Chukchi Sea (shores in Russia). Chukchi Sea Prepared by Anastasia Kuskova. Chukchi Sea The Chukchi Sea has the easternmost location among the Russian Arctic seas. Borders


on ecology

on the topic:

Environmental problems of the northern seas

The seas of the Arctic Ocean - Barents, White, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi - wash the territory of Russia from the north. The total area of ​​the seas of the Arctic Ocean adjacent to the coast of our country is more than 4.5 million km2, and the volume of sea waters is 864 thousand km2. All seas are located on the continental shelf and therefore are shallow (average depth - 185 m).

Currently, the Arctic seas are very heavily polluted as a result of human activities. Adversely affecting the ecological state of waters: continental runoff; widespread use of ships; extraction of various minerals in the region of the seas; disposal of radioactive objects. Poisonous substances enter both through water flows and due to the circulation of air masses. The ecosystem of the Barents and Kara Seas is most severely disturbed.

Open part Barents Sea relative to other Arctic seas, it is slightly polluted. But the area where ships are actively moving is covered with oil slick. The waters of the bays (Kola, Teribersky, Motovsky) are subject to the greatest pollution, mainly by oil products. The Barents Sea receives about 150 million m3 of polluted water. Poisonous substances constantly accumulate in the sea soil and can cause secondary pollution.

The rivers that flow into Kara Sea, have a relatively low level of pollution. However, the Ob and Yenisei waters have a high concentration of heavy metals, which adversely affects the ecosystem of the sea. Vessels negatively affect the ecological state of the sea. The places of their frequent movement are polluted with oil products. The waters belonging to the bays of the Kara Sea are characterized by specialists as moderately polluted.

Coastal waters Laptev Sea contain a high concentration of phenol, which comes along with river runoff waters. The high content of phenol in river and coastal waters is due to the huge number of sunken tree species. The most polluted are the waters of the Neelov Bay. The waters of the Tiksi and Buor-Khaya bays are polluted. The ecological state of water resources of Bulunkan Bay is noted as catastrophic. The content of a large amount of toxic substances in coastal waters is due to the discharge of untreated water from Tiksi. Also, the sea contains a large amount of oil products in areas of developed shipping.

Water East Siberian Sea are relatively clean. Only in the Pevek Bay there was a slight pollution of waters, but recently the ecological situation has been improving here. The waters of the Chaunskaya Bay are slightly polluted by petroleum hydrocarbons.

Chukchi sea located quite far from the main large industrial centers. In this regard, serious violations in the ecology of this sea are not observed. The only major source of pollution is pods coming from North America. These streams contain large amounts of aerosol materials.

Let us consider in more detail the ecological problems of the northern seas.

The first problem is the decline in marine biological resources. The anthropogenic load on biological resources has always been great. Back in the XVI-XVII centuries. merchants sent special expeditions to explore the northern seas and search for a passage to the Far East. These studies were accompanied by the discovery of large whale habitats. But if the aborigines of the Arctic for centuries have moderately used marine biological resources, then the Europeans quickly brought closer the danger of the complete destruction of the populations of fur seals and bowhead whales. Although the situation has now stabilized somewhat, the future of the whales remains unclear. There was also a threat of extermination of populations of narwhals and walruses, which became objects of uncontrolled hunting for their tusks.

An extremely delicate balance is maintained in Arctic ecosystems, and biological uniqueness is threatened.

In terms of species abundance and population density, a significant impoverishment is observed in the direction from the Atlantic Ocean to the central part of the Arctic Ocean and further to the Chukchi Sea. So in the Barents Sea the number of animal species is close to 2000, in the Kara Sea - slightly more than 1000. The Laptev and East Siberian Seas have the poorest fauna. The density of the fauna from the outskirts to the depths of the Arctic Ocean decreases 3-4 times. However, this is due to geographical features and does not indicate a dire ecological situation.

The incidence of valuable fish species and the accumulation of harmful pollutants in it are increasing (the accumulation of organochlorine pesticides, salts of heavy metals, mercury is noted in the muscle tissues of sturgeon).

The current ecological state of the waters of the northern seas is also characterized by the constant melting of glaciers.

According to new maps of the Arctic, made from satellite images, the area of ​​the ice shell has decreased to 4.4 million square meters. km. The previous record, recorded in September 2005, was 5.3 million square meters. km. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, permafrost thaws by four centimeters a year, and in the next 20 years its border will move 80 kilometers. Western ecologists argue that the process of the thawing of the Arctic has entered an irreversible phase and by 2030 the ocean will be open for shipping. Russian scientists are inclined to believe that the warming is cyclical and should soon be replaced by a cold snap.

Meanwhile, the melting process continues. The fauna of the region suffers. For example, polar bears can only live and eat on ice. And as the summer ice retreats farther north, famine is already occurring in some animal colonies. As a result, the population of bears may decline significantly in the coming years.

In addition, due to the thawing of permafrost, the risk of methane release from the soil will also increase. Methane is a greenhouse gas, and its release causes the temperature of the lower atmosphere to rise. But the main thing is that the increase in gas concentration will affect the health of the northerners.

Another problem is the sharp increase in flood risk. By 2015, the drainage capacity of northern rivers will increase by 90%. Freeze-up time will be reduced by more than 15 days. All this will lead to a twofold increase in the risk of floods. This means that there will be two times more traffic accidents and flooding of coastal settlements.

In addition to the melting of ice and the destruction of the population of many species of marine animals, the waters of the northern seas have long experienced the consequences of the nuclear weapons tests of the USSR and the USA.

For example, on the islands of Novaya Zemlya, there has long been a testing ground for nuclear tests, including tests of high-yield charges and studies of the impact of nuclear explosion factors on various types of weapons and military equipment, including surface ships and submarines. At present, the work of the landfill has been stopped, but there is no doubt about the extreme level of radiation pollution. There is no need to talk about the ecological purity of this region.

In connection with the economic development of the depths of the Arctic Ocean, the question of improving and stabilizing the ecological state of this region is currently raised at the international level. The solution to this problem is seen only at the global (world) level, since a single country, both from a physical and legal point of view, will not be able to solve it. However, the solution of this problem is clearly complicated at the present time by the fact that some states, in pursuit of hydrocarbon deposits, are busy dividing continental shelves.

It has been established that ocean waters located near oil and gas production platforms can be classified as environmentally hazardous. The transportation of oil and oil products along the Northern Sea Route is of particular concern to environmentalists. There is a lot of evidence that the state of the water area is deteriorating every year. Spills of oil products on the coast, at the locations of terminals, during oil transshipment occur regularly. Sometimes the closedness of the Northern Fleet's areas of responsibility makes it difficult to respond quickly and in a timely manner to oil spills. On the territory of the Murmansk Sea Fishing Port, there is a single point for receiving oily waters.
In recent years, control over the quality of sea waters has been somewhat weakened and is carried out under a reduced program due to insufficient funding.


The ecological situation in the waters of the northern seas is far from favorable. Currently, the world community is faced with the problem of solving several environmental problems associated with the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

The first problem is the mass destruction of marine biological resources, the disappearance of some species of marine animals living in the Far North.

The second global problem is the widespread melting of glaciers, thawing of the soil and its transition from the state of permafrost to the thawed state.

The third problem is radiation pollution.

The fourth problem is the pollution of ocean waters due to the development of the oil and gas industry in the ocean.

And if one of the environmental problems - the destruction of some species of marine animals - can be solved to a certain extent by establishing prohibitions and restrictions on extermination, then the rest of the problems still remain unresolved.

List of used literature:

Internet resources:

1. Online Encyclopedia "Krugosvet" http: // www. ARKTIKA.html

2. Ecological portal "Ecosystem"


3. Geographical Dictionary slovar /

The Chukchi Sea of ​​all the seas surrounding Russia was one of the last to be explored. The beginning of the study of this most northeastern sea of ​​the country was laid by the explorer Semyon Dezhnev, who passed by sea from Kolyma to

The area of ​​the sea is five hundred and ninety thousand square kilometers. More than half of the Chukchi Sea area lies within the continental shelf, so the depths are no more than fifty meters, and in some places there are shallows up to thirteen meters. This is less than the height of a standard five-story building. According to geologists, ten to twelve thousand years ago there was land on this site, along which the settlement of the American continent by people took place. This rather extensive land that existed in the past received the name Beringia in the scientific literature. The maximum sea depth is 1256 meters.

The climate here is extremely harsh. The Chukchi Sea freezes in October, and the ice cover begins to melt only in May. More than half a year the sea is unsuitable for navigation. In winter, the water temperature is negative, because due to high salinity, it freezes at temperatures slightly below zero degrees.

The coast of the sea in the west is the Chukchi Peninsula, and in the east - Alaska. The Chukchi Peninsula has long been inhabited by the Chukchi, genetically closely related to the indigenous inhabitants of Alaska, for at least five thousand years. Now the aborigines are the characters of numerous anecdotes, and yet this people until the beginning of the twentieth century was very militant and repeatedly defeated the Russians who were actively exploring Chukotka.

It is interesting that, recognizing the strength of the Russians, the Chukchi called people, besides themselves, only them. All other peoples did not receive such an honor with them. Bloody clashes between the Russians and the Chukchi continued, starting from the first meeting in 1644 and until the end of the eighteenth century, when a fortress was built on one of the tributaries of the Big Anyui, in which from now on military contacts were replaced by trade ones. However, minor combat "misunderstandings" continued throughout the nineteenth century.

The life of the Chukchi is inseparable from the sea, to which they gave their name. Although, in fairness, it must be clarified that the way of life and even the self-name of the Chukchi living in the depths of the peninsula and on the coast are very different. The very name "Chukchi" is derived from the Chukchi word meaning "rich in deer". The coastal Chukchi, whose economy is based on fishing and hunting for sea animals, are called differently - "ankalyn", which means "dog breeders".

Fishing in Chukotka, according to the testimony of those who have visited this remote corner of Russia, is great. concerns mainly the rivers and lakes of the peninsula. Visiting fishermen rarely pay attention to the Chukchi Sea. This rich, but harsh northern region, alas, cannot boast of an abundance of fish caught. Although ... who knows, maybe due to global warming, the northern ice will recede, and the local riches, including sea ones, will become more accessible.

Russia is the owner of six seas of the Arctic Ocean. These include: Barents, Beloe, Karskoe, Laptevs, East Siberia, Chukotskoe.

The Barents Sea, the marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, between the northern coast of Europe and the islands of Svalbard, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya. 1424 thousand km2. Located offshore; the depth is mainly from 360 to 400 m (the maximum is 600 m). The large island is Kolguev. Bays: Porsanger Fjord, Varanger Fjord, Motovsky, Kola, etc. The strong influence of the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean determines the non-freezing of the southwestern part. Salinity 32-35 ‰. The Pechora River flows into the Barents Sea. Fishing (cod, herring, haddock, flounder). The environmental situation is unfavorable. It is of great transport importance. Major ports: Murmansk (Russian Federation), Varde (Norway). The Barents Sea is named after the Dutch navigator of the 16th century. Willem Barents, who made three voyages in the Arctic Ocean, died and was buried on Novaya Zemlya. This sea is the warmest of the Arctic seas, because the warm Norwegian Current enters here from the Atlantic Ocean.

The White Sea is an inland sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, off the northern shores of the European part of the Russian Federation. The area is 90 thousand km2. Average depth 67 m, maximum 350 m. In the north it is connected to the Barents Sea by the Gorlo and Voronka straits. Large bays (lips): Mezensky, Dvinsky, Onezhsky, Kandalaksha. Large islands: Solovetsky, Morzhovets, Mudyugsky. Salinity 24-34.5 ‰. Tides up to 10 m. Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen flow into the White Sea. Fishing (herring, whitefish, navaga); seal fishing. Ports: Arkhangelsk, Onega, Belomorsk, Kandalaksha, Kem, Mezen. It is connected with the Baltic Sea by the White Sea-Baltic Canal, with the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas by the Volga-Baltic waterway.

The White Sea does not have a clear border with the Barents Sea, conventionally they are divided in a straight line from Cape Svyatoy Nos on the Kola Peninsula to the northwestern tip of the Kanin Peninsula - Cape Kanin Nos. The outer part of the White Sea is called the Funnel, the inner, fenced off by the Kola Peninsula, is called the Basin, and they are connected by a relatively narrow strait - the White Sea Throat. Although the White Sea is located south of the Barents Sea, it freezes over. On the islands in the White Sea there is a historical monument - the Solovetsky Monastery.

Kara Sea marginal sea North. Arctic Ocean, off the coast of the Russian Federation, between the islands of Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land and the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago. 883 thousand km2. It is located primarily on the shelf. The prevailing depths are 30-100 m, maximum 600 m. There are many islands. Large bays: Gulf of Ob and Yenisei Gulf. The Ob and Yenisei rivers flow into the river. The Kara Sea is one of the coldest seas in Russia; only near river mouths in summer the water temperature is above 0C (up to 6C). Fogs and storms are frequent. Most of the year is covered with ice. Rich in fish (whitefish, char, flounder, etc.). The main port is Dickson. Sea vessels call at the Yenisei to the ports of Dudinka and Igarka.

The main navigable strait (between the Barents and Kara Seas) is the Kara Gates, its width is 45 km; Matochkin Shar (between the Northern and Southern Islands of Novaya Zemlya), with a length of almost 100 km, has a width of less than a kilometer in places, most of the year is packed with ice and therefore unnavigable.

Laptev Sea (Siberian), a marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, off the coast of the Russian Federation, between the Taimyr Peninsula and Severnaya Zemlya in the west and Novosibirsk in the east. 662 thousand km2. The prevailing depths are up to 50 m, the maximum depth is 3385 m. Large bays: Khatangsky, Oleneksky, Buor-Khaya. There are many islands in the western part of the sea. The rivers Khatanga, Lena, Yana and others flow into the river. Most of the year it is covered with ice. There are walrus, sea hare, and seal. The main port of Tiksi.

It is named after the Russian navigators of the 18th century, cousins ​​Dmitry Yakovlevich and Khariton Prokofievich Laptev, who explored the shores of this sea. The Lena River flows into the Laptev Sea, forming the largest delta in Russia.

The New Siberian Islands lie between the Laptev and East Siberian Seas. Although they are located east of Severnaya Zemlya, they were discovered a hundred years earlier. The Novosibirsk Islands are separated from the mainland by the Dmitry Laptev Strait.

East Siberian Sea, the marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, between the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island. The area is 913 thousand km2. Located offshore. Average depth 54 m, maximum 915 m. The coldest of the Arctic seas in Russia. Ice covered most of the year. Salinity ranges from 5 ‰ near river mouths and up to 30 ‰ in the north. Bays: Chaunskaya Bay, Kolymsky, Omulyakhskaya Bay. Large islands: Novosibirsk, Medvezhye, Ayon. The rivers Indigirka, Alazeya, Kolyma flow into the river. In the waters of the sea, walrus, seals and fishing are carried out. The main port is Pevek.

Wrangel Island lies between the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas. The island is named after the Russian navigator of the 19th century. Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel, who explored the East Siberian and Chukchi seas; he assumed the existence of the island according to many of the data known to him. There is a nature reserve on Wrangel Island where polar bears are especially protected.

Chukchi Sea, the marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, off the northeastern coasts of Asia and the northwestern coasts of North America. It connects the Bering Strait with the Pacific Ocean (in the south) and the Long Strait with the East Siberian Sea (in the west). 595 thousand km2. 56% of the bottom area is less than 50 m deep. The greatest depth is 1256 m in the north. Large Wrangel Island. Bays: Kolyuchinskaya Bay, Kotzebue. The sea is covered with ice for most of the year. Fishing (char, polar cod). Fishing for sea seals, seals. The major port of Uelen.

The ecological situation in the waters of the Arctic Ocean is far from favorable. Currently, the world community is faced with the problem of solving several environmental problems associated with the Arctic Ocean at once. The first problem is the mass destruction of marine biological resources, the disappearance of some species of marine animals living in the Far North. The second global problem is the widespread melting of glaciers, thawing of the soil and its transition from the state of permafrost to the thawed state. The third problem is the classified activities of some states related to nuclear weapons testing. It is the secret nature of such events that makes it difficult to establish the true picture of the ecological situation in the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

And if one of the environmental problems - the destruction of some species of marine animals - was managed to a certain extent at the end of the 20th century by establishing bans and restrictions on their extermination, then the remaining problems - radiation pollution, melting ice - still remain unresolved. In addition, one more problem may be added to the existing environmental problems in the near future - the pollution of ocean waters due to the development of the oil and gas industry on the territory of the ocean. The solution to these problems is possible only in the aggregate, by changing its attitude towards the region of the entire world community, and especially those countries that are currently engaged in the division of the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

They, as the future owners of certain territories, should first of all pay attention to the ecological state of the region. We are observing from their side activities that are aimed only at studying the geological nature of the ocean floor in order to satisfy their economic interests.

In connection with the future economic development of the depths of the Arctic Ocean, the question of improving and stabilizing the ecological state of this region is currently raised at the international level.

However, the solution of this problem is clearly complicated at the present time by the fact that some states, in pursuit of hydrocarbon deposits, are engaged in dividing continental shelves. At the same time, they imprudently postpone the solution of the environmental problems of the waters of the Arctic Ocean for an indefinite period, they limit themselves only to stating the facts of the emergence of a threat of one or another environmental catastrophe.

In the light of future economic activities, aimed mainly at the development of deep hydrocarbon deposits, the onset of another environmental problem for ocean waters is seen. After all, it has been established that oceanic waters located near oil and gas production platforms are far from ideal in environmental terms. Moreover, such territories can be classified as environmentally hazardous. And if we take into account that by the time the process of the international division of the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean is over, the level of technology will already make it possible to extract oil at any depth, one can imagine how many such platforms will be built simultaneously in the waters of the ocean. At the same time, a positive solution to the environmental issue of the activities of such platforms will remain in great doubt, because by that time the continental reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials will be practically exhausted, prices for it will rise even more, and mining companies will chase production volumes first of all.

Also, the question of eliminating the consequences of nuclear weapons tests remains open, which is also an important factor in characterizing the environmental situation in the Arctic Ocean. Currently, politicians are in no hurry to resolve these issues - after all, such events, in the light of their implementation in permafrost conditions, are quite expensive. While all free money these states spend on studying the depths of the Arctic Ocean, the nature of its bottom in order to provide evidence in the struggle for the continental shelves. We can only hope that after the end of the division of the territory of the Arctic Ocean, the countries to which certain areas of the ocean will legally belong will take measures to eliminate these consequences and will not allow such activities in the future.

The most dangerous from an ecological point of view phenomenon in the waters of the Arctic Ocean is the widespread melting of glaciers.

To highlight this global environmental problem, you can refer to the data of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. According to the report of the ministry from 18.06.2008. - by 2030 in the north of Russia, due to global warming, catastrophic destruction may begin. Already in Western Siberia, permafrost is thawing by four centimeters a year, and in the next 20 years its border will move as much as 80 kilometers.

The data provided by the Ministry of Emergency Situations is really amazing. Moreover, the content of the report was mainly focused not on the actual environmental aspects of global warming, but on those issues that are important for the socio-economic and industrial security of Russia. In particular, it was noted that in twenty years more than a quarter of the housing stock in the north of Russia could be destroyed. This is due to the fact that the houses there were not built on a massive foundation, but on piles driven into the permafrost. With an increase in the average annual temperature by only one or two degrees, the bearing capacity of these piles decreases immediately by 50%. In addition, airports, roads, underground storage facilities, including oil tanks, storage facilities and even industrial facilities can be destroyed.

Another problem is the sharp increase in flood risk. By 2015, the drainage capacity of northern rivers will increase by 90%. Freeze-up time will be reduced by more than 15 days. All this will lead to a twofold increase in the risk of floods. This means that there will be twice as many transport accidents and flooding of coastal settlements. In addition, due to the thawing of permafrost, the risk of methane release from the soil will also increase. Methane is a greenhouse gas, its release causes the temperature of the lower atmosphere to rise. But this is not the main thing - the increase in gas concentration will affect the health of the northerners.

The situation with ice melting in the Arctic is also relevant. If in 1979 the area of ​​ice there was 7.2 million square kilometers, then in 2007 it decreased to 4.3 million. That is, almost doubled. Also, the ice thickness has almost halved. This has advantages for shipping, but it also increases other risks. In the long term, countries with a low landscape level will be forced to protect themselves from possible partial flooding. Russia, its northern territories and Siberia, this applies directly. The only good news is that ice melts evenly in the Arctic, while at the South Pole the ice moves in jumps and causes earthquakes.

The Emergencies Ministry is so seriously concerned about the situation that it plans to equip two expeditions to the north of the country to study the changing climate and test equipment in new conditions. Expeditions are directed to Novaya Zemlya, the New Siberian Islands and the mainland of the coast of the Arctic Ocean. In any case, the task of ensuring the safety of the population in the northern territories is now becoming one of the priorities for the Russian government.

Martirosyan Artyom

Humanity faced the cruellestecological crisis. Resources of the planetdo not multiply, but dry up. Disastrouslywater and air quickly become polluted, while “Allwe are children of one ship named Earth ", which means thatthere is simply nowhere to change from it.Humanity cannot survive without conservationnature, and in particular without the preservation of the seas.After all, everyone has the right to live in clean the world. 2017 declared the year of ecology in Russia. The ecological problems of the seas are

relevant today.If ignored, it will worsennot only the state of the waters of the World Ocean,but they can disappear from the earthsome bodies of water.

The main purpose of the project wasthe desire to show the interconnection of all aspects of lifethe human community from an environmental point of view and

the impact of this relationship on the future of the seas of Russia.

Tasks: Determination of the main factors of pollution of the seas of Russia.To acquaint with the environmental problems of the mosttroubled seas of Russia

Find ways to solve environmental problems



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Completed by a pupil of grade 8 "A" of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School "TsO" in the settlement of Varlamovo Artyom Martirosyan Head teacher of geography Lisenkov S.A.

Humanity is faced with a severe environmental crisis. The resources of the planet are not multiplying, but dwindling. Water and air are polluted catastrophically quickly, while “We are all children of one ship named Earth”, which means that there is simply nowhere to change from it. Humanity cannot survive without preserving nature, and in particular without preserving the seas. After all, everyone has the right to live in a clean world.

2017 has been declared the year of ecology in Russia. Environmental problems of the seas are relevant today. If you ignore them, then not only the state of the waters of the World Ocean will worsen, but some water bodies may also disappear from the earth.

The main purpose of creating my project was to show the interconnection of all aspects of the life of the human community from an ecological point of view and the impact of this interconnection on the future of the seas of Russia Objectives: Determination of the main factors of pollution of the seas of Russia Acquaintance with the environmental problems of the most problematic seas of Russia Finding ways to solve environmental problems

The sea is a unique object of nature in which the ocean, land and atmosphere interact, not excluding the influence of the anthropogenic factor. A special natural zone is formed on the sea coasts, which affects the ecosystems located nearby. The waters of the rivers flowing through various settlements flow into the seas and feed them.

Climate change Global warming and climate change affect the state of the seas. As a result of an annual temperature rise of +2 degrees Celsius, glaciers are melting, the level of the World Ocean rises, and, accordingly, the sea level rises, which leads to flooding and erosion of the shores. During the twentieth century, more than half of the world's sandy beaches were destroyed.

Density of land use Migration processes have such a tendency that people are more actively moving not to the continental zone, but to the coast. As a result, the population on the shores increases, the resources of the sea and the coastal strip are more used, there is a large load on the land. Tourism is flourishing in resort seaside cities, which increases the activity of people. This increases the level of pollution of the water and the coast itself.

Causes of pollution of the seas of Russia seas from rivers) ▊ Acid rain ▊ Polluted atmosphere

Black Sea Azov Sea Baltic Sea

The Black Sea is polluted with industrial and household waste. This is garbage, and chemical elements, and heavy metals, and liquid substances. All this worsens the condition of the water. Various objects floating in the water are perceived by the inhabitants of the sea as food. They die by consuming them.

▊ it is necessary to control harmful industrial and domestic emissions into the sea. ▊ regulation of fish catching processes and creation of conditions for improving the life of marine animals. ▊ the use of technology for purifying water and coastal areas. People themselves can take care of the ecology of the Black Sea, without throwing garbage into the water, demanding from the authorities to improve the ecological situation of the water area. If we are not indifferent to environmental problems, everyone makes a small contribution, then we can save the Black Sea from an environmental disaster.

The shallowest sea on the planet is the Azov sea and it is a unique natural object. In the water area, a rich world of flora and fauna is presented, and in the waters there is healing silt, which is used for medicinal purposes. However, at the moment, the ecosystem of the Sea of ​​Azov is being intensively depleted by human activity, which leads to a deterioration in the environment. First of all, people consider the water area as a source of enrichment. They catch fish, develop health centers and tourism activities. In turn, the sea does not have time to purify itself, the water loses its useful properties.

At the moment, there are many environmental problems of the sea: water pollution by industrial, agricultural and domestic wastewater; spill of oil products on the water surface; unauthorized fishing in large quantities and during spawning seasons; construction of reservoirs; discharge of pesticides into the sea; water pollution by chemicals; the dumping of garbage into the sea by people having a rest on the coast; construction of various structures along the coast of the water area, etc.

▊ control the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater; ▊ carry out regulation of maritime transport; reduce dangerous cargo transportation by sea; ▊ to breed marine species of animals and fish; toughen penalties for poachers; ▊ constantly monitor the water space and the sea coast.

The Baltic Sea is an inland water area of ​​Eurasia, which is located in northern Europe and belongs to the Atlantic Basin. In addition to industrial and municipal pollution, there are also more serious pollution factors in the Baltic. First of all, it is chemical. So after the Second World War, about three tons of chemical weapons were dropped into the waters of this water area. It contains not just harmful substances, but extremely poisonous ones that are deadly to marine life.

The main ways of pollution of the Baltic Sea are: ▊ direct discharges into the sea; ▊ pipelines; ▊ dirty river waters; ▊ accidents at hydroelectric power stations; ▊ operation of ships; ▊ air from industrial plants

▊ Use of waste-free production facilities along the coasts and river banks. ▊ Construction of modern and reliable treatment facilities ▊ Minimization of industrial production (closure or relocation of hazardous enterprises to other areas), ▊ Significant expansion of protected areas and water areas to preserve the ecological fund; ▊ Restoring migration routes and fish spawning grounds ▊ Strengthening legislation on the management and protection of the coastal zone, ▊ Continuous monitoring of the state of the marine environment of coastal areas and the sea

What happens if these environmental actions are successful? The following will happen:  reduction of anthropogenic load on marine ecosystems, primarily in the coastal zone;  prevention of further degradation of marine ecosystems, creation of conditions for the renewal of their ability to restore and increase the biological resource potential;  creation of conditions for the preservation of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, expansion of protected areas and the number of protected areas within the coastal zone and improvement of their conditions.

1. Every time, after visiting the beach and the seashore, take all the garbage with you. 2. Try to conserve water so as not to overload the treatment systems. 3. Do not pour oil, paints or chemicals on the ground or down the drain, but dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner. 4. Plant trees, shrubs and flowers around your home and in public places. 5. Limit the use of plastic bags and choose products with environmentally friendly packaging. 6. Observe the rules for the disposal of solid household waste. Only with an active life position can the growth of environmental problems be prevented. Protecting the environment is everyone's duty!

Any rash intervention in the natural systems of the seas can lead to an ecological disaster. Only a well-thought-out environmental policy of the state will make it possible to preserve the unique natural ecosystem. Main_page Templ / Prew / Global_City_M.jpg /

The Arctic Ocean is a natural, natural border of Russia from the north. The Arctic Ocean has several unofficial names: the North Polar Sea, the Arctic Sea, the Polar Basin, or the old Russian name - the Ice Sea.

Russia is the owner of six seas of the Arctic Ocean. These include: Barents, Beloe, Karskoe, Laptevs, East Siberia, Chukotskoe.

Barents Sea, the marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, between the northern coast of Europe and the islands of Svalbard, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya. 1424 thousand km2. Located offshore; the depth is mainly from 360 to 400 m (the maximum is 600 m). The large island is Kolguev. Bays: Porsanger Fjord, Varanger Fjord, Motovsky, Kola, etc. The strong influence of the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean determines the non-freezing of the southwestern part. Salinity 32-35 ‰. The Pechora River flows into the Barents Sea. Fishing (cod, herring, haddock, flounder). The environmental situation is unfavorable. It is of great transport importance. Major ports: Murmansk (Russian Federation), Varde (Norway). The Barents Sea is named after the Dutch navigator of the 16th century. Willem Barents, who made three voyages in the Arctic Ocean, died and was buried on Novaya Zemlya. This sea is the warmest of the Arctic seas, because the warm Norwegian Current enters here from the Atlantic Ocean.

White Sea- the inland sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, off the northern shores of the European part of the Russian Federation. The area is 90 thousand km2. Average depth 67 m, maximum 350 m. In the north it is connected to the Barents Sea by the Gorlo and Voronka straits. Large bays (lips): Mezensky, Dvinsky, Onezhsky, Kandalaksha. Large islands: Solovetsky, Morzhovets, Mudyugsky. Salinity 24-34.5 ‰. Tides up to 10 m. Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen flow into the White Sea. Fishing (herring, whitefish, navaga); seal fishing. Ports: Arkhangelsk, Onega, Belomorsk, Kandalaksha, Kem, Mezen. It is connected with the Baltic Sea by the White Sea-Baltic Canal, with the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas by the Volga-Baltic waterway.

The White Sea does not have a clear border with the Barents Sea, conventionally they are divided in a straight line from Cape Svyatoy Nos on the Kola Peninsula to the northwestern tip of the Kanin Peninsula - Cape Kanin Nos. The outer part of the White Sea is called the Funnel, the inner, fenced off by the Kola Peninsula, is called the Basin, and they are connected by a relatively narrow strait - the Throat of the White Sea. Although the White Sea is located south of the Barents Sea, it freezes over. On the islands in the White Sea there is a historical monument - the Solovetsky Monastery.

Kara Sea marginal sea North. Arctic Ocean, off the coast of the Russian Federation, between the islands of Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land and the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago. 883 thousand km2. It is located primarily on the shelf. The prevailing depths are 30-100 m, maximum 600 m. There are many islands. Large bays: Gulf of Ob and Yenisei Gulf. The Ob and Yenisei rivers flow into the river. The Kara Sea is one of the coldest seas in Russia; only near river mouths in summer the water temperature is above 0C (up to 6C). Fogs and storms are frequent. Most of the year is covered with ice. Rich in fish (whitefish, char, flounder, etc.). The main port is Dickson. Sea vessels call at the Yenisei to the ports of Dudinka and Igarka.

The main navigable strait (between the Barents and Kara Seas) is the Kara Gates, its width is 45 km; Matochkin Shar (between the Northern and Southern islands of Novaya Zemlya), with a length of almost 100 km, has a width of less than a kilometer in places, is packed with ice for most of the year and therefore is not navigable.

Laptev sea(Siberian), a marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, off the coast of the Russian Federation, between the Taimyr Peninsula and Severnaya Zemlya in the west and Novosibirsk in the east. 662 thousand km2. The prevailing depths are up to 50 m, the maximum depth is 3385 m. Large bays: Khatangsky, Oleneksky, Buor-Khaya. There are many islands in the western part of the sea. The rivers Khatanga, Lena, Yana and others flow into the river. Most of the year it is covered with ice. There are walrus, sea hare, and seal. The main port of Tiksi.

It is named after the Russian navigators of the 18th century, cousins ​​Dmitry Yakovlevich and Khariton Prokofievich Laptev, who explored the shores of this sea. The Lena River flows into the Laptev Sea, forming the largest delta in Russia.

The New Siberian Islands lie between the Laptev and East Siberian Seas. Although they are located east of Severnaya Zemlya, they were discovered a hundred years earlier. The Novosibirsk Islands are separated from the mainland by the Dmitry Laptev Strait.

East-Siberian Sea, the marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, between the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island. The area is 913 thousand km2. Located offshore. Average depth 54 m, maximum 915 m. The coldest of the Arctic seas in Russia. Ice covered most of the year. Salinity ranges from 5 ‰ near river mouths and up to 30 ‰ in the north. Bays: Chaunskaya Bay, Kolymsky, Omulyakhskaya Bay. Large islands: Novosibirsk, Medvezhi, Ayon. The rivers Indigirka, Alazeya, Kolyma flow into the river. In the waters of the sea, walrus, seals and fishing are carried out. The main port is Pevek.

Wrangel Island lies between the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas. The island is named after the Russian navigator of the 19th century. Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel, who explored the East Siberian and Chukchi seas; he assumed the existence of the island according to many of the data known to him. There is a nature reserve on Wrangel Island where polar bears are especially protected.

Chukchi sea, the marginal sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean, off the northeastern coasts of Asia and the northwestern coasts of North America. It connects the Bering Strait with the Pacific Ocean (in the south) and the Long Strait with the East Siberian Sea (in the west). 595 thousand km2. 56% of the bottom area is less than 50 m deep. The greatest depth is 1256 m in the north. Large Wrangel Island. Bays: Kolyuchinskaya Bay, Kotzebue. The sea is covered with ice for most of the year. Fishing (char, polar cod). Fishing for sea seals, seals. The major port of Uelen.

The ecological situation in the waters of the Arctic Ocean is far from favorable. Currently, the world community is faced with the problem of solving several environmental problems associated with the Arctic Ocean at once. The first problem is the mass destruction of marine biological resources, the disappearance of some species of marine animals living in the Far North. The second global problem is the widespread melting of glaciers, thawing of the soil and its transition from the state of permafrost to the thawed state. The third problem is the classified activities of some states related to nuclear weapons testing. It is the secret nature of such events that makes it difficult to establish the true picture of the ecological situation in the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

And if one of the environmental problems - the destruction of some species of marine animals - was managed to a certain extent at the end of the 20th century by establishing bans and restrictions on their extermination, then the remaining problems - radiation pollution, melting ice - still remain unresolved. In addition, one more problem may be added to the existing environmental problems in the near future - the pollution of ocean waters due to the development of the oil and gas industry on the territory of the ocean. The solution to these problems is possible only in the aggregate, by changing its attitude towards the region of the entire world community, and especially those countries that are currently engaged in the division of the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

They, as the future owners of certain territories, should first of all pay attention to the ecological state of the region. We are observing from their side activities that are aimed only at studying the geological nature of the ocean floor in order to satisfy their economic interests.

In connection with the future economic development of the depths of the Arctic Ocean, the question of improving and stabilizing the ecological state of this region is currently raised at the international level.

However, the solution of this problem is clearly complicated at the present time by the fact that some states, in pursuit of hydrocarbon deposits, are engaged in dividing continental shelves. At the same time, they imprudently postpone the solution of the environmental problems of the waters of the Arctic Ocean for an indefinite period, they limit themselves only to stating the facts of the emergence of a threat of one or another environmental catastrophe.

In the light of future economic activities, aimed mainly at the development of deep hydrocarbon deposits, the onset of another environmental problem for ocean waters is seen. After all, it has been established that oceanic waters located near oil and gas production platforms are far from ideal in environmental terms. Moreover, such territories can be classified as environmentally hazardous. And if we take into account that by the time the process of the international division of the continental shelf of the Arctic Ocean is over, the level of technology will already make it possible to extract oil at any depth, one can imagine how many such platforms will be built simultaneously in the waters of the ocean. At the same time, a positive solution to the environmental issue of the activities of such platforms will remain in great doubt, because by that time the continental reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials will be practically exhausted, prices for it will rise even more, and mining companies will chase production volumes first of all.

Also, the question of eliminating the consequences of nuclear weapons tests remains open, which is also an important factor in characterizing the environmental situation in the Arctic Ocean. Currently, politicians are in no hurry to resolve these issues - after all, such events, in the light of their implementation in permafrost conditions, are quite expensive. While all free money these states spend on studying the depths of the Arctic Ocean, the nature of its bottom in order to provide evidence in the struggle for the continental shelves. We can only hope that after the end of the division of the territory of the Arctic Ocean, the countries to which certain areas of the ocean will legally belong will take measures to eliminate these consequences and will not allow such activities in the future.

The most dangerous from an ecological point of view phenomenon in the waters of the Arctic Ocean is the widespread melting of glaciers.

To highlight this global environmental problem, you can refer to the data of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. According to the report of the ministry from 18.06.2008. - by 2030 in the north of Russia, due to global warming, catastrophic destruction may begin. Already in Western Siberia, permafrost is thawing by four centimeters a year, and in the next 20 years its border will move as much as 80 kilometers.

The data provided by the Ministry of Emergency Situations is really amazing. Moreover, the content of the report was mainly focused not on the actual environmental aspects of global warming, but on those issues that are important for the socio-economic and industrial security of Russia. In particular, it was noted that in twenty years more than a quarter of the housing stock in the north of Russia could be destroyed. This is due to the fact that the houses there were not built on a massive foundation, but on piles driven into the permafrost. With an increase in the average annual temperature by only one or two degrees, the bearing capacity of these piles decreases immediately by 50%. In addition, airports, roads, underground storage facilities, including oil tanks, storage facilities and even industrial facilities can be destroyed.

Another problem is the sharp increase in flood risk. By 2015, the drainage capacity of northern rivers will increase by 90%. Freeze-up time will be reduced by more than 15 days. All this will lead to a twofold increase in the risk of floods. This means that there will be twice as many transport accidents and flooding of coastal settlements. In addition, due to the thawing of permafrost, the risk of methane release from the soil will also increase. Methane is a greenhouse gas, its release causes the temperature of the lower atmosphere to rise. But this is not the main thing - the increase in gas concentration will affect the health of the northerners.

The situation with ice melting in the Arctic is also relevant. If in 1979 the area of ​​ice there was 7.2 million square kilometers, then in 2007 it decreased to 4.3 million. That is, almost doubled. Also, the ice thickness has almost halved. This has advantages for shipping, but it also increases other risks. In the long term, countries with a low landscape level will be forced to protect themselves from possible partial flooding. Russia, its northern territories and Siberia, this applies directly. The only good news is that ice melts evenly in the Arctic, while at the South Pole the ice moves in jumps and causes earthquakes.

The Emergencies Ministry is so seriously concerned about the situation that it plans to equip two expeditions to the north of the country to study the changing climate and test equipment in new conditions. Expeditions are directed to Novaya Zemlya, the New Siberian Islands and the mainland of the coast of the Arctic Ocean. In any case, the task of ensuring the safety of the population in the northern territories is now becoming one of the priorities for the Russian government.

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