What is the meaning of the chapter Oblomov's dream. The meaning of the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" in the novel. What role does Oblomov's dream play in revealing the character of the hero? What role does Oblomov's dream play? School that has not changed its life position

The dream of the protagonist of the novel "Oblomov" can be perceived as autobiographical, telling about the childhood and adolescence of Ilyusha, and symbolic, explaining what are the moral foundations of the character of the hero, how his fate developed. In any case, the role of Oblomov's dream in the context of the entire work is very great: this episode shows how such an unusual character was formed and what are the reasons for the Oblomovism that seized the country.

Each person has his own "roots". Ilya Ilyich's soft and broad nature was formed under the direct influence not only of his family, but also of Russian nature, which became part of his soul. Oblomovtsy knew neither storms nor floods that brought misfortune and suffering. Nature took care of the villagers as if they were their own children: rains and thunderstorms came at a certain time. Nothing disturbed the measured life. At first glance, grace and complete harmony reigned. But there was a fly in the ointment in the honey jar. Comfortable living conditions have left their mark on people: laziness, slowness, passivity, "doing nothing" have become the norm and way of life.

The inhabitants of Oblomovka did not know what was the price of time, and, most importantly, of a Man. They were looking forward to new events, but after taking a walk at a wedding or seeing a person on their last journey, they forgot about him. Apathy is a state from which only something unusual could bring them out. Not every new person could get rid of the effect of the "glazed" soul and re-let the living world into the hearts of the inhabitants.

Maternal love, affection, endless kisses, generosity and the charm of peasant fun in unison sound in a dream. Oblomovka is the native land that brought up Ilya Ilyich. Memories of the parental home are sacred for him, his heart lives with them.

Oblomov resembles the ingenuous Ivanushka from fairy tales: a wise and cautious sloth, suspicious of everything that is unstable and rushing about. An active life is not for him. Let someone else do it, and you shouldn't be dragged out of your comfort zone. He'd rather just lie there and think. Secular success and vulgar literary activity - can this really be the meaning of life? No. The meaning of Oblomov's dream is to show that the hero's inaction is not just laziness. His heart shrinks from the realization of the futility of being and pushes his mind to a passive protest against modernity. He sees a dream in order to once again relive the carefree time of childhood and those feelings that will help not to break himself and be true to his moral principles.

Oblomov's dream is not only a dystopia, but also a utopia. Why? Ilya Ilyich seems to be tied with silk threads to the pillow by his dream of the past. In a dream, he paints a naive, defenseless, but attractive idyll. But she, finding no way out, burns the hero from the inside, turning from a good into a destructive evil.

The dream is a reminder of the lost paradise, which became the artistic and philosophical center of the novel. It is impossible to live in the past, otherwise a person will release his future on the brakes. You just need to take the best "on the road", making it a fulcrum, and use it in the future for the benefit of your self-development.

Ilya Ilyich painfully senses that something good and light is living in him. But it is not known whether it was destroyed or, like a treasure, lies in the most distant corners of his soul.

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

The chapter in question plays in the novel by I.A. Goncharova an important compositional role. The dream described in it largely explains the character of the protagonist, his attitude to reality, helps to understand the origins of Oblomovism - a phenomenon that ruined a person with a kind heart and an open soul.

So, the hero dreams of Oblomovka of his childhood. It appears before us as a kind of oasis, a kind of island, cut off from the rest of the world. The inhabitants of this paradise do not know the storms of life and feel absolutely protected. In Oblomovka they do not even know the fear of death: "Everything promises there a deceased, long-term life to yellow hair and imperceptible, sleep-like death."

Attention is drawn to the regularity of existence in Oblomovka. Life here goes in a circle - just like the natural phenomena observed by the Oblomovites from year to year are repeated. Time in Oblomovka seemed to have stopped.

The isolation of Oblomovka from the rest of the world led to the fact that no news from the outside penetrated it, and therefore its inhabitants had no one to compare themselves with and they did not think about the meaning of life, never asked themselves unnecessary questions. Their ideal was that one day would be like another: "today is like yesterday, yesterday is like tomorrow." The main concern of the inhabitants of Oblomovka was tasty and plentiful food: the discussion of dishes for the upcoming dinner was the main event of the day.

In my opinion, Oblomovka, dreamed of by Ilya Ilyich, is itself a sleepy kingdom, both literally and figuratively. An afternoon nap in Oblomovka is a picture that makes you remember the tale of a sleeping beauty: everyone falls where they sleep. And this was the only time when a child - he alone was awake among sleeping adults - could satisfy his curiosity about the world around him.

The sleepy life of the Oblomovites was not disturbed by any incidents. There were no robberies, no murders, no other "terrible accidents" here. In the same way, the inhabitants of Oblomovka were not worried about "either strong passions or courageous enterprises."

Thus, isolation from the active world, vegetative existence, lack of spiritual needs - these are the features of the environment in which the character of the hero was formed. Perhaps life in Oblomovka seems attractive in its own way (Oblomov's dream is subtly colored by the poetry of childhood), but, of course, such an atmosphere is destructive for a developing soul.

Plunging into his dream together with Oblomov, we trace the life of the hero from the very beginning and see that, as a child, he, like all children, was restless and inquisitive. However, adults extinguished all his impulses, protecting the boy from possible dangers, forming in him a contemptuous attitude towards work for the sake of his daily bread (work in Oblomovka was considered a punishment written in the family), instilling a misconception about life.

The nanny told little Ilya not about heroes and not about heroes - her tales spoke of a country where "rivers of honey and milk flow, where no one does anything all year round." In other nanny's tales, terrible ghosts, the dead and werewolves acted, which sowed longing and fearfulness in the soul of an impressionable boy in relation to the world around him. So he grew up to be a heavy-handed and timid person, although in his younger years, like many, he dreamed of an active life.

After reading the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", we understand that the characteristic features of the hero's personality: timidity and laziness, impracticality and helplessness in front of life - take their origins in his childhood. The trouble that killed Oblomov bears the name of his family. Oblomovism is a special state of mind in which the will is paralyzed, and the feelings do not find a way out.

“He died, disappeared for nothing,” Stolz summed up his life. A good person was of no use in life - what could be more tragic! It remains to think that Oblomov's son is destined for a different fate.

"Oblomov's Dream". The originality of the episode and its role in the novel "

Oblomov's Dream is a special chapter of the novel. "Oblomov's Dream" tells about the childhood of Ilya Ilyich, about his influence on Oblomov's character. Oblomov's Dream shows his native village Oblomovka, his family, according to which they lived in the Oblomov estate. Oblomovka is the name of two villages owned by the Oblomovs. People in these villages lived the same way as their great-grandfathers lived. They tried to live in isolation, to isolate themselves from the whole world, they were afraid of people from other villages. Oblomovka's people believed in fairy tales, legends and omens. In Oblomovka there were no thieves, there were no destruction and storms, everything was sleepy and quiet. The whole life of these people was monotonous. Oblomovtsi believed that it was a sin to live differently. The Oblomov landowners lived the same way.

Oblomov's father was lazy and apathetic, he sat at the window all day or walked around the house.

Oblomov's mother was more active than her husband, she watched the servants, walked around the garden with her retinue, asked various jobs for the courtyard. All this was reflected in the character of Ilya Ilyich. Since childhood, he was raised like an exotic flower, so he grew slowly and got used to being lazy. His attempts to do something himself were constantly suppressed. The only time when Oblomov was free and could do what he pleased was the time of general sleep. At this time, Oblomov ran around the yard, climbed the dovecote and the gallery, watched and studied various phenomena, explored the world around him. If this initial activity began to develop, then perhaps Oblomov would become an active person. But the prohibitions of his parents to do anything himself led to the fact that later the bummers became lazy and apathetic, he could not go to Oblomovka, change his apartment, lived in a dusty, not washed room and was completely dependent on Zakhar's servant.

In Oblomovka, the nanny told Ilya Ilyich fairy tales in which he believed throughout his life. Fairy tales have shaped the poetic character of the Russian people. This character manifested itself in the relationship with Olga. For some time he was able to drown out Oblomov's laziness and apathy, to return Oblomov to an active life. But after a while, due to everyday trifles, the poetic spirit again began to weaken and gave way to Oblomov's laziness.

The Oblomovs did not like books and believed that reading was not a necessity, but a luxury and entertainment. The Oblomovs did not like the doctrine either. And so Ilya Ilyich attended school somehow. The Oblomovs found all sorts of excuses not to take Ilya Ilyich to school and because of this they quarreled with the teacher Stolz. His son Andrei Stolts became friends with Oblomov, who became his lifelong friend. At school, Andrei helped Oblomov to do his homework, but this developed laziness in Oblomov. Subsequently, Stolz fought this laziness for a long time and stubbornly, but unsuccessfully.

I believe that the role of this episode is to show how Oblomov's Russian poetic character is formed, the reasons for the appearance of Oblomov's laziness and apathy, the environment in which Ilya Ilyich was brought up, the appearance of Oblomov's versatile image. Oblomov could not be "lifted off the couch" because Oblomov had money and well-being from birth and he did not need Stolz's activities. Oblomov needed a poetic ideal, which Olga Ilyinskaya gave him for a while. But after Oblomov broke off relations with her, he returned to his usual apathy and laziness. With whom he died a few years later.

Oblomov's dream takes us to the land where he grew up, to the village of Oblomovka. In Oblomovka, a person lives comfortably and he feels himself protected. Nothing there excites human consciousness, harmony reigns in everything.

Undoubtedly, the nature of that blessed corner of the earth, that wonderful land - Oblomovka, had a great influence on the broad and gentle character of Ilya Ilyich.
The sky that “ it seems closer to the ground in order to protect the chosen corner from all adversity”; the sun that “ shines brightly and hot there for about six months and then slowly, as if reluctantly, moves away from there”; those soft outlines of sloping hills, “ from which it is pleasant to ride, frolic, on the back or sitting on them, look in thought at the setting sun”; the slow, unhurried flow of lowland rivers, which “ then they spill into wide ponds, then they strive with a fast thread, then they crawl a little over the pebbles, as if lost in thought”.
Nature here, like an affectionate mother, takes care of the silence, measured serenity of a person's entire life. And with her, at the same time, a special "harmony" of peasant life with a rhythmic succession of weekdays and holidays. And even thunderstorms are not terrible, but beneficial there: they “ are constantly at the same fixed time, almost never forgetting Ilyin's day, as if in order to support a well-known tradition among the people "... There are no terrible storms, no destruction in that land. The stamp of unhurried restraint also rests on the characters of people raised by the Russian mother nature.
It was this wonderful Russian nature that contributed to the development in Ilyusha of such qualities as humanity, kindness, and responsiveness.
The formation of Oblomov's personality was also strongly influenced by his upbringing. That boundless love and affection, with which he was surrounded and cherished from childhood, was presented to Ilya by his mother. She " showered him with passionate kisses”, Looked“ with greedy, caring eyes, whether the eyes were cloudy, something hurts, whether he was sleeping peacefully, whether he woke up at night, whether he was rushing about in his sleep, whether he had a fever ”.
The mother will take Ilya's head, put it on her lap and slowly comb his hair, admiring its softness and forcing others to admire it, talking to them about the future of her son, making him the hero of some brilliant epic she has created”.
Probably, this excessive love of the mother had a detrimental effect on Oblomov. But it was she who brought up the main features of the national character in the hero. Although Ilyusha's life also featured a nanny, who also played a huge role in the formation of his personality. She often told him fairy tales, various legends, epics, invented stories. The nanny whispered to him about some unknown side, “ where there are no nights or cold, where all miracles are performed, where rivers of honey and milk flow, and where no one does anything all year round”.
But these stories and tales later had a detrimental effect on Ilyusha. From childhood, the boy's imagination was inhabited by strange ghosts, fear and melancholy lodged for a long time, perhaps forever in the soul. When he became an adult, and now still, " remaining in a dark room or seeing a deceased, he trembles from an ominous longing, planted in his soul in childhood”. And everyone dreams of that magical side where there is no evil, trouble, sorrow and where nothing needs to be done ...
Labor was the main enemy of Oblomovka's inhabitants. They " endured it as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, and where there was a case, they always got rid of it, finding it possible and necessary”. This attitude to work was also brought up in Ilyusha. The desire for independence, young energy was stopped by the friendly cries of the parents:
And what about the servants? ”. Soon the hero himself realized that giving orders was calmer and more convenient.
He was surrounded by the excessive cares of his mother, who made sure that the child ate well and did not overwork while studying with I.B. Stolz. She believed that education is not such an important thing for which you need to lose weight, lose your blush and skip the holidays. Of course, Oblomov's parents understood the importance and necessity of education, but they saw in it only a means of promotion.
These are the conditions under which the apathetic, lazy and difficult nature of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov developed. He was afraid of any difficulties, he was too lazy to make even the slightest effort to solve not great, but the most urgent problems. He was ready to shift the case to anyone, not caring about its outcome and the decency of the people who were entrusted with the case. He did not even allow the thought of the possibility of deception: elementary discretion, not to mention practicality, was completely absent in Oblomov's nature.

· People with patriarchal consciousness live in Oblomovka. " The norm of life was given to them ready-made by their parents, and they accepted it, also ready, from grandfather, and grandfather from great-grandfather ... As what was done with fathers and grandfathers, so was done under Father Ilya Ilyich, so, perhaps, it is done now in Oblomovka". That is why any manifestation of personal will and interests, even the simplest, like a letter, fills the souls of Oblomovites with horror. Oblomov's dream is of great importance in the text. The origins of Oblomov's soul are revealed to us, we learn about how the formation of the personality of O. So we see the stages of development of an inferior personality, which is one example of how an unfavorable environment ruins the best human qualities in their very prime. And in order to understand this, you need to turn to the origins of personality formation: to childhood, upbringing, environment and, finally, to the education received.

Date 26.10.2016

Class 10 B

Literature lesson

Lesson topic: "Oblomov's Dream"

The purpose of the lesson: analyze Oblomov's Dream, revealing those aspects of Oblomov's life that influenced the formation of the hero's dual nature (on the one hand, poetic consciousness, on the other, inactivity, apathy); work on the development of coherent speech of students, expressive reading, education in children of an active life position, a sense of responsibility for their future.

Purpose of the students:

Equipment : portrait of I.A.Goncharov, presentation of Microsoft PowerPoint, fragment of the film "Oblomov's Dream", exhibition of books by I.A.Goncharov

I. Introductory stage:

Teacher's word:Hello! Sit down! We continue to study the work of Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov". Today we have to get acquainted with a very significant chapter in the context of the novel, which is called "Oblomov's Dream". What goals do you think you should achieve in class today?(student answer). In addition, we will find out the compositional peculiarity of its use, we will identify the features of the life of Oblomovites, which influenced the formation of the character of Ilya Ilyich..

II. Analysis of the work:

Teacher: Let's remember what the title of the work says?

Student: The name of the protagonist in the title emphasizes the peculiarity of his place in the poetic world of the work, emphasizes the interest that his life position represents for the author.

Teacher: Where is this position, the essence of the hero's relationship to the world revealed most fully?

Student: In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream".

Teacher: Let's remember in which works we studied earlier there was a dream?

Student: A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" - Tatyana's dream; A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is the dream of Petrusha Grinev; in "Ballads" by V. Zhukovsky.

Teacher: What do you think is the function of sleep in these works, why do the authors use them?

Students: 1. Sleep - as the identification of the spiritual state of the hero, a means of psychological analysis.

2. Sleep is like an idyll, a dream.

3. Sleep - as a foresight of the future.

Teacher: Which of the following functions does sleep perform in the work of I.A. Goncharova?

Students: 1. Sleep is the revelation of the hero's spiritual state, while he acquires a special symbolic meaning: sleep is a symbol of the hero's entire life position, his spiritual sleep.

2. Sleep - shows the hero's dream, but its paradox is that it is directed not to the future, but to the past. The hero dreams of Oblomovka; in his dream, her emphatically idyllic image is created.

I. Analysis of the work:

Teacher's word: And now let's move on to the consideration of "Sleep". Now we will hear a description of Oblomovka, which opens the "Dream". Let's try to find meaningful words, epithets (definitions that give the expression imagery and emotionality) in it, with which the author conveys his attitude to this place.

Artistic reading of an excerpt by a student:

"Where are we? To what blessed corner of the earth did Oblomov's dream take us? What a wonderful land! No, really, there are seas, there are no high mountains, rocks and abysses, no dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy ...

The sky there, it seems, is pressing closer to the ground, but not in order to throw arrows stronger than arrows, but only to hug her tighter, with love: it stretched so low overhead, like a parent's reliable roof, in order to protect, it seems, the chosen one a corner from all sorts of adversity.

The sun shines brightly and hot there for about six months and then leaves there not suddenly, as if reluctantly, as if turning back to look once or twice at his favorite place and give him a clear, warm day in the fall, in the midst of bad weather.

The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere that terrify the imagination. This is a series of sloping hills, from which it is customary to ride, frolic, on your back or, sitting on them, gaze in thought at the setting sun.

The river runs merrily, naughty and playing; it then spills into a wide pond, then strives with a fast thread, or becomes subdued, as if lost in thought, and creeps a little over the pebbles, releasing frisky streams on the sides, under the murmur of which it slumbers sweetly.

The entire corner of fifteen or twenty versts around was a series of picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes. The sandy and sloping banks of the bright river, small shrubbery creeping up from the hill to the water, a curved ravine with a stream at the bottom and a birch grove - everything seemed to have been deliberately tidied up one to one and skillfully drawn.

A heart worn out by unrest or not at all familiar with them asks to hide in this forgotten corner and live happiness unknown to anyone. Everything promises there a calm, long-term life to yellow hair and imperceptible, sleep-like death. "

(Students highlight epithets and significant words: blessed corner; wonderful land; favorite place; picturesque sketches; cheerful, smiling landscapes, everything is quiet and sleepy).

Teacher: Make a conclusion about what this place was in Oblomov's life.

Students: This is the perfect place, paradise for Oblomov.

Teacher's word: And now let's turn to real life in Oblomovka. And let's see if everything in it is really as perfect as presented in the description.

In order to recall the key aspects of Oblomov's life, we will look at fragments from the film by N. Mikhalkov "Six days in the life of Oblomov." In the process of viewing, it will be necessary to find positive and negative moments in Oblomov's life. To make it easier to complete this task, I suggest you pay attention to the following aspects:

    Picture of the world.

    Philosophy of life.

    Child education.

Answer the question: "Can we really call Oblomovka a paradise and why?"

Watching episodes from the movie: Ilya's curiosity. The mismanagement of the Oblomovites.

Physical education

Teacher: What is the composition of this chapter? How many parts does it consist of (conditionally)? How did you define it?

Students: Oblomov's Dream consists of 4 parts:

    "Blessed Corner of the Earth" (exposition).

    Seven-year-old Oblomov in his parents' house. Schedule. Raising a boy. Perception of the surrounding world.

    A wonderful country. Nanny Tales.

    Oblomov is 13-14 years old. Oblomov's education. Oblomov's views on life).

1. To what blessed corner of the earth did Oblomov's dream take us? 2. Read the description of Oblomov's morning dream? 3. What is noon, Oblomov's evening? 4. For what purpose does the author use the landscape? 5. How does the boy Ilyusha appear before us? 6. What are Oblomovka and its inhabitants like? 7. What heroes does the author introduce us to?

Teacher: How does this arrangement of parts of a chapter in a novel help to understand the character of the hero?

Students: Each part is a series of vivid episodes from Oblomov's childhood, completely different in theme, but connected by a common idea, the task of the writer: to show the origins of the character of the hero; how nature, the way of life of the family, outlook on life and education influenced the formation of the character of the protagonist. Before we move on to the aspects of the work, we will listen to the speech of Gismatullin Ramazan on the daily routine of the Oblomovites.

Teacher: Please name the "Motto" of the Oblomovites?

Students: "The day has passed and thank God."

Teacher: And now let's move on to the aspects of the work, to the positive and negative sides of Oblomov's life:

Positive aspects of Oblomov's life

Negative aspects of Oblomov's life

Picture of the world

1. The unity of people with nature, nature is humanlike, a person has no fear of it.

2. Unity of people with each other, love of parents for Ilya.

1. The isolation of Oblomovka from the outside world, even the fear of the Oblomovites before him (the story with the ravine, the gallery; there is no calendar in Oblomovka; fear of writing).

Philosophy of life.

1. A measured, calm life, where, as in nature, there are no cataclysms. Death, which comes imperceptibly, is also perceived as a natural process.

2. There is no place for evil in Oblomovka, the greatest evil is “stealing peas in the gardens”.

1. Student report Oblomov's daily routine. It shows that life is a mechanical repetition of food and sleep (equal to death), empty evenings and fruitless conversations.

2. Details that violate the regularity of Oblomov's life (a swaying porch, Onisim Suslov's hut, a collapsed gallery). All this shows the inability of the Oblomovites to work, their attitude to work as a punishment, the hope in everything for "maybe".

Child education

1. Mother's love.

2. Formation of a poetic spirituality in a child with the help of fairy tales, folklore.

1. Excessive love leading to protection from one's own activities.

2. Fairy tales give rise to fruitless dreams that a miracle can happen without difficulty in life, and this leads to the hero's complete passivity.

3. Education Oblomov "Oblomov-style"

    Teacher's word:So, we have reflected in our table the opposite sides of Oblomovka's life. And more often than not, the hero of the novel himself was assessed only taking into account one side that influenced his life.

Here are two comments from critics, which side did they take in Oblomov?

Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov : “In the book of Goncharov we see a living modern Russian type, minted with merciless severity and correctness. What are the features of Oblomov's character? In complete inertia, resulting from apathy to everything that is done in the world ... "

Alexander Vasilievich Druzhinin: “Sleepy Oblomov, a native of sleepy and yet poetic Oblomovka, is free from moral diseases ... He is not infected with everyday debauchery. A child by nature and by the conditions of his development, Ilya Ilyich largely left behind him the purity and simplicity of a child, who put the dreamy eccentric above the prejudices of his age. "

Which of these researchers do you think is right?

Teacher: What is the clue to the character of the hero proposed by the author? Human traits are formed in childhood. Oblomov's pure, gentle soul, his "pigeon" meekness take its origins in Oblomovka. But laziness and helplessness are also from there. This is why this key chapter of the novel is so important to us.

Reflection. What did you learn new in this lesson? What conclusions can you draw for yourself?

IV ... Homework. The image of Stolz in the novel: family, upbringing, education, portrait features, lifestyle, values ​​(part 2, chapters 1 - 4)

Teacher: Thank you all for your active work, today everyone gets a "5". The lesson is over. Goodbye!

Purpose of the students: 1. To develop the skill of analytical work with the text of a work of art.

2. Learn to analyze the image of a literary hero.

3. To foster a compassionate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual.

4. Enrich vocabulary and improve language skills

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