Origin of the name Timothy and its meaning. "How to weigh a cat." An ironic story about how female logic defeated male logic. Weigh a cat without scales.

The day before yesterday I went to the store for cat food. It was exactly the day before yesterday, on Monday - I remember exactly because I went to a car service center to buy a cap for the antifreeze tank to replace the one that we somehow lost. So, on Monday at 15-00 or so I brought the cats instead of the promised Royal Canin(which was not there) a bag of Hills to try. For those who don’t know, this is also a very, very good dope, straight from Holland, quite the right cat food. Some cat owners, however, claim that Royal Canin tastes better. I do not know, I have not tried it.

The cats reacted skeptically to the innovation.

What - This do they eat too? - asked Nancy.
- Not, she We have the main one, the champion, and generally ladies first. Let the first one eat, and I’ll join in half an hour,” the cautious Moisha decided.
“There’s no need to play the fool, there’s nothing else anyway,” summed up the soulless hostess, that is, me.

At 11:00 today I poured the last crumbs of the aforementioned dope munch into a bowl. This means that at 15-00 I will have to go for a new portion. In this regard, I had several very valuable considerations - in particular, about how to determine the weight of a cat without casualties and destruction.

Every child knows how to weigh a cat using a scale.

If you have scales of the "steelyard" type, you should put the cat in the string bag, pick up the string string with the steelyard, take readings, take into account the error (plus or minus half a kilo - taking into account the division value and dynamic load), release the cat from the string bag and treat the scratches with hydrogen peroxide.

If you have a digital bathroom scale, you're lucky - you can do without hydrogen peroxide. But it must be taken into account that scales of this design, firstly, do not respond to weights less than 20 kg, and secondly, their inherent response delay practically eliminates the possibility of weighing a cat in a free state. Well, no cat will sit on the scales and wait for the numbers to appear on the display. But if you want him to sit and wait, then without hydrogen peroxide it still won’t work, and then it’s better to use a steelyard. The owner of an electronic floor scale is recommended to do the following: 1. weigh himself, 2. pick up the cat and weigh himself with him, 3. use a calculator to subtract the first value from the second, 4. take something soothing to forget the first once and for all quantity (it is purely auxiliary and for later life need not).

But we don’t have any scales. Therefore, I had to rack my brains and develop an indirect method for calculating the mass of cats.

And this is where the lyrics end and the actual instructions begin.

To conduct the experiment, you will need the following equipment: a cat, a package of cat food, a bowl, a watch, a calendar, a calculator.

1. Time the opening of the food package.
2. Time the destruction of the last crumbs of food from this package.
3. Calculate the average daily feed consumption based on the difference between the values ​​​​obtained in step 2 and step 1, and the weight of the feed indicated on the packaging.
4. Knowing the scientifically based norms for food consumption by cats (see plate on the package), determine the weight of the cat.

The plate looks like this:

Thus, if your cat ate 400 grams of food, for example, in 5 days, the average daily consumption is 80 g. According to the plate, it weighs 5 kg - plus or minus a bast shoe, the stump is clear, but when using a steelyard, the accuracy will be approximately the same .

In my case, everything is much more complicated, since there are two cats, they feed from the same plate and nothing can be done about it.

So, in exactly two days, these cute little locusts consumed the entire 400-gram pack of Hills and also showed off. The average daily feed consumption was 200 g. In accordance with the table on the packaging, the total weight of feed consumers ranges from 13.3 (200/15) to 20 kg (200/10). To simplify the calculations, we introduce a weighted average conventional cat (whose weight is equal to exactly half of the cat mass we have at home) and we find that the weight of such a cat is in the range from 6.6 to 10 kg, i.e. the average is 8.3 kg plus or minus 1.7 kg (an error of 20% seems quite acceptable, especially considering the fact that neither the owners nor the animals are subjected to the stress that is inevitable when weighing in a standard way).

Conducted research allows you to draw three conclusions (to choose from):

1. Our cats really weigh eight kilograms each.
2. Our cats suffer from abnormal gluttony due to accelerated exchange substances.
3. Manufacturers of cat food deliberately downplay the digestive activity of cats so as not to scare off potential buyers.

To be honest, I don’t know which conclusion is correct. Somehow they are all about equally plausible.

Problem excess weight becomes more relevant every year. And it is not surprising that if people suffer from obesity, then their animals will also have this disease. This is why doctors prescribe diets for domestic cats. But the first signs of obesity can be seen independently. And reduce the animal's diet. And in this regard, many people are wondering: how to weigh a cat at home to find out whether it needs a diet or not. There are several ways to do this.

If you have decided to weigh your cat, but there are no scales at home, then you can show your imagination and weigh it using available materials. There are two most common methods, but human imagination is limitless, and you can come up with your own methods.

  • First way. To do this, you will need a basket, bag or thick bag, as well as bottles of water of various sizes (from 2 liters to 0.5 liters). We tie a rope to the bag and throw it over any horizontally attached beam. To do this, you can use a sports horizontal bar (if you have one in your house). If the cat is not very large, then you can use a coat hanger in the hallway. Well, if the animal is of impressive size, then you can go outside and use a low-growing branch on a tree as a beam.
    We put the cat in a bag with a rope tied to it, and throw the other end over the beam. And then we tie eggplants with water to the other end of the rope. If the cat weighs, for example, 4 kilograms, then you need to take 2 bottles of 2 liters each. Well, accordingly, when the load and the bag with the cat meet at the same level, without an advantage in any direction, it means that the weight of the cat has been calculated.
  • Second way. And also with the help of scrap materials. For this you need a board. You can take a board left over from the renovation, or a sheet of fiberboard will do. On extreme case You can remove the shelf from the cabinet. Place any large book on the floor and cover it with a folded board. You will get an impromptu swing. Place a box on one side in which to place the cat. And on the second side you need to put bags, for example, with sugar, packaged in kilograms or 500 grams. This way, when the swing comes into balance, you can find out the weight of the cat.

    On bathroom scales

To find out the cat's weight more reliably, you will need a scale. Floor-standing electronic ones are excellent for this purpose. Mechanical ones will also work, but the result obtained with them will not be as accurate. There are two ways you can weigh a cat on this type of scale.

On the steelyard

If you don’t have bathroom scales in your home, don’t despair. You can use the steelyard. In order to find out the weight of a cat, you should put it in a bag or a thick bag and hang it on a scale. But everything needs to be done as quickly as possible. If the animal starts tossing and turning in the bag, it will be impossible to take readings. It is advisable not to use a rustling bag for this purpose, so as not to irritate the cat and not put him in a playful mood.

On a kitchen scale

If the kitten is still small, you can weigh it on a kitchen scale. To do this, you need to put it in a cup and take the readings. But since small kittens are very active, it is better to weigh the kitten immediately after sleep so that he does not resist and does not try to turn weighing into a game. After all, if he jumps, then the readings will be inaccurate.

Well, the easiest way to find out the weight of a cat is to weigh it veterinary clinic. There are precise scales there, and it won’t be difficult to find out the animal’s weight. Moreover, you basically need to know the weight of the animal precisely in order to correctly calculate the amount of medicine, for example, for vaccination. After all, obesity problems are not always associated with the fact that the cat overeats; sometimes this means problems with the intestines or digestive system, so if a cat shows signs of obesity, but its diet has not increased, you should show the animal to a doctor. And if everything is fine with the cat’s health, then the veterinarian will select a balanced diet for him.

Which method to choose for weighing a cat is up to everyone to decide for themselves. After all, pets have different personalities, and there are not always scales in the house. But it is worth remembering that it is best to weigh animals in the morning, before the first meal.

You may need to know your cat's exact weight for a variety of reasons, including, for example, simple curiosity. But most likely the reason will be veterinary - after all, the dosage of many medications is calculated based on the weight of the animal.

If you have already tried weigh the cat, then you know that she will not voluntarily climb on the scale. There are several classic ways to find out a cat's weight.

1. Using a steelyard.

A steelyard is a small device for measuring the weight of food (during my childhood, all the grandmothers in the markets weighed their potatoes and apples with its help). The technique is simple: put the cat in a bag or cloth bag and weigh it. The most difficult thing is to persuade the cat to climb into the bag and sit there quietly.

Plus: quickly and accurately.

Minus: not suitable for hyperactive and very heavy animals

2. Using a kitchen scale

A small kitchen scale (preferably not a flat scale, but one with a bowl) is ideal for weighing kittens.

Minus: Not applicable for adult cats.

3. On regular scales

The owner takes the cat in his arms, weighs it, and remembers the result. Then he weighs himself separately and subtracts his weight from the previous number, thus obtaining an approximate weight of the cat.

Plus: the easiest way in which neither the cat nor the owner will be harmed

Minus: The cat's weight will be calculated with an error; the method is not applicable to those housewives who do not want to know their own weight.

Men often repeat: female logic this, female logic that. Implying by this that only men have real logic and thinking in general, and women have instincts, nothing more.

An example from life. I needed to weigh the cat. Because he has become overfed, he must be forced to lose weight, which means he needs to monitor the animal’s weight. How to weigh a cat? Yes, very simple, I decided. Because I have a higher technical education plus an IQ that goes beyond even IQ.

Take a steelyard (hand scales with a hook). Take a shopping bag with handles. Weighs himself. The cat is taken and placed in the bag. Now all that remains is to weigh the cat in the bag and subtract the weight of the bag. Hell no! The moment the bag is picked up, the cat jumps out and runs off into the blue distance of the corridor, constantly swearing.

But I have an IQ! Take a sports bag with a zipper. Weighs himself. The cat is stuffed in there. It takes about half an hour. Because the bottle of hydrogen peroxide has run out and you have to cauterize the wounds with brilliant green. Finally the zipper closes, despite the cat's protests. Weighs himself. The cat thrashes wildly in the bag, so its weight is fixed from minus five to plus forty. That's no good!

But I have an IQ! There are other scales in the house - electronic floor scales! A bag with a beating cat is placed on them. Because he won’t be able to jump up and down on the scales! And rightly so, it doesn’t work, so the cat jumps sideways and the bag keeps falling off the scales. Weight is fixed between twenty and eighty kilograms. True, eighty seems to be my weight, because while holding the bag I accidentally stepped on the scale.

But I have an IQ! It was decided that in free-living conditions the cat would stop swearing and thrashing about. The cat is taken out of the bag, something tasty is fed to it, and the cat is simply placed on an electronic scale. No bag. But without a bag the cat is not interested. Therefore, as soon as I let go of my hands, the cat disappears into the blue distance of the corridor, still expressing everything he thinks about me. The cat's weight is 0 kilograms 0 grams. Feel better, poor guy.

At that moment, the wife returned from the store. I listened to my tale of woe. I stepped on the electronic scale and wrote down the data. She picked up the cat and stood on the scale with him. I subtracted my own from the total weight. I got the exact weight of the cat. The cat was happy and purred. The weight was determined absolutely accurately.

What is the conclusion from this simple story? Simple. Men's logic is better. Because men like to create difficulties for themselves, which means they build character in this way.

The cat, however, does not agree with this conclusion. But who asks him, the fat hulk?!

First, you should decide in what cases you need to know the weight of your pet. Most often, this is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage of medications or vitamins. Many medications are prescribed to cats based on the following calculation: a certain amount of medication per kilogram of the animal’s weight. For example, doctors prescribe most antibiotics in a dose of 0.1 ml of medicine for every kilogram plus 0.1 ml medicine.

However, even if your pet is completely healthy, you may need to give her flea treatment or treatment from time to time. All such products are also dosed depending on the weight of the animal.

You may also need to know your cat's weight if you want to travel with it. Some airlines only allow passengers up to a certain weight in the cabin.

If the latter is more than the established limit, you will need to either pay for the cat’s trip as luggage, or even abandon this method of transportation and plan the trip by another mode of transport. To avoid any unpleasant surprises when checking in for a flight, it is advisable to weigh your cat in advance at home.

Sometimes it is useful to know the weight of a cat to determine whether it is developing correctly and whether the animal meets the standard of its breed. For example, there are large ones (Savannah, Maine Coon), and there are also more miniature ones ( abyssinian cats). And if for the former, 5 kilograms of weight may be insufficient, then for the latter it can signal the presence of obesity.

In addition, it is advisable to periodically weigh your pet to determine daily norm stern.

How much should a cat weigh?

The normal average weight of a cat is 3-5 kilograms. However, this indicator is very relative. Therefore it's better normal weight determine a cat based on its characteristics, and not just the readings of the scales.

If an animal loses more than 600 grams in weight, this may be a sign of illness.

How to weigh a cat

To determine the exact weight of a cat, it must be weighed on an empty stomach, after bowel movement. Bladder and defecation.

Using a kitchen scale (preferably not a flat scale, but one with a bowl) you can determine your body weight little kitten. Seize the right moment when he just woke up, ate or had a good run, otherwise it will be difficult for you to keep him in one place. There is only one disadvantage of this weighing method: it is not applicable for adult cats.

You can determine the weight of a cat in this way: place it in a fabric bag with handles, a cloth bag or a bag and quickly weigh it on a steelyard. Here keyword- "fast". Not all cats will be loyal to the procedure of placing them in a bag or package. The animal may meow heart-rendingly, resist the procedure and, ultimately, jump out and run away. In addition, rapid shocks can introduce a certain amount of error into your measurements. This weighing method is not suitable for very heavy and hyperactive animals.

It is best to weigh your cat using a floor scale. First, determine your weight on them, and then step on the scales with your cat. To find out its weight, you just need to determine the difference between these indicators. It is advisable to use electronic scales, as they have the least error.

If you have to visit a veterinary hospital, ask the doctor to weigh your cat on special scales. Veterinary institutions often use measuring instruments similar to scales for weighing newborn babies.
