Emma's name is what nationality. Talents and hobbies. Emma in different languages ​​of the world

Short form of the name Emma. Amy, Emachka, Emusya, Emka, Emita, Eminya.
Synonyms for the name Emma. Ema.
Origin of the name Emma. The name Emma is German, Jewish, Catholic.

According to the second version, the name Emma is derived from the Hebrew male name Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” Emma is believed to be a short form of the name Emmanuel.

According to the third version, the name Emma has Latin roots and is translated as “precious”, “spiritual”.

The next version is Arab origin named Emma. Translated from Arabic means “faithful”, “calm”, “reliable”.

Currently, the name is popular not only in the countries of the Old World - England, Germany, Sweden, France, Norway and others, but also in the countries of the New World - the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. The name Emma has risen to the top of the ratings of female names, and in different countries occupies different positions, often takes 1-2 positions, but overall does not leave the top five.

A girl named Emma is always dissatisfied with herself, she doesn’t like everything about herself, but at the same time she is very determined. Emma simply loves to engage in self-criticism; she will reproach herself for every mistake and failure. If she is faced with some kind of choice, be it serious things or a banal evening outfit, the girl may doubt this or that option for a long time, but if she has already made a decision, she will under no circumstances change her choice. Emma does not give in to persuasion, she does not accept criticism of her ideas - she will still do it as she intended.

As a rule, the reason life difficulties Emma becomes precisely her complex character. She is independent, overly self-reliant, emotional, irritable, does not know how to listen to good advice, but at the same time she is intellectual and has a lively mind. The rigor and isolation that are inherent in Emma at first glance, in fact, are just protection from the outside world, since the girl has hypersensitivity to outside influence. In life, she is guided by reason, not emotions.

Emma has excellent artistic taste, which allows her to choose the profession of a fashion designer or designer, art critic or artist. Emma can try herself in other areas of activity thanks to her discipline and tact, and her strong-willed character and favorable disposition of the people around her will help the girl make a dizzying career and occupy leadership positions. Even as a child, Emma exhibited such traits as independence and remarkable willpower, so in her work the girl shows hard work and perseverance, but she approaches business issues thoughtfully and slowly.

In family life, Emma shows herself as a caring mother and a good housewife; she never gets tired of household chores. In Emma’s family, the “first violin” is usually played by the husband, this girl’s life is tuned to her loved ones, Emma lives by them and protects them from life’s adversities. The owner of this name hates playing with feelings; she is very sincere in love. Emma is picky in choosing a partner.

It is very important for Emma to find a way out for internal tension, for example, with the help of humor. Laughter and a smile will make Emma’s character softer, relationships with colleagues and loved ones warmer, and her mood more joyful. It is worth noting that the owner of this name is very susceptible to depression due to increased emotionality and self-criticism. In your relationship with Emma, ​​you should not perceive the girl’s external coldness as arrogance. Communication should be built not on emotions, but on reasonable arguments, then the relationship will be warm and friendly for a long time.

Emma's birthday

Famous people named Emma

  • Emma of Gurk ((980 - 1045) saint of the Roman Catholic Church)
  • Emma of Normandy ((982 - 1052) daughter of Richard I, Count of Normandy, Queen of England, wife of Kings Ethelred II and Canute the Great)
  • Emma of Italy ((948 - 988) daughter of the king of Italy, Lothair of Arles, wife of the king of the West Frankish kingdom, Lothair of France)
  • Emma Goldman ((1869 - 1940) famous anarchist of the first half of the 20th century, also known as Red Emma)
  • Emma of Bohemia ((950 – 1006) wife of the Czech Duke Boleslav II; Emma is one of the few personalities known by name in early Czech history)
  • Emma Waldeck-Pyrmont (née Adelaide Emma Wilhelmina Theresa, wife of King Willem III of the Netherlands (1858 – 1934))
  • Emma Hamilton (Emma Hamilton, real name Amy Lyon; English courtesan, wife of the British diplomat William Hamilton, lover of Admiral Nelson (1765 - 1815))
  • Emma Bunton ((b. 1976) British singer, member of the Spice Girls)
  • Emmy Noether ((1882 - 1935) outstanding German mathematician)
  • Emma Orczy (English writer of Hungarian origin, author of the novel The Scarlet Pimpernel, playwright and artist)
  • Emma Thompson (British actress and screenwriter, winner of the Oscar, BAFTA and Emmy awards)
  • Emma Kirkby ((born 1949) English singer (soprano), specializing in the field of early music, mainly of the Baroque era)
  • Emma Levy ((1842 - 1863) one of the last ballerinas of the era of romantic ballet and protégé of Maria Taglioni)
  • Emmy Goering (née Emma Johanna Henny Sonnemann; German stage and film actress, second wife of Hermann Goering (1893 - 1973))
  • Emma Chaplin (real name - Christelle Joliton, French singer (born 1974))
  • Emma Bonney (English snooker player; also on high level plays English billiards)
  • Emma Viklund ((born 1968) Swedish fashion model and film actress)
  • Emma Laine (Finnish tennis player)
  • Emma Roberts ((b.1991) American pop singer and actress)
  • Emmaline Fanchon (Emma) Tillman ((1892 - 2007) American centenarian; died at the age of 114 years 67 days)
  • Emma of France ((894 - 934) queen of the West Frankish kingdom in 923 - 934, wife of King Raoul I of Burgundy of France)
  • Emmy Verhey ((born 1949) Dutch violinist)
  • Emma Watson ((born 1990) is an English film actress and fashion model, best known for her role in the film about Harry Potter, she played Hermione Granger. She is the winner of many film awards and is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In addition to starring in the best-selling book, she also starred in the films " Ballet Shoes", "It's Good to Be a Wallflower", "Elite Society" and others. Actively participates in filming.)


In Russia, you rarely see girls named Emma. Nevertheless, there are parents who choose him for their daughters, predetermining the character and fate of Emma.

A beautiful, unusual word sounds poetic and very feminine. What does the name Emma mean and what fate does it endow its owner with?

Meaning and origin of the name Emma

Few names have as many different versions of their appearance as this one. Emma is called Irma and Amalia in Germany, Emilia in England, Emmy in America. It is widespread in countries with the Catholic religion. In addition to the countries mentioned, a woman with this name can be found in Canada, France, Ireland, Belgium, Norway, Australia, Poland, and Spain.

The origin and history of the name Emma is controversial. There are not one or two, but five versions of his formation. Accordingly, the meaning of the name Emma also varies.

1. German version- the most understandable, since the name is really common in German-speaking countries. It has the same root as the German word “ermen”, which means “universal”, “whole”, and, according to scientists, may be its short form.

2. According to the second version, the name is also Germanic. It is a shortened version of the “adult” names Amalia or Emilia.

3. Hebrew version traces the origin and history of the name Emma to the male name Emmanuel (in Russia it is found as Immanuel). It has a religious "translation" meaning the phrase "God is with us" and is considered a short form of this name.

4. Latin version has a secular character. It is she who is most liked by parents who have learned what the name Emma means: “soulful”, “priceless”, “precious”.

5. The ancient Greek version gives the following interpretation: “flattering”, “affectionate”.

6. Arabic version there too. The translation sounds like “reliable”, “calm”, “faithful”.

In general, the meaning of the name Emma is varied, and it itself is very popular among royalty. It is no coincidence that history knows the queens Emma of Bavaria, Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont, Emma of Italy, Emma of Normandy, Emma of France.

What kind of character does Emma have?

A girl with that name is made of contradictions. She is stubborn and indecisive, sensitive and outwardly cold at the same time. Will never argue with an opponent, but not because he has weak character, but because she is dependent on other people’s opinions and is internally unsure of herself. At the same time, he has a critical mind, combined with an innate sense of humor and greatness of spirit.

Emma avoids noisy parties, preferring to spend time with a book in her hands. She is faithful, noble, honest, she will never reveal someone else's secret, but she will not trust her own to anyone either. She is prone to self-criticism, sometimes unfounded, and always strives to achieve the ideal. She does not like to make decisions herself and hesitates for a long time where there is no reason to do so.

To those around him he seems to be a heavy, uncommunicative person. Surrounded by strangers strangers feels constrained. If you need to solve some clear problem, you can devote yourself completely to the process and act purposefully. Will defend justice, despite softness and uncertainty.

The fate of a woman named Emma

Emma is passionate in her feelings, often falls in love and needs love. She never plays with feelings, does not like flirting, and is very sincere. Often chooses an older partner in order to feel like a child next to him. But she will be completely happy only if her husband maintains his sexual potential. All aspects of a relationship are important to Emma, ​​and she will not be satisfied only with platonic feelings.

Emma's character and fate are interconnected. She can get along with almost anyone, but she prefers an experienced and strong man. Possessing developed intuition and the gift of a psychologist, she senses the slightest mood of her husband and knows how to deftly avoid acute situations.

She loves children and is an excellent housekeeper. Emma likes to work around the house and please her household - this is her way of showing love. She strives to protect her husband and children from adversity, is always tuned in to them and without a doubt sacrifices her interests and plans, without at all considering these to be a sacrifice.

Profession for Emma

Possessing excellent aesthetic taste, a creative gift and a sense of style, he often becomes an art critic, designer, fashion designer, and artist. If nature gives her an ear for music, she can become a musician.

At the same time, natural tact, discipline, willpower and decency make her an excellent leader. He thoughtfully approaches the solution of any issue, and when receiving a profession, he thoroughly pays attention to all the nuances and complexities.

Being a natural psychologist, she easily understands management tasks and can quickly gain authority and achieve high status. This is why Emma can make an excellent career in any chosen profession, including through perseverance and hard work.

Famous women with this name:

Emma Goldman (Red Emma), representative of the Anarchist Party;

Emma Hamilton (Lyon), lover of the famous Admiral Nelson;

Emma Bunton, member of the British group "Spice Girls";

Emma Orzi, British writer;

Emmy Noether, mathematician;

Emma Thompson, British actress;

Emma Watson, British actress;

Emma Laine, tennis player;

Emma Kirkby, singer;

Emilia Musina-Pushkina, a Russian noblewoman to whom Lermontov dedicated a poem;

Emilia Platter, revolutionary.

Name compatibility

Despite the fact that Emma gets along well with people, adapting to her beloved man and not experiencing psychological discomfort from this, her relationship will work out best with Alexey, Vladimir, Valentin, Ippolit, Ivan, Denis, Eduard, Gennady, Maxim, Ilya, Ignot, Mikhail, Sergey, Timofey, Stepan, Pavel.

Relationships may be fragile with Alexander, Andrey, Anton, Boris, Valery, Gleb, Arthur, Georgy, Vladislav, Lev, Nikita, Leonid, Nikolay, Oleg, Fedor, Yuri, Yaroslav, Stepan.

  • Female name
  • Meaning and origin of the name Emma: Translated from greek name means "Affectionate", "Flattering".
  • Energy named after Emma: Independence, logic, restraint, practicality

Emma is a direct and intense name. There is a certain sense of isolation and severity in him, but this is usually just a mask. It’s just the energy of the name that makes Emma very sensitive to external influences, but at the same time it inclines her to restrain her feelings - both negative and positive. This gives Emma’s character a certain external coldness, which, nevertheless, over time can develop into an internal one.

Emma is usually distinguished by significant willpower and independence, which begins to appear in her character even in childhood. She is quite hardworking and persistent in her work, although she prefers to do everything slowly and thoughtfully, and her restraint often inclines her to trust her mind more than her emotions. It is possible that she will be very dissatisfied with herself and will try to the best of her ability to develop in her character the traits that she thinks are necessary. However, restrained feelings most often do not lead to the development of emotions into passion, since if the energy of the name is sufficiently closed, it still has the property of dissipating internal tension. It's a little like an inflated leather ball that doesn't burst because the air gradually seeps through the skin. And it also resembles some kind of battery, useful qualities which, by the way, Emma can successfully use in life.

It all depends on what outlet for internal tension she finds. Most often, the energy of the name causes Emma to have quite active, albeit leisurely, brain work in search possible solution problems and self-improvement. Sometimes the same force begins to incline her to seek justice and reflect on the meaning of human relationships. However, the most favorable way out for internal stress is humor. It is this path that will allow Emma to fit most naturally into almost any team, will add some of the missing warmth to her family relationships, and the goodwill of people, combined with her strong-willed character, can allow her to make an excellent career, including in leadership positions.

What do you think of the name Emma?

  • Meaning: faithful, calm, sincere, reliable.
  • Origin: Jewish, Arabic.
  • Short forms: Amy, Emmochka, Emusya, Emka, Ema.
  • Name Emma in other languages: full name– Emma (German, English, French, Italian), Ema (Spanish, Port.), Emma (Ukrainian), Ema (Belarus), diminutive – Emm (English), Mimi (French), Emita (Spanish).

The meaning of the name Emma is character and destiny

Emma is independent and independent, but at the same time, sentimental and romantic. She quite rarely listens to other people's advice, so she is prone to making mistakes and doubting for a long time before making a decision. But from this moment on, Emma becomes very decisive - she always does what she intended, but she does not give in to persuasion and does not listen to criticism regarding her plans for the future.

Emma is emotional, often irritable and dissatisfied with herself. She is prone to self-examination and self-criticism. At the same time, he has a lively mind and high intelligence. Protecting herself from the outside world, Emma may appear from the outside as overly strict and withdrawn, not inclined to express feelings and emotions. This is partly true, because in life she is more guided by reason rather than emotions.

In friendship, for Emma it is not quantity that matters, but quality. She has a hard time meeting new people, but once she makes friends, she becomes a loyal and devoted friend. Emma can often be irritable, but she makes up for this with her charm, sense of humor and friendly personality. Throughout her life, she remains rather secretive, and rarely “pours out her soul” even to her closest people.

Emma Stone is an American actress.


Emma is prone to skin diseases, especially in early childhood. In infancy, she is often very restless, sleeps poorly, cries without apparent reason. In childhood, he often suffers from colds, stomatitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and therefore requires increased attention and careful care. To reduce the likelihood colds, recommended with early childhood toughen up the girl.

As teenagers and adults, Emmas are prone to frequent headaches, migraines, and stomach problems. Otherwise, the bearers of this name get sick quite rarely, but for this they need to stop being nervous over trifles, delving into themselves excessively and becoming depressed.

The meaning of the name Emma for a little girl

Important! This name is ideal for a girl born under the sign of Capricorn. The Earth sign will soften her character a little, add romance and gentleness, while maintaining her prudence, discipline and desire for success.

As a child, little Emma does not please her parents special troubles.She is very capable and can achieve great success instudy, but only if he pacifies his character. Due to excessive harshness when expressing her point of view, Emma often

There are conflicts with teachers. Has for her great importance the opportunity to defend your opinion, even if it is not entirely correct.

Emma prefers to play with older children; she may be skeptical about the games of her peers. Yes and in adolescence she prefers to surround herself with older friends, wise with life experience. She feels much more comfortable in their company. For Emma, ​​the opinions of others are of great importance, especially if it concerns her “shortcomings”, which for the most part invented by her herself.

Marriage and family

The owner of the name Emma is very amorous. She often pays attention to older men - with them she becomes feminine, very romantic and sentimental. In marriage, Emma strives to lead. If this does not happen, she may be disappointed in family relationships and even insist on divorce, since it is difficult for the two “commanders” to get along together.

To be happy in her marriage, Emma needs to learn to give in, listen to her husband and trust him more.

Career and passion

A characteristic feature often inherent in Emmas is a penchant for careerism. It is easy for her to quickly “get involved” in the work process and move towards the goal without being distracted by anything else. Women named Emma are often quite successful at work and quickly move up the career ladder. They can become quite successful leaders, as well as teachers, administrators, journalists and translators.

Thanks to their impeccable taste, Emmas often become fashion designers, designers, stylists, and art critics. If Emma does not work, then she becomes an almost ideal housewife, whose house is always in perfect order.

Famous bearers of the name

  • Emma of Normandy (980-1045)- Queen of England, wife of Kings Canute the Great and Ethelred II.
  • Emma Bunton (b. 1976)- member of the British group "Spice Girls".
  • Emma Roberts (b. 1991)- American actress and pop singer.
  • Emmy Verhey (born 1949)- Dutch violinist.
  • Emma (Emmaline) Tillman (1892-2007)- a famous American centenarian who died at the age of 114 years and 67 days.

Emma Watson (born 1990) is a fashion model and actress who played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film.

Name day

Since the name Emma, ​​like , is not in the calendar, she does not celebrate her name day. Usually, at baptism, Emmas are given a second name, and then the name day is celebrated on the day of veneration of the patron saint. The same applies to, which is also not in the calendar.

What does the beautiful name Emma mean? In part, this is a riddle that the people around her will have to solve. What do you know about the meaning of the name Emma? Is the description appropriate? Write your additions in the comments to this article. It will be very interesting to know the opinion of the owners of this stylish name - whether its meaning coincides with their character.

From the first lines of the description, the meaning of the name Emma reveals the strong character of its owner. WITH early age a rather rare trait manifests itself - self-criticism; often a girl’s mood can be hopelessly spoiled because of a trifle, for example, an unsuccessful drawing or craft. On the one hand, this trait negatively affects the mood of others, on the other hand, the desire for self-improvement is an indisputable virtue.

This female name It sounds special and is associated with pride, which fully corresponds to the inner world of the young lady. First of all, the meaning of the name Emma for a girl reveals a rich inner world, the child really evaluates his actions, tries to correct mistakes, independently draws conclusions about how to act correctly in certain situations, and does not pretend.

When studying the meaning of the name Emma for a child, many people have doubts about the relationship with their daughter; one should not rush to conclusions; strong creative personalities require a special approach; it is necessary to show patience and restraint, while they emit a special energy that compensates for any shortcomings.

In addition, the interpretation of the name allows us to conclude that parents will not need to make any effort in order to accustom their daughter to order and discipline; the baby is naturally endowed with unique neatness. Everything in the room is placed in its place; under no circumstances will you appear among your peers in a dirty dress.

She attaches particular importance to her wardrobe; she must periodically purchase original accessories with which she can create looks that match her mood. Prone to depression, parents should not attach importance bad mood, it’s better, on the contrary, to distract you, load you with housework, invite you for a walk or to the cinema.

If you are sure that a girl is doing wrong, do not try to impose your opinion, she belongs to the category of people who learn exclusively from their mistakes, accept independent decisions. Although the girl’s character is not simple, conflict situations excluded from school and with parents, a born diplomat knows how to find an approach to people. Develops throughout life Creative skills, her loved ones should assist her; perhaps the girl has a talent for drawing or music.


Too hard on yourself, which means flawless appearance, a special manner of behavior cannot go unnoticed by representatives of the opposite sex. At first meeting, she gives the impression of a cold and withdrawn woman, this is just a mask behind which hides a romantic nature. First of all, feelings matter; passion must be present in a relationship, which will allow the energy of a temperamental woman to be realized. With age, he will learn to use men, thanks to this he will achieve rapid advancement up the career ladder. He changes partners quite often, cannot resist the beautiful courtship of a persistent admirer, and is sure to get carried away.

The love affairs will continue until he meets his one and only, who will become both a friend and a lover. She is demanding of herself, but at the same time she is ready to forgive insults to her loved one.


After marriage it changes. This means that it is simply impossible to recognize a discreet woman who is ready to do anything for the sake of her husband and children. Home comfort is of particular importance to a young housewife; impeccable taste allows you to fill every room with coziness and comfort. Perfect cleanliness delights the guests of the house, who will also enjoy a pleasant acquaintance with the culinary masterpieces of the hostess.

The children are surrounded by care, the mother will definitely find time to play or just chat about the most intimate things. Family life things are going well, the passionate lover never ceases to amaze her husband original ideas, marriage is not in danger gray everyday life. Incapable of betrayal, painfully tolerates her husband's hobbies, is of the opinion that children need full family, will go for divorce only as a last resort.

A woman prefers to hide problems from others, and therefore periodic release is simply necessary. Relatives should take care of organizing leisure time for the keeper of the hearth.

Business and career

She can become an excellent psychologist, perceives people’s problems as her own, cannot remain indifferent, which means she will make every effort to find a way out of the situation. A disciplined woman is used to finishing what she starts and is patient with what she starts; this quality will allow her to become an accountant or economist.

Creative abilities will allow you to give the world beauty; a talented designer will receive recognition and a worthy reward. In a word, there will be no problems with employment; what matters most is the satisfaction of one’s own pride; it does not tolerate criticism, much less pressure from management.

Origin of the name Emma

In search of an answer to the question of where the daughter came from and whose name she will bear, she is given the opportunity to choose an option that corresponds to the religion of her parents. The etymology is ambiguous, the story contains enough interesting facts O strong women, whom the secret of the name has endowed with unique vitality.

One version indicates that the origin of the name Emma has German roots - “whole”, “universal”. The second option is a short form of the male name Emmanuel. The third version will attract the attention of parents who dream of a tender, feminine daughter - “precious”, “soulful”.

Characteristics of the name Emma

The characteristics of the name Emma reveal the pros and cons of the owner; ideal people do not exist, so you should not succumb to illusions. We should pay tribute to willpower and independence; already in childhood, she independently finds a way out of the most unpleasant situations; an adult woman is ready to stand up for the weak. The tendency to depression is difficult for loved ones to endure. With age, character changes better side, learns to control emotions, share experiences with loved ones, family support in all endeavors is important to her.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Carnelian.
  • Name day - June 27.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Scorpio.

Famous people

  • Emma Watson - actress;
  • Emma Roberts is an actress.

Different languages

As a rule, the question of how to translate into a certain language arises when it is necessary to travel abroad. Finding out the translation of the name Emma is extremely simple, since it is widespread all over the world, for example, in Chinese - 埃玛; in Japanese - エマ.

Name forms

  • Full name: Emma.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Amy, Emachka, Emusya, Emka, Emita, Eminya.
  • Declension of the name – Emma, ​​Emma.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not included in the calendar; at baptism it is assigned on an individual basis.