Pekingese haircut - my Pekingese. Types of Pekingese haircuts and general coat care Is it possible to shave a Pekingese?

- one of the most common and popular breeds decorative dogs. Pekingese dogs naturally have a luxurious and silky mane. Although it is charming, this mop causes a lot of trouble for many owners. There is rarely a person who is able to devote a lot of time to full care behind appearance your pet.

A chic fur coat is business card breed, but on this moment The idea of ​​cutting a Pekingese haircut is becoming very popular. Short, or as it is also called hygienic Pekingese haircut , may become necessary various reasons. If only because it adds originality and individuality to the dog.

There are plenty of hairstyle options, so the owners of these babies are often faced with questions: how to cut a pekingese's hair And Is it possible to cut Pekingese dogs?

Shorthaired Pekingese: pros and cons

There are many arguments in favor Pekingese haircuts :

  • In hot weather, the dog suffers, but without voluminous fur it will feel much better. Although there is an opinion, the inconvenience in the summer is not caused by the fur coat, but by the specific structure of the muzzle. In summer Pekingese shed and lose their thick undercoat.
  • During walks, the Pekingese's long coat becomes very dirty.
  • If the owners do not have the opportunity to fully care for the coat, then it is better to cut it.
  • In summer, the risk of getting a tick while walking is reduced.

So there's no arguing about hygienic considerations.

Some arguments can also be voiced against haircuts:

  • Wool is the main advantage of the Pekingese; without it, a significant portion of the dog’s attractiveness and exotic appearance is lost. If the owner does not have enough time to care for the pet’s luxurious fur coat, it is worth considering: is it necessary to purchase a dog of this breed or is it better to buy a short-haired dog, for example, pug.
  • Shorthaired Pekingese self-conscious about his appearance and often looks unhappy. This is confirmed by numerous photos Pekingeseafterhaircuts posted on the Internet.
  • Deprived of luxurious vegetation, the Pekingese loses the opportunity to participate in exhibitions.
  • In the summer, cut dogs run the risk of heatstroke or sunburn.

To make a decision based on aesthetics, it is worth evaluating Pekingese haircuts on before and after photos . In any case, each owner personally decides this issue. The main thing is that the dog has a well-groomed appearance.

How to cut a Pekingese haircut at home: preparatory procedures

To how to cut a Pekingese haircut at home As a rule, they start with swimming. If there are tangles in your dog's fur, remove them first. For comfort bathing the dog use a regular sink. Then dry the wool with a hairdryer. Special attention We pay attention to the ears of the Pekingese. At the same time with this tangle cutter or a regular slicker comb, we comb the wool. Before, how to cut a Pekingese haircut at home, it’s worth putting your paws in order, as shown in video . Any excess between the pads is shaved and the nails are trimmed. The inside of the ears should be wiped with a soft cloth with a special cleaning solution, hydrogen peroxide or saline.

Methodology Pekingese haircuts

How to do it Pekingese haircut at home you can always look at video . But there are certain tactics for performing a simple hygienic haircut. It will require hairdressing scissors and a machine designed for grooming dogs. It's better to start with intimate area. The most important thing is to remove the length of hair evenly throughout the entire body. To do this, we go over the back, sides, chest and legs with the nozzle of the machine.

The bottom of the legs is processed with scissors. Gradually, excess hair is cut off in a circle. Periodically, it is worth sorting through your hair to detect any unevenness. It is especially difficult to treat the area under the elbow. At the end of this stage, you can thin it out to make the paws look neater. Using rounded scissors, we set the shape of the back of the thigh, getting “pants.” Using the same scissors, we create a clear outline of the breast and continue along the entire tummy. We move on to the head: we thin out the hair hanging from the ears with thinning scissors. At the beginning of the ears the length remains, at the tips - to a minimum. The top of the neck is carefully trimmed, creating a smooth transition from the head. The tail is trimmed at the owner's discretion. At the end of the process, the hairs under the tail are cut.

If you have any questions regarding how to cut a Pekingese haircut at home yourself , then it’s worth checking out video . Video lessons will definitely help you in such a difficult matter as Pekingese haircut .

There are several model options. A classic haircut includes a well-trimmed muzzle without touching the ears, shortened fur on the tummy, back and legs of the same length; the tail is fluffy. Such Pekingese haircut presented on photo . Pekingese puppy haircut resembles the classic version, but the length of the fur is short, maximum 3 cm, and the ears are rounded.

Extremely popular Pekingese lion haircut. With the help of a clipper, the dog's body and paws are trimmed very short with a clipper. And the front part remains decorated with a thick mane, slightly leveled. The ponytail is cut short, leaving a small tassel at the end. Shorthaired Pekingese with such a hairstyle it looks impressive not only on photo , but also in life.

There is an interesting option Pekingese boys haircuts . Long hairs from the muzzle and tail are trimmed with scissors, and from the body - with a clipper. And on hind legs kah make a smooth transition from top to bottom from short to long wool. The result is “flared trousers”. For Pekingese girls, a similar variation is performed, but instead of “pants” they make a “skirt”.

Such Pekingese haircut How on photo quite easy to do at home.
Pekingese haircut – this is not only your desire. It is important to track your pet’s reaction to the new image. If no changes are noted in the pet’s behavior, then everything is normal. But if the Pekingese is nervous, reluctant to walk, hides, and his skin is irritated, then you have chosen the wrong haircut option. Next time, try a less radical hairstyle.

Hairstyles for Pekingese

An alternative haircut There are a variety of hairstyle options. If you want to give your pet a unique look and you have enough time and patience, you can try give a Pekingese a haircut . The animal’s beautiful fur allows you to create amazing hairstyles, and their appearance is limited only by your imagination. Of course, hairstyles are more suitable for exhibitions and photo shoots than for everyday use, but with what pride the animal wears the work of the owner’s hands!

The Pekingese has long fascinated everyone around with its appearance. True, not everyone wants to put up with the difficulties of caring for decorative dog. Disputes regarding the Pekingese's haircut are still ongoing, some consider a short haircut a necessity, and some are strictly against distorting the natural characteristics of this dog.

Let's figure out in what cases a Pekingese needs a haircut, and when it is better to refrain from experiments. And, of course, we will learn how to properly groom a dog at home, and when professional help is needed.

Breed Features

If you have already got yourself a lion dog, as the Pekingese is sometimes called, naturally you are interested in how to properly care for him. The regal breed really resembles a formidable beast; to maintain its image, the lion haircut of the Pekingese is perfect for a dog. Unfortunately, this type of haircut will not please the judges at any exhibition and you will simply not be allowed there.

The Pekingese, whose haircut is an important topic of discussion, is endowed with a lush coat that flows over the entire body, a thick undercoat, a short muzzle and delightful, large eyes. The charm of a dog is in his every step and every movement; undoubtedly, when you see a dog on the street, you will probably recognize it by its fur and, of course, its proud gait. She is a little funny and waddles around - this is due to her short front legs.

You may notice how the fur on the chest practically drags along the ground. Therefore, light trimming and hygienic grooming are mandatory when caring for your dog.

To cut or not to cut?

Advice on haircuts is divided equally among dog breeders. Some believe that it is necessary to cut your hair in the summer so that it does not get hot, others are inclined to the opposite opinion. The fact is that show dogs are not groomed at all, except for trimming and hygienic trimming.

If you are not going to cross the show ring, you are allowed to cut the puppy from 3 months or from 2-3 years. Age does not play a special role, the main thing is your desire to get your baby in order. Grooming the Pekingese is also a reason to show the dog in a favorable light among other Pekingese.

There is an opinion that by cutting your Pekingese's hair, you save it from the heat, which these dogs cannot stand. That’s right – these dogs lived in marble palaces once upon a time and practically never went outside.

After studying the reviews of the owners for a long time, we came to the conclusion that there is no particular need to trim the Pekingese. Since many experienced owners claim that a haircut does not save you from the heat, but on the contrary, it disrupts air exchange.

In addition, groomers’ arguments about the loss of hair on the dog’s body may be a reason to refuse a short clipper haircut. It is believed that over time, bald patches will appear in certain areas of the Pekingese's skin. So don’t overdo it with fancy clipper haircuts, but rather take your pet out for walks only in the morning and evening (avoiding the heat).

If you want your dog to look really chic, but are not going to take it to a show, entrust your dog to a professional. Which, with the help of scissors and a comb, will turn your friend into an ideal that can at least be accepted onto the podium of dog models. Such a neat haircut will save the dog from unnecessary dirt and will look great.

Grooming at home

Haircuts are considered a necessity by thrifty owners, because with such care you won’t have to buy unnecessarily expensive cosmetics to untangle tangles, and your pet will be cleaner after a walk than an uncut one.

You can understand the owners of cut and uncut Pekingese, each of them is right in their own way. But how to cut in order to save money and nerves, if you want to do grooming at home using your own means, so as not to overpay extra money to the groomer. Now we will list the main points of preparing for the procedure and purchasing instruments.

If you want to preserve the wool in its original form, make it thicker and more beautiful, use scissors and a comb when cutting. This technology will take a lot of your time. But the confidence that this will make the dog even more ideal will help you overcome difficulties.

Buy these tools:

  • small scissors for cutting between the fingers,
  • large scissors are sharp;
  • rounded scissors - for shaping fur on rounded areas, such as chest, hips;
  • thinning to straighten the coat;
  • comb - a comb with frequent and rare teeth.

You will also need a nail clipper and a machine - in case of emergency.

Each owner decides for himself whether to cut his pet with a clipper or not, but we recommend only scissors. Although, armed with this (scissors) tool, you can fantasize an unlimited number of times and do your pet’s hair. As we already mentioned, after a machine there may be problems with hair growth.

The so-called “flared” pants are suitable for a “lion” haircut, especially for boys. You can leave the shape of the head the same, or give it a ball shape, cut it a little, and leave the hair on the ears the same. Trim the fur in length, without shortening it too much. To add neatness, you can braid your dog’s hair before going for a walk.

Important! It is necessary to care for your Pekingese dog only after performing bath procedures, drying with a hairdryer and using cosmetics.

The Pekingese, a miniature creature with long hair and smart eyes, possessing incredible stubbornness and at the same time faithful to its owner to the end, can become your four-legged pet. Do not forget that the Pekingese must be cared for competently, and special attention must be paid to the haircut. How to carry out such a procedure at home, and what it means, for example, to cut a Pekingese haircut like a lion - read about it below.

No matter how useless such a procedure may seem to some dog breeders, if you are the owner of a miniature Pekingese, you absolutely cannot do without it. First of all, dogs need to be trimmed so that tangles do not form on their coat. In addition, thanks to a neat haircut during a walk, you don’t have to worry about your pet getting dirty.

How to cut your four-legged friend's hair is up to you. There are a lot of variations of hairstyles today. Nevertheless, if you want your pet to take part in various exhibitions in the future, trimming the coat is not recommended. You shouldn’t get too carried away with Pekingese haircuts. For example, in summer time the pet may be susceptible to heat and sunstroke, if the coat does not protect it sufficiently.

Types of haircuts

The short-haired Pekingese looks very stylish. The main thing is to choose a suitable hairstyle for your pet. You can trim your Pekingese by giving preference to one of the following variations:

  • classic model. IN in this case The fur is trimmed on the face, but on the ears it remains long. As for the back, paws and belly, the length should be the same;
  • "like a puppy." In general, the scheme resembles the first option, but here it is very important to adhere to the key rule: the length of the coat should be no more than 3 cm, and the ears should be made rounded;
  • "like a lion" The body, thighs and legs of the Pekingese are clipper-cut. At the same time, a thick mane remains on the head, neck and chest, which is given a neat shape. The tail should be made short;
  • "flared" As a rule, this haircut is suitable for boys in most cases. The muzzle and tail are trimmed with scissors, and the body needs to be cut with a clipper, and briefly.

A trimmed Pekingese looks aesthetically pleasing and at the same time remains protected from ticks and tangles.

Required Tools

To properly trim your pet, you need to not only decide on a haircut in advance, study the theory, but also acquire useful tools. First of all, you will need to purchase a clipper designed for grooming dogs. Since a lot of wool falls off during the cutting process, it is also advisable to lay a rubber mat under the dog. Be sure to buy scissors with rounded ends - they are useful for cutting hair on the face and paws.

Even if you don’t plan to go to a salon to give your pet a model haircut, do it in for hygienic purposes need to study at home. To do this, you need to follow the following step-by-step recommendations:

  • To begin with, you need to thoroughly bathe your four-legged friend, comb its fur and dry it with a hairdryer. Then inspect your pet and determine the clipping areas;
  • First of all, take on the body. Using a special clipper, trim the fur from the sides to the tummy;
  • need a haircut next chest area, Pekingese belly and collar;
  • The paw pads and the spaces between them also need to be treated with scissors.

Remember that you need to trim the hair on all parts of your pet's body using vertical movements.

Which hairstyle to choose for the summer for a boy or a girl is up to you to decide. But it is necessary to carry out such a procedure if you want care fluffy pet in the future it did not turn into an endless struggle with tangles. Take proper care of your Pekingese, and it will look very aesthetically pleasing.

Grooming the Pekingese can be done at home, but it is enough to follow some rules. If you do everything carefully and correctly, the result obtained will be difficult to distinguish from the work of a master.

Types of haircuts

Haircuts are hygienic, model and standard. Hygienic is designed to make life easier for your pet. The wool is cut short with a machine or scissors. It is not necessary to contact a groomer, because... You can do it yourself.

Modeling is the prerogative of professionals. Always has a touch of individuality and luxury. Groomers apply coloring and style the dogs' hair.

A standard haircut is divided into three types:

  • like a puppy;
  • with flared trousers;
  • under the lion

With a standard grooming, the fur around the face is trimmed, the fluffy tail and fur on the ears are left untouched. If you cut it “puppy style”, then the hair around the ears is also cut.

When getting a lion haircut, it is removed most of vegetation, except for the mane area and the tassel on the tail. The strands on the muzzle are trimmed. The size of the mane can be any size - from long, down to the shoulder blades, to a short strip around the head. Most often, this haircut is chosen for Pekingese boys. It gives the dog a masculine appearance (video by Husky Haven).

Instructions on how to cut a Pekingese haircut yourself

To cut a Pekingese haircut yourself, you will need sharp, good scissors and a lot of free time. Also useful:

  • crest;
  • trimmer;
  • small, curved and thinning scissors.

The machine is indispensable in most cases. You need to choose a silent tool so as not to scare the dog.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Washing the dog with shampoo. The animal's ears are plugged with cotton to prevent water from getting into them.
  2. Blow dry. You need to adjust it so that the air is not too warm.
  3. Grooming the dog with a slicker brush and removing tangles.
  4. Trimming nails and hair between toes and on paw pads. This can be done conveniently with small scissors.
  5. Haircut in the groin area. There is some vegetation here, but it needs to be trimmed carefully.
  6. Gradual treatment of the back, paws, sides and chest. You can use a machine or scissors.
  7. In the area of ​​the neck, chest and hind legs, the fur is given the desired shape. Around the head it is better to make it round. An even contour is cut on the stomach. The vegetation here should be no more than 1.5 cm in length. Thinning removes excess.
  8. The fringe in the ear area is removed with thinning scissors.
  9. The last stage is cutting under the tail in the genitals and anus. The ends are trimmed to 1 cm, leaving the tail fluffy. You need to do everything extremely carefully so as not to injure your pet.


During the procedure, it is necessary to constantly comb the dog, brushing away excess hair. It should be taken into account that too short Pekingese coat will lead to overheating in the sun; it should be no shorter than 2 cm.

The Pekingese has a long and fluffy coat that requires a lot of attention and the use of cosmetics. It easily falls off and becomes tangled, causing discomfort to the dog. The answer to the question of how often to trim your Pekingese depends on the rate of hair growth. Each case is individual.

You need to accustom your pet to grooming at home with early age- from six months. The puppy may be scared of the procedure, so it is advisable to reward him with sweets.

A trimmed mane should be combed at least twice a week and washed once every 1.5-2 months. It is better to use shampoos designed for long hair. After walking, you should wash the animal's paws and the area under the tail.

Photos of Pekingese "before" and "after" haircut


Do you give your dog haircuts?

Pekingese is a breed of dog that differs from its counterparts in a certain character, appearance and habits. There are some features of caring for these small, very beautiful dogs. Having luxurious wool, Pekingese need daily care. This is necessary procedure. If you ignore this rule, your pet will quickly lose its unusual attractiveness, its coat will become tangled, and sometimes it may even get sick.

The smooth, silky coat of the Pekingese is considered one of its main advantages, so many owners cannot even imagine it being cut. But sometimes situations arise when this may be necessary

There have been heated debates on the topic of Pekingese haircuts for a long time.
There are a number of pros and cons that will be useful to owners of these dogs.

PROS AGAINST cutting your Pekingese:

  • Without a beautiful coat, the Pekingese loses its exotic look and charm.
  • If you want to participate with your pet at breed shows, then you should not cut such a dog, because... The long, thick coat is a great asset of this breed, and its well-groomed and correct texture is highly appreciated by the judges.

Arguments FOR cutting your Pekingese:

  • As a result of the fact that the Pekingese's coat is very thick, the dog experiences great suffering in hot weather or simply at home, but when cut, it feels much more comfortable.
  • During street walks, especially in damp weather, the Pekingese's coat becomes heavily soiled and requires careful washing and combing.
  • It often happens that the owner, due to health reasons or other reasons beyond his control, cannot, unfortunately, fully care for the dog.
  • At an advanced age, the fur not only looks less attractive, but also outwardly “ages” your pet.
  • In the summer, when there is a possibility of tick damage, a short-haired Pekingese is less likely to “catch” a tick.

If, after weighing all the arguments, you decide to cut your Pekingese's hair, then you need to do it in such a way that the pet retains its unique and charming appearance and at the same time does not harm the dog.

In some cases, it may be enough to tame it a little long wool on the pants and skirt, and leave the hair on the body the same length. If the hair on the ears is quite long and the dog steps on it when moving, then it should also be trimmed a little. As a result of such simple manipulations, the Pekingese looks the same as before, but looks well-groomed and does not sweep the street with its hairstyle.

Each owner can cut his pet based on his own considerations, skills and aesthetic preferences. There is no standard, defined rules for grooming this breed of dog. It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to completely cut off the hair of Pekingese dogs, as this not only looks unsightly, but is also harmful to the dog’s health. A fairly popular haircut among Pekingese owners is the puppy cut. This care means that the length of the coat with this haircut is about 2 centimeters.
Let's summarize:
1. It is not advisable to cut your Pekingese hair very short, completely bald, because... unsightly and may even be harmful.
2. The most common puppy haircut. It is not very short, the fur remains about 2 cm long.

You can cut the dog in another way, shorten the hair only on the body, pants and legs, while the mane and tail remain intact. The hair remaining on the tail and mane will cover the clipped areas and it will not be possible to notice that the Pekingese has been clipped right away.

There are quite a lot of haircut options; the main result of such actions should be that the dog looks well-groomed and neat. The sight of a dog with matted, unkempt fur, with tangles hanging from it, will first of all tell about a careless owner.

Pekingese Grooming Tools

In the event that you decide to cut your pet’s hair at home, the question may immediately arise - what tools will be needed for this? If your funds allow. It is better to purchase a machine designed for grooming dogs. You should not try to cut your Pekingese's hair with human clippers, as dogs' fur is coarser. Using “human” machines will cause pain and discomfort to your dog. Special dog clippers are capable of cutting not only hair, but also mats. This tool is equipped with removable knives that allow you to adjust the length of the hair left.

But with a certain skill, you can cut a Pekingese's hair simply with scissors. Even if you groom your dog 1-2 times a year, it is better to purchase good hairdressing scissors. These scissors will save you from calluses on your hands, and cutting will not be a pain for you or your dog.

Pekingese haircut technique.

Before you start cutting your hair, you must decide on the haircut option.
Before grooming the Pekingese, it is advisable to wash, dry and comb. If the fur is very matted and it is not possible to comb it, then it would be necessary to wash it.

It is more convenient to cut on a table or some elevated surface. To prevent the fur from flying in all directions, it is advisable to place an oilcloth or rug under the dog. The surface should be such that the dog stands firmly on its feet and does not slip. It will be good if your pet lies down during the procedure.

How to cut a Pekingese haircut

It is better to do a haircut starting from the tail from the tail and moving towards the head. Cutting against the grain is much more convenient than cutting along the grain.
If you are clipping your Pekingese for the first time and the dog is wary of the noise of the tool, it will be better if you turn it on to the side and gradually approach the dog so that he can get used to the sound.
Next, you need to cut off everything you see fit.
Remember - NEVER cut the coat very short. intimate places(anus, loop, scrotum).
When starting to cut your Pekingese, you also need to know that too short haircut may cause skin irritation.
After the haircut, quite a lot of hair remains on your pet, so after the haircut
The Pekingese needs to be rinsed in the shower. Another option is wiping with a damp cloth soaked in a decoction of herbs that have a soothing and bactericidal effect.

If you see that your dog is restless, fidgeting on the floor, itching, spinning, whining, then this is a sign of irritation and treatment should be started immediately. Such symptoms may continue for 2-3 days. The skin where irritation occurs can be smeared with Fenistil-gel, or any aftershave cream.

Questions about Pekingese haircuts

Many Pekingese owners who decide to cut their hair have some questions.

1. How long will it take for the fur to grow back?
This factor is strictly individual and depends on the dog’s feeding and the presence of vitamins in the food. Hair grows fastest on the body, and the longest on the ears.

2. Can the structure and color of the coat change after a haircut?
If the haircut is done regularly, the hair will become softer as it grows, and the color may become a little lighter. The coat also becomes duller. If 1-2 haircuts have been made, then, as a rule, the structure and color of the coat remains the same.

With the right, beautiful Pekingese haircut The appearance of your dog will not leave others indifferent. Many will want to caress his velvety fur.
All owners who have groomed their Pekingese note the fact that the dogs have become more active, cheerful and playful.
