • Beretta,
  • Bonnie,
  • Daenerys,
  • Karma,
  • Katniss,
  • Lara Croft,
  • Lilu,
  • Mafia,
  • Mystic,
  • Nikita.


Menacing names emphasize the serious nature of the pet. They are usually given to dogs guard breeds and bodyguard dogs. As a rule, these are powerful, large, truly menacing-looking dogs. These include Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherds, Rottweilers, Mastinos, Boerboels, Irish wolfhounds and other dogs with a menacing appearance. Such names emphasize the working qualities of these dogs and their stern, unyielding character.

  • Entente,
  • Basta,
  • Bomb,
  • Storm,
  • Vendetta,
  • Garda,
  • Storm,
  • Mamba,
  • Moray,
  • Tsunami.


Noble nicknames are suitable for such aristocratic and hunting dog breeds as Great Danes, Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Pharaoh Hounds. These and similar, majestic, beautiful animals have lived since time immemorial in royal, imperial and royal courts, as well as in the country residences of dukes, princes and barons. Noble names designed to emphasize the antiquity and purity of his breed. They are beautiful and elegant, so if you give one of them to your favorite, you certainly can’t go wrong.

  • Beatrice,
  • Vincent,
  • Gloria,
  • Countess,
  • Dauphine,
  • Infanta,
  • Princess,
  • Laetitia,
  • Marquise,
  • Patricia.

For white, black, red color

As mentioned earlier, a nickname for an animal is often chosen based mainly on its appearance. What is the first thing that catches your eye in a dog’s appearance? That's right, its color.

We will not focus on rare and less common colors, such as blue, isabella, harlequin, we will only talk about what you can call a red, white and black puppy. In all the names listed below, the emphasis is on the similarity of the color of the dog and some object or phenomenon.

So, for example, for dogs of red color, names associated with gold or fire, as well as those indicating the similarity of the pet with any animal of the same color, are suitable. How to call a white one: some “cold” name, as if hinting at the similarity of its color to snow and ice. Well, the nickname of a black dog will compare its color with the color of night, darkness, or with the color of any animal with black fur. You can also give your pet a name related to the name of some fruit or black berry.

Below is a list of names that can be used to call dogs of these colors.

What to call a redhead:

  • Aurelia,
  • Goldie,
  • Golden,
  • Zlata,
  • Foxy.

Names for white:

  • Arctic,
  • Snowstorm,
  • Ice,
  • Snowflake,
  • Umka.

For black:

  • Blackie,
  • Blackberry,
  • Panther,
  • Midnight,
  • Shadow.


Summing up, I would like to say more about what it should really be like good nickname and what you should focus on when selecting it. Here are a few simple rules that will help you choose a suitable name for your girl dog.

  • Consider character. If you want your dog to grow up serious and guard your home well, do not give it frivolous nicknames, even as a joke. But if, on the contrary, you want your dog decorative breed she was cheerful, kind and affectionate, so give her the name Thunderstorm or Storm.
  • The nickname should be sonorous and easy to pronounce. And also - not too long. Therefore, do not give your pet names consisting of more than three syllables as a pet, unofficial nickname.
  • If possible, don't call your dog a human name, especially one that is widespread in your area. If you really want to give your puppy a human name, then it is better to opt for something rare, not often found. This will help you avoid awkward situations during walks, as well as at exhibitions and on the training ground.
  • The name should please not only you, but also your pet. The fact is that sometimes there are cases when pets, for some reason known only to them, refuse to respond to their nickname. If your girl has been ignoring her nickname for a very long time, then, apparently, it is best to change her name, choosing one that your pet will like.

This concludes our conversation about how to choose the right name for a girl dog. We hope you found it useful and interesting.

What is the name of your favorite? Share in the comments a story about how you chose a name for your dog and what inspired you during this difficult, but such an exciting search for a suitable nickname for your furry princess. Express your opinion about this article in the comments, share your experience with each other and with us. And, of course, don’t forget to post photos of your female dogs along with your stories.

Has a female puppy appeared in your house? First of all, you need to come up with a name for your baby. This is far from simple; the name will accompany the pet throughout its life. It should reflect its character and be suitable in breed and size, because you definitely wouldn’t call a Sheepdog a Tiny one. What sweet-sounding nicknames for girls' dogs exist - this is the question on the agenda!


What to name the puppy?

Most experts agree that a pet's name should be:

  • short (no more than 2-3 syllables);
  • sonorous (without voiceless consonants and their combinations);
  • please the owner and his family members;
  • correspond to the pedigree (not necessarily, why - you will find out later).

First and foremost, the nickname should be euphonious and short. Remember that a dog is a social creature, you will regularly walk with four-legged friend on the street and will often call your pet by name in front of other people. And it is advisable that this name does not make people turn to look at you on the street. Therefore, originality and imagination are good, but, according to the majority, something neutral is still better. A lot in nicknames for dogs depends on their breed, the larger the dog, the more serious and majestic it usually has a nickname.

Well, little dogs all the time have playful and humorous names! In addition, if your puppy is purebred, he will have to choose a name in accordance with his pedigree. Although the name on the passport and the name in life do not always coincide, even for dogs. Typically, breeders give puppies from the same litter names that begin with the same letter. Most often this is the first letter of the baby's mother's nickname. Sometimes in the middle of the nickname there is the first letter of the father's nickname.

We would like to note that these names are most often long, elaborate and consist of difficult-to-pronounce combinations of letters. The easiest way out of the situation is to find a diminutive version of the first name or come up with another one starting with the same letter. Often, a perspicacious owner can easily determine within a few days of observing a new family member which name will suit his puppy best. The animal itself can “tell you”, the main thing is to be able to understand it.

Names suitable for the breed

We have already noted that one of the main criteria for choosing a nickname for a dog is its breed. Therefore, we will try to structure the names of females according to their belonging to a particular breed!

For large breeds

A large dog, such as a Shepherd or Laika, and the name requires a “big” and respectable name. Long names for large females are rarely chosen; it is preferable that the name be short, with sonorous letters, but that it carries a certain strength. So, for Laika, like for a dog from the north, they try to choose a winter name. For example, Aurora, Alba, Vyuga, Ice, Laska, Alaska, Gerda. Many breeders carefully study the meaning of names, for example, you can find Laika with the name Aina, which means “pure, bright.” Video tips on how to name a large Husky breed for your attention next!

The Shepherd is a very popular breed all over the world. And the names of Shepherds can be very diverse. For this breed, the recommended nicknames are Adele, Bertha, Emma, ​​Elba, Hardy. By the way, animal psychologists note that Shepherds with the name Hardy have a strong and strong-willed character, perhaps this is due to the fact that the meaning of this word is “strength”. In addition, I would like to note that when choosing names for females of the German Shepherd breed, some breeders try to emphasize their “German” roots. In this case, Yanga, Juno, Kora, Lotta will suit your Shepherd.

For hunting

Hunting dogs have been human “helpers” since ancient times. They also try to choose short names for them, when you need to quickly call your pet while hunting, there is simply no time to pronounce a tricky name. In addition, they recommend that their name have more sonorous sounds and vowels to make the nickname sound brighter and louder. For a female hunting breed, the nickname Diana is often chosen; this is very symbolic, because the goddess Diana is the patroness of all hunters.

In addition, for a hunting bitch you can consider the following options: Gaia, Nora, Irma, Ara, Lada, Vesta, Yuma. For Greyhounds, Spark or Arrow are often chosen. Golden retrievers also often used as hunting dogs. For beautiful and graceful bitches of this breed, the names Bertha, Omega, Luna or Jasmine are suitable.

For small breeds

Small beautiful dogs are rapidly gaining popularity. Their enterprising owners are no longer trying to limit themselves to Pusyas, Lyalas and Busyas, of which there are already quite enough. Indeed, I would like the name to emphasize the diminutiveness and tenderness of a small dog, and especially a girl. But at the same time, it is important that it evokes some other emotions besides an ironic smile. We liked such original names for females small breeds: Linda, Gloria, Silva, Mimosa, Tina, Daisy, Betty, Amanda, Bonita, Rita, Doll.

Barbie, Zhu-zhu, Ariel, Allexia, Blondie, Viviana, Monroe are considered especially “glamorous” nicknames for babies. Well, small yard dogs are often called Zhuzhki, Bugs or Squirrels.


We noted that you can most often find bitches with the nicknames Naida, Mukha, Nika, Molly, Bella, Maggie, Daisy, Lucy, Marta, Gera, Lada, Bonya. As you can easily see, names derived from foreign words are more popular in our country. The list of nicknames used is constantly growing, because many owners want to stand out and name their puppy in a special way. These same options are still in great demand.


Rare can be nicknames that are initially tricky, their meaning is unclear and they are difficult to perceive. It happens when the owner, having named his dog something like that, eventually changes the name to a simpler one. It is not often that you can find bitches with the nicknames Almadel, Bernima, Vilena, Laira, Milagro, Samfira, Tarita, Fransa.

From mythology

Mythology and folklore in general can be considered a storehouse of options for pet names. Athena, Hera, Aphrodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Venus, Vesta, Galatea, Hella, Iris, Kali, Cassiopeia - all this is from mythology. In addition, the following variants are also known: Lakshmi, Lara, Medea, Metis, Nike, Penelope, Selena, Flora, Themis.


Sometimes the owner of a dog wants to emphasize the national flavor and choose the Russian version of the nickname for the pet. By the way, there are not so many of them, there are a lot of American, Asian, Italian or Spanish options, but with Russians everything is not so simple, especially with beautiful names. In principle, you can use nicknames such as Alenka, Beauty, Zhuchka, Masha, Mila, Pushinka. There are humorous options, such as Sausage or Berry. But, you must admit, all these names are more suitable for small mixed-breed dogs.

List of names

In addition to the nicknames already mentioned, we present a table with the most acceptable and beautiful, in our opinion, options so that you can decide exactly what to name your girl dog!

Letter of the alphabetNames
AAlma, Adele, Asya, Albina, Anita
BBagheera, Bianka, Beta, Barbara, Boni, Bella, Badi
INVeya, Vaida, Vista, Vanessa, Vanilla, Vicki
GHavana, Gabby, Hecate, Grace
DGemma, Dinara, Dixie, Daphne, Janie, Juliet, Dorothy
HerElizaveta, Yolka, Elika
ANDZhadi, Zhuli, Zhanetta
ZZarina, Zemfira, Zena, Zolli, Zlata
ANDIndie, Isis, Inga
TOCasey, Kimberly, Kelly, Kitty, Button, Kari, Katie
LLolita, Lada, Leda, Lika, Lassie, Laura, Lussi
MMagda, Malika, Madeleine, Malvina, Maggie, Margosha, Milana, Miranda
NNicole, Nana, Nancy, Norma, Nochka, Nefertiti
ABOUTOda, Olivia, Ophelia, Audrey, Olva
PPalma, Prima, Pola, Peppy, Patti
RRosally, Roxy, Rachel, Roxanne, Ruta
WITHSandra, Sabina, Cindy, Santa, Solly, Cynthia, Sophie, Stella
TTamila, Tara, Teri, Tiffany, Tracy, Trinity
UUlya, Ursula, Ulmara, Ondine
FFaya, Phoebe, Fleur, Fiona, Fifi, Francesca, Furia
XChloe, Helma, Hana, Helena
CCiri, Ciana, Tsarina, Tsilya
HChinara, Chilita, Chapa
ShSherry, Charlotte, Shani, Sheba, Cheryl, Chanel
EEsther, Elfa, Eda, Elina, Emily
YUYunika, Yumi, Yutana, Yunessa
IJava, Yasmina, Yanina

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Getting to know a new pet always begins with thinking about what to name the animal.

Dogs have long been best friends person, so by having it at home, a person accepts a new family member.

You can name a small breed of dog with a beautiful nickname that will suit the animal.

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Nickname for a dog based on its size

A majestic name will not suit a small dog; it will cause some imbalance.
Appropriate options for a small dog female are such:

  • Arisha
  • Alsha
  • Bead
  • Paw
  • Chit
  • Cherry
  • Toffee
  • Yoke
  • Button

A large breed dog should have a truly royal name. The appearance of the animal allows it to bear a majestic, prestigious nickname. Her choice depends entirely on the owner and his preferences.

  • Aurora
  • Alpha
  • Aphrodite
  • Athena
  • Zvana
  • Zlata
  • Bella
  • Alma
  • Volga

How to name a pet based on its color

A red animal always looks bright and specific. It is worth choosing an equally impressive name for the bright color of the coat. It can convey all the tenderness that the owner feels for his pet.
For a pet with red fur, the following are suitable:

  • Orange
  • Chanterelle
  • Freckle
  • Ryzhulya
  • Golden
  • Zlata
  • Bagryanka
  • Kashtanka

There are a lot of dogs with dark fur. Black coat color is one of the most common. You can make your pet stand out from others by giving it a beautiful name.
Suitable for a pet with black fur:

  • Bagheera
  • Panther
  • Makovka
  • Waxa
  • Fifteen

Dogs white quite rare. You can emphasize the characteristics of the purest fur with diminutive word forms. In any case, you need to emphasize the angelic appearance of your pet.

You can name a white pet like this:

  • Squirrel
  • Snowflake
  • Dewdrop
  • Snow White
  • Atlanta
  • Marshmallow

Let's name the dog a girl

Many people want to name an animal based on its breed. The approach is quite correct, the nickname should visually suit the pet, and the breed determines appearance, coat color and many other aspects.

Husky is a very beautiful breed

They are considered one of the smartest. This is a rare case when dogs can have sky blue eyes.
Suitable for Husky:

  • Alva
  • Kylie
  • Jack
  • Wave
  • Gaida
  • Erika
  • Jella
  • True
  • Kayla
  • Yesenia
  • Alda
  • Ameta
  • Bella
  • Volta
  • Volga
  • Vlada

The German Shepherd is one of the most worthy breeds

They are used on military service dog handlers. Very smart animals. An adult German Shepherd has the intelligence of a four-year-old child
For German Shepherd will fit:

  • Amira
  • Gerda
  • Icarus
  • Assol
  • Wanda
  • Gamma
  • Elva
  • Guillemot
  • Camellia
  • Costa
  • Cedar

Alabai is a breed of large dogs

The nickname for such an animal must be appropriate; not all diminutive nicknames are suitable.
Suitable for Alabai:

  • Malta
  • Avina
  • Assonita
  • Elika
  • Zherika
  • Camila
  • Lyme
  • Kenta
  • Chris
  • Laida
  • Lamia
  • Querida
  • Krista

Rottweiler is one of the most beautiful breeds

Often such animals are bought for themselves by breeders or connoisseurs of this breed. The female Rottweiler has a rather luxurious appearance; suitable nicknames will be offered to you below. Suitable for Rottweiler:

  • Abigail
  • Bubsy
  • Varda
  • Gloria
  • Egoza
  • Karina
  • Crown
  • Vein
  • Cleopatra
  • Curry

Original, cool nicknames are suitable for the most characteristic breeds. For convenience, we will separate them into groups.

Chuhuahuas are the smallest dogs

Suitable for Chihuahua:

  • Agatha
  • Alba
  • Aldona
  • Amona
  • Astena
  • Veika
  • Venedika
  • Grace
  • Evita
  • Gironde
  • Knopa
  • Lanara
  • Landa

Yorkie is a small and extremely cute breed

Suitable for York:

  • Agasha
  • Alza
  • Anabel
  • Barbie
  • Greta
  • Josephine
  • Larma

Dachshunds are charming long-bodied and short-legged dogs with protruding ears.

This appearance gives them a wayward funniness.
Suitable for dachshunds:

  • Adele
  • Athena
  • Venus
  • Grinda
  • Weasel
  • Laura

Spitz is a short, black breed of dog

Currently they are quite popular. The compact animal has fluffy fur and a playful character, giving the owner a lot of positive emotions.
Suitable for Spitz:

  • Monica
  • Alura
  • Bayra
  • Vereda
  • Daniella
  • Dolly
  • Monta
  • Moraine
  • Malla

Baby Toy Terrier is now extremely common

This little bundle of joy doesn't take up much space. A girl can be called a Toy Terrier:

  • Aidana
  • Angelica
  • Bianca
  • Oars
  • Delta
  • Dietra
  • Justina
  • Nadira
  • Monica
  • Naida
  • Mlada

Shih Tzu is suitable for girls

Such housewives are referred to as “The Lady with the Dog.” Glamorous people love to take them to beauty salons and do their hair at long hair.
The female Shih Tzu can be called:

  • Angara
  • Armita
  • Bumba
  • Spring
  • Derika
  • Diara
  • Bug
  • Zabina
  • Milady
  • Magdalene
  • Milka
  • Nevada
  • Madea

Pekingese is a short breed, one of those that makes you smile

Having a rather funny appearance, a cheerful nickname would suit the Pekingese.
A Pekingese girl can be called:

  • Marusya
  • Anida
  • Blanka
  • Vesta
  • Jewella
  • Bully
  • Mike
  • Nellie
  • Nelma
  • Myra
  • Nerika

Cocker Spaniel is a dog with incredibly positive emotions

Finding such an animal is a great happiness; it not only receives the love of its owner, but also gives it back.
A girl Cocker Spaniel can be called:

  • Alice
  • Aragva
  • Bakara
  • Wilma
  • Jela
  • Jelica
  • Julia
  • Zamira
  • Zanga
  • Malvina

Small breed Jack Russell Terrier

Simple names suit them like no other. However, lovers of creative nicknames also have plenty to choose from.
The female Jack Russell Terrier can be called:

  • Alina
  • Aralia
  • Barbara
  • Westphalia
  • Jessie
  • Malta
  • Nymph
  • Zarella

Labradors are some of the friendliest dogs.

They are not afraid to let them near children. They are truly friends of people, having a special loyalty as their character.
Beautiful names for Labrador girls dogs:

  • Arbella
  • Barletta
  • Burma
  • Biyanka
  • Vignette
  • Gina
  • Zaura
  • Norm
  • Manesta
  • Odette
  • Olvia

Staffords are mostly red in color.

For all their severity and the appearance of a fighting breed, they have a rather kind look, which is difficult not to fall in love with. Girls of this breed are especially feminine, so it is better to choose the most sophisticated and beautiful names.
Names for Stafford girls:

  • Alexa
  • Alita
  • Armanda
  • Basta
  • Beatrice
  • Vaida
  • Jitta
  • Gioconda
  • Star
  • Note
  • Onega
  • Onika

The hound is a breed for everyone

Hound girls may have names related to their speed and endurance, such as Lightning or Arrow.
There are other names for the Hound:

  • Bilda
  • Violet
  • Jonia
  • Zelma
  • Marquise
  • Martha
  • Madder

Dobermans have a special stateliness, this is inherent in them by nature

The muscles on a thin body reflect the fit of the silhouette. Doberman girls should wear clothes that match their special breed nicknames. This is especially true for dogs with a pedigree and documents. Refined nicknames are extremely welcome.
Names for Doberman girls:

  • Arlanda
  • Viona
  • Georgia
  • Indira
  • Sylt
  • Ilva
  • Isolde

The Asian breed is not so popular

Buying such a beauty and choosing a beautiful nickname for her is not such an easy task.
Suitable for Asian Shepherd:

  • Arleta
  • Bizarta
  • Virta
  • Vista
  • Judah
  • Zinta
  • Marion
  • Ophelia
  • Argentina
  • Cleopatra
  • Quarantine
  • Gina
  • Julia
  • Samira

Making a choice, whatever it may be, is never easy. Rely on your feelings and sensations, listen to your inner voice.

How to name a Laika girl

Laika is the common name for several subspecies of hunting dogs. They were used both in Russia and in the European northern countries. The coat can be either thick, fluffy or smooth.

When thinking about what to name your husky, look through the list of beautiful northern names:

  • Gerda
  • Tiin (squirrel)
  • Kun (sun)
  • Kykhyn (winter)
  • Urumechchi (butterfly)
  • Chabylban (lightning)
  • Aurora
  • Dinka
  • Svetla
  • Khatyn (birch)
  • Taiga
  • Sugun (blueberry)
  • Mekchirge (owl)
  • Sordon (pike)
  • Algys (blessing)
  • Sheela (flame)
  • Obokhut (nanny)
  • Haya (mountain)
  • Shiegan (wolverine)
  • Midnight
  • Dalyr (name of locality)
  • Harana (darkness)
  • Erbium (saw)
  • Snezhnaya
  • Cuba (swan)
  • Avalanche (English avalanche)
  • Tuun (night)
  • Orus (river)
  • Uu (water)
  • Ice
  • Hopto (seagull)
  • Buuldya (bullet)
  • Claire (light - French)
  • Ice
  • Tikaani
  • Snowstorm
  • Blizzard
  • Zavira
  • Muora (sea)
  • Shtiya (strength)
  • Sulus (star)
  • Silveri
  • Grinda
  • Polar
  • Oton (berry)
  • Ropak (ice floe)
  • Utuluk (mitten)
  • Ebe (grandmother)
  • Dyakhtar (hostess)
  • Cold
  • Haze
  • Siberia
  • Bader (lynx)
  • Yrya (song)
  • Avalanche
  • Chyychaakh (bird)
  • Ystaal (steel)
  • Kvennik (snowflake)
  • Sahyl (fox)
  • Kenul (freedom)
  • Tuus (salt)

Nickname for a mongrel girl

Nothing limits you in choosing a nickname for your yard beauty. But Anetta or O'Grady will sound strange! That's why we selected understandable and mischievous ones that non-pedigreed dogs will wear with pride. When deciding what to name a mongrel, consider external features animal, its disposition.

  • Malvina
  • Dolly
  • Barney
  • Nyurochka
  • Lyme
  • Redhead
  • Martha
  • Katie
  • Lisyasha
  • Alpha
  • Peach
  • Vesta
  • Sandra
  • Linda
  • Naida
  • Knopa
  • Front sight
  • Palm
  • Bonita
  • Baby
  • Bun
  • Pronya
  • Alba
  • Milka

A dog's nickname can be borrowed from the world of fashion, cinema, and literature.

For example, these sound very original for a mongrel:

  • Isadora, Beata, Barbara
  • Vivien, Vekrushka, Ingrid
  • Lisa, Marlene, Mazina, Mukhina
  • Marika, Oprah, Prada, Hayworth
  • Silva, Tootsie, Uma, Franka
  • Flora, Chanel, Cerutti, Shakira

What not to call a pet

First of all, I would like to talk about what not to name a dog. There is even a joke on this topic. The girl got a dog and decided it would be funny to name it own name- Masha. After some time, she got married and noticed that the neighbors were looking at him strangely.

One day she goes up to her floor and clearly hears her husband shouting: “Masha! You've shit on the carpet again! Well, as much as possible!”

This story clearly teaches us the first rule: do not name the dog human names. Even if there is no person with that name in your environment now, he may appear in the future. The exception may be foreign names that are not common in your area, for example, Mandy, Violet.

Another mistake is to give a dog a dissonant nickname as a joke. You will quickly get bored and feel unpleasant. You should not give it too long, as it will be difficult for the animal to remember it. It should have a short version that will be used.

Don't give her a name that is difficult for you or your family to pronounce. Think carefully about it. It is unlikely that you will want a beautiful and noble husky to be called Dashka or Palna.
