Benfothiamine Pyridoxin Cyanocobalamin Trade name. Benphymin - how to use the drug? Indications for use. Contraindications. Overdose

Benpothyamine refers to the pharmal formal group of vitamins, and is an analogue of thiamine (vitamin B1), and in its action and properties are very close to this and its derivatives.


Pharmachologic effect:

  • The main active substance of the drug - benfothine is a synthetic compound, which in its structure and action is similar to thiamine and cocarboxylase.
  • It has a metabolic effect on the body, normalizes the exchange of carbohydrates and fills the deficit.
  • Benphotymin takes an active part in the metabolism, the regulation of the nervous system and the energy exchange of tissues.
  • The pharmacokinetic properties of the substance are fundamentally different from the water-soluble forms of thiamine.
  • After receiving a benfothiamine inside it reaches the upper departments of the small intestine, where it is suction.
  • With the absorption of the drug in the saturation effect, the saturation effect does not occur.
  • It fully penetrates the epithelium cells, where partially transformed into thiamine.
Studies have shown that the use of a fat-soluble analogue of thiamine can provide a higher concentration in the blood and tissues than the reception of water-soluble vitamin B1, and the bioavailability of benfothiamine is about 4 times higher than the similar characteristic of thiamine.

Form release

Active (active) substance - Benphymin:

  • BENEFOMINE is available in the form of tablets (5 and 25 mg) in packs of 50 and 100 pcs., And also in the form of dragee (150 mg).
  • The price is 700 p., Released without a recipe.
  • The drug is to be stored at moderate humidity and room temperature (not higher than 30 o) and take care of children.
  • The shelf life of "benfothyamine" - 4 years.
  • Medicinal interaction.

With simultaneous admission of "benfothyamine" and some drugs and substances (for example, reducing and oxidative compounds, as well as "phtuurocyl and its analogs), the effect of thiamine can be leveled. It can accelerate the decay of benfothiamine, and with an increase in the pH values, the substance loses its properties. The drug can weaken the effect of the use of the use of "iodide" and other depolarizing minelaxants peripheral action.

Indications for use. Contraindications. Overdose

Benphymin is prescribed to patients as part of complex treatment under the following diseases:

  • Hypo or avitaminosis B1.
  • Heart diseases, including ischemic disease, cardiopathy, rheumoritis, extrasistol.
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Disorders of the blood circulation of different genesis.
  • Chronic hepatitis in the stages of exacerbation.
  • Skin diseases and dermatoses.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.

Contraindication to the reception of the drug is hypersensitivity or individual intolerance of benfothyamine.

Mode of application:

  • "Benphymin" is accepted inside 1-4 r. per day.
  • The dosage is appointed by the doctor in each case.
  • For adults, one-time dose is usually 0.025-0.05 g, for children - 0.03-0.035 g / day. (from 10 years).
  • For children aged 12 months - 0.01-0.03 g / day.
  • The course of treatment can be from 10 to 30 days.
Benpothine is considered one of the most effective drugs related to the group of vitamins and their analogues.


Overdose can enhance side effects that sometimes occur when taking the drug. In such cases, the patient shows symptomatic treatment: stomach wash, the use of absorbents.

Side effects and special instructions

After admission, in some cases, various skin, in particular, itching, rash and swelling of quinque may occur.

Special instructions:

  • Reception "benfothyamine" is possible only in cases of laboratory confirmed tiamine deficiency, when the benefit for a woman exceeds the possible risk for the child.
  • The drug with great caution is prescribed to women during menopause.
  • Patients suffering from alcoholism.


The "benfothyamine" analogues include the following drugs:

  • "BENPOGAMMA". This is the main and most affordable analogue of the drug, the active substance of which also performs benfothine.
  • "Milgamma Composites". In addition to the Benfothiamine "Milgamma Composites" contains pyridoxine (vitamin B6), therefore it is considered a preparation of combined action.
  • "Yunigamma". Another complex vitamin preparation, which contains Vitamins B1, B6 and.
  • "Combiliphene". Dosage agent, which in its composition and action is similar to "Unigamma".

Trade name of the drug: Benpalipen ®.

Dosage form:

Tablets covered with film shell.


Active Components:
Benphotymin - 100 mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride - 100 mg
Cyanocobalamin - 2 μg

Auxiliary substances (kernel): Carmellosis (carboxymethylcellulose), Pisidone (collideon 30), microcrystalline cellulose, talc, calcium stearate (calcium octadecanoate), polysorbate - 80 (Twin-80), sucrose (sugar).

Auxiliary substances (shell): Hyproduza (hydroxypropylcellulose), macrogol (polyethylene oxide 4000), povidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone low molecular weight medical), titanium dioxide, talc.

Description. Round bobble pills covered with film shell, white or almost white.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:


ATH code: [A11Av].

Pharmacological properties
Combined multivitamin complex. The effect of the drug is determined by the properties of the vitamins that are included in its composition.

Benphotymina is a fat-soluble form of thiamine (vitamin B1). Participates in the conduct of a nervous impulse

Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) - participates in the exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, is necessary for normal, blood formation, the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Provides synaptic transmission, braking processes in the central nervous system, participates in the transport of Sfingosin, which is part of the nerve shell, participates in the synthesis of catecholamines.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) - participates in the synthesis of nucleotides, is an important factor in normal growth, blood formation and development of epithelial cells; Need for metabolism of folic acid and synthesis of myelin.

Indications for use
It is used in the complex therapy of the following neurological diseases:

  • neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve;
  • neurith face nerve;
  • pain syndrome caused by the diseases of the spine (intercostal neuralgia, lumboishialgy, lumbar syndrome, cervical syndrome, cervical shoe syndrome, root syndrome caused by degenerative changes in the spine).
  • polyneropathy of various etiology (diabetic, alcoholic).

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, heavy and acute forms of decompensated heart failure, children's age.

Application during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Benpalipen ® contains 100 mg of vitamin B6 and therefore in these cases the drug is not recommended.

Method of application and dose
Tablets should be taken after eating, not chewing and drinking with a small amount of fluid. Adults 1 tablet 1-3 times a day.
The duration of the course is on the recommendation of the doctor. Not recommended Treatment with high doses of the drug for more than 4 weeks.

Side effect
Allergic reactions (itching, urctural rash), in some cases increased sweating, nausea, tachycardia.

Symptoms: Strengthening the symptoms of the side effect.
First Aid: Stomaching, Activated Coal, Purpose of Symptomatic Therapy.

Combilipin® TABS

International non-proprietary title

Dosage form

Tablets covered with film shell


One tablet contains

active substances:benphythine 100 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 100 mg, cyanocobalamin 2 μg,


core:sodium Carmelloz, Povidone-K30, Cellulose Microcrystalline, Talc, Calcium Stearate, Polysorbat-80, Sakhares,

shell: Hypromellos, macrogol-4000, low molecular weight, titanium dioxide (E 171), Talc.


Round bobble pills covered with film shell, white or almost white.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

The combination of vitamin B1 with Vitamins B6 and B12.

ATH Code A11DV

Pharmacological properties


Benphotymina is a fat-soluble form of thiamine (vitamin B1). Absorption is high, throughout the small intestine. After suction, it turns into a biologically active coeximal form of thiamineidiphosphate. It accumulates mainly in myocardium, skeletal muscles, nervous tissue, liver, kidneys. It is removed mainly with urine, approximately 50% unchanged or as sulphate ether.

Vitamin B6 is phosphorylated and oxidized in pyridoxal-5-phosphate. In the blood plasma, pyridoxal-5-phosphate binds to albumin. For passing through the cell membrane, pyridoxal-5-phosphate associated with albumin hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatase in pyridoxal.

Vitamin B12 after parenteral administration forms transport protein complexes, which are quickly absorbed by the liver, bone marrow and other proliferative organs. Vitamin B12 enters bile and takes part in the intestinal and hepatic circulation. Vitamin B12 passes through the placenta.


Combined multivitamin complex. The effect of the drug is determined by the properties of the vitamins that are included in its composition.

Benphotymina is a fat-soluble form of thiamine (vitamin B1). Participates in carrying out a nervous impulse.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) - participates in the exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, is necessary for normal blood formation, the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Provides synaptic transmission, braking processes in the central nervous system, participates in the transport of Sfingosin, which is part of the nerve shell, participates in the synthesis of catecholamines.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) - participates in the synthesis of nucleotides, is an important factor in normal growth, blood formation and development of epithelial cells; Need for metabolism of folic acid and synthesis of myelin.

Indications for use

Neuralgia, neurrit

Pain syndrome caused by diseases of the spine (intercostal neuralgia, lumboyascalgia, lumbar syndrome, cervical syndrome, cervical shoe syndrome, root syndrome caused by degenerative changes in the spine)

Polyneropathy of various etiology (diabetic, alcoholic)

Method of application and dose

Tablets should be taken after eating, not chewing and drinking sufficient liquid. Adults 1 tablet 1 time per day. In severe cases, after prior consultation with the doctor, you can increase the number of techniques up to 3 times a day.

Side effects

Allergic reactions (skin reactions in the form of itching, urctronic rash)

Increased sweating



Anaphylactic shock


Difficult breathing, swelling quinque


Health intake of fructose, glucose-galactose absorption, insufficiency of sacrase-isomaltase

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug

Heavy and acute forms of decompensated heart failure




Pregnancy and lactation period

Children's and teenage age up to 18 years

Medicinal interactions

The levodopa reduces the effects of therapeutic doses of vitamin B6. Vitamin B12 is incompatible with salts of heavy metals. Ethanol reduces the absorption of thiamine. During the drug intake, it is not recommended to receive multivitamine complexes with vitamins of group V.

Antacids slow down the absorption of vitamin B1. Possible interactions with D-penillamines, cycloserine.

special instructions

The drug contains sucrose, so it should be cautious to prescribe to patients with diabetes.

In rare cases, excess daily doses of vitamin B6 (500 mg or more for more than 5 months) lead to peripheral sensory neuropathy, which as a rule disappears after the end of receiving the drug.

Reception of vitamin B12 is contraindicated in patients with psoriasis due to the possible deterioration of the symptoms of the disease.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride can provoke the occurrence of acne.

Other vitamins can be inactivated in the presence of vitamin B1 decay products.

Milgamma Composites: Application Instructions and Reviews

Latin name: Milgamma Compositum

ATX code: A11DB

Active substance: Benfothiamine + pyridoxin

Manufacturer: Shell Covered Tablets - Mauermann-Arzneimittel Franz Mauermann OHG (Germany), Dragee - Dragenopharm Apotheker Puschl (Germany)

Actualization of the description and photo: 17.05.2018

Milgamma Compositis is a vitamin remedy that has a metabolic effect that replenishes the deficiency of vitamins B 1 and B 6.

Release form and composition

Dosage forms of Milgamma Composites - Dragee and Covered Tablets: Round, Freaky, White Color. Packing: Contour cell packaging (blisters) - 15 pcs, 2 or 4 packages (blister) are inserted into the cardboard pack.

Composition 1 of the dragee and 1 tablets:

  • active substances: benfothine and pyridoxine hydrochloride - 100 mg;
  • additional components: silicon colloidal dioxide, sodium carmellosis, povidone (value K \u003d 30), microcrystalline cellulose, talc, omega-3 triglycerides (20%);
  • the composition of the shell: corn starch, povidone (value K \u003d 30), calcium carbonate, acacia gum, sucrose, polysorbate-80, silicon colloidal, shellac, glycerol 85%, macrogol-6000, titanium dioxide, wax mountain glycol, talc.

Pharmacological properties


Benphotymina is one of the active substances of the Milgamma Composites - is a fat soluble TIAMIN derivative (vitamin B 1), which, falling into the human body, is phosphorylated to the biologically active coenzymes of thiamine trifhosphate and thiamine diphosphate. The latter is the coenzyme of porvatdekarboxylase, 2-oxyglutaratedehydrogenases and transcetolase, which is involved in the pentosophosphate glucose oxidation cycle (in the transfer of the aldehyde group).

The second active substance of Milgamma Composites is pyridoxine hydrochloride - one of the forms of vitamin B 6, the phosphorylated form of which is pyridoxalphosphate - a coenzyme of a number of enzymes that affect all stages of non-oxidative amino acid metabolism. It takes part in the process of decarboxylation of amino acids, and, consequently, in the formation of physiologically active amines (including dopamine, Serotonin, Tiramine and Adrenaline). Pyridoxalphosphate is involved in the transmination of amino acids and, as a result, in various decay reactions and amino acid synthesis, as well as in the anabolic and catabolic processes, for example, is a coenal of transaminase such as Gamma Aminobutic acid (GABA), glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, Ketoglutarat-transaminase, glutamate-pyruvate transaminase.

Vitamin B 6 is a member of four different stages of Tiptophan metabolism.


After oral administration, the benfothyamine most of its part is absorbed in the 12-risen intestine, smaller in the upper and middle sections of the small intestine. Compared with water-soluble thiamine hydrochloride, benfothine is absorbed faster and more fully, since it is a fat soluble TIAMIN derivative. In the intestine as a result of defosphorylation by phosphatase, the benfothine is converted to S-benzoyltyamine - a substance that is fat soluble, has a high penetrating ability and is mainly absorbed without transforming into thiamine. Due to the enzymatic debitation after absorption, thiamine and biologically active coefficers - thiamine trifhosphate and thiamine diphosphate are formed. The highest concentrations of these coenzymes are noted in the blood, brain, kidneys, liver and muscles.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride and its derivatives are absorbed mainly in the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract. Before penetration into the cell membrane, pyridoxalphosphate is hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatase, as a result of which pyridoxal is formed. In the blood serum pyridoxal and pyridoxal phosphate are associated with albumin.

Benfothyamine and pyridoxine are derived mainly with urine. About half of the thiamine is excreted unchanged or in the form of sulfate, the remaining part is in the form of metabolites, among which piramine, thiamineic acid and methyliazol-acetic acid.

The half-life (T ½) of pyridoxine - from 2 to 5 h, benfothyamine - 3.6 h.

Biological t ½ thiamine and pyridoxine on average is 2 weeks.

Indications for use

Milgamma composites are used in neurological diseases in patients with confirmed vitamins deficiency B 1 and B 6.


  • decompensated heart failure;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • congenital fructose intolerance, glucose-isomaltous deficiency, glucose and galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • increased sensitivity to any component of the drug.

Milgamma Instructions Composites: Method and Dosage

Dragee and Milgamma Tablets composites should be taken inside, drinking with a large amount of liquid.

If the doctor has not prescribed a different treatment regimen, adults must be taken by 1 dragee / tablet 1 time per day.

In acute cases, the attending physician may increase the reception frequency up to 3 times a day. After 4 weeks of therapy, the effectiveness of the drug and the patient's condition is evaluated, after which they decide on the continuation of the treatment with Milgamma composites in an increased dose or the need to reduce the dose to normal. The last option is more acceptable, since, with long-term treatment with high doses, there is a risk of development associated with vitamin B 6 neuropathy.

Side effects

  • from the immune system: very rarely (< 0,01%) – реакции гиперчувствительности (кожные проявления, крапивница, зуд, анафилактический шок, затрудненное дыхание, отек Квинке); в индивидуальных случаях – головная боль;
  • from the digestive system: very rarely - nausea;
  • from the cardiovascular system: the frequency is unknown (data on single spontaneous reports) - tachycardia;
  • from the side of the nervous system: the frequency is unknown, with long therapy (more than 6 months) - peripheral sensory neuropathy;
  • from the side of the skin and subcutaneous fiber: the frequency is unknown - increased sweating, acute rash.


Given the wide therapeutic range of benfothiamine, an overdose when it is messenger is unlikely.

Pyridoxine, obtained in high doses with short time intervals (more than 1000 mg per day), can lead to the development of short-term neurotoxic effects. With long-term (more than 6 months), the preparation of the drug in the daily dose of 100 mg is also possible the development of neuropathies. The symptom of an overdose is usually sensory polyneuropathy, including at the attack. In extremely high doses, the tool can cause convulsions. Newborn and babies have manifestations of strong sedative action, respiratory disorders (apnea, disposte) and hypotension.

When taking pyridoxine at a dose of more than 150 mg / kg body weight, it is recommended to induce vomiting (especially if no more than 30 minutes after receiving), take activated coal. In some cases, emergency therapeutic measures are required.

special instructions

In the case of long-term treatment, careful observation of the patient's condition is required, since pyridoxine, adopted in a daily dose of 100 mg (i.e., in a conventional therapeutic dose) for 6 or more months, can lead to the development of sensory peripheral neuropathy.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and complex mechanisms

According to the instructions, Milgamma composites do not affect the reaction rate and the ability to concentrate attention.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated to take a medicine with pregnant and nursing breasted women.


In the Pediatrics of Dragee and Milgamma Tablets, composites are not used due to the lack of data on the safety and efficacy of the drug in patients of this age group.

Medicinal interaction

Pyridoxine can reduce the effectiveness of the levodop simultaneously taken.

The insufficiency of vitamin B 6 may cause pyridoxine antagonists (for example, penicillamine, isoniazide, cycloserine and hydralamines), estrogen-containing oral contraceptives taken for a long, as well as ethanol.

Formuracyl deactivates thiamine.


Analogue of Milgamma Composites is Polynevrin.

Terms and conditions of storage

Shelf life - no more than 5 years from the date of production, subject to the storage recommended by the manufacturer: Dry, light-protected space, inaccessible for children, temperature - up to 25 ° C.

Complex vitamins group in

Active substances

Release form, composition and packaging

Shell-covered tablets White color, round, biconvecakes.

Auxiliary substances: microcrystalline cellulose - 222 mg, (value K \u003d 30) - 8 mg, high-chain partial glycerides - 5 mg, silicon colloidal dioxide - 7 mg, sodium crossarmellos - 3 mg, talc - 5 mg.

The composition of the shell: Shellac 37% in terms of dry substance - 3 mg, sucrose - 92.399 mg, calcium carbonate - 91.675 mg, Talc - 55.13 mg, acacia gum - 14.144 mg, corn starch - 10.23 mg, Titanium Dioxide (E171) - 14.362 mg, silicon Colloidal dioxide - 6.138 mg, povidone (value K \u003d 30) - 7.865 mg, macrogol-6000 - 2.023 mg, glycerol 85% in terms of dry substance - 2.865 mg, polysorbate-80 - 0.169 mg, Mountain glycolic wax - 0.12 mg.

15 pcs. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.
15 pcs. - Blisters (2) - packs cardboard.
15 pcs. - Blister (4) - Cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Benfothiamine, fat-soluble derivative (vitamin B 1), in the body is phosphorylated to biologically active coenzymes of thiamine diphosphate and thiamine trifhosphate. TIAMINA Diphosphate is a coenager of porvatdecarboxylase, 2-oxyglutarathydehydrogenase and transcetolase, thus participating in the pentosophosphate oxidation cycle (in the transfer of the aldehyde group).

Phosphorylated form pyridoxine (Vitamin B 6) - pyridoxalphosphate - is a coenfaliment of a number of enzymes affecting all the stages of non-oxidizing amino acid metabolism. Pyridoxalphosphate is involved in the process of decarboxylation of amino acids, and, consequently, in the formation of physiologically active amines (for example, serotonin, dopamine, tiramine). Participating in the transmination of amino acids, pyridoxalphosphate is involved in anabolic and catabolic processes (for example, being a coenzyme of transaminases such as glutamate-oxalitatetate-transaminase, glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase, gamma-aminobutic acid (GABA), α-ketoglutarate transaminase), and In various decay reactions and amino acid synthesis. 6 is involved in the 4 different stages of Tiptophan metabolism.


When taking inside most benfothyamine It is absorbed in a duodenalist, smaller - in the upper and middle sections of the small intestine. Benphotymina is absorbed due to active resorption at concentrations of ≤2 μmol and due to passive diffusion at concentrations ≥2 μmol. Being a fat soluble TIAMIN derivative (vitamin B 1), benfothine is absorbed faster and more fully as a water-soluble thiamine hydrochloride. In the intestine, benfothine is converted to S-benzoyltyamine as a result of phosphatase defosphorylation. S-benzoyltyamine fat soluble, has a high penetrating ability and absorbed mainly without turning into thiamine. Due to enzymatic debitation after suction, thiamine and biologically active coefficients of thiamine diphosphate and thiamine trifosphate are formed. Especially high levels of these coefficers are observed in the blood, liver, kidneys, muscles and brain.

Pyridoxin (Vitamin B 6) and its derivatives are absorbed mainly in the upper gastrointestinal departments during passive diffusion. In the blood serum pyridoxalphosphate and pyridoxal connected with albumin. Before penetration through the cell membrane, pyridoxalphosphate associated with albumin is hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatase to form pyridoxal.

Both vitamins are predominantly with urine. Approximately 50% of thiamine is output unchanged or in sulfate. The remaining part is several metabolites, among which tyamine acid, methyltyazo-acetic acid and piramine. The average T 1/2 (1%) from the blood of the benfothyamine is 3.6 hours. T 1/2 pyridoxine when taken inward is approximately 2-5 hours. Biological T 1/2 thiamine and pyridoxine is about 2 weeks.


- neurological diseases with a confirmed vitamin deficit in 1 and in 6.


- increased individual sensitivity to thiamine, benfothine, pyridoxine or other components of the drug;

- pregnancy;

- period of breastfeeding;

- children's age (due to the lack of data);

Each tablet contains 92.4 mg of sucrose, so the drug should not be used to persons with congenital intolerance to fructose, glucose and galactose magabosis syndrome, or a non-sacrase-isomaltase deficiency.


Inside. The tablet should be made with a large amount of fluid.

Unless otherwise prescribed by the attending physician, an adult patient should be taken 1 tab. / Day. In acute cases, after consulting a doctor, the dose can be increased to 1 tab. 3 times / day. After 4 weeks of treatment, the doctor must decide on the need to continue receiving the drug in an increased dose and consider the possibility of reducing the increased dose of vitamins in 6 and 1 to 1 tab. / Day. If possible, the dose should be reduced to 1 tab. / Sut to reduce the risk of developing neuropathy associated with the use of vitamin 6.

Side effects

The frequency of side effects is distributed in the following order: very often (more than 10% of cases), often (in 1-10% of cases), infrequently (in 0.1-1% of cases), rarely (at 0.01-0.1% of cases), very rarely ( less than 0.01% of cases), as well as side effects, often unknown.

From the immune system: Very rarely - the reaction of hypersensitivity (skin reactions, itching, urticaria, skin rash, difficulty breathing, swelling of quinque, anaphylactic shock). In some cases - headache.

From the nervous system: The frequency is unknown (single spontaneous messages) - peripheral sensory neuropathy with long-term use of the drug (more than 6 months).

From the gearbox: Very rarely - nausea.

From the side of the skin and subcutaneous fiber: The frequency is unknown (single spontaneous messages) - angry rash, increased sweating.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: The frequency is unknown (single spontaneous messages) - tachycardia.

If any of the above side effects are aggravated or any other side effects are noted, the patient must report this to the doctor.



Given the wide therapeutic range, an overdose of benfothiamine when taking inside is unlikely.

The reception of high doses of pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) for a short period of time (at a dose of more than 1 g / day) can lead to a short-term appearance of neurotoxic effects. When applying the drug at a dose of 100 mg / day for more than 6 months, neuropathy is also possible. Overdose, as a rule, manifests itself in the form of the development of sensory polyneuropathy, which may be accompanied by ataxia. Reception of the drug in extremely high doses can lead to convulsions. On newborn and babies, the drug can have a strong sedative effect, cause hypotension and respiratory disorders (dysnae, apnea).


When taking pyridoxine in a dose that exceeds 150 mg / kg body weight, it is recommended to cause vomiting and accept. Provocation vomiting is most effective during the first 30 minutes after taking the drug. Emergency measures may be required.

Medicinal interaction

In the therapeutic doses of pyridoxin (vitamin B 6) can reduce the effect of Levodopa. The simultaneous use of pyridoxine antagonists (for example, hydralazine, isoniazide, penicillamin, cycloserine), alcohol consumption and long-term reception of estrogen-containing oral contraceptives can lead to vitamin B 6 deficiency in the body.

When taking at the same time with fluorouracil, the thiamine decontamination (vitamin B 1) is noted, since Fluorourezyl competes competitively to phosphorylation of thiamine to thiamine diphosphate.

special instructions

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Release without a recipe.

Terms and Storage Terms

The drug should be stored in an inaccessible place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life - 5 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

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