Healthy disabled people. Holders of "Lipovaya" certificate of disability write appearance with a clear conscience

How to get a disabled help?

Recently, many people for personal health are disabled. For official confirmation of status, a special medical document is required, which will confirm disability.


"This is a certificate of your husband. And this is a certificate that I gave you a certificate. " (film Brazil)


How to get a certificate?

To obtain it, each disabled must initially undergo a full medical examination and get from each specialist verdict for health state. However, to successfully solve the issue requires not only the passage of the Commission, but also to collect the established package of documents. In most cases, a lot of time is required to collect documents.

It is not surprising that people with disabilities do not seek to undergo a medical commission and collect documents for receiving, confirming personal status. Many are trying to take advantage of the additional offer - buying a certificate to confirm the status of disability. However, even in this case it is recommended to understand important nuances for solving existing questions.

What problems may arise?

Registration of disability certificates is always associated with numerous nuances. Difficulties, first of all, are manifested with independent design of documents. Buying a medical certificate is the easiest and fast solution to the existing task. Why was there a similar situation?

Medical and social expertise, which is mandatory in the classical version of the issue of the issue, is able to refuse to obtain a disability group. This refusal may be due to the lack of concluding from all the necessary specialists or a shortage of any document. With this situation, it is best to buy a medical certificate than to deal with it.

Another problem is temporary costs. For legal help, a lot of time is required. Buying a disability document requires a minimum of time (most often - a few days).

Fake and original disability certificate: Important differences

If you are supposed to buy a medical certificate of disability, you should take care of understanding what it will differ from the original. Genuine Help ITU always possesses the following features:

  • mandatory availability of watermarks;
  • print is used special paper with a slightly pink color;
  • it is assumed that the doctor's signature is assumed, which actually exists and provides personal services.

With any doubt, with attentive comparison of the original and the fake document, other features can be found. Most of the differences are able to detect only specialists who have repeatedly seen both options for paperwork and know what we are talking about. At the same time, it is assumed that the three above parameters play an important role in determining the authenticity of the document.


Buying a medical certificate to confirm disability necessarily implies accounting of such nuances.

Article editor: Svetlana Prikhodko

What has been revealed during the special operation of the FSB in Rostov -na-Donu during the development of information on the disgraces that took place in the main bureau of medical and social expertise (which obeys, to the Word, directly by the Ministry of Labor of Russia), refers to the category of "unprecedented scope", otherwise Name difficult.

Thousands of liar people with disabilities disabled in the country with Rostov certificates

In general, the Opera worked on another corruption case, but, as it happens, one of the figures issued on-mountain (now it makes no sense to clarify, deliberately or simply said) such data that the topic had to do seriously: everything happened in the framework of the strictest secrecy, he told the newspaper "KP" - Rostov-on-Don "Source close to the investigation. - As it turned out, in this structure of the main ITU bureau, which has more than fifty branches in the regional center and in the municipalities of the region and determines the degree of disability (including for military registration and enlistment offices) and the loss of performance, the most real corruption group was organized issuing the issuance of linden Information certificates - for money, of course - on the flow.

There was a criminal company that stamped fakes under the leadership of the Chief Expert of Andrei D., together with his deputy and the head of one of the branches, within seven (!) Years - starting from 2010 and to the present. Over the years, according to the FSB, ten thousand fake documents certifying the fact of disabilities were issued.

What did it give to those who bought them for money? Based on such certificates, the disabled people acquired the right to measures of social support established by Federal Law No. 181-FZ "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation", including to receive pensions and other social benefits, on sanatorium-resort treatment and benefits Payment of housing and communal services, parking rights on specially dedicated territories, etc., - explained to the Office of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Rostov Region. - It is clear that none of these recipients has no reason and did not pass the expertise.

For certificates in Rostov, even from other regions came

It is noteworthy, they say in the matter that the geography of "customers" who came for fakes in Rostov-on-Don were not limited to only one region - there were people t from other subjects of the federation.

Boris K., subordinated by the Chief Expert of the CEE Bureau and the very head of one of the branches, which was involved in the process (not excluded, by the way, that only he is one), has already gave testimony to his chef and his Woman's Waist: admitted that Himself received a bribe, and drove them "upstairs", direct leadership, - reported the source of Komsomolskaya. "While, from his words, information about the receipt of Andrei D. only over the past four years is almost 4 million rubles - plus there was also a Chevrolet Aveo car, which he designed to the relative of the chef. In addition, he said that he was also transferred to his willing more than three million. How many bribes were obtained in reality - it is even difficult to imagine, especially if you assume that the source of money transfer and certificate design was not only one Boris K.

Those who gave bribes, better admit to this voluntarily

And the investigators, meanwhile, decided to turn through the "Komsomolskaya" to those who paid money for fake, offering them to voluntarily recognize this and avoid criminal liability:

Citizens who personally have been transferred personally or through other persons to the officials of the Main Bureau of Medical Social Expertise in the Rostov Region, we propose to report on these facts - notes the official representative of the Regional Department of the SCR Galina Gagalaeva. - These statements can be submitted to us in the CCR or in the UFSB in PO. In accordance with the note to Art. 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation The person who granted a bribe is exempt from criminal liability if it actively contributed to the disclosure and investigation of the crime, or after committing the crime, voluntarily reported to the authority with the right to initiate a criminal case, about a committed crime.

In short, if someone voluntarily confesses - can avoid the fate of the partner. Otherwise ... well, here everything seems to be understandable.

We add that the criminal case against the leadership of the Main Bureau of Medical Social Expertise in the Rostov Region is in the production of the 2nd department for the investigation of particularly important cases (on crimes against state power and in the economy) of the management of the TCR in PO. The participants of the corruption group threaten from 8 to 15 years of colony and large fines.

Employees of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise of the Regional Ministry of Labor, who were disabled with completely healthy people were detained in the Rostov region. According to preliminary data, 10 thousand people were illegally received.

We are talking about hundreds of millions of rubles, in fact, abducted from the treasury. Large officials are involved in it, which for seven years have implemented a fraudulent scheme. According to investigators, they regularly issued certificates about the establishment of disability to those who did not have the right. Diagnoses and confirmation documents were not important. Enough through the "right person" or personally transfer the amount in the envelope - and you are already disabled.

Based on documents, the false initials received the right to measures of social support, including receiving pensions, spa treatment, benefits for utilization of housing and communal services, parking rights on specially dedicated territories and much more.

The corruption scheme used by the accused from 2010 to 2017 was stopped together with Employees of the UFSB. Now investigators establish persons involved in the transfer of bribes to experts and the illegal receipt of disability certificates. Under the investigation, three officials were hit, but it is possible that the suspects in this case will become more.

From the Main Bureau of Medico-Social Expertise, in the meantime, investigators are withdrawn the documentation. The head of the organization itself is also detained. According to some reports, he took bribes from subordinates for concealing information about fake references. Allegedly we are talking about four million rubles received over several years. There is a version that a car also got into his disposal. In exchange for expensive gifts, the official did not control the number of strict reporting forms, and if necessary, put his own signature on documents.

In the region, there are also scandals with the participation of experts and the illegal assumption of disabilities. Last year, loud cases were considered in Volgodonsky district. Then the bribes came across a local expert, who also did people with disabilities in no sense.

Based on fake documents, false initials received the right to measures of social support.

Today, the Investigative Committee appealed to the false uniforms to voluntarily come to the obey. According to the law, thereby be possible to avoid criminal liability. But nevertheless damage caused to the state will have to reimburse.

Investigators clarify: in accordance with the note to Art. 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation The person who gone bribe is exempt from criminal liability if it has actively contributed to the disclosure or investigation of the crime, and also if the extortion of a bribe from an official has occurred. The same applies to intermediaries in bribery.

On the windshield chic Hyundai Equus (price: from 3 to 4.5 million rubles), parked in a curved alley, not far from pure ponds, - yellow sticker with a wheelchair. My question is: "And who is your disabled person?" "A man driving, apparently, a personal driver, spreads his hands:" All questions to the owner. "

Bumper to the bumper parked in disabled places: Nissan Qashqai (1.5 million rubles in the car dealership), Mercedes B-180, Audi-103 (each - about 2 million), a little further - the snow-white man's Mercedes S500 (this one will weigh "14 million - for the money you can buy a good one-bedroom apartment on the Moscow Ocena). All as one - with the notation: disabled driving.

Despite the fact that most of the cars found by us on paid parking lots, an ordinary wheelchair (and not only) not to pull, all these "cars" feel quietly in disabled places. All - with laid disabled "differences" signs. And "Lexus" in Potapovsky, and "Mini-Cooper" opposite the boutique of the elite jeweler 200 meters from the Petrovsky Monastery, and the Siberian Sports Merce S-180 from the Glazunov Gallery.

Peter Sarukhanov / "New Gazeta"

A commercial subscription that allows you to leave the car within the Garden Ring, costs 120 thousand rubles, boulevard - 250 thousand. And parking permission for the disabled allows you to leave the car anywhere in the city for free. Including in the most "prestigious" areas of the "nonresinova" of Moscow.

- According to my information, the disability of the 2nd group can be bought for 200 thousand rubles. In 2013, about 60 thousand asked for it, but recently the prices took off, "says the Municipal Deputy of the Konkovo \u200b\u200bdistrict and the Chairman of the Foundation for Help Disabled" All Save "Sergey Sokolov. "However, if the money for an expensive car was enough, enough for a certificate of disability.

After a year, "investment" will pay off. It is not easy to get a cherished document: so that you recognize the status of a disabled person, you need to take a referral to examination at the attending physician in the clinic. Further, with all the collected analysis and conclusions, go to the district center of medical and social expertise, where these papers will be studied in detail. If doctors have doubts, can be sent to an additional expertise to an additional expertise.

"When making a lipovaya certificate, you will have to do the same way, but for money, that is, you will have to give at each stage," concludes Sokolov. And adds: "There is no other option." But it was possible to find a "other option". And not one.


On the site of free ads AVITO, a certain Mikhail is taken to make a document for 10,000 rubles and in the shortest possible time. According to the indicated phone, a cheerful male voice is responsible:

- Yes, we are really dealing with the design of disability forms. The procedure will take two or three days.

- Is it legally?

- "We guarantee only the form, exactly the same as in the hospital, with signature and printing. You will not receive a pension for this help, it is not entered into the database, but the parking certificate is easily. MFC ( Multifunctional Center.Ed.) They do not check, only the police and the Pension Fund can check.

- What is required of me?

- You send me an SMS message with your data, we design a blank. As soon as your Help is ready, send you to email to its scan. If there are no spelling errors, pay money and get the original. To get a piece of paper, you need to translate the specified amount in advance (in your case - 10 thousand) on Sberbank's card, the document itself promises to leave in the "Bookmark", that is, in an agreed place. Do not be afraid, it will not have to look under the lamp invoice, the courier will leave the envelope in the conventional cafe, you just come up, call your name and take it, "the voice in the handset assures that in this business is not the first year, and trying to calm me:" We do not make sense to deceive. "

Grandmother on call

If there is no desire with the "bookmarks" - especially since the fake of the certificate is punishable in the 327th article of the Criminal Code to the deprivation of freedom for up to 2 years, - there is a way simpler: to negotiate with the present disabled that its parking permission has been issued on you as a friend.

"Many people do this: they make a certificate that they carry someone. The cost of such a service is from 10 to 20 thousand per month. This is a significant increase in the disabled pension, so some people with disabilities that do not have their own cars agree, "says Victor happy, the press secretary of the regional public organization of persons with disabilities. - To our foundation with such proposals, call several times a month. Refuse. "

If you do not have a familiar disabled person, Internet comes to revenue. I call the next number in Avito. Nikolai (in the declaration of capital letters allocated that permission will be issued "absolutely legitimate") responds immediately:

- Yes, grandma-pensioner, she asked me ...

- And what do you need from me?

- You just need to come up in the MFC, I will slide my grandmother, and make paper. Payment for services - 8 thousand monthly. If in a month you do not want to extend the arrangement, it will cancel the permission. Money to translate either on the card, or give grandmother in the hands of the cache. This is how to agree.

Impenetrable deceivers

Forces of "social control" to catch an attacker by hand difficult. Within the framework of the improvised raid in the capital parking, we bypass the alley for the lane in search of violators. But most cars are empty. Maski foreign cars in fresh slush difference differ from each other. But the details are capable of telling about the driver enough: here is the vymper of the Airborne Forces, tied by the St. George ribbon, here is a children's chair. In the back seat of the next "Mercedes" of the representative class - the police cap.

In the cabin empty. You can wait until the evening. However, several car owners do we still manage to catch. Not far from the Milyutinsky alley, one of them demonstrates us the paper: a black and white copy of the notification of entering into the registry is neatly packed in a plastic file. Date outgoing data and transport department's hat - everything is in place. Another nods on the body: on the rear window of the car, the document is glued with a scotch from the inside. So many do not get to do with each meeting with the traffic police inspector. The owner of a foreign car confidently says: "Everything is legally."

Photo: Vlad Drinks / "New Gazeta"

Along the afternoon, our attention is attracted to a respectable car opposite the Belarusian Embassy. On Torpeda, next to the invalid icon, the announcement: "If my car prevents you from - Call" and the number. The car does not interfere with us, but still call. The owner takes the phone, refuses to name the name, but assures that the yellow sign is rightfully: problems with the foot, there is a document, from "linden" disabled people suffers from himself.

Attract the violator, which glued the yellow sticker on the windshield or simply put the car for a wheelchair, easy. It is enough to "break through" the number of the car on the base to find out: the simulant is not aimed in the disabled lists. But if the fraudster bought a certificate of disability and already received permission, it is almost impossible to identify deception.

Without exit

"When you see an empty parking space for disabled people, thank God that it is not intended for you, and pass by" - with such a video appeal to the metropolitan drivers in their facebook spoke in early November, Daria Kuznetsova, Wheelchairs and Head of the Integration Club of Disabled "Overcoming". Together with several like-minded people, it leads the Internet Blog "Right to Parking", where publishes photos of the violators, whose cars are not marked with a disabled icon. Together with the numbers.

Her video illustration in two weeks gathered more than 67 thousand views. Public channels have been released several reports in the footsteps; Some drivers whose numbers "lit up" in the network managed to even punish.

In a conversation with a "new newspaper", Daria draws attention to non-obvious effects of parking fraud: "If a specialized place is occupied, it is extremely uncomfortable to park on a conventional person with disabilities. The fact is that ordinary places are placed without a stock, for example, under a wheelchair, a disabled simply cannot get out of the car. As a rule, disabled places, if the cars are parked along the street, are equipped with the very edge of the parking lot - so that the driver-disabled it is easier to leave the car. Parking pockets, located perpendicular to the sidewalk, should be much wider than ordinary - so that the wheelchair can open the door to the car. A healthy person is able to squeeze into the gap between the machines, and with a wheelchair it is excluded. Such nuances ... Healthy people or do not take into account, or simply do not understand. "

Money issue

- Find a free preferential place - even outside the Garden Ring - in my personal experience, it is almost impossible on weekday, "says the municipal deputy of Sokolov.

His observations confirms most disabled motorists. "My father does not walk, that is, I am a relative of the disabled person," the man tells the middle-aged years, who did not want to introduce themselves. - And due to the fact that someone wanted to put his jeep on this particular disabled place, I have to park 500 meters from the entrance to the clinic, and even in a paid place, which means I will have to pay for the comfort of lime beneficiaries From your pocket. Recently, the specialists of the Moscow Road Institute (Madi) offered the metropolitan mayorially to increase the cost of car parking in the city center from 80 to 230 rubles per hour. In the summer, the mayor of the city Sergei Sobyanin convinced journalists: this is the only way to unload the metropolitan streets, because they do not cope with the influx of cars. So, the demand for preferential places in the future will only grow.

Already, agree with the grandmother cheaper than to buy an annual parking ticket: 96 thousand for fictitious disability against 120 thousand per parking lot. Will the grandmother take the dachum, and the fraudsters cost "bookmarks"? The probability of this is great, given that the offices and trading complexes from the center of Moscow are unlikely to disappear, and the owners of Mercedes 5th series are hardly reconstructed to municipal transport.


By law, placing a car sticker are eligible or disabled I and II groups that control the vehicle independently, or drivers who transport people with disabilities. The cost of the sticker itself does not exceed 50 rubles (the Moscow authorities intend to prohibit the free sale of these stickers). But to hang a disabled icon on the car legally, the car must be registered in the electronic registry, and the driver must have permission to preferential parking. "Any traffic police inspector can check the machine by the electronic registry or require a document to present directly on the spot. If there is no such, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles for the illegal installation of the identification mark and another 5,000 rubles - for the parking lot in the disabled place, "the" Administrator of the Moscow Parking space "reported in the State Administrator.

Total: 10 thousand rubles.

To obtain official resolution and get into the register of disabled, you need to submit a certificate and passport to the IFC. In the event that the disabled person or parents have a disabled person there is no own car, they can specify a relative or friend's car in the application, on which they move around the city. If the place of residence of the disabled is outside of Moscow, the permit is also issued through the MFC and the State Service portal. Temporary registration in the capital is not needed for this. The right to free parking has disabled I and group II.

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