Rapunzel house 2 intimate life before the project. Olga rapunzel - biography, information, personal life. Video: A selection of funny moments with Olga Rapunzel

Olga Rapunzel- a TV show participant. She was born on April 4, 1987 in the city of Vladivostok.

Olya came to the show on June 12, 2015, Ph. She decided to prove to everyone that he is able to build a relationship on the project, and began to "seek" the guy. But as she did not try to stir up Oleg, she did not succeed. In the end, she admitted that the relationship would not work out, and switched to. Ilya immediately reciprocated her, and they began to meet. But in House-2, nothing ever goes smoothly, and here, too, juicy details from Rapunzel's life before joining the television project surfaced.

Well-wishers told Ilya that Olya is registered on a site where girls undress in front of a webcam for money. The girl at first denied this fact, but when irrefutable evidence appeared, frank intimate photos of Rapunzel on the Internet, she confirmed everything. Yabbarov could not understand Olga, the relationship of their couple was at an impasse.

Rapunzel and Ilya Yabbarov

After an unsuccessful romance with Yabbarov, the girl went to the "Island of Love", bask in the Seychelles sun and try her luck in a new relationship with. The young man who came to protect Rapunzel from Yabbarov's attacks turned out to be a real tyrant himself. Instead of "building love", a real "war" broke out between the guy and the girl, Baranovsky daily mocked poor Olya. The hosts decided to put an end to this situation and kicked Kolya out of the TV project.

With Kolya Baranovsky on the "Island of Love"

Soon, the girl went on vacation, home, and returned not alone, but with her new boyfriend and "wiped her nose" with all her enemies. Despite the difficult relationship in the pair, it was clear that the guys had mutual sympathy. Once again, having flown to the Seychelles, Olya began to wait for her Dima. But, it turned out that while the guy was absent from the perimeter, he talked with a certain girl, whose name is, and she personally accompanied Dmitry to the airport! And, soon, she herself appeared on the TV show ...

Thanks to the Dom-2 project, at the word Rapunzel, most people imagine not the folk tale of the Brothers Grimm about a girl with long hair who was imprisoned in a tower and was waiting for a knight, but a reality show participant Olga Grigorievskaya (the girl's real name), who is remembered TV viewers as a bright and emotional character.

Star of the show "Dom-2" Olga Rapunzel

The girl jokingly says that she is the brand of the TV project, and this is really so: even opponents of the show continue to follow Rapunzel's biography. There are 372 thousand subscribers on her Instagram page.

Childhood and youth

The future participant of the project was born on April 4, 1987 in the Primorsky Territory, in the city of Vladivostok. Olya grew up without a father, the future TV star was raised by her mother Tatyana Vladimirovna, who, according to rumors, worked as a salesman in a local grocery store.

Since childhood, the girl began to show her character: little Grigorievskaya loved to be in the spotlight, constantly participated in school competitions and won prizes. Olya often spent time in pioneer camps, where she sang songs, danced and showed her creative abilities.

But the girl also excelled in her studies, which allowed her to easily graduate from school and enter the institute at the Faculty of Economics.

Grigorievskaya quickly realized that she did not want to work as an economist-accountant, so Olga organized private classes in English, which she knew almost perfectly: the girl graduated from specialized foreign courses.

"House 2"

The participant came to the reality show on TV day 4050, June 12, 2015. On the frontal place, Rapunzel (this nickname was given to the girl because of her long hair) immediately announced the purpose of the parish - it was Oleg Volkov. The girl admitted that she was not very interested in "Dom-2", before appearing in the perimeter Olga watched the last few issues, and Oleg became "love at first sight." Grigorievskaya claimed that the sensible guy reminded her of her ex-boyfriend, so the girl was ready to fight to the end.

A tall brown-haired woman (Olya Rapunzel's height is 174 cm) with blue eyes and a slender figure immediately conquered a significant proportion of the men of the project. But behind the pretty appearance of the girl, there was an obstinate and confident character, so not every guy would have mastered the beauty.

With Oleg, Olya's relationship did not work out - the girl herself arranged the first date, which ended unsuccessfully. But due to a miss, Grigorievskaya did not intend to leave the television project. So, soon the scandalous participant Ilya Yabbarov became the girl's new lover.

After a short conversation, the young people declared themselves a couple, but soon broke up due to constant quarrels and insults. But the self-confident beauty hoped to find a person with whom she would build a real family.

The girl was in the Seychelles, where one of the brightest participants in the reality show was seeking her attention. But the sultry princess did not pay attention to Kolya, and Nikolai Baranovsky became the third guy on Olya's project. The couple did not last long, because the zealous Dolzhansky still got the girl's attention, but their relationship was fictitious. The spontaneous man gave the girl a "surprise" wedding, to which Rapunzel reacted with tears and hysteria.

On the television project "Dom-2" the girl still managed to find love. Dmitry Dmitrienko became the chosen one, who said that the main thing is not Olya's past, but their joint present.

Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrienko

Everything is going well for young people, Rapunzel uploads happy photos of lovers on Instagram. Although Dmitry's mother is unhappy with this decision of her son.

In life, Olya is a very cheerful and perky person: the girl admits that she loves to be capricious, and also loves to sleep.


Although Rapunzel was awarded the "Burdock of the Year" award (according to the results of the audience vote), the participant in the television project did not even think to lose heart. At the ceremony of awarding "burdock" Olya declared that she was not worthy of this title.

In the fall of 2016, I posted a photo of a skinhead Rapunzel asking if it was true? Controversy erupted on the Internet, but the fact that Olya was shaved was never confirmed.

A considerable scandal was caused by facts from Olya's past: the participants in the show saw videos where the girl, even before the project, appears naked for an erotic video chat. YouTube users also immediately became aware of this, because the hosting was full of scandalous videos. Rapunzel did not deny and spoke about this part-time job, which lasted for nine whole years. The participant in the show earned $ 200 an hour and allowed herself to buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee car, and the girl also helped her parents financially.

Despite the attacks of the participants, Rapunzel held on confidently, stating that her past could not be attributed to prostitution.

At the moment, Olga is 30 years old, and she continues to lead an active life as a participant in the reality show "Dom-2". But the girl plans to move to a higher rank - Rapunzel intends to become the host of the TV project. As Grigorievskaya admits, this is her dream. Therefore, Olya is ready not only to nominate herself, but also to work by the sweat of her brow to get a vacant position.

In the summer of 2017, Olya will have a long-awaited event - a wedding with Dmitry. The ceremony is still only in the plans, the beloved are preparing for the celebration and planning expenses. According to rumors, the wedding will take place in the meadow of the project.

In March 2017, Dima presented Olya with a disabled car, stating that “the rich they are, they are glad,” but Rapunzel, of course, did not like such a gift.

June 17, 2017. The wedding ceremony of the newlyweds took place in the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow. After the painting, the newlyweds arranged a festive party in one of the capital's restaurants, where they invited their relatives and friends.

In 2015, a beautiful girl visited a famous TV show as a participant. For her long, well-groomed hair, she was nicknamed Rapunzel. Outwardly, the girl was just perfect: a chiseled figure, long legs, expressive eyes. Of course, the glade guys got excited to win the heart of an unapproachable beauty. But after a while the question arose: "What did Olga Rapunzel do before the project?" The girl remained silent for a long time, but soon revealed her secrets. We will talk about them in the article.

"Dom-2" - the beginning of a new life

A long-haired beauty appeared on the show not so long ago, she introduced herself as Olga Rapunzel. The girl seemed soft and vulnerable. At 28 years old, the maximum looked like 22-23 years.

The guys were bribed by the intellect of a young lady, but it was announced that she has an economic education, is fond of English and is currently working as a teacher-translator. Olga Rapunzel made such a vivid presentation. What this girl did before the project, practically no one was interested.

The new heroine immediately began to build relationships with singer Ilya Yabbarov. It would seem that their happiness is just around the corner, but information appeared on the Internet that shocked many.

Social networks exploded with the release of videos about who Olga Rapunzel really is. The girl's past turned out to be far from bright. The beauty was engaged in showing her naked body to foreigners. For this she was paid a good fee of $ 200 per hour.

Thanks to such earnings, Olga was able to independently purchase living space, a car and provided all possible assistance to her parents. After the details were revealed, Ilya hastily parted with the girl, saying that even for him it was dirt and shame.

Olga behaved with dignity and restraint. She was able to defend her position, arguing that the type of activity that she was engaged in is not prostitution.

So, who is Olga Rapunzel? Dom-2 showed that the beauty is not as naive as it seems at first glance. The girl is used to a beautiful life, gifts. In order to have all this, she is ready to go to great lengths. Even show their naked body in private chats to unknown men.

Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko: relationship or game?

Despite an unsuccessful relationship with Olga, she managed to find her love on a television project. At the moment she is in the Seychelles with Dmitry Dmitrenko. This guy doesn't care what his girlfriend's past was, because the main thing is what awaits them in the future. Many fans who ask Dima a question: "Olga Rapunzel, what did you do before the project?" - the guy answers with confidence that she earned money for a decent life.

In a couple's relationship, not always everything goes smoothly and cloudlessly, but viewers believe in a strong union and that their wedding is not far off.

Some viewers of the Dom-2 project have a question: "Olga Rapunzel, what did you do before the project?" Unfortunately, the girl cannot boast of a bright past. Perhaps she regrets the services she provided for men. After all, what kind of guy would be pleased to have a wife next to him, who showed her naked body in video chats for a reward.

At the mention of the name Olga Rapunzel, thanks to the efforts of the House 2 television project, most people imagine not the golden-haired princess from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale of the same name, who lived in captivity in a high tower and languished in anticipation of a brave knight, but a simple participant in an endless reality show on TNT. Olya is a bright and emotional character, whose biography even obvious opponents of the TV set continue to follow. More than 575,000 people have subscribed to Rapunzel's Instagram.

Biography of Olga Rapunzel

Baby Olga Grigorievskaya saw this world in the harsh city of Vladivostok on April 4, 1987. The girl did not communicate with her father, but grew up in the care of her mother, who struggled to give her beloved child everything. Mother worked as an ordinary seller in a grocery store, so Olya was a regular at pioneer camps, circles, and after-school groups.

Interesting fact! The stubborn character of the girl was also formed because according to the sign of the zodiac our heroine is Aries, and according to the eastern calendar it is Rabbit.

Disappearing at extracurricular activities, the girl took part in creative contests, evenings, KVN, every now and then she could be found on the stage, showing the public vocal and dance numbers. Grigorievskaya loved to feel like a leader in the center of the team's attention. It should be noted that she always stubbornly went to the goal and certainly achieved what she wanted. She was helped in this by her sociability and energy, beating over the edge. Olya always and in everything stood out among her peers.

Now the bright participant of House-2 says that she is constantly in motion, she cannot sit in one place for a long time. The young lady has a special passion for disputes and discussions, and in her free time she prefers to be mischievous or to sleep.

The study of young Olga Grigorievskaya

In terms of her studies, the active girl never had any problems, since she had an inquiring mind, and literally swallowed the material. Having successfully graduated from school, she entered the university as an accountant-economist. After studying for a year, the girl realized that she was no longer attracted to the profession she had chosen earlier. There was not enough money for life, so the ex-student began to earn money as an English tutor, which she knew perfectly by that time.

Mysterious facts of the past of Madame Grigorievskaya

Education, even despite the lack of interest in the profession, Olya still continued. However, more recently, social networks were blown up by a stream of negative reviews about Olga Rapunzel, as videos of privates in which completely naked Olya entered the main character appeared on the Internet.

The video, which everyone is still talking about, got into YouTube with the light hand of ill-wishers and caused a flurry of emotions, since the girl's biography before the project was sacredly guarded by herself. The videos are full of frankness: Rapunzel demonstrates her intimate places to foreigners for money, while making quite understandable gestures of self-gratification. It is rumored that at that time the heroine earned good money, and her income was about $ 200 per hour of "work".

The surrounding people condemn the video escort, but she herself is sure that money does not smell, and in this way the actress earned money on lascivious foreign moneybags for an apartment, a car and helping her family.

Olga Rapunzel's participation in the television project "Dom-2"

Olga Rapunzel came to Dom-2 on the 4050th day of the TV show. It happened on June 12, 2015. Right there on the frontal spot, the participants dubbed the new girl the iconic nickname of a cartoon princess because of her gorgeous hair.

  • Olya on the first day announced that the purpose of her arrival was Oleg Volkov. The newcomer was determined to fight for the sensible guy to the end, as she was impressed by his character. A bright brown-haired woman with blue eyes won the hearts of a good half of the perimeter, but behind a meek gaze an assertive and difficult character was hidden, so not everyone could cope with the wayward beauty.

  • Relations with Ilya Yabbarov began when they broke up with Oleg Volkov. After a short communication, the young people announced themselves as a couple, but soon fled due to constant mutual insults and quarrels. The girl again decided to look for love at House-2, but this time in order to create a strong family.

  • When Olya was in the Seychelles, another extraordinary participant in the television program, Nikolai Dolzhansky, sought her attention, but the heroine did not take his courtship seriously.

The participant drew attention to Nikolai Baranovsky, but even in this case, a strong relationship did not work out.

And then suddenly the ubiquitous and sudden Dolzhansky appeared. Having come down to a fictitious relationship with Kolya, Olya fell through only when the eccentric Dolzhansky organized her a fictitious wedding celebration. It was then that her hysteria, tears and loud parting began.

  • Rapunzel's main love on the project is Dmitry Dmitrienko, who accepted her dark past. The couple met, and then the lovers got married.

In 2017, the couple broke up, which was preceded by scandals, fights and Dima's drunkenness. Until now, the latest news about the interesting situation of the girl remains unclear.

Olga's pregnancy is being discussed passionately on the net. This is not blasphemous and not surprising, because the heroine's belly looks different every day, which naturally creeps into the fans' heads that the whole pregnancy is fiction. Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrienko are still full of negativity towards each other, their relationship, even after the divorce, is tense.

Scandals, intrigues, investigations

  • In 2016, Vlad Kadoni published a photo of Olga Rapunzel with a shaved head, but gossip and gossip did not bring a final clarification whether this fact was in the life of the participant.

  • Rumors that Olga Rapunzel is pregnant caused a great public outcry. Fans now and then caught the girl in a lie. Moreover, the viewers did not understand the fact that, being in an interesting position, the young lady returned to the perimeter again.

  • With the words “the rich, the more happy,” now the ex-spouse presented his beloved with an invalid car, of course, she did not like such a present, because Olga Rapunzel earned her brand new Jeep in a slightly dark way before the project.

Olga Rapunzel's plastics

The girl has never been deprived of attention. In her 30s, the heroine looks great even against the background of young girlfriends.

At the same time, Rapunzel does not get tired of saying every time that she did not resort to the services of plastic surgeons. However, the fact that Olga Rapunzel's plastic surgery took place is evidenced by early photos of an intimate nature.

  • Rhinoplasty. The heroine's nose has changed a lot over the past 10 years. The tip has become lighter and narrower, and the back is significantly leveled. It is unlikely that such cataclysms happened by themselves.
  • Lip augmentation. You don't need to be an expert to see that the lips of a woman have become much larger in recent years. The heroine undoubtedly achieved their swelling by injections of fillers into this area. To her credit, the volume and shape of the mouth is within normal limits and does not cause negative emotions.

  • Breast changes. Comparing the photos in which Olga Rapunzel is captured before and after the breast plastic surgery, which was allegedly performed, you understand that the changes in her bust are invisible. As in the early photos, two pimples were lost on her body, so in the latter, the maximum size could be increased by a bra with a push up effect.

Interesting! Recently, the girl spends all her strength and considerable funds on caring for her shiny, thick hair, trying not to change the image of a fairy-tale princess.

Now Rapunzel wants to climb the career ladder, becoming co-host Olga Buzova and. According to the heroine, this is her pink dream. Knowing the perseverance and penetrating ability of the little princess, it will not be surprising to see her soon in a new role.

Video: A selection of funny moments with Olga Rapunzel

Olga Rapunzel from House 2: intimate life photo and video +18. Watch online compromising video VK. Olenka Rapunzel is a new participant in the TV project Dom-2 (at the time of this writing). Having appeared on the project, she has established herself as an educated girl giving lessons in foreign languages. In general, white and fluffy. As a result, it turned out that she is not so "white and fluffy" as it might seem at first glance, but has long become famous on the Internet.

Photo and video incriminating evidence on Olya Rapunzel

The scandalous photo of naked Oli Rapunzel, if desired, can be found on the Internet, and rumors about work in the field of intimate services - at the moment, can not be confirmed. Olya tried to justify herself by announcing that her photo entertainment was far behind. And whether this turns out to be true - we will soon find out.

It is worth remembering that Rapunzel recently came to the TV show. Initially, the girl had plans to start a relationship with Wolf Oleg, but it seems that Oleg did not want to associate himself with the scandalous girl. Then our heroine switched to Yabbarov, and he, no matter how surprising, answered her in return.

Indeed, Olya previously entertained screen viewers by undressing in front of the camera. This information has already been confirmed on the network, and the fans of the project have already been amazed, although the project participants themselves are not surprised at such events. Olga's boyfriend Ilya Yabbarov, enraged, invited the girl to leave, and for the fans of the show, this ero-photo session became one of the most discussed topics. And Olya, in this situation, began to doubt the sincerity of Ilya's feelings.

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