Complete reset of Nokia Lumia. How to delete everything in Nokia Lumia. Instructions on how to reset settings. Reset a phone that doesn't answer

Sooner or later, each of us has to do reset settings in Nokia Lumia. Moreover, there are many reasons for this action. However, most often, it is done in order to clear the smartphone’s memory.

Unfortunately, over time, a lot of garbage accumulates on our beloved phone, which is stored in the device’s memory. And, alas, it cannot be deleted by pressing some special button, since it simply does not exist.

Many owners of WP smartphones are faced with a problem when, when installing a game or some application, they see a message on the phone screen that says that there is no space on the device to install the application. What to do in this case? The answer is quite simple, you need to know how to delete everything in Nokia Lumia, that is, how to reset to factory settings on Windows Phone. And now I will try to tell you step by step and show how to do this.

If your phone's memory stores information or content that is important to you (photos, documents, music, videos), you should copy it all to your computer. After all, after the reset, everything that is on the phone is deleted without the possibility of recovery (nothing is deleted from the flash drive!). Connected your phone to your computer and transferred everything you need? - Great! Now you can start cleaning.

Go to the phone settings, where you need to find the “device information” item.

At this point you will see a “reset settings” button.

After clicking, a warning will appear on the gadget screen that all personal content will be deleted. Click “yes”.

Then the process of deleting everything that is on the smartphone will begin. Naturally, this may take some time.

After a successful wipe, your Lumiya will return to its original settings and will reboot. Well, then, then everything is as it was from the very beginning, when you first purchased your smartphone. More precisely, not entirely, because you already have a Microsoft account. Enter your username and password and download everything you need from the store.

By the way, you don’t have to worry about your phone book (contacts), because they are all stored in your account. In other words, after authorization, all those numbers that were recorded in the phone will reappear in contacts.

Now you know how to clear memory in Nokia Lumia. Right now you can download new applications and toys to your irreplaceable smartphone.

Sep 17, 2014 mRelby

In this article we will describe different ways how to reset to factory defaults Nokia settings Lumia 1520 how to do a hard reset ( Hard Reset) which will help you unlock Lumia 1520 or eliminate errors in operation and phone freezes.

Attention!!! Everything you do with your phone, you do voluntarily at your own peril and risk! The site administration is not responsible if your phone malfunctions, since no one is insured against this. If you have a new phone that is under warranty or you are afraid that your phone may become damaged by using this reset method, then you can contact service center. Good luck!!!

Let's see what to do if your Nokia Lumia 1520 starts to slow down, freeze, turn off frequently, won't turn on at all, and other errors occur in the phone's operation. To solve such problems, first fully charge the phone, or at least for at least 20 minutes, then reboot the Lumia 1520. Next, press and hold the power button and the volume down button for 10 or 15 seconds and release the buttons, then Nokia Lumia 1520 will reboot. If after these steps the problem persists, then do a factory reset.

Now let's see How to reset Nokia Lumia 1520 to factory settings through the phone menu. Attention!!! after a factory reset, all personal data on the phone will be deleted, including contacts, files, applications, etc. We recommend saving all important information until the Lumiya 1520 is restored to its original settings. Before starting the operation, fully charge the phone or at least 50 percent or more than 20 minutes. In order to do a factory reset through the phone settings menu, do the following actions: On your Nokia Lumia 1520, open “Settings”, then “Device information”, then “Reset phone settings”. If your phone is completely locked and you cannot access your phone settings, you can do on Lumia 1520 Hard Reset, full reset with the removal of all passwords, security codes and unlocks the pattern on the Lumia 1520 screen.

For those who can't go to the phone settings menu and want to do a push-button hard reset on Nokia Lumia 1520, do the following. Charge your phone completely, or at least for at least 20 minutes. Attention!!! having done Hard Reset Nokia Lumia 1520 you will lose all the information on your phone, including contacts, applications, files, etc. We recommend that you save all important information before resetting the settings. Now to do a hard reset, disable charger from the phone. Press and hold the power button and volume down button on your phone at the same time. When the Nokia Lumia 1520 vibrates, release the buttons and immediately press and hold the volume down button until it appears on the screen exclamation point(!) After the exclamation mark appears, release the volume down button. Next, you need to press, without holding down, the following phone buttons in order: volume up button, volume down button, power button and volume down button. We are waiting for the complete reset process, at which time you will see rotating gears on the Nokia Lumia 1520 screen for approximately 5 minutes. After this, your phone's screen will go blank for about 30 seconds, and then your phone will reboot. Done, if you had a locked phone, it is already unlocked. Now after hard reset Nokia Lumia 1520 you can set the time and date, restore contacts, download and install the necessary applications and, if necessary, set a new security code and make the necessary settings.

  • I hope this article helped you on how to reset your phone to factory settings or do Hard Reset Nokia Lumia 1520.
  • We will be very glad if you add reviews, comments, useful tips and will provide mutual assistance in solving problems related to Nokia Lumia 1520. Perhaps your advice will help solve the problem for those users who are looking for information that you will add.
  • Thank you for your responsiveness, mutual assistance and useful advice!

Many consider this operation to be a method of restoring only those parameters that were changed in the phone settings. For those who really think so, please read the article to the end.

ATTENTION!!! Resetting your phone will cause complete removal all data on it, including music, pictures, personal data and contacts. All ad sites strongly recommend removing the SIM card from the device, as well as the memory card, to avoid overwriting the necessary files. You can also make a backup copy of applications to save progress and other necessary data. However, this procedure is not carried out without a reason. Perhaps there were repeated malfunctions in the phone or the application upon startup led to freezing. If on windows phone 8 factory reset is really needed, then it is carried out as follows:

  • settings;
  • information about the device and select “Reset settings”;
  • agree to the warnings by clicking “Yes” twice;
  • All you have to do is wait for the phone to reboot.

There are times when freezes simply prevent you from performing a reset operation from the menu. In this case, you can use hardware methods that allow you to use hot keys to necessary procedure. For Nokia Lumia and several other models you need to do the following:

  • Press and hold the Volume Down + Power key for 10-15 seconds. Before appearance of mild vibrations;
  • when this happens, immediately press and hold the volume down key until a large exclamation mark appears;
  • after this, the final stage is to press successively: volume up + volume down + power + volume down.

Voila, now you know quick way reset windows phone lumia.

Some devices differ slightly in the order in which this procedure is carried out. Key combinations, the sequence of pressing them and other parameters may change. It would be best to refer to the instructions for the purchased phone. If there is a Russian version there, then there will be no problems. In the case of the presence only English version You should definitely read the rules for such an operation on a third-party resource or on the official Microsoft website.

Now you are invited to find out how it is carried out on htc windows phone reset to factory settings and in what cases you should not panic when performing this action. So let's get started:

  1. Turn off the phone.
  2. when the screen goes dark, press and hold simultaneously: power button + volume down + camera button. There should be a slight vibration;
  3. As soon as this happens, release the power button, continuing to hold the other two for about 5-7 seconds.
  4. After this time, release the buttons, the phone will start to boot, the HTC logo will appear, then two gears that spin.

ATTENTION!!! Don't be intimidated by the length of the process. It can last about two hours, so fully charge your phone before carrying out the manipulations, and do not touch any buttons during the procedure.

Do I need a password to reset windows phone?

If the device was purchased secondhand, it is possible that the previous owner set a reset password. In this case, you will not be able to perform the procedure from a running device. You will need to resort to hardware reset. Then a password should not be required.

The fact is that, as you already understood, it is not so easy to carry out the reset procedure using burning keys, so the restriction on it has been lifted, but even a child can do this from the system, which is why a password is set.

Don’t rush to run to the nearest service center, after all, resetting windows phone 8 1 just as simple as in previous versions. The control keys have not changed, so if you switched to another newer OS, don’t worry, you can always go back to the beginning and rebuild the convenient use of a “clean” smartphone. As you already understand, the stages of this kind of operation do not change between firmware versions. It is enough to remember the combination for one phone and use it in cases where there is simply no other option.

The only thing that can change is the combination when the phone generation changes. On latest version, which will be released closer to the beginning of 2016, reset windows phone 10 may turn out to be a little different. However, this is not a fact. Perhaps the T-shirts will be able to learn a useful lesson for themselves and will leave the universality of this process at the level it is now. For regular user this will be a great opportunity that can help at any time in an emergency.

I really hope that the material provided helped you and now you are aware how to reset windows phone quickly, safely and competently, without losing important data, using backup before the beginning.

Unfortunately, even the most modern mobile technology is not ideal. Periodic failures in the operation of the operating system may lead to the need for a reboot for further normal operation of the device. But such a function is often missing in phones, and sometimes it is not even possible to remove the battery in order to perform an emergency reset. That is why manufacturers come up with a variety of methods for performing soft and hard reboots. Manufacturers of the Nokia Lumia smartphone have not ignored this opportunity either.

Reset settings on Nokia Lumia

There are two types of reboot available in this model: Soft Reset and Hard Reset. Most often, carrying out a simple manipulation completely revives the phone and saves the owner from the need to go to a service center. Let's look at these types of reboots in order to determine which one is necessary in a particular case.
Using Soft Reset will help get rid of the consequences of minor failures in the operating system. In its action, this operation is in many ways similar to the usual removal and subsequent installation of the battery into the device case. But due to the fact that opening the case in Nokia Lumia can only be done at a service center, to soft reboot the smartphone, perform the following sequence of actions:

Press and hold the Volume Down and Power buttons located on the side of the phone;
wait for three consecutive vibrations;
release the buttons.

In just a few seconds, the phone will reboot successfully.

If the previous procedure did not help correct the situation and the smartphone does not start working properly, you can use the Hard Reset function. It is very important to remember that performing a Hard Reset will lead to the loss of all information stored in the device’s memory and will cause the changed settings to be rolled back to the factory default settings. But if operating system froze and could not be rebooted using the method described above, try the following:

Unplug your Nokia Lumia phone;
perform a three-button reboot, that is, press and hold the volume down, Power buttons and the button responsible for turning on the camera;
wait until the device vibrates;
release the Power button;
hold the other two buttons for about 5 more seconds.

If using Hard and Soft Reset did not lead to the desired result and the phone continues to act up, then take it to a service center. Specialists will be able to fix normal functioning Nokia Lumia under warranty service. You should not continue experiments, since any attempts to open the case and remove the battery yourself will lead to termination of the warranty agreement. In this case, any further work on the repair and maintenance of the smartphone will be paid.

When using Lumia 520, 630, 720 and other smartphones on Windows Phone 8, errors often occur that can only be corrected by resetting the settings to factory settings (Hard Reset). Using the instructions below, you will learn how to easily reset your Lumia and restore normal work your phone.

Resetting settings will be useful if the following errors occur:

  • 80860006 - may occur due to incorrect operation account or my family application settings
  • 80070020, 80070490 - errors that prevent you from downloading applications from the store.

Additional information on correcting errors can be found in the instructions -.

Resetting will help fix various kinds of glitches that occur when using a smartphone, such as: lack of response to pressing physical keys, lack of sound in the headset, system freezes, etc.

If your phone is simply frozen, then reboot it as described. Also, in some cases, rebooting helps solve the problems described above, so be sure to try it.

Before resetting, try using the tool

If this doesn't help, proceed with the reset:

ATTENTION! After completing the steps below, your phone will be returned to the state it was in when it was first turned on. We highly recommend applications, files, SMS, etc.

How to reset your Lumia:

  • Go to “Menu” -> “Settings”
  • Select "Device Information"
  • Click on "Reset settings"
  • Click "Yes" twice to agree to the warnings

After this, the phone will reboot and turn on in a few minutes.

How to do a Hard Reset (if the smartphone is not responding):

  • Hold Volume Down button and Power button until vibration
  • After that, release the Power button and hold Volume Down until an exclamation mark appears on the screen
  • Press the buttons in the following sequence: Volume Up/Volume Down/Power/Volume Down.
  • After a few seconds, the gears will spin and the smartphone will return to its original state.

By the way, now is the time to give your phone the new kind, And .

We hope resetting your Lumia helped you!
