French is my typical day. Methodological development in French “my daily routine”. What a day it could be

The French take eating very seriously and emphasize in every possible way that fast food and everything surrounding it is not even food, but nothing more than satisfying physiological needs.

In France, despite all modern trends, the most common type of nutrition is still more structured, which involves eating food at a certain time (usually 2-3 times a day) in a certain order and combination.

French "daily routine"

French breakfast often surprises foreigners with its modesty, unlike English. It usually includes yoghurt, café au lait, hot chocolate or juice, accompanied by a traditional croissant, bun or toast with marmalade. According to statistics, a fifth of French people do not have breakfast at all, although small towns breakfast may be less dense.

Lunch in France has incredible meaning. Everyone who has been to this country has watched in amazement as from 12 to 14 o’clock offices, classrooms, and shops are empty: for the French, the sacred time of lunch begins. Most often it is also quite light: soup, salads, meat or fish snacks, vegetables, the inevitable cheese and dessert. Bread is served at all stages of the meal, but is consumed in small quantities. At the same time, lunch remains a meal that most often takes place outside the home, so at this time cafes and restaurants are full of visitors.

Dinner(in time it usually falls at 7-8 o’clock in the evening) is usually plentiful, but in Lately this trend is retreating under the onslaught of the idea of ​​​​healthy eating. The whole family gathers for dinner, sometimes friends are invited: good company is no less important a component of the meal than the dishes served. Dinner usually includes several courses, including cheese, which is served either before or instead of dessert, and, of course, wine.

Aperitif and digestif
One of the characteristic French traditions is aperitif. An aperitif is not only a drink served before dinner to stimulate the appetite, but also light snacks to go with it - nuts, crackers, canapés, etc. Each region has its own specific aperitif drink: in southern France it is anise liqueur" pastis", in Auvergne – " suz"(tincture of gentian), in Alsace it can be both beer and white wine, in the central districts - "kir" (a mixture of currant liqueur and white wine) or "kir-royal" (a mixture of currant liqueur and champagne), in Normandy- Calvados, in Burgundy - blackberry liqueur, etc.
By analogy with an aperitif, after dinner guests are usually offered digestif- usually these are strong drinks designed to aid digestion after a meal. The main thing, however, remains communication, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a good French dinner.

Every child has a lot to do during the day. They all have time. Play, move around, eat, sleep, draw, scatter toys, take a walk... They are interested in everything. Let's learn together to describe the events of each day in French.

  • To use the materials correctly, please read
  • To properly prepare your child for lessons, read
  • Don't skip topics, do them sequentially. But it is possible and advisable to return to the topics covered periodically.
  • To start each lesson off right, use transition rituals. foreign language. You can read about them in Introductory Lessons
  • If you are just starting to learn this language yourself, then it will be useful for you to read


Tasks can be done in any order or combined with each other.


Tell your child phrases from the templates, combining different words. Speak whole phrases, not individual words (“Tú duermes”, not just “dormir”). Be sure to accompany the words positive emotions and actions. Show photos or pictures of relevant events. Show similar situations with toys, how they go to bed, wake up, wash themselves, brush their teeth, eat, play, get dressed, and go for a walk. Accompany each action with the appropriate phrase:

  • Il dort (he is sleeping)
  • Il mange (he eats)
  • Il joue (he plays)
  • Il se lave (he washes himself / washes himself)

Don't translate anything. Repeat each phrase several times. It is not necessary to use all the phrases and words in one lesson. One such task should last no more than 3 minutes, then end the lesson or move on to any other task. Use toys, make scenes and mini-dialogues with them to show your child the principle of this task.

Example of dialogue (when the toy speaks, change your voice and facial expressions, move the toy):

  • - Que fais-tu le matin? (What do you do in the morning?)
  • - Je me réveille. Je lave mon visage et mes mains. Je me brosse les dents. Je mange. (I get up. I wash my face and hands. I brush my teeth (show the appropriate movements on the toy))
  • - Que fais-tu le jour? (What are you doing during the day?)
  • - Je joue. Je m'habille et me promène. Je mange (I play. I get dressed and go for a walk)
  • - Qu’est-ce que votre mère fait pendant la journée? ((What does your mother do during the day? (You need a toy that will act as your mother))
  • - Elle cuisine. Elle joue avec moi (she cooks. She plays with me)
  • - Que fais-tu le soir? (What do you do in the evening?)
  • - Je lave mon visage. Je me brosse les dents. Et je vais au lit (I wash my face. I brush my teeth. And go to bed)
  • - Que fais-tu la nuit? (What are you doing at night?)
  • - Je dors. (I'm dreaming)


Look at different pictures and your family photos, where you can see what different family members are doing. Name the time of day when events occur, and also name the actions that the heroes perform. You can select in advance photographs of relatives that the child has not seen, or take fresh ones. Ask your child what relatives are doing in different photographs, tell them yourself. Photos can include different events, not just everyday life. Use words from previous topics.


Read any verse to your child and perform the necessary movements according to the text. You can sing each verse to any melody. Repeat the poem several times at a time. Connect toys to the game. Let them do the movements too. You will find the poems below.


Draw, sculpt and make colorful crafts as much as possible. Draw your family, the child himself, doing different activities. Create different scenes from your life. Draw small, simple comics.

Draw different people and animals different colors during different activities, at the same time practice words from previous lessons.


- Tu es la. Tu te réveilles. Tes yeux sont petits. Tu es fatigué. Tu vas et laves ton visage et tes yeux. Et maintenant, tes yeux sont grands! Tu les as lave! Mais regarde! Tes dents sont jaunes. Tu te brosses les dents et ils sont blanc! (it's you. You wake up. Your eyes are small. You're tired. You go and wash your face and hands. Now your eyes are big! You washed them! But look! Your teeth are yellow. You brush your teeth, and they - white!)

The funnier and more unusual your drawings are, the better. Surprise your child. Only bright and positive impressions make a child remember something and make him want to repeat after you.


Play a guessing game with your child.

  • - Devine quoi! (Guess!) Que fais-je? (Show with gestures how you brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face, wash your hands, eat, sleep, etc.)
  • - C'est vrait. Je me brosse les dents.

Add words from the movement theme to the game (jump, run, sit, etc.)


Watch the video, sing along (at least only those words that you know) and perform the movements.

New vocabulary

  • You should know these new words before starting lessons with your child.
  • You can learn words not all words at once, but in groups of 3-5 words, and gradually add them over several days
  • The third column shows the transcription in Russian letters. Attention! Not all French sounds can be expressed in Russian letters! This is especially true for nasal sounds (when the syllable ends in n), the burry French r, as well as some vowels. To avoid mistakes, be sure to read

Wake up

Fall asleep

Get up

Brush your teeth

Comb hair



tidy up

Walk - go for a walk

To go outside



To go to work







se brosser les dents

peigner les cheveux

aller au travail


le film de caractère

l'école maternelle


le matin / dans matinee

dans l'après-midi

la nuit / pendant la nuit

[sho rewaye]


[sho brose le dan]

[penay le cheveux]

[syo deabile]



[ale o travai]

[film de caracter]


[ecol maternel]

[dan matine]

[dan lapramidi]

[dan la soire]

[pandan la nui]



Quick Grammar Help

For parents who are starting to learn a language or do not speak it well enough:

  • You need to master the following grammar rules:

1. Future the addition of the verb aller in the appropriate gender and number is formed before the semantic verb in the infinitive form.


  • Je vais le faire demain (I'll do it tomorrow)

Conjugation of the verb aller(literally: to go in some direction, to leave)

  • je vais
  • tu vas
  • il/elle va
  • nous allons
  • vous allez
  • ils/elles vont

2. Question in the future tense formed by placing aller in front of the subject (or changing intonation)


  • Vas-tu le faire demain? (Will you do it tomorrow?)

3. Negation in the future tense formed by adding ne...pas around the verb aller


  • Je ne vais pas le faire demain (I won't do it tomorrow)

Congratulations! You have mastered the basic 3 tenses of the French language.

There are, of course, other tenses that convey various subtleties of speech, but the three that we have considered are quite sufficient for free conversation.

Just in case:

  • For verbs forming the past tense with avoir (most)
Time Statement Negation Question
Future Je vais parler Je ne vais pas parler Vais-je parler?
The present Je parle Je ne fais pas Parle-je?
Past J'ai parlé Je n'ai pas parlé Ai-je parlé?
  • For verbs forming the past tense with être (reflexive, some verbs of movement and change of state)
Time Statement Negation Question
Future Je vais tomber Je ne vais pas tomber Vais-je tomber?
The present Je tombe Je ne tombe pas Tombe-je?
Past Je suis tombé Je ne suis pas tombé Suis-je tombé?

There is no need to explain times to children. Just use them in speech in the appropriate situation. The child himself will understand and remember. Just like this happens with native speech.

4. Formation of reflexive forms of verbs.

Reflexive verbs include verbs whose action is directed towards oneself, i.e. to the subject. In French verbs include:

  • which in Russian are used with the addition of -sya and -sya at the end of the verb (to wash (laver) - to wash (se laver).
  • which are translated into Russian with the pronoun myself/self (I feel good (je me sens bien))
  • a number of other verbs that you just need to know (my name is (je m’appelle))

In French, if we want to direct an action to ourselves, pronouns are used after the verb: me, te, se, nous, vous.


  • je me lave (I wash my face)
  • tu te laves (you wash your face)
  • il/elle se lave (he/she washes his/her face)
  • nous nous lavons (we wash ourselves)
  • vous vous lavez (you wash your face)
  • ils/elles se lavent (they wash themselves)

5. Conjugation irregular verbs from this topic:

  • je lis
  • tulis
  • il/elle lit
  • nous licons
  • vous lisez
  • ils/elles lisent
  • past tense form: avoir lu

Phrases templates

  • You must master these phrase patterns and try to combine, following their example, all the words from the list of new vocabulary
  • Please note that French words are often “linked” together and pronounced as one word, the emphasis in this group is always on the last syllable.
What are you doing?

What do you usually do in the morning

I'm sleeping. I eat

I brush my teeth

I wash my face

I'm getting dressed

I'm cleaning up

I watch TV

I am reading a book

What did you do yesterday?

What are we going to do tomorrow?

What do we usually do on weekends?

We will walk.

What do you like to do on weekends?

What am I doing?

I'm getting dressed. I'm playing

What are we doing in this photo?

My mom is cooking

My dad goes to work

Your dad works

Your brother is going to kindergarten

Your sister is going to school

Que fais-tu?

Que fais-tu le matin d'habitude?

Je dors. Je mange

Je me brosse les dents

Je range mes vetements

Qu'as-tu fait hier?

Je suis allé pour une promenade

Que faisons-nous demain?

Que faison-nous d'habitude le week-end?

Nous allons faire une promenade.

Qu'est-ce que t'aimes faire le week-end?

Qu'est-ce que je fais?

Je m'habille. Je joue

Que faisons-nous dans cette photo?

Ma mere cuisine

Mon père va au travail

Ton père travaille

Ton frère va à l’école maternelle

Ta sour va à l’école

[kyo fetu]

[kyo fatyu lomatan dabitude]

[zhe dor. zhe mange]

[zhe me bros le dan]

[je my love]

[zhe mabil]

[je rang me wetman]

[zhe vua teve]

[whether en livre]

[katyu fe yer]

[zhe sui ale pur un promenade]

[kyo fazon well deman]

[kyo fazon well dabitude le weekend]

[nuzalon fair un promenade]

[kesko tem fair le weekend]


[zhe mabil. Zhe Zhue]

[kyo fazon well dan set photo]

[ma mayor queen]

[mon per va poison]

[tone per travai]

[ton frere va a lekol maternel]

[taser va alekol]

Possible supporting items for this topic

  • It is very useful for this topic to take different photographs of your child and other family members during your household chores, so that while studying the topic it will be easier for you to explain new verbs by simply pointing to the photo
  • Pictures depicting appropriate actions (baby brushes teeth, sleeps, plays)
  • Various toys on which you can show corresponding actions (a bear is sleeping, a bunny is eating, a doll is combing its hair)
  • Colored pencils, paints, plasticine, colored paper
  • Fun music to sing rhymes to


You can show these cards to your child while learning the corresponding words. Cards can be displayed electronically or printed and cut.

ADVICE! Cards should only be used to consolidate knowledge of new words. Don't start learning words from flashcards. You should start learning words in context with other already known words.

  • Qu'est-ce que c'est? - What is this?
  • Qu'est-ce que je vous montre? - What am I showing you?
  • Est-ce qu'elle dort ou lit? — Is she sleeping or reading?

Poems on this topic


Tic-tac, le jour commencement, l’heure advance…
Tic-tac, tic-tac, et voilà, midi est là.
Tic-tac, tic-tac, viens voir, c’est déjà le soir.
Tic-tac, tic-tac, l'étoile luit, voici la nuit.
Tic-tac, tic-tac, je suis très exacte!


Tick ​​tock, the day begins, the clock is ticking...

Tick-tock, Tick-tock, and now it’s noon.

Tick-tock, Tick-tock, look, it’s already evening.

Tick-tock, Tick-tock, the star is shining, it’s night.

Tick-tock, Tick-tock, I'm very precise!


Un... deux... trois...
Quatre... cinq... six...
Sept... huit... neuf...
Un... deux... trois...
Quatre... cinq... six...
Sept... huit... neuf...
Dix… onze… douze…
Un... deux... trois...
Quatre... cinq... six...
Mets ta chemise grise!
Ton pantalon neuf!
Tes belles bottes rouges!
Bois ton chocolat!
Avale tes tartines!
Mange donc ton œuf!
Ne prends donc pas froid!
Sois bien attentif!
Sept... huit... neuf... dix... onze... douze... Cours!

One... two... three... hurry up!

One two Three …

Four five six …

Seven... eight... nine...

One two Three …

Four five six …

Seven... eight... nine...

Ten... eleven... twelve...

One two Three …

Four five six …

Get up!

Wear your gray shirt!

Your new pants!

Your beautiful red shoes!

Drink your chocolate!

Swallow your toast!

Eat your eggs already!

Good afternoon

Don't freeze!

Be very careful!

Seven... eight... nine... ten... eleven... twelve... Run!


- Je me lève de bon matin.
- Je me love les mains.
- Je me frotte le visage.
- Je range mes affairs.
- Le soir je me lave les pieds.
- Et je me brosse les dents.
- C'est fort bien!
- C'est aussi très bien!
- Tu es bien sage!
- Il faut bien le faire!
- C'est une bonne idea!
- Bravo, mon enfant!

Smart child

— I get up in the morning.

- I wash hands.

— I wipe my face.

— I'm tidying up my things.

— In the evening I wash my feet.

- And I brush my teeth.

- This is very good!

- This is also very good!

- You're very smart!

- We have to do this!

- This good idea!

- Bravo, my baby!


Debout, Florentin,
C'est le matin!
Drelin!… Drelin!…
Mais Florentin
N'entend rien.
Vite, Florentin,
Il est midi!
Ding!… Ding!… Ding!..
Mais Florentin
N'a pas fini sa nuit!
Allons, Florentin,
Il est quatre heures!…
Oh! Quel bonheur!
Donnez-moi du pain,
Donnez-moi du beurre!
Il n'y a pas de pain,
Il n'y a pas de beurre
Pour les dormeurs!


Get up, Florentin,

It's morning already!

Ring! ... Ring! ...


He doesn't hear anything.

Quickly, Florentin,

It's already noon!

Dean! ...Dean! ...Dean! ..


Didn't finish your night!

Let's go, Florentin,

It's already four o'clock! ...

ABOUT! Good hour!

Give me bread

Give me the oil!

No bread

No oil

For sleepyheads!

Video on this topic

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La journée d'un étudiant

A typical day for a student

Chaque jour je me réveille de bonne heure. Je me lève, je fais de la gymnastique et je vais dans la salle de bain où je me lave à l’eau froide. Je me brosse les dents avec une brosse à dents et de la pâte dentifrice. Je fais vite ma toilette. Ensuite, je reviens dans ma chambre, je m'habille: je mets mes souliers, ma chemise, le veston, le pantalon et je me peigne devant la glace. Maintenant je suis prêt.

Il est temps de déjeuner. A mon petit déjeuner, je prends du café au lait, je mange du pain beurré avec du saucisson, du fromage. Je mange parfois des oeufs et de la crème. Je consulte ma montre. Il est sept heures moins cinq. Il faut me dépêcher pour arriver à temps à l’université. Pour aller à l'université, je prends le trolleybus. Parfois, je vais à l’institut à pied. A huit heures moins le quart je suis déjà à l’université. Je viens à temps.

Je suis étudiant à la faculté de pédagogie. Je suis en première année. Après avoir reçu mon brevet d’études secondaires, je suis entré à l’institut pédagogique de notre ville et j’y poursuis mes études. J'aime beaucoup les enfants, c'est pourquoi j'ai choisi la profession d'instituteur.

A l'université je suivis les cours d'histoire, de philosophie, de psychologie, de pédagogie. Pendant les cours je prends des notes. Entre les courses il y a des pauses. J'en profite pour aller au buffet et y casser la croûte. Après les cours je me repose un peu et je vais au restaurant universitaire. Dans notre restaurant, c’est le self-service. Il n'y pas de serveuses. On choisit les plats, puis on paye à la caisse. Les repas sont bon marché. Nous prenons d'habitude comme hors-d'oeuvre du hareng ou une salade, comme premier plat-une soupe ou une soupe aux choux, comme second plat, une côtelette ou du poisson. Et comme dessert nous prenons du café.

Après les cours je m'occupe du travail social, je suis le responsable de notre groupe. Ensuite je vais travailler avec mon ami Serge dans la salle de lecture qui se trouve près de la bibliothèque de l’université. Nous avons là à notre disposition tous les manuels, journaux, revues, livres, dictionnaires dont nous pouvons avoir besoin. Les devoirs finis, nous sortons pour faire un tour. Nous rentrons à 7 heures du soir. Chez moi, je regarde à la télé les émissions politiques ou parfois un film. Je me couche à 11 heures du soir.


Every day I wake up early. I get up, do some exercises and go to the bathroom, where I wash myself in cold water. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. I quickly do my toilet. Then, I go back to my room, I get dressed: I put on my shoes, put on my shirt, jacket, trousers and I brush my hair in front of the mirror. Now I'm ready.

It's time for breakfast. For breakfast, I drink coffee with milk, I eat bread and butter with sausage and cheese. I sometimes eat eggs and cream. I look at my watch. It's five to seven. We need to hurry up to get to the university on time. I go to the university by trolleybus. Sometimes I go to college on foot. At eight o'clock at a quarter I am already at the university. I'm on time.

I am a student of the Faculty of Education. I'm in my first year. Having received my certificate of secondary education, I entered the pedagogical institute of our city and continue to study there. I love children very much, so I chose the profession of a teacher.

At the university I give lectures on history, philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. During classes/lessons I take notes. There are breaks between classes. I take the opportunity and go to the buffet to have a snack. After classes I rest a little and go to the university canteen. Our student cafe is self-service. There are no waitresses. We choose dishes, then pay at the cashier. Lunches are cheap. We usually take herring or salad for an appetizer, soup or cabbage soup as a first course, and chop or fish for a second course. And coffee for dessert.

After class I study social work, I am the responsible person of our group. Then I work with my friend Sergey in the reading room, which is located near the university library. There we have at our disposal all the textbooks, newspapers, magazines, books, dictionaries that we need. Having done homework, we are going to walk. We return at 7 o'clock. At home I watch political programs on TV or sometimes a film. I go to bed at 11 o'clock.

Ma journée de travail

Paul: Salut! Comment ça va?

Michel: Salut, Paul! Tout va bien, merci, et toi?

Paul: Merci, je vais bien aussi. Mes proches me disent toujours que je ne sais pas utiliser rationnelement mon temps au cours d"une journée. Et toi, tu as du temps à faire tout ce qu'il est nécessaire?

Michel: Moi aussi, je dois suivre mon régime pour avoir assez de temps à tout faire. D"habitude, je me lève à sept heures du matin et tout de suite je fais quelques exercises de corps. Ensuite je me lave et je vais prendre mon petit déjeuner. Et toi, comment commences-tu ta journée de travail?

Paul: En ce qui concerne le matin, je fais presque les mêmes choses. Mais j'ai du mal avec le transport parce qu"il y a beaucoup de monde en ce temps-là. Mon trajet me prend parfois une heure pour être à temps au boulot. Et comment fais-tu avec ton déjeuner? Tu le prends où ?

Michel: Je n'ai pas de problèmes avec cela. Je le prends toujours dans un petit café tout près de notre travail. Et toi?

Paul: Chez nous il y a une petite cuisine dans laquelle nous pouvons prendre du café ou du thé avec des canapés ou avec du pizza. Je me demande toujours ce que tu fais d"habitude après ton travail?

Michel: A cinq heures de l’après-midi je suis déjà libre. Je peux aller où je veux. Je préfère passer mon temps libre avec les amis. Parfois nous allons aux cinémas ou aux théâtres, mais le plus souvent nous effectuons de courts voyages à travers de notre ville.

Paul: Quant à moi, je reste souvent chez moi après le boulot. J'aime surfer sur Internet, regarder la télé jusqu'à minuit et parfois je passe la nuit blanche en écoutant de la musique. C "est pourquoi, il m" est difficile de me lever à temps.

Michel: Ah, je te comprends! J"ai eu le même problème, mais maintenant j"ai réussi à régler ma journée. Tout d'abord, il te faut faire attention aux exercises de corps: cela donne de la force et de l'énergie pour toute la journée! En plus, je te recommanderais de ne pas passer beaucoup de temps en surfant sur Internet: par exemple, lisant un livre on peut bien se reposer et même s"endormir pour se renouveler! Je crois que mes idées vont t"aider! A bientôt!

Paul: Merci beaucoup pour ton aide! A bientôt! Bonne journée à toi! Au revoir!

My work day

Paul: Hello! How are you?

Michelle: Hello Paul! Everything is fine, thank you, how are you?

Paul: Thank you, everything is fine with me too. My family always tells me that I don’t know how to use my time rationally throughout the day. Do you have enough time for everything you need?

Michelle: I also have to stick to a routine so that I have enough time to get everything done. I usually get up at seven o'clock in the morning and immediately start doing several physical exercises. Then I wash myself and have breakfast. How do you start your working day?

Paul: As for the morning, I do almost everything that you do. But I have a problem with transport, because there are a lot of people at this time. Sometimes it takes an hour to get to work just to be on time. How do you manage lunch? Where do you have lunch?

Michelle: I don't have a problem with that. I have lunch at a small cafe nearby. And you?

Paul: We have a small kitchenette at work where we can have coffee or tea with sandwiches or pizza. I've always wondered what you usually do after working hours?

Michelle: At 5 o'clock in the afternoon I'm already free. I can go wherever I want. I prefer to spend my free time with friends. Sometimes we visit cinemas and theaters, but most often we take short walks around our city.

Paul: If we talk about me, I often stay at home after work. I like to surf the Internet, watch TV until midnight and sometimes I don't sleep at all listening to music. This is why it is difficult for me to wake up on time.

Michelle: Ahh, I understand you! I had the same problem, but now I managed to allocate time in my work day. First of all, you need to pay attention to physical exercise: this will add strength and energy for the whole day! In addition, I would recommend that you not spend a lot of time on the Internet: for example, by reading a book you can have a good rest and even fall asleep to gain strength! I think my ideas will help you! See you!

Paul: Thank you very much for your help! See you! Have a good day!

D'habitudes je me leve à six heures du matin et je fais mon lit. Pendant quelques minutes je fais des exercices légers, puis je vais à la salle de bain et prends une douche. Entre temps, ma mère ou ma sœur aînée prépare le petit déjeuner. Une demi-heure plus tard, je m"habille et je vais à la cuisine pour manger copieusement.

Ordinairement pour le petit déjeuner je mange des fruits, des céréales, du jus ou du lait. Papa et maman n"aiment pas les fruits, ils mangent des sandwiches avec du fromage et boivent du café. Parfois, je fais moi-même le petit déjeuner s'il n"y a personne dans la cuisine. Cela se voit souvent dans le week-end. Je me lève très tôt et fais un petit déjeuner simple pour toute la famille.

C'est temps d'aller à l"école! Les leçons commencent à neuf heures et finissent à trois heures. Je vais à l"école à pied. Cela prend environ une demi-heure. Je rentre à quatre heures moins le quart. Ensuite, je me repose un peu, mange quelques sandwiches avec du thé ou du café et fais mes devoirs. A six heures, je suis enfin libre!

Dans la soirée, nous nous rencontrons avec des amis et nous décidons comment passer notre soir joyeusement. Parfois, nous nous promenons, écoutons de la musique et bavardons. Et parfois nous allons au cinéma, à la discothèque ou au café. Environ à huit heures, je suis à la maison. Je dîne, regarde la télé, parle avec mes amis par téléphone. A dix heures je me couche (je vais au lit). Demain tout commence à nouveau.


I usually get up at six o'clock in the morning and make my bed. I do some light exercise for a few minutes and then go to the bathroom and shower. Meanwhile, mom or older sister is preparing breakfast. Half an hour later I get dressed and go to the kitchen to eat properly.

As a rule, for breakfast I eat fruit, porridge, drink juice or milk. Dad and I don’t like fruit, so they eat cheese sandwiches and drink coffee. Sometimes I cook breakfast for myself if there is no one in the kitchen. This happens often on weekends. I get up very early and prepare a simple breakfast for the whole family.

Time to go to school! School lessons begin at nine o'clock and end at three o'clock. I walk to school. This takes about half an hour. I get home at fifteen minutes to four. Then I rest a little, eat a couple of sandwiches with tea or coffee and do my homework. At six o'clock in the evening I am finally free!

In the evening we meet with friends and decide how to spend our evening having fun. Sometimes we just walk, listen to music and chat. And sometimes we go to the cinema, to a disco or to a cafe. I'm already home at about eight o'clock. I have dinner, watch TV, talk to friends on the phone. At ten o'clock in the evening I go to bed. Tomorrow everything starts again.

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