Why dream of returning to your previous job. Dream interpretation former work and employees. Longing for the old place of work

Dreams in which a person sees a former job can have different interpretations. An accurate interpretation must be carried out taking into account all the details. Previous work can be dreamed of in the case when a person greatly regrets something. A dreamed boss is a sign that the dreamer needs to consult with someone about an important business moment. If a former boss has dreamed, it means that a person spends a lot of time at the workplace to the detriment of their interests. To see the building where the former office is located - to cardinal changes in life. Return to your former job - to a significant increase in wages.

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    People are dreaming from their previous work

    For the correct interpretation of the dream about what the former work is dreaming of, it is necessary to remember who exactly happened to see in a dream:

      • If you had a chance to consult with your former boss about something, then in real life the possibility of a stressful situation is not excluded. If you dreamed of the company's management that underestimated the dreamer's potential, this suggests that soon a person will have to make an important choice, on which the fate of many people depends.
      • Constantly dreaming of the director from the previous job - the new place will bring both moral and material satisfaction to the dreamer. Such a dream promises a woman an acquaintance with a wealthy man. A quarrel with a former director or a reprimand from him predicts harmonious relationships with others or receiving good news. If the director has replaced a person with another employee - to big trouble.
      • For a woman, a dream in which a man dreamed portends an office romance, and for a male dreamer, such a vision promises unexpected troubles and problems.
      • If the dreamer dreamed of a woman, this is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing problems in her personal life. For a man, such a dream foreshadows a romantic acquaintance with a good girl. Another interpretation: some colleagues will be jealous of a successful career advancement.
      • Employees seen in a dream from a previous job are a good symbol. He prophesies success and prosperity in a new place. This will help the professional skills that the dreamer received earlier.

      The dreamer's actions

      Getting a job in a previous job is a sign that the dreamer is not satisfied with something in his current place. He thinks the old job was much better. Dream Interpretations advise not to regret what is already impossible to return.

      The modern dream book states: if you dreamed of a building where a person performed his official duties, then a time of cardinal changes awaits him. If the building is destroyed, this is an unfavorable sign. He portends big business problems. Do not start your own business in the near future. There is a possibility of deception on the part of unfamiliar business partners or betrayal of people whom the dreamer trusts.

      Talking to former colleagues is a sign that a person is experiencing psychological discomfort, since he has not yet had time to get close enough to his current employees.

      Another interpretation of such a dream - one should beware of scam, deception or betrayal of a loved one. If communication with employees irritates the dreamer, this is a sign of tension in relations with the other half. Getting bored in the company of former colleagues means getting a new source of income.

If in a dream you see yourself in a work collective and understand that this is your old job, then this means that fate gives you a chance to correct your mistakes or try a “fallback”. Recall all the events of your dreams in your memory, and dream books will help you understand why this is a dream.

G. Miller's opinion

According to Miller's dream book, a dream in which you dreamed that you were working hard at your old job means success and prosperity where you are working at the moment. It is worse if you receive a thrashing from a former boss, as this means a conflict with colleagues.

What is your profession

Often, deciphering dreams about an old job, dream books recommend paying attention to a profession that is “supposedly former” in night vision:

  • see yourself as a doctor - to health problems;
  • i dreamed that you are a teacher - your advice will help someone a lot;
  • a worker at a factory or construction site is a sign of a difficult but well-paid job;
  • you see yourself as a scientist or a professor - to sharpen your intuition;

You are the leader, or changes are coming!

Had a dream of your own return to your old job, but not as an ordinary employee, but as a manager? To understand why this is a dream, pay attention to the interpretation of the dream offered by the Eastern dream book: you have gone very far in your dreams and plans, and they will come true very soon.

In a dream, did you and the former boss change positions? A very good dream, indicating a noticeable improvement in business affairs. Has the return to the new status caused a lot of discontent among employees? Beware of betrayal and traps, advises Pastor Loff's dream book.

Dismissal as a symbol of "second attempt"

It's not very pleasant when you get fired. If in a dream you felt the same negative emotions as in reality, quitting your old job, and at the same time experienced being fired again, then be prepared for the fact that in reality you may be asked to return.

Had a dream that after you signed a letter of resignation, you were immediately asked to return? The income will increase significantly, and this will happen without any effort on your part. Did circumstances compel you to return to your old job in a dream? Do not give in to difficulties, and then you will achieve everything you dreamed of.

Sleep-deja vu is a sign of dissatisfaction with oneself

Tsvetkov's dream book offers an interesting interpretation of what the dream of finding a job at the previous place of work is, and the way it was in reality. In his opinion, the hospitality of colleagues, which you see in your nightly dreams, can be a symbol of hypocrisy.

It is not difficult to find out why you dream of fulfilling your duties in a workplace that belonged to you before. This suggests that you are not happy with your current position in the new place. Do you see in a dream that colleagues, who were previously open with you, are trying to avoid you? The way you put yourself in the new team will not help you, but, on the contrary, will interfere with your career. Former colleagues in a dream laugh at you - you are ashamed of what kind of lifestyle you have chosen for yourself at this time, assures the Lunar Dream Book.

Hello. I would very much like to know about the real meaning of my recurring dreams. To be honest, I'm "a little" confused ...

5 months ago, for some reason, I quit my job, which I liked in many respects (not everything, of course, is perfect, but of all my jobs, this is the very one). The position was leading, the salary was more than satisfactory. However, it was decided to look for myself further in life, and I left.

Separately about my immediate superior. At that time I liked him as a man, but we had no relationship with him (however, there were views, hints, reservations). I understood that we would not be together, we are very different people. I have long had a permanent relationship with a person dear to me, which more than suits me. In short, there was a stupid unnecessary attraction to a representative of the opposite sex, which turned out to be my boss.

With him I was in close, friendly relations. Up to joint family gatherings at home, in a cafe. As an employee, he was very pleased with me. When she quit, he was upset, offended, said that I would come back anyway ... well, in general, if a job is needed, he will definitely accept it back. But I'm not going back, although I always remember with warmth this place of work and the boss himself. Now I feel very sorry for him, his period has come to be difficult in his work (there are sources of this information).

A couple of months after my dismissal, he began to come to me in dreams almost every night. It happens that I don't even see him, but only hear, as if on the phone. He calls me back to work, talks about how bad he is, how sorry he is. In one dream he cried bitterly and called. In general, constant persuasion, insistence. And my heart is breaking, I am very sorry for him and I want to help, but I will not be able to return to him. It is simply unrealistic to imagine for many reasons. As they say, when you leave, leave. In a dream, I also tell him that I will not return ...

Today I had another dream. Strange. Now some people, similar to magicians and sorcerers (unfamiliar to me, but as if they were his acquaintances), in a confidential conversation talked about how bad he was. As if outside he continues to live as usual, but inside there is continuous pain, bitterness and experience. And that in my power to help him.

Throughout my life I am able to “see and feel” people quite well. And when I worked with him, I could determine what was happening to him. He is an unusual person, deep and very private. An outsider will not immediately say what is in his soul.

In fact, I am tormented by only one question - are all these dreams "effect" from the work of my subconscious? Am I so longing for him and regretting my previous place of work, or is it really so bad for him at work without such an employee as me and he really “calls me” with all his might back? It's just that sometimes these dreams are so emotional, vivid and vivid that it confuses me.

I apologize for so many letters 🙂 I really hope for your help.

Dream interpretation former work

Few can boast that they have worked in one workplace all their lives. Undoubtedly, there are lucky ones who find their calling, a friendly team, decent wages and a sober boss. For them, returning to the robot is like a holiday. These people work all their lives in one place and get a lot of pleasure from their work. But more often than not, during our working career, we change the field of activity several times.

It is not uncommon for night visions to dream of returning to an old position. What is the dream of a former job for? Perhaps just an inner experience, or are we facing some kind of omen? The first step is to refer to the dream book.

Interpretation of a dream

If you dreamed about a former job

Seeing previous work in a dream, dream books are interpreted in different ways. Of course, it is worth remembering the details inspired by a dream and choosing an interpretation to your liking.

Women's dream book

I dreamed of the old working atmosphere, which means there is a chance to achieve success in a new place. It is necessary to direct the working energy in the right direction.

Miller's dream book

Receive scolding from management - employees look askance, a conflict is possible. To dream of how you work hard - in your present place you are facing an opportunity to succeed.

Numerological dream book

In the previous place, they diligently performed their duties, fate will bring positive changes in your personal life. All changes will take place after the eighth.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

The source claims that a dream, with a return to its original place, portends trouble with a loved one. Colleagues obey you - they expect real income.

Velesov dream book

A dream in which former colleagues, the director have a nice conversation, is a disease.

I dreamed that the director gives you a scolding - profit.

If in a dream you visited your former place of work, and there is no one there, you will soon meet influential people who will help you in your career advancement.

Sleep symbols

What was the building

In night dreams, we see certain symbols and images. The veil of another world is slightly opening before us. Thanks to them, we can receive important information. The main thing is to understand it correctly.

Building's facade

Did you happen to appear in front of a building of a previous work in a dream? Remember what it was. Half destroyed - you are in front of a black strip in labor activity. A prosperous company - the fulfillment of desires.

The building in front of you is the same as in reality - soon there will be changes in life.

Working conditions

In fact, the date of dismissal matters a lot. Recently quit? A dream is nothing more than a memory of a certain period of your life. Your brain processes the lived situations in which your colleagues or director participated. If you have not worked there for several years before going to bed, then the message given to you in a dream will be completely different.

Negative memories

What is the relationship with colleagues

Your relationship with your former employees will have a big impact on your interpretation of sleep. If you quit due to the fact that you were given exorbitant tasks, and the working group had more squabbles than jobs, then the dream a priori cannot bode well. Higher powers in a dream warn you of danger. Do not take any responsible steps related to your work now. Do not make deals - they will be risky, and most likely not good for you. Financial losses are possible.


Returning in a dream to a previous job, at which everything was good for you, can be explained in different ways:

  • subconscious desire to meet again in a group with former colleagues;
  • the director with whom he had a good relationship is dreaming - a meeting with a person who will help to advance in the service, either by advice or by deed;
  • may mean that you are not taking this job very seriously. Beware this could result in a fine or dismissal.

Other interpretations

What is the dream of a former job that gives you pleasure? What's behind the dream? The dream interpretation interprets it as a warning, you take too much time to unnecessary thoughts, and you also have a tendency to self-digging. Sometimes you should allow yourself to relax.

There may be something more behind such a dream, if you were reprimanded by a former director, your colleagues offended, in the working group you felt irritation, anger, resentment, other negative emotions, this may be a signal that there are problems with loved ones.

Were bored in a group of former colleagues - new sources of income are on the horizon.

The director replaced you with another employee - such a dream is followed by trouble.

When an unemployed person has such a dream, he will soon be offered a vacancy.

For a woman, such a dream about a former job can also promise a new sponsor.

The previous office is dreaming, where there was no mutual understanding, colleagues hindered development in every possible way, which means that there are such people among your circle too.

In order to look into the future, it is not necessary to go to a fortune teller, since almost every night a person receives signs of fate through dreams. When interpreting, it is important to take into account all the details of the plot and the emotional burden.

What is the dream of a former job for?

Basically, such a dream indicates that the time has come to change something in life. The dream book recommends correcting existing errors so that everything will work out. In some cases, the former job is a reflection of dissatisfaction with the new location. A dream where former work colleagues appeared can symbolize longing for them. It can also be a warning about an approaching dangerous situation that will negatively affect your reputation. The dream book recommends to beware of thieves and insincere people. Looking at the building where you used to work means that some changes will soon take place. If it turned out to be destroyed, it means that some problems may arise in work or business.

A dream in which a former job featured and you understood that everything was going well for them symbolizes the fulfillment of an old dream. Seeing a person who replaced in the previous place means that there will be some kind of trouble at the new job. If you returned to your former job and are doing an excellent job with the task at hand, this is a harbinger of an improvement in your financial condition. Seeing a former job in a dream means that you are dismissive of your duties in real life, which can lead to a reprimand and even dismissal. In one of the dream books there is information according to which such a dream indicates that you want to return the past, and this can relate to both the work and the love sphere. If you want to get a previous job, then you often think about it in reality. The dream book says that you can do this.


Why is the previous job dreaming?

It is believed that the previous work seen in a dream means the general mood of fate to correct previous mistakes. Overall a very good sleep. Even if there is no actual return or change, the most important thing is realized: it becomes clear what needs to be changed or corrected.

If this was a dream, this does not mean that there is a direct return to the previous team. Sleep is more of a philosophical, subconscious comparison of the current working conditions and those that were before. Why is the previous job dreaming? Perhaps in real life, a person is sad to realize the actual parting with the established rhythm of the passage of time, or it is difficult to get used to new colleagues and changed working conditions. These feelings come to everyone who undergoes drastic changes in their usual life.

Sleeping with your previous job is a good sign. Such a dream means that there was a doubt about the need to change working conditions and, as a result, change the rhythm of life. But you shouldn't be upset. Doubts about the correctness of the choice are always present at any change in life circumstances.

Every real person is always closer to a sense of stability, he does not want to change and accept a more difficult reality. The past job may not have been very good, but it’s familiar and not dangerous. The change has already taken place and it is time to change yourself. You should close the pages of the past for yourself and you shouldn't be afraid of it. Such a dream may simply reflect a desire to see your former colleagues. Such dreams come to people who have realized the need to look back at the past in order to change circumstances for the better.

Past work is also often dreamed of by people who are very responsible for their obligations. Dreaming shows that work is just a part of conscious life and a way to earn enough money to lead the kind of life that is desirable. Sleep advises paying more attention to your friends and loved ones, reminds the brain that it needs to rest more often. Dreamed colleagues from their previous work warn about the danger of losing money in risky events and transactions. The desire to return to your previous job in a dream means that in reality you live and work badly in a new workplace.

I dreamed about my past work, which means there is regret about it in the subconscious. The new workplace did not bring satisfaction and it is necessary to organize a meeting with friends and acquaintances from the previous team. There is a need for more attention to loved ones and friends.

A person may dream of a work in the past as a warning that he is careless about his duties and this may entail a reprimand from the management. The subconscious is trying to solve existing complex problems, to unravel the knots of relationships: it gives a warning so as not to make mistakes in the future.


Dream Interpretation Colleagues, why Colleagues dream in a dream

English dream book Why do Colleagues dream in a dream?

What does it mean to dream What does Colleagues dream about - Dreams centered on employees at work can indicate your feelings for those with whom you work. Do you trust them? Are they not only your employees, but also friends? What is the dream for: Dream interpretation of a colleague - Are there any specific people with whom you share a special relationship, or does someone make you unpleasant? Does the dream explain why?

Dream Interpretation Adaskin Why Dream Colleagues Dream:

A dream in which you meet a newly arrived work colleague is a sign that you will not deny yourself the pleasure of making a surprise to a loved one. What are colleagues dreaming of - If you dreamed of a colleague who by no means evokes positive emotions, as he is ready to go over the head for his career, expect to be paid attention to and entrusted with responsible work. You will be able to successfully cope with it. In addition, you will receive additional money for this work. If in a dream your colleague broke dishes, you will encounter problems in business, which will be caused by the unprofessionalism of your partner or partner. A dream in which you enter into an argument with colleagues promises you trouble, caused by new attacks from spiteful critics.


Former dream book chief

If a former boss dreamed in a dream, then it is likely that in the past you have some unresolved problems. The dream book warns that problems that were not resolved in due time at the moment can make themselves felt. A number of options for what the former boss dreams of are given below.

Universal interpreter

If in a dream you dreamed of a former boss, this may indicate excessive business activity in reality. The universal dream book recommends moderating your ardor and thinking about rest. Otherwise, there is a great risk of facing a real emotional burnout.

Also, the former boss may dream about the current troubles at work or in his personal life.

If in reality you do not have enough support, then the dreamed former boss indicates that you have a passionate desire to find this "guardian". The dream book advises looking around. It is possible that there is already someone nearby who is ready to give advice and lend a shoulder at a difficult moment.

Predictions of the modern dream book

If in a dream you talked with your former boss, and he gave you very valuable advice at the same time, then in reality you are not an authority for yourself. Self-doubt interferes with further development. Not only yourself, but also your relatives, friends, suffer from your lack of confidence in your own abilities.

If you dream that you are communicating with that former boss, with whom, in reality, there are rather tense relations, then a truce with enemies is to be concluded. The modern dream book is convinced that the initiative to establish relationships will come precisely from enemies.

Explanations of sleep by D. Loff

To see a familiar person in the role of your former boss in a dream means to assume in real life that he is putting excessive pressure on you. And internally you agree with his authority.

If you dream that the boss suddenly turns into a brother or sister, then the work takes an excessive amount of your time. Keep in mind that fanatical workaholism can ruin relationships with loved ones. Be sure to set aside time for good rest with your loved ones.

If you dreamed of a former boss in the process of working, you should reduce the level of stress. From constant psycho-emotional stress, depression, insomnia, or any chronic unpleasant disease can develop quite quickly.

Esoteric Diviner

To see such a plot in a dream - to a feeling of fear in front of the boss in reality. The esoteric dream book is convinced that if it is possible to achieve his sincere trust, then all fears will go away. But, seeking the location of this person, try not to fall under his full influence.

If you dream that you are the boss yourself, it means that you dream of recognition and success. To achieve what you want, you need to work hard. Especially if you dreamed about a very ferocious and influential boss.


A former boss is a symbol of unresolved problems.

If the former boss is dreaming, then this speaks of unresolved problems from the past. The dream in this case is a harbinger of the fact that these issues will reappear soon and may interfere with normal life.

It is worthwhile to analyze your past affairs and understand which of all gives signals and warnings. A similar dream speaks of too much enthusiasm for work.

Why is the former boss still dreaming? To the tensions and stresses that a dream portends in which the leader praises his subordinates. Such a dream symbolizes a great responsibility that will have to be taken on. But the result will be impressive, a good premium is expected.

A former boss may appear in a dream in the form of an authoritative person, whom the sleeper puts in the main place in his life. Often, a loved one in a dream is displayed as a manager from the last place of work. If you dreamed of a former boss, but with the face of a loved one, then you should think about whether it is worth highlighting him more than others?

Talking to a former boss in a dream and listening carefully to his words symbolizes a lack of authority for oneself. There is a fear of people or certain circumstances that makes it difficult to lead a fulfilling life.

In this case, a dream in which the former boss becomes an interesting interlocutor, you need to become an authority for yourself and stop being afraid of your environment.

If in a dream you see a former boss, with whom in reality there is a tense relationship, then reconciliation with enemies is coming. Moreover, the initiative will come from their side.


what are former colleagues and boss dreaming of?


Evgeny Ganzha

Nastya dreams are not as important as you think .... if a dream is a warning then yes and forget the rest


Job and former boss

Seeing a former boss - you worry too much about changes in your work process or personal life. Rather, you miss your old boss in the new position - he was close to you, you could always ask for advice and help in any situation, and at the moment you do not have such a person to help you in the work process count. You must learn to listen to yourself to act as your own knowledge dictates, become an authority for yourself, and do not look for this quality in other people. An office, a room in a dream in which you worked - everything will turn out well in a new place.

Former employees and colleagues

Dreamed of former employees, colleagues - such a dream portends success in a new business. But in order to be able to defeat rivals and come out ahead, you will need to use the skills acquired at the previous job. You have what your opponents do not have and should use it to your advantage. If at a given moment in time you prove yourself as an excellent employee, thereby establishing yourself in a new place, serious material benefits await you.

A woman had a dream

A woman is promoted. But in order to achieve it, you will have to show all your knowledge and skills. You will need to remember everything that you have been taught, and if you successfully cope with the task prepared for you, you will get the place you have long dreamed of, and accordingly, your salary level will increase significantly.

Former employees in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols are found Former employees... By clicking on the Interpretation of a dream link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream from a dream book, follow the link Dream book, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams in the form they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of Former employees mean, or what it means to see Former employees in a dream.

School Former employees Toilet in a dream

I am at school. (It's like my apartment there). The toilet is shared.

I meet Sveta, a former employee, she says that she will tell about Zoya.

I'm not interested, but she says that Zoya bought an apartment.

Former employees in a dream

Zoya says she ordered two large TVs. I am outraged that I did not ask me as a boss. I speak to the director. She is calm about it. I decide not to interfere ... And I understand that Zoya wants to get something out of this. I decided that ignorance would relieve me of responsibility.

We all sit at the table. Tatiana Z. is nearby. She is eating something. Treats me too. I go around the corner and open the refrigerator, hoping no one will see. But Tatiana comes up and offers to treat herself to it.

Ex-husband and ex-girlfriend in a dream

I dreamed about my ex-husband and ex-girlfriend Olga. We all spent the night together in the same house, in different rooms. Going out into the corridor, I saw that my ex-girlfriend was heading to the room to her ex-husband. When I went into his room with her, I saw that tea-making facilities were brought there. Although I did not feel any jealousy or indignation, for the sake of decency I made a scandal for both of them. My husband tried to explain the situation, but in my attack I moved on to explaining that he never took part in raising his son, and even today. The husband said something that in the near future he was leaving for his home, he would only rent out his apartment and name the price - 9 thousand. I explain to him that the son and his young family now really need housing and it would be better, if he allowed his son to live there, well, or rented an apartment to him for little money. He refused. I explain that my son is studying at the institute and it is very difficult financially. The husband verbally agrees that he will rent out the apartment and transfer the rent to his son. Then I see that my former classmate came to my parents' house, with suitcases and with several other people in the company, perhaps her sister and mother. The suitcases were all the same color and very nicely packaged. I helped her carry the suitcases to the door. She went into the house. I also dreamed that I was taking a shower with the same ex-girlfriend. At some point, she could not find the shampoo, as she was soaped up and I helped her go to the water and take the shampoo. Until that moment, I took a shower exactly where my friend was washing, but we changed places.

In reality, all the dreamed people were not even familiar with each other. I have really been raising my son for 15 years now, alone without the support of my husband, and his family has a difficult housing situation at the moment.

Former drunk guy in a dream

So where to start. Perhaps from the fact that I often have dreams, I understand that I can control them, but for some reason I don't.

For a long time I did not have a boyfriend, then study, then a family. And from an excess of feelings, I involuntarily begin to remember all the former relationships: what I would like to change, do wrong, or not start them at all. Why am I not dating guys? I often got used to the sentences, but I just didn't see any reason to start all these relationships, as I was running through a short affair in my head - then a breakup, pain, etc. Perhaps it all started with the fact that I was hopelessly getting out of guys. The last two my exes are completely different (age, body, height, manners, etc.) They were united by only one thing - they cheated on their girls with me. I can’t imagine how it was to the girls, I naturally didn’t tell them anything, but I was so disgusted that I didn’t want to meet them. So, in total, I haven't had a relationship for a year.

Now my dream. I am on a bus (or a trolleybus, or a tram, I couldn’t understand), and I meet a company of my ex. I realize that this is his company, but I only recognize 3 faces (along with my ex). All of them are sober and only the former (hereinafter "OH") is drunk, but what is there, killed. He does not recognize me, I see that his friends will not help HIM and I decide to come up and take him out of the transport, as soon as I pick him up, HIS friends come up to me and start pestering me, moreover, they start saying: “Why do you need HE? . "I run out of the transport, and again find myself in it, picking IT up in my arms and we get out. THE END ..

I would be grateful for any explanation)

Ex girlfriend in a dream

I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, then a former classmate and I was with her in the Maldives, then an unfamiliar girl, I hug her and next to my ex calmly treats it this way.

Then a dream where my ex was, and I saw after her a black kitten sick with red eyes, then she disappeared and I saw a small white kitten in the corner with icons.

Find out why the ex is dreaming, the stranger I am hugging, as well as the contrast as the ex and the black kitten and then she disappeared and the white kitten.

Former husband and his family in a dream

I saw myself today in a dream in the house of my ex-husband, left the bath, I felt good after her. And I was relaxed .. I heard the voice of the former father-in-law behind my back that the mother-in-law (now deceased - alive in a dream) would be unhappy because there was a wet footprint on the carpet in the dressing room after me .. her bed and took the sheet, pulled it off the mattress and covered the floor for her .. I was wondering why I didn’t take a towel ... I did it my way. She spread a towel .. I went to the mirror, was satisfied but understood that this did not please the mother-in-law .. I got up from the bath to the second floor of the house, I go into the bedroom and see my former husband, half-naked, in bed with her current wife (in a dream, she is a mistress) nearby the father-in-law with them .. Looks at me like - what will I do .. The wife of my current husband looks at me with such a manner - he (her husband) has a lot of money for everything, and I’ll go and see you out. It angered me, I took her by the hair, she was ashamed .. Her face flushed, I said - I shouldn’t have acted according to my conscience and showed her out the door .. Naked .. Husband smiled .. He would have said this for a long time .. Why a dream, if in real life I have another man in my heart, although only in my heart .. I'm waiting for another man, not my ex-husband ..

Former man in a dream

I very often have dreams about my ex-man, whom I broke up with almost 2 years ago. Moreover, these dreams begin to be dreamed exactly when I stop thinking about the past, I start to forget everything ... And then bam - and I dreamed. After that, I again plunge into memories, all the negativity pops up, etc. The feeling is not pleasant. When all this happens, I do not dream of him, and when I start to forget, he comes in dreams that I cannot forget. What these dreams mean, I do not understand. Even his close relatives dreamed more than once. There were many dreams, I will describe two of the last.

1st dream. I was visiting my parents and was already leaving home, went out into the yard. An ex-man walked past me (did not notice) in the yard of my parents' house, got into the car and drove away. I was surprised that he did not notice me and went further along the road to the exit from the yard. Then a former man calls me on my mobile. I also thought - "Did you notice what? What does he want?"; in general, she was surprised and answered the call. I don’t remember the whole conversation (it was short), but the last words were like this - “You don’t want to tell me anything?” I clearly heard his voice and these words. I didn’t answer him and the dream was interrupted.

2nd dream. I dreamed that I was in the house of a former man. In his house I was alone, lying on his sofa and covered with my blanket. The house was a mess. Suddenly I heard a car pull up, heard male voices and looked out the window. I saw that he came with some acquaintances. I was scared that he would find me in his house and quickly got ready to leave. I threw my bedspread into the corner (between the wall and the sofa) and quickly left the house. I went outside and walked away from his house. When I was walking, I turned around several times and saw that he was following me. Not just walking, but somehow going about his business and not seeing me, but I just can't get away / hide from him. At the same time, I felt a sense of anxiety that he would notice me and learn that I came. When I came across an obstacle (fence) and realized that I would not have time to overcome it, I was scared that he would notice me and I hid among the trees and bushes. As a result, he did not notice me, I sat out, left the shelter on the dirt road and calmly walked away.

Help me figure out this dream. The fact is that this is not the first time I have had such dreams. We parted about two years ago, the separation was difficult. If this dream does not mean anything, then at least I will calm down.

Ex-boyfriend ex-girlfriend in a dream

During that night, I had two dreams, and maybe one, but in a dream everything flows so smoothly, so I still think that there are two.

1) I dreamed that my parents built a small three-storey wooden house outside the city, it was so small that there were only one two rooms on the first, second and third floors, leaving the house I saw my ex-boyfriend (now I am with him in friendly relations, we often see each other) he came up to me, picked me up and carried me to the bus, said that it was time for him to leave, but he did not want to let me go because he would be very bored.

2) I am in some room, it is familiar to me, it reminds me of a children's camp that I went to as a child, my ex-girlfriend (with whom I have not been in contact for a long time) enters the room and gives me one white rose, introduces her boyfriend to me and says that she will soon marry him, says that she came to me to invite me to their wedding.

Please help decipher dreams

Former husband and his children in a dream

I dreamed about my ex-husband .. Son .. I see a mother-in-law who wants me to give up something in favor of my son .. We start talking to her in a raised voice, and then I loudly declare that I have decided to return to my husband. Everyone is in shock .. Suddenly I see. That the ex-husband has three children .. Boys .. In general, I kind of know that he has five in total .. And there is a thought in his head. What you need ... How many women he had and all gave birth to children ... Among these three is my son ... (but in fact, my child is not there, and the boys are all 6-10 years old). I think: okay .. I will raise other people's children .. Then I see my husband again .. Some conversations ..

Today all day I feel the reality of a dream .. At work I caught myself thinking that it seems that everything is real .. I live with my husband again ...

Ex-girlfriend is dreaming again in a dream

I had a dream in which an ex-girlfriend was driving me somewhere in her car and holding my hand. At the same time he says something ... As if he is complaining about something.

Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming again in a dream?

Ex-boyfriend in a dream

Ex-boyfriend with his parents and relatives. I can see my relatives clearly. They don't notice me, as if they don't know. And the ex-boyfriend tries to ignore and avoid me. His face is not visible, but in a dream I understand that it is him. I also try to go about my business, but I watch him .... His image is not clear, you cannot see his face. But I understand that he is sad, serious ... And does not notice me at all. Not he, nor his parents ...

Former man in a dream

I dreamed how I was walking with a former man, then, we saw his father (who really died a long time ago), and we approached him, he was sitting as if on some kind of tight rope ... And next to us were my 2 friends, when my ex approached him, his father pulled out a pistol to show us, but accidentally shot at the ex (his son) and he falls backwards. Some time passed and I was sitting on my own swing with my friends, and I saw the spirit of my boyfriend, he came up to me, asked for forgiveness, and I started crying, and then he kissed me. Then somehow he moved into someone's body and I felt him physically and again we began to cry, tenderness, etc. And I woke up!

Former boyfriend indifference in a dream

From Thursday to Friday, the ex had a dream. I spent the night at his house, his parents talked to me normally, but he didn't seem to see me. Then we all went to rest together. I went out for a walk with our dog and it started to rain warm with the sun. The ex's mom came out to tell me something, but he still doesn't seem to notice me. And only when no one was there, he slapped me and sat further as if I did not exist

Former parents of the former in a dream

For a week, I dreamed of the ex's parents and himself several times in a row, they (parents) in one of my dreams calmed me down, I cried so hard, and he avoided me, ran away from me, in another dream I spoke with his father who was me glad, and his mother, who later made peace with me, she complained about the current girlfriend of her son, he actually met a lady and they kind of broke up.

I think about him I always want to return everything, but I can't. Please help me interpret the dream!

Former lover asks for forgiveness for leaving in a dream

Already two years have passed since my former loved one left me because of my move to another city. Recently I realized that this decision was the right one, nothing good usually comes out of long-distance relationships. But for two years, at least once a month (and lately even more often), he dreams of me and asks for forgiveness for leaving me, for making me cry and worry. But at the same time, he is not going to return. As soon as I want to get closer to him, he either disappears or the dream is interrupted. Over the past two years, he recently had a girlfriend for the first time. Since I found out about this, he began to dream with his girlfriend. At first I just saw him with her, but today I dreamed that I found them in the car. I pulled her out of the car, started screaming, but she was kind and affectionate with me, tried to comfort me. And then, when I sat down on my knees and cried, they both sat down next to me and began to read some poems about me, about how unhappy I am at the moment, about the fact that after this incident he understood why he needed a new girl (to satisfy physical needs). At the end, he added a phrase (in a dream she surfaced before my eyes): "I would be glad to come back to you, let there be a future."

I will not hide that I really worried and loved him all this time, but in the last six months I am in a different relationship. My boyfriend asked me to stop communicating with my ex, otherwise our communication will prevent me from moving on. I followed his advice and for a while I forgot about my ex, I didn’t dream for about three months. And then again. And still. It seems that I do not think about him at all, but dreams and asks for forgiveness.


Former Employee

Dream interpretation Former employee at work dreamed of what a Former work employee dreams of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a former employee in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

A former young man or ex-husband who appeared in a dream symbolizes your excessive fascination with the past.

This is what prevents you from going forward, from developing as a person; The former love does not want to give up love to the real place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal review, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life.

Dream interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The dream in which your ex-lover appeared suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may be diligently avoiding memories of it.

You are waiting for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming of the return of the bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing.

The dream prompts: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile on you.

If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon.

It is difficult to say yet how favorable it will be.

However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, whatever they are - pleasant or vice versa.

Dream interpretation - Work, work

Everything that is connected with work in your dreams may be associated with the sayings: “Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest”, “You cannot process all the work”, “You cannot easily catch a fish from a pond,” does not eat. "

If you are looking for a job in a dream, then this indicates your dissatisfaction with your financial situation or your duties in the service, even if you do not realize this, your subconscious mind sends you a signal in the form of this dream.

In a dream, write a statement and quit your job - this dream suggests that you do not have enough determination to take some important step, so in the near future you will experience a period of reflection and doubt.

If you are fired from your job, then in reality you have to work hard to earn the respect of others and strengthen your position, prove your worth as a professional.

Work outside your specialty - a test awaits you, which you will withstand with honor, as a result of which you will establish yourself as a reliable partner and a responsible person.

If you dreamed that you were being promoted, then this dream portends you disappointment and resentment in the near future, because you harbor hopes that cannot be fulfilled during this period.

Dream interpretation - work

Working in a dream is a good sign. Sleep promises stability and well-deserved well-being.

Seeing yourself in your own workplace - the bosses will thank you for your conscientious work. Perhaps you will be given a little vacation.

If you worked hard in a dream, it means that your efforts will be crowned with success. Seeing how others work - share the joy of your friends. Join their work - you and your friends will be able to get rich.

Looking for a job in a dream and finding it - you will turn a profitable business. If you dreamed that you could not find a job in any way, this means that the fulfillment of desires is not yet possible.

In this case, imagine that your best friend is putting you in a good position.

If you have entrusted your work to someone, and you yourself have gone to rest, this means that in reality you may be pissed off.

Imagine that you yourself have done all your work and only then allowed yourself a little rest.

If you do a job for someone else, it means that you will be offered a raise or a raise.

You can work out a dream about work in a universal way if you imagine that you work with joy, work adds strength to you.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If you are doing some work in a dream, luck awaits you in reality.

It's hard to work - to achieve great success in business.

Seeing others at work is a sign of wealth.

Looking for a job - to unexpected benefits.

To delegate your work - to trouble in the service.

Losing a job means resilience in the face of life's difficulties.

Working at home or in the country is a material hardship.

In a dream, working at your former workplace is to achieve success in a new place of work and prosperity in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Work

Seeing in a dream that you are working hard means that you will achieve the success you deserve by concentrating all your energy on it.

Seeing others at work portends circumstances for you that give hope.

Looking for a job - portends the benefits obtained as a result of some unforeseen enterprise.

Staying without work in a dream promises you a fearless attitude to future difficulties: your optimism will be based on faith in yourself, in your ability to work.

If you dream that you are entrusting your work to someone else, a dream means trouble in the service.

If a woman sees that she has entered someone's domestic work, this portends a long joyless work, for which she will sacrifice time and pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If you dream that you have lost your job, then soon you will be terribly afraid of the upcoming changes. Change can be good or bad. It depends on a detailed examination of the symbols of your dream.

Doing hard work in a dream is a sign of big trouble, need, poverty. If in a dream you do not quit this job or something does not change before you wake up, then you will have a long period of failure. But if in a dream you take up work that you like or see that your business is doing well, then in the near future you can count on favorable changes in your destiny. A dream in which you saw that another person is doing your job, then soon you will have to face troubles in the service. Sometimes such a dream indicates that failures and disappointments await you.

Active work in a dream portends the successful advancement of your affairs.

Being an employer in a dream means that you will soon have to make an important decision on which the well-being of other people will depend. Such a dream indicates to you your responsibility for the fate of other people.

Dream Interpretation - Work and the number eight

If you dream that you spend eight hours a day at work, then this suggests that you do not want changes in your personal life in reality, but they happen against your will. If in a dream you are depressed by the very fact of the need to work 8 hours a day, then in reality after 8 days you will accept that everything in life is changing and you will accept what is happening. But if you are glad that 8 hours of your day is devoted to work, then in life you will not be able to accept the changes with your heart, since, in your opinion, they carry nothing but pain and fear with you.

If you dream that you are offered a job, and you refuse it, since an eight-hour working day seems tiresome to you, then this is fortunately in family life. If the newlyweds have this dream, it means that their life together will be joyful and full of love.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If in a dream you were doing hard work, then in reality you will achieve the well-deserved success.

Seeing others at work means that the circumstances will be very encouraging.

They were looking for a job - some unexpected and profitable enterprise awaits you.

Lost your job - you will be fearless about difficulties. Belief in success and in your own strength will help you.

Have entrusted their work to someone else - there are troubles ahead in the service.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If work is good and satisfying: portends success and elation.

A dream in which you see the well-coordinated work of other people has the same meaning.

Such dreams suggest that in the near future your affairs and relationships with others will be successful.

Hard, joyless work: a sign of wasted effort. Perhaps in reality you are not doing your own business or are taking on business from the wrong end.

Lose your job: a sign of mistakes that can call into question the result of all your efforts and efforts.

Arguing about work: a harbinger of failure and conflict with competitors.


Comments (1)


Another dream: I got my previous job, but in a different position. But I understand that I can’t work there, they don’t have to refuse. Since I’m starting my own business, and I am very worried about this.


In a dream, they offered a new job with a good salary


Received an order to work


I'm on a long vacation in Java. Now I'm going to go to work. But I'm so worried about it. Firstly, because of the children. And the most important thing is that 2 people quit after I leave and I have to go to a difficult section of work. . in connection with this, all my thoughts are clogged with work. And so I have a dream at night: as if my predecessor (she replaced me for 2 years) does not give me business and does not tell me anything, hides everything. And she is going to leave. And all this is so unpleasant to me. Thank you in advance!


I was offered a job in a dream, in Moscow, and even she tells me that she wrote a statement instead of me, and I tell you that as I will fly every day, on an airplane, she replies: - YES you will fly.


I dreamed that I went to a new job with good kind people, but I thought that I would receive less money than at the previous job, and this worried me. With relief I thought it was good that this was a dream


I dreamed that I forgot to complete the task at work. I woke up with the intention of running to work, although today is Saturday. Then she remembered that there was no assignment.


Hello, my name is Igor, lately I have the same dreams, sometimes I lose my job, or I die in my life in my youth, then sufferings and torments in life, what is it with me.


having closed the outlet with my partner, I returned to this point again and people flew in ... that juice, that ice cream, that milkshake, then my partner came (as it turned out, my best friend came in real life) we continued to work and the sleep was interrupted by the screams of my mother about the rise


I dreamed that I returned to my old job, there I was well received, everyone smiled and greeted me. I myself was very happy to be back, I liked my job. But this is all strange, because she left there because of an unbearable load, constant nerves and a terrible team (snake den). In general, I very often dream of my past work, its team, although 7 months have already passed since I quit.


i dreamed that I returned to work with which I recently quit and I myself, and others look at me with surprise


I dreamed that I was in another city, digging new friends and working with my brothers for some Armenian. We rebuilt a gym for him. It was built quickly, in one day, but it was done very very beautifully. And the next morning he was already paying us for our work. True, I had the feeling that he would not pay me extra. And then I woke up.


I dreamed that I came to some building on business and unexpectedly got a job there, I liked it there. What does this mean?


Hello, I had a dream as if I was at my former job but do not work there
a manager with whom she was not on bad terms in a dream promised to help with work during employee vacations


the former employer offers to return to the company where I once worked, gave me time to think, and I agreed!


periodically dreaming of an old workplace, I worked at a factory, shift work.
I dreamed that my female colleague was scolding me for mistakes in my work, it upset me. I even remembered my mother, asked her for support. She has been gone for 6 years. Why is the old job dreaming? I am a teacher by profession. Thanks.


At the moment I have sent my resume to one company. In a dream, I dreamed that I was invited for an interview, at which I felt very comfortable and gave answers to questions with a clear sense of knowing the subject of the conversation. There was a feeling of goodwill on the part of the interviewer.


Last night I had a dream in which I already half a year ago want to get a job, today tomorrow they should call from this work, and I had a dream that I was already working there


I dreamed that I was working, it seemed like everything was fine, although at the moment I have problems at work I don’t understand why I have a dream that I’m working, but at the same time it’s bad while I have things to do, I want to know is it good or bad ?!


I am looking for my job, my girlfriend shows me where she is (I have to go through her organization where she works - we are still waist-deep in water) Then she shows me where I work - 200 meters from her.


I dreamed about my workplace, I am sitting in the office at the table, and it is all littered with papers, documents, really a whole mountain. The boss comes up, and I lean back in my chair, freak out and say that too much has been piled on me, I'm tired and can't do it anymore. To which he told me that no one had piled anything, it was my job and he left. This is a dream, and today I have to go for an interview, I have a desire to change jobs


I do not remember the details of the dream, only the sensations: I am at work and suddenly I realize that I have not fulfilled some of my duties for a very long time and I am painfully trying to understand, remember what exactly I am forgetting to do. At the same time, I still experience fright and bewilderment: why it has not yet been discovered and what will happen when it is revealed. And I have this dream quite often.


I don’t work, but I dreamed that I work in the shop and I have a very good relationship with the director !!! what is it for ?? I just have no hope that I can find a job, I constantly hear refusals !!!

[email protected]


At the moment I am not working. I dreamed that I got a job, I liked everything, but the fact that my boss was the same person who made me quit did not make me very happy.


Demotion and appointment to an old position in another city. The salary is getting lower, it doesn't suit me, I want to quit and find a higher-paying job.


Hello. I dreamed that our friend came to our house and said that next Thursday I could start working in my profession .. she made an agreement with my potential employer. this is not the main dream, before that there were still moments when I was in conflict with my neighbor in the hostel, then it seems my brother was at our house .. in general, I think I had a dream about work because I am now in search of work no more ..


I got another job, but knowing that they pay less there (than I get now), travel very far and work every day. I went to the manager and asked if I got a full-time job or can I still leave? she said completely. I asked to be allowed to work 3 times a week, and she did. I was very sorry that I got a job there, and did not understand why I did it.


I saw colleagues at the old job, where I worked for 7 years. As if one were saying, our boss moved to work in another city for a promotion. As if they were calling me to my previous job


I'm really waiting to be offered a job, and now I'm dreaming that I'm going to that office and asking maybe there are already places and you still take me, but they tell me that there are no places yet, you must look for work somewhere else, then maybe when there will be a place we will call you. but not now


I found myself out of work and homeless. Not where they do not take to work They offer a room, but for a lot of money and there is no work. I cried the whole dream


I dreamed of my former colleague - this is an old man who said that he knew what my job was and something about money and said that he respected me. something like this


The old plant, I organized a deal to sell scrap metal in the yard, I also dreamed about an old bus that was also supposed to be sold for scrap, the whole dream was in search of a metal buyer, at the end of the dream I found a profitable buyer and was pleased with the deal


Good afternoon Tatiana! i dreamed that I work a lot and there is no time for rest as butto I work 24 hours a day without interruptions and I am very tired of work


they don't take on a job for which they really wanted to get a job, instead they hire another person and I persuade them to take me to a worse position.


I was visiting, there we celebrated something, then I went home and went to the pier, where there were many ships, then I could not find a way how to get to another ship, my sister came and extended her hand to me. So I ended up on a ship. Then a man appeared who offered me to work on this ship, showed me where I would work and I really liked it.


I dreamed that I was sitting on my feet at work, which in real life I do not have, and someone called me all the time, hurried me or something! and I spoke in a rather stern voice that I was at work


Hello. I dreamed in a dream that I was offered another job in another city. and I can't decide what to do, but at the same time I'm already at a new job. but I remember my old job. and I know for sure that at a new job the salary is many times higher


I dreamed about my co-worker at work, offered a job as a castellan in a kindergarten. And I don’t know this work was not perplexing. I didn't know whether she would agree or not. I am currently unemployed


I dreamed that they show the buyers of our products on TV, how they praise it and regret that our enterprise will no longer work in the same mode


Hello, I dreamed that I was at work and I was trying to do something at work, but not what I want is done, then my boss comes and I'm afraid of him and at the same time I'm not afraid, then my husband came to me at work and I run headlong to him, talked a little and go up the stairs quickly and my husband, when he went to work to me, went up the stairs. Then at work I came to the store of our company and started to swear with the administrator (before that we had a small conversation in a raised voice) Then I dream of an explosion, but I don't see it, but I feel a powerful shock wave and this wave lifts me up and strongly and vibrates terribly, and then I woke up.


I dreamed that I was at a new job, but everything was old in the building: shelves, cabinets, everything was painted with paint in many layers. I wash a lot of green grapes, it is good. but there is a soft one. I wanted to put it in the refrigerator so as not to deteriorate. On the wall at the top left I saw fried cutlets lying, I also wanted to put them in the refrigerator.


at the moment I'm on vacation, but I dreamed about my real place of work. as if I was walking around the building, talking to everyone


I left my job without being fired, now I dream about this job as if I was forgiven and taken back to work! (Dreaming very often) I really liked the job I left out of stupidity! what can this mean?


I dreamed that I was looking for a job as a translator for my sister. I went to college and school, I got sick with them, both were hired. And I wonder if my sister can work as a translator, can she translate and that's it.


Hello, I myself love numerology astronomy phiromancy and everything is tied up from sleepy things and everything can be said hobbies, I am trying to remember what I dreamed about, and maybe I could have had a dream if I had a dream in the first place, it was superb even like this ::: I know how I plan to go there to spy on a vacancy, I even know for a vacancy that the manager of the trading floor doesn’t seem to tie it up ... I really don’t tied it for a long time without a robot, and I can tell you that I need to go there for a while ... (although there my sister worked twice, then I at її weighed boiled it is possible to say that we can say that sports fun is good enough for a friend the truth is that friend і sister praised just like me 2 rocky ago) well, I don’t know my tsikava, your thoughts will come back to me


My director dreamed that she was driving me to another job to another director and gave me a phone (the director's name is Sasha) because he pays more, but she pays little and will not raise the salary. But I didn’t leave, I said that I would stay.


when I came to work, I was immediately fired after the call, as soon as I go to the phone, the lying next to 100,000 rubles disappear. all


I dreamed that I was at work, sitting in the closet of the guards with one of them in an embrace. And he keeps repeating to me that I am too thin and I need to get better. Leaves and comes back and repeats everything again. Then the dream abruptly moved to the shopping center, it is located next door. I understand that this is exactly the mall, but inside everything is different. I go up to the second floor, meet two more girls from work. They lead me to some window, and there outside the window there are 2 benches nailed to the wall. They go there to smoke. At the same time, they reproach that I am afraid to sit next to them. One generally holds on to the bench with one hand, and rests her feet against the wall. I'm leaving them. I manage to make purchases at some point, go downstairs to the storage rooms. And next to the grave in the middle of the store. I go to the second floor again, because it seems that I have forgotten someone. I went up to this window with benches, and there my two aunts flew up to me. They shouted that I was too thin, I replied that I eat as much as I want and they should not care. On this I woke up.
And as details. When I went up the stairs for the first time, it ended on the second floor, but I knew that the building there is much higher. When I got up the second time, I saw that guard from the first half of the dream and it was a shame that he did not notice me. I went up already in pajamas, although at first I was dressed normally and in a winter jacket. It was summer outside. And in the first half of the dream there were ambivalent feelings. It's nice that the guy hugs and offended, which he directly calls skinny.


I dream that I came to my job, but in the subconscious I guess that I was fired, but my superiors do not confirm this


Hello, I had a dream as if I was working at an old job (I worked there 19 years ago) the same environment and an employee why am I looking for a job at the moment Thank you


Hello! Tell me please! From Thursday to Friday, I made a dream where my beloved person will work, since he is the chief of the guard and there is a certain time to sleep, the dream was like this: his workplace is in the office, where he spreads the bed. Thank you for your reply!

the dream was such that it spreads the bed in his office, what does this mean?

Alexander Titkov:

I quit hard work where I have worked for the last 6 years. I found an easier job, but I'm afraid I won't be able to cope with it. Therefore, I am tormented by dreams about work, that this is not mine, and during the day I was also worn out….

[email protected]:

I left work because of a dispute with my superiors, but today I had a dream that I was offered to return to my old place of work


I dreamed of a friend who offered a more paid, the same job, but with a heavier schedule. old friend and best.


I came to the Bank for a robot and my friend is training me, we are not happy.
And I dreamed of a gray cat just sitting on the ground.


Every night, I dream about my job, these dreams are different, but I fulfill my professional duties, today, for example, I was looking for a chocolate-colored armrest and could not find, I asked the painters whether they painted it or not, they told me, yes they painted it and he was in such a place, but I never found it


I came to a familiar restaurant-type kitchen, met a friend, but he did not shake hands with me, the chef came and offered me a job because I was waiting for an offer from another person, I told him about it and he told me think about it and left after that everything they began to congratulate me and that man stretched out his hand to me with a smile and said that's why I didn’t reach out to you, I didn’t want to rush to congratulate you


I dreamed that I was back at my old place of work and was very happy about that, although I really really want to go back there.


It was as if I was offered a new job, signed a contract with me, I can't go out because a little child at home. and the work is good. What is it for?


Hello! Sunday morning at about 5 o'clock, I had a dream in which I was demoted and I start working in another institution, I saw in a dream how I wrote this position, in which I was demoted…. I woke up, went to the toilet…. and somewhere at 6-30 I went to bed again, and now I dream that the head of the district (and the former) offers a job in my position (head of the d / s) but in another place, I refuse, he insists, I don't like everything there ...


I dreamed that they were taking a job for which I want to sign a contract, etc. (I am just looking for a job and really want to get this job that I dreamed about) Will they really take me to this job? they will say the answer in 2 days, I had a dream in the morning of the 5th


a woman called and offered a job in her specialty, my friend advised me to her. agreed to meet after 17.00. I asked my uncle to pick up my son from the kindergarten and take a walk with him while I went to a meeting. I went to make photocopies of documents, walked past the yard where my uncle and son were playing, the mood was very good, then I got on the bus and went to my destination, and when I almost got there I woke up


The company seemed to flourish, obviously the institution where I work was more than it actually was, the bosses were busy and were indifferent to me, I was impatient at that moment to go to the toilet and I did not know where the toilet was, I really wanted to go a lot, no one answered me at my question is, in the end I went to the Manager's office (she is a woman) and did my job behind her chair, then went out and walked along the corridor there from somewhere there was a flower department * home flowers (from somewhere a man appeared in a gas mask and started screaming and chasing me, I ran away as best I could until I stumbled upon a fence ... jumped over the fence and that guy in a gas mask threw a marble stone at me with a fist (I know this stone, I always carry it with me) ... when he has it threw at me already woke up, (sister woke up because I screamed)


Hello. I work as a veterinarian on a farm, work with cows ... So, almost all my sleep, I continuously give injections to cows and calves, one and the same ...


I dreamed about work. Evening or morning, because the light was dim. Energetic music played. In general, a normal working day. I stood in my play area and waited for the kids. The flow was the usual 4-8 people in 30 minutes. I was very thirsty and there was some need to contact the chief by radio, which is a common thing, but I could not find the radio, all the time I put it off for later.


I dreamed that I returned to my previous job and everyone was glad to me and the boss hugged me (because of her unfair words in real life, I quit). In real life, I forgave her and took it as a lesson. I am currently looking for a job


Hello. I dreamed the following: as if I got a job (I am unemployed) and, as it turned out, there is a young man who I like working there. I remember that I had an interview, said that only half the rate. The director of the institution spoke to that young man and they took me. I got a job as a teacher and during my sleep I found a common language with the students and found it. For work, I had to go to another wing of the city. I had never dreamed of this young man before.
Tell me, why dream that my sister and I got married in a dream, but I don't remember how it was, but I know that I got married. I didn’t see my husband’s face. I dreamed about it on the 27th lunar day.


Hello! The dream was long, but I remembered what the emphasis was on! At first, my boyfriend exchanged me for another and told me nasty things, but she took my side. Then they tried to kill me and at the same time two dogs tried to bite me. Then I was offered many vacancies and job options, and I tried to go to the sixth floor to my beloved, but I left for 92 !!!


I dreamed that I was again hired for an old (former) position and in a dream I was given a large amount of banknotes
The bottom line is that I have quit this job for a year and a half, but nevertheless I would like to work there again.
Thanks in advance
Best regards to you


I dreamed about my past job, all employees are the boss…. the administrator because of which I left as if dyed from black to blonde, but the bangs remained black….


I am scolded for why I do not go to work, but in fact I am not working now. some strangers scold me, sometimes it seems to me that I know them, and sometimes people I don't know. I kind of tell them that it's none of your business.


I'm a mother on maternity leave. For a couple of weeks now, I've been dreaming of a robot. Then, I just come there as a visit, then I hand over the reports and everyone is very busy ... ... (I am not going to go to the robot yet, and in principle I did not think about it)


I dreamed of a new job with the former boss and a yellow bird flew over there and everyone as one began to shout that this was good, that this was a good omen,


I dreamed that I came to my former job at Rostelecom LLC and wanted to buy something there, I saw my former colleagues who were happy to see me. I told them where I work now. Then I see my colleague from my current job, who did not expect to see me here, we talked to her, and she says that she is arranging her brother here for the position of chief, and all I woke up. In real life she has no brother.


In general, nothing special, I just walked around suddenly he called a large company, saying that you were hired. Then I vaguely remember how the teamwork was. I woke up and that's it

The Rose:

hello, I was hired in a dream to work in a kindergarten, I don't remember the number of the kindergarten, I asked the staff that 263 was a kindergarten, and there was a license on the wall with which kindergarten 262 was written, they were hired as a teacher, there were stairs when going up and down cool and lacquered wood. actually i don't work.


Hello, I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday that I was being invited to work. I am unemployed


Hello. I dreamed that I was invited to an interview about a job.


I came to my old job there in a different way and I cry and cannot find my former colleagues.


I stood on the tower and jumped down, I flew like a bird, I saw everything clearly, everything was beautiful and large-scale and I landed successfully :) on the ground I did some kind of work after which I was invited to a permanent


I dreamed about my work today. there were many orders, but I was in time. all the girls I knew were sitting, and 2 families were sitting at the same table. There was a conflict with my son, but without the use of physical force, tk. his father took him. Also broke 2 hookahs and burned the sofa.


I dream of being returned to my old job, I am very happy. Each time a new person helps. In reality, I really want to return to this job. Today I also dreamed of a deuce.


I dreamed of a job offer in the same place, but a slightly different activity, I am a nurse, and the offer to make reports is like a part-time job.


Combining at work with a smaller position and higher wages. With an increase in the work schedule. In a dream and on a willow tree, I was very pleased


Tatiana, welcome!
The dream was from Thursday to Friday. I kept trying to get a job where I had previously worked in my life, only in a subdivision below, in fact, which was subordinate to me, and which I did not really like. It was an attempt, but until the end I didn’t seem to settle down - I woke up.
The dream was brightly colored. There was a residue of effort and great perseverance.


Hello! I dreamed about a real place of work, also two cats, one adult, red, my cat. The second little kitten is chocolate-colored. The second one is very affectionate, fluffy, well-groomed Playing with a little kitten, I forget about my cat, which turns out to be on the street, then my cat starts meowing outside the door, I let him in, at this time, the little kitten shit on the floor,


Hello, I saw a close friend offer me a very good job, but in order to get a job I will have to move from home to a hotel, I was very happy because I really wanted privacy. Then, in the same dream, I saw a frozen river, and two parts, one part on the bridge, the second was either a boat or just a pier, I had to go to the side of the bridge, but the old man suggested going the other way and crossed it safely without falling, so and back it was necessary to return, without slipping on the ice, holding on to the side of the bridge, I returned. I also had a dream in which I was with a former colleague (she smiled in my face, but behind her everything was different). I saw how she and her boyfriend were walking, but her boyfriend was showing me signs of attention and I was embarrassed to drop the phone and leave


I dream about my previous work and my colleagues


like, in some kind of public catering (like a subway) and there you have to stand there and make all kinds of food, and I tell them like that, “I don’t know how to do anything, how is it at all,” and they told me “here, you look good for us , you will just stand and study "and also," we get 30k each, they always give out the salary, "I was so crazy, I also ask," and how is the sanitary book? " should I do it? " , and they are like "no, don't, we'll buy it for you, it's much faster"


I went to my old job. and this makes me very happy. I really would like to go back there


In a dream, an employer offers a job for whom I no longer work, a dream of such content is not the first time in a dream


i dreamed as if i woke up to go to work but i forgot where i work


dreaming of a former job on which work with animals paid well and then quit she tried again to get a job on her filled out a questionnaire and wait for an answer hoping for a good answer I would like to know why such a dream thanks in advance


This dream is periodically repeated, it is more emotionally similar to a nightmare. For some reason I missed work and I do not have a sick leave, I am terrified of what to do, I come up with a lie that I was out of town did not have time to come, the phone was dead. The boss doesn't like me, so she decides to make trouble for me. (My father and I worked at the same factory before, though he died long ago) She tries to call her father, but does not call, goes to the higher authorities and decides to transfer me to another department, at a lower salary. When I found out, I could not get rid of laughter, I was bursting with it. Everyone looks at me and is surprised, but I find it funny, I can hardly restrain myself. Immediately I remember that I have not gone to the institute for a long time and now I need to do something, how to make excuses or recover. For the first time in many years, I somehow find an opportunity, an internal one, at least to seek solutions, and not to panic. Truth and two plots at once, which make me panic, I dream for the first time.


I had a very vivid dream where I am at my new job. I was surrounded by people whom I had not seen for a long time. All were cheerful and bright and showed me increased attention.


in a dream, I dreamed of a former colleague, I had a good time for this job, prompts me in a dream that there are vacant places at my previous job, I in a dream I help him so that my former colleague will contact me


I was fired from my job because of a refusal to marry (this is a fact). Now a dream: The translator called and told me not to get another job and wait 2 weeks, since the workers are asking to restore me to work. The entertainer was the guy, the translator, with whom I worked for 2 seasons. The management seems to want to hire me, but they offer me their own conditions (Unfortunately, I woke up). Everything! Thanks!


I got a job on a new good and interesting job and I enjoy it. I got a white poodle and dream about a walk with a young man and two affectionate dogs on a sunny day.


I dreamed that they were offered a new position with a promotion at the old place of work.


Received an offer of a highly paid job in a large company. I was suggested by a friend who was asked to find an employee, and he recommended me. Our conversation took place in a smoking room, we often go to smoke together. That is, this proposal was sounded, as it were, by the way. The conversation was informal


Today I dreamed that the director of one office asks me to work on the weekend, his employee got sick, I tell him that I will not have days off then, but he persistently asks and I had to agree, although in real life I do not work for him.


My dance teacher asked me to stand for him as a substitute and conduct a class in the group. I gave the lesson.


I am currently working on one project. And today I dreamed that I completed the project without errors, quickly in one day (although it takes several months), and everyone is happy. What does this mean, more specifically and in detail?


Good afternoon, Tatiana. Today I dreamed that a man in uniform offers me the opportunity to change jobs, but offers not just in words, but gives contacts that I need to contact. There were several people with me, but he turned to me. Tell me the meaning of this dream. Thank you in advance.


I found a part-time job and was very pleased with it. In addition, there I met a person with whom I had long wanted to meet in reality.


I dreamed of a job for which I really want to get a job and this may soon happen


At work, they studied papers, reports and began to look for defects and make claims to me about poor performance. \ I couldn't understand \. what happened and why. Surprise, but no fear or disappointment. My workplace disappeared and a glass table appeared for me. I was indignant and refused to work for him. Then she began to guess that they wanted to get rid of me at work, although she had always been a highly qualified specialist. I calmly waited for the resolution / the current situation, then woke up.


I often dream of my former place of work and former employees, where I fumble in papers


I dreamed that I work as a doctor, although in reality I am a chemist and everything worked out for me and there was satisfaction from my work


Hello! The dream was like this: My husband and I, my children and I moved to live and work in another city, and the job is good and everything went well with housing, in fact, I really want to live in this city. Maybe that's why this dream haunts me?


I dreamed that at my former job there was a raise in salary, which means. Thanks.


I ended up at my old job, where I no longer work (in a dream), but I would like to. (while I was on vacation, I was pressed, those who believed). Continuation of the dream - I understand that I returned because I was called. The guests of the hosts are arranging Christmas trees with colored lights around the house, I understand that this is the Jewish New Year. The owners need to leave the house and they want to leave me on the farm, but they did not warn me. And I told them that if you had told me in advance, I would have taken my night clothes. (and from these words, I remembered that already in a dream I told them the same, it means the dream was repeated) In a dream, I hoped that they hired me again and felt interrogative pleasure.

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