The world myth about HIV and AIDS is a global conspiracy or a deadly danger. Scientists' recognition of the existence of HIV. Is HIV really a hoax and nothing more? Does the hiv virus really exist?

Original taken from alexandr_palkin in HIV - a legal method of exterminating people by refusing to treat their real diseases

Original taken from tipaeto v In spite of everything

Is it true that HIV doesn't really exist?

There are people who are adamant in their opinion that HIV does not exist, and AIDS is just a complex of known diseases caused by known factors and that in general all this is the biggest hoax of the twentieth century.

In spite of everything

It seems that the entire scientific world will agree with the dogma that there is a viral infection that inevitably leads to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and to the inevitable lethal outcome of death.

But there are specialists whose position is different. They categorically do not accept the viral nature of AIDS, and believe that the immunodeficiency virus is invented, and AIDS is not at all what they think of it. Such scientists are called HIV dissidents.

They are accused of being completely irresponsible, as they give the forty million carriers of the virus a false hope of safety. To such attacks, those respond that scientists should be responsible only for the search for truth and consider the aforementioned diseases as a conspiracy of pharmacists directed against humanity.

Reasons for doubt

Among these dissidents, the most famous is the virologist Peter Duesberg, based at the University of California (USA). He says that he would not be afraid for a second if he was diagnosed with HIV, because he believes that it does not cause a fatal disease and does not exist at all.

In 1980, when the world started talking about AIDS, he was already a famous scientist. He was predicted the Nobel Prize in Medicine, but in 1987 fell into disgrace because he published an article that HIV does not exist. From that time on, his career went to pieces: he was not given a prestigious award, they stopped allocating funds for working research, did not want to publish articles in scientific journals, and colleagues called him an adherent of pseudoscience.

Dürsberg did not give up, and based on the results of his personal research, he wrote two books at once, in which he revealed his opinion about the doubtfulness of the links between HIV and AIDS, and all the evidence of this was rigged.

After the discovery of the virus, he had multiple doubts. Being an excellent expert in his field, he noted that science knows nothing more about other viruses that could be determined by antibodies in the blood and that could cause fatal diseases.

Dürsberg insisted that, like any virus, HIV reproduces every day, so the latent stage of the disease should last for several weeks, at most. But after all, apologists for the virus say that it develops up to ten years, like cirrhosis of the liver in drinkers and lung cancer in smokers.

The scientist is sure that HIV is a hoax also because it seemed strange to him that the majority of patients are men: injecting drug addicts and homosexuals who use aphrodisiacs and psychotropic substances.
Dürsberg made many similar arguments.

House of Numbers

The author of the film, Brent Leung, conducts an independent investigation into whether HIV leads to AIDS, and uncovers all the pitfalls of the most mysterious disease of the 20th century. The author of the film interviews the most famous HIV-Dissidents and HIV-Orthodox, including the discoverer of the virus, Luc Montagnier, who will amaze you with his revelations. As you watch, you will see that no one has seen the HIV virus, and that there is no evidence of sexual transmission, and that the alleged infected do not die from the virus, but from treatment.

Many famous scientists are among the ranks of AIDS dissidents, but no one wants to listen to them. In 2000, the Durban Declaration was signed, which formalized the concept of HIV as the cause of AIDS. The document was signed by the heads of the largest research organizations, eleven Nobel laureates and representatives of the academies of sciences.

One of the serious scientists remarked that even the possibility of scientific dissidents being right should not be admitted, since it would be the same as if some group of people declared that the Earth is actually flat.

For a long time, many doctors sincerely declare that AIDS is not a viral disease and infection cannot occur through blood or sexual contact. But lucrative and active propaganda, not created with the aim of protecting the population, makes it difficult to disseminate adequate information. As a result, ostensibly objective studies are presented, health deteriorates, and people's lives are ruined.


AIDS is a global hoax

Irina Mikhailovna Sazonova - a doctor with thirty years of experience, the author of the books "HIV-AIDS": the virtual virus or the provocation of the century "and" AIDS: the sentence is canceled ", the author of translations of the books by P. Duesberg" Inventing the AIDS virus "(Dr. Peter H. Duesberg" Inventing the AIDS virus, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, DC) and Infectious AIDS: Were We All Fooled?(Dr. Peter H. Duesberg, "Infectious AIDS: Have We Been Misled?", North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California).

Sazonova has a wealth of material on this issue, including scientific information that refutes the theory of the "plague of the twentieth century", which was provided to her by the Hungarian scientist Antal Makk (Antal Makk).

- Irina Mikhailovna, it is known that the first information about "HIV-AIDS" that penetrated the USSR came first from Elista, and then from Rostov and Volgograd. Over the past quarter of a century, we were either threatened with a pandemic for all of us, or we were encouraged by supposedly open vaccines. And suddenly your book ... It turns all ideas about AIDS. Is AIDS a worldwide medical hoax?

The existence of the HIV-AIDS virus was made "scientifically proven" in the United States around 1980. After that, many articles appeared on this topic. But even then Academician Valentin Pokrovsky said that it still needs to be studied and tested. I do not know how the Pokrovskys studied this issue further, but for twenty-five years many scientific works have appeared in the world that experimentally and clinically refute the viral theory of the origin of AIDS. In particular, the work of the Australian group of scientists led by Eleni Papadopoulos, the work of scientists led by Californian professor Peter Duesberg, Hungarian scientist Antal Makk, who worked in many countries of Europe, Africa and ran a clinic in Dubai. There are more than six thousand such scientists in the world. They are well-known and knowledgeable specialists, including Nobel laureates.

Finally, the fact that the so-called human immunodeficiency virus was never discovered was admitted by its "discoverers" - Luc Montagnier from France and Robert Gallo from America. Nevertheless, the deception on a global scale continues ... Very serious forces and money are involved in this process. The same Antal Makk at the Budapest Congress in 1997 spoke in detail about the way the American authorities created the AIDS establishment, which includes many government and nongovernmental agencies and services, representatives of health authorities and institutions, pharmaceutical companies, various societies to combat AIDS, as well as AIDS. -journalism.

- You yourself tried to destroy this hoax?

Due to my modest capabilities, I published two books, a number of articles, appeared on radio and television programs. In 1998, I presented the views of opponents of the AIDS theory at the parliamentary hearings "On urgent measures to combat the spread of AIDS" in the State Duma. In response, I heard ... the silence of all those present, including the President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Valentin Pokrovsky, and his son, the head of the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Vadim Pokrovsky. And then - an increase in funding for this branch of medicine. After all, AIDS is a crazy business.

- That is, hundreds of scientific papers, medical studies, reliable facts that refute the viral theory of fatal AIDS are simply ignored? What's the trick here?

The crux of the matter is simple. I will explain it in a language understandable to an ordinary person. Nobody says that there is no AIDS. This is not entirely accurate. AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - is. He was, is and will be. But it is not caused by a virus. Accordingly, it is impossible to get infected with it - in the usual sense of the word “get infected”. But if you want, you can "acquire" it.

We have known about immunodeficiency for a long time. All medical students, thirty years ago, and forty, when there was no talk about AIDS, were told that immune deficiency can be congenital and acquired. We knew all the diseases that have now been united under the name "AIDS".

According to the World Health Organization, AIDS is today called such previously known diseases as candidiasis of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, esophagus, cryptosporodiosis, salmonella septicemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumocystis pneumonia, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus infection (with damage to other organs, except for the liver, spleen and lymph nodes), cervical cancer (invasive), wasting syndrome and others.

Speculation around the problem of HIV-AIDS is the biggest deception in the modern medical market. The states of weakened immunity, that is, immunodeficiency, have been known to physicians for a long time. There are social causes of immunodeficiency - poverty, malnutrition, drug addiction, and so on. There are ecological ones. In each specific case of weakened immunity, a conscientious and thorough examination of the patient is necessary to detect the cause of immunodeficiency.

I repeat, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was, is and will be. Just as they were, are and will be diseases resulting from a weakened immune system. Not a single doctor, not a single scientist can deny this and does not deny it.

I want people to understand one thing. AIDS is not an infectious disease and is not caused by any virus. There is still no scientific evidence for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. To quote the world authority Cary Mullis, biochemist, Nobel laureate: “If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, then there must be scientific documents that, collectively or separately, would demonstrate this fact with high probability. There is no such document. "

- Irina Mikhailovna, sorry for being naive, but people die with a diagnosis of HIV infection ...

Here's a specific example. A girl fell ill in Irkutsk. She was given a positive HIV test and was diagnosed with HIV infection. They started to heal. The girl did not tolerate antiretroviral therapy well. Deterioration was recorded every day. Then the girl died. An autopsy revealed that all her organs were affected by tuberculosis. That is, the girl simply died of sepsis caused by a tubercle bacillus. If she was correctly diagnosed with tuberculosis and treated with anti-tuberculosis drugs, not antiretroviral drugs, then she could live.

My like-minded person, the Irkutsk pathologist Vladimir Ageev, has been conducting research work devoted to the problem of AIDS for 15 years. So, he opened the dead, most of whom were registered at the Irkutsk AIDS Center as HIV-infected, and found that they were all drug addicts and died mainly from hepatitis and tuberculosis. No traces of HIV were found in this category of citizens, although, in theory, any virus should leave its mark on the body.

Nobody in the world has ever seen the AIDS virus. But this does not prevent interested parties from fighting the undetected virus. And to fight in a dangerous way. The fact is that antiretroviral therapy, which is supposed to fight HIV infection, actually causes immunodeficiency, because it kills all cells indiscriminately, and especially the bone marrow, which is responsible for the production of cells in the immune system. The drug AZT (zidovudine, retrovir), which is now being treated for AIDS, was invented a long time ago for the treatment of cancer, but then they did not dare to use it, recognizing the drug as extremely toxic.

- Do drug addicts often become victims of the AIDS diagnosis?

Yes. Because drugs are toxic to immune cells. The immune system is destroyed by drugs, not by the virus.

Drugs destroy the liver, which in the human body performs many functions, in particular, neutralizes toxic substances, participates in various types of metabolism, and with a diseased liver you will get sick with anything. Drug addicts most often develop toxic drug hepatitis.

AIDS can also develop from drugs, but it is not infectious and cannot be transmitted from person to person. Another thing is that against the background of an already received immunodeficiency, they can develop any infectious disease that can be transmitted. Including hepatitis B and the long-studied Botkin's disease - hepatitis A.

“But it is not drug addicts who are diagnosed with HIV infection. Is it really possible to fool millions of people so easily?

Unfortunately, non-drug addicts are also diagnosed with HIV infection. Several years ago, my acquaintance, a young woman, a doctor by profession, also asked me: “How is it, Irina Mikhailovna? The whole world talks about AIDS, and you deny everything. " And, after a while, she went to the sea, came back and found some plaques on the skin.

The analyzes shocked her. She also turned out to be HIV positive. It is good that she was versed in medicine and applied to the Institute of Immunology. And she, as a doctor, was told that 80% of skin diseases test positive for HIV. She recovered and calmed down. But, you see, what could have happened if she had not had this path? Did she get tested for HIV after? Handed over. And it was negative. Although in such cases the tests may remain positive, other antibodies may react, and in this case you will still be tested for HIV infection.

- I read that HIV was never highlighted in the information about the conference in Barcelona in July 2002 ...

Yes, Etienne de Harve, Distinguished Professor of Pathology, who has been engaged in electron microscopy for 30 years, spoke about this at a conference in Barcelona. The audience was delighted with the way Harve detailed the technical reasons for the absence of what is known as the AIDS virus in electron microscopy. Then he explained that if HIV really existed, it would be easy to distinguish it from individuals with high viral load values.

And since there is no virus, then there cannot be any diagnostic tests, supposedly prepared from particles of this virus. No virus, no particles. The proteins that make up diagnostic tests to detect antibodies are not part of the mythical virus. Therefore, they are not indicators of the presence of any virus, but give a false-positive result with antibodies already in the body, which appear in a person as a result of any vaccinations, as well as with many different diseases already known in medicine. A false positive test can also be detected during pregnancy, which can be associated with the recent increase in the number of women among "HIV-positive".

- By the way, why are pregnant women forced to take an HIV test?

I am also extremely concerned about this question. After all, how many tragedies! Just recently: a woman, a mother of two children. She is expecting her third child. And suddenly she is HIV positive. Shock. Horror. A month later, this woman is tested again - and everything is fine. But no one in any language of the world will retell what she experienced this month. Therefore, I want to cancel the HIV test in pregnant women.

In our country, by the way, there is the Federal Law of 30.03.1995 "On the prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)", and it contains Article 7, according to which "Medical examination is carried out voluntarily, except in cases provided for in Article 9 ".

And there is Article 9, according to which "donors of blood, biological fluids, organs and tissues are subject to mandatory medical examination ... Employees of certain professions, industries, enterprises, institutions and organizations, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation." Everything!

True, the Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health states that it is possible to test pregnant women "in the case of taking abortion and placental blood for further use as raw materials for the production of immunobiological drugs." But right there in the note it is noted that compulsory testing for HIV is prohibited.

Knowing all this, why, tell me, a woman whose pregnancy is planned and desired to be tested for HIV? And no one asks a pregnant woman in an antenatal clinic about consent or voluntary refusal. They simply take her blood and, among other tests, do an HIV test (three times during pregnancy), which is sometimes false-positive. Such a truth of life! It is great for someone!

- Still, bewilderment persists ...

Indeed, sometimes even a professional can be bewildered by the world's AIDS statistics. Here's an example. Annual report "Development of the AIDS epidemic" of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS - UNAIDS and WHO: figures, percentages, indicators. And a little postscript in one seemingly secondary paragraph: "UNAIDS and WHO do not guarantee the accuracy of the information and are not responsible for damage that may arise as a result of the use of this information." But why then read everything else when there are such words? Why spend millions on AIDS research and control? And where does the AIDS money go?

- According to the head of the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, announced at the end of the last century, by 2000 there should have been 800 thousand AIDS patients in our country ...

There is no such number of cases today. In addition, there is confusion: AIDS or HIV. Moreover, every year the number of cases is multiplied by 10, by a coefficient that was invented in America, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. From there, by the way, in addition to AIDS, SARS, described by nonspecific symptoms, mad cow disease, and now bird flu, also grows. Complete nonsense! They constantly urge us to fight infections. And with what to fight? With real infections or fictional ones?

- Irina Mikhailovna, tell me bluntly: is it possible to inject so-called HIV-positive blood into oneself and not worry?

This has already been done. In 1993, American doctor Robert Willner injected HIV-positive blood into his body. When asked why he was risking his life, the doctor said, "I am doing this to end the greatest deadly lie in the history of medicine." I then wrote a review of his book Deadly Lies.

- Reports about the creation of an AIDS vaccine appear quite often in the press ...

I am always amused to read such messages. At the same time, in medical articles, the authors of the "panacea" complain that the classic Pasteur method of creating a vaccine does not bring any results. And that is why it does not bring results, that one, but the main part is missing to create a vaccine - the initial material called "virus". Without it, oddly enough, the classical method of creating a vaccine does not work. Louis Pasteur, the founder of modern microbiology and immunology, in the 19th century could not even dream in a nightmare that people who call themselves scientists would create a vaccine out of nothing and at the same time complain that the method does not work. Just as the virus itself is mythical, so is the idea of ​​creating a vaccine. Only the huge money allocated for this adventure is not mythical.

In conclusion, we present a number of authoritative statements on the topic of HIV-AIDS, translated by Irina Mikhailovna Sazonova:

In the preface to P. Duesberg's book “The Fictional AIDS Virus,” Nobel Prize winner Professor K. Mullis (USA) writes: “I was convinced of the viral origin of AIDS, but Peter Duesberg claims that this is a mistake. Now I also see that the HIV / AIDS hypothesis is not just a scientific flaw - it is a hell of a mistake. I say this as a warning. "

In the aforementioned book, P. Duesberg states: “The fight against AIDS ended in defeat. Since 1981, over 500,000 Americans and over 150,000 Europeans have been diagnosed with HIV / AIDS. US taxpayers have paid more than $ 45 billion, but no vaccine has been discovered, no cure has been discovered, and no effective prevention has been developed. Not a single AIDS patient has been cured. "

Professor P. Duesberg believes that AIDS contradicts all the laws of infectious disease. For example, the surveyed wives of 15,000 "HIV-positive" Americans for some reason did not become infected with the virus, while continuing to have sex with their husbands.

Alfred Hassig, Professor of Immunology, Former Director of the Swiss Red Cross, President of the Board of Trustees of the International Red Cross: “AIDS develops as a result of the impact on the body of many different factors, including stress. The death sentence accompanying a medical diagnosis of AIDS must be canceled. ”

Hungarian scientist Dr. Antal Makk: “The constant emphasis on the incurability of AIDS serves only the purpose of business and raising money for research and under other pretexts. This money, in particular, is used to develop and purchase toxic drugs that do not strengthen, but destroy the immune system, dooming a person to death from side effects. " And further: “AIDS is not a fatal disease. This is a death business ... "

Dr. Brian Ellison (From The Behind-the-Scenes Game of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus): “The idea of ​​'creating' AIDS belongs to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Each year, the Center received $ 2 billion to fight epidemics, had a thousand-strong staff, and at the same time had a tendency to interpret, if necessary, an outbreak of any disease as an infectious epidemic, gaining the opportunity to manipulate public opinion and financially support its activities ... The idea of ​​viral AIDS became one of such projects developed and successfully promoted by the center and its secret structure - the Epidemiological Information Service (EIS). As one of the staff at the center said, "If we learn to manage the AIDS epidemic, it will serve as a model for other diseases as well."

In 1991, a group was formed by Harvard biologist Dr. Charles Thomas to re-evaluate the theory of AIDS. Charles Thomas, along with many other outstanding scientists, felt the need to objectively oppose the totalitarian nature of the HIV-AIDS doctrine and its tragic consequences for the lives of millions of people around the world. Regarding the existing dogma, he said in his interviews with the Sunday Times in 1992 and 1994 the following: the world ".

Neville Hodgkinson, Science Editor, The Times: “Leaders of the scientific and medical profession have been seized by a kind of collective insanity about HIV / AIDS. They stopped acting like scientists and instead work as propagandists, desperately continuing to keep the failed theory alive. "

Dr. Joseph Sonnabend, Emergency Physician, Founder of the AIDS Research Foundation, New York: “The promotion of HIV through press releases as the killer virus that causes AIDS, without needing to consider other factors, has thus distorted research and treatment. that it may have caused the suffering and death of thousands of people. "

Dr. Etienne de Harven, Professor Emeritus of Pathology, Toronto: “Since the unproven hypothesis of HIV-AIDS was 100% funded from research funds and all other hypotheses were ignored, the AIDS establishment through the media, special pressure groups and for the benefit of several pharmaceutical companies are making efforts to control the disease, to lose contact with open-minded medical scientists. How much wasted effort, how many billions of dollars spent on research, wasted! All this is terrible. "

Dr. Andrew Herxheimer, Professor of Pharmacology, Oxford, England: “I think that AZT has never really been properly evaluated and its effectiveness has never been proven, and its toxicity is of course important. And I think it killed a lot of people, especially when high doses were given. Personally, I believe that it cannot be used alone or in combination with other drugs. "


List of factors causing false positive HIV antibody test results (according to Continuum magazine). There are 62 items on the list, but we give the most understandable to people without medical education.

There was no before perestroika - when Pokrovsky-junior (now academician of RAMS) and So. did not announce that children in Elista had contracted HIV, although it was an outbreak of infectious mononucleosis).

2) In 2008, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded for the destruction of Yugoslavia, and in medicine - for the discovery of HIV by L. Montagnier. Are there no analogies?

Before talking about myths about HIV infection, you need to define the terms.

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus, it belongs to the class of retroviruses. Today it is known that the HIV virus is, in fact, a group of viruses capable of infecting the human immune system (HIV-1 - HIV-4). Its main danger is that during its life cycle, it destroys the host's immunity and causes diseases that are not characteristic of a person with normal immunity.

However, it is worth noting that in European countries there are studies indicating falsification of studies on the isolation of the AIDS virus, i.e. the AIDS virus, in fact, has never been found.

However, the disease "Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome" itself still exists; something is causing it.
According to the generally accepted opinion, AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and it is the last, terminal stage of HIV infection and manifests itself in a complex of infectious, non-infectious and neoplastic diseases that are characteristic only of people with extremely low or completely absent immunity.

Myth 1. There is no AIDS. Only it is not completely clear whether this is really a myth. Many believe that the AIDS virus is an invention of pharmaceutical companies to sell expensive drugs.

One of the many retroviruses under an electron microscope

AIDS is a profitable industry today. Even if a cure is found, no one is interested in it.

Myth 2. "This will not happen to me." This myth is based on the history of the spread of the virus. Indeed, initially the immunodeficiency virus was transmitted among socially vulnerable groups of the population: the gay community, drug users, sex workers. And he was limited only by them.
However, since the end of the 90s of the XX century, HIV has gone beyond this framework and the sexual route has become the main route of transmission (as opposed to the previously widespread injection route), and in the total mass of infected women there are more and more women who have never belonged to any of the vulnerable groups who have become infected from their heterosexual partners.

Subject to basic moral standards, there is a very small chance of contracting AIDS.

Myth 3. Ways of infection. HIV infection is often attributed to high viral activity and transmission by contact or airborne droplets.
In reality, the immunodeficiency virus can exist only in the fluids of the human body and immediately dies in the oxygen environment.

Based on this, there are three possible routes of HIV transmission:

  1. Sexual. With unprotected sex. A huge amount of the virus is found in male and female secretions. It is interesting to note that there is no virus at all in the seminal fluid of men. At the same time, the likelihood of a woman becoming infected from an infected partner is much higher than that of men on contact and an infected partner (due to the peculiarities of the urinary and reproductive system in men and women). Protected sexual intercourse is called condom use.
  2. Through the blood. These are not only injections, but also any other actions with blood. For example, surgery or transfusion. The largest amount of the virus is found in the blood. But the blood of an infected person must go directly into the recipient's bloodstream. Skin and mucous membranes are an insurmountable barrier to HIV. However, for some reason, even a blood transfusion from an HIV-infected person to a healthy person does not necessarily cause infection.
  3. From mother to child during natural childbirth and passage of the birth canal, as well as with breast milk. Here everything is solved by cesarean section and artificial feeding. However, even if the conception of a child came from an HIV-infected father, the mother and child will not always be infected.

There are no other routes of HIV infection. If the mucous membranes are not damaged, then when kissing, hugging, using shared utensils or any other things, it is impossible to become infected with HIV.

Myth 4. An HIV-infected woman cannot have healthy children. They can. Knowing the route of transmission can prevent the infection of the child. In addition, during pregnancy and childbirth, HIV-positive women are prescribed special drug therapy, which helps to significantly reduce the amount of the virus in the blood and other fluids, which provides additional protection for the baby.

Myth 5. There is no cure for HIV. And it is true. To date, there is no drug that completely destroys the virus and cures the carrier. However, there are special complexes of drugs, when taken, the amount of the virus is significantly reduced, immunity is not destroyed, life expectancy increases, and the stage of AIDS does not occur.

All these facts are important to know, not only for those who do not want to become infected with HIV, but also for the relatives of those who have the immunodeficiency virus. Since HIV infection is a chronic disease that until recently was considered fatal, making a diagnosis requires not only knowledge that is much better perceived from a loved one than from an unfamiliar doctor, but also, first of all, support of loved ones, which becomes possible only in the absence of condemnation and fear of a sick loved one.

And finally, a video from the Gordon Quixote program with an expert discussion that the AIDS virus may not really exist:

Does HIV infection exist at all? - this question has been troubling a large number of scientists for many decades. Since the moment the world community was struck by the news about the causative agent of the disease, which is introduced into the immune system, the opinion of scientists was divided into several groups. Each of them has its own statements about the AIDS disease and methods of its treatment and prevention.

In each of the groups, the main question is “is there HIV”? If it does not exist, then how does such a disease develop and why, for almost 40 years, which the world knows about the existence of immunodeficiency, the true cause of this ailment is not known, an effective treatment has not been invented, and an effective prophylactic agent for a pathological condition has not been developed. All this together gave rise to many myths about HIV (AIDS).

Does HIV exist? If the world has developed tests to determine the virus in the blood, then the answer to the question: does HIV really exist is unambiguously positive. But what if HIV does not exist, and the disease it causes is just a genetic abnormality that scientists are carefully hiding? In any case, there is a lot of evidence that has its pros and cons. But you need to understand everything in order and carefully in order to understand all the mechanisms. On the question: HIV is a myth or reality, the opinions of scientists are divided even today.

Why doesn't HIV exist?

At the time when the world already knew about the causative agent of the infection and what changes it causes in the human body, many studies were carried out in different countries. Millions of people have been tested for the presence of immunodeficiency virus in their blood. Also, the main clinical symptoms were determined, in each case the pathology proceeded in stages of different duration, which is due to the state of the immune system in a particular patient.

In countries in western Africa, scientists have found entire populations of people who suffered from a disease very similar to AIDS, but they did not find a retrovirus in their blood. From that moment on, doubts crept in whether there really is HIV (AIDS), because there are many people in the world who had negative test results at the beginning of the development of the disease. And positive results appeared only when the disease was in full swing, and it was almost impossible to help a person.

Against the notion that AIDS does not exist, evidence emerged a little later. It was determined that the virus has many types, and the strain that was first identified was called HIV 1. The type identified after some time in the inhabitants of Guinea was called HIV 2.

AIDS does not exist: confessions of honest doctors and scientists

One of the groups of scientists who track the dynamics of the development of immunodeficiency has the opinion that HIV (AIDS) does not exist. The evidence that confirms this fact is based on the fact that the virus is not cultivated in ordinary media, does not obey the main laws of the epidemiological process. All the methods used to prevent and reduce the number of infected people do not change the state of the AIDS epidemic in the world.

In connection with this indisputable evidence, it was concluded that HIV infection does not exist and AIDS is just a genetic disease.

The great medical lie: AIDS doesn't exist

For many decades, the planet Earth has been overpopulated with humanity. Human life has been going on for over 7 decades and is supported by medical care with little or no difficulty. Multiple vaccinations have protected people from diseases that previously affected entire settlements, as a result of which more than a quarter of the world's population died. Hence, a large number of natural disasters, millions of people suffer from hunger and lack of food. Therefore, the world elite entered into an agreement with scientists.

This document said that a certain factor is needed that will not respond to standard medical treatment and can cause the death of patients leading an improper lifestyle. On the basis of this agreement, scientists invented a sexually transmitted disease and using non-sterile instruments. As a result, this pathology progresses among the population, affecting drug addicts, prostitutes and people who use their services to a greater extent.

Despite the seemingly true hoax of HIV, to which there is no opposition, the infection is fulfilling its tasks. Indeed, during the existence of a retrovirus on planet Earth, more than 50 million people have died from this disease. And every year the prevalence of the disease is increasing, and no treatment has been found, despite the huge amount of research and investment.

Based on this theory, it is impossible to specifically answer the question: is there AIDS or not? But it can be assumed that this disease did not just appear on the planet and it performs a certain function in relation to the existence of mankind.

Does AIDS exist or is it a myth?

The AIDS disease exists, many facts speak about it. For example, when in contact with an infected person, a healthy person also becomes infected with this disease. This suggests that there is an infectious factor, and this is most likely a viral agent.

HIV doesn't exist! The fact that supports this opinion is that no one has ever seen the virus live. And all assumptions about its structure and development in the body are just a theory, which is only partly confirmed by the relevant evidence.

The fact that AIDS does not exist is also evidenced by another indisputable fact. Not all infected people end their lives with AIDS. Scientists attribute this to the fact that a small percentage of the world's population has strong immunity, which, to the last, restrains the immunodeficiency virus and prevents secondary infection from affecting organs and systems. Based on this, the answer to the question: is there AIDS is definitely positive. But how can the body fight diseases if the pathogen completely destroys the immune system? This discrepancy remains a mystery.

Of course, it cannot be said that AIDS is the great hoax of the 20th century. This is convinced by the fact that the disease is just a statement of the fact that immunity has decreased to a critical level after the dawn of an infection in the human body, which leads to a well-known clinical picture.

Who Invented AIDS?

One of the probable facts that reveals the secret of the existence of the disease is the opinion that the pathogen was invented in one of the US military laboratories. Initially, it was supposed to be a virus that massively infects the population, spreads quickly upon contact with a healthy person and further infects others. But during the research, a serious mistake was made, as a result of which the virus entered the world of mankind and caused an epidemic known to the population of most countries of the world.

Is there HIV infection in countries where the main factors of transmission of immunodeficiency are not common? In world practice, there are statistics that the disease is spreading among people who abuse injecting drugs and have many sexual partners. In Arab countries, where sexual intercourse on the side is not welcomed by religion, and the use of drugs, even alcohol is considered a sin, there are also cases of infection.

In these states, there is no question of what HIV is - fiction or reality, because at the state level, the disease has been placed in a prohibition zone and the fight against it is going on at a high level. Recorded cases of pathology in the Arab states are associated with homosexual relationships of some men. But the spread of this infection in the countries of the east is very slow, which is most likely due to the way of life and the observance of the ancient traditions of communication between men and women.

HIV (AIDS) - the greatest hoax of the century

Due to the fact that for the first time immunodeficiency was identified in people who had homosexual intercourse, there is a group of scientists who prove: AIDS is a myth. Analyzing the question: HIV (AIDS) is a myth or reality, one should take into account what changes the immune system undergoes after the immunodeficiency virus enters the body.

Although some scientists consider HIV a hoax of the 20th century, it has been proven that after pathogenic microflora enters the body, it enters cells and causes genetic changes there, which help the virus to produce daughter virions in order to infect healthy structures further. The cells of the immune system perceive all the affected elements as antigens and kill them. And from a certain moment, the immune status begins to perceive other healthy structures as affected and also begins to fight with them.

The myths about HIV infection claim that because of homosexual relationships, men expose their bodies to the ingestion of foreign protein contained in sperm. There are many vessels in the rectum that suck in the remaining water into the blood. This is necessary to combat the dehydration that people often suffer from. It is through these vessels that a foreign protein in the form of motile spermatozoa enters the circulatory system of the body, which has the goal of getting closer and uniting with any cell on its way. This leads to a change in the genetic information of immune cells and impairment of their function, respectively.

The next question that arises from this conclusion is: how, then, is the infection transmitted in a heterogeneous way? Most women who contract sexually have many other sexually transmitted diseases. They are accompanied by wounds, ulcerations on the vaginal mucosa. It is through these injuries that sperm penetrates into the patient's blood, causing changes in the body.

There are a lot of myths about HIV infection, but which one is true? Is HIV really a hoax of the 21st century and nothing more? Perhaps immunodeficiency is a natural selection, but after all, everyone can protect themselves from it, using the means of mechanical protection.

HIV does not exist - the global deception of the whole world is developing every day more and more, foreshadowing an imminent catastrophe. A grandiose swindle in the form of the fight against AIDS is rampant in every country on the planet.

There is a widespread myth about HIV - about its deadly danger, incurability and the need to use highly active antiretroviral drugs, supposedly reducing the viral load in the body of an infected person.

We suggest you find out if there really is an infection that cannot be detected and cured? What myths about HIV infection have yet to be dispelled, and what are hidden behind the myths about AIDS?

Have you ever thought that AIDS does not exist? Why do people all over the world unconditionally believe what they are told in the media and do not require proof? Why do tens and hundreds of scientists stubbornly insist that there is no HIV and AIDS?

Only in recent years, with the development of communication means, began to speak openly that the human immunodeficiency virus is a deception from the outside:

  • state power,
  • pharmaceutical companies,
  • medical complex.

Scientists, pondering the problem of whether AIDS exists, to this day continue to track the dynamics of the development of infection. They draw people's attention that the virus cannot be cultivated in ordinary environments and the basic laws of epidemiological processes do not apply to it.

You must admit that all the measures taken to prevent and reduce the level of HIV-positive people have not changed the state of the epidemic in the world for several decades.

Is this not yet another proof that the immunodeficiency virus does not really exist?

Doubts about the discovery of infection ... or AIDS does not exist

AIDS is myth or reality? In 1984, the US government announced to the whole world that it had discovered a deadly infection - the human immunodeficiency virus. However, a patent acquired by the pioneer of HIV, Dr. Roberto Gallo, did not provide evidence that the infection destroys the cells of the immune system.

Prominent scientists, including Professor Peter Duesberg of the University of California and German virologist Stephan Lanka, have denied articles published in support of the HIV theory. They are convinced that Roberto Gallo was unable to show the nature of the virus based on modern and scientific virology standards.

The controversy that began from the moment HIV was “discovered” has continued to this day. Refuting Gallo's research, Dr. Beid Graves said that the manufacturers of an experimental vaccine developed against hepatitis B and smallpox, supplied to Africa and American homosexuals, added human immunodeficiency virus to the composition, thereby causing an outbreak of infections.

Who was the first

Several authors concurrently argued about what to call the virus. Scientists Gallo and Montagnier managed to win victories. Interestingly, even US President Ronald Reagan took part in the debate that erupted on this issue.

In 1994, WHO introduced into circulation a single name for infection - human immunodeficiency virus. At the same time, HIV-1 was diagnosed (recognized as dangerous) and HIV-2 (it is believed that it is not widespread).

Despite the fact that the infection was discovered several decades ago, the only remedy is prevention and highly active antiretroviral therapy, which involves the simultaneous administration of 3-4 of the strongest drugs.

Non-existent cases

Each officially registered HIV diagnosis is recorded in the database of the World Health Organization (WHO). To achieve a “real” number effect, previously reported infections are multiplied by an ever-increasing rate.

For example, in 1996, the official number of infections in Africa multiplied by 12, and after a few years the rate was already 38. Not surprisingly, at such a rate the number of alleged HIV-infected patients in Africa has increased by 4,000,000 in recent years.

In 2010, the number of HIV-positive people was 34 million worldwide (official statistics from WHO), but the organization is silent about the fact that this information is cumulative, i.e. contain information from the early 1980s!

A new global and, at the same time, a deadly infection is a tool to distract from the real problems of the world and an opportunity to receive large funding from the state treasury. Are you sure that AIDS agencies are not manipulating humanity with scientifically unproven theory??

HIV tests often show incorrect results

The number of positive results of the HIV test "ELISA" carried out in the territory of the Russian Federation was 30,000! Terrifying result, isn't it? But only 66 (just 0.22% of the total!) Were subsequently confirmed by another Western Blot test.

False positive results lead to the fact that some people become depressed and commit suicide, others begin to take powerful drugs and "destroy" their body, and still others, instead of fighting a real problem, fight a non-existent virus.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the factors provoking a false positive test result for the detection of antibodies to HIV:

  • pregnancy,
  • flu,
  • cold,
  • hepatitis,
  • herpes,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • tuberculosis,
  • dermatomyositis, etc.

Many scientists are convinced that the diagnosis of HIV is a deception. You do not need to immediately switch to highly active antiretroviral therapy and poison your body; it is better to find and eliminate the true cause of weakened immunity.

Blood for HIV must be donated twice. A confirmatory result will dispel your doubts or, conversely, confirm the diagnosis. Modern diagnostic methods do not guarantee absolute accuracy of the results, so you cannot be 100% sure of them!

AIDS can be contracted

HIV speculation is a huge medical hoax. The state of acquired or congenital weakened immunity has been known to doctors for a long time, but only now all the factors leading to it have been united by one term - AIDS.

Everything that is now presented as a deadly epidemic is a simple substitution of concepts! As a result, people become social outcasts. They, as before, suffer from tuberculosis, cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma, etc., but they are sure that they are suffering from an incurable virus.

Stop being mistaken! Everything that you hear under the terrible abbreviation "AIDS" has long been studied and curable. With regard to HAART, treatment with such powerful drugs is much more dangerous than the immunodeficiency itself.

Attention! More than 50,000 deaths are attributed to the use of antiretroviral drugs (retrovir, zidovudine, etc.).

Causes of immunodeficiency:


  • poverty,
  • addiction,
  • homosexuality, etc.


  • radio emission,
  • radiation in nuclear test zones,
  • taking excessive dosages of antibiotics, etc.

Whether or not - who is right

Is HIV a myth or reality? The debate on this issue has been going on for several decades, and scientists, doctors and virologists from all over the world take part in them. Is it possible that HIV and AIDS are some kind of joke??

If so, it would be easy to eliminate the “uncomfortable” people without the use of physical pressure and arousing suspicion. There would be no need to use biological weapons, because it is enough for him to falsely diagnose HIV.

Just imagine that you are a person who was diagnosed with the human immunodeficiency virus a minute ago. Not only your body, but also your psyche is undergoing a powerful shock. The only thing that you understand is a mortal danger from which there is no way out.

You go home, try to live a normal life, but you can no longer completely relax. Over time, the mind is resigned to the idea of ​​imminent death, and you agree to the use of dangerous drugs.

Do you think that all this is fiction? If the whole theory about HIV and AIDS is true and true, then answer a few questions:

  • By whom, when, and during which clinical trials, was it decided to use antiretroviral therapy to lower viral load?
  • It is constantly said that condoms are a reliable protection against HIV. Who tested them and when to make sure they were impervious?
  • Why are official HIV statistics compiled cumulatively? Why is the number of infected people multiplied by an increasing coefficient every year? Doesn't this seem like a manipulation of statistics?

The indisputable proof of the existence of the virus is its isolation and photographing using an electron microscope. Then why is there still no HIV treatment?

There are always, were and will be diseases arising and proceeding against the background of a weakened immunity - this is not denied by any doctor. However, calling them HIV or AIDS is a huge mistake, which has already resulted in thousands of deaths.

Summing up

HIV is a disease recognized by the medical community, like AIDS.

Accordingly, the denial of the disease is a private matter of the person.

But this decision cannot be made without talking to a doctor. Be sure to contact the doctors, get a detailed explanation, look at the patients who come to them, talk to them, join the community of the sick and then make a decision, deny the disease or get treated and live in society, continuing to see the prospects for life ...

Joke: AIDS is the plague of the twentieth century and the runny nose of the twenty-first.

Announcement: 80% of those infected with HIV live in Africa, but the continent's population has doubled over the past 30 years. Is the Devil named HIV so scary and is there really an epidemic?

For the first time, an atypical manifestation of immunodeficiency in homosexual men was described in the American journal "Weekly Journal of Morbidity and Mortality" in 1981. This year is the starting point in the history of HIV.

The virus itself was isolated in 1983 at the Pasteur Institute (France) and at the same time at the National Institutes of Health (USA), but it was the French Françoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier who won the 2008 Nobel Prize. for this discovery.

Epidemiology and pathogenesis

Human immunodeficiency virus belongs to the RNA-containing viruses of the Retrovirus genus, the Lentivirus family. There are two types of virus: HIV-1 is the main cause of the epidemic, and HIV-2 is a rare variant mainly found in West Africa. Once in the human body, the viral particle detects cellular CD4 receptors, attaching to which it can enter the cell.

Inside the cell, viral RNA synthesizes DNA on itself, which is incorporated into the host's nucleus and exists with it until the cell dies. Viral DNA synthesizes RNA for new viral particles that infect more and more cells. CD4 receptors contain cells of the nervous and immune tissues, therefore it is these systems that are primarily affected by HIV.

The source of HIV-1 infection is a sick person, there is a theory that HIV-1 can infect wild chimpanzees, and some species of African monkeys may be a reservoir for HIV-2. The virus is very unstable in the external environment: it does not tolerate heating and drying, any antiseptics destroy it almost instantly. HIV is present in all body fluids: tears, breast milk, spinal fluid, saliva, rectal mucus, etc., but most of it is found in blood, semen and vaginal secretions.

Modes of HIV transmission

Sexual. The virus is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Male homosexuals are most at risk, as their way of satisfying their sexual desire is the most dangerous.

Hemocontact aka parenteral. The virus is transmitted through blood transfusions, as well as through contaminated medical instruments, such as syringes, or through trauma, when the blood of an infected person enters the wound of an uninfected person. The main contingent of those infected in this way are intravenous drug addicts. They make up 70 - 80% of those infected with HIV in civilized countries.

Vertical. That is, from mother to fetus. Most often, the infection of the baby occurs directly during childbirth, through the mother's blood. Infection through the placenta is rare, and even less often the virus is transmitted through breast milk. In general, an HIV-positive mother has a 25-30% chance of having an HIV-positive baby.

HIV is not transmitted in the household, and kisses, handshakes and bites of blood-sucking insects are also safe.

At-risk groups

  • intravenous drug addicts;
  • persons, regardless of orientation, using anal sex;
  • recipients (recipients) of blood or organs;
  • medical workers;
  • persons involved in the sex industry, both prostitutes and their clients.

Symptoms and stages of HIV infection

Incubation stage

From the moment of infection until the first symptoms of HIV infection appear. It usually lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months, rarely it can lengthen up to 1 year. At this time, there is an active introduction of the virus into cells and its reproduction. There are no clinical symptoms of the disease yet, the body's immune response has not yet been observed.

Stage of primary manifestations

The active multiplication of the virus continues, but the body is already beginning to respond to the introduction of HIV. This phase lasts about 3 months. It can proceed in three ways:

  • Asymptomatic - there are no signs of the disease, but antibodies to HIV are found in the blood.
  • Acute HIV infection - this is where the first symptoms of HIV infection appear, accompanied by an unmotivated rise in body temperature to subfebrile numbers, increased fatigue, various rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, enlarged lymph nodes (more often posterior cervical, axillary, elbow), in some people it can sore throat, diarrhea, spleen and liver enlargement occur. Blood test - decreased lymphocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytopenia. This period lasts on average from 2 weeks to 1.5 months, then passes into the latent stage.
  • Acute HIV infection with secondary diseases - sometimes in the acute phase, the suppression of immunity is so strong that already at this stage HIV-associated infections (pneumonia, herpes, fungal infections, etc.) may appear.
Latent stage

All signs of the acute phase disappear. The virus continues to destroy cells of the immune system, but their death is compensated by their increased production. Immunity decays slowly, but constantly, until the number of lymphocytes drops to a certain critical level. Previously, it was believed that this stage lasts about 5 years, now this period has been increased to 10 - 20 years. This stage has no clinical symptoms of HIV infection.

Stage of secondary disease or AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)

The number of lymphocytes decreases so much that infections that would otherwise never occur to a person begin to cling to. These diseases are called AIDS-associated infections:

  • Kaposi's sarcoma;
  • lymphoma of the brain;
  • candidiasis of the esophagus, bronchi or lungs;
  • cytomegalovirus infections;
  • pneumocystis pneumonia;
  • pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, etc.

In fact, the list is long. In 1987, a WHO expert committee compiled a list of 23 diseases that are considered markers of AIDS, and in the presence of the first 12, immunological confirmation of the presence of the virus in the body is not required.

Treatment of HIV infection

Modern medicine is not yet able to completely cure HIV, and a reliable vaccine has not been developed that allows for specific prophylaxis of this disease. However, the use of antiretroviral drugs can reduce the viral load on the body and prevent the progression of the disease into AIDS. In this case, treatment should continue throughout the patient's life.

The effectiveness of combined (includes 2 or more drugs with different mechanisms of action) antiretroviral therapy has been proven in two large studies: HPTN-052 and CROI-2014. Both studies involve homosexual and heterosexual couples, where one partner is infected and takes antiretroviral drugs, while the virus is not detected in his blood, the other is healthy.

  • HPTN-052 launched in 2005, in 2011 the probability of infection has decreased by 96%;
  • CROI-2014 started in 2011, is held only in the USA, 40% of couples are homosexual, 280,000 heterosexual and 164,000 homosexual unprotected intercourses have been tracked, as of February 2014. not a single documented case of infection of a sexual partner has yet been recorded.

Both studies are still pending, but preliminary results are impressive.

Alternative point of view

Money rules the world. This postulate is obvious to everyone. All major world religions condemn money-grubbing, but this does not save humanity. Golden Taurus dominates all spheres of human activity.

In terms of profitability, medicine is immediately behind the arms trade, drug business, casinos and prostitution, but with much less risk. Turn on the TV, half of the commercials will flush you with various pills that help "from everything."

For example, the well-known Mitsubishi corporation produces everything from cars to fountain pens (my friend, an artist, uses only pencils from this company). So, this company includes a division of Mitsubishi Chemical, which produces drugs. It is Mitsubishi Chemical that provides half of the income of the entire corporation. Pills, not cars, support the well-being of Mitsubishi's management.

Modern medicine has advanced far ahead in the fight against the most dangerous diseases. We have defeated smallpox, we have almost eliminated it, we are no longer dying of plague and cholera. Even cancer is not as terrible for a modern person as it was a hundred years ago. Doctors can successfully lower blood pressure, treat heart attacks, transplant up to 60% of organs, and make prostheses that are no worse than real limbs. In general, the markets are sorted out, the areas of activity are divided ...

Newcomers to the pharmaceutical business have absolutely nothing to do. Mega-corporations, which are richer than oil ones, will devour it one-two. But they also need to somehow increase their income.

A few more examples. The antipyretic drug Aspirin-Bayer is taken by 50 million healthy Americans, it supposedly saves them from a heart attack. Synthetic vitamins A and E significantly increase the risk of cancer and heart attack, while their natural counterparts are absolutely harmless.

So how can you increase your farm income now? companies, if everything has already been divided, and epidemics are eliminated? We must invent a threat. Believe me, in the history of the 20th century there were many scams that brought fabulous profits to pharmaceutical corporations. These are synthetic vitamins that are dangerous to health), some vaccines, the already mentioned Aspirin, etc. But the most ambitious hoax is, of course, the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV infection.

The US government has already spent $ 50 billion on the fight against the AIDS epidemic, while no effective vaccine has been created, and antiretroviral drugs kill a person faster than HIV itself. 15 - 20% of the population of the poorest countries in Africa are declared AIDS patients, despite the fact that a monthly course of treatment for Africans costs at least $ 150. for one person. In Russia and the USA, the cost of therapy can be up to $ 800 per month. Do you feel the size of the profits of pharmaceutical cartels?

The first to question the link between AIDS and HIV was Peter Duesberg (a famous biologist). Back in 1987. he studied the statistics of the incidence of AIDS in the United States and found that 90% of patients are men, and 60-70% of them are drug addicts, and the remaining 30% are gays who actively use all kinds of aphrodisiacs and psychostimulants, blacks make up 12% of the US population, while among About 47% of them are HIV-infected.

This behavior of the virus seemed suspicious to Duesberg. Around this time (late 1980s), the HIV / AIDS denial movement (AIDS dissidents) emerged. Its supporters (some of them are world-renowned scientists and even Nobel laureates) argue that there is no connection between acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and HIV. The most radical apologists for this movement deny the very fact of the detection of the human immunodeficiency virus.

Here are some of the tenets of AIDS dissidence in a nutshell:

  • Acquired immunodeficiency exists, but it is not caused by HIV, but by a host of other factors: intoxication, drug addiction, homosexuality, radiation, vaccinations, taking certain medications, malnutrition, pregnancy (in women who often give birth), stress, etc.
  • Among sexually infected people, the majority are homosexual men. AIDS dissidents explain this fact by the fact that male sperm, injected in an unnatural way, is a powerful immunosuppressive agent. By the way, the symptoms of HIV infection in women and men are absolutely identical.
  • Drug addiction is very destructive for the immune system, which is why drug addicts die of immunodeficiency even without HIV. Drugs rapidly destroy the liver, whose functions are to neutralize toxic substances, it participates in many types of metabolism and if its functions are disrupted, a person can get sick and die from anything.
  • In Africa, three factors are sufficient for a diagnosis of AIDS: diarrhea, exhaustion, and fever. This does not require confirmation of the detection of a virus. Millions of Africans are dying of malnutrition, unsanitary conditions, tuberculosis, herpes simplex, CMV, malaria and other “diseases of poverty” amid reduced immunity, but megacorporations are trying to convince us that they are dying of AIDS.
  • Since the beginning of the epidemic, the population of Africa has doubled. The most HIV-affected African country, Uganda, where about 20% of the population is allegedly infected with HIV, is showing a constant population growth.
  • There is not a single disease directly related to HIV, when a person dies of AIDS, this means that he died of tuberculosis, pneumocystis pneumonia, salmonella sepsis, etc.
  • Duesberg himself put forward the chemical theory of AIDS, he claims that this disease is caused by drugs, as well as many drugs, including those used in the treatment of HIV, after which he became the # 1 enemy of pharmaceutical cartels. He conducts his research with modest donations from private individuals.
  • Freddie Mercury died of AIDS in 1991, having struggled with the disease for 3 years, he was a homosexual and a drug addict. In the same year, American basketball player Magic Johnson announced the end of his sports career due to the discovery of HIV in his blood, he is heterosexual and has not "dabbled" in drugs - he is still alive and well.
  • Pharmaceutical companies do their best to resist the reduction of prices for their products aimed at combating HIV. The market for these drugs is estimated at $ 500 billion per year. GlaxoSmithKline alone generates about $ 160 billion annually from HIV.

It is interesting that the supporters of the classical theory do not try to logically and reasonably refute AIDS dissidents, registering them as sectarians, and this indirectly proves that their statements are absolutely groundless, since the viral nature of the origin of AIDS in scientific circles is considered proven.

Paradoxically, the hysteria around HIV has benefited the national health care system. Medical workers have become more careful about the sanitary and epidemiological rules, the production of disposable consumables has increased tenfold, the attitude towards blood has changed (it has become not so frivolous).

I will add a few words from myself. Remember the story of thirty-two people infected with HIV in Elista in 1988, I was not too lazy to find out their fate, by 2011 half of them had died. I personally know a woman who has been HIV positive for 12 years, ignores antiretroviral therapy, looks quite healthy and is not going to die yet.

My personal IMHO conclusion from what has been said is the following: HIV exists, but its connection with AIDS is not obvious, and this problem is overblown by pharmaceutical cartels for selfish purposes. Ask yourself, would you have unprotected intercourse with a partner who claims to have HIV? So I wouldn't, it's scary ...

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