How to fill out a work book first sheet sample. A work book is a sample of filling out a job application. Military service record

Decor work book: Basic Rules

The procedure for filling out a work book is regulated by:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, the production of work book forms and the provision of employers with them, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On work books” dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules, Resolution No. 225);
  • Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Social Development of October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction).

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to encounter contradictions between these documents. So, the letter of resignation own will according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it must be entered into the document in strict accordance with the wording of the code (part 5 of article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the Rules say that you need to write down the wording according to the dismissal order.

Responsible employees should focus on the hierarchy of legal acts. If other acts contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they should not be applied. In the case described above, it is necessary to formulate an order (and then an entry in the labor) in accordance with the code.

We list the basic rules that will tell the personnel officer how to fill out a work book:

  • labor is issued for everyone who works at the enterprise for more than 5 days;
  • the period for which it is necessary to make an entry is 7 days;
  • Arabic numerals must be used in entries;
  • you can write with a black, blue, and purple pen;
  • abbreviations and corrections are prohibited (corrections are allowed only in the manner provided for in clause 27 of the Rules, and only in the sections "Information on work" and "Information on awards");
  • each entry must have a serial number.

How to fill out sections of a work book: an example of filling in 2018-2019

The form of the document was approved by Resolution No. 225 - where to get the form is described in the article The procedure for acquiring, storing and filling out a work book form (nuances). So, the labor consists of several sections that help identify the personality of the employee, learn about his profession, qualifications, length of service and awards received. These sections contain:

  • personal data;
  • information about labor activity;
  • information about rewards (other than bonuses).

Along with the above general rules, the legislator has developed specific filling rules for each of the sections, which we will consider below.

How to fill out the title page of the labor

Information about the employee is indicated on the title page of the document. Guided by paragraph 2 of the Instruction, the personnel officer must make:

  • personal data of the employee as they are indicated in the passport, without reduction;
  • information about education, if the employee has a relevant document;
  • the name of the profession in which the person will work at the enterprise;
  • date of completion of the document.

All records must be certified by the signatures of the employee and the personnel officer, as well as the seal of the organization (if any). The title page is filled in at the first place of work of a person.

If an employee's personal data has changed, personnel officers can cross out these data with one line and indicate new ones. To do this, the employee must submit official documents confirming the change in personal data, and the personnel officer must rewrite the information from these documents on the inside cover of the work book. For more information about correcting a surname in a work book, see the article Recording a change of surname in a work book - a sample.

If desired, the employer can place a hologram on the title page - what a holographic sticker is used for is described in the article Where is it right to glue a hologram in a work book - a sample?

How to properly format the section "Information about work"

Employees of personnel services should know how to properly draw up a work book, including a section where information about work is indicated.

Need to hire a person? In this case, the personnel officer must be guided by clause 3 of the Instruction and write in the work book under the serial number:

  • the name of the organization in full and abbreviated form;
  • the name of the structural unit where the person gets a job;
  • the name of the profession in which the employee will work;
  • the date the employee started work.

If a person works successfully, acquires a new category or class, this must be recorded in his work book.

Under the serial number, the HR officer writes:

  • information about the assignment to an employee of a higher rank, class;
  • information about additional professions or qualifications of the employee.

If the employment relationship has exhausted itself and it is time to part with the employee, the employer must correctly draw up a record of his dismissal in accordance with the requirements of clause 5 of the Instruction.

To do this, in the section "Information about the work" under the corresponding serial number, you must specify:

  • reason for dismissal;
  • date of termination of the employment relationship;
  • name, number and date of the decision of the employer on the basis of which the dismissal occurs.

IMPORTANT! The information in the document must be indicated accurately, the wording must comply with labor legislation. All entries must be confirmed by the seal of the organization (if any) and the signature of its head.

The procedure for filling out the section "Information about awards"

Another important section of the work book contains information about the awards that the employee has earned in the process of work. In accordance with clause 4 of the Instruction, information is indicated in the following format:

  • record number;
  • Name of the organization;
  • information about the award;
  • information about who awarded the employee;
  • information about the merits for which the person was awarded;
  • link to the document on the basis of which the award was made.

An HR employee must fill out this section carefully and correctly, since the data on awards affect the employee's career, provide more opportunities for his further employment.

How to register special cases in the work book

Some cases in labor relations are drawn up in a work book in a special way. Such cases include part-time work. In accordance with clause 3.1 of the Instruction, the work book must be kept at the place of the main work. But the part-time job may ask the personnel service to enter additional information in the work book. To do this, it is enough to confirm the fact of additional work. For example, one can present as evidence labor contract with another organization.

Transferring to another job is a fairly common occurrence. Such changes in labor relations must also be recorded in the work book. It specifies:

  • record number;
  • date of transfer;
  • information about the transfer;
  • the name of the new department or position;
  • information about the order on the basis of which the employee is transferred.

Responsibility of personnel workers

Proper completion of the work book is an important component labor relations. If the document is filled out incorrectly, it will be difficult for the employee to prove his seniority. In addition, he will suffer material losses, as he will not be able to get a job with a work book filled out with errors.

For violations in this area, the following may be liable:

  • enterprises (administrative under Articles 5.27 and 13.20 of the Code of administrative offenses Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for example, for failure to make the necessary entries in work books, or civil law, if the violation caused losses for the employee);
  • officials of the personnel service (administrative according to the aforementioned articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses RF for similar violations, as well as material, if the violation of the personnel officer caused damage to the enterprise, and disciplinary).

Employees of the personnel department must fill out work books carefully and carefully, using samples of filling out a work book drawn up in accordance with strict formalized rules that are binding on everyone. Errors and violations in this area entail administrative, civil, material and disciplinary liability.

Labor law obliges the employer - an organization or individual entrepreneur keep work books
for each employee who has worked more than five days, if the work for this employer is the main one for the employee (Articles 66 and 309 Labor Code RF). All entries in the work book are made in blue, purple or black ink. And without any cuts.

The employee presents the work book at the conclusion of the employment contract.
There are two cases when there is no need to present a work book:

  1. when applying for a job in an organization on a part-time basis (Article 283 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  2. when applying for a job for the first time (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to fill out the very first - the title page of the book.

  1. The surname, name and patronymic of the employee is indicated in full.
    Data can be taken from a passport or other identity document. For example, driving license, military ID or foreign passport. Do not replace the first and middle name with initials.
  2. The date of birth is written in Arabic numerals.
    The day and month are indicated by two-digit codes. And the year is a four-digit code. The month should not be written in words.
  3. Education.
    The data in this line is entered on the basis of a certificate, certificate or diploma. It may indicate "higher professional", "secondary general", "secondary professional education", etc. Also here you can indicate the unfinished education of one or another level.
  4. Profession, specialty.
    The data is also indicated on the basis of education documents.
  5. Date of completion.
    Put the current date on which you draw up a work book. The month can be specified both in numbers and in words. It won't be a mistake.
  6. Signature of the owner of the book.
    This column must be signed by the employee himself.
  7. Signature of the person responsible for maintaining work books.
    It is put by the one who actually draws up the document. This is usually the head of the human resources department. But since an accountant often performs personnel work, his signature may also be here.
  8. Place for printing.
    The company seal is affixed. You can also put the seal of the personnel service, if there is one.

All employees who have worked in the company for more than five days must make an entry in the work book.
This applies only to the main place of work.


  1. Enter the information about the organization in column 3 of the section "Information about work".
    Enter the full name of the organization here. And also the abbreviation, if any.
  2. In the column "Record number" put the serial number.
    Accordingly, if this is the first entry, the column will contain “1”.
  3. The date. Enter the date of employment in Arabic numerals.
  4. At the same level as the date of admission in column 3, enter a record of employment.
    If you are hiring a person at a certain structural subdivision then enter its name. Here, indicate the name of the position of the employee, according to the staffing table.
  5. In column 4, indicate the number and date of the document on the basis of which the employee was admitted to the organization.
    As a rule, this is a job order.

Part-time job hiring

A part-time entry is made in the work book at the request of the employee.
That is, if the employee himself does not ask you about it, you do not need to make an entry. There is no violation in this.
But if the employee asked you about it, then enter the data in the same way as the main place of work under the following serial number.
The entry is made by the employer at the main place of work on the basis of a certified copy of the order of admission or a certificate from the place of work part-time.

Transfer of an employee to another department or to a new position.

If you have hired an employee and are now transferring him to another department or to another position, then this must be reflected in the work book.
To do this, you need to make a record of the transfer.
  1. The date.
    Enter the date of transfer in Arabic numerals.
  2. In column 3, enter a record of the transfer.
    Specify the department and position in which the employee will now work.
  3. In column 4, indicate the number and date of the document on the basis of which the employee was transferred to a new position or to another unit.


When parting with an employee, it is necessary to put a record of dismissal in the work book.
This must be done in a timely manner. Since on the last working day the work book must be returned to the owner. Otherwise, the company may face fines from the labor inspectorate. BUT former employee will have to pay compensation. The most common ground for dismissal is voluntary dismissal.
  1. In the column "Record number" enter the serial number of the record.
  2. The date.
    The date of dismissal is indicated in Arabic numerals.
    The date of dismissal is considered the last working day of the employee.
  3. In column 3, a record of dismissal is made indicating the reasons.
    It also indicates a link to the article of the Labor Code, on the basis of which the employee was dismissed.
    For example, upon dismissal of one's own free will, one must refer to paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code.
    If by agreement of the parties, then the reference will be to paragraph 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code.
  4. Column 4 indicates the number and date of the document on the basis of which the employee was fired.
    Usually this is an order to terminate the employment contract.
  5. When an employee is dismissed, all records made during the employee's work in the company are certified by the company's seal and the signature of the manager or other person authorized to do so.
    Ask the employee to put his signature under all entries.

Suppose an incorrect entry is found in the work book and now it needs to be corrected.
But do not rush to cross out or cover up erroneous data. The rules for filling out work books prohibit this.
Only possible variant is to invalidate the record.
And only after that make a new one.

  1. In the column "Record number" put the serial number of the record.
  2. The date. Specify the date on which you will invalidate the erroneous entry.
    That is the date when you make corrections.
  3. In column 3, write "Entry under No. ___ is invalid."
  4. In column 2, indicate the date of the new, now correct, entry.
  5. Enter the correct entry in column 3.
  6. In column 4, indicate the number and date of the document on the basis of which you entered the correct data.

Examples of wording entries
when laying off employees

Paragraph and article of the Labor Code

Entry in the workbook

Paragraph 1 of Art. 77 The employment contract was terminated by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code Russian Federation
Paragraph 2 of Art. 77 The employment contract was terminated due to the expiration of the employment contract, paragraph 2 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Paragraph 3 of Art. 77
(at own request)
The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee, paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Paragraph 5 of Art. 77 The employment contract was terminated due to the transfer of the employee at his request to work in the Limited Liability Company "Karkas", paragraph 5 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Paragraph 6 of Art. 77 The employment contract was terminated due to the employee's refusal to continue working in connection with the change of ownership of the organization's property, paragraph 6 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to the employee's refusal to continue working due to a change in the organization's jurisdiction, paragraph 6 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to the employee's refusal to continue working in connection with the reorganization of the organization, paragraph 6 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Paragraph 7 of Art. 77 The employment contract was terminated due to the employee's refusal to continue working due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, paragraph 7 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 8 of Art. 77 The employment contract was terminated due to the employee's refusal to transfer to another job, necessary for him in accordance with medical opinion, clause 8 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Paragraph 9 of Art. 77 The employment contract was terminated due to the employee's refusal to be transferred to work in another locality together with the employer, paragraph 9 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Paragraph 11 of Art. 77 The employment contract was terminated due to violation of the rules for concluding an employment contract established by the Labor Code, paragraph 11 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Article 71 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to an unsatisfactory test result, part one of Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the liquidation of the organization, paragraph 1 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the termination of activity by an individual entrepreneur, paragraph 1 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 2, part 1, art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to the reduction in the number of employees of the organization, clause 2 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 3, part 1, art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to the inconsistency of the employee with the position held due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification, paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to the inconsistency of the employee with the work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification, paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 4, part 1, art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the change of ownership of the organization's property, paragraph 4 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 5, Part 1, Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to repeated non-performance by the employee without good reasons labor duties, paragraph 5 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Subparagraph "a" of paragraph 6 of part 1 of Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to absenteeism, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Subparagraph "b" of paragraph 6 of part 1 of Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the appearance of the employee at work in a state of alcohol intoxication, subparagraph "b" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Subparagraph "c" of paragraph 6 of part 1 of Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to the disclosure of state secrets that became known to the employee in connection with the performance of labor duties, subparagraph "c" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to the disclosure of a trade secret that became known to the employee in connection with the performance of labor duties, subparagraph "c" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer due to the disclosure of official secrets that became known to the employee in connection with the performance of labor duties, subparagraph "c" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Subparagraph "g" of paragraph 6 of part 1 of Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the theft of someone else's property at the place of work, established by a valid court verdict, subparagraph "d" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the commission of damage to someone else's property at the place of work, established by a valid court verdict, subparagraph "d" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Subparagraph "e" of paragraph 6 of part 1 of Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the violation by the employee of labor protection requirements, which entailed grave consequences, subparagraph "e" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the violation by the employee of labor protection requirements, which created real threat serious consequences, subparagraph "e" of paragraph 6 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 7, Part 1, Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the commission of guilty actions by the employee directly servicing monetary values, which gave rise to the loss of confidence in him on the part of the employer, paragraph 7 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 8, Part 1, Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the commission by the employee performing educational functions, immoral offense incompatible with the continuation of this work, paragraph 8 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 9, Part 1, Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the adoption of an unreasonable decision that entailed a violation of the safety of the organization's property, paragraph 9 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 10, part 1, art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with a one-time gross violation labor obligations, paragraph 10 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 11, Part 1, Art. 81 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employer in connection with the submission by the employee to the employer of false documents at the conclusion of the employment contract, paragraph 11 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the conscription of the employee for military service, paragraph 1 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the assignment of the employee to alternative civilian service, paragraph 1 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 2, part 1, art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the reinstatement of an employee who previously performed this work, by decision of the state labor inspectorate, clause 2 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the reinstatement of an employee who previously performed this work, by a court decision, paragraph 2 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 3, part 1, art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, due to non-election to the position, paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 4, part 1, art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the conviction of the employee to a punishment that precludes continuation previous work, in accordance with the court verdict, which has entered into force, paragraph 4 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 5, Part 1, Art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the recognition of the employee as completely incapable of working in accordance with a medical report, paragraph 5 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 6, Part 1, Art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the death of the employee, paragraph 6 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 8, Part 1, Art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, due to disqualification, which precludes the employee from fulfilling the obligations under the employment contract, paragraph 8 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 9, Part 1, Art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the deprivation of the employee of the special right to drive a vehicle, which made it impossible for the employee to fulfill the obligations under the employment contract, paragraph 9 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 10, part 1, art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the termination of access to state secrets, paragraph 10 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 11, Part 1, Art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the cancellation of the court decision to reinstate the employee at work, paragraph 11 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the recognition of the decision of the state labor inspectorate to reinstate the employee at work, paragraph 11 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Clause 12, part 1, art. 83 The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the reduction total employees who are foreign citizens, in accordance with the permissible share of such employees, established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2008 N 1099, paragraph 8 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Every person who is already working or just getting a job should think about a document that will confirm this fact in the present and entitle him to a pension in the future. A work book is not a simple, very important and the only document that reflects the entire work experience of a person.

Basic concepts

First you need to understand what the law means by the term work book. The definition of this concept can be found in article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is based on two criteria:

  1. A sample work book is approved exclusively by the state and is unified.
  2. It certifies information about seniority and worker activities.


The work book is drawn up according to strictly defined rules, which are regulated by separate legislative acts.

These include:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It reveals the concept of a work book, imposes the obligation to maintain and store it on the employer, and introduces a unified procedure for its registration.
  • The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on June 23, 2014). Establishes responsibility for non-compliance with the rules for handling the work book.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 (as amended on March 25, 2013) “On work books”. Approves the form and sample of the work book and its insert, rules for storage and maintenance.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 N 69 "On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books." Determines a clear procedure for filling out sections of the work book and correcting inaccuracies.

Responsible persons

For the maintenance, accounting, storage and issuance of a work book, as a rule, the person whose duties it is is responsible. However, it is worth noting that the responsible person is appointed solely by order or order of the employer. This is how it is determined who fills out work books in the organization.

The employer will be responsible if he has not organized a system for maintaining, accounting, storing and issuing work books and inserts at his enterprise.

If the organization has not created a personnel service, or there is no person authorized by order to deal with work books, he may be held legally liable. Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative responsibility.

Thus, a guilty official will pay a fine of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles or a forced suspension of activities for up to 90 days, entity- from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles or a similar suspension.

Does the IP fill out such a document?

All employers are required to maintain work books for each employee. At the same time, for the employee, this work should be the main one and he should work for more than five days.

There is one exception to the law, and it applies to individuals- employers who are not registered as individual entrepreneurs. Individual entrepreneurs are required to carry out the same actions with work books as other employers.

Requirements for maintaining a work book

Fill out for the first time

The legislator, understanding all the inexperience of a person getting a job for the first time, obliged the employer to issue him a work book. The deadline is set no later than a week from the date of commencement of work.

It is the employer who issues a work book to a new employee, including a student, with a fee that covers the costs of its acquisition.

Again hired employee it is necessary to carefully check the data entered into it and, if they are correct, certify with your signature.

What kind of pen can I use to make notes?

According to the instructions, the entries should be done neatly and readably. To the question of what kind of paste and pen can be filled with labor, the law gives an exhaustive answer.

So, for writing, you can use a helium, fountain pen, rollerball pen (this also includes a ballpoint pen). The ink, gel or paste in the pen must be lightfast and only black, purple or blue. There should not be any red paste when correcting inaccuracies and errors.


Entries in the labor are made in the state language of the Russian Federation. If a constituent entity of the Russian Federation has official language, then records can be duplicated on it.

Any, even generally accepted, abbreviations in the work book are strictly prohibited.

Including the titles of documents are not abbreviated. The order is written exactly as “order”, and not “pr.”.

All figures are written exclusively in Arabic. An example of recording the date of dismissal is 06/30/2014 and nothing else. The abbreviations of the word "g." after the numbers are not used.

Record numbering

All records in the labor are assigned their own serial number. It is affixed in the first column, called "N records". Entries are numbered sequentially in each section with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3).

Every entry. even about making adjustments to the information itself, is numbered through, i.e. assigned to the next number.

If you need a duplicate

The work book may be lost by the owner. If a loss is discovered, the owner of the book must immediately bring this information to the employer. During 15 days from the date the employee applied for the loss, the employer is obliged to issue not a new book, as many are mistaken, but a duplicate.

The duplicate contains information:

  1. About the total work experience of the employee before joining the employer issuing the duplicate. The experience is indicated in total without specification.
  2. Specific information about work in the organization issuing the duplicate.

There is also an option that allows the owner to get a duplicate labor. If an employee in a court of law recognizes an entry in it as invalid, then he can apply to his last employer with a request to issue a duplicate already without such an entry. The above procedure also applies to cases of unsuitability of the book for use.

How to fill it out for an individual entrepreneur?

According to labor law, an employee is a person who has entered into an employment contract with an employer, in which all essential conditions are spelled out.

An individual entrepreneur as an employer, of course, can enter into such agreements, but definitely not with himself. Since the contract requires two individual subjects, not one. Records are made in the work book about the labor activity of a person, and the individual entrepreneur carries out entrepreneurial activity. These are two completely different concepts.

This rule also applies to others. Neither the individual entrepreneur himself in his work book nor another person at his request is authorized to make entries. However, when hiring an individual entrepreneur, which does not contradict the norms of the law, his work book is filled out in the same way as other employees.

And one more nuance: incomplete rate. To learn how to make such an entry, see the video

Filling out a work book

Many employees do not pay before retirement special attention, on how their work book is filled. Problems begin when applying for social benefits. Of course, the personnel officer must know how to fill out the work book correctly, but the employee himself must have an idea about the rules for filling it out so as not to run into trouble in the future.

The workbook for the director is filled in by a person appointed by order to be responsible for this, for example, a personnel officer, an accountant (usually in a small LLC) or the director himself. When asked who fills it out to the personnel officer, the answer is similar. If the new personnel officer has already been issued by order as a responsible person, then he himself, if not, then the head or other employee is responsible by order for maintaining work books.

Title page and spread

The title page contains all personal information about the employee and is filled out solely on the basis of documents certifying it.
Such information includes:

  • surname, name, patronymic (rewritten exactly as in the passport, if the letter “ё” is used, then you need to write “ё”, not “e”);
  • date of birth (in full Arabic numerals according to the formula day, month, year);
  • information about education (without abbreviations based on the relevant document)
  • the specialty or profession is entered exclusively in the nominative case (lawyer, economist, programmer) on the basis of a document on education;

Next, the line “Date of filling out the work book” is filled in, which, according to the law, must be within a five-day period from the date of employment. At the bottom of the title page there is space for two signatures, one for the employee, the second for the responsible person.


Information about the education of the employee is placed on the title page. When filling in this field, the wording from the document on the employee's education is exactly rewritten.

If an employee has improved his level of education or received an additional second education, then the data supplements the existing ones, without crossing them out.

Job details

The most important and informative section is "Job Details" and it includes four columns.

  1. First, in the form of a heading in the third column, the full official name of the employer and a short one, if any, are written.
  2. Under the heading in the first column - “N record”, its serial number is put down in this section and in the second column “Date”, three columns are filled in, in each of which information corresponding to the column name is entered in Arabic numerals.
  3. Further, in the third column, information is filled in about where the employee was accepted (department, division) and what labor function in accordance with staffing he will perform (profession, position, specialty).
  4. The fourth column contains the details of the document by which the person was hired.

Any change to the information in this section must also be reflected in it. Such cases include: the establishment of a second profession, the assignment of a new category, rank, a change by the employer of his name, part-time work.

Translation records

There are certain nuances to displaying a transfer record.

In case of transfer from external organization required information must be present. The record of the dismissal of the transferred employee in column three of the section "Information about work" must necessarily contain information whether it was at the initiative of the employee. If the employer himself was the initiator, then did the employee agree to the transfer. The record of admission to the new employer is made in the general manner, indicating that he enters the job in the order of transfer.

In the event of an internal transfer of an employee, an entry is also made in the work book. It indicates the new place of work and the reasons for the transfer.

Reprimands and reprimands

Part 5 of section 1 of the Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books provides that disciplinary sanctions are not displayed in it.
The reprimand is not recorded in the work book. The only exception is this kind disciplinary action as a dismissal, an order for which, with reference to a specific norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is necessarily displayed in the work book.


If there is no space for new entries in one of the sections of the work book, an insert is sewn into it.

The insert is a legal continuation of the labor, issued and executed in the general manner.

An important condition for the validity of the insert is its joint provision with a work book, without which it does not have legal effect. In the labor itself, a note is made about the presence of an insert to it.

Last name change

Corrections on the title page, for example, in the name, surname are made by an authorized person, on the basis of supporting documents (passport, certificate).

At the same time, the old data are crossed out with one line and new ones are introduced. Such a correction must necessarily be supported by a reference to the document, which is made on the inside of the cover and is certified by a seal and signature.

Storage and accounting of work books

To record work books, the employer must use:

  • a special income and expense book to account for the number of work books and inserts to it. It is managed by accounting and displays the consumption of the forms of these documents with the series and numbers of each;
  • book of accounting for the movement of books and inserts. It is filled in by the personnel service and contains information about the work books accepted for storage and issued to employees upon dismissal.

Books have a single form approved by the state. An employee, upon dismissal and receiving his work book in his hands, is obliged to attest to this with his signature in the register and a personal card that is entered for each employee. Both books are strict reporting forms and must be stitched, numbered, certified by the signature and seal of the employer.

Filling error: what to do?

If an employee believes that his work book is filled out incorrectly, there is no need to panic, everything can be corrected.

It all depends on which section the mistake is made in. If this is a title page, then the correction is carried out by crossing out incorrect information and prescribing the correct information, with a mandatory reference to the document on reverse side covers.

If a mistake is made in other sections, no strikethroughs and corrections are allowed next to it. The correction algorithm is simple. An incorrect entry is declared invalid, which is noted in words, and not by strikethrough, and a new reliable entry is made.

Fix error by general rule necessary for the employer who made it. However, the law also allows the employer at the new place of work to make appropriate corrections, but only on the basis of a document from the employer who made the mistake.

You should also not pay attention to the presence or absence of a hologram. The hologram is an optional element and does not affect the validity of the work book in any way.

Proper filling of work books is a mutually beneficial event for both the employee and the employer. After all, mistakes entail sanctions for the enterprise and the rejection of social guardianship bodies for employees.

Labor Code - according to the law, this is (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), a personal document reflecting the quality of work and information about the work of a person, as well as his professional experience. The book is created by the first official employer. The employer is responsible for the correct maintenance of the work book. Maintaining employment documents for a company or a private entrepreneur is mandatory, only young professionals without any work experience at all can be accepted without a work book, as well as people who work part-time.

Why do we need a work book, its acquisition and registration

In circulation there are types of documents from 2004, 2003, 1973, 1938. All these samples are valid and do not need to be replaced.

The functions performed by the work book are as follows:

  • From it you can learn about the reasons for the dismissal of an employee from previous jobs, about awards, about experience
  • A work book is required to calculate a pension

The employer must provide the employee with a work book if he is hired for the first time after graduating from a university or other educational institution. The employee must apply to the personnel department with a request to get him a work book in writing. When registering a work book, a young specialist must be present in person, and they must issue it in the first five days of the employee's work. The fee for the creation of a shopping mall is charged from the employee (clause 47 of the registration rules), but not always:

  • TK was issued incorrectly;
  • TK lost;
  • Lost a lot of TK due to an emergency;

In all these cases, the costs of a blank form of the work book are borne by the employer.

Sometimes a situation arises that the hired employee has work experience, but the work book is lost or missing for some other reason. The personnel department of the enterprise draws up a new TC for the employee, which includes:

  • Verified work experience;
  • Encouragement and thanks from the old shopping mall;

The acquisition of clean work books is the sole task of the employer, they are bought depending on the number of employees who are employed in a company with a missing book. Only the official seller (“GOZNAK”) can sell TK forms, the purchase of labor from other persons is not provided for by the labor code and is a violation of it, for which the employer will be held liable (5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Accounting for labor documents

The obligations for the correct preservation of labor documents fall entirely on the shoulders of the employer - this is regulated by law (Section VI of the rules of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2003). AT contemporary practice There are two documents designed to control work books:

  • Journal of accounting of work books. The personnel department of the company is in charge, the date of acceptance of the employee, personal data, position, number of the appointment order, details of the shopping mall are recorded in it.
  • Income book. Manages company accounting. This book reflects all operations for the purchase of forms of work books and inserts in them, details are entered.

The pages in the above documents have a serial number, are laced, have a seal, seal and signature of the head of the organization. Details on the maintenance of these documents can be found in paragraph 41 of the rules of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2003 No. 225.

Maintenance and storage of work books of employees

In order to appoint a person who will be responsible for the execution and maintenance of work books, personal cards of employees, the head of the company writes an order in free form - this is legalized in paragraph 45 of the rules of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2003 No. 225. At a large enterprise, he usually draws up labor in the personnel department, but if there is no personnel department in the company, then work books and other documents may be under the responsibility of the accounting department, office work department, secretariat.

To change the subordinate responsible for maintaining work books, you must enter into an acceptance agreement. The agreement includes the personal data of the owners of the books, the number of documents transferred. Without the signatures of the person who submitted and accepted the case, the act is considered invalid.

It is important to keep work books in a place inaccessible to third parties. Most often, labor documents are stored in a lockable cabinet or safe if the storage rules are violated, i.e. documents may be subject to damage in the place of storage, penalties may be imposed on the enterprise. The shelf life of work books is until the dismissal of the employee. The period of storage of labor documents is regulated by the list of standard documents (clauses 664, 686 and 695 of the List):

  • Income and expense book for accounting forms TC - 5 years;
  • The book of accounting for the movement of the TC - 75 years;
  • Unclaimed work books - 75 years;

Instructions for maintaining work books

Filling in a new (empty) work book:

  1. Entries are to be made only with a black blue violet ballpoint pen.
  2. All entries are made on the basis of an order, its number is entered into the workbook.
  3. All entries are made without abbreviations and have their own number within the section.
  4. The use of Roman numerals is unacceptable, all dates are written in Arabic numerals.

Filling out the title page of the work book (checking the correctness of the completed one)

  • Full name according to the passport (do not reduce)
  • Date of Birth. Month in words, day and year in figures: December 5, 1975
  • Education (“higher professional”, “secondary professional”)
  • In the nominative case, specialty ("lawyer", "teacher")
  • Completion Date (within 5 days of hiring)
  • Signature and its transcript, as well as the signature (decryption) of the owner of the shopping mall
  • Stamp of the company

Information about employment (check the correctness of the completed)

Attention! Before recording, it is important to put the seal of the enterprise and duplicate its details in words.

  • Sequence number of the entry
  • Employee hire date
  • "Accepted (a) in (name of department) to the position of (name)"
  • Order, its number

During the dismissal, the date (the last working day of the employee) is recorded in the second line, the reason for terminating the working relationship and a reference to the corresponding article of the Labor Code is written in the third line.

Part-time work and work book

Information about part-time work can be entered in the Labor Code in the personnel department of the main employer company. A record of part-time employment is not required by law and is made only on the personal initiative of the owner of the document (Article 66 of the Labor Code). A citizen must submit a written request with a desire to make an entry in the Labor Code in the personnel department of the main employing company, as well as attach a certified copy labor agreement with a signature of the director from the company where he works as a part-time job.

If the data of the owner of the shopping mall has changed

Personal information in the Labor Code is subject to adjustment if the employee's personal information has changed. How is the change of surname in the work book? The data that has changed is entered into the TC upon confirmation by the relevant documents. If the employee changed her last name due to marriage, then the marriage certificate must be a supporting document. Correction of information is carried out by crossing out old information and entering new information. FROM inside The cover is stamped and signed by the head of the personnel department.

How to certify a work book?

The company's human resources department can certify a copy labor document. To do this, you need to make copies of all pages containing records. At the place of work, they will be stamped, the current date and the inscription: "The copy is correct." Also, the responsible person of the organization will put his signature and mark on the copy that you are currently working in the company. A copy certified in this way is accepted by any organization as confirmation permanent place work.

Work without a work book, wrong entries

If an employee works without a work book and an employment contract has not been concluded with him, then he is not officially arranged. A large number of employers act, disregarding the law and issuing wages“in an envelope”, this allows them to significantly save on tax deductions. For such “savings”, the employer can be arrested by the Federal Tax Service for the purpose of conducting an audit and imposing sanctions, up to and including criminal punishment.

The refusal of the organization to maintain work books or their incorrect maintenance is a violation labor law, for which there is a fine in the amount of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles for officials and about 50,000 for legal entities (Resolution of the FAS MO dated 10.26.2006 N KA-A40 / 10220-06). Also, controllers can stop the activities of the company for up to 90 days.

If the employer fails to correct the incorrect entries in the employment record, then he must compensate the employee for damages equal to the period during which the employee could not work.

Sample of filling and execution of a work book

Title page sample

Job details


Information about awards

Summing up, we add that, of course, the work book is an important document that is subject to strict accountability, but for the last decade rumors about the proposed cancellation have been stubbornly hovering around it. For what purpose? Even prominent legal scholars find it difficult to answer this question. Supporters of the abolition believe that the work book is a relic of the Soviet past, an atavism. But instead of TK, they cannot offer anything. Therefore, at this stage of development labor relations between employees and the employer, this document is required.

Any organization certainly needs to have work books for everyone who works in it on an ongoing basis and for more than five days. Personnel officers note here all important information about professional activity its owner - this is the requirement of the Labor Code and the sample and rules for filling out a work book, we will analyze in today's article.

It is allowed to make marks on the pages of the book with a blue pen (purple as an option) or black, the use of various kinds of abbreviations is considered a mistake.

Title page information:

  1. Name. It must be written in full form, as in the passport, without the use of abbreviated forms and initials. Data can be found in a passport, driving license, military ID and similar documents.
  2. Date of Birth. Arabic numerals are used to write it. When specifying the day and month, two ordinal numbers are used, and the year is written as four ordinal.
  3. Education. This line contains the level of education available, which can be secondary vocational, higher or other. Here you can enter information about the unfinished on this moment education. The data necessary for the correct completion of this paragraph should be taken from the documents provided by the employee.
  4. Speciality. Here enters the main working specialty of the owner of the book, received by him in educational institution. This information is also specified according to the documents on education provided.
  5. Date of completion. As a rule, it is fixed here important date- the day of registration of the first entry in the book. Feature specifying the date in this line - the month can be written in words, and this will not be considered an error.
  6. Signature of the owner of the book. Everything is clear here, the job seeker himself signs.
  7. The signature of the employee who deals with all issues related to the execution of such documents. There are options here. Ideally, the personnel department should be in charge of such things, respectively, the signatures in the books are made by his boss. However, not every company has its own personnel department, so often such responsibility is assigned to an accountant, or even to a manager.
  8. Seal. It confirms everything that was stated earlier. This may be the official seal of the company or its personnel department, if any.

Entering data about the main work

  1. Company name. It is written in the third column of the table, first in full, without abbreviations such as OOO, ZAO, etc., and then the abbreviated form of the name is additionally signed in brackets.
  2. Record number. The serial number of absolutely any job record is entered in the required column of the table, i.e., for example, at the first employment it will be the number “1”, when transferring it will be “2”, and so on. It is noteworthy that this figure is placed on the line following the name of the company, and the name itself forms a kind of "cap" over all subsequent marks.
  3. The date. The date of official registration for work is entered in the columns of the table specially designed for this purpose in Arabic numerals. As for the line, the information is located on the same line as the serial number of this entry.
  4. Job application record. It is written in the third column and begins on the same line that contains the date of the device for work. The name of the division of the company where the employee is accepted, and his position are indicated.
  5. Indication of the document that became the basis for the employment of the owner of the book. Usually they get an order to hire a new employee. This information is entered in the last column on the same line as the previous entry.

Entering information about part-time work

Sometimes it happens that an employee performs certain duties, combining them with his main job. Information about such labor initiative are recorded only at the request of the employee himself. If he has a desire and he asked to make a mark in the book, then the procedure for entering data will be similar to that described earlier, only the name of the organization does not need to be written a second time.

Transfer to another unit or change of position

It happens that an employee is transferred for further work to another department or changes position. Naturally, such changes in his career path must be fixed in the labor.

  1. Record number. A new milestone in labor is marked, of course, with a new number in a row.
  2. The date. The date of the official translation is written in Arabic numerals.
  3. A record of a transfer or a new position. In the third column, the name of the unit where the owner of the labor is transferred and his new position are written.
  4. Basis for translation. The last column of the table contains the data of the transfer order.

Entering information about the dismissal

The dismissal of an employee is a reason for another entry into the labor force, and it must be done on time, since on the final working day it must be returned to the owner. Delay in such a matter may threaten with a fine and compensation for an employee who has stopped working in this organization.

  1. Serial number. Dismissal is another entry, and it must have its number in the column intended for this.
  2. The date. The date of the final working day is indicated here - it is it that is considered the date final dismissal. Naturally, the numbers must be Arabic.
  3. The reasons. In the third column, where the position and place of work are recorded, you need to make a note about the reason for dismissal, not forgetting to refer to the required article of the Labor Code. For example, if the dismissal was preceded by the immediate desire of the employee, one must refer to Article 77, paragraph 3.
  4. Base. The last column contains the data of that document (usually an order for dismissal), on the basis of which the dismissal occurred.
  5. Seal. After completing all the records, you need to seal them, as well as the signature of the head of the company or other authorized person. The resigned employee also signs, and the dismissal can be considered completed.

Making corrections

Sometimes errors occur when writing down various information in the worksheet, for example, instead of "senior engineer" it is simply written "engineer". The mistake, of course, needs to be corrected, we have already written more detailed article about . It is forbidden to cross out and gloss over anything, and there is only one way to correct it - to invalidate the erroneously indicated data:

  1. Number . The number of the next record is put down.
  2. The date. The date from which the erroneous entry will be considered invalid is recorded.
  3. In the third column, the following text is written "Entry under No. _ is invalid."
  4. A new record is made with up-to-date and correct information, for which its serial number and date are also affixed.
