4 types of female. Four types of women are more prone to stress than others. I wanted the best

Men don't turn around after you? Do colleagues not notice at work? Are they not giving way in transport? So you are choosing the wrong colors! Get brighter - define your type and enjoy the attention!

Women are divided into 4 types according to the seasons. Summer, spring, autumn and winter - each has its own makeup, wardrobe and accessories.

Girl spring

The representative of the spring color type is distinguished by thin skin, a warm peach complexion and sometimes freckles. The "spring" has blonde hair - honey-golden, ashy or yellow-beige. The eyes of this type are also light - blue, gray-blue, gray-green, light brown.

In make-up "spring" it is worth using delicate watercolor tones. This is the only type that can simultaneously emphasize both eyes and lips - there is only one but: dark tones in the makeup of a "spring" girl are undesirable. It is better to choose a foundation with a light consistency and a warm shade. Eyes are ideally emphasized with blue, taupe, purple and white pencils. Pink, peach, green and gray-blue shades are also suitable.

A spring girl can safely use colored mascara. With her, her image will look fresh and unusual, and black ink will add rigor.

Blush of peach, salmon and pale brown colors will look great.

For lips, it is better to use a transparent lip gloss - it can be applied to any lipstick to match the makeup.

The "spring" wardrobe consists of clothes of light and delicate colors. These can be the colors of the first greens, peach, apricot, blue and aquamarine, warm pink and gray. Instead of white, it is better to choose a beige color.

Accessories for "Spring" should be light golden or translucent. It is better to choose small patterns.

Summer Girl

"Summer" girls are distinguished by a cold face tone - porcelain or olive - and they sunbathe perfectly.

Hair is usually ashy, blond to brown. The "summer" eyes are gray-blue, light gray, green, hazel. Cold shades can be used in makeup. For girls of this type, it is better to choose gray, brown, black, green or turquoise eyeliner, as well as shades of pastel and silver tones, lavender, pink, blue and pearlescent. Foundation and powder should be a cool pink or beige. Blush is better to take cold restrained tones.

"Leto" is suitable for black or brown mascara.

It is better to exclude clothes in bright flashy tones from the wardrobe. Colors should be pastel and cold, better shades of blue, beige, as well as raspberry, pink, ripe cherry. It is undesirable to wear clothes of peach and golden tones, as well as burgundy.

Feminine romantic accessories in transparent or shiny tones will suit the wardrobe of a summer girl. Perhaps with openwork surfaces. It is better to choose a pattern that is classic and discreet - for example, with a flower or a strip.

Platinum, white gold and silver are suitable for the "summer" girl.

Autumn girl

Girls of the "autumn" color type have a golden or slightly yellowish backlight. Such skin practically does not tan.

The eyes of the "autumn" are light blue, gray, muted green, golden brown or dark brown. Hair color for girls of this type ranges from bright red to chestnut.

Foundation and powder can be any shade except cold pink. It is better to paint the eyes with brown, blue, green or black pencils. Shadows of warm natural shades - apricot, salmon, copper, bronze, sandy brown, eggplant - are suitable for pencils. For eyelashes, you can use mascara in blue and purple shades.

Terracotta, nut and peach blush will look perfect. It is better to choose a lipstick with a golden shimmer, brown or orange hue.

For a wardrobe, brown items are suitable, from golden to chocolate. Also, the dignity of the girl - "autumn" will emphasize the color of dark turquoise, green shades, as well as warm red and warm pink. It is not recommended to wear clothes of cold gray and red colors.

Contrasting expressive accessories are suitable for such a girl. Decorations made of wood, amber, coral will look great. For precious metals, it is better to choose yellow matte gold.

Winter girl

"Winter" ladies have a cold skin tone. Among the girls of this type, two types are distinguished - "snow white" with very light skin and dark eyes and hair and swarthy "southerners". A distinctive feature of this type is dark eyelashes and eyebrows.

"Winter" is usually dark-haired, from black with blue tint to dark chestnut. Sometimes there are also ash-blond girls of this type. The eyes of "winter" are blue with a tint of ice, blue, bright gray, black.

The emphasis in makeup is on the eyes or lips. Such a girl requires bright colors. It is better to take powder white with a silvery shimmer. Eyeliner - silver, black, blue, emerald. The shades are pink and white, lemon, blue, purple, black. Any mascara of a cold shade will look good.

The main rule for "winter" is to use cold shades. Blush should be applied very carefully and only on the cheekbones, to match the lipstick. On the lips, cool pinks are preferred, as well as thick cherry and red.

It is better to choose a wardrobe of a "winter" girl in a classic style. The colors are cold and bright. Bright reds, pinks, blue and green tones are suitable for such a girl.

Accessories will do extravagant, but there should not be many of them. They should be expensive and unusual, made of leather, metal, crystal, pearls. Precious metals - platinum and white gold. Diamonds are suitable stones.

1-3 months to complete
Access to all materials of the program opens for 1, 2 or 3 months from the date of payment (depending on the participation package). This is enough to complete all modules at a calm pace. Upon request, access to the materials can be renewed in the format of a monthly subscription.

Is it possible to "freeze" or extend the course time?
The function of "freezing" the course is not provided at this stage. At the same time, the tasks themselves are made in such a way that they can (and even extremely useful) be performed during holidays and business trips.

If you get completely stuck somewhere, your priorities will change or you will feel that you just need more time - at the end of the course there will be the possibility of a paid extension for another +30 days.

It is important to take into account that a complete course with a good depth of study of all tasks can be completed in 50% of the allotted time under standard conditions. The rest of the time is laid as a reserve for overcoming resistance to performing practical tasks, working out your beliefs, etc.

Are there any “weird” assignments in the course or the need for additional costs?

No. No one will ask you to look for a yellow suitcase or dress up as a ballerina. The Money course is not a personal growth training. Including the tasks within the course do not require any additional expenses from you beyond what you usually spend on your needs. Moreover, your level of operating expenses is likely to decrease by 20-30% without reducing the quality of life.

Is there an individual feedback?
Individual feedback on tasks and analysis of personal situations are provided only in the "Champion" package.
As part of the "Result" package, you can ask questions on weekly live broadcasts, as well as clarify the terms of the assignments, if necessary. You will also be able to discuss tasks in a closed group on Facebook.
Feedback is not provided within the "Information" package.

Can I take the course together with my husband / wife?
Can. For each you buy a separate account in the course and indicate in the introductory block that you are together. In this case, the hidden block "Family finances", which is inaccessible to the rest of the participants, will additionally open for you.

Why are people so excited about the program?
Because their lives are irreversibly changing for the better. Fears, uncertainty, spontaneous allogical spending disappear, a balanced long-term approach to money appears, confidence in oneself, one's future and sincere joy from the results obtained. People leave all reviews completely voluntarily, without coercion.

On what scientific and conceptual basis is the course program based?
First of all, the course is based on personal experience and techniques proven over 12 years of practical experience. They were all modeled after the thinking and decision-making strategies of dozens of dollar millionaires. Some of them agreed to give detailed interviews specifically for the course. Participants of the program receive a detailed analysis of their models in the process of going through individual scenarios.

Social media is a phenomenon of our time. Most people around the world can no longer imagine life without them, and for some, virtual reality has become the real world. Many psychologists emphasize that in the age of modern technology, the most terrible enemy is computer games. Others are convinced that it is social networks that most cripple the human psyche. Sasha Strogonova, a female psychologist and specialist in interpersonal relations, analyzes the influence of social networks on the mental state of people.

It was

Let's go back to a time when there was no Internet. A person received any information from newspapers, books or with the help of television. He expressed his opinion, discussing what happened in the world with friends, relatives, neighbors. As now, at that time there were public people - "stars", inaccessible to ordinary people. People followed their lives thanks to the gossip columns and did not know what was really going on in the life of the celebrity. They believed the information they received from the media, but it was fed in dosed, and the person himself pictured in his mind how a star lives, how much money she has, how everything in her life is cloudless. Ordinary people also hit the headlines, but mostly in crime reports. And this also provided food for thought and discussion.

A so-called small social network of the level of “neighbor-relative-friend-colleague-stranger in line” was formed, the members of which were united only by ignorance - the fact that from a lack of information they came up with the texture of this or that gossip. The discussions on the bench did not have a strong impact on the human psyche: the stars were out of reach, and the crime, even though it was somewhere nearby, but "not here and not now."

Has become

What is happening in the minds of people who are drowning in the information flow of the Internet? The stars came down to earth and, without hiding anything, show everything that happens in their life, delighting or disappointing their fans. Today, everyone can be a star - to tell what he ate, what he put on, what he was sad about. And this, of course, is very traumatic: in order to get a hundred cherished "likes" and stay in the top, you need to be on the wave, on the crest, to be better and more successful than others. The unattainability of this goal can turn out to be completely unpredictable for a person - it can manifest itself with dissatisfaction with oneself or, having intensified, develop into aggression and even depression. It makes no sense to blame social networks directly for this - they only increase the impact on certain human conditions, such as envy, anger, hatred, sadness, resentment, etc.

Let's look at four types of the most common emotions that people most often display on social media, and talk about how they are fraught with a normal life.

Type one: "I want it like hers"

“I work a lot and there is simply no time to meet friends and go on dates. I'm alone. When I come home from work, I spend the whole evening on social networks. I checked in at four and did not notice how 4-5 hours passed. But when I watch the tape, I often cry. Why? Because I want to live like other successful girls who are presented with huge bouquets of flowers, cars, apartments. Their life is a holiday. They travel, they have a great figure and handsome guys. And most of all it is a shame that they are younger than me. When I see an adult woman, I don’t feel such anger or sadness, but when I see young successful girls, I want to shout to the whole world, “Why does she have it, but I don’t?”. And after all, these are not even stars, like Olya Buzova, but simple girls who live in my city. "

Marina (25) talks about what happens to her when she "sits" on social networks.

Marina is extremely honest in her story. She genuinely feels despair at being jealous of young girls. Of course, the girls are not to blame for the fact that Marina is covered with envy and hatred. This is really Marina's problem, and it was the awareness of her situation that made her turn to a psychologist. But what happened to Marina? Marina is lonely, she does not have time for friends and dates, but she has time every day to hang out on social networks for several hours. But this time could be quite spent with friends, or go on a date, or read books for self-education. Why did Marina become dependent on social networks? Because this is her dream world. There she sees herself in the role of other people. And real life is difficult, scary and dangerous.

The jealousy that Marina experiences comes from her low self-esteem, which was formed in childhood. The adult personality returns her to the real world, and Marina has to identify herself with young successful girls, which, of course, causes great pain. The feeling of envy, which turns into anger and hatred, entails negativity towards all the more successful people, which, of course, is not normal.

Type two: "I hate her"

"I hate her. Why is she better than me? She increased her eyelashes. I bought a car. Every day 10 posts about how happy and successful she is. Surely she's a bitch! I made a new tattoo ─ even funny. But this one is from some kind of backwater, also all this “impossible”. Stories films how she travels, and that her boyfriend writes on the asphalt of recognition - romance! I cannot look at this. I hate them all so much that sometimes I write about it in the comments. I'm sure they read them ─ so let them feel as bad as I do. ”

Katya (30 years old) is in a constant state of anger towards the whole world.

This story is also extremely honest. The emotions that Katya is experiencing are real. But why is she testing them? Katina's self-identification does not correspond to her desire to be like other girls who are subject to her aggression. Anger, in essence, is also a manifestation of envy and low self-esteem, which, among other things, is due to difficulties in relationships with parents, friends, colleagues. Through aggression in the comments, Katya tries to free herself from feelings of anger at herself. In general, most often in a situation of manifestation of hatred, hatred itself is directed not at a specific person, but at oneself.

Type three: "We must do the same"

Lyudmila (35 years old), mother on maternity leave, whose postnatal depression was aggravated by the inability to realize the set goal.

An example of the situation with Lyudmila is also very common. After the birth of the baby, a young mother physically and mentally feels insecure. Monotonous events in her life and the absence of a warm relationship with her husband push her on the path of self-realization. All this is reinforced by fears, repetition of the parents' life scenario, self-doubt and a desire to prove (above all to others) that "I can."

Type four: "She is a goddess"

“I am subscribed to three Goddesses. At every opportunity, I go to the Internet and immediately ─ to their pages. One is just a beautiful girl, a model. Yachts, photography, handsome men, cars - she has everything. And what a figure, skin, hair! .. I admire her. The second is a successful woman. She has her own business, she is smart ─ her posts fascinate me. Expensive hotels, nice offices. And what is her house and garden ... The third is a mother of three children. I wonder how she can do this: a beautiful figure, always well-groomed, happy with her husband, and also earns? She motivates me, gives me hope for the future. But I am saddened by the fact that I write to them in the comments and in private messages, and they ignore me, they can't even say thank you. I am their subscriber, and I do not write nasty things. Why it happens?".

Anya (23), student, devoted fan of three women on social media.

Anya has a more serious problem than other stories. Although this state and behavior is also common in our time. The difficulty of Ani is that she has not yet realized what she is. Due to the traumatic childhood experience, Anya lacks self-identification in life as a woman. All three girls she follows on social networks are her collective image of the ideal woman. One is a model (beauty), the other is a businesswoman, and the third, which motivates her, is a combination of the two previous ones, only with the addition of female family happiness. In all these images, Anya sees herself, but she never saw herself as real. Or rather, she didn't know how real she was. All her aspirations were aimed at being like her idols. Comments and messages brought Anya closer to the object of admiration and delusionally introduced her to the circle of his friends. Hence the disappointment and depression from unfulfilled hopes when she was not answered.


These are just a few examples of the states that people can experience for each other when they "see" someone else's life. Social networks have torn down the wall between the identification of social strata: the less wealthy and successful see how the wealthier and more successful live - this can motivate someone for personal growth, and lead someone into a state of deep depression.

In any case, you need to understand that social networks are not the ultimate truth. In large cases, you do not see a person's real life. For example, a happy woman who positions herself online as successful, beloved and loving, in fact, can be deeply unhappy, have an inharmonious relationship with her husband. She is trying to convince herself by virtual demonstration of the “other” life that this is reality, and she is really happy. Another example is a model girl driving expensive cars, surrounded by beautiful villas, etc. may not have it at all. The picture is only an attribute of her work, and it does not mean that all this is in her life outside of work.

As Socrates said, according to Plato: "I know that I know nothing." Keep this in mind and do not identify yourself and your relationship to yourself through social media.

Communicate and live with joy every day. Be who you are and don't strive to be someone else. Let social networks be a source of useful information for you, healthy communication with friends with whom it is impossible to physically meet, a source of new acquaintances and even job opportunities.

Sasha Strogonova─ family psychologist, specialist in interpersonal relationships, personal growth, working with depression and psychological trauma. Conducts personal consultations and author's trainings "Start life again", "Transformation of negative thinking" and "Love yourself without conditions" (more information on the website).

Women are not understandable and funny for men, men do not understand them, and in principle, like women of men. Women's psychology is a very interesting topic, because what is the norm for one woman, for another is an unacceptable thing. Give one a cozy house, and the other - your own business. Let's go over the characteristics of behavior and see what types of women there are.

What types of women are there

Based on several basic female principles of life, four types of women were distinguished: housewife, careerist, lover and the fourth type, let's call it “princess”. Why is it so? - more on that later. Who to be - everyone decides for himself. But at the same time, one must understand that every position has “pitfalls”.

A housewife

A housewife, it would seem, is the perfect woman for any man. He will cook delicious borscht, fry the cutlets and wash them, stroke them, well, in general - the house is a "full bowl".

But in such a “ideal” there are also disadvantages, because in the first place she has a home life, and about herself “beloved”, she recalls on the very last day. Ask her when was the last time she had a manicure, or was she in the salon, and indeed, when she devoted the whole day only to herself? The answer will be obvious - I don't remember, I don't know.

With such women, most often they give birth to mistresses, and it's a pity, it would be better for men to “mold” an ideal woman from such a “housewife”.


Okay, let's go ahead and evaluate the next female nature - a careerist. In this case, everything is simple and banal, in the first place is only career, family and love are not important for her, she is fixated on only one thing, and is completely devoted only to work.

There is nothing more to say about this type, although it is possible to speculate on this topic, everyone has something to add. Better to move on to the third, because the image of a "mistress" can be viewed as a fusion of a career woman and a "vamp woman".


How do you like that thought? Think for yourself, a self-sufficient, sexy woman who is always well-groomed and everything is fine with her in terms of career, because such people always attract attention, men are crazy about them.

But! Men themselves understand that such a woman is ideal only for the role of a mistress, because she will not wash his socks, and sit quietly at home, raising children. Such a woman is accustomed to a good, if not gorgeous, life, she is not ready to exchange all this for one man and live with him all her life. There are exceptions to this type, too.


So we got to the most interesting type of woman, "princess". Guess why this is so? But, since childhood, such a little lyalechka has been cherished and pampered, all the best and all that she wants.

She does not know nothing to refuse, believes in fairy tales and in princes on a "white horse", considers herself unrealistically beautiful and sexy, and, of course, thinks that the whole world owes her something.

Believe it or not, such girls find their "prince" who carry them in their arms, such "princesses" are pampered with flowers and gifts, everything in their life develops the way they want.

How so? - you ask - but everything is simple, they know how to wrap men in such a way that they end up under their thumb. This is how everything is perfect. But here, too, not everything is so simple and so sweet. Such female women are stunning psychologists, they know when to remain silent, when to kiss, etc. Could you do that? Show that you are completely and completely submissive to your man, but in fact the partner himself does not understand that he is under the power of a woman, he is being manipulated.

4 types of women - how to iron out flaws

Each woman is unique and individual, but the right approach to all her “shortcomings” can turn her into an ideal spouse. Think for yourself, for example, a housewife. A man himself, after all, can subtly and beautifully present a certificate for a trip to a spa, give his wife beautiful lingerie, have a dinner for two, go to a restaurant or even a movie. Thus, a man will teach a woman to deal not only with everyday life, but also with herself.

A lover and a careerist - it's hard to change them, of course, but attempts can be made. For example, a careerist. You can do business and build a family if a man is ready to accept such an alignment and independently take control of his life, because it is not uncommon, in our time, when a man takes maternity leave and takes care of the house and the child, while the wife provides for the family.

As for the "mistress", she will marry only a rich and successful man who can provide her with a luxurious life. But the "princesses", most likely, you will not change, they simply do not know how to live differently. Such women are skilled craftsmen who know how to lead a man.

We briefly examined what types of women there are, but do not forget - there are always exceptions. And not every woman can be “tailored” to a certain type.

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