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Brief life of St. Andrei Rublev

St. Andrew was born around 1360. He came from educational circles and came from an unusually his wisdom, as evidenced by his work. He studied life-writing in Vizantium and Bulgaria. St. Andrew worked for some time together with Fe-o-fa-n the Greek and, perhaps, was his student. The whole life of the pre-excellent is connected with two mo-na-st-rya-mi: Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-voy Lav-roy and Spa-so -An-d-ro-n-to-you Moscow mo-na-sty-rem. The saint received a foreign haircut in Spa-so-An-d-ro-ni-ko-voy obi-te-li. Living in a high-spiritual environment, in the at-mo-sphere of holiness, the monk Andrey learned how to is-t-ri-che- both in the example of holiness, and in the living example of the movements that surrounded him. For about 20 years, until my death, he, together with his co-post-nik Da-ni-i-lom Black, led a life of ik-no-pi-tsa-po - no movement.

Already after the death of St. Andreya Da-ni-il, who had never separated from him in his heart and after his departure, dying, received a the story of the glorification of one’s spirit brother in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The brush of St. Andrei Ruble-v lies above the famous miraculous image of the Most Holy Trinity, which -that is still an unsurpassed example in iconography. Saint Andrei painted the Bla-go-ve-schen-sky Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, icon-no-stas and the Assumption Cathedral itself in the city Vla-di-mi-re (1408). St. Andrey Rublev wrote the Vladimir Icon of Bo-go-ma-te-ri for the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir; na-pi-sal iko-no-stas and ras-pi-sal the walls of the Assumption So-bo-ra in Zve-ni-go-ro-de (late XIV - na-cha-lo XV centuries); de-i-sus-ny rank in iko-no-sta-se with-bo-ra of the Birth of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy Sav-in-Sto-ro-zhev- sko-th mo-na-sta-rya; painted the walls and filled the iko-no-stas Tro-its-ko-go so-bo-ra Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-voy Lav-ry, etc.

The Complete Life of St. Andrei Rublev

There are very few sources of information about Saint Andrew Ruble. This is the Life of the pre-extra-no-go in brief and extensive editions; “From-the-thing of the love-behind-the-eyes” of the saint; “The Tale of the Holy Icon-scribes” of the late 16th - early 17th centuries; summer-written references; a record about the grave of St. Andrei in the 19th century; mention-in-the-words.

Information about Saint Andrew in numerous sources is presented mainly in short inserts. ki general ha-rak-te-ra or separate references. There is no actual life of the saint, although the recognition of his holiness based on these sources is presented It’s quite obvious.

An important up-to-the-minute information about Saint Andrew is his origin. de-niya - icons and ros-pi-si. According to the known information of the Seventh All-Len-of Council, the Right-glorious Church according to -chi-ta-et image “alongside the Cross and Evan-ge-li-em.” For this reason, the creation of the icon appears as a movement of goodness, before the goodness of the world. new help from above. The movement of goodness can transform into holiness. From here, there is a special rank in the right-glorious hierarchy of holiness - the rank of holy icon-scribes, headed by the holy apostle scrap and evan-ge-lis-tom Lu-koyu, na-pi-sav-shim, according to tradition, the image of God Ma-te-ri. In the Russian Church, the list of holy icon-scribes includes Saint Alipiy of Pe-cher-sky, the Most Rev. Di-o -ni-siy Glu-shits-ky. The greatest Russian icon-scribe was also Saint Andrei Rublev.

Its main pro-iz-ve-de-nia: iko-no-stas and ros-pi-si Bla-go-ve-schen-sko-bo-ra in Moscow Krem -le (1405); ros-pi-si and iko-no-stas of the Assumption So-bo-ra in Vladimir (1408); icon of the Bo-go-ma-ter of Vla-di-mir-skaya for the Assumption So-bo-ra in the city of Vla-di-mir-re; ros-pi-si and iko-no-stas of the Assumption So-bo-ra in Zve-ni-go-ro-de (late 14th - early 15th centuries); De-i-sus-ny rank from the Rozh-de-stvo of Bo-go-ro-di-tsy in Sav-vi-no-Sto-ro-zhevsky mo-na-sty-re ( at the beginning of the 15th century); ros-pi-si and iko-no-stas Tro-its-ko-go so-bo-ra in Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-vom mo-na-sty-re (20s. XV century); icon of the Holy Trinity from the same collection; ros-pi-si Spa-so-bo-ra Spa-so-An-d-ro-ni-ko-va mo-na-sty-rya in Moscow (in the early 20s. XV century). Most of them you are not completely together with other mas-te-ra-mi, one-on-the-to all these pro-iz-ve-de-ni -yah, created in the spirit of Christian fraternal unity and movement, lies an indisputable part of the holiness, which we first of all connect with Saint An-dre-em, according to what we know but about him and his movements.

The thing I know best about him is the icon of the Most Holy Trinity, according to one soul. but to the knowledge of specialists, created by him himself. There is no doubt that Saint Andre created many more holy icons and paintings than you There are more and more evidences about his other stories that have not dried up.

The information about the Venerable Andrei Ruble is extremely scarce. Nothing is known about his origins. Some light on this question can be shed by his nicknames (Rublev), which were kept behind him in his youth. in-she-stve. By the way, Rublev is a family nickname, that is, a family name. It has a window characteristic of Russian fa-milies. In the XIV-XV centuries, that is, in the era of the pre-extended Andrei, and also much later, fa-mi-lii no-si- Is it only the higher strata of society that makes one assume its origin? from educational circles.

In addition, sources note his extraordinary wisdom, as evidenced by his work. quality

The year of the birth of the pre-extended Andrei of the unknown. They assume that he was born around 1360. This year is a conditional one, an official one, but one in the modern is-t-ri-che-skaya na-u-ke. If we consider that he was still a comparatively young man, when his name was first mentioned in the -so-pi-si, yes-that this one could be from the 70-80s. XIV century; in the summer-written note he refers to the last (third) place, and, therefore, was the youngest of the masters. Training in na-chi-na-li from childhood and pro-fes-sio-na-liz-ma to-sti-ga-li-ra-no. Is-the-key-tel-but you-have-a-quality of creativity of the pre-extra-no-go Andrei and a deep-about-nick-but-ve- Introducing into the spiritual meaning of the image, which is especially characteristic for him, forces one to raise the question of where the excellent Andrei could learn the art of writing.

At the present time, it has become possible to consider that Saint Andrei could have learned ra in the early period of his life -bo-tat in Vizantium and Bol-garia. In fact, many Russian Balkan countries, Athos, Kon-stan-ti-no-pol, the Holy Land and -they stayed there for more or less a long time. So, Afa-na-siy You-soc-kiy, a student of the Rev. Sergius, and, undoubtedly, a personally well-known Rev. -no-mu Andrey, spent almost 20 years in Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le, working together with a group of other mon-on-khov over the re-re-vo-da-mi and re-pi-sy-va-ni-em of your fathers of the Church. In Kon-stan-ti-no-le there were also icons of Russian saints, in particular, there was an icon of saints Boris and Gle -ba. There are also special icons there, but according to the orders of the Russian Church: so, I have already mentioned Afa-on-this You-soc In 1392, the famous “You-social-rank” came to Russia - a number of de-i-sus-nyh icons, on-pi-san-nyh spe-ci- al-but for the os-no-van-no-go im Ser-pu-khov-sko-go you-soc-to-mo-na-sta-rya. All experts agree that Saint Andrew should have known these icons. It is known that the ik-no-scribes sometimes agree with the words from the right-of-my people to Tsar-grad.

In the inheritance of St. Andrew there is an image of a Greek sea-ship (in the fresco “Land and the seas come from the dead." Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. 1408): masts, yards, body of the ship, flag on cor-me - everything is on-pi-sa-but with such a living knowledge of the construction of the co-work, which is difficult to present in the dry-ho -put-noy Ru-si. One can assume one of two things: either Saint Andrew saw such slaves himself, that is, he was at sea, or he didn’t -re-received this information from his position - the hu-dozh-of the Greek origin. According to one of the hypotheses, Saint Andrei is a student of the knowledge of Fe-o-fa-n the Greek. This gi-po-te-for-os-no-va-na is based on the fact that in the record of 1405 their names are mentioned jointly, and Fe-o-fan comes first. The fact that Fe-o-fan had a definite and, perhaps, considerable impact on Saint Andrei can be considered inconceivable -in my opinion, at least due to the fact that they worked together for some time, and more young Andrey , of course, pay attention, like a well-known Greek worker. However, there are no indications of their closer cooperation. On the other hand, in the record of 1405, another master is mentioned between them - the elder Pro-choir from the City, who does not have from-no-she-niya to Fe-o-fa-nu, rather speaks of the lack of close contacts between Fe-o-fa-n and the connection -tym An-dre-em. At the same time, it is undeniable that Saint Andrew was fully armed with the culture of his time. The moving way of life and the very character of Fe-o-fa-na also speak rather against the possibility of a system Ma-ti-che-skih for-nya-tiy. Such a development, yes-a-possibility of penetrating into the spiritual depths of phenomena, most likely all it could have been obtained in an appropriate environment, primarily in Byzantium. In this way, with the-ve-den-naya gi-po-te-za about the Greek-ra-zo-va-niy of the pre-excellent Andrei Isn’t it possible?

Saint Andrew lived in an era of major historical events. He was a witness and, perhaps, a participant in these events, which were often very difficult for Russia.

In 1380, a bloody battle took place on the Ku-li-ko-vom field, which liberated God -Nyu Ru-si from the ta-tar yoke. Two years later, Moscow was ra-zo-re-na and so-burnt-on Toh-ta-my-sh. It is quite likely that these events influenced the choice of my path, made holy An-dre-em.

In 1395, Rus' was subjected to a new invasion - this time, half a horde of Ta-mer-la-na attacked it. Despite the readiness of the great prince Va-si-lia Di-mit-ri-e-vi-cha to repel the enemy, there is a chance to fight -there was very little due to the colossal number of troops against the enemy. I was left alone, relying on the intercession of God Ma-te-ri. A miraculously created icon of God Ma-te-ri was brought to Moscow from Vladi-mi-ra. The whole people, led by mit-ro-po-li-tom Ki-pri-a-nom, came out to meet the holy icon at the place where they subsequently pa -the memory of this event was based on the Sre-tensky monastery.

The church called everyone to prayer, prayer and prayer. A miracle happened: the Mother of God appeared to Ta-mer-la-nu (Te-mir-Ak-sa-ku) in a dream and threatened him go to Moscow. Having reached Yelts, Ta-mer-lan turned back and disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared. Soon after this, Saint Andrei made a copy of the image of God Ma-te-ri of Vladimir for the good -word-ve-niu mit-ro-po-li-ta Ki-pri-a-na.

The place of St. An-drey's haircut is absolutely unknown. But his whole life is connected with two mo-na-st-ry-mi - Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-vym and Spa-so-An-d-ro-ni-ko -You're in Moscow. The tradition, going back to the end of the 16th century, sees in St. Andrew a spiritual son No-to-ra-to-tender. However, modern research shows that he most likely took a haircut in Spa-so-An- d-ro-ni-ko-vom mo-us-you-re. These two versions do not essentially speak to each other, since both of them were closely connected between themselves; It is obvious that Saint Andrew was in obedience to the Venerable Niko, when he worked in Trinity -com-on-sta-re, and memories of this, naturally, were kept. How long did the monk An-drey sto-yan-but you fulfill for-the mit-ro-po-li-ta and the great prince, naturally It was natural for him to be, so to speak, “at hand,” that is, in one of the Moscow monasteries, namely but in Spa-so-An-d-ro-ni-ko-vom. It is possible, however, that the earlier unknown to us connection between St. Andrei and the aboriginal te-ly Pre-po-do-no-go Sergius. According to the spirit, Saint Andrei is a different student of Saint Sergius.

But while he was in Spa-so-An-d-ro-ni-to-vo-mon-on-sty-re, monk Andrey lived in the spiritual environment of the scholars Pre-precious Sergia, with whom he communicated closely during his trips related to you -I don’t-eat-for-the-call. In addition to the pre-excellent Niko-na, he, apparently, knew Saint Sav-va Sto-ro-zhev-sky, from -how many in the XIV-XV centuries. worked in Zve-ni-go-ro-de and a little later in Sav-vi-no-Sto-ro-zhevsky mo-na-sty-re itself. He had to know and ple-my-n-ka pre-do-do-no-go Sergius, saint Fe-o-do-ra, ar-hi-epi-sko-pa Ro-stov-skogo, some-time abbot-in-vav-she-go in Si-mo-new-mon-on-sta-re, next door to An-d-ro-no-to-you mo-na-sty-rem. Another abbot of this mo-na-sta-rya and the co-be-sed-nik of Pre-do-do-no-go Sergius, Saint Cyril, left in 1392 on White Lake, but as a person, he, too, was undoubtedly known to foreigner Andrey. Finally, the most direct scholar of the pre-reputable Sergius was the pre-reputable An-d-ro-nik, mainly va-tel and the first abbot of mo-na-sta-rya. The connections with Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-you were a-hundred and different. From Tro-its-ko-go mo-na-sta-rya to Spa-so-An-d-ro-ni-kov pe-re-ho-di-li some mo-na-hi. Among them was Er-mo-la-Eph-rem, who gave funds for the construction of a stone temple, and the future abbot, with whom -then the monk Andrey also lived in close quarters. Saint Andrei knew, undoubtedly, and without the means of Ser-gi-e-va teaching, for the first time -initial information about An-d-ro-ni-ko-mon-on-sty-re and leaving information about Fe-o-fan Gre -ke. Epifa-niy did not write anything about the monk Andrei, which is quite natural, since we know about the past, but -you and recently, and not about contemporary people.

Living in a high spiritual environment, in the at-mo-sphere of holiness, the monk Andrey learned how to is-t-ri-che- both in the example of holiness, and in the living example of the movements that surrounded him. He delved deeply into the teachings of the Church and into the lives of the saints, whom he depicted, followed them, which he called whether he can achieve hu-do-sameness and spiritual perfection.

In addition to the Epi-fa-nia of the Pre-wise, the monk Andrey knew well other high-quality people of his own. e-time, with whom I spoke closely. Among them, first of all, one should name Saint Ki-pri-a-na, the mit-ro-li-ta of Moscow. Inno-ku Andrey was close to the spiritual world of the saint Ki-pri-a-na, who went through the school of the Athos mo-na -she-stva. Communication with him was so close, since he was not only very kind ny Andrey, but also the saint Ki-pri-an, accustomed to the in-tel-lek-tu-al at-mo-sphere of Vi-zan-tiya and you- in this regard he is the most spiritual and educated Russian in Moscow. Through this communion, the spiritual ge-ne-a-log-gia of the pre-excellent Andrei ascends to both heads of Athos is-i-haz-ma, since mit-ro-po-lit Ki-pri-an was a scholar of the holy Pat-ri-ar-ha Philo-fey, a scholar of the saint -ti-te-la, and related-to-no-one (as before-po-la-ga-yut) saint-ti-te-la Ev-fi-miya, pat-ri-ar-ha Tyr-nov -sko-go, the teacher of the saint Fe-o-do-siya Tyr-nov-sko-go, the teacher of the saint. The rise of “mind and thought” to the “ignorant and divine light” from the contemplation of the saints icons (“the creation of the sense-of-the-eye”) - this so-per-shen-but is-their-ast-skaya ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ka was-la It’s no coincidence that St. Joseph Volotskim gave the honor to Andrey and his co-post-ni-ku Da-ni-i-lu. She probably won't find very many analogies in Russian hagiography.

Undoubtedly, the monk Andrei knew well and the holy mit-ro-po-li-ta Fo-tiya, who died in his place -ro-po-li-ta Ki-pri-a-na in 1409. This follows very obviously from the fact that Andrei and Da- no-il to the arrival of Fo-tia ras-pi-sy-va-li in 1408 ca-federal mit-ro-po-li-chiy council in Vla-di-mi -re. Fo-tiy also belongs to the number of you-so-o-ra-zo-van-nyh, spiritual and de-ti-tel-hierarchs, he has a number of messages, which the monk Andrei undoubtedly knew.

“He who rises above all in the greenery of wisdom”, according to the words of the Most High Joseph, monk Andrey ho-ro -I knew the works of many holy fathers and teachers of the Church. He, undoubtedly, knew about the works of the saint, translated into the Slavic language in the 14th century. Athonite monastery Is-a-i-ey according to the highest church authorities in connection with their-ast-ski-mi-spo- ra-mi. The works of St. Gregory of Si-na-i-ta, accessible to the Russian chi-ta-te, would also be close to him. The circle of reading about the holy man and, undoubtedly, St. Andrei included “Bo-go-word” ", "She-stod-nev" by Ioan-na Ek-zar-kha, "Pa-leya tol-ko-vaya" and other creations of the right-of-glorious pi-sa-te- lei and fathers of the Church.

In 1408, as the letter says, the Most Reverend Andrei and Da-ni-il ras-pi-sy-va-yut the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. Under this year, the summer-to-pi-si indicate: “On the same summer of May, the 25th, it was quickly announced -kay and co-bor-naya church of the Most-pure Vo-lo-di-mir-skaya in the-ve-le-no-em-of-the-prince, and ma-ste- ry Yes-ni-lo-ikon-nik yes Andrey Rub-lev.”

In a short summer-written meeting, pay attention to the fact that the indication of the date of growth -si. This is an exceptional chance. Obviously, Russia has received a huge meaning, which explains the expectation of coming from Kon-stan-ti-no-po-la no-vo-go mit-ro-po-li-ta, which after the death of Ki-pri-a-na in 1406 became Fo -tiy (in 1409).

Vla-di-mir continued to be considered the city-house-re-zi-den-tsi-ey mit-ro-po-li-ta, and the city cathedral with -in-responsibility, appeared to the ka-federal council. That's why the mit-ro-po-li-chi-council was supposed to give rise-to-me, to-stand-up-to-you the shale of the Kon-stan-ti-Polish Church, and, apparently, no less dignity of the Russian Church. Iko-no-scribes, in such a way, implement their kind of “pre-sta-vi-tels mission”, and for them it was very difficult, if we take into account the key requirement of the Greek Church time to church art, demand, first of all, for the spiritual evidence of art -we are in art, and hence its quality. Besides, the expected mit-ro-polit himself was, without any doubt, a good know-how and appreciator of churches -no-art, which follows from its con-stan-ti-no-pol-sko-go-pi-ta-niya.

You-so-mission-siya was before-ve-re-na Da-ni-i-lu Black-but-but-and pre-dear-no-to Andrey, who trusted -I'm second, like the youngest. Iko-but-scribes-stop-but-you-have-not-would-have-obedienced-to-them.

In 1408, the monk Andrey for the first time mentioned together with his “co-post-nik Da-nii-lom Cher-ny”, who also knew Let's build a high spiritual life. Since this year, we have known about the close spiritual connection between two icon-writers, who continued until their death itself, about 20 years. Beautiful, although brief, testimonies about the spirit of Christ’s love, uniting them, as calls you the clearest example of this love, similar to what we meet in the tales about the ancients under-vizh-ni-kah hri-sti-an-sko-go Vo-sto-ka. The story about the close spiritual ties of Saint Andrei and Da-ni-i-la was preserved for a long time nii of the 15th century and was na-pi-sa-but by Saint Joseph Vol-lots-kim from the words of the former abbot of Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e -va mo-na-sta-rya Sleep-ri-do-na. We present a well-known text: “According to us, he is an honest king of Spi-ri-don... they told miracles.” V-schii iko-no-scribes Da-ni-il and his student Andrey... either-ku good-de-tel im-shche, and that-or sweat- talk about fasting and about monastic life, it is the same for them of the Divine blessings of the ability to beat and that how to advance into divine love, as never from earthly exercises, but always the mind and thought are possible -to the ignorant and Divine light, but the sensory eye always rises to the hedgehog from the material va -loving, in the s-san-image of the Lord Christ and His Most Pure Ma-te-re and all the saints, it is also for the holiday itself The light of the Resurrection, in the present day, and in front of me all the honorable and divine icons us, and on those steadily, but in vain, the Divine joy and light is fulfilled; and not only on that day, but also on other days, when life is not suitable for life. Behold, for the sake of Vlady-ka, Christ of those glorifications, and at the final hour of death: first of all Andrei, then same time and his spost-nickname Da-ni-il, and in the final of-dkh-no-ve-niy, you see his spost-ni-ka Andrei in great glory and with joy calling him into eternal and infinite bliss.”

A brief statement from St. Joseph before us brings us a surprisingly bright image of two moving kov-hu-dozh-ni-kov, true monks and as-ke-tov. They “succeeded” in Divine love, which revealed itself to them and attracted them to itself. Having acquired the great divine blessing, the Most Like Joseph explains their complete departure from everything -go-earthly, “as if I’ve never talked about earthly exercises.” You have already spoken above about their authentic experience. Saint Joseph briefly summarizes their experience from the iko-no-pi-si, which appears under the lin-but spirits -an experience that teaches us the correct perception of the image. Contemplating icons for them is a holiday that fills the heart with “Divine joy and light” -lo-styu”, as far as the mind arises “from material shafts”, that is, from ma-te-ri-al-no-go, coarse-lens- but-th, im-movable-under-ra-zha-niya of the ignorant, is-the-way-of-the-life of the world First-of-the-world -zu. From here comes the special significance of the icon as evidence of truth, from here and the particularly pro-nik-but-venous from- but-she-nie to every movement of the hand.

“For the sake of”, that is, for the sake of such a you and such a spiritual way of life “Lord Christ of those about “Glory to the final hour of death.” Already after the death of Saint Andrei, his “co-fasting nickname” Da-ni-il, who never separated from him in his heart and after death, dying, he receives a revelation about the glorification of his spirit-brother in the Kingdom of the Heavenly: “seeing... Andrei in great glory and with joy calling him into eternity and infinity "-bliss." This especially important evidence is also presented in a slightly different edition, in the “Life of St. -on Ra-do-tender-skogo”, co-created by Pa-ho-mi-em Lo-go-fe-tom: “Whenever you want to Da-ni-il those- forest-but-so-behind-re-shi-ti-xia, Abiye sees love-len-no-go to him And-drea, glad-to-call-you Yu-sha him. He, as soon as he saw him, was very happy; the brethren are pre-sisting in the knowledge of their co-posting of their coming and abiy pre-da-si spirit...”

Thus, we have two indications of the mortal glory of St. Andrew. The youngest in earthly life, he points out to the elders in the spiritual world and, as it were, takes the soul of the righteous but-go Da-ni-i-la at her separation from the body. The place of eternal rest for both of their movements became Spa-so-An-d-ro-ni-kov mo-na-styr.

Throughout the XIV-XVII centuries. the memory of both their icon-scribes, first of all St. Andrei, was surrounded by deep-chi-ta-ni-em . In the middle of the 16th century. The Hundred-Chapter Council raised him into a universal image, pre-writing the image of the Holy Trinity, as An-sal wrote. Drey Rublev and “the most famous Greek living scribes.” In this way, Saint Andrei was placed on the same level with those “pre-words”, although in the same way -mostly unknown-to-me vi-zan-tiy-ski-mi hu-dozh-ni-ka-mi, which you are right -glorious ka-non iko-no-pi-si. You can also think that the ideal image of the iko-no-scribe, drawn in the 43rd chapter of the Sto-gla-va and shi-ro -to-spread-stra-niv-sya through the ik-no-written sub-lin-ki, to a considerable degree in-breathed before-yes about Saint Andrew, well-known to the fathers of So-bo-ra.

Testimony of the spiritual knowledge of the holiness of the Venerable Andrei at the Stro-ga-novsky icon but-pis-nom under-lin-ni-ke (late 16th century). This original-name was compiled, apparently, among the court icon-scribes and was used by itself shi-ro-kim vli-ya-ni-em and av-to-ri-te-tom. The under-lin-nick says: “The Most Reverend Andrey Ra-do-nezh-sky, Iko-no-pi-sets, nicknamed Rublev, many -the holy icons were written, all miraculous, and first of all live in obedience to the venerable Father Niko-na Ra-do-tender. He was in the presence of the Holy Trinity, in praise of his father, the holy to Sergius, chu-do-tsu-tsu...” Here St. Andrei is called the Most Holy One (as, somewhat lower, is Da-ni-il), all his icons recognize Xia especially good-da-t-ny-mi; indicates his affiliation with the spiritual tradition of Saints Sergius and Niko-na. The name of Saint Andrei (together with Da-ni-i-lom) is also found in ancient me-sya-tse-words.

Their burial place was not remembered until the end of the 17th century. According to the later-not-exactly-no-ku, “their saints’ relics are in the graves and in that An-d- ro-ni-e-ve mo-na-sta-re under the old ko-lo-kol-ney, which is a paradise in recent times-ne-ra-zo-re-na, and me -one hundred compared to the earth, as if all sorts of unclean and unclean people walk on it, and thereby pre-de-se for the bve-niu (to remember ) about those holy relics of theirs.”

The old ko-lo-kol-nya was on-ho-di-ly, as before-la-ga-yut, to the north-of-the-pa-du from the western side -ny Spas-sko-go-bo-ra. To clarify its location, we need ar-he-olo-gi-che-che-research.

On mi-ni-a-ty-rah ru-ko-pi-sey of the 16th century. Saint Andrei is depicted with him (Oster-man-novsky le-to-pi-sets; Li-tse-voy-tie of Saint Ser- gy. End of the 16th century. From the Great Assembly of the Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-voy Lavra).

Our sources confirm that in the XV-XVII centuries. no one shared with me in the holiness of Andrei Rublev, as well as in the high righteousness of Da-ni-i-la.

In accordance with the tradition, in Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-vom mo-na-sty-re pa-mint pre-po-do-no-go Andrei with-ver -was on the 4th of July, the day of remembrance of the saint.

XVIII-XIX centuries were there times for many right-of-glorious traditions and, in particular, for the sa-niya, that’s why this period was not good for the memory of the saints. tsev. The fame of Saint Andrei began to return only from the beginning of the 20th century, when in-teres began to tra-di-tsi-yam right-to-glory-no-go iko-no-pi-sa-niya. Over the course of this century, it has grown enormously. According to the obvious thought of God, it was in the 20th century that the “Holy Trinity” of the Venerable Andrei, as well as and his other pro-iz-ve-de-de-tions in the re-re-significance of the evidence of the is-t-ness of right-of-glory before the the center of the whole world.

Pre-reputable Andrey ka-no-ni-zi-ro-van on the basis of the holiness of life, on the basis of his movement -ga iko-no-pi-sa-niya, in which he, like Evan-ge-li-stu, witnessed and continued now to tell people the true truth about God, in the glory of the Trinity, and also on the basis of the testimony of his holiness to the Most Eminent Joseph Vo-lots-ko.


Troparion to Saints Andronicus, Savva, Alexander of Moscow, Daniil Cherny and Andrei Rublev

You have brought the fruits of virtues to earth,/ reverend fathers,/ in the heavenly realms you now smell like heavenly flowers,/ and you see the Most Holy Trinity face to face,// and boldly pray // to save to our souls.

Translation: Having borne fruits on earth, reverend fathers, in the heavenly palaces you are now fragrant like flowers of paradise, and face to face you contemplate the Most Holy Trinity, and pray to Her for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion to St. Andrei Rublev, icon painter

Illustrated by the rays of Divine light, / like the venerable Andrea, / you knew Christ, God’s Wisdom and Power, / and with the icon of the Holy Trinity you preached to the whole world / Unity in the Holy Trinity. / We with surprise and joy we cry out to you:/ have boldness towards the Most Holy Trinity/ / pray to enlighten our souls.

Translation: We illuminate with rays of Divine light, Andrey, you knew Christ - God’s Wisdom and Power and with the icon of the Holy Trinity preached to the whole world the One God in Three Persons; We cry out to you with surprise and joy: “Having to the Most Holy Trinity, pray for the enlightenment of our souls!”

Kontakion to Saints Andronik, Savva, Alexander of Moscow, Daniil Cherny and Andrei Rublev

We pray to you, our reverend fathers,/ resting in body on the earth,/ standing in spirit before the Throne of God:/ pray for the city of Moscow// and for all who honor your honorable memory.

Translation: We pray to you, our reverend fathers, who rest in body on the earth, but who are present in spirit, pray for the city of Moscow and for all those who honor your precious memory.

Kontakion to St. Andrei Rublev, icon painter

From youth, rushing towards Divine beauty,/ you were a wonderful icon painter in the lands of Russia,/ and, jealous of your God-bearing teacher,/ you were adorned with the radiance of virtues, like the venerable Andrea,// also and our praise and joy appeared to the Church.

Translation: From your youth, striving for Divine beauty, you became a wonderful icon painter in the Russian land and, jealous of your teachers, you were adorned with radiance, Reverend Andrew, and therefore you appeared to the Church with our praise and joy.

Glorification of the Venerable Andrei Rublev, icon painter

We bless you, our reverend Father Andrew, the image of the Most Holy Trinity given to us, and thus enlightening us all with the rays of the Trinitarian Divinity.

Prayer to St. Andrei Rublev, icon painter

Oh, wonderful icon painter like Father Andrei! Hear the prayers of us sinners who cry out to you with faith, hope and love, and be our representative before the Holy Trinity. Thou who has created with grace in the temples of God, help us to build temples for the glory of God. Having comprehended the secrets of true beauty, enlighten us with the knowledge of the beauty of incorruptible worship. Heal souls by looking at your icons, grant us and your relics healing. Having served the unity of the faithful, the originator and us with one heart and one mouth praise the one who calms the discord of this world in the Trinity of glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the world for centuries. Amen.

Second prayer to St. Andrei Rublev, icon painter

Oh, holy head, holy father, most blessed Abbot Andrei! Do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, even if you yourself fell, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for Now, holy father, for your spiritual children, for you have boldness to To the Heavenly King: do not keep silent to the Lord for us, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not cease praying for us to Christ God, and For grace has been given to you to pray for us. I don’t think that you are dead: even though you passed away from us in body, even after death you remain alive, do not depart from us in spirit, preserving us from the arrows of enemies and all other things. the flattery of demons and the wiles of the devil, our good shepherd. Even though the relics of your cancer are always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul stands with the angelic hosts, with the disembodied faces, with the heavenly powers, at the throne of the Almighty, worthy rejoices, knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we bow down to you and We pray to you: pray for us to the Almighty God, for the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may pass from earth to heaven without restraint, from the bitter ordeals of the demons of the airy princes and may we be delivered from eternal torment, and may we be heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, who from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Father who is without beginning, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit Hom, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Third prayer to St. Andrei Rublev, icon painter

Oh, Reverend Father Andrew, greatly blessed with the most luminous gift of seeing prototypes of Divine beauty! Oh, marvelous fruit of the Russian Church, the good branch of the tree planted by Sergius the Great! In a terrible time, the Lord made you a witness for His and our land, a great prayer book for you. Who will confess your countless labors and exploits, the mind of which is superior to the earthly and only known to the Lord, in whom you have acquired the grace of writing miracle-working icons! You filled the whole world with the fragrance of your holy icons, especially with the image of the Most Holy Trinity, so that by looking at you all sin and the hateful strife of this world can be overcome. Oh, most reverend and most wonderful father, look down from on high where you abide in the Divine light, and hear the prayers of us sinners, and, as you have boldness towards the Most Holy Trinity, with St. Sergius and all With the saints, pray to the Lord of all, O Hedgehog, to strengthen His Church, those who are divided unite, gather the scattered and bring everyone into the understanding of the truth, turn away His righteous anger from us and fulfill the gifts of the Holy Spirit, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, mercy, faith , meekness, abstinence, but we, sinners, will pass through our earthly journey safely , in the future I will be honored with you and all the saints to glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to our venerable and God-bearing father Andrei the icon painter

Kontakion 1

Finding true theology, Reverend Andrew, having come to know the All-Holy Trinity in Unity, you drew images of the saint, glorified by miracles, enlightening the world. Have boldness towards the Most Holy Trinity, pray to enlighten our souls too, so we call to you:

Ikos 1

From your youth you longed for the angelic life, reverend: for you came to the holy monastery of the great Sergius and in obedience to the Abba of the Russian land, until the Lord called you to the heavenly monastery, you painted holy images and now grant grace to all who fall to them. Likewise, we cry out to you with gratitude:
Rejoice, lover of angelic purity;
Rejoice, thou who served in angelic form;
Rejoice, thou clothed in the robe of obedience;
Rejoice, the same name of courage, who was named Andrew in monasticism.
Rejoice, thou who hidest the worldly name for the sake of humility;
Rejoice, images of humility revealed on icons.
Rejoice, singer of the Beginningless Trinity in Unity;
Rejoice, servant of the Trisvelline God.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the sorrow and devastation of the Russian land from the wicked, Andre the Glorious, you abandoned hope in the princes and placed it on the One Lover of Mankind, teaching us to cry out to God with faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The God-illumined mind, Andrei the All-Valued, having acquired, in the depleted invasion of foreign lands, you grieved for the Fatherland, who had become impoverished in faith, for the sake of and you became a servant of the Savior. For this reason we exclaim to you with love:
Rejoice, thou who have folded the sorrows of the Russian land into your heart;
Rejoice, thou who served as a vessel of God.
Rejoice, you have escaped the fullness of foreigners;
Rejoice, you have kept my heart from being captivated by passions.
Rejoice, growing in spirit in the monastery of the Holy Trinity;
Rejoice, glorifying the Trinitarian Divinity.
Rejoice, you now abide in the love of Christ;
Rejoice, you strengthen us in faith, hope and love.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Most High, grace flowed to the erection of the monastery of the Image of Spasov Not Made by Hands; by the will of the Lord, you, reverend, went to this holy place and sang an angelic song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a heart obedient to God and Abba Sergius, you went to the monastery on the Yauza River to Saint Andronicus, Andrew the God-Wise, for Saint Sergius knew about your future glorification of the name of God in the city of Moscow. We, marveling at God’s providence, sing to you like this:
Rejoice, brought by the grace of God to the city of Moscow;
Rejoice, dedicated to holy icon painting.
Rejoice, you have found the skilled painter Daniel the faster;
Rejoice, you have cultivated the gift of image-writing.
Rejoice, embodiment of the Gospels in colors;
Rejoice, depictor of the Savior Not Made by Hands.
Rejoice, for your icons have shown evidence of the Orthodox faith;
Rejoice, for through the images revealed to you the universe has been enlightened.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 4

We are crushed by the storm of the sea of ​​life, by contemplating the heavenly world on your icons, Most Wonderful Andrew, we find a quiet refuge. And we are illuminated with a wondrous light, we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard, to the creator of wondrous icons, the dedication of the holidays to the One God, these days you did not paint images, but you contemplated the holy icons. The same goes for this:
Rejoice, in the days of the Lord and the Mother of God you ascended to the prototypes by contemplation of icons;
Rejoice, having asked the Lord for the feat of icon painting through tearful prayers.
Rejoice, for you are likened to the First Creator of icons, who created the old Adam;
Rejoice, for you have embodied the Redeemer of Adam’s fall.
Rejoice, through iconography you have opened windows to the Kingdom of God;
Rejoice, having transformed yourself into an icon of God.
Rejoice, for you have raised your mind to the invisible light;
Rejoice, raising us from the world below to the world above.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 5

Worthy of praise to the Theotokos and Mother of Light, you painted Her images with care, giving praise to the One from the Trinity of God Who gave birth to the Word, and chanting: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the invasion of the formidable enemy, Saint Andrew, prayed with the Church and all the people for the gift of deliverance from the hordes of the enemy. You captured the joy of saving the city from the adversary by the Sovereign Helper in the icon of the All-Merciful Intercessor. We, seeing your love for the Most Pure One, sing with emotion:
Rejoice, you have great love for the All-Sung Mother;
Rejoice, stand before Her in prayer in sorrow and sorrow.
Rejoice, calling upon the Most Holy Intercessor for the defense of the Fatherland;
Rejoice, majestic abomination of the Ever-Virgin after the expulsion of the comparable ones.
Rejoice, who brought the King of Glory into Your hand;
Rejoice, you have captured with your hands the image of the Ever-Reigning One.
Rejoice, thou who holdest the meeting with God in the heart;
Rejoice, you who gave the image of the Mother of God to the Sretensky Monastery.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 6

A pictorial preacher of the Promised Kingdom, you were faithful, and you found it through your good life and the mercy of God. Help us, Father, to achieve heavenly bliss as well, who dare to cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

A divinely inspired gift shone forth in the cathedrals of the Church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, when you prophetically created Andrei, God's chosen one, with Theophan Grechin and Elder Prokhor from Gorodok. Marveling at your vision, we sing:
Rejoice, great man of prayer and fasting;
Rejoice, Andrei the light-like one.
Rejoice, sanctified by the Tabor light like a disciple of Christ;
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Heavenly Lord.
Rejoice, companion of angels;
Rejoice, equal preacher of the life of the angels.
Rejoice, with Theophan and Prokhor you have granted us the mirror of heavenly bliss;
Rejoice to the Kingdom Heavenly way show it.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 7

Although the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir should be renovated, Grand Duke calling you and the fasting man Daniel. You blessed two, raising your mind to the Immaterial and Divine Light, offered up the prayer: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New and wonderful images were painted by Christ, Daniel and Andrei, to calm the suffering. The Vladimir Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was decorated with the procession to heaven of the righteous with the holy apostles Peter and Paul at the head and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ was depicted. We, marveling at your proclamation, Father Andrew, say:
Rejoice, renewer of the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
Rejoice, O wondrous praiser who did not leave us in His Assumption.
Rejoice, you have outlined the mournful and bright procession of the righteous to heaven;
Rejoice, you have painted angels emitting fire.
Rejoice, O glorifier of the Second Coming of the Lord Most High;
Rejoice, enlightener of space and time.
Rejoice, you bring great joy to the city of Vladimir;
Rejoice, after completing your work, stay in Moscow.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 8

You are a wanderer on earth, Andrei, teacher of light, for the sake of the gift of image painting we call upon you many times. But even while walking, you kept your mind and heart standing before God, constantly singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having beautified others, Elder Andrei, you directed your steps to Zvenigrad, where in the Cathedral of the Assumption, with the blessing of Saint Sava, you created the Deesis, a wonderfully velmi abbot. For this reason we call you:
Rejoice, you have directed your feet on the path at the call of God;
Rejoice, you compel your mind and heart to stand before God.
Rejoice, marvelous decorator of the Assumption Cathedral;
Rejoice, beauty revealed in the image of the Savior.
Rejoice, zealous zealot of the Holy Scriptures;
Rejoice, faithful painter of the Teachings of Christ.
Rejoice, Holy Rus''s vegetation;
Rejoice, intercession of our city.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 9

The entire monastery suffered destruction from the wicked prince, but you, Holy Andrew, knowing about the advance of the brethren of the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity by Abba Sergius in a subtle dream, you cried out: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The centuries of multi-broadcasting can tell how the sorrow and cramped conditions of the Russian land are caused by the invasion of the Tatar prince, who burns and plunders the cities. You, Reverend Andrew, were called to paint images in a stone temple in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, erected in place of the burned wooden church. We pray to you: strengthen our hearts with faith, burned by passions, and imprint in them the image of the Most Holy Trinity. Be merciful to us who sing:
Rejoice, having become a witness to the salvation of the brethren by Abba Sergius;
Rejoice, having painted the icon of the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior.
Rejoice, teach us not to lose heart even after the destruction of the church;
Rejoice, for you are helping to build the strongest temple.
Rejoice, you renew the images in the monastery;
Rejoice, you taught to erect the image of God in hearts.
Rejoice, decorator of the temple in the name of the Holy Trinity;
Rejoice, transmitter of the Trisiyan Divinity into your temple.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 10

To save the Russian land from the strife of this world and remembering the zealots of the Holy and Life-Giving Trinity, our Reverend Father Sergius, became like Father Andrew to Abraham the hospitable, in the form of three pilgrims perceiving the One Lord at the oak of Mamre, and you wrote the icon of the Most Holy Trinity, constantly praying: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Be an invincible wall for all Orthodox Christians, O glorified Andrew, boldly praying to the Most Holy Trinity for us, who sing to you:
Rejoice, thou art vouchsafed to write the appearance of the Trinitarian God at the oak of Mamre;
Rejoice, for you help souls to grow into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, wonderful fruit of the Russian Church;
Rejoice, icon painter of the mysterious dogma of the Trinity.
Rejoice, diligent novice of St. Nikon;
Rejoice, St. Sergius of Radonezh, the wonderworker, worthy of praise.
Rejoice, for by you the Unity in the Trinity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit is glorified;
Rejoice, by looking at the miraculous icons your divisions in the world are overcome.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 11

The angelic singing pleased you, when you returned to Andronicus’s monastery, you were preparing to settle in the heavenly monastery, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

By the appearance in glory of Daniel the faster, you called upon those lying on your deathbed to follow yourself, and met with love those who had departed from this world. For the sake of establishing you, Reverend Andrew, in the Kingdom of the Most Holy Trinity we sing:
Rejoice, you who have completed your earthly journey;
Rejoice, beloved friend from this world and in the heavenly world.
Rejoice, you show evidence of the truth of Orthodoxy to the whole world;
Rejoice, and now truly glorify God in the Trinity.
Rejoice, multiplying the talent of those entrusted;
Rejoice, achievement of the Kingdom of the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, and after your repose you will not leave us;
Rejoice, you bring joy to Orthodox Christians.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 12

Grace of the temple in your name, icon painter Andrei, pours out around and calls everyone, turning away from the corruptible, to turn their mind, heart and deeds to God, glorifying Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing the creation of your temple in Ramenki, we please you, our Father Andrew, as the prayerful representative for us to the Most Holy Trinity and we proclaim to you like this:
Rejoice, for you have taken us like a lost sheep for your ramen;
Rejoice, having chosen Ramenka as the site of your temple after glorification.
Rejoice, building up the community of the faithful to the Most Holy Trinity;
Rejoice, calling us to holiness through your holy life.
Rejoice, you teach with boldness to know the truth;
Rejoice, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, one of the army of Christ;
Rejoice, our good shepherd.
Rejoice, Reverend Father Andrew, wonderful icon painter.

Kontakion 13

O wondrous icon painter, venerable and God-bearing Father Andrew! Accept with love this little praise brought to you and pray to the Most Holy Trinity: may it strengthen the Orthodox faith, may it deliver us from discord and enable us, together with our chosen ones, to sing the glory of God in the Trinity: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: The Life of the Angels: and the 1st kontakion: Finding True Theology:

Andrei Rublev (circa 1370 - October 17, 1428, Moscow) is the most famous and revered master of the Moscow school of icon painting, book and monumental painting of the 15th century. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the rank of venerables.

Biography of Andrei Rublev

The biography of Andrei Rublev contains few reliable facts. The exact date of Rublev’s birth is not known, but historians call his birthplace Muscovy or Novgorod. Andrei grew up in a family of icon painters. Later he became a monk, and then took the name Andrey.

Together with other masters, Rublev painted the Annunciation Cathedral, which was a confirmation of his skillful skill at that time. Also for his biography, Rublev painted the Trinity Cathedral and the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir.

But Rublev's greatest fame was as an icon painter. He created many icons, although icon painting was not traditional, in it he combined spiritual beauty and human strength.

Rublev’s most outstanding work is considered to be the “Life-Giving Trinity” icon, depicting three angels and a thicket in the center. Among Rublev’s other famous works are “The Apostle Paul”, “The Savior from the Zvenigorod Order”, the fresco “The Last Judgment” in the Assumption Cathedral.

Not all icons and frescoes have survived to this day.

The last work, if we consider the short biography of Andrei Rublev, was the painting in the Spassky Cathedral. The great master died in October 1428.

Rublev's creativity

Andrei Rublev adopted the traditions of classicism of Byzantine art of the 14th century, which he knew from the works of Greek masters who were in Moscow, and especially from the creations of Theophan the Greek of the Moscow period (Don Icon of the Mother of God, Icon of the Deesis in the Annunciation Cathedral).

Another important source of the formation of Andrei Rublev's art is the painting of the Moscow school of the 14th century with its soulful soulfulness and special softness of style, based on the traditions of Vladimir-Suzdal painting of the 12th - early 13th centuries.

The images of Andrei Rublev are generally adequate to the images of Byzantine art around 1400 and the first third of the 15th century, but differ from them in greater enlightenment, meekness and humility; they have nothing of the aristocratic nobility and intellectual dignity glorified by Byzantine art, but preference is given to modesty and simplicity.

The faces are Russian, with medium-sized features, without emphasized beauty, but always light and handsome.

Almost all the characters are immersed in a state of silent contemplation, which can be called “divine thinking” or “divine speculation”; any internal affects are not characteristic of them.

The work of Andrei Rublev determined the 15th century. heyday national school Russian painting, original in relation to Byzantium. It had a huge influence on all Russian art of the Moscow circle right up to Dionysius.

In the terrible times of wars and strife in the 14th–15th centuries, the great icon painter Andrei Rublev appeared in Rus'.

The idea of ​​Rublev as a man of kind, humble disposition, “full of joy and lightness,” has been preserved.

He was characterized by great internal concentration. Everything he created is the fruit of deep thought. Those around him were amazed that Rublev spent a long time carefully studying the creations of his predecessors, treating the icon as a work of art.

Although Rublev's name was mentioned in chronicles in connection with the construction of various churches, he became known as an artist only at the beginning of the twentieth century after the restoration in 1904 of the Trinity, the main shrine of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the most perfect work of ancient Russian painting. After clearing this icon, it became clear why the Stoglavy Cathedral decided to paint this image only the way Rublev painted it. Only then did the search for other works by the artist begin.

During the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, Rublev was already part of the princely artel of craftsmen, which moved from city to city and was engaged in the construction and decoration of churches. At that time, many churches were being built in Rus', and icon painters had to work in each of them.

It is impossible to consistently trace Rublev's creative path, because ancient Russian icon painters never signed or dated their works.


  • Demina N. A. “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev. M., 1963.
  • Betin L.V. On the origin of the iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin // Restoration and study of cultural monuments. Vol. 1. M., 1975.
  • Lazarev V.N. Andrei Rublev and his school. M.: Art, 1966. - 312 p.
  • Lazarev V.N. Andrei Rublev: brief biographical information // Lazarev V.N. Russian icon painting from its origins to the beginning of the 16th century. M.: Art, 1983, 1994, 1996 - ISBN 5-210-01342-1, 2000 - ISBN 5-210-01330-8.
  • Likhachev D.S. Culture of Rus' during the time of Andrei Rublev and Epiphanius the Wise. L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1962. - 172 p.

Andrei Rublev is a monk, icon painter, the greatest artist not only in Russia, but also in the world. It is impossible to imagine Russian national culture without it.

The era of Rublev is the era of the Russian Renaissance. Revival of faith in man, in his moral strength, in his ability to self-sacrifice.

The artist's life path

There are no reliable sources about the exact date of birth of Andrei Rublev. It is believed that he was born in Middle lane Russia, that is, today's Moscow region, somewhere around 1360.

Even the name given to him at birth is also unknown. Andrey is his second, monastic name. But we can accurately name the date of death of this great son of Rus'. This happened on January 29, 1430.

It was on this frosty day that several monks of the monastery of St. Savior near Moscow lowered into the grave - a dugout oak log, a coffin with the body of their brother Andrei, nicknamed Rublev, and, by obedience, an icon painter.


The date of birth of Andrei Rublev is unknown, just as there is no information from what place he is from and from what class. Judging by his nickname, which we now consider to be a surname - Rublev, he belonged to the craft class. Hence the ability to create with hands, which is inherent in a talented person at the level of consciousness and multiplied by the age-old experience of the family.

Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. Frescoes by Andrey Rublev photo

Subsequently, this ancestral heritage of handcraft will manifest itself in the sacrament of wielding a brush. The decade in which Rublev was supposedly born was marked by many troubles for the Moscow principality - the invasion of the Horde, the plague, bloody civil strife between the Russian principalities, the intervention of the Lithuanian prince Olgerd.

Andrey Rublev Annunciation Moscow Cathedral icon Transfiguration 1406 photo

As the chronicler notes, some courtyards were completely empty, while in others there was only one person left - a woman, a man, a child. Obviously, the same fate befell Rublev's relatives. The youth entered a monastery, took monastic vows and became a monk. The demonstrated ability to paint was credited to him as obedience.

Holy craft

There are no historical documents before the beginning of the 15th century that mention Andrei Rublev. Therefore, when speaking about the fact that he was a student of the famous icon painter Theophanes the Greek in Rus', art historians rely on the similarity of their writing styles. And only in 1405, for the first time, the chronicler mentions the name of Andrei Rublev among those who were commissioned to paint the Annunciation Cathedral in the newly rebuilt Moscow Kremlin.

Andrey Rublev icon of the Holy Trinity late 14th century photo

By this time Rublev was already a mature master. In 1408, together with the artist Daniil Cherny, he painted frescoes and painted canonical icons for the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. At the same time, Rublev painted icons that later received the name “Zvenigorod Chin”.

Between 1422 and 1427, he, together with Daniil Cherny, supervised the creation of the iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. At the same time it was written famous icon“Trinity”. This is one of the most beautiful and bright icons ever painted. And until his death he was engaged in painting the Spassky Cathedral of the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery.

Almost six centuries have passed since the era in which the artist worked, but interest in his works does not disappear. He is rightfully our people's pride and glory. The unfading light of pure and kind heart The artist has been shining for more than one generation from icons and frescoes that have come down to us through all the tests of time.

Andrei Rublev’s icon “Trinity” is the artist’s divine providence. Obviously, those who believe that the soul of the Russian people is hidden in this icon. It is difficult to remain indifferent when standing in front of it in the Tretyakov Gallery. Materialists are sure that the soul is an imaginary substance, but what then it expands and grows in the human chest, and divine music begins to sound in the ears if you look at this icon for a long time?

There are many icon painters in the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, but the most famous, of course, is Andrei Rublev. Probably everyone in our country knows this name, even not the most educated person, and outside Russia it is well known, especially after Tarkovsky’s film, but what do we know about the great icon painter? The famous historian of Christian art Irina YAZYKOVA talks about this

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August 28 -- the last summer holiday: Assumption Holy Mother of God. Holy Scripture is silent about the circumstances of Her death and burial. But the colorful legends recorded in the monuments of church painting have preserved for us the memory of this event. The apostles are miraculously transported on clouds to Jerusalem to behold the Dormition of the Mother of God.

October 20 marks 200 years since Napoleon's army left Moscow. We present a gallery of icons from the exhibition “In memory of deliverance from the invasion of the Gauls...”. Russian icon on the eve Patriotic War 1812", held in the Central Museum ancient Russian culture and art named after Andrei Rublev.

The fourth Sunday of Great Lent is dedicated to St. John Climacus. Why is the author of the book of the same name, St. John Climacus, depicted without a halo on the “Ladder” icon? Why don’t the demons try their best to drag the monks down, while the angels seem to stay away? Our correspondent tried to understand what was happening with the help of specialists.

An icon is, first of all, a holy image, before which we stand in prayer, a visibly expressed experience of the life of saints. This is also a work of art that conveys to us the idea of ​​our ancestors about beauty. But besides everything else, the icon is also an important historical source that tells about forgotten traditions. What, for example, does the earring in the ear of the Christ Child mean? We remember the unusual details of the icons on the eve of tomorrow's commemoration of the first icon painter - the Apostle and Evangelist Luke.

A unique exhibition has opened in the Assumption Belfry of the Moscow Kremlin, at which lovers of icon painting will for the first time have the opportunity to see the entire iconostasis of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. The fact is that today the icons from this famous iconostasis are kept separately in three different museums in the country. Visitors to the exhibition will see the iconostasis the same as it was in the 15th century

In the chapter on the iconostasis, textbooks on the Law of God or OPK usually talk about the high Russian five-tiered iconostasis. But if we go into a temple, we will not always see five rows of icons in front of us, corresponding to the diagram from the book. Why is it that the five-tiered view is chosen to tell the story about the iconostasis?

Accepted a year and a half ago the federal law"About the transfer religious organizations property for religious purposes" became a milestone in the property relations of the Church and the state. The next stage of this transfer was the return to the Church of the famous Iveron Icon of the Mother of God in May of this year. Time will tell whether the Church will cope with the “museum” functions, but for now “NS” has followed the fate of the most famous copies of the Iverskaya and other icons of the Mother of God in Russia

On May 24, on Vasilyevsky Spusk, Patriarch Kirill will perform a prayer service before the revered Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, which the state returned to the Church at the beginning of the month. What role in Russian history played exactly this list of the icon of the “Good Goalkeeper”, what is the significance of its transfer to the Novodevichy Convent and what is the fate of other well-known icons of the Mother of God in Russia, “NS” is looking into

A presentation of the Museum of Contemporary Christian Art took place at the Moscow cultural center “Pokrovsky Gates”. The creators of the museum told the capital’s journalists about what kind of art can be Christian, why spitting priests are not modern artists and why Gor Chahal did not come to the presentation.

The iconography of the most revered saint after the Virgin Mary - John the Baptist - is extensive and complex. The most common icons are the beheading and the discovery of his venerable head

The “People's Icon” opened in the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts - Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery. Among the 400 exhibits were naive copies of Byzantine images and “classical illustrations” of ancient heresies or heterodox dogmas. The boundaries of the concept of “folk” and “non-canonical” icons are still being reflected mainly by secular specialists. Theological comments on the exhibition ahead

Celebrations in honor of the miraculous icon “Three Hands” take place twice in July – on the 11th and 25th (new style). Many legends are associated with this image, telling about where the third hand appeared in the image of the Mother of God, and about how the icon ended up on Holy Mount Athos. Art critic Svetlana LIPATOVA talks about the veneration of the unusual Mother of God icon

In the ancient life of the venerable Sergius of Radonezh, compiled by his student Epiphanius, decorated with numerous miniatures (16th century copy), Andrei Rublev is depicted in three views: sitting on the stage and painting the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands on the wall of the temple; coming to the stone church newly built in the Lavra and being buried by the Lavra brethren.

The largest works of Andrei Rublev are icons, as well as frescoes in the Cathedral of the Assumption in Vladimir (1408). The Deisis by Theophanes the Greek and Andrei Rublev, as well as the entire golden-domed Church of the Annunciation in the royal courtyard, near the royal treasury, burned down during a great fire in Moscow in 1547.

The greatest masters of ancient Russian painting, including Dionysius, were deeply influenced by his work. At the Stoglavy Cathedral (1551), Rublev’s icon painting was proclaimed a role model: it was directly ordered that “the painter should paint icons from ancient images, as the Greek painters wrote, and as Andrei Rublev and other notorious painters wrote.”

Much work on the restoration of his works and clarification of his artistic biography, done in the 20th century, led to the formation of the romantic “Rublev legend”, extracting the heroized figure of the artist from the anonymous, ascetic, supra-individual environment of medieval creativity.

Locally revered as a saint since the 16th century, Andrei Rublev has now become one of the all-Russian saints: he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988; the church celebrates his memory on July 4 (July 17

The works of Andrei Rublev

The works of Andrei Rublev belong to the highest achievements of Russian and world spiritual art, which embodied a sublime understanding of the spiritual beauty and moral strength of man in Holy Rus'. These qualities are inherent in the icons of the Zvenigorod rank (“Savior”, “Apostle Paul” (located in the Russian Museum), “Archangel Michael”, all from the turn of the 14th-15th centuries), where laconic smooth contours and a broad brushwork style are close to the techniques of monumental painting.

In the period XIV - AD. XV century Rublev created his masterpiece - the “Trinity” icon (located in the State Tretyakov Gallery, on the subject of “Abraham’s hospitality”. He filled the traditional biblical plot with deep poetic and philosophical content. Moving away from traditional canons, he placed a single cup (symbolizing sacrificial death) in the center of the composition. , and its outlines were repeated in the contours of the side angels. The central (symbolizing Christ) angel took the place of the victim and is highlighted by the expressive contrast of spots of dark cherry and blue, orchestrated by an exquisite combination of golden ocher with delicate “cabbage roll” and greenery. The composition inscribed in a circle is permeated with deep circular rhythms, subordinating all the contour lines, the consistency of which produces an almost musical effect.

“Trinity” is designed for long and short range points of view, each of which differently reveals the richness of shades and virtuosic brushwork. The harmony of all elements of the form is an artistic expression of the main idea of ​​the “Trinity” - self-sacrifice as the highest state of spirit that creates harmony in the world and life. In 1405, together with Theophan the Greek and Prokhor from Gorodets, he painted the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (the frescoes have not survived), and in 1408, with Daniil Cherny and other masters, he painted the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir (the painting has been partially preserved) and created icons for its monumental three-tiered iconostasis, became important stage formation of a system of high Russian iconostasis.

Of Rublev’s frescoes in the Assumption Cathedral, the most significant is the composition “The Last Judgment,” where a traditionally formidable scene turned into a bright celebration of the triumph of Divine justice. The works of Andrei Rublev in Vladimir indicate that by that time he was a mature master who stood at the head of the school of painting that he created.

In 1425 - 1427 Rublev, together with Daniil Cherny and other masters, painted the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and created the icons of its iconostasis. The time when new internecine wars were brewing in Rus' and the harmonious ideal of man, which had developed in the previous period, did not find support in reality, also affected Rublev’s work. The coloring of later icons is more gloomy; in some icons the decorative principle is enhanced, in others archaic tendencies appear. Some sources call the painting of the Spassky Cathedral of the Andronikov Monastery (c. 1427) last job Rublev. A number of works are also attributed to him, the attribution of which to Rublev’s brush has not been definitely proven: frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral on the “Gorodok” in Zvenigorod (late 14th - early 15th centuries), icons - “Our Lady of Vladimir” (c. 1409, Assumption Cathedral, Vladimir ), “Savior in Power” (1408), part of the icons of the festive rite (“Annunciation”, “Nativity of Christ”, “Candlemas”, “Baptism”, “Resurrection of Lazarus”, “Transfiguration”, “Entry into Jerusalem” - everything is ok 1399) Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, part of the miniatures of the “Gospel of Khitrovo”.

Since 1959, the Andrei Rublev Museum has been operating in the Andronikov Monastery, demonstrating the art of his era.

Art critic M.V. Alpatov wrote: “Rublev’s art is, first of all, the art of big thoughts, deep feelings, compressed within the framework of laconic images-symbols, the art of great spiritual content,” “Andrei Rublev revived the ancient principles of composition, rhythm, proportions, harmony, relying mainly on his artistic intuition."
