New! Finnish language on your own, detailed overview of resources. Topic on the English language on the topic - Finland for all grades of the school Topics on the Finnish language topic


Tavataan taas. Finnish for foreigners. Finnish in English. The first part is a basic selection of everyday words and expressions, the second is basic grammar. Words and expressions can also be presented in audio form, and there are also small exercises in electronic format.

7. Suomea, ole hyvä!

Finnish language course in Finnish. 3 parts, includes grammar and exercises that can be done online

8. Supisuomea– basic Finnish language course in Finnish. Includes short thematic videos (you can also watch them on, search by keyword Supisuomea)

8. A good vocabulary trainer for beginners. Directions: Finnish-Russian and Russian-Finnish. You can listen to the words, there are exercises for writing words and composing phrases. You can subscribe to the newsletter and receive a daily portion of new words to memorize in your inbox.

9. Archive of online lessons on Finnish grammar. There are exercises, lists of new words. Sometimes there are minor vocabulary errors, which knowledgeable people immediately correct in the comments to the lessons. These lessons have not been updated for the last few years, but they can be used as a base.

10. Verb conjugation: in the search field you need to write the infinitive, the program will show other forms of this verb

11. Page “Finnish every day” (thematic collections of words for beginners)

12. Thematic texts in “simple” Finnish, sometimes supplemented with short video files

13. – free online course Finnish for immigrants

14. – Finnish language course from Loecsen

15. – a portal for initial acquaintance with the language and culture of Finland, developed for participants in student exchange programs

16. - “Learning Finnish” - course for foreigners on Wikibooks


17.– Supisuomea channel – one of the best Finnish language video courses Anastasia Magazova steals texts

18. Current news in video format, available for viewing by those living outside Finland

19. News spoken by an announcer at a slower pace than regular news. You can listen to audio and read news text at the same time

20. The main link through which you can access different video sections (opened using the Selaa button) - documentaries, TV shows, sports, children's cartoons and programs. Unfortunately, not all videos can be watched if you are outside Finland (this information is indicated in the additional information (Näytä lisätiedot) under each video file. Katsottavisa vain Suomessa = available for viewing only in Finland, Katsottavisa ulkomailla = available for viewing outside Finland)

21. Episodes of the Finnish language video course for beginners Kuulostaa hyvältä, with translation for each episode.

22. section Kaikki ohjelmat/KATSOTTAVISSA ULKOMAILLA. Broadcasts, news, programs that can be watched outside of Finland

23. – resources for learning Finnish from Finnish 101

24. – Finnish patter twisters with audio dubbing


25. Mullonen M., Hämäläinen E., Silfverberg L. “Opi puhumaan suomea / Learn to speak Finnish,” St. Petersburg, publishing house “M.G.V.”, 2007 (previously published under the title “Speaking Finnish /Puhutaan suomea). The textbook is accompanied by CDs with audio materials. A good textbook for self-studying Finnish.

26. V. Chernyavskaya. "Finnish language. Practical course”, St. Petersburg, “Glossa”, 1997. A well-known Finnish language textbook for beginners.

27. Hannele Jönsson-Korhola, Leila White. “Tarkista tästä. Suomen verbien rektioita “, FINN LECTURA OY. A very useful dictionary of verb control. A real lifesaver.

28. Silfverberg L., Hämäläinen E. “Kiva juttu! Suomea venäjänkielisille /Finnish language for Russian speakers”, FINN LECTURA OY AB, 2005. A good textbook for self-study of the language, there are excellent thematic collections of new words. Grammar explanations are given in both Russian and Finnish. There is also an accompanying audio course.

29. Zhuravleva A. “Finnish grammar in tables and diagrams”, St. Petersburg, publishing house “KARO”, 2009. Basic grammar rules Finnish language are collected in tables and diagrams. A very useful publication, provided that the student has a certain lexicon, because grammatical examples are given in phrases, not individual words, and are also translated as whole phrases. There are very useful notes (in Russian) on certain conditions for the use of any grammatical forms.

30. Leila White. “A grammar book of Finnish”, Finn Lectura, 2006. Well-structured, practical Finnish grammar – in English!

31. Majakangas Pirkko, Heikkilä Satu. “Hyvin menee! 1. Suomea aikuisille”, Otava publishing house. Recommended in Finland for teaching Finnish to foreigners. The textbook contains a lesson dictionary of new words. Continuation of the textbook – Kuparinen Kristiina, Tapaninen Terhi “Hyvin menee! 2. Suomea aikuisille”, Otava publishing house. There are audio courses for both textbooks.

32. Vitaly Chernyavsky (namesake of V. Chernyavskaya:)). The essay “A Brief Grammar of the Finnish Language” exists in .pdf format As far as I understand, this publication was not published in print and exists only on the Internet in .pdf format

33. Chertok M. “Finnish language. Basic course” (according to the Berlitz method), publishing house “Living Language”, 2005. A textbook for beginners, teaching spoken Finnish in the format of dialogues, there are exercises. The recording was made by native speakers.

34. Saunela Marja-Liisa. Collections of exercises on Finnish vocabulary and grammar in the “Harjoitus tekee mestarin” series (parts 1-4), from basic to advanced grammar. There is also a fifth book in the series with answers to the exercises: “Harjoitus tekee mestarin. Ratkaisut osiin 1-3”

35. Susanna Hart. “Suomea paremmin”, Finn Lectura, 2009. A textbook for those who already speak Finnish at the first or second levels.

36. “Finnish for the lazy”, publishing house “Meridian”, audio course of Finnish language vocabulary for beginners, in 4 parts. The course is designed to memorize everyday words with gradual complication and transition to memorizing everyday phrases. No grammar. Words/phrases are repeated twice, with translation. Some listeners are annoyed by the voice of a Russian-speaking woman who voices the translation :) but if you don’t focus on this, you can quickly expand your vocabulary.


37. Hint: if you cannot find a translation of a word from Finnish into Russian, look for a translation from Finnish into English, in English version more vocabulary content

38. h / Online Russian-Finnish and Finnish-Russian dictionaries, translator of small text fragments, small phrasebook (contains a selection of phrases of congratulations on various occasions and small thematic selections of words)

39. Translates a given word into several languages ​​at once, including Russian. Translation from Russian into Finnish available

40. Finnish-Russian dictionary Polyglossum


42. Directions: English-Finnish and Finnish-English

43. Translation from Finnish into Russian and from Russian into Finnish is available

44. Word form analyzer: when entering a word in the search field in any form (case, number), it determines the dictionary form of the word, part of speech, indicates the number (units/sg, pl/pl), cases; for verbs indicates conjugations by persons, numbers, tenses, etc. A very useful dictionary, because... It’s not always easy to understand what word is hidden in what we see (a link to this dictionary and an explanation of the principle of its operation was given by Alexey Isaev in the topic “ Good textbooks Finnish language” in the group Learn Finnish! Opiskelemme suomea!(

Study of any foreign language is a difficult task for many people, so developers all over the world are creating special applications for smartphones that greatly simplify the learning process. First of all, language learning apps are aimed at increasing your vocabulary: the more you know, the easier it will be for you to find the necessary words. The Finnish language is considered quite difficult, so any facilitating conditions for learning will never hurt. There are many different applications, so you need to figure out which ones should be used by beginners, and which ones will only be comfortable for Finnish language experts.

Applications for beginners

"Finnish in a month"

A simple and convenient application, the free version of which includes one lesson with 10 pages of words, phrases and sentences. The application is based on the principle by which children learn language: they associate a picture with the word they hear. Each word is spoken by two virtual tutors: a man and a woman, so you can listen to how Finnish words sound in different ways. And to make the learning process more productive, you will be asked to first listen to each word and then write it down. The downside of the application is that there is no translation for the words, so you have to guess the meaning from the picture.

"Finnish with Nemo"

In order to use this application, you do not need any preparation at all; it is a kind of mini-phrase book that will be convenient for a beginner. In the free version, six thematic blocks are available, while in the paid version there are already dozens of them. It is worth noting that the application is very easy to use, and the speaker of the application is a native speaker, so you will immediately remember the correct pronunciation.


You can guess by the name that this is a dictionary. This dictionary has a very convenient function: when you find a word, there is a heart next to it, you need to click on it and this word will appear in your personal dictionary, after which it will be much more convenient for you to learn a whole list of new words.

"Learn on the go"

The application fully embodies the old principle of productive learning a foreign language. In it you create cards with a Finnish-Russian translation or with a Russian-Finnish translation, whichever is more convenient for you for memorization, from which decks of cards are then obtained. The words in the decks can be in order or out of order, this is really a very convenient application, you don’t need to waste your precious time creating paper cards. An old method reinvented that works great.

Applications for advanced

"Words Run"

The application consists of two different methods training. The first is memorizing individual words by repeating them after the speaker, and then testing, where you need to choose the correct answers. The second technique is accelerated, which involves rapid viewing of words, which makes this technique focused on visual memory. This will also be followed by a test with a virtual teacher. The free block contains a starter set of frequently used Finnish phrases that can be used to support simple dialogues. The starting block contains 57 voiced phrases and 115 voiced words. It is worth saying that using this application will be more convenient and much clearer for those who already have knowledge of Finnish. The advantage of the application is that you can record your pronunciation of a particular word and then compare it with the speaker’s pronunciation.


This application is in English, with a three-level system: simple, medium and complex, you can choose the level that suits your level and start learning. Based on the image in the picture, you must translate the Finnish word into Russian, where you will have four options, so you need to choose one. In the next two steps, an explanation in Finnish is added to the words you need to translate. After each completion of the task you are awarded points. The application has a very funny interface: as you succeed, the little man climbs the steps to the tower, and when you gain a certain number of points, he jumps off and congratulates you on your success. To achieve great results, you need to purchase the full version of the application. The only disadvantage of the program is that there is not a lot of basic material.


For those who have already advanced in learning Finnish to verb conjugations (there are six in total), this application will be very useful. The free version contains ten verbs with translations, which are not only conjugated, but also put into several cases. True, it is noteworthy that there are examples of all conjugations except the second type, although it may be in full version applications, but the first type of conjugation is richly represented.

Of course, all these applications are just help in learning Finnish; they alone will not be enough. But they will definitely help expand your vocabulary. For productive learning you need A complex approach. Learning Finnish on your own is hard work, the main thing is that you have motivation, which is what we wish for you!

You may need an official document of knowledge of Finnish or Swedish if you want to work in a government position, sometimes when looking for a job or enrolling in studies, and also if you want to obtain Finnish citizenship.

Language proficiency can be proven by: a general language exam (yleinen kielitutkinto); examination of Finnish and Swedish language skills for civil servants (valtionhallinnon suomen tai ruotsin kielen kielitutkinto) or a Finnish or Swedish language assessment in the certificate (päättötodistus).

General language exam, levels and basic principles

The General Language Examination (YKI) is a language test designed for adults. In this exam you can prove your knowledge of Finnish, Swedish or another language (English, Spanish, Italian, German, etc.). Additional Information about this exam on the website of the Office of Education (Opetushallitus).
The YKI exam is free of charge. After passing the exam, you will receive a document indicating your level of language proficiency.

The language exam examines three levels of language proficiency: basic, intermediate and advanced. Each level covers two levels of preparedness, of which there are six in total. The basic level is for those who can use the language in everyday situations (level 1-2), the intermediate level is for those who know the language fairly well (level 3-4), the highest level is for those who have a very good command of the language ( level 5-6).

If you want to obtain Finnish citizenship (kansalaisuus), you must pass a language exam at least level 3. To enter a university in Finland, level 3 or 5 is often required (details must be clarified with the specific educational institution).
The Finnish language test takes place several times a year. You can take the exam in different regions of Finland. You can check the date of the exam and the place where it will be taken in advance on the website of the Education Department (Opetushallitus).

Don't forget to register for the exam in advance.

YKI exam level scale (corresponds to the European level scale).

1. Perustaso - Basic level
1 - A1 Elementary Elementary, 760 words
Understanding simple basic expressions from slow and clear speech that relate directly to life or affect a specific environment. Ability to find information in simple texts. Speech is slow, intermittent and there are problems with pronunciation. Ability to write very short texts that contain numerous linguistic deficiencies. Knowledge of the most common vocabulary and some grammatical structures.
2 - A2 Pre-intermediate Below intermediate, 1,300 words
Easily understand clear and simplified speech on everyday and familiar topics, short, simple texts and the main idea of ​​texts on familiar topics. Ability to navigate normal, simple speech situations that require the exchange of information, although pronunciation may not be very good. Ability to write short, simple texts on everyday topics, but the text may be disjointed. Mastery of simple grammatical structures and basic vocabulary.

2. Keskitaso - Intermediate level
3- B1 Intermediate Intermediate, 2,300 words
Understanding continuous speech and the main ideas of television and radio programs when the topic is relatively familiar. Understanding of ordinary texts that do not require knowledge of the topic. Speech at a normal pace and more complex texts may be difficult if the speech segment is long and the topic is unfamiliar. Ability to navigate common conversational situations and the ability to write simple, unified texts on common topics, although grammatical and lexical errors make comprehension difficult. Good command of everyday vocabulary and basic grammatical structures.
4- B2 Upper-intermediate Above average, 5,100 words
Understand rich speech and conversation at a normal pace on general topics, including television and radio broadcasts, but some details may remain unclear. It is easy to understand texts on general topics; some shades of expressions conveyed by the text may remain misunderstood. The ability to write both personal and semi-formal texts and express your thoughts as a whole. Capturing differences in oral and writing between official and unofficial language form. Good command of grammar and vocabulary.

3. Ylin taso - Highest level
5 - C1 Advanced Advanced, 12,000 words, the active part of the dictionary includes 7,000 words
Comprehension of continuous speech at a normal pace, including listening comprehension of television and radio broadcasts, although sometimes understanding requires some effort. Understanding the structures and vocabulary of complex texts and modern literature. Ability to speak and write clearly and coherently on a variety of topics, but using less commonly used words and complex syntax may still be challenging. Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is generally good and versatile.
6 - C2 Proficiency Professional, 15,000 words, the active part of the dictionary includes 8,000 words
Easily understand a variety of spoken and written language. Subtle differences in the nuances of statements rarely cause difficulties in understanding. Ability to speak and write in a very coherent style appropriate to the occasion and able to express ideas clearly and completely. Confident command of grammar and vocabulary in almost all situations; minor errors in speech are very rare.

What will happen in the YKI Finnish language exam?

Since the essence of the exam is to determine your level of language proficiency, therefore the exam structure includes several different parts:
1. Understanding the text.
The following types of texts may be encountered in this task: letter, message, announcement, advertisement, news or story. After the text, you will be asked a number of questions to which you will need to give the most comprehensive answer or choose the only correct one from the given options.
2. Written assignment.
This task is divided into 2 parts. For an average level, they may be asked to write, for example, a complaint about poor service or an opinion about an event, a letter about returning a product, etc.
3. Understanding speech (listening).
This part of the test is administered in an audio classroom. All test takers are given headphones and announcers read out the Finnish text. These could be excerpts from news, announcements, conversations between friends, interviews, etc. After listening, several questions are asked about the text, which must be answered as fully as possible. The more details, the better. There may also be questions where it is necessary to choose the only correct one from these options.
4. Conversation.
You speak into a microphone and your speech is recorded for later verification. The tasks include answers to questions, reasoning on proposed topics, simulation of dialogue, your answers to a question or topic, like an essay.

Finnish teacher
GBOU Gymnasium No. 000, Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg
Summary of a Finnish lesson on the topic “Finnish holidays”

The article presents a summary of the lesson “Finnish holidays” for practicing grammatical knowledge.

The presented lesson will create a festive, friendly atmosphere, will allow children to consolidate their knowledge about the traditions of Christmas in Finland, and practice grammatical knowledge about the partitive case.

The lesson can be taught in any class by selecting the text, vocabulary and grammar of the appropriate level. You can practice any grammatical topic by introducing sentences with a certain grammar into the text.

The lesson can be held in connection with any holiday. To do this, you just need to select a text, song, etc. that corresponds to the holiday.

At the end of the lesson, children will receive a visible result of their work in the form of postcards that they can give to their family, friends or relatives.

The purpose of the lesson: update children's knowledge about the traditions of Christmas in Finland and practical development of grammatical knowledge about the partitive case.

Lesson objectives:

1. Update children’s knowledge about Christmas traditions in Finland;

2. Using the text about Christmas, work on children’s grammatical knowledge about the partitive case;

3. Activate children’s spoken language on the topic;

4. Update group work skills;

5. Create a friendly, festive atmosphere in the lesson.

During the classes:

Introductory part (5 minutes):


Hyvää huomenta kaikille! Minä olen Ekaterina Valerjevna. Ja tällä tunilla haluaisin puhua teidän kanssa suuresta juhlasta joulusta. Te kaikki tiedätte, että Suomessa pian on joulu. Kuka tietää, miten Suomessa juhlitaan joulua?

Translation: Good morning everyone! My name is Ekaterina Valerievna. And in that lesson I would like to talk to you about a big holiday - Christmas. You all know that Christmas will be celebrated in Finland soon. Who knows how Christmas is celebrated in Finland?).

Pitää vastata suomeksi. Jos tarvitsette, mina autan.

Translation: You must answer in Finnish. If necessary, I will help.

Children answer; those who can answer in Finnish.

Nyt minä annan jokaiselle tekstin joulusta Suomessa. Me luemme, käännämme tekstin ja puhumme siitä. Tekstin kanssa on sanakirja, joka auttaa teitä. Ensimmäinen ryhmä kääntää ensimmaisen pienen kappalen, toinen ryhmä – toisen ja kolmas ryhmä – kolmannen. Ensin minä luen teille koko tekstin.

Now I will give everyone a text about Christmas in Finland. We will read, translate the text and talk about it. A dictionary is included with the text to help you. The first group translates the first small part, the second - the second, and the third - the third.

Main part: (33 minutes):

The teacher reads the text, each group translates its own piece of text.

Sitten teidän pitää löytää tekstista kaikki sanat partitiivissa ja laittaa ne nominatiivin.

Then you need to find all the words in the partitive and put them in the nominative. (10 minutes)

Joulu Suomessa

Kuulua – to belong. enter

Kirkko - church

Koriste - decoration

Tavallisesti - usually

Joulukortti-Christmas card


Tarkoittaa - mean

Kunnioittaa - respect, appreciate

Lähettää-to send

Toivomus - wish

Joulu on vanha kirkollinen juhla. Jouluun kuuluvat Pikkujoulu (alkaa 14.12) ja kaksi joulupäivää - jouluaatto (24.12) ja joulupäivä (25.12). Joulun aamuna kirkoissa on monta ihmistä. Koti on hyvin kaunis jouluna. Jokaisessa kodissa on paljon koristeita: monta kyntilää, tähteä, lumihiutaletta, joulutonttua ja joulukukkaa. Hyäsinti, joulutähti ja tulppaani ovat joulun kukkia.

Joulu on lämmin perhejuhla. Koko perhe on kotona jouluna. Ennen joulua ostetaan tai tehdään lahjoja ja lähetetään kortteja. Kotona siivotaan ja laitetaan jouluruokaa. Jouluna syödään kinkkua, lanttulaatikkoa ja riisipuuroa.

Lapset rakastavat eniten jouluaattoa, koska silloin tuodaan joulukuusi olohuoneeseen. Sen latvaan pannaan tähti ja oksille joulupalloja, karamelleja, omenoita ja kynttilöitä. Joulupukki tulee aatoniltana ja tuo lapsille lahjoja. Lapset odottavat joulupukkia ja ovat hyvin iloisia, kun hän tulee. Lapset laulavat joulupukille joululauluja. Se on hauska juhla.

1) Pian on Joulu ja tänään on myös juhla – pikkujoulu ja meillä on juhla. Ja nyt teistä tulee tontut ja me laulamme yhdessä joululaulun. (5 minutes).

Christmas is coming and today is also a holiday - a small Christmas. And now you will become gnomes and we will sing a Christmas song together. (Children receive a cap and a bag).

Ensin me kuuntelemme laulun ja sitten laulamme. Laulun aikana muutamat tontut antavat jokaiselle kirjekuorin.

First we will listen to the song and then we will sing. During the song, several dwarves will hand out an envelope to everyone.

The lyrics of the song “Tontujen jouluyö” are heard

Children listen to a song and then sing along with the movements.

2) – Te kaikki tiedätte, että paras lahja on lahja, jonka sinä olet tehnyt omin käsin. Ja suomalaiset aina tekevät joululahjat omin käsin. Minä annan teille paperin, tussit ja teette joulukortin. Kenelle te haluatte lahjoittaa joulukortin?

(- You all know that the best gift is the gift you gave with my own hands. And Finns always make Christmas gifts with their own hands. I'll give you paper and markers and you can make a Christmas card. Who do you want to give a postcard to?) -Children answer who they want to give a postcard to and remember how relatives, friend, teacher, etc. would say in Finnish.

Tässä on sanasto, joka auttaa teitä kirjoittamaan toivomuksen korttiin.

Here is a dictionary that will help you write a wish in a card.

(A piece of paper is handed out with words to help)

Hyvä Joulu – good Christmas

Toivoa - to wish

Onni - happiness

Rakkaus - love

Terveys - health

Menestys - success

Luvata (lupaa...) - promise

Käyttäytyä – to behave

Hyvin - good

Ensi vuonna – next year

Ilohduttaa - to please

Äiti - mother

Sisko - sister

Ystävä - friend

Opettaja - teacher

Mummo - grandma

Vaari - grandfather

Muistakaa, että kaikki toivomukset on partitiivissa.

Remember that all wishes are in the partitive.

3) Paper, markers, and colored pencils are distributed. The children get to work.

Teillä on 15 minuuttia aikaa..

(- You have 15 minutes.)

We attach postcards to the board. (3 min.)

Lesson summary. (7 minutes):

Kiitoksia kaikille tunnista. Ja teillä on tehtävä. Haluan pyytää teitä tekemään esityksen joulusta..

(- Thank you everyone for the lesson. And you will have an assignment. I want to ask you to make a presentation about Christmas.

Kiitoksia kaikille ja näkemiin!

(-Thank you everyone and goodbye!)

List of sources

1. Hauskasti suomea! Finnish language for schoolchildren, part 2, St. Petersburg: Karo, 2011.

2. Alexandrova - Russian Russian-Finnish dictionary. Victoria Plus, 2004.

3. Vakhros I., Shcherbakov A. Large Finnish-Russian dictionary. Living language, 2006.

4. Eliseev - Russian and Russian-Finnish dictionary. Suomalais-venäläinen ja venäläis – suomalainen sanakirja. Russian language-media, 2006.

5. Syurjalainen large Russian-Finnish dictionary. In 2 volumes./ Uusi venäläis - suomalaine suursanakirja. Living language, 2007.
