Sexual bodies diversity. Three types of men's genital organs

The combination of organs providing sexual reproduction is called sexual system. Hamets are formed in it (men's sexes - spermatozoa or female - egg cell), fertilization occurs, as a result of which the first boss of the new organism is originated - the zygote. Eggs ripen in two ovaries, which are in the depths of the pelvis. The ovaries at the same time and the inner secretion gland, they produce female sex hormones estrogens. In a newborn girl, each ovary contains about 200 thousand eggs. Under the influence of the folliclestimulating hormone (the pituitary is produced) in the female organism, one egg maker matures each month. Around her on the surface of the ovary formed a bubble - follicle. On the fourteenth day, the wall bubble bursts. Ripened eggs falls out of the ovary. It picks up one of the eggs, or phallopy pipes. They are tubes opening with one end in the abdominal cavity near the ovaries, and the other in the uterus. The tubes inside are fused with fiscal epithelium, which creates a fluid current required for the movement of the egg towards the uterus.

Every four weeks, the ovaries emit a ripe egg. It falls into one of two uterine pipes. If, as a result of sexual intercourse, the woman will fall sperm, then one of the spermatozoa through the egg will penetrate through the sheath of the egg and fertilizes it. The embryonic first cell is formed.

Women's sex glats - ovaries. Every four weeks in one of two eggs, ripening eggs falls. If fertilization occurs, it will go down to the uterine cavity and attached to its mucous membrane. Here will develop the embryo. Pregnancy is completed by childbirth. The baby is chosen on the light through the vagina.

Scheme of the position of female genital organs

1. ovaries; 2. Fallopian tube; 3. Matter; 4. Bubble; 5. Ureyeing channel; 6. Lobcovaya bone; 7. Thick intestine; 8. Spine.

Each time, before the egg leaves the follicle, the ends of the fallopian pipes, facing the ovary, be filmed, preparing to take a ripe egg. If a sexual act is accomplished at this time and the woman and man will not use contraceptives, male sex cells can penetrate the foolopiev pipe. The fertilization of the egg usually occurs in the pipe, its division begins there. The embryo for several days is descended over the pipe in the uterus, which is already ready to take it. In the uterus it is attached to its mucous membrane, permeated blood vessels.

During pregnancy, the uterus increases. The figures in the figure indicate the term of pregnancy in weeks. By the end of pregnancy, the uterus with an embryo-developed germ takes most of the abdomen.

Uterus - a hollow organ in which the fruit is developing to childbirth. It consists of three layers: the outer connective woven, muscle and mucous membrane. Muscular layer is formed by three layers of smooth muscle fibers, allowing the uterus to shrink. As the embryo grows, the uterus increases. The embryo has shells surrounding it from all sides and employees for protection and nutrition. One of the shells - Chorion is growing into the wall of the uterus and, together with its cells, forms a placenta, through which the embryo receives nutrients, oxygen and gives the gas exchange products and carbon dioxide. In the later stages of development, the fetal body is connected to the floating basic cepochetus. At the end of pregnancy, under the action of the hormone of oxytocin (the pituitary is highlighted) the uterus is reduced and squeezes the fruit of the womb.

The baby is chosen on the light through the vagina - a very elastic muscular tube with a length of 10 cm. If the egg leaving remained unfertilized, then in a few hours it dies. However, under the influence of progesterone - this is the name of the hormone, which is formed by a yellow body, a fabric of a bunting follicle, - the mucous membrane of the uterus continues to grow, getting ready to take a fertilized egg. Only in two weeks the woman's body notices their mistake. Yellow body ceases to produce hormones. Soon the scratched mucosa of the uterus, rich in secrets and nutrients, impregnated with blood and tissue fluid. The shell bursts. Now the uterus turns her. Each healthy woman has these monthly separation from the uterus - menstruation is repeated 12 times a year. They stop only aged when the ability to fertilize is lost, closer to fifty years.

How does the men's intermission system arranged

1. Bubble; 2. Lobcovaya bone; 3. Cave body; 4. Member head; 5. Eggs; 6. Ureyeing channel; 7. Seeding duct; 8. Prostate gland; 9. Seed bubbles; 10. Thick.

Seven glands of men - seeds, or testicles - two small organs located outside the body cavity, in a special lean bag - scrotum. Every day, the cells of the testicles produce from several hundred thousand to several million new spermatozoa - genital cells consisting of head and tail. The spermatozoa makes the hereditary material in its core. In addition to the formation of sperm, the seeds also perform the function of the internal secretion glands, producing men's sex hormones - androgens. Under their influence, secondary sexual signs are formed, for example, a beard and mustache. Plicing glands - prostate gland and seed bubbles - produce a seminal fluid that transfers and feeds sperm.

Scheme of the position of men's genital organs

Fire glands Men - eggs. During the sexual act, the sperm, developed by them, moving through the apparers of the testicles and seed-eyed ducts, mixed with secrets separated by prostate gland and seed bubbles. Seed fluid is formed - sperm.

The seed-airing duct comes out of the scrotum into the abdominal cavity and flows into the urethra - Urta, which is a narrow tube, passing inside the penis and leading out of the bladder.

According to statistics, almost every second woman has insufficient knowledge of its intimate zone. This is quite sad fact, because, according to all the same statistics, it is insufficient awareness that often prevents a woman to enjoy intimate intimacy.

Meanwhile, this body is able to give a woman an unforgettable feeling if you can use it correctly. Therefore, the most interesting facts relating to erotic female anatomy are below.

Fact 1. Vagina - still not all intimate zone

An intimate zone is called female external genital organs. This term is much more extensive. The intimate zone is a channel running along the whole body, ranging from the exterior genital organs and ending with the cervix. In addition to the vagina, the intimate zone includes the clitoris, urethra, large and small sex lips, crotch, cervix, urinary bubble, anus, uterus and ovaries.

Fact 2. The vagina is very elastic and has folded walls

Yes, the vagina is so elastic, which can grab a member of a giant size, and after sex it is narrowed again to the previous sizes. The female body has an excellent feature - it is adjusted for the size and form of the current lover.

Most of the time of the intimate zone wall are pretty close to each other. But when it is necessary, it is revealed, like an umbrella. And during childbirth, the vagina is generally able to reveal to a width of 10 cm and even more.

However, after childbirth, some women complain that their vagina slightly lost its elasticity. Certray to this problem help regular kegel exercises.

Fact 3. Vagina of different women is very similar

True, it only applies to the inner part of the vagina, but the vulva has a unique woman. Large sex lips can be not at all noticeable, but they can in size to reach several centimeters. Small lips, in shape resembling butterfly wings, can be hidden, and they can hang even below the large lips. Most women have sex lips asymmetrical. This is a completely normal phenomenon and in no case should not confuse a woman. The size of the clitoris for each woman is also varied. On average, it is usually 2-3 cm.

By the way, the sensitivity of the clitoris and sex lips is also different for each woman. It can be higher to the left or right. Find out which side is more sensitive, it is possible to experimentally.

Fact 4. Inside the vagina filled with bacteria

Do not be afraid, since most of these bacteria is vital for a woman. Thanks to it, women's health is supported, since bacteria protect the vagina from infections.

FACT 5. Vagina is capable of self-cleaning

Truly the amazing self-cleaning ability. A woman does not need to try to rinse under the shower or other means hard-to-reach intimate zones. Thanks to the daily secretions, the body cleans himself from the inside itself. Allocations are washed from the vagina walls all unnecessary bacteria, water and dirt, and naturally remove them from the body.

So the only thing you need to take care of a woman is about the hygiene of the adjacent zones. To this end, it is better to use special gels for intimate hygiene, since the usual soap can damage the natural balance and cause irritation.

Fact 6. The vagina has a specific smell

In front of menstruation, the vagina has an acidic smell, and after their end - sharp. A more pronounced smell can be during sex (due to the release of natural lubrication), or in the process of sports (due to sweat).

Fact 7. Each woman has an intimate zone on color different from other parts of the body

Many women with light skin, an intimate zone has a purple or brownish shade. But the dark-skinned intimate zone is often brighter of their body. In addition, in different places, an intimate zone can be painted in different ways. For example, the crotch can have a pale pink color, and sex lips can be dark.

Fact 8. The structure of the discharge changes throughout the cycle

For example, during the ovulation of the allocation is more abundant, have a liquid and transparent structure. And before menstruation, they are thick and become creamy shade. If the woman noticed the creative selection and itching in the perineum - it is necessary to urgently turn to the gynecologist.

Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

Female genital organs are separated on the outer (vulva) and internal. Domestic genitals ensure conception, exterior participates in sexual intercourse and are responsible for sexual sensations.

The internal genital organs include the vagina, uterus, uterine pipes and ovaries. To the outer - pubis, large and small sex lips, clitoris, anticipation of the vagina, large glands of the vagina (bartoline gland). The border between the outer and internal genital bodies is the virgin Pie, and after the start of sexual life - its remnants.

Exterior genitals

Pubis (Veineline Budrock, Lunar Hollyk) - the lowest section of the front abdominal wall of a woman, slightly towering thanks to a well-developed subcutaneous fat layer. The pubic area has a pronounced hair cover, which is usually darker than on the head, and in appearance is a triangle with a sharply defined upper horizontal boundary and a vertex directional. Sex lips (intense lips) - the folds of the skin, located on both sides of the sex gap and the threightener of the vagina. Distinguish big and small sex lips

Large sex lips - The folds of the skin, in the thickness of which is a rich fiber-rich fiber. The skin of large sex lips has a lot of swing and sweat glands and during puberty outside the outside is covered with hair. Bartoline glands are located in the lower departments of large sex lips. In the absence of sexual stimulation, large sex lips are usually closed in the midline, which creates mechanical protection for urethra and entering the vagina.

Small sex lips Located between large gender lips in the form of two thin gentle skin folds of pink color, limiting the thread of the vagina. They have a large amount of sebaceous glands, blood vessels and nerve endings, which makes it possible to consider them a sexual feeling. Small lips converge over the clitoris, forming a skin fold called the extreme flesh of the clitoris. In case of sexual excitation, small sex lips are saturated with blood and turn into elastic rollers, narrowing in the vagina, which increases the intensity of sexual sensations when administration of a penis.

Clitoris - Female external genital organ located near the top ends of small sexes. This is a unique organ, the only function of which is to concentrate and accumulate sexual sensations. The magnitude and appearance of the clitoris have individual differences. Length is about 4-5 mm, but some women it reaches 1 cm or more. With sexual excitation, the clitoris increases in size.

Vagina's spelling - Slim space, limited from the sides of small sexual lips, in front of the clitoris, behind - the rear spike of the germ lips. From above, the anticipation of the vagina is covered with virgin universal or its remnants. On the eve of the vagina, the outer opening of the urethra opens, located between the clitoris and the input of the vagina. The spelling of the vagina sensitively reacts to the touch and at the time of sexual excitation poured with blood, forming an elastic elastic "cuff", which is moistened to the secret of large and small glands (vaginal lubricant) and opens the entrance to the vagina.

Bartolinov glare (Large glands of the vagina's threshold) are located in the thicker of large germ lips at their base. The magnitude of one gland is about 1.5-2 cm. The glands during sex excitation and interchange are isolated a liquid (vaginal fluid, lubricant).

Internal genitals

Vagina (Vagina) - The inner sexual body of a woman who participates in the process of sexual act, and in childbirth is part of the generic channel. The length of the vagina in women, on average, 8 cm. But some it may be longer (up to 10-12 cm) or shorter (up to 6 cm). Inside the vagina with a mucous membrane with a large number of folds, which allows it to stretch in the process of childbirth.

Ovarian - Women's sex glats, from the moment of birth they contain more than a million unripe eggs. In the ovaries, estrogen hormones are also formed and progesterone. Due to the constant cyclic change in the content of these hormones in the body, as well as the release of hormones, the ripening of eggs and their subsequent output from the ovaries occurs. This process is repeated approximately every 28 days. The liberation of the egg is called ovulation. In the immediate vicinity of each ovary there is a Fallopian tube.

Fallopiev pipes (uterine tubes) - Two hollow tubes with holes coming from ovaries to the uterus and opening in its top. At the ends of the pipes near the ovaries there are vile. When the egg is coming out of the ovary, the villus is trying to capture her with their continuous movements and drive it into the pipe so that she can continue the path to the uterus.

Uterus - a hollow organ with the shape of a pear. It is located in the pelvis cavity. During pregnancy, the uterus increases as the fetus grows. The walls of the uterus consist of layers of muscles. With the beginning of the battle and during childbirth, the muscles of the uterus are reduced, the cervix is \u200b\u200bstretched and revealed and the fruit is pushed into the generic canal.

Cervix It is its lower part with a passage connecting the uterine cavity and the vagina. During the birth of the cervical walls, the cervical zev expands and acquires the kind of round hole with a diameter of about 10 centimeters, due to this, the release of the fetus from the uterus in the vagina becomes possible.

Hymen (Hymen) - a thin fold of the mucous membrane in virgins, located at the entrance to the vagina between the internal and external genitals. Each girl has individual, only her inherent in the features of the virgin splava. In a virgin spray, there is one or more holes of various sizes and forms through which blood is distinguished during menstruation.

At first sexual contact, a virgin splava (defloration) is ruined, usually with the release of a small amount of blood, sometimes with a feeling of pain. At the age of 22 years old, Perehs is less elastic than at a young age, so young girls defloration usually happens easier and with less blood loss, there are no discrepancies of sexual intercourse and without breaking the splas. The gaps of virgin splas can be deep, with abundant bleeding, or superficial, with minor bleeding. Sometimes, with too elastic virgin splas, it does not occur, in this case defloration occurs without pain and bleeding. After childbirth, the virgin riga is completely destroyed, only its separate flaps remain.

The lack of blood in the girl during defloration should not cause jealousy or suspicion, since it is necessary to take into account the individual features of the structure of female genital organs.

In order to reduce pain in defloration and increase the duration of sexual intercourse, we can use lubricants containing drugs that reduce pain sensitivity of the mucous membrane.

ETM material we open the cycle of articles on the anatomical structure of the female body. In this category, we will talk about the internal organs, the structure of the bones of a small pelvis, about the mysterious muscles, helping the woman to feel like a woman, about the points of pleasure and about other anatomical obhences of a woman ...

Female genitals

This article uses the following materials:
- Schneerson MG "Consisters Doctor" (2005)
- site materials -
- materials of the site of the gynecologist O.I.Sikirina -
- Materials of the site about a person -

Surprisingly, but it turns out, not all women represent how the most intimate part of their body is arranged. In the book MG Schneayon "advises the doctor" (2005), curious cases are told, for example, when. The 18-year-old girl was recommended to introduce a medicinal substance into the vagina, and in response to the appointment, she asked in surprise: "But how will I go to the toilet?" The girl was confident that the vagina simultaneously performs the function of the urethra. Some women in a panic fled to the doctor, "by chance" finding the cervix in the vagina, which they took for a tumor.

The genitals of women are divided into external and internal, interconnected vagina.

External genital bodies available to visual inspection. Internal can be explored using a gynecological mirror or specially engaged in "self-education" (this will be discussed in one of the subsequent articles).

Outdoor genital organs include:

Pubis - It is a triangular platform located at the lowest front of the front abdominal wall. With the onset of sexual maturity, the leather pubis is covered with hair. The upper border of the exhaustion is both the upper border of the pubis.
(NB!) By the nature of the exhaust, it is possible to determine the presence of certain endocrine disorders in a woman, which is important when complaints about infertility or impaired menstrual cycle.

Large sex lips - Two skin folds covered with hair connecting on top and bottom. In the pubic area they form an anterior spike. At the crotch, they converge into the rear spike. The skin of large sex lips is covered with hair and contains sweat and sebaceous glands.

Small sex lips - Thin elastic folds of the mucous membrane, located between large gender lips, covering the input into the vagina. The skin here contains numerous sebaceous glands, there is no overeating on small sexual lips. The folds of small sexual lips are partially or completely cover the clitoris.

Clitoris - A small but very sensitive and important organ. The female clitoris is similar to the structure on the men's sexual member, but much less than him. It is formed by two cavernous bodies and covered on top of gentle skin containing a large amount of sebaceous glands. When sex excited, the cavernous bodies are filled with blood, caused by the clitoris erection.

Wanted vagina - space, limited in front and on top of the clitoris, rear and bottom - the rear spike of large sexes, from the sides - small sexual lips. The bottom of the threshold is the virgin pole or her remains surrounding the entrance to the vagina. On the eve of: the outer opening of the urethra, located down the book from the clitoris, the withdrawal ducts of the large glands of the exterior (bartolinium) and some other glands. Bartolyiniev glands are located in the thicker - the rear third of the large sexual lips on one on each side and allocate the liquid secret, moisturizing the intelling of the vagina. The mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina is called vulva.

Hymen - It is the finest metering of a ring-shaped or semi-short form, a thickness of 0.5 - 2 mm, protecting the internal genitals from the penetration of infection. This membrane in the form of a plug-in plate, which has one or more holes, through which menstrual blood is distinguished. With the first sexual intercourse, the virgin glans usually bursts, sometimes it is accompanied by small bleeding. The virgin riga forms the border between the outer and internal genitals

If we consider the outdoor genital organs in more detail, then you can note a few more components:

The moisture part is pubis.
1 - front spike lips;
2 - a large sex lip;
3 - Clit;
4 - the outer opening of the urethra channel;
5 - Small sexual lip;
6 - anticipation of the vagina;
7 - a hole of the vagina;
8 - the bridle of the germ lips;
9 - rear spike of the germ lip;
"10" - rear-pass hole.

Large and small sex lips are two holes. One of them, a diameter of 3-4 mm, located just below the clitoris, is called the urethra (urethra) hole, through which urine is derived from the bladder. Directly under it is the second hole with a diameter of 2 - 3 cm is the entrance to the vagina, which covers (or once covered) the virgin pole.

The area between the rear spike of the germ lip and the rear-intensive (anal) hole is called the crotch. In the middle between the entrance to the vagina and the anal hole (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear spike of the germ lip) there is a point of Hui-Yin, widely known in the Taoist treatises about sex and longevity.

Soft fabrics occupying the space of the outlet of the pelvis are called a pelvic bottom.

Now consider the internal genitals.

To the genital bodies of women belong to the vagina, the uterus and its appendages (uterine pipes and ovaries, as well as their ligaments).
1 - uterus;
2 - Own bunch of ovary;
3 - uterine tubes;
4 - ovary;
5 - fringe pipe;
6 - Round bunch of uterus;
7 - vagina;
8 - muscle shell pipe;
9 - mucosa tube sheath;
"10" - Pipe folds

Vagina - It is easy to stretch a muscular tube length - from 7 - 8 cm to "10" -12 cm. This tube goes up from the eve of the vagina to the uterus. The top layer of the vagina is connected to the neck of the uterus, forming four arches: front, rear and two side.

The walls of the vagina, the cervical cervical channel and the uterine cavity are lined with glands excreted by a mucus, which not only moisturizes a normal healthy vagina, but also cleans it from "biological garbage" (bodies of dead cells, bacteria, etc.). The wall of the vagina has a thickness of 0.3-0.4 cm and has great elasticity. The mucous membrane of the vaginal gland does not contain, forms folds, the number of which decreases after delivery, and has a pale pink color. The surface of the mucous membrane of the vagina is represented by numerous layers of flat cells, which are called multilayer flat epithelium. The epithelium layers change over the menstrual cycle under the influence of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

Uterus - This is a hollow organ consisting of smooth muscles and in shape resembling a pear. The weight of the uterus in a hawk woman is about 50 g, the length of it is 7-8 cm, the wall thickness is 1-2 cm.

The uterus is divided into three departments: neck, sheek, body. The cervix makes approximately a third of the entire length of the organ. At the unborn woman has a conical shape, a woman has a cylinder form. The uterine wall consists of three layers: the inner - mucous membrane (endometrial), the average - muscular layer (mineometry) and the outer-serous (perimetry). The mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) is divided into two layers: basal, deeper, and functional, superficial. During the menstrual cycle, under the action of female genital hormones, the cells of the functional layer occurs, a large amount of nutrients are deposited in them, it is silent as if a pillow for adopting a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, the functional layer of the endometry is rejected, which is accompanied by menstrual bleeding. At the end of menstruation, the formation of a functional layer begins at the expense of cell layer cells.

The medium (muscular) layer of the uterus consists of smooth muscle fibers (fibers of a smooth musculature), the exterior is represented by a pure leaflet. The uterus has a majority of women with a tilt forward, some part of women the uterus is rejected back. Many patients are interested in whether this is the location of the uterus - the "bend" of the uterus - the disease and will not lead to infertility. These concerns are completely in vain, similar to the location of the uterus is just an option of the norm.

In the section, the uterus is a triangle turned the top down. The bottom hole is an output through the neck of the uterus in the vagina, and the two upper holes are left and right, bind the uterus with the abdominal cavity using two uterine pipes, about 13 cm long. The end of the pipe adjacent to the ovary expands in the form of a funnel with fringe edges . The inner cavity of the pipes is covered with a special shell, the fringe of which are in constant motion, helping the ripened egg to move from the ovary to the uterus.

Ovarian They have a shape of a pigeon egg. With the help of special bundles They are suspended in the cavity of the small pelvis in the immediate vicinity of the funnel-shaped end of the uterine tube. Each menstrual cycle in the ovary (right or left) ripens an egg, leaving it, it goes to perform its natural function.

Another component of female genital organs are the dairy glands (or, in common, chest).

1 - breast body;
2 - a near-block circle;
3 - nipples;
4 - Milky Dukes;
5 - big breast muscle;
6 - Ground.

Mammary gland First of all, "envisaged" to fulfill its main functional role - at the birth of a child, milk for a newborn is produced in lactic glands. In the structure of the dairy glands resemble a convex disc from 15-20 fractions, which are located in a circle and each is addressed to the pacifier. In each share there is a large amount of alveoli tiny bags, which are collected in the loop tubes - Milky Dukes, for which milk flows when feeding the child. Then the ducts from all glands converge and outward on top of the nipple in the form of 8-15 milk holes.

There is a sufficiently loose connecting and adipose tissue between the shares and under them, on the amount of which the size and form depend. The shape and size of the breast depends also (and mostly) from its support - cooper ligaments, as well as subject to breast muscles. The mammary glands have the nipples, surrounded by Area, which can be from light brown to dark brown. This area contains sebaceous glands. Two thirds of the breast tissue consist of iron fabric, which is directly responsible for the production of milk. These glands open in the nipple 4 - 18 by ducts, and each duct opens with its own hole. The network, which is formed by the ducts of the breast in its structure is complex, it is similar to the root system of the tree.

In the following parts, we will talk about the pelvis bones and intimate muscles.

The overall view of the genitals of men and women adolescents get in high school. Practice shows that, without facing problems in this area, broader knowledge is not required. But in some cases the need for advanced information arises. For example, studying the problem of infertility, it is important to know which role is played by folliculizing and luteinizing hormones, what are the genetic features of sex cells and much more.

For a better understanding of the reasons for the impossibility of fertilization, you must first understand the features of the structure and function of the organs of the sexual system in women and men.

In male and female bodies a lot of common - head with hairpot, limbs, chest, belly, pelvis. But there are features for each floor. Women less growth (on average) than men, women and smaller weight (on average). The woman has more rounded and smooth lines of the body due to thinner bones and the presence of more fatty fiber in lactic glands, the pelvis area, on the hips and shoulders. The pelvis in a woman is wider, bones thinner, cavity pelvis is more voluminous than the cavity of the male pelvis. Such proper development of the body of a woman is favorable by the execution of its role - to dry out and the birth of children.

The structure of the external genital organs of a woman

The structure of the outdoor genital organs is the following: they are rollers, or folds, backward back, from pubic to the outdoor opening of the rear pass. Large sex lips, like pubes, covered with hair, small sex lips are covered with skin outside, the mucous membrane sweeps from the inside. Front - the front connection of the germ lip - the front spike. A slightly lower than it is located an analogue of a male penis - a clitoris that is no less sensitive, has the same cavities inside, overwhelmed with blood when sex excited. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear spike of sexual lips, in their thicker, on both sides there are small gigners, the magnitude of the pea that distinguishes the mucous secret. The functions of the glands of the external genital organs are moisturizing the entrance to the vagina of a woman at its proximity to the man.

Women's genital structure: Vagina description

Further, speaking of the structure and functions of the genital organs of a woman, the vagina is considered - the elastic mucosteo-muscular channel with a length of 10-13 cm, the mucous membrane is assembled into a large number of folds that ensure the extensibility of the vagina, which is important for the birth of a child and the adaptation of partners to the size of the genitals of each friend. In the vagina, there are normally lactic acid bacteria that produce lactic acid, which, despite weak acidity, still prevents the penetration of other types of microbes into the vagina.

In case of sexually transmitted diseases, lactic acid bacteria are absent or their amount is sharply reduced, they are replaced by other types of microorganisms, vaginal dysbacteriosis occurs, referred to as bacterial vaginosis.

The structure of the genital organs of women and the functions of the female sex glands (with video)

Next, speaking of the structure and functions of the genital organs of a woman, a muscular neck of the uterus is considered, which is located at the end of the vagina and is bent a little kice. Its length 3- 4 cm, and the muscular wall thick in a whole centimeter! Inside the cervix there is a canal connecting the uterus with a vagina and an external environment. The channel has an outer opening, consisting of muscle and connective tissue, and an inner hole drivening inside the uterus. The channel is almost entirely consisting of muscles, top covered with one, invisible eye, layer of mucosal cells. As part of this mucous membrane of the cervical cervix, there are glands that excrete mucus that flows down into the vagina, carrying a infection with it. In this layer of the mucous membrane of the cervical cervix, there are still female sex glands whose functions are in the selection of cervical fluid, actually resembling gel.

First of all, the function of this body of the sexual system is the creation of an obstacle for infection. The cervix protects the uterus from pathogenic microbes. But also - this is a selective filter for spermatozoa, which skips moving and normally formed spermatozoa and is delayed in defective. But even for active and normal spermatozoa, cervical fluid is a barrier. This obstacle becomes permeable during the period of readiness and exit an egg from the ovary - ovulation.

Active spermatozoa do "Channels" in the cervical fluid and a chain, like ants, penetrate higher and reach the domains of uterine pipes, where they can meet with an egg at about 30 minutes after ejaculation (splashing seed fluid). In other moments, the cervical fluid becomes curly, spermatozooms go much more difficult or not to pass at all! Functions of this organ and sex glands - ensuring the bandwidth of spermatozoa in the uterus and pipes. It happens for 5-7 days after ejaculation - sperm emissions.

The video "The structure of the genital organs of a woman" will help you better understand the anatomy of the sexual system:

Structure and functions of female genital organs: uterus

This section of the article discusses the structure and functions of such a female sexual body as a uterus. This muscular organ begins at the inner zev of the cervix. It has a pear shape. The length and width of the uterus are approximately equal, 4-6 cm, the front-facing size is 3-4.5 cm. In the structure of this internal genital organ, the woman includes as many as three layers of muscles - longitudinal, transverse, or circular, and oblique, directed along the uterine axes top down. The outer layer is covered with peritoneum, it is located on top of the muscular layer of the uterus.

Inside from the muscular layer there is an inner loss of a triangular oral cavity. This inner shell is called endometrium. This is a functional layer, the thickness of which depends on the level of the genital hormones. The thickness of the endometrium is the indicator of the fullness of the ovarian function. The uterine cavity is narrow - 1.5-2.5 cm. But it is here that the fetal egg is attached and is inside, while the size of 3 mm will shoot up to a full-fledged fetal fetus after 275-285 days of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the uterus increases significantly in size, gradually gives out all other abdominal organs. And during the childbirth, all three muscular layers of the uterus are actively working, pushing out the fruit, helping him to be born, where he will become a newborn baby from the fetus.

Speaking about the structure and functions of the genital organs of a woman, it should be noted that small holes are located at the top of the uterus on both sides - the inlet to the uterine pipes coming from the uterus to the walls of a small pelvis. The length of the uterine pipes is 10-15 cm, the lumen of the pipe is 1.5-7 mm. The outer ends of the uterine pipes are hanging over the ovaries and covered with fringe - frAMities, pegs in the direction of the uterus. And inside the lumen of the uterine pipes, special cilias also pegs toward the uterus. The uterine pipes also have a muscular layer that helps to move in sex cells - egg cell and spermatozoa - towards each other.

Where female sex hormones are produced: ovaries

Where are the sex hormones in the female organism? In paired ovaries, eggs are formed and sex hormones are produced.

In the ovarian layer, bubbles with egg cells ripen - follicles. As they grow and developed, they are filled with follicular liquid and move towards the surface of the ovary. Follicles grow to 2 cm - final maturity. Follicular fluid contains the maximum level of the main hormone of the ovarian - estrogen. The large size of the mature follicle is thinning the wall of the ovary, its gap occurs, and the egg takes place into the abdominal cavity. This process is called ovulation.

During the reproductive period of the life of a woman, when it is possible to occur pregnancy, in the ovaries ripen and is released about 400 thousand eggs. The functions of these female genital organs are most active at younger, when the maximum number of full-fledged eggs matures.

In case of ovulation, fumprys (fringe) and cilia of the uterine pipe, which, like the octopus tentacle, are being actively acting, which, like the octopus tentacle, will pierce the egg and capture it into the uterine tube funnel. The process of gripping the egg and its suction to the uterine tube lasts only 15-20 seconds.

And inside the pipe pegs with high speed cilia create the effect of the conveyor, helping the egg to move in the uterine tube towards the uterus. The egg is moving away from the funnel to a narrow part of the uterine pipe, the isch show, where it is met with spermatozoa, which turned out to be faster than everyone else. When one of them can go through a brilliant, more dense sheath of the egg, fertilization occurs. After that, a fertilized egg, having time to start dividing on 2-4-8 cells, continues to advance along the ampoule of the pipe until the moment of implantation comes - enter the uterus and immersion in the thickness of the endometrium.

This happens after 3-4 days, when it opens and no longer fertilized egg, but the fruit egg falls into the uterine cavity.

If the fertilized egg falls into the uterus ahead of the implantation period, it cannot attach to the endometry, dies and throws out of the uterus.

This happens at an extended uterus of the uterus, into which the intrauterine spiral (Navy) is introduced. If the transport of the fertilized egg is delayed in the uterus, then it is implanted in the uterine tube, an ectopic (tubular) pregnancy occurs, the outcome of which is predetermined. It can also most often come from the Navy. Due to the movement of the uterine pipes in the opposite direction, the frequency of ectopic pregnancy increases four times, since such an improper movement occurs the embryo from the uterus back to the uterine tube. Therefore, the Navy is not recommended as contraception, it is an adhesive and harmful agent.

If the fertilization of the egg does not occur 12-24 hours after ovulation (the spermatozoa was not sufficiently abruptly or turned out to be poor-quality, and maybe they were simply not enough by quantity or simply sexual contact), then it is covered with a dense protein sheath, spermatozoa Late, do not penetrate, the ability to fertilize is lost.

What is sex follicle-free (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones in women, their functions

The following aspect of the structure of the structure of the sexual system is the functions of sex hormones, a monthly ovarian cycle and ovulation, hormonal changes in the body, and which hormones regulate ovulation.

As mentioned above, female sex hormones are produced in ovaries. When a girl is born, there are about two million potential follicles in its embossed ovaries. But about 10-11 thousand them dies monthly, before the occurrence of puberty. By the time of the beginning of puberty, a teenager girl remains 200-400 thousand eggs. This stock turns out, is not infinite. During the reproductive period, which is marked from the first monthly to Klimaks, these eggs are only spent, and no new eggs can be formed. The most offensive thing is that their mindless waste for fruitless cycles occurs. No one gives information to young girls that inexorably tick their biological clock and the eggs are inevitably wrapped. Egg waste does not depend on the state of health, from hormone products, from receiving biological additives.

In the 19th and early 20th century, the egg cell was spent very economically: numerous pregnancies and childbirth with subsequent long-term breastfeeding - all this time there were no cycles, and the egg cells were enough to 50-60 years old! And now, when the monthly starts at 12-14 years old, and marry and get pregnant in 25-35 years, all this time of the eggs are wasted, for fruitless cycles. And the only one is spent on every ovulation, and up to 1000 eggs! Yes, abortions causing mass death of eggs! Therefore, increasingly, there are cases of early climax, which comes not from the "fatigue" of the ovaries, as before, but from the exhaustion of the stock of eggs in the ovaries, and it comes in 36-42! The only thing that can stop the ticking of biological clock, to return long non-cycling - the reception of hormonal contraceptives. Permanent admission to the body of an ideally selected dose of artificial hormones stopping the products of their own hormones, and hence it slows down and the development and waste of egg cells. But they will not appoint contraception not living sexually adolescent girls!

Since puberty, the primary oocytes, or egg cells, begin to develop from the moment of puberty. The process of initial development of egg cells is long. And as soon as the egg is beginning to ripen, do not turn back, it will not return to the state of rest.

The egg cell or leads in the development race and heat up to about 2 cm, and ovulates, it comes out of the ovary, and if the leader of another or something interferes with ovulation, then all the eggs grown to this point in both ovaries are exposed to reverse development and resorption. The most characteristic sign of the development of an egg cell is to transform it into the follicle, since the follicular fluid accumulates in its capsule, and such eggs become visible when ultrasound is ultrasound. Such a growth of follicles stimulates a follicle-stimulating hormone, from the beginning of development to the mature follicle passes 8-14 days.

What is a follicitimulating hormone in women and what is his role? FSH is a gonadotropic hormone of the front lobe of the pituitary. Despite the fact that FSH stimulates all the eggs to the formation of follicles, is ahead of all only one, leading, or dominant, follicle. The rest gradually go into reverse development. When stimulating the growth of eggs, high doses of artificial FSH are used, and therefore two or even three follicles can lead. At the same time, the pregnancy of twins or multiple pregnancy occurs more often.

For two or three days before ovulation, the mature follicle produces a large number of estrogen. This contributes to an increase in the number of cervical fluid. And estrogens stimulate the pituitary gland to the release of another, regulating ovarian, hormone - LH, luteinizing hormone. Lg causes an exit of an egg from the bunting follicle.

The increase in LG causes thinning the ovarian wall over the mature follicle, the wall is stripped, the release of the egg in the abdominal cavity, the follicular liquid with the hormone concentrate is also shedding in the abdominal cavity (which causes the drop in the level of the basal temperature, as the content of hormones in the blood decreases sharply).

In case of ovulation, some women feel instant stabbing pains from that ovary, where it happened. Others feel only a small discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen, pulling pain for one and a half or two hours.

Women taking hormones, which cause artificial ovulation, sometimes due to the ovulation of several follicles simultaneously experience a more pronounced pain component, they may decrease blood pressure, start, weakness, etc. sometimes even requires hospitalization for two or three days.

Ovulation, dependence on the phase of the menstrual cycle

In an empty follicle, where the egg jumped out, the walls are lined with cells, which quickly multiply and change the color, become fat, yellow, therefore the former follicle becomes a yellow body, the structure of the second phase of the menstrual cycle that highlights a lutene hormone (buttercup - yellow flower), progesterone. The influence of progesterone is such that the cervical liquid becomes thick, viscous, almost plugs the cervical channel, spermatozoids do not pass. But at the same time, the endometrium layer (inner membrane of the uterus) is loosened, ready to take a fruit egg. If the pregnancy has not come, then the yellow body does not live longer than 8-14 days. The amount of progesterone is gradually decreasing, the yellow body is absorbed, which leads to a gradual detachment of loose and heavy endometrial from the wall of the uterus. When the endometrium is finally squeezed, monthly occurs.

The decrease in the ovarian hormones will potentiate the release of FSH hypophysia, the follicularity of the hormone, which will force the new follicle, and everything is repeated until the follicular reserve of the ovaries is exhausted.

The whole growth cycle of follicles, ovulation and the second phase of the cycle, the phases of the menstrual cycle occur depending on FSH and LH.

With the growth of the follicle to ovulation, the maximum estrogen is allocated, so the FSH is reduced by the feedback mechanism and the LH rises to cause ovulation and take care of the rapid luteinization, turning into the yellow body of the emptyled follicle. The products of gonadotropic hormones are then reduced, estrogens and progesterone are reduced, monthly occurs. The signals of the hypothalamus in the form of GNVG arrive approximately every 90 minutes, providing ovarian stimulation in women and seeds in men.

With a decrease in the function of genital glands in women and men, when a follicular reserve is depleted in the ovaries, and in men with age, the level of male testosterone hormone falls, the production of sperm falls, the pituitary ones begins to produce gonadotropins (FSH and LH) in high quantities, also by the reverse mechanism Communication.

In each cycle, with an increase in FSH in a growing egg, becoming a follicle, significant genetic changes occur. Also, the rise of LH not only causes ovulation, but also genetically prepares an egg for fertilization.

The structure and functions of the men's genital organs and glands

As in women, men's genital organs are divided into internal and external, each of them perform their function.

Outdoor male bodies are scrotum and sexual member. Inside the scrotum there are sex glands - testicles, or seeds. It becomes clear from the name that the function of this male genital organ - the formation of semen - spermatozoa. At the rear edge of each seed, there are appendages of the testicles from which seed-airing ducts begin. The structure of these internal genital organs is such that from the inside the seeds are divided into slices in which numerous seed tubules pass. In the walls of these tubules, spermatozoa is produced.

In the process of maturation, the spermatozoa is progressing to the appendage of the egg, and from there - further, to the seed-winning ducts, due to the reduction of their walls. Thanks to the special structure of the genital organs, the seed-air ducts enter the cavity of the small pelvis and are connected by side buses with seed bubbles located behind the bladder. After passing through the string of the prostate gland, located between the bladder and the rectum (as a uterus in women), the ducts are opened in the urethra, located inside the penis.

What are men's sex hormones produced?

This section of the article is devoted to the functions of such male genital glands as the seeds.

Men's sex hormones are produced by the seeds, and they are glands of internal secretion that highlight hormones in the blood, causing changes characteristic of a man in its body. The formation of male hormones, as well as women, regulates the pituitary gland, and the pituitary itself controls the central nervous system. Sperm and spermatozoa pass through the seed-winning duct and attach the fact that seed bubbles and prostate gland are isolated, resulting in active mobility. Millions of spermatozoa are produced weekly. Men have no cyclicity, spermatozoa is carried out constantly.

With each case of proximity to ejaculate sperm, in the amount of 3 to 8 cubic meters. cm, in 1 cubic meter. See should be from 60 to 200 thousand spermatozoa. In all the volume of ejaculate (portion of sperm with one sexual intercourse) should contain 200-500 million spermatozoa. The greatest amount of spermatozoa is contained in the first portions of the seed, which splashes from the penis (penis) into the vagina.

At the first moment from the beginning of ejaculation, the cervix washes a highly concentrated sperm shaft, there are about 200 million sperm. And spermatozoa should get into the cervical liquid in the cervical cervical channel. They should penetrate the canal due to their mobility. Nothing else helps spermatozoa to get into cervical liquid, only their concentration and mobility. Sharp ejaculation is favorable for spermatozoa, as they can immediately get into the cervical channel, otherwise the acidic vaginal environment can quickly immobilize them and destroy them. Even their sematozoa is dangerous for spermatozoa, which is capable of destroying them if they are in it more than two hours. Sperm, which did not fall into the cervical liquid, for half an eye after orgasm will remain in the vagina, will be immobilized with an acidic medium and eaten with vaginal leukocytes, destroyed by antispermal antibodies. Only 100 thousand spermatozoa will fall into the uterus through the cervical liquid and can reach the egg.

Check out the video "The structure of the genital organs of a man", presented below:

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in men

Speaking about the structure and functions of the genital glands in men, it should be noted that representatives of the strong floor cyclicity do not. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in men has a more or less permanent level, male sex hormones and cum are produced continuously.

Gonadotropic hormones dedicated to the pituitary gland (gonads - sex glands, ovaries or seeds, and tropiness - the direction of action) are combined by FSH and LH, which, in turn, are controlled, hypothalamic releases (Release release). Regarding gonadotropins, gonadotropic release of the release of the GNRG is allocated. Thus, the hypothalamus permits the hypophysia to allocate FSH, stimulate the growth and development of eggs in the follicles. The hypothalamus is located above the pituitary, this is one hormonal-regulatory system.

Set of genetic material and gender features

Each genital cell is contained 46 chromosomes, "built" in 23 pairs. A set of genetic material of the genital cell contains all genetic, hereditary information on the structure and functions of our body. But in the egg cell and in the sperm, which should merge with each other, there is only half of the genetic information, one chromosome from each pair, and during the merger of two sex cells, 23 pairs are formed again, but it will already be a compound of information about the structure and functions of two organisms. That will be the information of their embryo - the fetus is a child.

Predecessors of sperm in the sementes also have 46 chromosomes as all organism cells. But with the gradual ripening of spermatozoa, the amount of chromosomes is hampered, all spermatozoa carry 9 single chromosomes.

The growing follicle contains an egg cell with 46 chromosomes, and the ovulating egg still contains a complete set of chromosomes, which will be preserved until the sperm penetration into the egg cell. In the process of fertilization, the pair of chromosomes of the egg will disappear with the leaving only half of the chromosome set. At this point, fertilization occurs - the merger of the nuclei of the egg and sperm, and then the pairs of chromosomes are formed again from two half sets, which will determine the appearance and features of the future child. So the main miracle occurs - the creation of a new life containing genetic information of both parents, grandparents on both sides and other relatives in infinitely variable combinations!

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