Types of production processes. Classification. Production process: characteristics, types

Manufacturing process a set of interconnected main, auxiliary, servicing and natural processes aimed at the manufacture of certain products.

The main components of the production process that determine the nature of production are:

Professionally trained staff;

Means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.);

Objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products);

Energy (electrical, thermal, mechanical, light, muscle);

Information (scientific and technical, a commercial, operational-production, legal, socio-political).

Basic processesThis such production processes during which raw materials and materials are converted into finished products.

Helper Processes represent separate parts of the production process, which can often be separated into independent enterprises. They are engaged in the manufacture of products and provision of services necessary for the main production. These include the manufacture of tools and technological equipment, spare parts, equipment repair, etc.

Service processes are inextricably linked with the main production, they cannot be isolated. Their main task is to ensure the smooth operation of all departments of the enterprise. These include inter-shop and intra-shop transport, warehousing and storage of material and technical resources, etc.

Technological processThis part of the production process that purposefully influences the object of labor in order to change it.

Depending on the characteristics of the raw materials used, technological processes are divided into:

. using agricultural raw materials(plant or animal origin);

. using mineral raw materials(fuel and energy, ore, construction, etc.).

The use of a specific type of raw material determines the method of influencing it and allows us to distinguish three groups of technological processes:

WITH mechanical impact on the object of labor in order to change it configurations, sizes (processes of cutting, drilling, milling);

WITH physical impact on the subject of labor in order to change its physical composition ( heat treatment);

. hardware, flowing in special equipment to change chemical composition objects of labor (steel smelting, production of plastics, petroleum distillation products).

In accordance with technological features and industry affiliation, production processes can be synthetic, analytical And straight.

Synthetic production process- one in which products are made from various types of raw materials. For example, in the production of cars they use different kinds metal, plastics, rubber, glass and other materials. The synthetic production process usually combines many discrete technological processes with mechanical and physical effects on objects of labor.

Analytical production process- one in which many types of products are made from one type of raw material. An example is oil refining. The analytical production process is implemented through the use of continuous technological processes of an instrumental nature.

Direct production process characterized by the output of one type of product from one type of raw material. An example is the production of building blocks from homogeneous material ( tuff, marble, granite).

Operation- part of the production process, performed at one workplace by one or more workers and consisting of a series of actions on one production object (part, unit, product).

By type and purpose of product, the degree of technical equipment of the operation is classified into manual, machine-manual, mechanized and automated.

Manual operations are performed manually using simple tools (sometimes mechanized), for example, hand painting, assembly, product packaging, etc.

Machine-manual operations carried out using machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of a worker, for example, transporting goods on electric vehicles, processing parts on machines with manual feeding.

Mechanized operations are carried out by machines and mechanisms with limited participation of the worker, which consists of installing and removing parts and monitoring the operation.

Automated operations carried out using robotics in highly repetitive activities. Automata primarily free people from monotonous, tedious or dangerous work.

The organization of the production process is based on the following principles:

1) The principle of specialization means division of labor between individual departments of the enterprise and workplaces and their cooperation in the production process. The implementation of this principle involves assigning to each workplace and each department a strictly limited range of works, parts or products.

2) The principle of proportionality presupposes the same throughput divisions, workshops, sections, workplaces during the implementation of the technological process for the production of certain products. Frequent change the structure of the product portfolio violates absolute proportionality. The main task in this case is to prevent constant overload of some units while chronic underload of others.

3) The principle of continuity implies reduction or elimination of interruptions in the production process of finished products. The principle of continuity is implemented in such forms of organization of the production process in which all its operations are carried out continuously, without interruptions, and all objects of labor continuously move from operation to operation. This reduces production time and reduces downtime for equipment and workers.

4) The principle of parallelism provides simultaneous execution of individual operations or parts of the production process. This principle is based on the principle that parts of the production process must be combined in time and carried out simultaneously. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, saving working time.

5) The principle of direct flow assumes such an organization of the production process that ensures the shortest path for the movement of objects of labor from the launch of raw materials to the receipt of finished products. Compliance with the principle of direct flow leads to the streamlining of cargo flows, a reduction in cargo turnover, and a reduction in the costs of transporting materials, parts and finished products.

6) The principle of rhythm means, that the entire production process and its constituent parts for the production of a given quantity of products are repeated at regular intervals. There are rhythmicity of production, rhythmicity of work and rhythmicity of production.

The rhythm of release is called release of the same or uniformly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products over equal periods of time. Rhythmicity of work is the completion of equal volumes of work (in quantity and composition) at equal intervals of time. Rhythmic production means maintaining a rhythmic output and rhythmic work.

7) The principle of technical equipment focuses on mechanization and automation of the production process, the elimination of manual, monotonous, heavy labor harmful to human health.

Production cycle represents a calendar period of time from the moment raw materials are launched into production until the complete manufacture of finished products. The production cycle includes the time spent performing main, auxiliary operations and breaks in the process of manufacturing products.

Time to complete basic operations constitutes a technological cycle and determines the period during which there is a direct impact on the object of labor either by the worker himself or by machines and mechanisms under his control, as well as the time of natural technological processes that occur without the participation of people and equipment (drying painted paint in air or cooling heated products, fermentation of some products, etc.).

The execution time of auxiliary operations includes:

. quality control of product processing;

Monitoring equipment operating modes, their adjustment, minor repairs;

Cleaning the workplace;

Transportation of materials, workpieces;

Reception and cleaning of processed products.

The time for performing main and auxiliary operations is the working period.

Time of breaks from workThis time during which no impact is made on the subject of labor and there is no change in its quality characteristics, but the product is not yet finished and the production process is not completed.

There are regulated and unregulated breaks.

In its turn, regulated breaks Depending on the reasons that caused them, they are divided into inter-operational (intra-shift) and inter-shift (related to the operating mode).

Interoperative breaks are divided into breaks of batching, waiting and acquisition.

Party breaks have place when processing parts in batches: each part or unit, arriving at the workplace as part of a batch, lies twice - before the start and at the end of processing, until the entire batch goes through this operation.

Waiting breaks conditioned inconsistency (non-synchronization) of the duration of adjacent operations of a technological process and arise when the previous operation ends before the workplace is freed up to perform the next operation.

Picking breaks arise in cases where parts and assemblies lie due to incomplete production of other parts included in one set.

Shift breaks are determined by the operating mode (number and duration of shifts) and include breaks between work shifts, weekends and holidays, lunch breaks.

Unscheduled breaks are associatedWith downtime of equipment and workers due to various organizational and technical reasons(lack of raw materials, equipment breakdown, workers absenteeism, etc.) and are not included in the production cycle.

The production cycle duration (TC) is calculated using the formula:

Tts = To + Tv + Tp,

where To is the time for performing basic operations;

TV - time for performing auxiliary operations;

Тп - time of breaks.

Production cycle- one of the most important technical and economic indicators, which is the starting point for calculating many indicators of the production and economic activity of an enterprise.

Reduced production cycle times- one of the most important sources intensification and improvement of production efficiency at enterprises. The faster the production process is completed (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), the better the production potential of the enterprise is used, the higher labor productivity, the lower the volume of work in progress, the lower the cost of production.

Depends on the complexity and labor intensity of manufacturing products, the level of equipment and technology, mechanization and automation of main and auxiliary operations, the operating mode of the enterprise, the organization of uninterrupted provision of workplaces with materials and semi-finished products, as well as everything necessary for normal operation(energy, tools, devices, etc.).

Production cycle time is largely determined by the type of combination of operations and the order of transfer of the subject of labor from one workplace to another.

There are three types of combination of operations: serial, parallel; parallel-serial.

At sequential movement processing of a batch of parts at each subsequent operation begins after the completion of processing of the entire batch at the previous operation. The duration of the production cycle with a sequential combination of operations is calculated by the formula:

TC (last) = n ∑ ti ,

where n is the number of parts in the batch, m is the number of parts processing operations;

ti - execution time of each operation, min.

At parallel movement The transfer of parts to the subsequent operation is carried out individually or in a transport batch immediately after processing in the previous operation. In this case, the duration of the production cycle is calculated using the formula:

Tc (steam) = P∑ ti + (n - P) t max ,

where P is the size of the transport lot;

t max - execution time of the longest operation, min.

With parallel order execution of operations ensures the shortest production cycle. However, in some operations, there is downtime of workers and equipment caused by the unequal duration of individual operations. In this case, a parallel-sequential combination of operations may be more effective.

At parallel-serial form of movement parts are transferred from operation to operation in transport batches or individually. In this case, there is a partial overlap of the execution time of adjacent operations in such a way that the entire batch is processed at each operation without interruptions. With this combination of operations, the duration of the production cycle is longer than with parallel, but much less than with sequential, and can be determined by the formula:

Tts (par-last) = Tts (last) - ∑ ti,

where ∑ti is the total time savings compared to sequential

i =1 type of movement due to partial overlap of the execution time of each pair of adjacent operations.

Classification of production processes

Production processes can be classified depending on

their role in the manufacture of products,

on the degree of complexity of production organization,

as well as the degree of technical equipment.

Depending on their role in the manufacture of products All production processes are divided into main, auxiliary and servicing.

Main process intended for direct production of products. It is a set of actions to transform materials and semi-finished products into finished products. During the main process, the degree of product readiness changes.

The main production process consists of partial main processes, each of which covers a separate part of the production process for creating components finished product. There are continuous production, technological and organizational connections between the main partial production processes.

The nature of the partial processes of the main production depends on the type and characteristics of the products being manufactured; adopted manufacturing technology; materials and equipment used; forms of enterprise specialization, etc.

Partial core manufacturing processes consist of core operations. The main workers are engaged in performing basic operations.

Helper Processes must ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main process. Their result is products and services that are most often consumed by the enterprise itself. Auxiliary processes include the manufacture of parts for repair and repair of existing equipment, the production of various kinds of tools and devices for the production's own needs.

The auxiliary process also consists of partial processes, but there are no technological connections here. Partial auxiliary processes are interconnected only organizationally. For example, there is no need for production and technological linking of repairs of individual pieces of equipment. At the same time, the establishment of organizational connections between partial auxiliary processes is one of the conditions for the effective functioning of an enterprise. There is also only an organizational connection between partial main and auxiliary processes. Supporting processes consist of supporting activities and employ supporting workers.

Service processes are aimed at servicing main and auxiliary processes. As a result of these processes, no economic product is created. This is how service processes differ from main and auxiliary ones.

Servicing includes

processes of material and technical support of production,

control processes,


storage, etc.

Unlike auxiliary processes, servicing processes have stable organizational, production and technological connections with the main and auxiliary processes. Thus, to produce competitive products, it is necessary to ensure not only end-to-end quality control of all main production processes, but also quality control of materials and semi-finished products included in the finished product. This is only possible if control becomes part of the technological process. Servicing partial processes consist of servicing operations and employ servicing workers.

One of the main tasks of organizing production is to ensure an effective combination in time and space of main, auxiliary and service processes. In the context of improving technology and production technology, it is extremely important to implement A complex approach to the organization of main, auxiliary and service production. The structure of auxiliary and servicing processes and the proportions of development of their components must be brought into line with the characteristics of the main process. To ensure the production of competitive products, it is necessary to improve the organization and modern equipment of auxiliary and service production. The trend of integration of main, service and auxiliary processes can be observed in automated complexes and in continuous production.

Depending on the degree of complexity of production organization distinguish between simple and complex manufacturing processes.

Rice. 24 Classification of production processes

Simple are called production processes consisting of sequentially carried out actions on a simple object of labor. A simple process differs from a complex one in the absence of assembly operations. Using a simple process, structurally simple products are manufactured - individual parts of future complex products.

Difficult process is a set of simple processes for the production of semi-finished products included in one complex finished product. For complex process characterized by one or more assembly operations. Such a process requires a more accurate technological and organizational linkage of its constituent partial processes compared to a simple process.

Depending on technical equipment production processes can be classified into four groups: manual, machine-manual, machine, automatic and instrumental.

Manual processes characterized by the absence of any mechanisms during their implementation. In this case, the productivity of such a process depends on the qualifications of the workers and the efficiency of the organization of their work. An example of a manual process is the operation of setting up a tool, carrying a load, etc.

On machine-manual operations the object of labor is processed with the direct participation of the worker using machines. Productivity in machine-manual operations depends both on the qualifications of the worker and on the speed of the machine. Examples of such operations include turning, metalworking, and carpentry.

Machine operations carried out on machines with limited participation of workers. To a large extent, the output of such an operation is determined by the operating speed of the machine, but the qualifications of the worker are also important. Machine processes include, for example, the process of stamping and casting a product.

On automatic operations the production process is fully automated, its productivity is determined by the performance of the equipment, and the worker is assigned the function of monitoring and controlling the operation of the equipment. An example of an automatic process is an operation on CNC machines, robotic systems, etc.

Hardware operations are performed using equipment, the performance of which is determined by the speed of chemical, physico-chemical, electrochemical and similar processes. A worker in such operations performs the same functions as in automatic operations.

In Fig. a classification of production processes and operations according to various criteria is presented.

The production process is a combination of objects and tools and living labor in space and time, functioning to meet the needs of production. This is a complex systemic concept, consisting of a set of the following particular concepts: object of labor, instrument of labor, living labor, space, time, satisfaction of needs. For best absorption material, we will reveal the essence of the individual components of the systemic concept of “production process” and give simple examples for some sectors of activity (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

The essence of particular concepts included in the structure of the system concept “production process”

Name of concepts

The essence of concepts

Examples for some industries

1. Subject of labor

An object on which a person works to create an intermediate or final product in order to satisfy certain needs

Standards for the competitiveness of the future object, information, methods - for the researcher. (C) Information published on ReferatWork.ru Technical specifications for development, drawing - for the designer. Blank - for a turner. Information, methodology - for an economist.

2. Tools

Part of the means of production or fixed capital, with the help or by means of whom? on the subject of labor

Laboratory equipment, computer - for the researcher. (C) Information published on ReferatWork.ru Machine - for a turner. Desk, computer - for an economist. The car is for the driver.

3. Living labor

Directly a worker who, using a tool of labor, influences the object of labor in order to transform it and satisfy certain needs

Researcher.designer. turner. Economist. Builder. Chauffeur. Doctor.

4. Space

The place where the production process takes place, one of the forms of the dialectical unity of space and time

Laboratory - for the researcher. (C) Information published on ReferatWork.ru Workplace - for a turner. The territory and route are for the driver. Oh??walkie-talkie - for the driver.

The duration of the production process, one of the forms of the dialectical unity of space and time

Duration of laboratory tests of engine reliability. (C) Information published on ReferatWork.ru Piece processing time for a part. Time spent by the car on the road.

6. Satisfied needs

Making a product, providing a service, or performing work to satisfy a specific need in accordance with a plan document or personal idea

Implementation by the construction organization of the operational calendar plan. Execution of a daily shift assignment by a turner. Execution of an analysis contract by a consulting firm competitive advantages organizations.

Production processes are divided into the following types:

  • 1. basic
  • Ш preparatory (preparatory)
  • Sh transforming (processing)
  • 1. final (assembly)
  • 2. auxiliary
  • 3. serving.

Types of horizontal relationships between production processes in an organization are shown in Fig. 1.1. Vertically, production processes can take place at the workplace, within a department, and between departments of the organization. Note that this division is not geometric, but organizational in nature.


External environment


Rice. 1.1. Types and relationships of production processes in an organization along the course of production (horizontally)

Let's consider the essence and features of the types of production processes shown in Fig. 1.1 (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

The essence of types of production processes

Process name

Essence of the process

1. preparatory stage main process

The process of preparing living labor in space and time and tools for transforming the subject of labor into a useful product

The process of cutting metal, stamping blanks, casting them in the procurement shops of a machine-building plant, etc.

2. transformative stage of the main process

The process of transforming an object of labor by changing its shape and/or size, physical and/or chemical. properties, appearance connections with other objects of labor, characteristics and/or indicators, condition and/or potential in accordance with a planning document or creative concept, etc.

Making a part for a machine from a rod or stamping by a turner. Conducting laboratory tests by the researcher to check the strength of the part.

3. final stage of the main process

The process of preparing a transformative object of labor for its acquisition of a form of goods for shipment or delivery to the customer (commission)

Assembly, testing, certification, packaging of goods. Handover of the construction project to the acceptance committee. Cleaning the workplace.

4. auxiliary process

A process that facilitates the normal flow of the main process of transforming the subject of labor and is associated with providing the main process with equipment, devices, cutting and measuring tools, etc.

Manufacturing of tools and devices for the needs of all departments of the organization. Repair of technological equipment and vehicles. Repair of buildings and structures.

5. service process

A process not specifically related to a given subject of labor, providing normal course main and auxiliary processes by providing transport services, logistics services at the “input” and “exit” of the organization, etc.

Material and technical support for production in any sector of the national economy, organization of product sales, etc. performing service functions in various sectors of the national economy.

6. production process at the workplace

Any type of process (main, auxiliary, service) occurring at a specific workplace

Manufacturing a part on a specific machine. Work of an operator at a compressor station. Driver's work, etc.

7. production process at the unit level

A process occurring in a department between workplaces, or a natural process

Intra-production (intra-shop) transport services. Cooling of a part after heat treatment in a free area of ​​the workshop.

8. Inter-shop production process

The process takes place between departments of the organization

Accumulation of inter-shop insurance or transport stock of products. Interproduction transport services.

The types of production processes, their essence and relationships presented in Tables 1.1 and 1.2, as well as in Fig. 1.1, are characteristic of all main, auxiliary and service production processes, regardless of the sector of the national economy and the place where they occur. Some general features of the listed processes are reflected in the “Examples” column of the mentioned tables. The application of the formulated principles of rationalization of processes in accordance with their characteristics will help managers and socialists to effectively organize the production of goods needed by consumers.

The concept of "production process"

The production process includes a combination of tools and objects of labor in time and space that function to fulfill certain needs. This concept is quite complex and systemic, consisting of a combination of the following elements: object and tool of labor, time, space, satisfaction of needs and living labor.

Production process - organizing the use of all production factors in order to produce products, works and services necessary to meet the needs of the market. At an enterprise, the organized production process consists of performing a certain sequence of technological operations, which, being its integral element, must be performed by workers using separate equipment and using specific technology.

Main directions of classification of production processes

Discontinuous and continuous production processes

In addition to the above classification, there are different types of production processes depending on the characteristics of the production technology: discrete and continuous. Discrete (discontinuous) production processes are carried out over a certain period and breaks are allowed during their organization. Continuous processes involve production in a non-stop mode.

Types of process groups and the main stages of their implementation

When organizing any of the above, the corresponding groups of production processes are used, which include: continuity, specialization, rhythm and proportionality. Of no small importance in Lately acquires the principle of optimality in the organization of production processes, which can provide a sufficient level of economic efficiency. The stages of the production process are represented by the procurement process, which turns materials and raw materials into workpieces; direct production of individual spare parts; complete set of finished products. All of the above stages are closely interconnected and must be carried out in strict sequence.


Thus, the types of production processes outlined in this article, due to their diversity, make it possible to organize the work of the enterprise most efficiently, which allows you to make a good profit.

Depending on the method of organizing the production process, different types are distinguished.

Under type production process understand such organizational and technical characteristics of this process, which is based on its specialization, repeatability and the nature of technological processes.

The type of production process characteristic of a certain production subsection predetermines the use here of methods of preparation, planning, production control, forms of labor organization, features of technological processes, each of which is characterized by a set of characteristics because the presence of only one of them (for example, the number of products that they are manufactured, how it is sometimes it is considered) or even several does not provide grounds for the conclusion about the presence of one or another type of production. Based on the totality of these characteristics, a distinction is made between single (individual), serial and mass production.

A unit production process is characterized by:

    production of products in single copies or small batches (one or two dozen per month);

    a wide range of products that they are manufactured;

    the use of universal equipment, universal devices, general-purpose cutting and measuring tools;

    grouping jobs according to the principle of technologically homogeneous operations;

    lack of assignment of certain operations to individual employees;

    highly qualified employees, which takes into account the diverse nature of the work performed;

    lack of detailed development of the technological process for manufacturing the product;

    the fact that the object of planning, rationing, and accounting is the entire product or its large units (components);

    the fairly low cost of preparing for the production of new products due to the presence of the last three features.

The unit process form is common in pilot plants that produce complex products and special-purpose systems.

The serial production process is characterized by:

    production of products in batches that are periodically repeated, about several hundred per month - small-scale, 2-5 thousand pieces per month - large-scale;

    the range of products that they are manufactured is limited;

    use of universal and specialized equipment, attached, finishing and measuring tools

    grouping jobs according to technological and subject principles;

    assigning a limited number of detail operations to workstations;

    average qualification of employees;

    detailed development of technological processes;

    object of planning, rationing, accounting - components and parts of the product;

    relatively high costs for preparing the production of new products compared to a single type of production.

    This type of manufacturing process is common in factories that produce complex products and special-purpose systems that undergo rapid design changes.

Mass production process has the following features:

    products are manufactured in large quantities(6-10 thousand pieces per month);

    use specialized and special equipment, devices and tools;

    workplaces are located behind the technological process of processing products (subject principle);

    workplaces specialize in performing one operation;

    the technological process is developed in detail;

    the object of planning, rationing, and accounting are details and operations;

    workers may have low qualifications;

    Preparing for the production of new products requires the greatest expenses (compared to other types of production).

This type of production process is characteristic primarily of consumer products (cars, radios, televisions, electric shavers, etc.).

Production cycle and its structure.

The construction of the production process over time is characterized by the structure and duration of the production cycle.

Production cycle- this is the calendar period of time during which a processed product or batch of products goes through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and turns into a completed product. The duration of the production cycle is determined in calendar time units (hours, days, months).

The cycle duration consists of the following elements: the duration of the parts manufacturing cycle, which includes procurement, mechanical, thermal, galvanic and other processing stages; time of compiling parts into units and installation; the time of compiling nodes for a group, groups - into a product and its regulation; time of testing and acceptance of finished products; picking and packing time.

In general, the production cycle T c consists of the duration of production operations (technological, control, cargo unloading, transport, warehouse, natural, etc.) - let's call it processing times T about, as well as breaks predetermined by the creation of inventories, work in batches, uneven production, intervariable and other breaks, and the like - let's call them lying down at times T ave.

Conventionally, the production cycle of any product can be depicted as in Fig.

Consequently, the duration of the product manufacturing cycle, regardless of what technological process we are talking about - procurement, finishing or assembly, has the form:

Tts = Tob + Tpr

Here by T pr we mean time that does not overlap.

Therefore, it should be noted that the product in the production process

is in only two states: either it is being processed, or it is lying around (there is no third state).
