Years of the reign of Prince Ivan 3. Great Sovereign Ivan III Vasilievich

Years of Ivan's reign 3:1462-1505

Ivan 3 is a prudent, successful and far-sighted politician who showed extraordinary military and diplomatic abilities. At the age of 22 he received the throne. This is one of the most prominent rulers of Russia.

From the biography. Vivid events.

  • Since 1485, Ivan 3 took the title of “Sovereign of All Rus'”
  • The system of dividing the state and governing it has changed. This is how the principalities began to be called counties, at the head of the county were governors - they were appointed from Moscow. Governors were also called feeders, since all their maintenance, as well as all their assistants, was entirely at the expense of the local population. This phenomenon came to be called feeding. Nobles were first called landowners.
  • The so-called localism. It meant that positions were occupied according to the nobility and official position of their ancestors.
  • In 1497 it was adopted Code of Law- a set of laws of the Russian state. According to it, the central power was significantly strengthened, the gradual enslavement of the peasants began: St. George's day, that is, peasants could go to another feudal lord only once a year - a week before and a week after St. George's Day - this is November 26. But first I had to pay elderly– payment for living in the old place. Elderly = 1 ruble, which could buy 10 pounds of honey.

K. Lebedev. “Martha Posadnitsa. Destruction of the Novgorod Veche."

  • Novgorod Republic I didn’t want to lose my independence. After all, the Novgorod freemen lasted already from 1136. Led the fight against Moscow mayor Marfa Boretskaya. The Novgorod boyars planned to sign vassal relations with Lithuania. In 1471, Ivan III gathered an all-Russian army and marched on Novgorod. On Sheloni River A famous battle took place in which the Novgorodians were defeated. But Novgorod was finally annexed to Moscow in 1478. Symbol of Novgorod liberty - veche bell- was taken to Moscow, and Moscow governors began to govern the Novgorod land. Thus, the Novgorod Republic existed from 1136-1478.

N. Shustov. "Ivan III overthrows the Tatar yoke"

  • The long-awaited event for Rus' - liberation from the power of the Golden Horde - finally occurred in 1480, after the so-called "standing on the Ugra River." Khan Akhmat gathered an army, which also included Lithuanian and Polish soldiers, Ivan on the 3rd supported the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey, attacking the capital of the horde - the city of Sarai. The battle never took place after a four-week stand on both banks of the Ugra. Soon the Golden Horde itself was gone: in 1505, Khan Mengli-Girey inflicted its last, crushing defeat.
  • It was under Ivan III that the red brick Kremlin was built, which still exists today.
  • Coat of arms of the Russian Federation begins its history with the coat of arms approved by Ivan III. The image on it double headed eagle- a symbol of harmony between earthly and heavenly power. And Russia adopted this coat of arms from Byzantium, which by that time had been conquered by the Turks.
  • The orb and scepter, barma, Monomakh's hat - became symbols of royal power under him.
  • He was married to Sophia Paleologus, the daughter of the last Byzantine emperor.
  • For the first time, an ambassador was sent to another country, and Ivan III himself received ambassadors from other countries in the Palace of Facets.

Church under Ivan III

During the reign of Ivan 3, the church was the largest owner.

Therefore, the prince wanted to subjugate the church, and the church strived for greater independence.

There was a struggle within the church itself over issues of faith.

In the 14th century they appeared in Novgorod strigolniki- they cut a cross on their heads and believed that faith would become stronger if it relied on reason.

In the 15th century, a heresy of the Judaizers. Its supporters denied the power of priests in general and believed that all people are equal. Monasteries should not have power over peasants and rights to land.

Joseph Volotsky, the founder of the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, spoke out against the heretics. His supporters began to be called Josephites. They defended the church's right to rule over the land and peasants.

They were opposed non-acquisitive- led by Nil Sorsky. They are against heretics, and against the church’s right to land and peasants, and for the morality of priests.

Ivan 3 supported on church cathedral in 1502 the money-grubbers (Josephites). The church, together with the prince, had great power in the country.


The country began to be called “Russia”

A new title of the prince appeared - “Sovereign of All Rus'” from 1492.

The prince attracted foreign specialists to build the Kremlin.

The first collection of a unified state was adopted - Code of Laws of 1497.

The first Russian ambassador Pleshcheev was sent to Istanbul in 1497


1469-1472 - travel of Afanasy Nikitin, his book “Walking across Three Seas”.

1475 - beginning of construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow (Aristotle Fioravanti)

1484-1509 - new Kremlin, Chamber of Facets.

Historical portrait of Ivan III: areas of activity

1. Domestic policy of Ivan III

  • Strengthening the power of the Moscow prince - he began to be called the “Sovereign of All Rus'”
  • State symbols are created - the coat of arms, the name of the state is fixed - “Russia”.
  • A centralized apparatus of power begins to take shape: authorities are created: the Boyar Duma - it had advisory functions, it included up to 12 boyars - this okolnichy, in the future they will lead the orders. The palace governed the lands of the Grand Duke, Kazan was in charge of finances, state seal and archives.
  • Legislative reform: Code of Laws of 1497 was adopted.
  • Strengthens the influence of the nobility in society, fights the separatism of the boyars
  • There is a lot of construction going on in Moscow. The Palace of Facets and the Kremlin cathedrals were built. Active construction is underway in other cities.
  • The policy of unifying Russian lands under the rule of Moscow continues. Under him, the territory doubled.

The following were annexed to the Moscow Principality:

Yaroslavl Principality - 1463

Rostov Principality - 1474.

Novgorod Republic - 1478

Principality of Tver - 1485

Vyatskaya, Permskaya and most of Ryazan land - after 1489.

2. Foreign policy of Ivan III

  • Liberation from the Golden Horde dependence

1475 - Ivan III suspended the payment of tribute to the Golden Horde.

1480 - standing on the Ugra, overthrowing the yoke.

  • Continuation of the conquest foreign policy, the desire to annex neighboring lands:

1467, 1469 - two campaigns against Kazan, establishment of vassalage

1479-1483 - struggle with the Livonian Order (Bernhard), truce for 20 years.

1492 - the Ivangorod fortress was built, opposite Narva, a truce with the Livonian Order for 10 years.

Wars with Lithuania: 1492-1494, 1505-1503. 1500 - Battle of the Vedrosh River (voivode Shchenya), as a result part of the western and northern territory of Lithuania was annexed.

Ivan III forced the Livonian Order to pay money for the city of Yuryev.

This material can be used when preparing for task 25, for writing a historical essay.

Results of the activities of Ivan III:

    • The centralization of Russian lands is completed, Moscow turns into the center of the all-Russian state.
    • Legislation is being streamlined
    • The territory of Russia is expanding
    • The international authority of Rus' has increased significantly
    • The number of connections with Western countries is increasing

Chronology of Ivan's life and activitiesIII

Reign of Ivan 3: 1462-1505.
1463+ Yaroslavl.
1467 - first campaign against Kazan1469 - second campaign against Kazan. Successful. Vassal dependence has been established.
1470 - in Novgorod - heresy of the Judaizers against Joseph of Volotsk (in 1504 - they were convicted and executed).
1471 - campaign against Novgorod. Victory of Moscow at the r., Sheloni (voivode - Daniil Kholmsky).
1469-1472- Afanasy Nikitin - travel to India
1474 + Principality of Rostov.
1475 - beginning of construction of the Assumption Cathedral by Aristotle Fioravanti, completion - 1475
1478 - the fall of the independence of Veliky Novgorod, its annexation to Moscow.
1479-1483 - fight against the Livonian Order (Bernhard). In Narva there is a truce with the Germans for 20 years.
1480 - standing on the river. Eel. The end of the yoke. Khan Akhmat.
1485 - annexation of the Tver principality to Moscow.
1489 + Vyatka lands
1492 - Ivangorod fortress was built - opposite Narva. The Livonian Order signed a truce for 10 years - they got scared...
1492-94 - war with Lithuania + Vyazma and other regions.
1497 - adoption of the Code of Laws
1484-1509 – a new Kremlin, cathedrals, and the Chamber of Facets are built.
1497- to Istanbul- the first Russian ambassador is Mikhail Pleshcheev.
1500-1503 - war with Lithuania. July 14, 1500 - battle on the river. Vedrosh, governor - Daniil Shchenya. Result: + territory in the west and north of Lithuania.

Prince Ivan III is depicted on the “Millennium of Rus'” monument in Novgorod. Author - Mikeshin M.Yu.

Negotiations dragged on for three years. On November 12, the bride finally arrived in Moscow.

The wedding took place on the same day. The marriage of the Moscow sovereign with the Greek princess was important event Russian history. He opened the way for connections between Muscovite Rus' and the West. On the other hand, together with Sophia, some orders and customs of the Byzantine court were established at the Moscow court. The ceremony became more majestic and solemn. Myself Grand Duke rose in the eyes of his contemporaries. They noticed that Ivan, after marrying the niece of the Byzantine emperor, appeared as an autocratic sovereign on the Moscow grand-ducal table; he was the first to receive the nickname Grozny, because he was a monarch for the princes of the squad, demanding unquestioning obedience and strictly punishing disobedience. He rose to a royal, unattainable height, before which the boyar, prince and descendant of Rurik and Gediminas had to reverently bow along with the last of his subjects; at the first wave of Ivan the Terrible, the heads of the seditious princes and boyars lay on the chopping block.

It was at that time that Ivan III began to inspire fear with his very appearance. Women, contemporaries say, fainted from his angry gaze. The courtiers, fearing for their lives, had to amuse him during his leisure hours, and when he, sitting in his armchairs, indulged in a doze, they stood motionless around him, not daring to cough or make a careless movement, so as not to wake him. Contemporaries and immediate descendants attributed this change to the suggestions of Sophia, and we have no right to reject their testimony. The German ambassador Herberstein, who was in Moscow during the reign of Sophia’s son, said about her: “ She was an unusually cunning woman; at her inspiration, the Grand Duke did a lot".

War with the Kazan Khanate 1467 - 1469

A letter from Metropolitan Philip to the Grand Duke, written at the beginning of the war, has been preserved. In it he promises martyr's crown to everyone who sheds their blood" for the holy churches of God and for Orthodox Christianity».

At the first meeting with the leading Kazan army, the Russians not only did not dare to start a battle, but did not even make an attempt to cross the Volga to the other bank, where the Tatar army was stationed, and therefore simply turned back; So, even before it began, the “campaign” ended in shame and failure.

Khan Ibrahim did not pursue the Russians, but made a punitive foray into the Russian city of Galich-Mersky, which lay close to the Kazan borders in Kostroma land, and plundered its surroundings, although he could not take the fortified fort itself.

Ivan III ordered strong garrisons to be sent to all border cities: Nizhny Novgorod, Murom, Kostroma, Galich and to carry out a retaliatory punitive attack. The Tatar troops were expelled from the Kostroma borders by the governor Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Striga-Obolensky, and the attack on the lands of the Mari from the north and west was carried out by detachments under the command of Prince Daniil Kholmsky, which even reached Kazan itself.

Then the Kazan Khan sent a response army in the directions: Galich (the Tatars reached the Yuga River and took the Kichmensky town and occupied two Kostroma volosts) and Nizhny Novgorod-Murmansk (under Nizhny Novgorod The Russians defeated the Tatar army and captured the leader of the Kazan detachment, Murza Khoja-Berdy).

"All Christian blood will fall on you because, having betrayed Christianity, you run away, without putting up a fight with the Tatars and without fighting them, he said. - Why are you afraid of death? You are not an immortal man, a mortal; and without fate there is no death for man, bird, or bird; give me, an old man, an army in my hands, and you will see if I turn my face before the Tatars!"

Ashamed, Ivan did not go to his Kremlin courtyard, but settled in Krasnoye Selets.

From here he sent an order to his son to go to Moscow, but he decided it would be better to incur his father’s wrath than to go from the coast. " I'll die here and won't go to my father", he said to Prince Kholmsky, who persuaded him to leave the army. He guarded the movement of the Tatars, who wanted to secretly cross the Ugra and suddenly rush to Moscow: the Tatars were repulsed from the shore with great damage.

Meanwhile, Ivan III, having lived for two weeks near Moscow, somewhat recovered from his fear, surrendered to the persuasion of the clergy and decided to go to the army. But he didn’t get to Ugra, but stopped in Kremenets on the Luzha River. Here again fear began to overcome him and he completely decided to end the matter peacefully and sent Ivan Tovarkov to the khan with a petition and gifts, asking for a salary so that he would retreat away. Khan replied: " I feel sorry for Ivan; let him come to beat with his brow, as his fathers went to our fathers in the Horde".

However, gold coins were minted in small quantities and for many reasons did not take root in the economic relations of the then Rus'.

In the year, the all-Russian Code of Law was published, with the help of which legal proceedings began to be carried out. The nobility and the noble army began to play a larger role. In the interests of the noble landowners, the transfer of peasants from one master to another was limited. The peasants received the right to make the transition only once a year - a week before the autumn St. George's Day to the Russian Church. In many cases, and especially when choosing a metropolitan, Ivan III behaved as the head of the church administration. The metropolitan was elected by the episcopal council, but with the approval of the Grand Duke. On one occasion (in the case of Metropolitan Simon), Ivan solemnly conducted the newly consecrated prelate to the metropolitan see in the Assumption Cathedral, thus emphasizing the prerogatives of the Grand Duke.

The problem of church lands was widely discussed by both the laity and the clergy. Many laymen, including some boyars, approved of the activities of the Trans-Volga elders, aimed at the spiritual revival and cleansing of the church.

The right of monasteries to own land also called into question religious movement, which actually denied the entire institution Orthodox Church: ".

Potin V.M. Hungarian gold of Ivan III // Feudal Russia in the world-historical process. M., 1972, p.289

Ivan III - the first sovereign of all Rus'

The ruler who completed the efforts of his Danilovich ancestors and laid the foundations of the Russian centralized state was Ivan III Vasilievich(born 1440, reigned 1462-1505). He gained experience in government under his father, the blind Vasily II. Of all 75 Russian monarchs (before 1917), as well as subsequent leaders of the state, Ivan III Vasilyevich greatest number really ruled the state for years. His most important deeds were: 1. Overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. In 1477, the payment of tribute ceased, and in 1480, after an almost bloodless “standing on the river. Ugra" dependence on the Horde was completely destroyed. 2. International recognition of the sovereign Russian state, the establishment of diplomatic relations, recognition of Ivan III as “Sovereign of All Rus'” by the Pope, the Livonian Order, Germany, the Crimean Khanate and other states. D. During the reign of Ivan III, the territorial core of the Russian centralized state was formed. He annexed Yaroslavl (1463), Novgorod (1478), Tver (1485), Vyatka, Perm, etc. Under Ivan III, the territory of the Russian state increased 6 times and reached 2.6 million square meters. km. The population was 2-3 million people. He began a political, diplomatic and armed struggle for the return of the original Russian lands that were once part of Ancient Rus', and their inclusion in the Moscow state as the successor to the ancient Russian state. Under Ivan III, local land ownership developed and the political importance of the nobility grew, on which the ruler relied in the implementation of foreign and domestic policies. 4. Centralization and strengthening of political power, the foundation of autocratic rule. The Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III was called the Sovereign of All Rus'. The foundations of the cult of the king's personality were laid: special ceremonies of appearances to the people, meetings with ambassadors, clothes, signs of royal power. The state emblem appeared - a double-headed eagle. 5. In 1497, Ivan III approved the Sudebnik, an all-Russian code of laws, which replaced the Russian Truth. The Code of Law determined the competence of officials, established procedural norms, penalties, including death penalty for the most important crimes. 6. Ivan III in 1503 made the first unsuccessful attempt to secularize monastic and church properties. 7. From the second half of the 15th century. The Russian state began to be seen as the protector of all Orthodox Christians, most of whom were suppressed.

Years of life: 1440-1505. Reign: 1462-1505

Ivan III is the eldest son of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II the Dark and Grand Duchess Maria Yaroslavna, daughter of the Serpukhov prince.

In the twelfth year of his life, Ivan married Maria Borisovna, princess of Tver, and in the eighteenth year he already had a son, Ivan, nicknamed Young. In 1456, when Ivan was 16 years old, Vasily II the Dark appointed him as his co-ruler, and at the age of 22 he became the Grand Duke of Moscow.

As a youth, Ivan took part in campaigns against the Tatars (1448, 1454, 1459), saw a lot, and by the time he ascended the throne in 1462, Ivan III already had an established character and was ready to make important government decisions. He had a cold, reasonable mind, a tough disposition, an iron will, and was distinguished by a special lust for power. By nature, Ivan III was secretive, cautious and did not rush towards his intended goal quickly, but waited for an opportunity, chose the time, moving towards it with measured steps.

Outwardly, Ivan was handsome, thin, tall and slightly stooped, for which he received the nickname “Humpbacked”.

The beginning of Ivan III's reign was marked by the release of gold coins, on which the names of Grand Duke Ivan III and his son Ivan the Young, heir to the throne, were minted.

The first wife of Ivan III died early, and the Grand Duke entered into a second marriage with the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI, Zoya (Sophia) Palaeologus. Their wedding took place in Moscow on November 12, 1472. She immediately became involved in political activities, actively helping her husband. Under Sophia, he became more severe and cruel, demanding and power-hungry, demanding complete obedience and punishing disobedience, for which Ivan III was the first of the tsars to be called the Terrible.

In 1490, Ivan III's son from his first marriage, Ivan the Young, unexpectedly died. He left behind a son, Dmitry. The Grand Duke was faced with the question of who should inherit the throne: his son Vasily from Sophia or his grandson Dmitry.

Soon a conspiracy against Dmitry was discovered, the organizers of which were executed, and Vasily was taken into custody. On February 4, 1498, Ivan III crowned his grandson as king. This was the first coronation in Rus'.

In January 1499, a conspiracy against Sophia and Vasily was revealed. Ivan III lost interest in his grandson and made peace with his wife and son. In 1502, the Tsar put Dmitry into disgrace, and Vasily was declared Grand Duke of All Rus'.

The Great Sovereign decided to marry Vasily to a Danish princess, but the Danish king avoided the proposal. Fearing that he would not have time to find a foreign bride before his death, Ivan III chose Solomonia, the daughter of an insignificant Russian dignitary. The marriage took place on September 4, 1505, and on October 27 of the same year, Ivan III the Great died.

Domestic policy of Ivan III

The cherished goal of Ivan III’s activities was to gather lands around Moscow, to put an end to the remnants of specific disunity for the sake of creating a single state. The wife of Ivan III, Sophia Paleologue, strongly supported her husband’s desire to expand the Moscow state and strengthen autocratic power.

For a century and a half, Moscow extorted tribute from Novgorod, took away lands and almost brought the Novgorodians to their knees, for which they hated Moscow. Realizing that Ivan III Vasilyevich finally wanted to subjugate the Novgorodians, they freed themselves from the oath to the Grand Duke and formed a society for the salvation of Novgorod, headed by Marfa Boretskaya, the widow of the mayor.

Novgorod entered into an agreement with Casimir, the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania, according to which Novgorod comes under his supreme authority, but at the same time retains some independence and the right to the Orthodox faith, and Casimir undertakes to protect Novgorod from the encroachments of the Moscow prince.

Twice Ivan III Vasilyevich sent ambassadors to Novgorod with good wishes to come to his senses and enter the lands of Moscow, the Metropolitan of Moscow tried to convince the Novgorodians to “correct”, but all in vain. Ivan III had to make a campaign against Novgorod (1471), as a result of which the Novgorodians were defeated first on the Ilmen River, and then Shelon, but Casimir did not come to the rescue.

In 1477, Ivan III Vasilyevich demanded that Novgorod fully recognize him as its master, which caused a new rebellion, which was suppressed. On January 13, 1478, Veliky Novgorod completely submitted to the authority of the Moscow sovereign. In order to finally pacify Novgorod, Ivan III in 1479 replaced the Novgorod Archbishop Theophilos, resettled the unreliable Novgorodians to Moscow lands, and settled Muscovites and other residents on their lands.

With the help of diplomacy and force, Ivan III Vasilyevich subjugated other appanage principalities: Yaroslavl (1463), Rostov (1474), Tver (1485), Vyatka lands (1489). Ivan married his sister Anna to the Ryazan prince, thereby securing the right to interfere in the affairs of Ryazan, and later acquired the city by inheritance from his nephews.

Ivan acted inhumanely with his brothers, taking away their inheritance and depriving them of the right to any participation in state affairs. So, Andrei Bolshoi and his sons were arrested and imprisoned.

Foreign policy of Ivan III.

During the reign of Ivan III in 1502, the Golden Horde ceased to exist.

Moscow and Lithuania often fought over Russian lands located under Lithuania and Poland. As the power of the Great Sovereign of Moscow strengthened, more and more Russian princes and their lands moved from Lithuania to Moscow.

After Casimir's death, Lithuania and Poland were again divided between his sons, Alexander and Albrecht, respectively. The Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander married the daughter of Ivan III Elena. Relations between son-in-law and father-in-law deteriorated, and in 1500 Ivan III declared war on Lithuania, which was successful for Rus': parts of the Smolensk, Novgorod-Seversky and Chernigov principalities were conquered. In 1503, a truce agreement was signed for 6 years. Ivan III Vasilyevich rejected the proposal for eternal peace until Smolensk and Kyiv were returned.

As a result of the war of 1501-1503. the great sovereign of Moscow forced the Livonian Order to pay tribute (for the city of Yuryev).

During his reign, Ivan III Vasilyevich made several attempts to subjugate the Kazan kingdom. In 1470, Moscow and Kazan made peace, and in 1487, Ivan III took Kazan and enthroned Khan Makhmet-Amen, who had been a faithful novice of the Moscow prince for 17 years.

Reforms of Ivan III

Under Ivan III, the title of “Grand Duke of All Rus'” began to be formalized, and in some documents he calls himself Tsar.

For internal order in the country, Ivan III in 1497 developed a Code of Civil Laws (Code). The chief judge was the Grand Duke, higher institution became the Boyar Duma. Mandatory and local management systems appeared.

The adoption of the Code of Laws of Ivan III became a prerequisite for the establishment of serfdom in Rus'. The law limited the output of peasants and gave them the right to transfer from one owner to another once a year (St. George's Day).

Results of the reign of Ivan III

Under Ivan III, the territory of Rus' expanded significantly, Moscow became the center of the Russian centralized state.

The era of Ivan III was marked by the final liberation of Rus' from the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

During the reign of Ivan III, the Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals, the Faceted Chamber, and the Church of the Deposition of the Robe were built.

Ivan 3 Vasilyevich was born on January 22, 1440. He was the son of Moscow Prince Vasily 2 the Dark and the daughter of Prince Yaroslav Borovsky - Maria Yaroslavna. Prince Ivan 3 is better known under the name Ivan the Holy or Ivan the Great. In the short biography of Ivan 3, it is necessary to mention that from a very young age he helped his blind father. In an effort to make the new order of transfer of power legal, Vasily 2 named his son Ivan Grand Duke during his lifetime. All letters of that time were drawn up on behalf of the two princes. Already at the age of 7, Ivan Vasilyevich was engaged to the daughter of Prince Boris of Tver, Maria. It was planned that this marriage would become a symbol of reconciliation between the rival principalities of Tver and Moscow.

For the first time, Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich led the army at the age of 12 years. And the campaign against the Ustyug fortress turned out to be more than successful. After his victorious return, Ivan married his bride. Ivan III Vasilievich made a victorious campaign in 1455, directed against the Tatars who had invaded Russian borders. And in 1460 he was able to close the Tatar army’s path to Rus'.

The prince was distinguished not only by his lust for power and perseverance, but also by his intelligence and prudence. It was the great reign of Ivan 3 that became the first for a long time, which did not begin with a trip to receive a label in the Horde. Throughout the entire period of his reign, Ivan 3 sought to unite the northeastern lands. By force or with the help of diplomacy, the prince annexed to his lands the territories of Chernigov, Ryazan (partially), Rostov, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Dimitrovsk, Bryansk, and so on.

The domestic policy of Ivan 3 was focused on the fight against the princely-boyar aristocracy. During his reign, a restriction was introduced on the transfer of peasants from one landowner to another. This was allowed only during the week before and the week after St. George's Day. Artillery units appeared in the army. From 1467 to 1469 Ivan III Vasilyevich led military actions aimed at subjugating Kazan. And as a result, he made her a vassal. And in 1471 he annexed the lands of Novgorod to the Russian state. After military conflicts with the Principality of Lithuania in 1487 - 1494. and 1500 – 1503 The territory of the state was expanded by annexing Gomel, Starodub, Mtsensk, Dorogobuzh, Toropets, Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky. Crimea during this period remained an ally of Ivan 3.

In 1472 (1476) Ivan the Great stopped paying tribute to the Horde, and the Standing on the Ugra in 1480 marked the end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. For this, Prince Ivan received the nickname Saint. The reign of Ivan 3 saw the flourishing of chronicles and architecture. Such architectural monuments as the Faceted Chamber and the Assumption Cathedral were erected.

The unification of many lands required the creation of a unified legal system. And in 1497 a code of law was created. Sudebnik Ivan 3 united legal norms, previously reflected in "Russian Truth" and Statutory Charters, as well as individual decrees of Ivan the Great’s predecessors.

Ivan 3rd Tsar of All Rus', was married twice. In 1452 he married the daughter of the Tver prince, who died at the age of thirty. According to some historians, she was poisoned. From this marriage there was a son, Ivan Ivanovich (Young).

In 1472 he married the Byzantine princess Sophia Palaeologus, niece of Constantine 9, the last Byzantine emperor. This marriage brought the prince sons Vasily and Yuri. Dmitry, Semyon and Andrey. It is worth noting that the second marriage of Ivan 3 caused great tension at court. Some of the boyars supported Ivan the Young, the son of Maria Borisovna. The second part provided support to the new Grand Duchess Sophia. At the same time, the prince accepted the title of Sovereign of All Rus'.

After the death of Ivan the Young, the great Ivan 3 crowned his grandson Dmitry. But Sophia's intrigues soon led to a change in the situation. (Dmitry died in prison in 1509). Before his death, Ivan 3 proclaimed his son as his heir Vasily. Prince Ivan 3 died on October 27, 1505.

Ivan 3

Biography of Ivan 3 (briefly)

Ivan Vasilyevich was born in the family of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Vasilyevich. On the eve of his death, Ivan's father made a will, according to which the lands were distributed among his sons. So the eldest son Ivan receives 16 central cities into his possessions, including Moscow.
Having taken possession, after the death of his father, he issues a decree according to which gold coins are minted with the names of the king and his son. The first wife of Ivan 3 dies early. In order to become related to Byzantium, the king remarried Sophia Paleologus. In their marriage, their son Vasily is born. However, the Tsar does not appoint him to the throne, but his grandson Dmitry, whose father was Ivan the Young, the son from his first marriage, who died early. The tsar blamed the death of Ivan the Young on his second wife, who was hostile against her stepson, but was later forgiven. Grandson Dmitry, who had previously been declared heir to the throne, and his mother Elena found themselves in disgrace; they were imprisoned, where Elena was subsequently killed. Sophia also dies a little earlier. Despite mutual hatred during life, they are both buried side by side in the Church of the Ascension.
After the death of his second wife, the king becomes seriously ill, he becomes blind in one eye and his hand stops moving, which indicates brain damage. On October 27, 1505, Tsar Ivan 3 dies. According to his will, power passes to his son from his second marriage, Vasily 3.

Foreign policy of Ivan 3

During the reign of Ivan 3, many years of dependence on the Horde ceased; moreover, he ardently supported the opponents of the Horde. The final formation of the Russian independent state is taking place.
Foreign policy was also successful in the eastern direction, thanks to the right combination military force and diplomatic negotiations, the tsar managed to annex the Kazan Khanate to Moscow politics.

During the reign of Ivan 3, architectural construction reached an unprecedented rise. Italian masters were invited to the country, who introduced a new trend in architecture - the Renaissance. A new round of ideology is developing, a coat of arms appears, with a double-headed eagle depicted on it.

Sudebnik Ivana 3

One of important points rule became the Code of Law of Ivan 3, adopted in 1497. The Code of Laws was a set of laws that were applied at that time in Rus'. This, a kind of municipal act, recorded: a list of duties of officials, the right of peasants to transfer to another feudal lord, only on the eve or after St. George’s Day, with the obligatory payment of a tax for accommodation. These were the first prerequisites for the further establishment of serfdom. According to the Code of Laws, lynching was not allowed under any circumstances; trade transactions were monitored and adjusted. A new form of land ownership was introduced - local, according to which landowners work and submit to the king.

Domestic policy of Ivan 3

During the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich, most of the lands around Moscow itself were united, and Moscow itself became the center of the state. The structure included: Novgorod land, Tver, Yaroslavl, Rostov principality. After the victory over the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Chernigov, Bryansk and Novgorod-Seversky were annexed. Thanks to politics and conquests, Russia gained the right to make its own decisions. The order and local management systems appeared. In domestic policy, a course was taken to centralize the country. During the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich, culture reached an unprecedented rise: the Assumption Cathedral was erected, the chronicle developed rapidly.
The reign of Ivan 3 was successful and the tsar himself was called “The Great”.

It has been 550 years since the accession to the throne of the first sovereign of all Rus', Ivan III, to whom it is high time to erect a monument in the capital of our Motherland. Alas, this significant anniversary date has fallen out of sight of most media. But in vain! Dmitry Donskoy and Ivan III, great-grandfather and great-grandson, two great Moscow princes, whose reigns are separated by only one century. They lived and acted in different conditions, but they moved Moscow in one direction - collecting Russian lands and liberation from Horde dependence.

It was October 1505 from the Nativity of Christ (or, as was then believed in Rus', 7014 from the creation of the world)... In the bedchamber of the wooden grand ducal mansion of the Moscow Kremlin, the life of an old, semi-paralyzed man was gradually fading away. Behind the wall, the construction of a new palace continued, which was built at his command from brick under the guidance of Italian architects, but the sovereign of all Rus', Ivan III Vasilyevich, was no longer destined to move and live in it. The last act of his tireless state activity, recorded by chroniclers on May 21, 1505, was the order to dismantle the old Cathedral of the Archangel and the Church of St. John the Climacus and build new churches in their place.
Co construction work he began his stay on the Moscow grand-ducal throne in 1462, and ended with them life path, erecting not only fortresses and churches, but also the framework of a unified Russian state, whose outstanding builder can rightfully be called Ivan III.
The unification of the largest Russian lands around Moscow and the overthrow of the Horde yoke are just two of the most important tasks that he managed to successfully solve during his 43 years of rule. How many other not so large-scale, but no less remarkable events did they contain?!

great reign

Ivan, born on January 22, 1440, was the second son of the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily II Vasilyevich and his wife Maria Yaroslavna, daughter of the appanage prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich Yaroslavetsky. His childhood years coincided with the most dramatic stage of the feudal war.
The vicissitudes of the fierce struggle for power could not help but leave an imprint on the emerging character of the heir, Ivan Vasilyevich, who in his mature years combined statesmanship, prudence, and perseverance in carrying out assigned tasks with cruelty, deceit, and suspicion.
Vasily II Vasilyevich died on March 27, 1462, indicating in the spiritual letter (will) drawn up a little earlier: “And I bless my eldest son, Ivan, with my fatherland, with a great reign.” Unlike his predecessors on the Moscow grand-ducal throne, Ivan III did not have to go to humiliate himself in the Golden Horde, but judging by indirect data, the khan’s label for the great reign was still delivered to him from there. Moscow was still dependent on the Horde and was forced to pay tribute to it.
Gradually strengthening his power and might, Ivan III Vasilyevich mercilessly dealt with persons he disliked.
Meanwhile, in Novgorod the Great, the anti-Moscow boyar group, headed by the noblewoman Martha, the widow of the mayor Isaac Boretsky, and their sons, was increasingly raising its head. Only nominally recognizing the grand-ducal power, the Novgorod boyars sought to completely preserve their internal independence, to live “in the old way,” nominating posadniks and tysyatskii from their midst, leading the veche. They preferred the order of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, where the cities had self-government and enjoyed privileges. The Lithuanian party headed for a break with Moscow, inviting the former Prince of Kyiv Mikhail Olelkovich (Orthodox by religion), and then, in the early spring of next year, preparing an agreement on the transfer of Novgorod the Great to the rule of the Polish king and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir IV.
These separatist actions overflowed the patience of Ivan Vasilyevich, who began preparing the invasion of the Novgorod land. Moscow's strategic plan consisted of launching two strikes - in the direction of Novgorod itself and on its northern possessions. The final outcome of the war was decided by the battle on the river on July 14, 1471. Sheloni, where the Novgorod trade and craft militia, which included cavalry and infantry, suffered a crushing defeat. Ordinary townspeople were not very eager to fight for the interests of the boyars, which were alien to them.

Marriage to Zoya Paleolog
The next year after the victory over Novgorod, the widowed Grand Duke of Moscow remarried. His chosen one was Zoe Palaeologus, the daughter of the despot (ruler) of the province of Morea in the Peloponnese, Thomas Palaeologus, niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine IX. The Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1453 and seven years later the Morea. Orphaned Zoe lived with two brothers in Rome at the papal court. Her portrait brought by ambassadors to Moscow impressed the groom, who, even more than her appearance, was impressed by the family ties of the dowry bride with the Byzantine imperial house. Matching Zoya to Ivan III, the papal throne hoped to spread influence in Rus' through this marriage catholic church and involve her in the active fight against Ottoman Empire threatening European states.
The hopes of the Pope and his circle, however, turned out to be groundless. Subsequently, Ivan III Vasilyevich sometimes listened to the advice of his Greek wife, for example, inviting Italian architects and other craftsmen to Muscovy, but her influence on her husband should not be exaggerated. The husband more than once put Sophia Fominishna (that’s what they began to call Zoya in Rus') in her rightful place.
Ivan III finally put an end to the independence of Veliky Novgorod, whose boyars still clung to the “old times”, looking (however, unsuccessfully) towards Lithuania. At the end of November 1477, Moscow regiments surrounded the ancient veche city on the banks of the Volkhov. The Grand Duke himself arrived with the army, stopping at Gorodishche, in the vicinity of Novgorod. On his behalf, at the negotiations that began, the strict demands of Moscow were outlined to the Novgorod representatives: “There will be no veil and bell in our fatherland in Novgorod. There will be no mayor. And we should keep our state... And which lands are ours, the great princes, are yours, otherwise it would have been ours.”
Seeing that the forces were unequal, and fearing imminent defeat, Novgorod the Great capitulated in mid-January 1478. He had to sacrifice all his liberties.
The Novgorod psychological type of Russian man, which developed under the conditions of the veche system, a vast territory, and the colonization of northern spaces of Eastern Europe, constant contacts with the Catholic West, of course, differed from Moscow. The originality of the Moscow psychological type was determined more close ties with the Golden Horde, a despotic system of grand-ducal power, focused primarily on internal resources.

Horde yoke

In the spring of 1480, the Moscow embassy managed to conclude an alliance agreement with the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey, an irreconcilable opponent of Akhmat Khan. The decisive clash between the latter and Moscow had been brewing gradually since the second half of the 70s. XV century, when she refused to pay tribute to the Great Horde - the main core of the Golden Horde, which broke up into a number of khanates (Kazan, Crimean, etc.). Khan Akhmat was an excellent commander, and the campaign of his large army, which began in the spring of 1480, posed a huge threat to the future of Rus'.
The battles of Russian regiments with the advanced detachments of the Horde army began in October 1480 on the river. Ugra, a tributary of the Oka. During the “Standing on the Ugra”, the Moscow army, perhaps for the first time, actively used light field artillery - cannons (squeaks). Firing at the enemy with bows and arquebuses, the Russians stood firm and did not allow the Horde cavalry to cross to the opposite left bank of the Ugra. Meanwhile, early winter was approaching, the frost froze the rivers, which ceased to serve as a serious obstacle for the Tatar cavalry. Leaving guard detachments on the Ugra, the Grand Duke ordered the main forces to retreat northward, to Borovsk, to more advantageous positions in order to prepare to continue the fight. But, realizing its futility, Akhmat Khan ordered his exhausted army to retreat back to the steppe. Having returned to Moscow with relief, Ivan Vasilyevich hardly immediately realized that the victory achieved meant the overthrow of the Horde yoke. However, as a relic of tribute, Moscow continued to send gifts (“commemorations”) to the Horde until the beginning of the 16th century, and to the Crimean Khanate in the next century.
During the “Standing on the Ugra,” as in other military campaigns, the Grand Duke acted primarily as commander-in-chief. Unlike his predecessors, who were both rulers and military leaders, he did not participate in battles with weapons in his hands, but provided overall strategic leadership of military operations, entrusting the command of regiments and making tactical decisions to experienced and proven commanders.
When deciding matters of national importance, Ivan Vasilyevich forgot about family feelings. Only with his beloved brother Yuri Dmitrovsky were he truly bound by fraternal ties, however, they could have weakened if he had lived longer.

new Kremlin

By the beginning of the reign of Ivan III, the Kremlin walls and towers, erected in 1366–1367 from white limestone near Moscow and having survived the siege of the Golden Horde Khan Tokhtamysh (1382) and the Tatar prince Mazovsha (1452), several fires, had become quite dilapidated. Significant damage was also caused to them by a strong hurricane that swept over Moscow in 1460. In some places against the background of damaged white stone wooden structures stood out. That is why, having taken the throne in 1462, Ivan III Vasilyevich first of all took care of strengthening and repairing the white stone Kremlin.
In 1472, Metropolitan Philip of Moscow decided to build a new stone Assumption Cathedral in the center of the Kremlin on the site of the old, dilapidated one. The initiative of the head of the church was later supported by Ivan III. It was time to reflect in stone the growing power of the Moscow state. The temple, built to the vaults, suddenly collapsed in May 1474 due to incorrect construction calculations and poor quality mortar, and for its construction Ivan III had to invite the famous Bolognese master Aristotle Fioravanti from Italy. He was ordered to take the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir as a model for the construction of the main temple of the Moscow Kremlin (and the entire Russian state). The new Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, built of brick and stone, was solemnly consecrated in August 1479 with the participation of Ivan III.

The increase in authority and power of the Moscow state was also reflected in the title of Ivan III. The preamble to the contract between Veliky Novgorod and Pskov and the Bishop of Yuryev (January 13, 1474) contained a mention of not only their symbols - the cathedrals of St. Sophia and St. Trinity, but also the phrases “to the health of our lord and sovereign, Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, Tsar of All Rus', and to the health of our lord and sovereign, Grand Duke Ivan Ivanovich, Tsar of All Rus'.”
The Moscow Grand Duke sought to imitate the emperors of the powerful Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, from whose seals he borrowed the image of a double-headed eagle around 1490. The same heraldic symbol was used in Byzantium. Attached to one of the grand ducal charters of 1497 is a red wax seal made by one of the Western European masters: on its front side there is a symbolic image of the ruler in the form of a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear, and on the back side there is a double-headed eagle with outstretched wings.
In the same 1497, the first set of laws of a single state appeared in Rus' - the Code of Laws of Ivan III, which introduced uniformity of judicial procedural norms in all lands: the same procedure for considering disputes, the same punishments for committing criminal offenses, as well as for receiving bribes (“promises”). By the way, for the most serious and repeated thefts of property, for the first time in the history of all-Russian legislation, a criminal could be sentenced to death. However, Ivan Vasilyevich sometimes executed people on charges of political treason, and less often, however, for heretical views. The court was administered by boyars and okolnichy.
The Sovereign of All Rus', Ivan III, died as a secular man on Monday, October 27, 1505, having sat on the Moscow grand-ducal throne for 43 years and 7 months and going down in the history of our state as its longest-standing de facto ruler. Few people know that even before the grandson of Ivan IV, the nickname “Terrible” was given to Ivan III Vasilyevich. But the epithet “Great” seems fairer to him.
