What does outsourcing mean? Knowledge management outsourcing. Maintenance of enterprise information systems

Outsourcing is the transfer of certain functions or business processes from one company to another on the basis of a concluded agreement (subcontract agreement). Not all functions are transferred completely, but only a certain part, and therefore the costs of retaining personnel are reduced.

Translated from English, this means: attracting external resources for the successful functioning of one’s basic needs.

IN modern world outsourcing- this is the relationship between the customer and the contractor on the basis of a specific agreement (contractor agreement). Such interaction is beneficial for both the customer (savings financial resources) and to the contractor (receiving profit from organizing the functioning of a certain type of activity).

Basic principle of outsourcing consists of transferring non-core activities, processes and assets of the company to external management of a partner company on the basis of a concluded agreement.

This, in turn, helps the company focus its efforts on its core activities, make more efficient use of its fixed assets, reduce its actual headcount and significantly reduce production costs.

Main areas of outsourcing

  • different kinds service(repair, fleet maintenance, security systems management, engineering, IT infrastructure, etc.);
  • cleaning of premises and territories;
  • carrying out repair work;
  • optimization of the staff nutrition system;
  • provision of other types of services etc.

Main types of outsourcing:

By type of transferred values

  1. operating— on the basis of a subcontract agreement, the transfer of certain types of operational activities companies. This could be production, development, transportation, storage or sales of products. Examples of operational outsourcing could be:
    • transfer of a fully developed process for production to another company;
    • storage finished products in warehouses of partner companies;
    • logistics;
    • transfer of sales functions to trading company-agents;
    • performing various maintenance works by contractor companies.

    Operational outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world.

  2. functional— performance of certain functions by external performers. This could include marketing services, accounting and auditing, organizing a department that performs the functions of managing business operations, security, etc.
  3. resourceful— attraction of additional financial, human resources or fixed assets. In this case, outsourcing is a targeted company strategy.

Depending on the characteristics of the outsourcing relationship

  1. maximum or full- this is the transfer not of specific functions, but of an entire production or service process;
  2. selective or partial- this is the transfer of certain functions or processes to a partner company;
  3. improved- transfer of specific functions to an outsourcer and the main company remains in the role of distributor (companies well-known on the market are often used);
  4. intermediate- transfer of certain functions to a third party (tested and well-established company);
  5. transformational- attracting suppliers of certain types of services, which implies a complete reorganization of a specific unit based on the introduction of new systems, knowledge and skills, and at the end of the project the unit again performs its functions;
  6. joint- concluding an outsourcing agreement with several service providers; used to minimize risks in complex projects;
  7. outsourcing of joint organizations- creation by customer and supplier new company Based on the availability of certain types of resources on each side, profits are distributed equally.

Depending on the benefits obtained from the division of labor

  1. geographical- basic production processes transferred to countries with low-paid labor in order to save financial resources;
  2. specialized-a certain function or complete production is transferred to another country, which has a specific specialization or feature.

How to organize work and register an outsourcing company?

Organizing an outsourcing company means opening your own own business. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or as a legal entity.

Having decided to open your own outsourcing company, when registering it, you must immediately indicate the main types of activity.

The most popular in this area are:

  • provision of legal services;
  • organization of call centers;
  • accounting support;
  • registration of an audit firm;
  • provision of services in the field of logistics;
  • service maintenance;
  • organization of a security company;
  • assistance in the sale of goods and services, etc.

You can choose any field of activity, the main thing is that it is in demand in your region. You can cooperate with both domestic and foreign companies.

Eg, credit organizations countries often cooperate with outsourcing firms. Since it is much cheaper to organize a call center in small town than in St. Petersburg or Moscow.

A credit organization transfers certain functions of advising clients or selling credit services to an outsourcing company, and the latter, in turn, organizes the work and receives its income for this.

The outsourcing company will, of course, need start-up capital for:

  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of necessary fixed assets;
  • organization of personnel work, etc. (depending on the field of activity).

But financial expenses They pay for themselves very quickly if the work is properly organized.

Hiring labor for the operation of an outsourcing company

By organizing an outsourcing company, Special attention It's worth paying attention to the staff. Depending on the chosen field of activity, employees are required to have certain skills and knowledge. the result of work, productivity, and the company’s reputation in the service market will depend on this.

When choosing a specific area of ​​activity for a company, it is better to independently navigate the basic requirements for workforce or hire an experienced HR specialist.

Drawing up a business plan for an organization entrepreneurial activity in the field of outsourcing services carefully study the presence of competitors and their work:

  • what clients do they work with?
  • range of services provided,
  • quality control,
  • expansion of services provided.

You need to find your niche, the uniqueness of providing services in cooperation with various companies. Initially, you can focus on one type of activity or cooperate with one company.

But in order to avoid various risks over time, it is better to enter into agreements with several companies for further cooperation if certain resources are available. This will be a kind of insurance, stability and a guarantee of high profits.

Noskova Elena

I have been in the accounting profession for 15 years. She worked as a chief accountant in a group of companies. I have experience in passing inspections and obtaining loans. Familiar with the fields of production, trade, services, construction.

Currently, some of the personnel for any organization can be provided by an outsourcing company. What kind of services are these, and how such companies work - let's try to figure it out in this article.

Prerequisites for the occurrence

Outsourcing, as a separate line of business, arose from the practice of conventional recruitment agencies. Regular recruitment agencies tried to place their applicants in permanent jobs. But there were also companies that needed workers temporarily, for example, to take the place of a sick employee or to perform some one-time work. The services of an outsourcing company are aimed specifically at filling this gap. The word “outsource” itself translated from English means “external source” and gives an understanding of a third-party supplier.

On the other hand, the company needs to hire employees to perform a certain area of ​​work. There is no need for such a company to inflate its staff and pay taxes for workers whose work will be useful only for a strictly limited time. An outsourcing company will also come to the rescue here. The work that required temporary employees will be completed, and the company itself will pay the outsourcing company without worrying about calculating salaries, bonuses and taxation of temporarily hired workers.

How it works

Services for the selection of temporary staff are currently provided by an outsourcing company. What are these services and how are they hired?

For example, an organization is preparing for a general tax audit. To prepare for this event, the accounting department may need temporary employees to double-check primary documents. For example, an organization approaches an outsourcing agency with a request to allocate several employees for a certain time. The Bureau provides them with temporary employees according to the contract. These workers are not part of the organization's staff and do not receive a salary - all payments are made only through an outsourcing bureau.

Types of outsourcing

Currently, there are various types of outsourcing; the range of services depends on the type and completeness of the functions transferred to a third party. There are partial and full outsourcing. Partial is when some of the functions are transferred to third-party workers. If an employee of an outsourcing company takes on all the work in a certain department, then this type of service is called full outsourcing. What does this look like in practice?

If the problems of setting up and upgrading computers at enterprises are transferred to the shoulders of a third-party company, this is complete outsourcing. If a third-party company is responsible only for system administration and updating databases, and a full-time employee deals with hardware problems, repairs and updates, this is private outsourcing. The type of services required by the company is specified in the contract signed by the outsourcing company. What kind of document is this?

Standard outsourcing agreement

The basis for formalizing the relationship and responsibilities between the customer of services and the outsourcing agency is an agreement. The main part of the document on the provision of paid services contains clauses on the delegation of functions that will be carried out by the outsourcing company in the future. The service is carried out after the preliminary selection of candidates - the customer of the service may insist on independent selection, interviewing and verification of the qualifications of applicants for temporary work. Or maybe outsource these responsibilities.

A standard contract should contain the following clauses:

  • privacy - compliance with the customer, the clause on non-disclosure of confidential information and compliance with guarantees;
  • detailed requirements about the candidate for the position with a list of personal characteristics: relevant education, necessary experience, work in a specific position, etc.;
  • conditions for performing work - list, volume, deadlines, etc.;
  • the extent of the outsourcer's liability for poor-quality provision of services - fines, penalties, return of funds, etc.

Popular outsourcing

Today, companies engaged in temporary provision of employees specialize mainly in the following types of activities:

  • IT outsourcing - This means work on web programming, website creation, maintenance, administration, creation and maintenance of unique software.
  • Production outsourcing involves transferring a part to the company. For example, an advertising agency entrusts a third-party organization with distributing flyers and leaflets.
  • Business process outsourcing - when it comes to attracting third-party employees to perform one-time work. For example, additional staff of accountants and lawyers during a tax audit.

Alternative employment opportunities

For students or people without permanent employment, working in outsourcing companies provides an opportunity to improve their financial situation. Reviews from temporary workers indicate that such cooperation provides a small but constant income.

Outsourcing provides an opportunity to try on others and try to find yourself in a different specialty. It is also suitable for those who do not see themselves permanent place work, wants to develop. It is also good for novice businessmen - you can feel the production or sales process from the inside by working as a temporary employee at an existing enterprise.

Outsource work base

Personnel is the main advantage that a good outsourcing company has. Feedback on the work of temporary employees constitutes the company's capital, with the help of which the company will constantly expand customer organizations. Thanks to distraction from secondary tasks full-time employees can focus on achieving the main goals set by the management of the enterprise.

Benefits of outsourcing

The undoubted advantage of such cooperation is cost savings. When concluding an agreement to hire third-party workers, we can safely predict a cost reduction of approximately 20%. Such savings arise from reducing investments in intangible resources - such as training, internship of a new employee, maintenance of own staff, administrators and accountants for timesheets or accruals. wages. They are reduced due to temporary disability of the employee - in case of illness, the outsourcing agency simply sends a new, no less qualified employee. And if a reduction in staff is coming, you can try to substitute an outsourced employee for a new amount of work and analyze the effectiveness of his work in terms of energy costs.

Additional benefits

Outsourcing is also a good option for foreign enterprises or for companies opening new types of activities. Foreign specialists may not thoroughly know the intricacies of legal and accounting support accepted in our country. For competent management of economic and tax accounting outsource workers are invited to perform their duties until full-time employees appear.

When developing new types of activities, hiring temporary workers will help the company’s management evaluate the profitability of a new undertaking, calculate the necessary costs and see the effectiveness of the new line of activity “at idle speed.”

Disadvantages of working with outsourcing

Of course, such cooperation also has its pitfalls. First of all, it is a constant dependence on another enterprise. If a temporary staffing agency loses its staff, then all this will immediately affect the reputation of the company that has entered into an agreement with it. There may be some violation of confidentiality - temporary employees may go to work at a competing company and unwittingly reveal the commercial intentions of the company where the outsourcing company last sent them. What kind of information this is and how it will be disclosed depends only on the personal data of the workers sent by the outsourcing company.

Outsourcing (from the English outsourcing: (outer-source-using) use of an external source and/or resource) - transfer by an organization, on the basis of a contract, certain types or production business functions of another company operating in the desired area.

This is the definition of outsourcing as Wikipedia offers it to us. Nowadays you can find a lot of different definitions of the term “outsourcing” on the Internet.

In simple words, outsourcing is borrowing resources from outside. Outsourcing is now quite a common phenomenon and many companies and organizations actively use it.

The use of outsourcing is justified by the fact that every company needs all areas of its activities to be serviced with the highest possible quality. However, not every company can afford to keep highly specialized specialists on permanent staff, since their work is usually paid quite highly. Therefore, it is much more profitable to cooperate with various organizations, which will perform a certain range of tasks required by your company.

History of outsourcing

If we talk about Russia, the first outsourcing companies here were security companies. With their help, many organizations were able to carry out reliable protection your business, but do not spend a lot of money on maintaining security guards as permanent employees. Then marketing appeared in the “world” of Russian outsourcing and began to develop rapidly. This is due to the fact that there are not so many truly professional marketers, so it is more profitable to seek help from a specialized company than to find and employ a highly paid specialist.

When the Internet “boom” occurred in Russia at the end of the 1990s, outsourcing companies began to actively appear, providing hosting, as well as work on promoting and improving websites.

Already in 1997, more than 50% production organizations outsourced one or more of their business processes (according to the American Management Association).

Types of outsourcing

Outsourcing is conventionally divided into the following types:
1. Production (industrial) outsourcing. This type of outsourcing involves transferring certain production tasks to outside companies. For example, advertising companies outsource the printing of advertising booklets, that is, the outsourcer here is a printing house. A good example of the use of production outsourcing is demonstrated by IKEA, which has absolutely no production facilities in its arsenal, while remaining one of the most highly profitable organizations.

2. IT outsourcing. This is the delegation of responsibilities for performing those tasks related to programming, equipment maintenance, software development, hosting support and other things.

3. Business process outsourcing. This is a type of outsourcing that involves transferring to an outsourcer to perform a business process. Most often, responsibilities for advertising, marketing, logistics, and accounting are delegated. Only those business processes that are not core for the company are outsourced.

4. Outsourcing knowledge management. This is the youngest type of outsourcing, and so far it is found only in the USA. Knowledge management outsourcing is associated with those activities that involve deep Scan and specific processing of processes that significantly influence management decision making.

Benefits of outsourcing

1) by outsourcing certain non-core activities, the company can pay more attention to the core business functions that generate the most income;

2) outsourcing eliminates problems with finding and training personnel, since specialists are provided by the outsourcer itself; also excluded possible problems with the unexpected dismissal of employees, granting them sick leave, vacations, etc.;

3) increases the flexibility of the enterprise in case of a crisis situation in the market;

4) the company gets the opportunity to use high quality services or equipment;

5) the need to search for and purchase equipment or components is eliminated, since this is the concern of the outsourcer.

Disadvantages of outsourcing

It would be more correct to talk not about the shortcomings, but about the risks of outsourcing. The following situations may not occur, however, every company using outsourcing needs to consider possible risks.

1) being too “carried away” by outsourcing, a company can transfer too many areas of its activity to third parties, thereby depriving itself of many opportunities;

2) the company may face a lack of effective management;

3) there is a risk associated with taxes;

4) the risk of losing confidential internal information.

How global companies use outsourcing

About 60% of all companies that outsourced part of their activities initially did so for cost reasons. But many leading companies in the world have found significant benefits for themselves in outsourcing, and by their example they show how with its help you can achieve your main goals.

Many emerging markets often face a shortage of skilled and talented workers. Company Texas Instruments opened in India Research Center, which has become a real salvation for many developing companies, providing them with talented and competent employees.

American company Hasbro, a toy manufacturer, was able to overcome the “color crisis” that affected many toy manufacturers in 2007. Hasbro treats its contractors as strategic partners, despite the fact that many companies try to stay away from their partners and not let them “inside” their business.

Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca captured the Chinese market and became one of the largest in its field thanks to the investments it made in many areas - from production to sales. Collaboration with many universities and organizations also contributed to a significant increase.

Despite the possible risks, the world-famous company Procter & Gamble nevertheless transferred some areas of its activities to other countries. After this, the company's productivity showed a significant rise, increasing by 60%. More than 400 types of products were developed outside the company, which began to generate 10 billion more income for Procter & Gamble.

There is an opinion that in times of general globalization and the rapid development of the business segment of the economy, being a highly specialized specialist is extremely unprofitable. It's at the root incorrect statement. The narrower the specialization of a company or person, the higher the professionalism and deeper the knowledge. If some related activities seem burdensome to the company in terms of money or other costs, outsourcing comes to the rescue.

Outsourcing, definition and origin of the word

The word “outsourcing” is of English origin and comes from the merger of two words: out “external” and source “source”. Thus, outsourcing is, in simple words, the process of a company transferring part of its production or business processes to another company that is an expert in this field.

Delegating processes not related to the main production, but are strategically important for the outsourcer (the company taking on “other people’s” functions), the company makes a mutually beneficial exchange.

It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of one-time support and outsourcing. One-time support is episodic in nature, and an agreement is concluded with the outsourcing company for the provision of outsourcing services for a certain period of time.

What pushes companies to resort to outsourcing? First of all unwillingness to waste precious time for areas accompanying the main activity: software, accounting, technical maintenance.

Outsourcing allows you to entrust the management of these areas to professionals, and concentrate all your efforts on solving the main strategic and production tasks.

Types of outsourcing

  1. Production outsourcing. Some production functions are transferred to a third party. For example, advertising agencies, which use the production capacity of the printing house.
  2. Business process outsourcing. The company transfers business processes that are not its main activity to a third party. Classic example— outsourcing of accounting services.
  3. IT outsourcing. The company's information systems are transferred for maintenance to organizations involved in technical support and software. The list of transferred functions may include: website creation, software support or development, maintenance of computer and related equipment.

When transferring auxiliary business processes to an outsourcing company, they implement . Correctly selected metrics improve the quality of interaction between companies.

Outsourcing allows companies to focus on what matters most. Diversification - expand the scope of an organization’s activities or product range, read more about diversification.

Advantages and disadvantages

When deciding to outsource some functions, you should not rely only on the experience of Western colleagues. Should be taken into account general state economy and the position of the target market segment.

However, one cannot be one hundred percent sure of the success of this enterprise. This is due to some features inherent in outsourcing as a developing area of ​​business.

The main task of outsourcing is to move non-core and highly specialized areas of activity outside the scope of the business.

Let's start with the obvious advantages that come from outsourcing processes related to the main activity.

  • WITH economic point From a perspective, engaging an outsourcer allows a company to significantly reduce costs. After all, the company will not have to maintain an additional structure and increase its staff. Transaction costs may also decrease. Some fixed costs can be transformed into variables depending on the needs of the company in a particular period of time.
  • From the point of view of implementing strategic tasks, outsourcing makes it possible concentrate resources on core production, and improve operational control. In addition, the process of introducing new technological or management operations is facilitated.
  • On the technological side, outsourcing opens up access to higher technologies. If the staff does not have the necessary specialists, they can be attracted through an outsourcing program. The quality of service when engaging an outsourcer increases significantly, since the third-party company undertakes to control the quality of the work provided under the contract.

Of course there is also back side medals. Let us outline the main shortcomings that may prevent a company from achieving its desired goal through outsourcing.

  • Rising costs. This is possible if a company outsources too many processes. In addition, the implementation of an outsourcing system requires careful calculation of costs and comparison of them with the expected economic effect. Transaction costs may also increase. The possibility of bankruptcy of the outsourcing company should not be ruled out.
  • Control over the execution of outsourced processes may be lost. Management may lose the connection between management and business practices. Managerial flexibility is reduced.
  • The danger of concentrating technological processes in one place. This again deprives the company of flexibility in certain business processes.
  • Lack of clear legislative framework outsourcing. In addition, many companies are afraid to delegate business processes to others for fear of information leakage or possible violation contractual relations.

The definition of a company's gross profit or and how is used to evaluate the operating performance of a firm.

For more information about the use of outsourcing in the activities of online stores, see the link. From delivery and outsourcing of accounting services to the transfer of almost all functions of an online store to the management of external companies.

Outsourcing examples

Henry Ford can be called the forefather of production outsourcing. He was one of the first to understand that no company can be self-sufficient.

The head of the automobile company sought to personally control all stages of production, but he was soon faced with the exorbitant costs spent on servicing all areas of the company's activities.

Then he turned to independent companies for help, which took on some of the tasks. Currently, Ford produces only 30% of its components independently; the rest of the production is outsourced.

Another giant that knows firsthand the benefits of outsourcing is IKEA. Own production IKEA has virtually none; instead, it cooperates with 2,500 suppliers, proven over the years. IKEA's logistics functions are also delegated to a third party.

It turns out that IKEA is directing all its resources to retail business organization, and the remaining services and business infrastructure are outsourced.

Kodak decided in the early 90s that leadership in the field of high technology was not its strategic goal. It outsourced all IT areas to IBM, which was precisely trying to gain leadership in this segment. An ideal example of mutually beneficial outsourcing.

Prospects for the development of the outsourcing market

In general, outsourcing seems to be a profitable deal for many companies that do not have enough resources for total control of all stages and processes of production. World statistics confirm this.

The American Management Association conducted a survey of 600 firms. It turned out that 20% of them had already outsourced some financial operations, and 80% had outsourced administrative functions.

Such statistics give reason to assume that an increasing number of companies will be looking at the possibility of using outsourcing.

The concept of outsourcing began to be used in the Russian business community relatively recently. However, over a relatively short period it has become quite widespread. The essence of outsourcing is the transfer of authority to a third party to perform certain operations.

Currently, there are many companies offering their services on the market. outsourcing companies. Accordingly, there is high competition in this area. Let's consider further the features outsourcer work.

General information

Outsourcing is a set of activities associated with the transfer of certain functions and operations from one enterprise to another. In simple words, this activity involves the use of other people's resources.

The main features of outsourcing include:

  • Availability agreement with the outsourcer.
  • Duration of the agreement. As a rule, it is concluded for at least a year.
  • Transfer of non-core operations and functions.
  • Possibility of transferring management of business processes. For example, a third-party company does accounting, selects personnel, and provides maintenance.

Who is an outsourcer?

It is an organization that takes over certain functions and management of certain operations. As a rule, such companies are highly specialized. This significantly increases the level of responsibility of the organization and the quality of the services it provides.


Nowadays, you can find an outsourcer company in any field. This could be in the area of ​​accounting support, production, legal, personnel, IT support, etc.

As a rule, large enterprises turn to the services of such organizations. However, in practice there are many cases when representatives of medium and small businesses transfer some functions to an outsourcer. This may be due to for various reasons. For example, an entrepreneur does not have the opportunity to conduct accounting on his own. In this case, he turns to another company and transfers the corresponding functions to it.

Accounting services

This type of outsourcing is considered the most popular. A third-party organization is hired to handle accounting and reporting. In this case, the customer organization is responsible for the accuracy of the documentation.

Cooperation can be carried out in different areas. Outsourcing company can do:

  • Reporting.
  • Accounting.
  • Full accounting support of the enterprise's activities.

IT services

This type of outsourcing involves the transfer large quantity functions related to the maintenance of computer and other equipment. This could be, for example, repairing equipment or creating and maintaining software.

Currently, IT outsourcing is one of the most popular activities in the world. This is due to the widespread information technologies and increased demands on specialists.


This type of outsourcing is in demand among large organizations where staff turnover is very high. The need to cooperate with an outsourcing company is due to the cost and labor-intensive nature of recruitment activities.

Currently exists great amount recruitment agencies. They offer services for finding specialists, calculating the tax burden arising from remuneration, calculating bonuses, compensation, etc. However, the agency does not bear responsibility for the work of the staff themselves.

Legal services

Another popular area of ​​outsourcing. Representatives of medium and small businesses seek legal services.

The main task of the outsourcer is legal support activities of the company. At the same time, a law firm can be entrusted with a variety of processes: from registration to liquidation of an enterprise.

Hiring an in-house lawyer is more expensive than hiring an outsourcing company.


There are also many enterprises in this area offering cargo escort services. Logistics outsourcing is also called transport outsourcing. The main functions are related to the transportation of products. As a rule, such companies are approached by enterprises that rarely use logistics services from time to time. It is not profitable for such companies to create their own service.

The outsourcer takes on the functions of not only transportation, but also storage of cargo.

Search Features

Choosing an outsourcer- the task is not easy. To avoid mistakes, you should first of all consult with familiar entrepreneurs who use the services of such companies.

If the company's partners manage their own processes and bear all risks, outsourcer can be found on the freelance exchange. You need to formulate a task and post it on any website you like.

What should you pay attention to?

Outsourcer assessment carried out primarily on his portfolio. It will show the presence of experience and necessary qualifications. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the tasks that the company will have to perform.

Some operations will require high professionalism, while others can be performed by a beginner. For example, searching for images for a website, sending out letters, processing photos, etc. can be entrusted to an inexperienced outsourcer. These works will not cost a lot of money, since they are not particularly difficult. A newcomer to the outsourcing business will, in turn, gain experience.

Start of cooperation

The decision to enter into an agreement with the company is made by the customer. Here again, everything will depend on the complexity of the tasks.

If a company expects long-term cooperation and does not want to risk financial resources, it is advisable to draw up an agreement. If the project is simple and its implementation does not require much time, you may not enter into an agreement.

When drawing up a contract, it is necessary to correctly determine its type. This may be an agreement on the provision of paid services or a contract. If the outsourcer is a legal entity, then he will pay taxes independently. If the contract is concluded by an individual, then, in addition to direct payment for his work, social contributions must be made. The outsourcer himself will pay personal income tax in the amount of 13% of income.


When collaborating with a person who is not on the staff of the enterprise, there is always a risk of his disappearance. The contractor, for example, may not be in touch, get sick, or simply miss a deadline. In this regard, special attention should be paid to monitoring its activities.

To do this, you can use a CRM system or Megaplan. These tools allow you to formulate tasks and monitor their implementation. It is necessary to identify control points, operations that must be performed, and the deadline for their completion.

One more effective tool is a system remote access to the performer's computer. It allows you to track his actions. Skype is usually used for communication.

Benefits of outsourcing

The main advantages of this activity include:

  • Significant cost reduction.
  • Reduction of staff.
  • The ability to concentrate on the main areas of activity, eliminating the need to solve routine tasks.
  • Receiving high quality services.
  • Sharing of responsibilities.

It is advisable to contact an outsourcing company if paying for its services will be more profitable than maintaining an additional department or full-time employee at the enterprise.

The main advantage of outsourcing is the ability to concentrate on the direct activities of the organization. Some tasks are transferred to a third party company. This significantly saves resources, which, in turn, can be used to expand the enterprise.

Firms providing outsourcing services pay special attention to the quality of their work. Companies that have been on the market for a long time use innovative technologies, allowing you to quickly solve assigned problems.
