What time is it in summer or winter. Daylight Saving Time in the USA: How to Survive the Transition

The latest news regarding the return of daylight saving time in our country in 2018 suggests otherwise. And in the sense that so far, as of 2016, nothing of the kind is foreseen. Let's take a closer look and find out whether this is good or bad.

History of time

The concept of winter and summer time in the USSR came from the West. From the very beginning, the hands of the clock were transferred to England, then to Germany. Residents of Russia first got acquainted with this concept only in 1917. This innovation has been actively supported by economists. They pointed to energy savings. But ordinary residents realized that this idea does not bring anything good. Citizens simply forgot to turn the clock hands on time, so they were late for work and faced other troubles.

Only in 1981 was the transition to winter and summer time finally rooted, in accordance with a special decree of the state of the USSR. The Russians, nevertheless, did not understand the expediency of this decision for a long time and were hard to get used to the translation of clocks.

But in 2011, further temporary experiments began. By decree of the then President Medvedev, the transition to winter time was canceled. Only this decision did not last long. This was largely influenced by medical research, which proved that summer time does not coincide with the daily rhythm of a person. If we live in this regime, then we get sick more often and feel worse. Further, the winter time in 2014 is canceled, and the residents of Russia are again preparing to move the hands back one hour. Today, officials again decided to abandon the transition and finally stop at constant winter time.

Positive and negative aspects of clock transfer

In 2018, there will be no daylight saving time return in our country. And this is good. At least for the transport system, representatives of the public health sector and farmers. If we take the whole world as a whole, then this picture can be traced. And Russia is no exception. At the same time, manufacturers of various kinds of improvised means, which are used in everyday life and in the energy sector, are always not averse to advocating the return of old traditions. It is they who want the time to be transferred after all.

In 2018, the transition to daylight saving time in Russia will not occur. Then it turns out that organizations that ensure the protection of the health of local residents benefit from this. Farmers and transport workers will gladly support them.

Public health workers can say that the human body has long been accustomed to the established daily routine. And if something is canceled, it will have a negative impact, first of all, on health. As a rule, elderly people and those who have health problems, despite their young years, are under attack. The constant change of the schedule interferes with the transport services, because they have everything planned in advance. Farmers themselves are well aware of negativism, which can be traced in the current situation.

Now let's try to look at the advantages of constant time conversion. You can take the side of power engineers. In the sense of the employees of the economic and economic field of human activity. Solar energy is essential for them. In the sense that, thanks to summer time, an individual person is given more time during the day to deal with his work, personal and other responsibilities.

There is a lot to do with daylight. And here you can do an order of magnitude more. Retailers are also taking the side of the power industry. Only now you need to think about whether it is worth playing the candle? Is it wise to turn the clock hands back and forth so often?

Back in the past?

Russia does not yet include in its plans to transfer watches in 2018. A couple of years ago, Dmitry Medvedev eradicated a kind of "dancing with a tambourine", where the clock played the role of a tambourine, and they danced specifically from the translation of their hands. The system of the passage of time, which satisfied many, was formed back in 2014. Today, no one has canceled its effect.

But in 2015, deputies in Kaliningrad tried to return the past. Only no one allowed them to do this. As an argument, the deputies referred to the development of the country, which currently has a time counting system, which implies periodically moving the clock back or forward 1 hour. Over time, journalists also found information that this initiative did not exist at all.

Until 2014, there was a custom in Russia - twice a year to switch the hands on the clock to "winter" and "summer" time. But after the specified period, the government refused to change the clock, and the country continued to live according to the "winter" time. Despite the fact that the clock transfer was officially canceled, discussions on this matter are still relevant. And already at the end of 2017, Russians are wondering whether there will be a return to summer time in Russia in 2018?

The transition to the "summer" mode is very relevant, because in this case it will be possible to significantly save energy resources. Therefore, entrepreneurs and people who spend huge sums of money for energy services are in favor of the "summer" regime in the country in the future. But they categorically oppose such a transition, because even an insignificant change of regime imposes a huge burden on the human body. It is for this reason that chronic diseases can begin to progress in most sick people.

The government is also discussing the problem of whether it is necessary to switch to "summer" time in 2018 in Russia, but there are no clear prerequisites for this action. divided into 2 categories, one of which is “for” the transition, and the other is “against”. As for the Russians themselves, most of them are “against” the setting of the clock hands. So, will the transition of temporary regimes from "winter" to "summer" be carried out?

Historical data

For the first time, the hands of the clock were transferred abroad. The pioneering countries of the change in temporary regimes were England, and then Germany. In Russia, it was officially decided to transfer the hands of all clocks in 1917. The main goal of such an action is to save energy. But ordinary citizens were unhappy, and the main reason was the usual human factor - people simply forgot to switch to "winter" or "summer" time, as a result of which they were late for work or important events for them.

Until 2011 inclusive, the country continued to switch from "summer" to "winter" time twice a year, but with the coming to power of President M. Medvedev, this transition was canceled. It so happened that the country was left to live on the "summer" time mode. Despite the fact that the question arises among the people whether there will be a transition to "daylight saving" time in 2018 in Russia, doctors are categorically opposed to such an action. As well as in 2011, medical research found that the "summer" time regime does not coincide at all with the biological rhythm of human life. And this was manifested in the fact that Russians began to get sick more often, weather-dependent and chronically sick people had global difficulties with the functionality of the body. After that, Russia was again switched to "winter" time.

Will the clock be set to "daylight saving" time in Russia?

Some Russians do not know if the clock will be switched to "summer" time 2018 in Russia - will it be necessary to move the clock hands forward or backward? When switching to the "summer" time mode, the hands of the clock are shifted one hour forward relative to the regular (standard) clock mode. But will the transition be made?

There is no bill in the government, according to which it will be necessary to switch to summer time in 2018. Despite active discussions on this issue, most of the deputies are against such a step. Only energy companies are interested in changing regimes, which will significantly save energy resources.

Medicine opposes changing time regimes, as this can increase the total number of patients. The Russians also support that summer time in Moscow in 2018 is not necessary; moreover, such a step could provoke a fairly large number of misunderstandings and confusion.

Russia has been living in "winter" time since 2014. The question of whether the transfer of clocks in Russia in 2018 to daylight saving time will still be relevant and hotly discussed by the adherents of the transition.

Chronology of events of the time conversion reform in Russia

  1. 1917 - Russia makes the transition to "summer" time;
  2. 1981 - The Soviet Union approves the annual daylight saving time;
  3. 2011 - The transition to "winter" time was canceled by the decree of the country's leadership;
  4. 2011 - Russia again lives according to the "summer" routine;
  5. 2014 - The country moves the hands one hour back;
  6. 2014 - "Winter" time remains constant;
  7. Translation of watches annually saves about 4 billion rubles.

Every year, the citizens of Russia changed the hands of the clock, depending on the half of the year. In 2014, daylight saving time was canceled. The country moves the hands back a full hour. The issue of returning the seasonal transfer still arises due to the adoption of new bills that could return the transition to the “summer” schedule.

In the media, headlines about the return of transformations are repeatedly skipped. People Listen To News More Carefully, Expecting New Reform c.

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Historical events about the transfer of time

England was the first European country to move the arrows forward, and Germany soon followed suit. Russia moved the hands of the clock for the first time in 1917.

The innovation was supported by economists, talking about significant cost savings. However, ordinary citizens did not appreciate the innovation, forgetting to translate the arrows in a timely manner, which is why they were repeatedly late for work.

Since 1981, seasonal clock conversion has become a regular feature. However, Soviet citizens could not get used to the innovation for a long time, which caused them a lot of inconvenience.

In 2011, there was the first attempt to abolish the "winter" time by the decree of President Dmitry Medvedev. The reform did not last long; scientific studies of the negative influence of the "summer" regime on the human body influenced.

In 2014, the Russian government returned the "winter" time, the people massively turned the clock back. But the question of whether the seasonal adjustment of clocks will return to daylight saving time still arises.

What is the economic benefit of switching from winter time to summer time

The supporters of living an hour ahead are economists and big businessmen, who believe that the rational use of daylight hours will help save about 4 billion rubles.

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Other sources claim that when switching to seasonal time, almost the same amount of money is spent as for changing equipment of various industrial production. Changes to the schedule of public transport, long-distance trains and flights, practically "eat up" all the proceeds.

Representatives of energy enterprises are most often adherents of the reform of clock conversion. The latter are outraged by the adoption of the reform without taking into account their point of view on the abolition of daylight saving time. They believe that energy consumption can be reduced by using daylight, as was the case under the Soviet Union.

Likewise, there are supporters of reorganization among ordinary citizens. Mostly these are people who are forced to fly to individual countries, where seasonal switch switches still take place. Confusion often occurs when scheduling official meetings, when planning a flight schedule.

Winter time will remain in Russia in 2018 - doctors are against switching clocks to daylight saving time

A video about the economic benefits of clock translation. The opinion of Russian entrepreneurs

Disadvantages of time conversion reform

Doctors remain the main adherents of the "winter" time. Having studied numerous studies, doctors have proven that the seasonal change of arrows is bad for the general condition of people.

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The biological rhythm of a person strays from the usual, measured pace, raising the level of stress. Decreases attention, concentration, as a result of which accidents and extreme situations occur more often.

According to scientific reports, moving the clock forward provokes the aggravation of neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases and chronic diseases. Labor productivity decreases, people get sick more often, missing working days. By paying for sick leave, the state raises costs.

It takes an average person from 4 to 6 weeks to restore the usual daily regimen. During this period, people are more likely to miss work, feel overwhelmed, and cope with their direct responsibilities longer.

They must invariably adjust their work schedule to the new conditions. As a result, they suffer from ailments, take paid leave and draw up sick leaves.

There are other scientific sources claiming the positive effects of Daylight Saving Time. Moving the arrows 60 minutes forward or backward shakes the body, stimulating it to take action.

Will the clock be changed in 2018?

Despite the frequent mention of the discussed topic of returning the shift one hour ahead, the country's leadership considers it irrational to return the seasonal clock shift in 2018.

Daylight saving time in 2019 in Ukraine will occur on the last Sunday of March. The Ukrainians will move the hands of the clock forward one hour. This means that we will sleep one hour less.

Every year Ukrainians switch to summer time on the last Sunday in March, and to winter time on the last Sunday in October. Therefore, this year, the clock will be switched to the night from March 30 to March 31 at 3 am one hour ahead.

Due to the fact that people need to get up an hour earlier, this is especially difficult for the body. Complaints of fatigue, decreased performance, irritability and depression are common. Most of all, the hour shift in time is felt by people with problems with blood pressure and heart disease - they need to be especially careful.

Experts advise to start adapting at least a week before the clock is changed.

1. Go to bed every day 15 minutes earlier than the day before.

2. Provide yourself with the conditions for falling asleep: ventilate the room, fall asleep in silence and darkness, do not use gadgets before bed.

3. The ideal temperature for sleeping is no more than 18-20 degrees Celsius.

4. Do not stimulate the body before bedtime with strong tea, coffee or alcoholic beverages.

5. Have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

6. Take a walk in the fresh air.

7. Before setting the clock, prepare yourself breakfast and clothes in the evening to save some time in the morning.

8. Turn on rhythmic music in the morning, it will provide you with a vigorous rise and will give you positive energy for the whole working day.

9. It is easy to drive away drowsiness with a contrast shower.

Daylight saving time in 2018 in Ukraine will take place on Sunday, March 25. The Ukrainians will move the hands of the clock forward one hour. This means that you will have to get up earlier.

The date when the clock is changed in Ukraine is very easy to determine - every year it is the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October. Therefore, this year it is necessary to set the clock on the night from March 24 to March 25 at 3 am one hour ahead.

It is more difficult for people to endure the transition to summer time, and not winter, because they have to get up an hour earlier. Many people often complain of fatigue, decreased performance, irritability, and depression. People who have problems with blood pressure and heart disease experience more hour shifts in time - they need to be especially careful.

It is worth starting to adapt at least a week before the clock is changed.

How to easily switch to daylight saving time: tips

1. Go to bed every day 15 minutes earlier than the day before.

2. Provide yourself with the conditions for falling asleep: ventilate the room, fall asleep in silence and darkness, do not use gadgets before bed.

3. The ideal temperature for sleeping is no more than 18-20 degrees Celsius.

4. Do not stimulate the body before bedtime with strong tea, coffee or alcoholic beverages.

5. Have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

6. Take a walk in the fresh air.

7. Before setting the clock, prepare yourself breakfast and clothes in the evening to save some time in the morning.

8. Turn on rhythmic music in the morning, it will provide you with a vigorous rise and will give you positive energy for the whole working day.

9. It is easy to drive away drowsiness with a contrast shower.

Moving to the last hour at 2018 rotsi in Ukraine will be seen at a week, 25 birch. Ukrainians to translate the heroes of the year ahead one year. And tse means to get up before it happens.

The date, if you translate the anniversaries in Ukraine, it’s even just a matter of fact - it’s still a birch birch and a birch last. To the same fate, it is necessary to transfer the years from 24 to 25 birch about 3 wound one year ahead.

25 bereznya ukrayntsi translate the years ahead

People are more likely to endure the transition itself to the last hour, and not the winter hour, even to get up a year earlier. People often skarzhivat on vomit, decreased performance, drudgery and depression. Most of the time, people see on their own in the hour, because they are trying to solve problems with the blood grip of their hearts - you need to be especially respectful.

Fix adaptovovatsya varto hocha b one day before the translation of the year.

It's easy to go to the summer hour: please

1. Lie down on the bed 15 minutes earlier than before.

2. Make sure you think about it for the sake of sleep: check the pretense, sleep in the quiet and temperament, do not use gadgets before going to bed.

3. The ideal temperature for sleeping is not more than 18-20 degrees per Celsius.

4. Do not stimulate organism before bedtime with mint tea, kava chi with alcoholic beverages.

5. Supper not less than 2-3 years before bedtime.

6. Take control of your walks on a fresh occasion.

7. Before translating the dates, prepare your own snakes and animals for an hour.

8. Grab the rhythm of the music, get you the badges for the day and give you positive energy for the whole working day.

9. Easy to overcome sleepiness with contrast showers.

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