Restoration of teeth before and after. Artistic restoration of teeth. What is it, pros and cons, prices for the restoration of the front teeth. Does it hurt

A beautiful smile is a guarantee not only of a pleasant appearance, but also of health. Damaged front teeth cause a lot of discomfort to a person. Modern methods help dentists to restore lost or damaged teeth.

In this article, we will consider the main stages of restoration, contraindications to the procedure and other interesting points.

Who may need recovery and why?

The procedure for the restoration of the anterior row of teeth is very responsible, it can only be performed by an experienced doctor. Otherwise, you can earn complications in the form of headaches, various dental diseases, complete loss of teeth.

There are the following indications for restoration:

  • after the installation procedure ;
  • tooth decay (while the root remains absolutely healthy);
  • dental damage;
  • various types of defects;
  • a large distance between the front teeth, which create an unaesthetic effect;
  • dental diseases;
  • bad habits (smoking, abuse of coffee and strong tea);
  • complete loss of a tooth.

The decision to carry out the restoration process is made by the dentist based on the state of the dentition.

How to restore the smile zone

Depending on the problem, the specialist selects a specific method of correction. Let's consider this question in more detail.


There are several types:

  • incomplete (cracks only on the top layer of enamel);
  • recessed coating chips;
  • chipped dentin, in this case the patient is sensitive to the intake of sour and sweet foods;
  • outcrop . The pain is aggravated by eating any food. In this case, the patient can not do without professional dental care.

It is worth noting that patients go to clinics already at advanced stages of damage, since in mild cases there are no unpleasant symptoms, and there is no discomfort. Depending on the stage of chipping, the cost for the service will be formed. The average price in Moscow and the region ranges from 7,000 to 35,000 rubles. (depending on the chosen method).

Restoration of such damage occurs in several stages. A special composite material (special dental resin) is used, which covers the chip and has a color close to natural. This procedure is affordable and is performed in almost every clinic. Due to its painlessness, it is often used to treat pediatric patients.

At the advanced stages of chipped teeth, doctors use special veneers - this is a special coating of ceramic material.

Another modern method of restoring chips is the installation of dental crowns. Their feature is that the entire tooth is covered, thus preventing further destruction. The material is used, and (the most expensive).

The patient needs several visits to restore the damaged tooth. To begin with, the doctor will prepare the surface, then apply the selected material. Thanks to modern techniques, you can eat and drink almost immediately.


All cracks are divided into 3 types: oblique, horizontal and vertical. In the latter case, treatment is very rarely carried out. If the crack is small and causes discomfort only during meals, then a special coating is applied to the damaged tooth, which consists of calcium, fluorine and other substances. It helps reduce sensitivity and evens out the surface of the tooth.

For strong vertical or oblique cracks, installation or (the most expensive material) will be required. In the first case, the installation is shown only in the complete absence of teeth.

If the crack damages, then it may be necessary to remove the damaged tooth and replace it with. The cost of such procedures depends on the material used and ranges from 5,000 to 65,000 rubles.

This procedure is considered one of the most difficult, since the doctor needs to make the front teeth absolutely even. The most affordable option for restoring worn surfaces is the use of a special composite material.

It is more durable. In this case, ceramic, metal-ceramic or zirconium crowns are used. This procedure is carried out not only with worn teeth, but also with severe damage that threatens complete loss.

The cost of procedures in Moscow and the region ranges from 5 to 35 thousand rubles (depending on the material used and the level of the dental clinic).

Enamel damage

This pathology is mainly caused by bad habits and malnutrition. First, small areas of yellow color begin to appear, a person reacts to the temperature and acidity of food. If you do not start treatment on time, then the destruction of the enamel will begin.

Among the most popular methods of restoration of damaged enamel are:

  • the use of special ones that help relieve sensitivity and restore coverage;
  • . There are two types: simple (a special dental varnish is applied that contains fluorine, dried under a UV lamp) and deep (a fluoride coating is applied in several layers);
  • the use of special products with a high content of calcium. They are applied in three layers, each of them is dried for 10 minutes. Then the surface is varnished with fluorine;
  • implantation of the damaged area of ​​enamel. In this case, a special mixture is used, which polymerizes with the tooth and creates a protective layer;
  • for severe injuries, veneers, lumineers and prosthetics are used.

The price for procedures to restore damaged enamel ranges from 180 rubles. (application of calcium-containing preparations) up to 18-50 thousand rubles. (implantation of enamel, installation of veneers, etc.).


It is performed only in the most difficult damage situations. Most often, veneers are made of metal ceramics or ceramics, less often of zirconium oxide (due to its high cost).

In this case, the condition of the gums and the root of the damaged tooth is very important. If there are any problems, then the patient will need additional procedures: treatment, etc. This will require extra time and money.

If the damage is minor, then photocomposite materials are used. For this, an impression is first made, then a crown is sent for manufacturing. After that, the finished prosthesis is installed to the patient.

In case of severe damage, apply. This is a more expensive procedure, performed in several stages. The most important point is the engraftment of such a design, this may take several months. After the engraftment process is completed, the patient is fitted with a crown made of the selected material (metal ceramics, ceramics, zirconium).

The method of prosthetics is required by the patient only in case of severe damage or complete loss of the tooth. The average cost in Moscow and the region ranges from 9,000 to 55,000 rubles (depending on the chosen crown). This price does not include additional medical procedures that may be needed after the examination.

Important Points

When choosing a coating material, it is very important to choose the right one so that new fillings do not differ from healthy ones. There is a special palette for this, which the doctor examines together with the patient.

Another important point is the selection of the size of the crown (in case of severe wear or loss), it should not differ in width or height from others in this row.

It is very important to select a high-quality polymer material for restoration in order to ensure durability during operation.

In what cases restoration is impossible or does not make sense

Despite its popularity, this procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • pathological problems with enamel (, destruction);
  • malocclusion;
  • the absence of several teeth at once;
  • bruxism;
  • professional sports that can cause teeth (boxing and other martial arts).

High-quality restoration helps to restore problem areas, its effectiveness has been proven by many years of practice.

The price depends on the method of restoration, the material used, the qualifications of the clinic and the doctor. However, there is no need to save money, since the condition of the patient's oral cavity directly depends on this. Today, special composite materials are used that do not cause any complications.

In cases of deformation or destruction of the front teeth, dentists solve this problem with the help of their artistic restoration. We will tell you further about how the restoration of a smile goes, what stages it consists of and how much it costs to restore teeth.

What is dental restoration with filling material?

Artistic restoration of anterior teeth: composite aesthetic restoration and the use of veneers

In itself, the concept of "restoration" in translation from Latin has two definitions, which are united by one word - restoration.

In dentistry, the term refers to giving the tooth an anatomical shape, color while maintaining functional loads.

Artistic restoration with filling material is a procedure that is carried out at the final stage of treatment.

It involves filling the cavity of the tooth with a special solution to establish a seal.

This type of work is used for various lesions, in particular caries. The filling material replaces the missing fragment of the tooth, preserving its function.

The greatest professionalism and skill is required when performing restoration with the help of filling in front, because one of the tasks is to give the jaw an aesthetic appearance.

Restoration of the integrity of the frontal group of teeth using filling material is done in the following cases:

  • destruction of enamel and tissues;
  • the presence of chips;
  • if the color has changed;
  • hypoplasia (underdevelopment of tissues);
  • if necessary, aesthetic alignment of the tooth surface (congenital or acquired defect);
  • if there is a gap between the teeth;
  • to restore enamel after removal of the affected fragments, including after the treatment of caries.


The process of restoring the front teeth is carried out according to one of the existing methods, which is selected individually by a specialist.

The composite material is fixed directly into the cavity or an inlay is first made, which is then attached to the adhesive composition:

  • direct reconstruction provides for the imposition of a filling composition on the prepared place in accordance with the technology and rules for using the selected material.
  • Indirect restoration involves the use of inlays that are made outside the patient's oral cavity in the laboratory. Fixation is carried out in the damaged area with the help of special cement.

Indirect restoration
Direct restoration

In order to determine the most appropriate method of restoration, the specialist evaluates the extent of the damaged area, bite and other features of the patient.

Without a preliminary examination and elimination of the consequences after caries or other types of lesions, no specialist will choose the method and material.

Mistakes made at the preparatory stage have a negative impact on the service life of fillings and inserts, so there is no need to speed up the restoration process.

Modern dentists make reconstruction using nano-hybrid, micro-filled materials of the sixth generation, which have versatility, the ability to choose the desired color and shade that best suits the natural tone of the teeth.

In addition, they are incredibly durable, subject to a meager percentage of abrasion, and have low polymerization shrinkage.

Choosing the shade of porcelain veneers

What materials are used?

The classification of modern materials used to restore the anterior teeth is distinguished by the following features:

  • filler size;
  • curing method;
  • consistency;
  • appointment.

For direct restoration of anterior teeth, light-curing composites and amalgam are mainly used.

With the indirect method, there is more choice: ceramics, polymeric reflective materials, cermets, zirconium dioxide, aluminum oxide. Crowns are traditionally made of precious metals and cermets.


Preparation of anterior teeth for direct restoration

To obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary to carefully prepare the oral cavity for the restoration procedure.

This stage includes the following steps:

  • treatment of dentition with polishing paste (performed with special nylon brushes);
  • selection of filling material according to the color scheme;
  • the introduction of an anesthetic drug (more often use ultracaine or mepivacaine).

If necessary, the preparatory stage includes treatment. No specialist will undertake the restoration of damage without first eliminating the problems in terms of dentistry.

How is the restoration of the anterior teeth?

After the introduction of an anesthetic drug, the actual process of restoring the damaged area of ​​​​the tooth begins:

  1. Damaged teeth are prepared. The doctor removes the old restoration or drills out the carious area.
  2. Isolate the working area from the saliva and breathing of the patient. Moisture has a negative effect on polymer materials and fillings, so it is important to limit the contact of the solution with a humid environment as much as possible. For these purposes, a latex plate is installed - a rubber dam. Ignoring this point leads to a violation of the technology, which causes the re-development of caries and reduces the life of the inserts.
  3. In the absence of a tooth, an implant is placed in the bone tissue. For anterior teeth choose fiberglass material.
  4. Finished with surface treatment bur to model the final shape.
  5. Lastly, carried out polishing and grinding of the dentition.

Artistic restoration - building up the front teeth photo before and after


Prices for restoration cannot be fixed, as the whole process includes certain stages, which depend on different circumstances.

The following factors are considered as the basis for pricing:

  • scope of work (damaged area, defect cause, need for treatment, etc.);
  • financial policy of the clinic;
  • the level of professionalism of dentists and orthodontists;
  • the chosen method of restoration;
  • used materials and preparations.

The cost of full restoration of the anterior teeth includes:

  • the introduction of an anesthetic (200 rubles);
  • isolation of the treated area from saliva using a rubber dam (350 rubles);
  • sterile medical kit (100 rubles);
  • full restoration of the tooth with the use of light-hardening material (4,000 rubles);
  • installation of a fiberglass pin (1,500 rubles).

As a result, for the restoration of the tooth "turnkey" is 6,150 rubles.

Artistic restoration of the anterior teeth - before and after the procedure

Advantages and disadvantages

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the restoration of the anterior teeth in the table:

direct method indirect method
The speed of work (1-3 hours).The service life of seals depends on the observance of the technology during installation and the quality of performance (10-15 years).The strength of the polymer material, the ability to choose the desired tone.Expensive procedure and materials.
High quality when using light-curing materialsThe success of direct restoration largely depends on the professionalism of the dentist.The effectiveness of restoration work.It takes time to make an inlay, which means that one visit to the doctor is not enough.
Affordable cost of services and materials (several teeth can be restored in one visit).After restoration, hygiene procedures should be carried out more carefully using special products and a brush.Minimization of polymerization stress (as a result of shrinkage).When installing veneers, a small layer of enamel is cut off, this is fraught with restorative treatment after removing the plates.
Correction of individual teeth or dentition.Periodically, you need to polish your teeth to maintain shine.With proper care, veneers remain intact for at least 10 years.Inlays and veneers require careful handling and care, otherwise the inserts may peel off and even collapse.
Maximum tissue preservation.Under the influence of time and other factors, the color of the teeth changes, and the polymer remains the same shade, the difference between the natural and artificial tooth surfaces will become noticeable.Inlays and veneers prevent further tissue damage.Restoration is a complex type of work that only a professional can perform with high quality. Carelessness or errors in installation will shorten the life of the dental inserts.
The ability to eliminate the defect that arose as a result of the destruction of most of the tooth. When restoring a tooth by an indirect method, the patient does not feel discomfort.

Restoration of non-carious lesions of the anterior teeth

Treatment of non-carious lesions of hard tissues of the teeth: this is what erosion looks like

Restoration also requires teeth that have non-carious signs of damage:

  • enamel hypoplasia/hyperplasia;
  • endemic fluorosis;
  • various anomalies;
  • hereditary factor;
  • lesions resulting from eruption (trauma, erosion, surface and location defects, etc.).

When choosing a restoration technique, important points are taken into account:

  • the integrity of the dental tissue;
  • the vastness of the hearth;
  • intensity of tissue breakdown;
  • allergic reaction of the patient materials and preparations.

Even 15 years ago, a defect in the teeth with a non-carious lesion was solved by installing crowns. Now you can use both filling material and composite reflective. With a slight curvature, wearing braces is no longer necessary; the problem can be eliminated in other ways.

It should be noted that all aesthetic procedures are performed only after the end of the treatment of acute or chronic forms of dental diseases.

Alternative restoration methods for anterior teeth

If for some reason it is not possible to restore a damaged tooth using a filling material, you can choose another more acceptable option.

Veneers, Lumineers

Linings are made of ceramic or composite reflective materials

Veneers or lumineers are an alternative method of restoring the anterior area.

The pads are made of ceramic or composite reflective materials.

The process of installing veneers involves turning the tooth enamel so that the thickness of the tooth after the restoration is not too large. The impression made after turning helps to exactly repeat the existing reliefs on the working surface.

This contributes to a snug fit of the insert, which increases the period of operation. The entire restoration procedure takes a little longer than the use of filling material.

This is due to the need to make an overlay according to an individual impression. Keeping within 2-3 visits to the doctor is quite realistic.

The service life of veneers is on average 7-10 years., ultra-thin lumineers will last even longer - up to 20 years.


To install crowns, grinding of adjacent teeth in a row is used.

In particularly difficult cases, specialists resort to traditional restoration methods, for example, the installation of a crown.

This option is indicated with a strong displacement of the tooth or its strong destruction.

The following materials are used in the process of work:

  • porcelain;
  • cermets;
  • zirconia;
  • aluminium oxide.

To install crowns, grinding of adjacent teeth in a row is used. The question also arises about the removal of dental nerves, which can cause inflammation (pulpitis) after fixing the crown.

In case of severe tooth decay, it is restored using a filling material. If it is completely absent, then an implant is first implanted into the bone tissue.

The period of manufacturing a crown according to individual parameters takes some time, so the patient is offered the installation of a plastic crown.

The duration of the restoration procedure is several weeks (3-5 visits to the doctor). Depending on the material used, the period of wearing the insert is determined; zirconia crowns will last longer than others (more than 20 years).

When deciding on the type of material and restoration technique, it is worth considering that the investment is justified by aesthetic indicators and long-term operation. Therefore, savings in this matter should be reasonable and justified.

When smiling and talking, we involuntarily expose the front teeth, so the presence of curvature, gaps and defects on them should be eliminated in a timely manner. Read how to effectively correct anterior teeth imperfections with aesthetic restoration.

Restoration is a procedure for restoring the anatomical shape, function and aesthetic appearance of teeth. Unlike such a radical method as prosthetics, restoration allows you to extend the life cycle of damaged dental tissues and preserve the natural look of a smile.

When is aesthetic restoration indicated?

  • with yellowing, darkening of the crown;
  • thinning of enamel;
  • the presence of curvature, chips and other defects;
  • complete or partial absence of a tooth;
  • wear, loss of old fillings, the appearance of a dark separating strip between hard tissues and filling material;
  • diastema - the presence of a gap between the front teeth.

Restoration methods

Dental clinics offer three methods of restoring the dentition:

Restoration of the frontal group of teeth is a painstaking work that requires experience, skills and the availability of high-quality filling materials. If the dentist does not own the technology of artistic restoration and makes a mistake in choosing a composite, the “repaired” tooth will look like an artificial crown.

Direct restoration of anterior incisor

"3 whales" of the recovery procedure

What is the difference between an aesthetic restoration and a standard replacement of fillings on anterior teeth? Dentists identify three factors by which the quality of work can be assessed.

In young, adult and elderly patients, the shades of bone tissue differ significantly. Mineralization, the presence of bad habits and eating certain foods, abrasion and thinning of tooth enamel with age - these factors were taken into account in the Italian company "Mitserium" by releasing a series of Enamel Plus composites.

Materials for aesthetic restoration Enamel Plus

The Italian restorative system consists of microhybrid adhesive composites with unique physical properties. Dentins and enamels of this manufacturer allow:

  • maintain the integrity of hard dental tissues for a long period of time (up to 15 years);
  • create the effect of maximum naturalness due to the optical properties of the composites.

Direct restoration of anterior teeth with filling material

For cosmetic restoration of the front teeth, one visit to the dentist is enough. An experienced specialist will perform all 6 stages of composite restoration in 30-40 minutes, based on 1-2 front teeth.

Often teeth, due to congenital or acquired factors, are crooked, because of which the beauty of a smile suffers and the impression made on people deteriorates. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to lighten the enamel by several tones. If the crown part of the tooth has serious defects, radical correction is indispensable. In particular, many patients require the restoration of crooked teeth. Also in demand are procedures for restoring the anatomical shape of the incisal edge and restoring the root of the tooth.

Aesthetic (artistic) restoration of the anterior teeth makes it possible to mask defects in enamel, old darkened fillings, correct the shape of the tooth, its cutting edge, get rid of interdental spaces, align the incisors of the upper and lower jaws. Teeth are restored using light (rarely chemical) filling materials or micro prostheses. The doctor selects the optimal variant of correction together with the patient. In this article, various restoration techniques will be considered, introductory photos and videos are given.

Artistic restoration of teeth - description of the procedure

Dental restoration is defined as artistic (it is also called aesthetic, cosmetic) if it is used to restore not so much functionality as the appearance of the front teeth. This manipulation can be carried out in the patient's oral cavity or outside it.

Restoration of anterior teeth is successfully used in dentistry to restore the crown part of the tooth, its shape, color and position. It is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • professional cleaning of teeth in order to determine their natural color, selection of the appropriate shade of filling material;
  • an injection of local anesthesia if the manipulation causes pain or other discomfort in the patient;
  • drilling of areas affected by caries or old fillings, if any;
  • isolation of the crown from the destructive effects of saliva and wet breath of the patient using a latex lining (cofferdam);
  • installation of an anchor or fiberglass pin in the cavity of the tooth root (if the loss of dental tissue is significant) (we recommend reading: fiberglass pins in dentistry: what is it?);
  • layer-by-layer application of filling material;
  • correction of the shape of the crown, final processing of the filling.

Restoration goals - before and after photos

In the photo - the result of aesthetic restoration of the smile zone. The procedure is aimed at correcting defects in the anterior teeth, restoring their function and aesthetics.

In the case of incisors, the task is complicated by the fact that, in addition to the strength and durability of the material, it is important to preserve the natural look of the patient's smile, without signs of cosmetic intervention, so the restored tooth should fit organically into the dentition, no different from the neighboring ones. This is the task and the main difficulty of the restoration of teeth, see before and after photos below.

Methods for restoring the crown part of the tooth

When choosing one or another method of restoring the front teeth, it is important to take into account a number of individual characteristics. In particular, the number of diseased and healed incisors, other dental problems, the location of the teeth in the dentition and their condition, as well as the expected result and the timing of correction are taken into account.

Restoration of the crown part of the tooth can be carried out by direct (using filling materials) and indirect (using microprostheses) methods. Among other types of restoration, restoration with a pin can be distinguished. This technique is indicated if the loss of dental tissue is up to 50%, as well as during the restoration of the tooth root. A pin is placed in the root cavity, over which a crown is put on.

There is also a procedure for restoring tooth enamel. It involves the use of fluorine varnish, remineralization or deep fluoridation. Sometimes, to improve the aesthetics of the teeth, the use of any one method is not enough. In this case, the specialist resorts to their combination.

direct method

Direct restoration of the crown part is performed by a dentist-therapist, as a rule, in one visit. The technique of the direct method involves the use of photopolymers for building up the cutter. Less commonly used glass ionomer cement. All manipulations are performed directly in the patient's mouth, the design is made immediately at the doctor's appointment without the involvement of a dental technician.

indirect way

If the anterior teeth are destroyed only in front, the best way to restore them is to install composite or ceramic veneers (micro prostheses covering the front surface of the incisor). On the first visit, the orthopedic dentist takes impressions and sends them to the dental laboratory. After that, the technician makes a design according to the model of the dentition. Stages of restoration with micro prostheses:

In addition to veneers, another type of microprosthesis is used in modern dental practice - lumineers. They differ from veneers in a much larger thickness and in the method of fixation - on unturned teeth. Lumineers adhere to the surface of the anterior teeth more tightly, which makes it impossible for plaque to accumulate under them. The main advantages of microprosthetics are reliability and durability.

Alternative ways

A crown is a fixed prosthesis that is worn on the entire part of one tooth, located above the gum. Usually they are installed if the incisor is destroyed by at least 70%, and also when the tooth being restored is pulpless.

The following types of crowns can be distinguished:

Type of crownProduction materialAdvantages and disadvantages
metalStainless steel, titanium or precious metalsStrong and durable, fully restore the chewing function. They look unaesthetic, and therefore are installed only on the side teeth.
plasticPlasticThey quickly collapse, darken, cracks form on them.
Ceramicporcelain massThe best way to imitate the natural color of the teeth. Not strong enough, therefore not used for the restoration of premolars and molars.
Zirconia constructionsPorcelain mass with zirconium frame insideThe base has a light-transmitting ability, so the crowns do not differ from natural teeth. Today it is the best choice for correcting incisors.
CombinedMetal base and coating (ceramic or plastic) imitating tooth enamelDurable, relatively inexpensive, but short-lived. Over time, the metal base begins to show through the coating.

The problem of missing one or more front teeth is solved by installing bridges. A bridge is a non-removable structure that is fixed on several teeth (natural or artificial).

Key Recovery Points

Correction of the crown part of the tooth requires an individual approach to each patient. The key points in carrying out this type of work are the shape, color and transparency of the incisors. Only by taking into account these factors, it is possible to make the patient's smile irresistible, and so that after the restoration, none of the outsiders would guess that this is the result of aesthetic manipulations in the doctor's office.

Tooth shape

To fashion a new crown with the help of filling material, exactly repeating the anatomical shape of the tooth, is not an easy task, requiring a painstaking and creative approach. Each tooth has an individual relief. It is necessary to completely recreate all the bumps, depressions, surface features, fissures, and this requires certain skills and artistic flair.

enamel color

The color of teeth is different for every person. It depends not only on enamel, but also on dentin. The shade is usually grayish or yellowish, and it cannot be uniform over the entire surface of the tooth. The color varies significantly from the cutting edge of the tooth to its neck. At first glance, the changes are minor, but if this point is not taken into account, the appearance of the restored tooth will be noticeably different from the neighboring ones, and the smile will lose its naturalness. Dentists in practice have to deal with 20 shades of materials used. They are superimposed in layers, such combinations allow you to recreate the natural color of the teeth of a particular patient.


The transparency of the tooth, as well as the color, varies from the cutting edge to the base. If this indicator is neglected, the restored tooth will look like a plastic crown. To accurately recreate the transparency of the incisor so that it looks like a natural one is not an easy task. To achieve a natural appearance of the restored tooth, when restoring cusps and incisal edges, materials are used in dentistry that have greater transparency during curing.

How long does the coating last?

How long the result lasts depends on the care of the oral cavity, the lifestyle and daily habits of the patient (smoking, drinking drinks containing dyes, etc.), as well as dietary habits.

Plant food has a lesser negative impact on the condition of the teeth than animal food, so it allows you to enjoy the effect of the restoration longer. The professionalism of the dentist and compliance with all norms and rules of installation are important.

The composite usually serves no more than five years, then its original shade and luster are lost, cracks form, the material ceases to fit snugly enough to the tooth, which is fraught with the appearance of chips and the development of secondary caries. As a result of damage to the surface of the composite filling, it becomes rough, and a dark coating settles on it.

Porcelain veneers with proper care can last up to ten years, they do not lose their original color and luster over time. After this period, the dental cement, with which the veneer is fixed, may begin to break down. Since the surface of the tooth is ground before installing the veneer, which means that the enamel is damaged, there is a possibility of secondary caries developing in this place. In such cases, replacement of the veneer is indicated. The service life of lumineers is almost twice as long (up to 20 years). They hold for a long time due to the fact that they are attached to a special glue that is not exposed to aggressive environments.
