Hygienic characteristics of dishes from different materials Table. Materials used for the manufacture of equipment, equipment, dishes, packaging. Hygienic requirements for materials. The advantages and disadvantages of polymeric materials. Contemporary


This dental disease is characterized by chronic or sharp inflammation of the gums area near the root of the tooth. As a rule, a periodontic process develops due to incomprehensible caries. If you do not carry out the treatment of periodontitis, you can lose the tooth, while the doctor may assign conservative therapy with the intake of antibiotics and other drugs or, in running cases, surgical methods of combating the problem are applied.

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  • The bleeding of the gums during pregnancy - the causes, methods of treatment, appliqués, rinsing and removing the dental stone

What is periodontitis

Pathology is inflammation of tissues that surround the dental root, and are responsible for how firmly he "sits" in the gum. This process is a reaction of the body, which indicates the emergence of some more serious problem, for example, the presence of an infection source in the body. Through holes in the teeth with complicated caries, pathogenic bacteria and microbes begin to irritate a periodontight, thereby stimulating a strong response.


For this form of the disease, pronounced symptoms are inherent - severe pains, swelling, swelling. If the patient did not resort to the treatment of the disease for a long time, it progresses, while the bone tissue, located next to the top of the root, dissolves. The formed cavity under the tooth is filled with granulations, as a result, the formation of a fistula and spontaneous opening of the purulent cluster or granuloma continues to grow with the subsequent transformation into the cyst.


With this formontitis form, an invisible course of the disease occurs, it is possible to identify that on the following features:

  • shift color tooth;
  • defect crown;
  • weak soreness when tapping.

Treatment of chronic periodontitis is carried out after the diagnosis of the disease, which includes x-rays: Only in images can be judged by the presence of a chronic inflammatory process. Since pathology in such a form has a weakly pronounced symptomatology, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise there is a risk of losing the tooth, because when cysts occur on the roots, it is impossible to save it.

How to treat Periodontitis

Therapy of the disease is aimed at eliminating inflammation in the top of the root of the tooth. It is possible to achieve this with the help of various methods, and the complexity of treatment is determined by the degree of development of the process, the structure of the tooth and the roots, the prevalence of the disease, the age of the patient. The treatment of acute periodontitis or chronic form of pathology provides for the processing of the antiseptic of root canals. In cases where the tooth was placed earlier, and the root seal is not removed, surgery is carried out by resection of the apical fragment of the root.


Permanent periodontal can be different, so the doctor for each patient selects an individual complex of therapeutic measures. The chronic form of pathology is usually treated for 2-3 visits, this is due to the fact that often with such a disease in the top of the dental root there are no serious inflammatory changes, so you can immediately process them, to carry out antibacterial measures, and after the root channels are placed.

The acute formontitis form requires more complex treatment. In this case, therapy is carried out at the following steps:

  • x-ray;
  • removal of affected dentals under anesthesia;
  • eliminate dead pulp;
  • cleansing tooth channels;
  • resection, desny drainage (this is necessary for normal pus outflow);
  • use of antibiotics, NSAIDs, painkillers);
  • re-sane channels, the room in them and the installation of a temporary seal;
  • washing channels, x-rays to control the state of the roots, installation of a constant seal or removal of an incomplete tooth.


How to treat periodontitis tooth? Therapeutic measures aimed at the relief and neutralization of the disease are divided into 2 groups:

  • conservative treatment;
  • surgical intervention.

Conservative methods involve the use of medicines and conducting physiotherapy (laser treatment, magnetotherapy, etc.). In addition, periodontitis treatment provides resection, channel sane and subsequent seal-closed. At the same time, therapeutic measures may take several months, but this is a justified measure, since the complications of pathology will have to be treated by carrying out an operation.

Dumna section during periodontitis

The extreme measure of the treatment of running periodontitis is an operation. Modern dentistry uses the most gentle methods of surgical intervention, aimed at preserving the integrity of the jaw, so the removal of teeth occurs only in cases of acute necessity. So, if you open the tooth for the implementation of conservative therapy, there is no possibility, the resection of the gums is shown, thanks to which the exudate outflow is provided. In addition, surgical methods of periodontitis treatment are shown to prevent the development of more serious complications.

Antibiotics at Periodontitis

Conservative treatment of the disease is long and involves the use of other drugs, as domexide and chlorhexidine, antibiotics. They are prescribed, given the resistance of microorganisms in the oral cavity of the patient, therefore, the means from the group of lincomycin and the preparations of a wide range of action are considered to be the most efficient. With the help of antibiotics is carried out:

  • neutralization / relief of inflammation;
  • suppression of bacteria in the root canals;
  • total desensitization of the body.

Periodontitis treatment by folk remedies

Adults and periodontitis children can use different non-traditional disease treatment methods. Such methods will not help get rid of inflammation, however, they will serve effective preventive measures, and will also help the rapid restoration of tissues after the operation. The most effective recipes of funds that are easy to prepare at home:

  1. Iodine tincture. To get rid of pus during a periodontitis, it costs several times a day to rinse the oxygen-based oral cavity. Salt and propolis. In 200 ml of warm water, add ½ tsp. Stone salt, a couple of yeod drops and a tincture of propolis. Before use, give the tool to stand 40 minutes.
  2. Rinse soda. The easiest way to carry out antibacterial teeth treatment at home is the processing of the oral robust cavity. You can prepare it, mixing 1 tsp. Powder with glass warm water. The procedure for the treatment of periodontitis spend 4-5 times a day.
  3. Infusion of oak bark. Fill 2 tbsp. l. Funds 35 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour, after a son. Rink the oral cavity with the resulting means after each meal and before bedtime.

Price for periodontitis treatment

The cost of treatment periodontitis depends on the price lists of private dental clinics, forms and severity of the disease. At the same time, the therapy price includes:

  • anesthesia;
  • removal of an old seal;
  • channel processing;
  • temporary sealing.

Errors and complications in the treatment of periodontitis

In cases where the sealing of the channels did not eliminate the pain and symptoms, did not pass for 5 days after treatment, it is necessary to repeat X-ray. As a rule, this indicates recurrence of periodontitis, which occurred due to the insufficient level of disinfection or poorly conducted sealing. In this case, the patient requires repetition of repeated therapy in compliance with the norms of sterility. Wrong therapy may cause the development of such complications.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to treat periodontitis tooth,
  • inflammation of the root of the tooth treatment
  • modern methods of treatment periodontitis,
  • periodontitis treatment by folk remedies

Periodontitis - the treatment of this disease will depend on the form of inflammation at the top of the tooth root. First of all, periodontitis is made to divide into acute and chronic:

  • Acute formontitis form

it is characterized by severe symptoms of inflammation (acute pain, edema and swelling of the gums), which arose for the first time, in the absence of the root of the root of the root of the destruction of bone tissue.

  • Chronic formontitis form
  • it is characterized by asymptomatic flow, or the presence of minor symptoms (for example, a slight pain during pricing). Periodically, for example, against the background of immunity reduction - chronic flow of inflammation can be exacerbated. In the period of exacerbation, symptoms will be similar to the symptoms of the acute form of periodontitis.

    It is enough to distinguish between one or another formontitis form - for this you need to find out the patient's complaints, as the disease developed and make a control x-ray.

    If we are dealing with acute periodontitis, then the x-ray of the root will not have any noticeable changes. If we have with a chronic form of periodontitis, then on x-ray we will definitely see a periodontal abscess (purulent pouch at the top of the tooth root). In Figure 1, you can see how the periodontal abscess looks schematically, and in Fig. 2-3 - on X-rays.

    Periodontitis: Photo, Scheme

    1. Chronic periodontitis: Treatment

    Treatment of chronic forms of periodontitis will depend on the form of a chronic inflammatory process. There are three forms of chronic periodontitis: a fibrous form granulating and granulomatous (to the latter include cysts and granulomas at the top of the tooth root).

    Treatment of chronic fibrous periodontitis is usually carried out in 2 visits. This is due to the fact that with this form of periodontitis at the top of the root of the tooth there are no significant inflammatory changes and therefore, the root channels can be placed on an ongoing basis for a second visit.

    Treatment of chronic granulating periodontitis, as well as treatment of chronic granulomatous periodontitis takes several months and requires usually at least 4x visits to the dentist. Since these forms of periodontitis are much more often found - we will consider a detailed algorithm for treating exactly such forms.

    In the first visit is held -

    1. Diagnostic X-ray
    2. Anesthesia is carried out
    3. Drilling all the fabrics affected by caries (Fig. 4b) -

    as well as creating access to the mouths of the root canals.

  • Measuring the length of root canals
  • Tool processing of root canals (Fig.4B) -
  • need to expand the channels and be able to be able to highlight them. In parallel, the procedures for root channels should be carried out using an inkjet washing with antiseptic solutions.

  • The root canal introduces a drug antiseptic agent -
  • after the mechanical processing of root channels and their washing with solutions of antiseptics - in the channels until the next visit, cotton tours, impregnated with a strong antiseptic, for example, cresophos are left.

  • Temporary seal overlay
  • Appointment of a doctor -
  • medicase treatment periodontitis may include the antibiotics of a wide range of action in combination with metronidazole, antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. The choice of drugs is done depending on clinical symptoms.

    Stages of treatment periodontitis:

    The second visit is carried out in 2-3 days -

    In the absence of patient complaints in pain, the following events are carried out:

    1. Removal of temporary seal and medication from root canals.
    2. Washing channels with antiseptics - chlorhexidine, sodium hypochloride ...
    3. Textile sealing of root canals (Fig. 4G) -

    the root channels are sealed by a temporary sealing material based on calcium hydroxide, for example, Calospept or Metapex preparations. Calcium hydroxide has not only a pronounced antiseptic effect on an infection in the root canals, but also stimulates the restoration of bone tissue in the focus of inflammation in the root top. Temporarily sealing is carried out for a period of 2-3 months. A temporary seal is installed on the tooth (Fig. 4d).

    In the third visit is held -

    1. Check X-ray -

    a snapshot will show how effective therapeutic measures were. With a positive dynamics, which will be to reduce the size of the destruction of bone tissue at the top of the tooth root - the doctor makes a decision on constant filling of root canals.

  • Antiseptic processing of root canals -
  • first, a temporary sealing material is removed from the channels, after which the root channels are washed with antiseptic solutions.

  • Permanent sealing of guttaperch tooth channels (Figure 4E) -
  • the root channels are sealing to the top of the root of Guttaperch.

    More details with a sealing methodology you can find the article:

    be sure to check that each root canal is polished until the top of the tooth root. Otherwise, periodontitis will appear again.

    A fixed seal is placed in the fourth visit (Fig. 9).

    Treatment with granulov and cyst teeth -

    Granulomas and cysts are varieties of chronic granulomatous periodontitis. They differ from each other only with dimensions. The periodontal abscess (purulent bag) in the top of the root of the tooth is less than 0.5 cm in diameter, they are called granuloma (Fig. 5), from 0.5 cm to 1 cm - cystic, and more than 1 cm - a pile (Fig.6 ).

    Cyst treatment may be not only a conservative-therapeutic, but also surgical. In some cases, a combination and other treatments are needed.

    You can get acquainted in more detail with the treatment of cyst therapeutic and surgical methods in articles:

    2. Treatment of acute periodontitis -

    Recall that acute periodontitis is characterized by sharp pains that arose for the first time (that is, not against the background of the chronic process). Such a formontitis form arises most often if the pulpitis of the tooth was not in a timely manner, or a dentist treatment of the pulpitis was carried out poorly.

    With symptoms, reasons for the occurrence of acute periodontitis, you can find it in the article: "Symptoms of different forms of periodontitis"

    First visit -

    In the first visit, first of all, it is necessary to give an outflow of Mouth of Periodont, as well as to remove the symptoms of intoxication in the patient's body. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

    1. X-ray -

    it is necessary to understand whether it is dealing with acute inflammation or exacerbation of the chronic process. This is important, because There are differences in the stages of treating these two forms of periodontitis.

  • Holding anesthesia
  • Drilling all the fabrics affected by caries
  • Removing necrotized pulp -
  • it is carried out if periodontitis originated against the background of a previously unbearable pulpitus. If the periodontitis originated on the background of poorly integrated root channels, then it is necessary to drill a tooth seal and felt the root channels.

  • Measuring the length of the root channel in
  • Root Channel Tool Processing -
  • need to expand the channels and be able to be able to highlight them. In parallel, the procedures for root channels should be carried out using an inkjet washing with antiseptic solutions. At the end of this stage, an extension of the apical opening of the root canal is carried out at the top of the tooth root, to facilitate the destruction of a pus from a periodontal area of \u200b\u200bthe root.

    The temporary seal is not superimposed, the tooth is left "open" to the second visit. However, it is necessary to prevent the patient to launch a cotto tampon before meals. This is necessary so that the root channels do not beat the food residues and the destruction of pus. If there is a flux on the gum (Fig. 7-8). It may also require a cut on the gum.

    Appointment of a doctor after the first visit: General treatment periodontitis is needed to reduce the symptoms of intoxication of the body against the background of purulent inflammation. The following groups of drugs are mainly applied:

    → An antibiotic of a wide range of action in combination with metronidazole.

    → Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means, for example, ibuprofen.

    → Antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavern in the scheme.

    Second visit (2-3 days) -

    First, the root channels are mounted repeated with antiseptic solutions, after which an antiseptic durability of a long-term action is laid into each root channel. A temporary seal is installed on the tooth.

    Third visit -

    A constant seal on the tooth crown is placed only in the fourth visit. You can not put a permanent seal into one visit with the root canal filling!

    From this article you will learn:

    • how to treat periodontitis - stages, video,
    • when the section is needed during periodontitis,
    • periodontitis - the price of treatment for 2019.

    The tactics of treatment periodontitis will depend on 2 factors. Firstly, from the cause of its occurrence (for example, periodontitis can be either a consequence of non-cured or consequence of poor-quality filling of root canals). And secondly - from what formontitis form at your tooth -

    • acute formontitis form
    • chronic formontitis form,
    • the exacerbation of the chronic formontitis form.

    1. Treatment of chronic formontitis form -

    On the treatment of periodontitis - the price is 2019, based on the analysis of the price lists of the dental clinics of the economy class and the clinic of the average price segment. The cost of treating chronic periodontitis will depend primarily on the number of root channels in the tooth (Fig. 4).

    Treatment of chronic fibrous periodontitis is usually carried out in 2 visits. This is due to the fact that with this formontitis form at the top of the tooth root there are no significant inflammatory changes and therefore, the root channels can be placed on an ongoing basis in the 2nd visit (in the 1st visit, mechanical processing of channels and their antiseptic processing are carried out).

    Treatment of chronic granulating periodontitis, as well as the treatment of chronic granulomatous periodontitis takes several months and requires usually at least 4 visits to the dentist. Since these forms of periodontitis are much more often found - we will consider a detailed algorithm for treating exactly such forms.

    In the first visit is held -

    The second visit is carried out in 2-3 days -

    In the absence of patient complaints in pain, the following events are carried out:

    • Removal of temporary seal and medication from root canals.
    • Washing channels by antiseptics.
    • Temporary filling of root canals (Fig. 5) -
      The root channels are sealed by a temporary sealing material based on calcium hydroxide, for example, Calospept or Metapex preparations. Calcium hydroxide has not only a pronounced antiseptic effect on an infection in the root canals, but also stimulates the restoration of bone tissue in the focus of inflammation in the root top. Temporarily sealing is carried out for a period of 2-3 months.
    • The imposition of a temporary seal (Fig .5d).

    In the third visit is held -

    A constant seal is placed in the fourth visit.

    An example of the treatment of tooth cysts on a concrete example -

    The top of the root of the side upper cutter (due to poor-quality channel seals) arose a cyst with dimensions of about 1.2 cm. On the source X-ray image, the root channel deficing section is indicated with a white arrow, the cyst is limited to black arrows. The full description of the pictures opens when you click on them.

    Conclusions : Compare the first and last pictures. For two months of treatment, a sharp decrease in cysts in size has been achieved. After constant sealing of the root canal of Guttaperch, the subsequent gradual decrease in cyst sizes will be observed.

    2. Treatment of acute periodontitis and exacerbation of chronic -

    These forms of periodontitis are characterized by pronounced symptoms: a strong or shooting pain, which is intensifying in prickling to the patient, and also sooner or later there is edema and swelling of the gums, and sometimes - soft fabrics of the face. Such symptoms require primarily providing first aid, which will allow to give an outflow of Mouth and reduce pain, swelling, temperature ...

    Urgent Care -

    Emergency care will be primarily in the opening of the tooth, the purpose of which is to create a pus outflow from the top of the tooth roots through the root canals (video 1). But often it is not enough, for example, in situations, when there is already pronounced swelling on the gum or there is a swelling of soft fabrics - in this case, the incision of the gums should be taken during periodontitis (video 2).

    Important : The patient will have to walk with open tooth / root channels - approximately 2-4 days (at the discretion of the doctor), after which it will have to come to a doctor for repeated reception. It is very important that all this time the patient closes the open tooth while eating (with a dense cotton ball). After eating it immediately needs to be removed. This is important, because If the nutritional remains rush into the root channels, the pus outflow will break through the channels and there will be a new flash of inflammation.

    The cost of emergency care (opening tooth + incision) will cost in a private clinic about 1500-2500 rubles. And in the clinic at the place of residence, if there is a policy and passport, free.

    Appointments of the doctor after the first visit

    • Antibiotics in periodontitis -
      This is the most important purpose, there is an antibiotic of a wide range of action, for example, "Ciprofloxacin" (cyprolet) or "Augmentin" (this is amoxicillin + clavulanic acid). Keep in mind that traditionally appointed dentists - there are no suitable, because This antibiotic has a narrow spectrum of antimicrobial activity.
    • Antiseptic rinsing.
    • For pain relief.
    • Antihistamine preparation, for example, "Supratin".

    Second visit (in 2-4 days) -

    First, the root channels are repeatedly washed with antiseptic solutions, after which tours with an antiseptic agent are laid into each root canal, for example, by cresophos. A temporary seal is installed on the tooth. The patient warn that if the tooth surfaches, he must immediately consult a doctor.

    Third visit -

    If the pains subsided and there is no purulent separated in the root canals, then further treatment depends on the formontitis form. With the "acute form of periodontitis" root channels can be immediately sealed with guttairec on an ongoing basis, and in the already fourth visit to this patient will put a permanent seal to the tooth.

    If the patient had a "aggravation of the chronic formontitis form", then after removing acute symptoms, further treatment is carried out, based on the form of chronic periodontitis of this tooth. This means that the root channels are sealed by a temporary treatment material based on calcium hydroxide, which will eliminate the foci of chronic inflammation in the top of the roots of the teeth and restore bone tissue into them.

    Such temporary sealing is carried out for up to 2-3 months (the term depends on the size of the focus). This allows in most cases to avoid surgical intervention. However, with very large cysts (more than 1.5 cm) - conservative treatment is not enough, and in this case it is usually carried out.

    Periodontitis: Treatment at home

    Often you can meet people who do not like to go to doctors and try any diseases to treat rinsings and antibiotics. The treatment of periodontitis antibiotics could be successful under the condition if the source of infection was also located at the top of the root, as the hearth focus itself. However, the source of infection during periodontitis is located in root canals that cannot be sterilized using antibiotics reception or any other drugs.

    Many patients suffering from chronic gum inflammation, as well as periapical tissues asked if it is possible to cure periodontitis. The answer cannot be unequivocal. Much depends on the type of inflammation, the form of the process, classification of the disease. Sometimes the doctor has to make a section of the gums during periodontitis. Who is the procedure showed? What is a periodontitis? We will understand more.


    The connecting tissue, the filling space between the tooth itself and the fastening of it from the jaw is the name of the periodont. The periodontal gap begins at the base of the gum shell, and it ends at different parts of the gap has different thicknesses, near the middle of the root it is the most narrow.

    Periodont contains lymph vessels and nerve endings, due to this, the cutters occurs and each fiber is formed by a huge number of polysaccharides and various proteins. The main task of the structure is to ensure the mobility of the tooth. To perform this task, the fibers should penetrate the bone tissue.

    Inflammation of periodonta

    Inflammation of the roar shell and connectives is called periodontitis. Chronic periodontitis pays some threat, since the symptoms of the disease are not manifested immediately. The disease may occur in patients of any age, it does not have age limitations.

    The first and insignificant symptom of the disease is unpleasant smell, the bleeding of the gums when cleaning the teeth. Often patients complain about some discomfort when they take food. The main symptom of the disease - localized pain, is carrying a pulsating character, increases over time and does not have a specific location. With a large load on the cutters, the pain increases, when sternizing the teeth, grow stronger, sometimes it is impossible to eat even liquid food. In this case, there is an increase in body temperature. In such cases, the help of a dentist is simply necessary. In deferred cases, surgical intervention may be required. The incision of the gums during periodontitis is performed in extreme cases, but often such an action helps to save the tooth.

    Acute periodontitis

    If a sharp pain went into such a stage, when it is impossible to even touch the teeth, the gums frightened, often the cheek with a lip, the tooth is staggering, and the body temperature jumped - this means that the pulpit has completed his black mission. Your insumption led to the fact that the inflammation of the root of the cutter came out of the limits, captured all the fabrics surrounding the tooth, the sharp periodontitis began. Urgently need to contact the dentist who will try to save your tooth, it may be necessary to break the gums during periodontitis, it is not necessary to be afraid. After the procedure, the doctor will explain that further needs to be done for wound healing.

    Often periodontitis can be a consequence of injury: the consequence of unsuccessful treatment of pulpitis, after the supervision of something solid. Dentists urge to take care of the cutters and never turn something hard.

    Chronic periodontitis

    Chronic periodontitis ultimately leads to the fact that the dentition is loosened, the slots are formed between the teeth, the gums blemed not only when cleaning, but also in a calm state (even at night). A characteristic feature of this flow is that the stage goes alternately from acute to chronic. For example, the patient can say that the tooth was sick, but after some time the pain ceased, often such a phenomenon happens with granulomatous periodontal. If the disease proceeds to such a scenario, only an X-ray can identify pathology, since the patient can only feel a slight discomfort, a darkening of the tooth, an unpleasant smell. When examining the carious cavity, the probe after the fegeliness does not even have painful sensations.

    X-ray is assigned, a plot with rounded formation will be well visible. Such destruction of tissues and is granuloma, if its size is more than 1 cm, then this is a cystograph. In chronic form, it is unlikely to take the incision of the gums during periodontitis, but the effects of the disease are very cunning. Inflammation in the dental canal occurs phased, pathogenic bacteria, multiplying, distinguish many toxins. Inxication can lead to various diseases of the heart, kidneys, joints and other organs.


    Having revealed chronic and sharp periodontitis of teeth, the treatment of the doctor is appointed immediately. This problem is eliminated by two ways:

    • conservative-therapeutic;
    • surgical.

    An effective addition is physiotherapy, when a positive result is obtained by applying electrophoresis with iodide potassium, magnetic therapy, UHF to the inflamed zone, laser and therapy, paraffin applications.

    Periodontitis never cures one-step. The patient will repeatedly have to visit dentistry repeatedly. The procedure for assistance has certain stages.

    Treatment of periodontitis: Stages. Dumna section

    After the diagnosis is made, the doctor must first:

    • ensure the incension of pus;
    • remove symptoms intoxication.

    To determine the degree of development of inflammation, the X-ray procedure will be assigned. After that, the dentist will work with affected fabrics, pre-resorted to anesthesia. Fabrics may be damaged by pulpitis, carious process, negligent previous treatment.

    Periodontitis will continue the fastening of the root canals where problems arose. With the help of antiseptics, the doctor must be processed.

    For the unimpeded deposition of the pus, it will be necessary to expand the apical hole of the top of the tooth root.

    If the disease passes on the background of the flux, then do not do without a submission of gums. Next, to close the root canals, the doctor uses a cotton swab.

    There are several ways to treat periodontitis. Let us consider in more detail the extreme method - surgical.

    Surgical treatment of chronic periodontitis, methods

    In the treatment of inflammation of periodontal, only in extreme cases resort to periodontal surgery. It involves the full or partial removal of the tooth or root. In modern dentistry, extraction is still practiced, today the surgery seeks to the tooth and has all means for this.

    But sometimes you have to do the gums (above the tooth of wisdom, for example). This is happening in cases where it is necessary to produce a pus outflow during periodontitis.

    Increasingly, the surgeons resort to resection of the root apex, is removed not the entire top, but only the affected part. The removal procedure passes with maximum anesthesia, the operation is performed very quickly. It is possible not only to keep the tooth, but in the future restore it with a crown or in other ways.

    Using the laser method during resection allows you to simultaneously remove the granule, cyst. The method is quite efficient and at the same time bloodless. Laser technology has been widely used in premolar surgery, cutters, fangs.

    When the periodontal inflammation in the molars spend gemisation, while the tooth is cut, the affected root is removed, while the healthy and the tooth is restored by orthopedic methods.

    Gingivotomy (Dumstract cut vertically)

    In some cases, it fails to open the tooth to produce conservative treatment, in such cases you have to resort to the cut. Often the reason for this intervention can be periodontitis. After the gum is cut, the exudate is outflow, pus. It is also shown in inflammatory processes of periosteum to prevent more serious complications.

    The incision of the gums in such cases is called gingivotomy. What are the testimony to gingivotami? They may be as follows:

    • very deep, big, but at the same time a narrow pocket of the gums;
    • periodontal single big abscess;
    • regional inflammation or one of the types of marginal periodontitis;
    • often, periodontitis tooth wisdom.

    How is the incision of the gums?

    The process of gingivotomy occurs in stages:

    • Anesthesia.
    • Dissection across the entire depth of the gums in the area of \u200b\u200bthe printed pocket.
    • Cuts vertically (in lateral areas).
    • Outpraventing flaps.
    • Sanation pocket. Removal of the affected epithelium and granules.
    • Overlaying seams and dressings.

    Treatment After the submission of the gums usually passes without complications, the wound is delayed rather quickly and does not subsequently have fabric defects.

    The incision is made in different ways, it depends on the severity of inflammation, as well as indications to manipulation. It may be decided to hold gingivectomy (horizontal incision). In any case, for the successful result of surgical intervention, much attention should be paid to aseptic. Aseptics avoids prevents pathogenic organisms in the surgical field. In addition, it is necessary to use sterile gloves, tools, napkins, tampons.

    How the desna heals

    Healing of wounds after periodontal operations is the formation of new anatomical and physiological compounds between cells and tissues. Directly the process itself has several stages:

    • After the intervention, blood clots are formed, which is formed for 10 minutes, it serves as a barrier, protection against malicious microbes and infections.
    • For 3-4 hours, a young connecting (granular) fabric is formed.
    • Collagen formation and epithelialization takes 7-10 days. Sometimes it can cause a small itch.
    • Ripening and regeneration lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. The wound is delayed, but complete healing occurs only in a few months.

    What to do after the procedure

    Many are wondering how to be after the gum is cut? What to do to wound healing is fast? After surgical intervention, the dentist must warn the patient, how to care for the gums. But some patients a little in the "shock" state do not remember, coming home, which the doctor advised them. So, recommendations after the submission of the gums:

    • After surgery, the doctor will put a gauze tampon in the wound to stop bleeding. Keep it you need at least 20 minutes.
    • Having come home, you need to lie down and relax a little.
    • Do not follow the operation to eat, drink any drinks for three hours. Further, only soft food should be present in the diet to avoid injury to the section.
    • If you are experiencing severe pain, you can accept any pain relief drug. On the second day after manipulations, it is necessary to start rinsing, this will avoid infection of the wound, as well as the development of inflammatory processes. You can use for the rinsing "Furatcilin", chamomile and chagery.
    • Within three days after the intervention, you should not use hot, hard food, as well as open the widespread mouth.
    • Limit all physical, emotional loads.
    • Under the prohibition of classes in the gym, sauna, hot tub.
    • For a week, it is better to abandon smoking and alcohol.
    • In no case do not burn the wound with greenflaw or iodine. Do not apply nothing hot. So you will only worse!
    • The dentist can assign appliques to the wound of antimicrobial and wound-healing drugs ("Solkosryl", "Holovaal", "Stomatofit").
    • In order to strengthen the immune system, it is possible to take multivitamin complexes and immunode-models.
    • To control healing in five days, it is worth contacting the doctor.
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