How to distinguish a low pain threshold from high? Pain threshold What does the high pain threshold in humans

In the holistic structure of the human psyche with some part of the convention, separate mental processes can be distinguished. Their processes can be divided into three groups: cognitive, emotional, volitional. When exposed to certain properties of various phenomena and objects of the world, the easiest of cognitive processes is launched on the human senses, the feeling. Depending on the analyzer, which is exposed to the external environment, you can allocate visual and auditory, olfactory and taste, tactile and temperature sensations. Feelings that reflect are the following types:

Not every impact on the human body causes a feeling, the stimulus must dial a certain force. The minimum value of the stimulus causing a certain feeling is called the lower absolute threshold of the sensation. The smaller its value is, the more sensitive to the corresponding analyzer. If the stimulus exceeds the upper absolute threshold, it ceases to be perceived adequately, a pain may occur. For example, rubbed in the eyes of too bright light. Indicators of absolute thresholds of sensations in all people have individual differences. That is why such a feeling like pain, people are transferred differently. High and low pain threshold are not just subjective sensations of different people. To obtain objective data relating to pain sensitivity, the device is invented by the device Algezimetre. This apparatus affects especially sensitive parts of the human body - the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits, the skin between the fingers of the legs. Impact can be in the form of a high temperature or electric discharge. The response of the body is recorded on the stimulus and determines the magnitude of the painful threshold.

Pain receptors of different organs have different degrees of sensitivity. The surface of the skin, for example, has a lower sensitivity threshold than internal organs. About one hundred pain points can be detected on a square centimeter of the surface of the skin of a person. And some internal organs are almost insensitive to destruction, i.e. They have a high pain threshold. The magnitude of the painful threshold affects congenital factors - the floor (in women, as a rule, pain threshold above) and genetic features. The pain threshold of a separate person is not a constant and unchanged value, and somewhat varies, due to the general state of the body and psyche. It depends on the immune status of the body, hormonal background and the emotional state of the person, the degree of stressing and adapting to it. Thus, that complex of events that strengthens the body and supports the psyche in good condition, will also contribute to some increase in the threshold of pain sensitivity. A reasonable nutrition approach will provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, there are products contributing to the improvement of serotonin production ("Hormone of Happiness") - eggs and dairy products, sweet fruits. At the time when a person is busy with his favorite business, and endorphins will increase during physical activity. Having an emotion management skill, you can try to drown pain - the fear will enhance pain, and anger, the state of emotional excitement, on the contrary, dulls them.

High pain threshold is good or not?

When a person is experiencing a very strong pain or a long suffering from a new pain, he dreams of termination of these sensations. At such moments, the high pain threshold is perceived as a gift of nature. However, doctors know many stories when the high pain threshold does not give a person the opportunity to adequately assess the severity of his condition. Doctors advise people with a high pain threshold with severe weakness, high temperature not to pay attention to the absence of pain, but to cause ambulance.

Of course, a low pain threshold gives a lot of unpleasant sensations, but it would be better for all of us a very high pain threshold - it is unreasonable. After all, all pains play the role of peculiar beacons, because they signals either about the disadvantage of various and systems, or that it is time to stop the impact of a certain stimulus. Obviously, their role is protective, they contribute to self-preservation. The high and low pain threshold is given to us from birth, and yet a person can slightly increase his pain threshold if he has a healthy lifestyle. Those who have a very high pain threshold, in turn, must learn to carefully treat various signals of their body.

Even the word "pain" itself causes negative emotions, and a feeling of pain in general overshadows life. However, everything is in different way pain. Some stoically suffer, shedding hot tea on the arm, and others are sitting (and it is not necessary for the girl) from simple off -landic. What is the reason? Of course, much depends on the nature and strength of the Spirit. But perception and tolerability of pain - purely individual features. The supply of pain patience is programmed from each in genes. How to enhance it and what does it depend on? Let's figure out.

The ancient Greeks called the pain of the "Watching of the Organism" pain, barks and warns that not everything is in order, sometimes shows where it hurts, just tell me why, why can not. And so far we trust him. Instead of a regular survey, we are waiting for a painful signal from the body to make a consultation to the doctor. Doctors, in turn, call pain "Gift of Nature, Help Survive." Although modern medicine has learned to notice the problems of our body where the "watchman" will be announced about them. But it is better if he has as many reasons as possible waking up. In the meantime, whatever who spoke about pain, scientists do not prevent to continue to explore it and try to find a universal painkiller.

Princesses and soldiers

Determine the pain threshold helps a special device algezimetre. The study is carried out on the most delicate area of \u200b\u200bthe skin - between the fingers of the legs or hands. The device gradually increases current strength or heats up until the subject feel pain. Much more pain. On the verge of feelings. This will be the "pain threshold". Stripping from the testimony of the device, scientists have divided people into four main types.

Type of the first "princess on the pea". This is the lowest threshold and the lowest interval of pain portability. Representatives of this type aggravately perceive the pain - both physical and spiritual. They are unable to endure her by nature. It is wounded and impressionable nature, prone to melancholy and loneliness. The procedural office is equivalent to the torture chamber. And calls to take yourself in the hands meaningless - it is hard to argue with physiology!

By the way. People of this type should be preserved from injuries and take very carefully to painful medical procedures. If necessary, the doctor must take reinforced measures against pain. For example, put a seal is permitted only under local anesthesia, and remove tooth - under anesthesia. Ingrown nail, appendicitis, childbirth - any procedures require careful anesthesia. Otherwise, there is a chance of the emergence of a formidable complication - pain.

Type of the second "Little Mermaid". This type corresponds to a low sensitivity threshold, but at the same time, the high interval of pain portability (the ability to endure the pain for a long time), allowing you to perplex suffering. Remember: Underwater Witch, turning a river tail in a couple of legs, predicted that every step of the girl will be like a blow to the dagger? However, the mermaid and the form did not show that she was experiencing flour. However, if you feel about this type, it is not worth a little on fate: as a reward for flour, she endowed you with the ability to experience deep feelings, the gift of devotion and the talent of empathy, the word, did everything so that you felt the completeness of life every minute.

By the way. If you are a "mermaid", you can configure yourself psychologically to make any unpleasant feeling. So, for example, heading for blood delivery, imagine pain, say, in the form of a large balloon, from which the air leaves. And when only a blown shell remains - you can mentally betray her fire or just throw away.

Type of the third "Sleeping Beauty". The high threshold of pain portability allows such people not to notice a weak pain. From the side, a person may look insensitive, his nervous endings almost do not react to injections, blows, cuts and other impacts. But the reserve of patience is also not. There are only pains to become a little stronger, as an immediate stormy reaction will follow. The external tranquility of such a person hides a great tension of internal life, manifested by outbreaks of strong emotions.

By the way. During painful medical manipulations, you need the help of sedatives and psychological support of loved ones is the right deposit that you can withstand the procedure.

Type fourth "resistant tin soldier." This is a real iron man. High threshold and pain portability interval allow such people to ignore pain and easily endure physical suffering. Remove the tooth or go to the operation for them does not represent problems. Pricks are weaker than the mosquito bite, and he either does not notice more serious damage, or is able to endure for a long time. Such a low sensitivity of the nerve endings is characteristic of leaders and very confident, successful people. But doctors of them are not always good. To respond to someone else's suffering, it is necessary to experience a similar feeling yourself, and they have no such opportunity.

By the way. For medical manipulations, such people go without fear, even with some challenge! They do not like to complain, sympathy, on the contrary, can annoy them, therefore the support of loved ones is important to them rather as confirmation that they are loved, and not as an urgent need.


Of course, it is unlikely that someone will hardly check themselves on the strength of the algezimetr to determine which type applies. Therefore, everyone will have to judge belonging to a particular type only on their own experience. The experience of visiting the dental clinic, the experience of cuts, cones and abrasion, the experience of Drak, etc. With a large probability, you define your own type for sure. And this will already help the doctor pick up an appropriate analgesic and a sufficient dose with painful syndrome. The level of pain threshold is also important as a blood type, weight, growth and other indicators. Interestingly, this level of unequal throughout life. It can fluctuate depending on social conditions, physical and psychological well-being and much more. For example, during the period of strong nervous voltage, the pain threshold decreases, and we can pour out because of a trifling fall on the street, although in the usual situation, they would not even pay much attention to this. And vice versa - their pain threshold can be consciously raised by the systematic physical workouts, efforts, raising excerpts. Many military and athletes specially learn to overcome the pain, and that gradually becomes less noticeable. An example of such a conscious education of an extremely high pain threshold demonstrate yoga that go barefoots on burning coals or a broken glass without visible damage.

By the way, the most sensitive age age, as discovered scientists - from 10 to 30 years. Older people and children feel the pain significantly less, but it is harder to endure it. At the same time, the fact that children at the physiological level pain threshold is higher, the myth. In fact, they are simply less than life experience, hence less and psychological attitudes that make it worry, and therefore increase the sensitivity of the body.

Bring up flint

We react to the pain of nerve endings - nociceptors. They are located all over the body: on the skin, mucous mehers and throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe internal organs. How well these cells function, determines the individual threshold of pain. If there is constantly with the same or increasing force on nociceptors, it will significantly reduce the susceptibility to pain. We will try and we, but the experience of yogis will postpone the next time. In order for the body to be easier to cope with pain, you can go to another way and increase the hormone of happiness - endorphin and serotonin.

Red pepper, vasabi, garlic. In these burning products contains capsaicin - an irritant. The burned language the body perceives as pain and protects, producing endorphin.

Anger - A means of mobilizing the body forces, which invented nature for us. It is such an effect that helps animals to survive in a fight, and to resist the fighters in the ring. You yourself could notice that during, say, headaches you want to quarrel with someone - so your nature is trying to stop unpleasant sensations. However, this method is good for one-time mobilization, and the permanent flashes of anger will lead to the weakening of the body and, accordingly, a decrease in the painful threshold.

Sex. Researchers from Germany report that more than half of people who regularly have sex even during headaches, migraine symptoms weaken. Each fifth headache ultimately passes, and some use sex as an anesthetic. According to experts, the anesthetic effect of sex may be associated with the emission of endorphins - endogenous opiates, they deliver a feeling of pleasure, but at the same time they also have an anesthetic effect. They can be called natural painkillers, the level of which is rising during sex and which are muffled physical pain.

And friend and enemy

Universal, suitable for each recipes increase the threshold of pain sensitivity, unfortunately, does not exist. Yes, and they are not required. Pain is a means of guarding the body, and an increase in the painful threshold is not always good. It is known, for example, that a very high pain threshold has people with heavy mental disorders (schizophrenia or manic-depressive syndrome). In addition, a person practically not vulnerable to pain may vale hazardous states, for example, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, heart attack or stroke, the main symptom of which is precisely pain syndrome. Therefore, the pain is not an enemy at all, but rather an ally, warning about the need to urgently consult a doctor.

It is interesting
In the medical center of Standford University carried out an experiment of the dependence of the painful threshold from feelings. The subjects caused pain with the help of a tapemuletor, which gradually heated. At the same time, they asked to remember various pleasant moments from their lives, and also showed photos of the beloved and fixed brain activity. It turned out when a person is in love, then the center of pleasure is involved in the brain, which blocks pain in the level of the spinal cord. The pain feels much weaker, and sometimes it completely disappears. Lovely is a great gun in the fight against any kind of suffering.

Pain threshold

Pain threshold - This is the level of irritation caused by the nervous system in which a person feels pain. The pain threshold is individual for everyone, the same level of irritation may express both in a slight and in severe pain for different people. If, with a minimum exposure to a person already hurts, then he has a low pain threshold, if the effect of pain should be quite strong, then the pain threshold is high. The human threshold may decrease with the overall fatigue and lack of vitamins of the group "B".

In psychophysics, the minimum power of the incentive is taken for the threshold of pain, which in 50% of presentation causes pain.

However, it should be borne in mind that repeating stimulation leads to a change in pain threshold, in addition, physical units that characterize irritation, strictly speaking, are not adequate to measure the subjective pain.

The concept of the level (threshold) of the tolerance of pain is defined as the greatest power of the pain, which the subject is ready to transfer in these specific conditions.

Neither the pain threshold nor the level of its tolerance can be determined by the parameters of external influences that cause pain. However, almost precisely in these parameters, they are determined.

In addition, differences in pain thresholds are due to the peculiarities of the actual pathological process. Boyed sensitivity is the most important parameter that determines the main properties of the person and the psychosomatic relations of a person serves as an informative indicator of the adequacy and effectiveness of its biological and social adaptation, health and illness. For example, a survey of persons who have taken suicidal attempts showed that they have increased the level of tolerance of pain.

Pain sensitivity is closely related to the individual psychological characteristics of each person as a separate person.

The lunatic emotions associated with aggressive motivation are accompanied by an increase in the threshold of pain. Asthenic emotions (fear, defenselessness), accompanying the strategy of passive adaptation and termination of current activities, develop against the background of reducing the threshold of pain.

Depending on the peculiarities of the perception of pain, nature divided people on 4 so-called nociceptive, or pain. To learn how one or another person belongs to, the special meter of pain is helped by doctors - algezimetre.

It is interesting to note that according to the research results, it turned out that the pain threshold of men is above women, in addition, the threshold of pain portability is also much higher in men.


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Watch what is a "pain threshold" in other dictionaries:

    pain threshold

    Pain threshold - The minimum intensity of the stimulus perceived as painful. While this threshold seems to be determined by biologically, individual tolerance for pain contains a strong psychological component ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    Pain threshold - the minimum intensity of the incentive, subjectively perceived as pain. The index of the painful threshold is considered determinized by genetically. Individual sensitivity to pain is modified by various psychological factors (emotional ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

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    threshold of painful feeling - RUS pain threshold (M), threshold (M) of pain sensitivity; Threshold (M) of pain, Pain Sensitivity Threshold, Pain Sensitivity Threshold, Threshold of Pain Fra Seuil (M) De Douleur, Seuil (M) De Malaise, Seuil (M) De Sensation De Douleur, Seuil (M) ... ... Safety and health care. Translation into English, french, german, spanish

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The high pain threshold is the dream of each hand-to-hand, for, as it is known, it is impossible to learn how to fight, not receiving passing. The elevated pain threshold will allow you to be much less sensitive to transfer this "delivery". Your attention is offered 7 exercises to enhance the painful threshold. They will also allow you to better control pain. All proposed exercises are performed with a partner. Despite the fact that the exercises need a partner, most exercises are so simple that you can increase the pain threshold at home.

1. Military Massage

The partner creates you dosage pains by pouring and squeezing the pains of the trapezoid muscle, the muscles of the front surface of the neck, pain in the ribs zone. Exercise is performed before the painful pain within 10 minutes.

Remember: Exercise for less than three minutes will not lead to zero results! During execution, it is impossible to strain, clamp, and also detain the breath. Standing or sitting should be calm and relaxed. With the strengthening of pain breathe deeper and increase the time of exhalation and inhalation. By the way, these recommendations are universal and also work for the rest of the exercises proposed here.

Military massage helps to get used to pain and bring down the intensity.

2. Society

Parliaments, standing opposite each other, apply each other in turn singing relaxed palms. Do not forget that the punch is extremely powerful! Therefore, to perform this exercise should be carefully. Society are applied only on the cheeks, unacceptable strikes on the ears, jaw, eyes, nose and lips. Strengths are gradually gradually, and constantly monitor your mental state. To normalize emotions after each prepared slap, make a slow exhale and relax.

Pain can reach the level of critical or even higher. The singing should be a call! The muffled sound is a consequence of the deepest error, which indicates that you beat the heel of the palm. And this is the place that strong blows are applied, and the masters break the heel palm tiles, boards and other solid items. So from the right slap must have a characteristic ringing.
Thus, at least a minute, and the exercise will bring much benefit.

3. game on one string

The partner must take you by the shoulder and put your fingers from the inside over the elbow fold. Hardly holding my fingers between the biceps and triceps to the bone, the partner spends on it with effort to himself, feels a thin stress "string." You will feel a sharp and strong pain from the elbow to the Mizinz. The exercise time is at least three minutes, and all this time you must transfer rolling over the "string". Effect: adaptation to the effects directly on the nervous trunk.

4. Bully brawl

You hold the capture or pain, and your opponent is rapidly hitting pain points. It is produced extremely important skill bulldog grip, that is, the hold of the capture, despite the active opposition of the enemy. In addition, work skills is produced.

Start exposure to the point of the brush between the large and index finger, closer to the metropolitan of the index finger. Then go to the inside of the wrist; Bones of the back side of the palm, point on the inside of the radial bone, for a couple of fingers above the elbow bend. After several blows, you will feel that the pain is growing, and at the same time, your grip will weaken. It is necessary for the power of the will to force yourself to keep the grip. Straighten, squeeze your teeth, and leave the breath deep and uniform - it will help you concentrate.

5. Creek

Emotional discharge will help you increase your potential to maximum. Shout with a partner on each other.

6. Beating

The basis of the exercise - blows of dosage strength almost all over the body. You can not beat on my head, neck and groin, as well as the throat. According to the spine, the left side of the chest. The main task is beaten - stand, keeping uniform respiration and not confusing. Almost everyone can take a blow to the torso in exhalation, but few people can withstand a blow to inhale. To do this, it follows inhale to strain the muscles of the torso, forming the so-called chain ring. Best of all, if the beaten covers the eyes - this will exclude spontaneous preparation for shocks, which is not needed during execution. In addition to the body, break your hands, hips and legs. Performance time: about 3 minutes.

7. Interference

Fighters are in a circle of comrades and conduct a pair sparring. The circle in every way trying to prevent them in every way, not to get involved directly into the fight: pinch, pushes, apply the stumps and blows with a relaxed palm. Exercise helps to get used to pain and control the pain in combat conditions.

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