A funny incident from life. Audio recordings and texts of presentations

In the text that I read, the famous scientist and publicist D.S. Likhachev discusses the problem of the role of youth in a person’s life. Analyzing his experience, the author recalls that during his studies he thought that “ adulthood“passes somehow differently, leaving nothing behind from the past. However, everything turned out wrong. The main thing that the writer has preserved from his youth is this faithful friends and life skills needed. The author is confident that it is in his youth that a person becomes closer to other people and experiences a huge accumulation of experience. Habits and skills and the ability to work are retained for life if they are acquired in youth. The scientist urges us to cherish our youth until old age, appreciate this period of life and not miss the opportunities that youth gives us. After all, “nothing acquired in youth passes without a trace.”
I agree with D.S.’s position. Likhacheva. It is in youth that the life position, a person’s attitude towards himself, the world, nature. At this time, people find their best friends with whom they will maintain close personal relationships throughout their lives. An example of such friendship is the relationship between A. Pushkin and I. Pushchin, as well as their lyceum friends. It is known that it was Pushchin who was the first to visit the disgraced poet, who was in exile, to support his friend, while many turned away from him. And until the end of their lives, friends respected each other, looked up to each other and told each other the truth.
There are also examples in Russian literature that prove D.S.’s ideas. Likhacheva. Let us remember the fates of two friends - Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts. These examples are the best possible confirmation of the fact that relationships formed in early years, can last a long time. Oblomov's affection for Stolz and his faith in his friend knew no bounds. And Stolz himself was the only person who could “stir up” his apathetic comrade. In addition, the fates of these heroes confirm the truth: what you sow in youth, you reap in maturity. Their characters and lifestyles were radically different, since their behavior in their youth was different: one studied and improved, the other dreamed while lying on the sofa.
I am glad that I became acquainted with the text by D.S. Likhachev, because from him I learned a wise thought: what is acquired in youth lasts a lifetime. I will try to make good purchases.

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Therefore, take care of your youth until old age. Appreciate all the good things you acquired in your youth, do not waste the riches of your youth. Nothing acquired in youth passes without a trace. Habits developed in youth last a lifetime. Skills in work - too. Get used to work - and work will always bring joy. And how important this is for human happiness! No more miserable than a man lazy, always avoiding work, effort...

Both in youth and in old age. Good youth skills will make life easier, bad ones will complicate it and make it difficult.

And further. There is a Russian proverb: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” All the actions committed in youth remain in memory. The good ones will make you happy, the bad ones will not let you sleep!

When I was at school and then at university, it seemed to me that my “adult life” would be in some completely different environment. Nothing would remain of the present... But in reality everything turned out differently. My peers stayed with me. Not all, of course. And yet the friends of youth turned out to be the most faithful, always present. The circle of acquaintances has grown unusually, but real friends are old. True friends are made in youth. Youth is a time of bonding. And you should remember this and take care of your friends, because true friendship helps a lot in both sorrow and joy. In joy, you also need help. Undivided joy is not joy. Happiness spoils a person if he experiences it alone. When the time of misfortune comes, the time of loss - again, you cannot be alone.




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Please help me compose a concise summary)))

Now on my table, in crystal vases under electric lights, this fragrant, sweet, aromatic and healing substance is playing with reflections, known to man a long time ago. But it was brought to us from a place where bees had never been - from the tundra. This honey was created not only by bees, but also by the efforts of people who arranged for our native Russian bees of the Trans-Oka meadows to work in the Arctic.
In the north beyond the Arctic Circle, sometimes there are whole mountains of flowers: there is a mountain all white - cloudberries and blueberries are blooming. And then, it happens that in July the mountain is all pink - fireweed has begun to bloom, or rowan, or wild rosemary, geranium, and who knows what! And just think, every flower here has two to three times more nectar than ours, and every flower was waiting for a bee, and there were no bees in the Arctic Circle.
What is attractive is that, not at a loss to nature, we discovered polar honey, that millions of pounds of honey were then in flowers in order to attract bees for pollination, but there were no bees and we brought them.
There are things in the world, original in their goodness and understandable to everyone, uniting nature and man in an ancient union, and among these things is bread. But you just have to be very hungry to feel the sun in bread, and it’s easier for us to see this in the substance of honey.
Please help me prepare a concise summary C:

title the text so that the title reflects its main idea.... make a plan and write a concise summary... guys please

help title the text, write a concise summary and plan....


very necessary

Sometime before evening, when we were returning home, a strong wind suddenly blew up and drove us straight to the breakwater, and the wild waves seemed to special purpose slam us as hard as we can against the granite of the breakwater and smash our little boat into pieces. We rowed with all our strength; We saw our only salvation in getting to the harbor before we were hit by the rocks. This turned out to be impossible, and so we were lifted so high that for a moment we saw the sea on the other side of the pier, then it was thrown down, as if from a five-story building, then it was doused with a huge waterfall, then with furious force it began to hit our boat against the pier, now with its stern, now bow, then side. I tried to push myself away from the breakwater with an oar, but it immediately broke. I became numb with despair and suddenly noticed, or rather felt, that Zhitkov was no longer behind me. There was a moment when I was sure that he had drowned. But then I heard his voice. It turned out that at that moment when we were lifted up, Zhitkov, with amazing presence of mind, jumped from the boat onto the pier, onto its sloping, wet, slippery wall and climbed to the very ridge. From there he shouted to me: “It’s over!” “The end” is a nautical rope. Zhitkov demanded that I throw him a rope that lay curled up in a ring on the bow, but since I was still very unsteady in the maritime vocabulary, I understood the word “end” in his general meaning and screamed in death anguish. Fortunately, the lighthouse keeper saw the disaster and rushed to my aid. Co terrible curses, which even the howling of the storm could not drown out, with a face distorted with anger, he threw me the end of the rope and, together with Zhitkov, dragged me, trembling, but inexpressibly joyful, onto the wet stones of the pier and immediately took care of our boat: he hooked it with a long hook and ordered the assistant bring her into the harbor, after which he attacked me and Zhitkov with a new assortment of curses, demanding that we follow him to the lighthouse. I expected extraordinary ferocity, but he, without ceasing to scold, gave us a glass of pepper, ordered us to take off our wet clothes and run naked along the breakwater to quickly warm up. Then he put us on a bed in his kennel, covered us with a blanket and, sitting down behind an overturned box, took a pen to draw up a report on what happened. And I was amazed at the courage of my faithful and reliable comrade...


Help me write a concise summary. approximately 90-110 words

(1) In the nineteenth century, bookbinder Yegor Gerasimov lived in Moscow. (2) His studio did not display luxurious signs, he did not pursue effect and exaggerated popularity, but he loved books, as he put it, as “vital material.” (3) He did not make any capital for himself, but his name remained for a long time in the memory of many, like the name of an artist bookbinder.
(4) Gerasimov’s work could be seen at the Polytechnic Exhibition of 1872. (5) It should be noted that their main attention was paid not to stamping or gold, but to the work itself. (6) “Give me a master,” he said, “who would sit next to me and work with me. (7) Otherwise, these companies,” Gerasimov continued, “are only concerned about medals and signboards, but they themselves are far from masters.” your business." (8) All the books he exhibited were sold on the spot, and he received a medal, it seems silver, for apparently the most simple, but clean, remarkably neat work.
(9) Gerasimov lived and worked during serfdom; he was a serf. (10) The owner of Gerasimov, who was still a boy at that time, apprenticed him to the bookbinder Khitrov, a good master and strict teacher. (11) The famous General Ermolov, a participant, often visited this Khitrov. Patriotic War 1812, also a big fan of bookbinding. Ermolov wanted to learn bookbinding, and Khitrov willingly undertook to teach the general.
(13) Working for Khitrov out of love for art, Ermolov, walking around the workshop, carefully looked at everyone’s work. (14) Most often he stopped with Yegor Gerasimov, stroked him on the head, saying: (15) “Well done, Yegorka! (16) You will be a good master.”
(17) Ten years later, the master ordered Gerasimov to become a soldier for some offense. (18) Geoasimov went to Ermolov and told him about his misfortune. (19) Ermolov thought.
(20) - I really regret that a good master becomes a soldier. (21) Wait. (22) Then he brought him some letter.
(23) - Here, give this letter to your master, and if you still end up in the service, then here are five rubles for your journey.
(24) What was written in this letter remained unknown, but only the master reversed his decision. (25) Gerasimov always remembered Ermolov with deep gratitude.


What did it mean for folk life a word at all? It’s a bit scary to even ask such a question, let alone answer it. The fact is that the word was equated by our ancestors with life itself. The word gave birth to and explained life; for the peasant it was the keeper of memory and the guarantee of an infinite future. At the same time (and maybe just because of this) it consoled, helped, motivated to achieve heroism, interceded, healed, inspired. And all this happened by itself, naturally, like a flow river water or like a succession of days and the changing of seasons.
Under such conditions, would it seem surprising for the emergence of a cult of the word that exists in villages in our time?
The ability to speak well, that is, figuratively, intelligently and tactfully, to some extent was a measure of even social status, a reason for respect and deference. For small and evil people such skill was the subject of envy.
The word - whether spoken, sung, expressed in signs by the hands of a deaf-mute, or even not expressed at all, only felt - any word has always strived for its figurative perfection...
Beautiful, figurative speech cannot be a stupid speech. The ability to speak well is not at all equivalent to the ability to speak a lot, but dense silent people were by no means honored, they were also laughed at. Intentional silence was considered a sign of cunning and malevolence, with all the ensuing consequences. So the proverb “The word is silver, silence is gold” was not suitable at every moment and not in every place

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When I was at school, it seemed to me that my adult life would take place in some other environment, as if in a different world, and that I would be surrounded by other people. But in reality everything turned out differently. My peers stayed with me. The friends of youth turned out to be the most faithful. The circle of acquaintances has grown unusually. But true friends, old, true friends, are made in youth. Youth is a time of coming together.

Therefore, take care of your youth until old age. Appreciate all the good things you acquired in your younger years, don’t lose friends. Nothing acquired in youth passes without a trace. Good youth skills will make life easier. The bad ones will complicate it and make it difficult. Remember the Russian proverb: “Take care of your honor from a young age”? All the actions committed in youth remain in memory. The good ones will make you happy. The bad ones won't let you sleep.


  1. True friends are made young. Youth is a time of coming together.
  2. True friendship helps a lot in both sorrow and joy.
  3. Appreciate all the good things you acquired in your younger years, don’t lose friends.

Ready summary:

When I was at school, it seemed to me that my adult life would take place in some other environment, that I would be surrounded by other people. But in fact, my peers stayed with me. The circle of acquaintances has increased, n o true friends are made in youth. Youth is a time of coming together.

Therefore, take care of your youth until old age. Appreciate all the good things you acquired in your younger years, don’t lose friends. Good youth skills will make life easier. All the actions committed in youth remain in memory. The good ones will make you happy. The bad ones won't let you sleep. (110 words)


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