Spinal hernia treatment without surgery at home. Treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery. Application of non-surgical methods

Treatment of herniated discs without surgery at home is possible. People suffering from a hernia in the spine are familiar with unbearable suffering due to pain attacks in the back, as well as neurological symptoms - migraines, numbness of the extremities, mental imbalance and other equally painful manifestations. Such clinical signs are directly related to dystrophic transformations in the osteochondral structures, and these are: pathological wear of the vertebral discs, loss of strength of the collagen ring and its rupture, the release of the contents of the ring (nucleus pulposus) from the fibrous barrier. This is how a hernia develops, which exerts significant compression on the vertebrae and other structural elements of the spinal column, including on the nerve formations.

Why does such a pathogenesis occur in the vertebral axis at all? Of course, there is more than one reason for this. Let's say a person has worked for the able-bodied part of his life as a loader or a miner. These professions are classified as hard work. In the process of daily physical exertion that is beyond the strength of the spine, the musculoskeletal system quickly fails - the ligamentous tissue and cartilaginous elements are weakened. Further, dystrophic processes occur in the spinal column with a violation of its integrity and pathological displacements of the bone component - discs and vertebral bodies, which leads to the formation of a hernia. Among the common factors are also physical inactivity, trauma, heredity, poor posture, bad habits.

In view of the danger of developing severe complications, the disease requires urgent treatment. Otherwise, the pathological process can lead to complete damage to the spinal nerves, and this is a direct road to disability.

From such a terrible prognosis, helping a sick person is available only by surgery. But doctors come to such a decision in extremely difficult cases, when none of the conservative methods of therapy has been successful. A positive verdict for spinal surgery is put forward by specialists in the following situations:

  • intense pain syndrome, not amenable to relief even with strong drugs for six months;
  • increasing weakness in the arms, legs, back; significant reduction in motor functions, paralysis of body parts;
  • pathological disorders in the critical phase in the pelvic organs, accompanied by uncontrolled excretion of urine or feces; problems with potency;
  • a significant change in the arrangement of the elements of the spine - shifts, displacements, deviations, lowering.

All of the above situations arise when the disease has not been paid attention to for a long time, and the pathogenesis has reached the peak moment of exacerbation, affecting the structure of not only the bone segment, but also the spinal canal. It is important to understand that the pathology can be stopped if it is timely identified and all the doctor's recommendations are impeccably followed. Moreover, the treatment measures are not complicated, in any case, it is much easier to do than to lie down on the operating table.

Many people with herniated discs are extremely interested in the question, are there any methods of therapy at home, which, in combination with a medical prescription, will contribute to a quick recovery without surgery? And, in the end, will they help to throw off this burden of severe soreness and stiffness in the back? All the material that will be presented below will open for the reader a lot of useful tips, recipes, introduce modern techniques for combating hernia, and also tell about the benefits and harms of all the methods under consideration.

Traditional medicine recipes for intervertebral hernia

Those recipes that are offered by sources for alternative treatment of hernias in the spine can be used especially in conjunction with a prescription drug prescribed by a doctor. In this case, they will have a beneficial effect on the diseased area. It makes no sense to use traditional medicine without basic therapy. Only an integrated approach will provide the most effective result. The proposed recipes must be used for a long time without interruption, until a repeated diagnostic examination shows positive dynamics and excellent results in the state of the structural elements of the spine.

Very often people, having felt better for the first time in a long time, quit treatment and forget that their back requires an extremely gentle regimen in terms of physical activity. And after a couple of months, all the symptoms return to normal. It is necessary to understand that the spine with a hernia is restored not in a month or two, although during such a period there will certainly be a significant breakthrough in improving the condition - the hernia will become smaller, the nerve roots will be freed from constant compression, due to which the pain will pass, and the long-awaited mobility will return ... But to consolidate the result, you will need long-term hard work on your spine, perhaps even for a year or more.

Potentilla tincture and balm

There are two ways to use Potentilla marsh or, as it is also called, cinquefoil. This is an alcohol tincture for internal use and the same tincture, but with the addition of DMSO, which will serve as an anesthetic and regenerating balm for external application.

Preparation of the medicine and its use (internal):

  • a half-liter bottle of vodka is taken, finely chopped cinquefoil root (50 g) is placed in it;
  • the container is well sealed and shaken, after which the healing tincture is sent to a dark place, for example, to a closet or cellar, for exactly 3 weeks;
  • after the specified period of exposure, you can start treatment: mix 10 ml of tincture with 60 ml of water and drink this solution before meals, and so 3 times a day.

Preparation of the balm and its application (external):

  • for rubbing procedures, a balm is prepared in the same way as tincture;
  • after 21 days, half a vial (50 ml) of Dimethylsulfoxide (Dimexide) is poured into it;
  • the whole mixture is thoroughly shaken, and then it is applied externally as follows: before going to bed, rub the area affected by the hernia with balm, as well as those areas where unpleasant symptoms are felt in the form of numbness, weakness, pain (arm, leg, buttocks).

Larkspur ointment and tincture

Both are intended to be applied externally to the body. Please note that larkspur tincture is also used for external use only!

Preparation of larkspur ointment and its application (external):

  • prepare the underground part of the plant (rhizome) in the amount of 0.5 kg: crumble and pass through a meat grinder;
  • then you need to melt animal fat (0.3 kg) in a saucepan, for example, pork or nutria, dip the ground roots of larkspur into the fat;
  • darken the resulting mass over low heat for half an hour;
  • now we dissolve the pine resin (sap) by the water bath method - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • combine the resinous composition with the fat mass and leave on the fire for another quarter of an hour, and after the specified time has elapsed, completely remove the pan from the stove;
  • it remains in the still liquid composition of the future ointment to add the alcohol ingredient, the recipe uses ordinary vodka in a volume of 0.3 liters, and thoroughly stir the healing mass;
  • then you need to wait until the ointment hardens, and then put it back on the firebox (we heat until the composition becomes liquid);
  • we fill glass jars with liquid ointment, filtering the composition with a thick strainer;
  • after final solidification in jars, the drug is ready for external use, a refrigerator is suitable for storing the drug;
  • how to treat a hernia externally with the help of an ointment: it should be thickly lubricated with the affected area of ​​the back, then cover the applied layer with cling film, and put a warm flannel piece of tissue on top of the film; gently roll over onto your back, relax and lie down for up to 1 hour with a therapeutic application;
  • daily number of procedures - 2 sessions (day and night).

Preparation of larkspur tincture and its use (external!):

  • the underground part of the medicinal plant is taken - the root - in the amount of 50 grams and crushed with a meat grinder;
  • the crushed composition is put in an alcohol solution or in vodka, the volume of ethyl liquid is 0.5 ml, the container should be tightly screwed with a lid, shake well and sent to a dark place for aging for half a month;
  • then the drug Dimexidum is poured into the tincture - 1/2 bottle (50 ml), the whole composition is thoroughly shaken;
  • larkspur tincture is ready, it should be used as a rubbing on sore areas of the back, thighs, extremities: soak the felt tissue with a healing composition and rub the sore back area with light circular movements, including those areas that, in parallel with vertebral pain, additionally disturb (forearm, thigh legs, etc.).

Honey compresses

This tool is intended for applying applications to the place where the hernia is concentrated. Preparing a therapeutic mass is very simple - by mixing honey (0.2 l), vodka (0.3 l) and squeezed from the leaves of aloe vera juice (1 shot). After combining all the ingredients, the honey composition is infused for 24 hours at an average room temperature of 20-30 degrees. After this time, the mass can be applied to a gauze cut, folded in 5-8 layers, and placed on the areas affected by hernia. A cellophane film is placed on top of the compress, which is covered with a wide mohair scarf or other warm cloth. The person should roll over onto his back and lie in this position for at least 40 minutes. The maximum procedure time is 1 hour.

Dried fruits for the spine

Experts advise everyone who has a far from ideal spine to consume 1 dried fig and prune fruit every day for 45 days, as well as 5-6 slices of dried apricots. Such a healthy diet will help weak bones and muscles to make up for vitamin deficiencies and critical deficiencies of the most important trace elements and amino acids for the health of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to the incommensurable benefits for the spine, dried fruits in this ratio have an excellent effect on the heart muscle, and on the pelvic organs, and on important metabolic and synthesis processes in every cell of the human body.

One important point that you need to know and remember at the time of treatment with dried fruits: all dried fruits should be consumed in one step and strictly in the above ratio. For example, you can eat them during an afternoon snack, but the best time to maximize absorption of nutrients is breakfast.

Traction of the spinal column

Physiotherapy technique - traction of the spinal column - consists in stretching the spine. In some cases, such a procedure can be recommended by a doctor if there are displacements. But these manipulations in certain cases are a categorical contraindication for their implementation in the presence of a hernia, since such an effect on the spine can provoke an aggravation of the disease. Therefore, traction can be prescribed only after a specialist has thoroughly studied the patient's disease: the site of localization and the structural elements affected by the pathology, the size of the hernia, the severity of the pathogenesis, the direction of the hernial protrusion, etc.

Traction of the spinal column

The procedure is classified into types that depend on the direction of the stretching performed:

  • vertical traction;
  • horizontal traction;
  • inversion traction.

In addition, stretches differ among themselves in the ways of gravitational influence:

  • autogravity therapy - stretching by means of own body weight;
  • hardware method of therapy - stretching is carried out by means of additional weight - with the help of load devices.

But that's not all. Stretching can be performed in an open environment, that is, in a specialized room. Good results are obtained after stretching the musculoskeletal system in an aquatic environment, such as a water bath or a small pool. Accordingly, based on the conditions of the stretching sessions, a distinction is made between "dry" or "wet" traction.

Inversion therapy with training devices

Inversion therapy is one of the most gentle method of traction. How does the procedure take place using this method?

  1. On the training device for inversion hang, which is a step-ladder with a built-in couch, a person is placed in a horizontal position (you need to lie on your back).
  2. The lower limbs are fixed on the footrest, the middle part of the torso is secured with straps.
  3. With the help of a mechanical regulator on the simulator, the person turns upside down and hangs in this position either for a long time or alternately.
  4. The alternations are carried out according to the following principle: up to 1 minute (no more!) In the inversion position, then return to the natural position for a few seconds, after which the hanging upside down is repeated again. The number of approaches is chosen individually, depending on the initial state of the spine.
  5. The physiotherapy device can be used to perform a different set of exercises for the health of the spine and for prophylactic purposes. But such activities should be recommended by a specialist doctor. For people with a hernia, it is enough to unload the spinal column by means of inversion hangs.

How does inversion therapy affect health?

  • Vertebral stress compensation and vertebral placement... First, it is the most basic, with the help of the inverted hanging of the body, the spinal segment relaxes, the load is removed. This is especially useful for various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, including the presence of hernias in the intervertebral lobes. During the session, the compressed space between the vertebral bodies expands, the displaced structural elements of the vertical osteochondral segment return to the correct position. Such an effect eliminates the nerve clamps that caused the patient pain due to the compression of the hernia on them. In addition, inversion gravity plays an invaluable role in correct posture, flexibility and coordination of movements.
  • Relief of muscle tension... Since with various pathologies of the back, not only the spine itself suffers, but also the muscle corset, which performs one of its main functions - to support the spinal column. The inversion unloads tired, overly tense muscles.
  • Restoration of blood flow... The tactics of the inversion method have an excellent effect on the blood flow system. It is known that with a hernia there is a difficult movement of blood through the vessels. But it is the circulatory system that plays an important role for the health of the whole organism: it supplies the organs with basic nutrients, enriches them with oxygen. The spinal column, the cardiovascular region, and the brain are the main organic structures that experience a serious substance-oxygen deficiency. Using the inversion method, it is possible to quickly compensate for the dysfunction of the bloodstream. In an inverted position, blood from the lower parts of the body begins to flow and actively fill the vessels of the middle and upper parts of the human body. So, there is a noticeable restoration of the heart muscle, the brain and, of course, the bone and cartilaginous tissues affected by hernia.
  • Launching the functions of the lymphatic system... Noticeable improvements are also observed in the lymphatic system. Thanks to muscle relaxation and favorable distribution of gravity, the lymphoid flow is activated, which helps to free the body from toxic products with pathogenic bone-cartilaginous and muscle structures. Thus, swollen and inflamed tissues get rid of edema, foci of inflammation. The neglected functions of the lymphatic system have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes of the whole body, which, in turn, will contribute to good water and fat metabolism, restoration of immunity, getting rid of excess weight and cellulite, and the proper functioning of all internal organs.

Contraindications for inversion exercises

With the help of the inversion method of stretching the vertebrae by turning the body into a position opposite to the natural position, amazing results are achieved in the physiotherapy treatment of intervertebral hernias. This technique belongs to one sparing and at the same time quite effective, but its use must necessarily be recommended by a vertebrologist, since the pathology has a different course, as well as a kind of specificity in each individual patient. And this fact of an individual case can serve as a contraindication for such manipulations with the body.

Despite the relative safety, compared with other methods of stretching the spine, the considered method of physiotherapy has certain contraindications, these include:

  • vision pathologies associated with high intraocular pressure (glaucoma, ocular hypertension, buphthalmos, etc.);
  • hypertension in 2 stages, cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease;
  • atherosclerotic lesions of the brain and aneurysms of the arteries of the brain;
  • hernia of the abdominal cavity of the ventral type;
  • the presence of artificial joint grafts;
  • the presence of phobias in relation to the inversion position of the body;
  • pregnant women.

A special device - an inversion simulator - is available for free purchase in sports equipment stores for fitness, which makes it possible to carry out physiotherapy exercises at home. If it is difficult to buy a device for a patient, you can visit specialized medical centers that are equipped with traction physiotherapy equipment.

Spinal traction in water

Everyone knows the fact that water procedures based on swimming are useful for people with spinal pathologies. When immersed in water, the main part of the compression load is removed from the vertical vertebral organ of the musculoskeletal system, due to which the spine and muscles relax. It is on this natural principle of unloading that the "wet" type traction technique is based.

Spinal traction in water

The main principle of this method is to immerse a person in a reservoir filled with warm water with a mineral-medicinal composition, and to carry out, with the help of a special device, traction of the vertebral segment.

The main indications are hernias formed in the intervertebral space of the lumbar spine. It is in patients with lumbar hernias that there is a pathological sign of lordosis, which provokes an already painful symptomatology, since an incorrect bend in the lower back puts pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord. Immersion of the body in a water composition makes it possible to minimize the degree of bending and remove pressure from the terminal nerve structures.

Water traction therapy is most effective only for small hernias. If the disease tends to progress, and there are significant increases in hernia - from 5 cm or more - the use of such measures to stretch the spine in water will not bring positive results.

In physiotherapy practice, 2 types of "wet" traction are used - these are horizontal and vertical methods. Descriptions of each method will be presented in detail below.

Moll's Principle: Vertical Spine Traction

The founder of physiotherapeutic treatment with the use of vertical stretching of the spine in conditions of immersion of the body in medicinal waters is the famous German specialist - surgeon K. Moll. The unique technique is widespread only within the European state - in Hungary.

vertical traction of the spine

This type of traction has mega benefits for the affected spine: it eliminates pain sensitivity, evens out various distortions in the placement of discs, helps to rehabilitate the spinal segment after serious injuries, helps to reduce the hernia and stops its growth, which even the most expensive medications do poorly. Treatment is carried out in Hungarian sanatoriums, where there are hydro-pools equipped with technical systems for physical therapy to stretch the spine.

No matter how famous around the world Moll's technique is for its healing power of recovery, domestic specialists in orthopedics and physiotherapy are more against such manipulations with the spine, considering the vertical type of underwater stretching sessions to be unsafe:

  • the procedures exert strong compression on the intervertebral structures, which can contribute to the stretching of the fibrous tissues and the violation of their integrity;
  • traction sessions are not standardized in the dosage of the producing load and act immediately on the entire spine, and not on a specific part affected by the hernia;
  • at the end of the physiotherapy session, the patient stands on the lower extremities, which in this case is at least impractical and hastily, since instead of the prescribed rest, the muscle structures are immediately involved in the working state.

Lisunov's principle: horizontal traction of the spine

horizontal traction of the spine

For more than two decades, the most conservative principles of traction, rather than the Moll's method, based on medical hydro-procedures with the body in a horizontal direction, have been successfully used in domestic physiotherapeutic practice. Such sessions of a gentle type are ideal for patients with a hernia, which is localized in any part of the spinal axis. After the implementation of the procedures, when the person is in a reclining position, there is a stable positive dynamics in improving the patient's condition.

To perform physiotherapy according to the Lisunov principle, a special water tank is used, like a bathtub, where a person is placed. Traction devices are put on the patient, and a load is attached to the thigh. The weight load is selected individually: it depends, in particular, on the severity of the pathogenesis and the characteristics of the muscular apparatus of the sick client. A well-thought-out approach, taking into account the dosage regimen in the choice of load, favors a noticeable improvement in the human condition and eliminates the risk of complications.

Indications and prohibitions for performing underwater traction

Like any therapeutic measure, traction in the water can affect both positively and negatively on some people, in this regard, this type of session has its own indications and prohibitions.

  • intervertebral hernia in a non-critical stage;
  • dysfixation of the motor sections of the spine (lumbago, osteochondrosis, etc.);
  • lumboischialgia syndrome - pinching of the sciatic nerve;
  • compression radicular syndrome;
  • spinal deformities - scoliosis and kyphosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis in the early stages of development;
  • compression type radiculopathy;
  • discogenic radiculitis;
  • displacement of the vertebrae forward or backward (spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, etc.).

It is forbidden to stretch the "wet" method for people who have the following pathological signs:

  • any pathologies of the spine, including hernias, which are in a state of severe inflammation with bright painful symptoms;
  • the hernia is in the sequestration stage (prolapse of the intervertebral nucleus into the spinal bed);
  • the recovery period after removal of the arch of the vertebral body;
  • weakness and impaired bone structure - osteoporosis, Lobstein's disease, fractures, etc.;
  • acute inflammation and chronic pathologies of the spinal cord - spinal epiduritis, cystic arachnoiditis;
  • the presence of neoplasms of any type in the body;
  • there is an infectious pathogenesis in the vertebral segment, for example, osteoarticular tuberculosis;
  • in diseases of the heart and lungs associated with hemodynamic disorders;
  • the presence of dermatological ailments in which water procedures are contraindicated.

Detensor therapy for intervertebral hernias

What does the term "Detentor Therapy" mean? This is an autogravity method with the use of a ribbed mat, in which the natural stretching of the vertebral lobe of the back occurs correctly and painlessly, in the most gentle way. This technique is simple and does not require the supervision of a specialist, therefore, it enables the patient to conduct independently sessions of stretching the spine right in his apartment by means of a seemingly simple, but very effective device for the treatment of an intervertebral hernia.

Detensor therapy

The design of the medical mat was created taking into account the physiological characteristics of the human musculoskeletal system. While lying on a physiotherapy mat, the plastic base of the product takes on an optimal shape and creates the most favorable distribution of the load on the spine axis. At the same time, under the sliding action of the riffle, the vertebral bodies are stretched, due to which the intervertebral space expands and the clinical compression syndrome is eliminated. Thus, gradually the nerve roots are released from the constant pressure of the hernia, and the pain disappears.

But the release of compression and relief of pain is the initial part of the therapeutic results after using the Detenzor mat. The most important task - to reduce the volume of the hernia and create a stable comfortable state of the spine - is fully achieved after regular exercise on a training orthopedic device. Moreover, it is a real pleasure to engage in Detenser therapy: you will need to lie on the elastic riffles of the mat, relax and rest in this position for 40 to 50 minutes. About what time of day it is better to rest in this way, one thing can be said - at the end of the working day, for example, after work.

Polymer corrugated mat comes in 3 types of hardness. The product is selected based on the number of years of a person, as well as on the indicators of his body mass index. And, what is especially important, such a therapeutic device is absolutely harmless, it can be used by all people without restrictions. Rest on a medical mat allows a person, finally, to say goodbye to the insidious symptoms of the disease once and for all, to feel the unprecedented lightness, mobility, flexibility of his own spine.

It is no less useful to conduct relaxation sessions for school-age children for the prevention of back pathologies. It is during this period of life, when the spine undergoes a serious load due to long sitting for lessons, it is imperative to compensate for severe fatigue, to align the bone structures. And so that the child in the future does not suffer from the consequences of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, which are directly related to the appearance of a hernia in the spine, sessions of rest on a therapeutic mat, at least 20 minutes, will not interfere with him.

Inversion therapy with gravity boots

Gravity boots are a unique device created by the American manual doctor R. Martin, which is fixed on the legs in the calf and ankle area with the help of strong braces. In appearance, the inversion device resembles a skin clamp with two belts of leather material and strong iron hooks. Putting boots on his feet, a person can attach the lower limbs to the horizontal bar, due to which intensive stretching of the spinal segment is carried out. The body is in a hanging inverted position, that is, upside down.

Daily stretching exercises have a positive effect on the formation of posture, the functions of blood flow and lymphoid processes. Inversion exercises using a gravity product in the form of boots perfectly train muscles, help align the vertebrae, increase mobility and flexibility in all parts of the back, help forget about migraines and relieve general fatigue. All this is achieved due to an increase in the space between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae and moisture replenishment in the intermediate structures of the organ, blood flow to the upper body parts and activation of metabolic processes.

But, despite the tempting characteristic, which says about the uniqueness of the technique with the use of boots, this method of traction is not one of the gentle manipulations with the spine. Everything is explained simply: in the free opposite hanging on the horizontal bar there is no support base for the back, for example, as in the longitudinal method of underwater stretching, which is why the effect of gravitational force is much more intense.

Medical restrictions on the use of boots

Before you start exercising by using boots for hanging, you should ask your doctor if it is possible to create similar conditions for the spine in the presence of a hernia. In general, such therapy is rarely used in vertobrological practice, since there is a significant risk of displacement of the hernia and depression of the nervous apparatus of the spinal cord.

The doctor can recommend this type of treatment only when the degenerative-dystrophic processes are completely absent or have an initial stage of inception. Therefore, people suffering from hernias should in no case independently appoint themselves intensive stretching sessions! Such exercises are in no way able to cure a hernia, their purpose, first of all, is to provide unloading of the structural elements of the spine and tighten the muscle corset.

  • patients with moderate and severe intervertebral hernias;
  • people with spinal deformities, for example, with scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
  • all those who have weak bones and joints, as well as various injuries and injuries of the back, have a strict taboo on the use of shoes;
  • people with heart disease, weak blood vessels, with serious pathologies of the spinal cord and brain.

And this is not the whole list of contraindications. In a word, this technique is suitable exclusively for people with no problems in the spine, and only after a preliminary examination of the body for other pathologies, and medical approval.

Homemade device for traction of the spine

To stretch the spine, you can resort to a simple home-made device - a medical lounger. In order to make a physiotherapy simulator with your own hands, you will need:

  • strong and even board measuring 1.5 m by 2 m;
  • strong loop-shaped belts with sufficient width.

Features of the manufacture of a medical lounger

  • The surface of the board is covered with a coarse calico cloth, after which the upper base is fixed firmly to the wall.
  • The board will serve as a slightly tilted stretcher, so the head of the couch should be positioned approximately 120 cm above the floor surface.
  • As a result, an inclined plane should be obtained (the angular index between the parquet and the board is 45 degrees). Next, you need to note where the belts will be attached. The arms will be threaded into the straps at the time of the procedure.
  • The next step is to secure the straps on the two sides of the couch at the level where the shoulder torso will be located when the body is lying on the board.

On a homemade product, you can carry out exercises at home that help to stretch the spinal column. The principle of training is quite easy.

  1. Sit down on a lounger in a horizontal position.
  2. Put your hands in the loops of the straps and pull the straps over your shoulders.
  3. A small roller pillow will need to be placed under the lumbosacral region.
  4. Further, the person should completely immerse himself in a relaxed state.
  5. The duration of a home traction session is 40 to 90 minutes.

In the presence of discomfort in the back, as well as the complete absence of a therapeutic result after 3 stretching procedures, you will need to stop using the medical lounger and seek qualified help from a medical facility. Only a doctor will be able to correctly choose the method of therapy that is most appropriate for a specific pathology of the spine.

Tennis ball back massage technique

For massage procedures, an ordinary tennis ball will act as a working tool in this case. The uniqueness of the procedure lies in the fact that, without outside help, a person can independently conduct a kind of manual therapy session. The therapeutic effect is to eliminate stagnant processes in the muscle and bone tissues of the back, as well as to activate the functions of blood circulation. Such exercises will contribute to the restoration of nutrition at the cellular level in the areas of the spine affected by hernia.

Description of ball massage technique

  1. For the lessons, you will need a tennis ball and a gymnastic mat.
  2. It is necessary to take a horizontal position - the back is on the floor. Place a ball under the lumbosacral region.
  3. The head and back chest should not be adjacent to the floor surface; three points of support will help to create the desired position correctly: the pelvis, forearm, and feet.
  4. In the direction back and forth, slide your back along the ball, rolling it along the vertebral axis to the middle of the back. In this case, only the pelvis and the femoral muscles of the lower extremities work. The shoulder area does not deviate from the original level. The feet are firmly fixed on the floor and do not slip.
  5. The next exercise is similar, but in this case, the segment between the middle part of the spine and the first vertebra of the thoracic region will be involved. In order to roll the ball along the bone segment in the desired trajectory, you will need to place the ball under the central back of the chest and press it with your back. The torso will be slightly deflected, in contrast to the first exercise. The technique is the same: roll the ball with your back (strictly with the spine) - forward backward, maximum rolling is 10-15 cm. You don't need to cover a long distance at once, it is better to adhere to the specified norm.
  6. Further, from the last point of the previous segment (it will be the starting point, you need to put a ball under it), move the training element with the spine towards the head by 10 cm, and return it in a similar way to the starting point. And so do a certain number of techniques until the final zone is reached - the beginning of the cervical spine (the first body located at the base of the back of the head)
  7. When the entire part of the spinal column has been fully worked out, complete the lesson. Now a person should lie quietly on a hard surface of the floor for five minutes, while plunging the body into a state of complete relaxation.
  8. At the end of the therapeutic massage, it is necessary, without changing the horizontal position, to place the upper limbs along the head. Stretch your back well using multidirectional stretching of the limbs, as much as possible. That is, with the feet and hands, it is necessary to stretch in different directions, while you can feel how the distance between the vertebrae expands, and the bone segment itself lengthens.

Reflexology mats, belts, rollers

In modern practice, reflexology mats and belts, which are polymer elastic plates of various widths, equipped with pointed thorns or needles, are successfully used as manual tools for massage. In addition to such devices, there are massage rollers made using a similar technology. They can be fixed in any area of ​​the human body, for example, hands, calves, neck, lower back, etc.

Thanks to acupuncture sessions, there is a direct effect on the biological zones, which has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of the patient. Such massage devices include Kuznetsov and Lyashko applicators. Their therapeutic effect is identical, and it is aimed at stimulating active points, which gives a positive result in the treatment of many back pathologies. The only difference between the two types of applicators is that Lyashko's devices have blunt needles, and Kuznetsov's acupuncture products have polystyrene spikes. All that a person needs to do is put a massage mat under his back or fix a special belt on the sore area, take a horizontal position and lie on the studded plate for about half an hour.

There are many points on the human body, each of which is associated with a specific physiological system of a person. This relationship makes it possible, through massage, to influence the functioning of any organ. Through acupuncture sessions, blood flow in painful areas is increased, synthesis processes in the cells of muscle and cartilaginous structures are resumed, which gives an impetus to the activation of nutrition and regenerative functions. With the help of a unique physiotherapy technique, using spiked and needle applicators, you can achieve good results in relieving pain caused by a hernia.

It is necessary to understand that acupressure massage at home should be combined with the main therapy recommended by the doctor. It is unreasonable to assume that such a technique will cure a hernia, since its action is aimed at eliminating painful symptoms and preventing back pathologies. This technique, of course, will significantly contribute to the restoration of the musculoskeletal segment and inhibition of the progression of dystrophic processes, but only in tandem with drug treatment and physiotherapy exercises.

  1. The main rule is an even posture. With a hernia, you cannot slouch, since an incorrect position of the spine will exert significant compression on the nerve endings compressed by the hernia and inflamed bone-cartilaginous structural elements. Poor posture will contribute to the progression of pathogenesis and lead to increased back pain.
  2. Care should be taken that the sleeping place is moderately hard. Ideally, it is enough to buy a good orthopedic mattress from the wellness series. It is highly discouraged to sleep on beds equipped with an iron sagging net, or to use a feather bed.
  3. Swimming will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine. Preference should be given to a style that is gentle on the musculoskeletal system, for example, a crawl on the back. The duration of one lesson is 15-30 minutes. You can train the spine in water in a similar style up to 3 times a week.
  4. It is necessary to try to avoid hypothermia of the back. Out of season clothes, as well as the influence of a strong draft - all this provokes serious exacerbations and complications of a hernia.
  5. Another piece of advice for all those who are worried about hernia in the vertebrae is to learn how to sit down and get up correctly: you should never jerk while lifting, and also "plump" on the sofa to sit down. You need to take any position smoothly and accurately. The same rule applies to descending steps, for example, a bus. With all types of pathology, sudden jerks and falls can affect the movement of the vertebrae, the exit of a hernia into the spinal space, and damage to the motor nerve.
  6. It will not be superfluous to purchase a fixation bandage for the spine. It will protect the weak bone segment from unexpected sudden shocks caused by careless movements.
  7. And the last point related to professional activities, which forces a person to sit in one place for a long time. In particular, this applies to taxi drivers, truckers and office workers. It is necessary, if possible, to be distracted from work: to force yourself to get up and walk, at least a little. For a chauffeur who has a herniated disc, it is recommended to use a car seat massage cover made of wooden beads instead of a regular cover. When sitting on a chair for a long time, it is better to place an orthopedic cushion under the lumbosacral region, in extreme cases - a large towel rolled into a roll. Thus, a person will relieve his lower back of the main part of the load.


All recipes of traditional medicine and physiotherapy techniques that are offered as measures for home treatment of intervertebral hernia have their own specifics, indications and contraindications. Therefore, each method requires a thorough study by the patient of all the nuances regarding its positive and negative effects. And it is especially important, in no case should you conduct experiments on a diseased spine, independently prescribing home sessions for yourself from the folk method or traction procedures.

The main principle of the therapy of intervertebral hernias is reduced to traditional methods through gentle therapeutic exercises and special medications. Undoubtedly, the above procedures can have a beneficial effect on the therapeutic result, but only in a complex way - together with the main treatment. Then the effectiveness of the treatment will be much more productive.

Everyone should take their health seriously, and in order to save their spine from surgery due to a large hernia and spinal cord injury, all measures must be taken immediately to prevent serious complications. Of course, all therapeutic measures must be prescribed by a specialist and only by a specialist.

As for the last section of the article, devoted to the main recommendations, each rule needs to be followed flawlessly. Moreover, the above tips must be adhered to not only for people with a weak spine, but for absolutely every person in order to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies of the osteochondral segment.

Date of publication of the article: 30.06.2015

Date the article was updated: 10/14/2019

Treatment of a vertebral hernia is carried out in two ways: 1) using surgery and 2) conservatively.

Contrary to the opinion widespread among patients, surgery for a herniated disc is not mandatory and is indicated only with the development of symptoms of compression of the roots of the spinal nerves (loss of sensitivity, impaired movement in the limbs, involuntary urination and defecation, etc.). In all other cases, it is preferable to use conservative therapy: medication, gymnastics, massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy.

Eleven main methods of treating an intervertebral hernia (links in the list below are clickable - this is a small content of the article):

The optimal treatment regimen in each specific case is chosen by a neurologist after a detailed examination, and in case of dysfunctions of the limbs and (or) pelvic organs, it is also necessary to consult a neurosurgeon. Treatment of a spinal hernia is not an easy task, and its solution will require not only a competent specialist, but also the active participation of the patient himself.

It is the regular complex treatment that gives a long-term stable positive effect, and not the isolated or one-time use of individual directions of therapy. So, even after performing an operation to eliminate a hernia, in order to avoid the return of the disease in other parts of the spine and the development of postoperative complications, the patient must follow the recommendations for physical activity, wear a fixing corset, perform special exercises, and undergo physiotherapy courses.

In the absence of indications for surgery, the treatment of a hernia of the spine can be successfully carried out at home: observe the daily regimen, diet, perform therapeutic exercises daily, take medications. Treatment at home can be supplemented with folk methods, but it is better to entrust physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy and oriental medicine methods to specialists in this field, conducting them in courses.

In a hospital, conservative treatment of a hernia is carried out only in case of a severe course of the disease: with acute unbearable pain or with the development of neurological symptoms (dysfunction of the pelvic organs, motor and sensory disorders). In the latter case, inpatient treatment is a preparatory stage for the subsequent operation.

Methods for treating a hernia of the spine as the condition worsens

1. Therapeutic gymnastics

Treatment for vertebral hernias is unthinkable without gymnastics. Special exercises performed daily give tremendous results: they relieve pain, restore the mobility of the spine and the ability to strong, active movements, improve overall well-being and mood.

  • The most effective are stretching exercises: hanging on crossbars, smooth flexion-extension from a supine position and other techniques of so-called "traction gymnastics".
  • Additionally, do exercises to strengthen your back and chest muscles.
  • Swimming in the pool has an excellent healing effect.
  • It is highly desirable to perform gymnastics under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor or trainer. If this is not possible, go through at least one consultation with an exercise therapy specialist who will give you detailed recommendations on the technique of performing gymnastics and advise the most useful exercises.

2. Medicines

With the drug treatment of a hernia of the spine, the following 8 groups of drugs are used:

Group of drugs, action of funds Examples of drugs

1. Pain relievers.

To relieve severe pain syndrome, intramuscular administration of painkillers (ketorol, baralgin, analgin) or novocaine blockade (in a hospital setting) is prescribed.

2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) injected or taken by mouth. They help relieve swelling and relieve pain.

A good effect is given by drugs diclofenac, ksefokam, movalis, ibuprofen, nimesulide. But they have a lot of undesirable side effects, so they are prescribed in short courses (about a week).

For long-term use, NSAID gels, ointments and creams are used.

3. Muscle relaxants reduce increased muscle tone.

Diazepam, midocalm, sirdalud.

4. Preparations that restore blood and lymph microcirculation.

Pentoxifylline, Berlition, Actovegin.

5. Vitamins of group B restore strangled or damaged nerve fibers.

B vitamins are used separately or in combination (drugs "Neuromultivit", "Milgamma").

6. Chondroprotectors restore the structure of cartilage tissue.

Don, structure.

7. Preparations of vitamin D and calcium.

Alpha D 3 -teva, calcium-D 3 Nycomed.

8. Antidepressants are used for chronic pain, neurological disorders, depression against the background of limited movement and inability to engage in usual activities.

Paroxetine, fluoxetine, remeron.

3. Massage

Massage is also an indispensable component of the complex treatment of intervertebral hernias. It is prescribed in any period of the disease (exacerbation or remission), but depending on the patient's condition, the massage therapist will use different massage techniques and techniques.

Professional massage in courses of 10 days every 2-3 months can significantly improve the patient's well-being.

Existing types of massage. Depending on the patient's condition, one or another of its types is used. Click on the photo to enlarge

4. Manual therapy

With regard to the advisability of using manual therapy for spinal hernias, the opinions of doctors differ: some are convinced of its effectiveness (and indeed, at the initial stages, some patients managed to get rid of a hernia without surgery using manual therapy), others are categorically against manual therapy and consider it dangerous.

It is definitely not necessary to use manual therapy for those patients who develop neurological disorders.

In other cases, consult your doctor about the possibility of performing manual therapy, and contact only real experienced specialists, preferably neurologists with additional specialization in manual therapy. It can be difficult to find such a doctor, but complex manipulations with your spine can only be entrusted to a qualified specialist.

5. Physiotherapy

With intervertebral hernias, various methods of physiotherapeutic influence are used: medicinal electrophoresis, magnetic field, laser, diadynamic currents, therapeutic mud, showers, baths, etc. individually, depending on the stage and phase of the disease.

Laser therapy is becoming more and more popular in the treatment of spinal hernia

6. Mode of physical activity and rest

An exercise and rest regimen is an important component of successful hernia repair.

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

"Component" of the regime Explanations

Elimination of stress on the spinal column

It is strictly forbidden to lift and carry weights; but strength training with lifting weights from a prone position in the gym is allowed (after consultation with the attending physician and under the supervision of a trainer).

Long and high jumps are prohibited.

Teaching the patient to handle the spine carefully

The patient must move correctly: avoid sharp or strong bends and overextension, twisting of the spine, prolonged work in positions that are uncomfortable and harmful to the back (half bending, sitting).

Walk should be calm and smooth.

The patient must properly arrange a place to sleep

The condition of the mattress or the surface on which you sleep is of great importance for relaxing your spine and relieving back pain.

In no case should you sleep on soft, unevenly falling mattresses, feather beds, you should not use large pillows.

It is recommended to sleep in a supine position on special orthopedic mattresses, wooden boards with a thin mattress laid on top, if they are absent, you can sleep on the floor at least for the period of exacerbation (if there are no drafts and it is warm in the house), laying on a thin mattress or using not fully inflated air mattress.

It is preferable to replace the pillows with dense rollers, placing them under the lower back and under the head - to ensure maximum spine extension and correct pathological bends.

7. Wearing a back brace

Wearing a corset with a flexible but dense base is an excellent preventive and therapeutic measure for intervertebral hernias. People who are not accustomed to keeping track of their posture are constantly "forgotten" during the day, stoop, and bend their backs incorrectly. The corset also fixes the spine in the correct position, while maintaining sufficient freedom of movement.

And after surgical treatment of vertebral hernias, wearing a corset is mandatory - to accelerate recovery and prevent relapse.

You can buy a corset at a specialized orthopedic store.

8. Diet

Compliance with a diet in the treatment of vertebral hernias is important if the patient is overweight. Obesity is one of the main factors that provoke the occurrence of a hernia and aggravate its course. Such patients should understand that successful treatment is impossible without weight normalization.

For weight loss, low-calorie food is prescribed, fractional, with the restriction of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery, baked goods, pasta) and enrichment of the diet with foods high in vegetable fiber, which, with a low nutritional value, gives a feeling of satiety, absorbs cholesterol and stimulates the intestines (bran bread , whole grain cereals, fresh vegetables).

Both with normal and overweight, salt should be limited or completely eliminated in the diet (increases edema), smoked, pickled, spicy foods and dishes, alcohol (increases pain, swelling).

9. Oriental medicine

Oriental medicine is a relatively new direction for Russia, the effectiveness of which is doubted by many representatives of classical, traditional medicine, including neurologists.

However, many patients give good reviews about acupuncture, su-jok therapy, zhen-chiu and other techniques, noting the excellent analgesic and healing effects.

10. Folk ways

Treatment of a hernia of the spine with folk recipes is an additional remedy. A good result is given by tinctures for rubbing with medicinal herbs (golden mustache, etc.), turpentine baths.

11. Operation

There are several types of intervertebral hernia surgery.

Low-traumatic and highly effective - microsurgical interventions (with access through a small incision and removal of only damaged tissues) and endoscopic operations, when a disc herniation is removed using an endoscope (a special device that provides the surgeon with an overview and the ability to manipulate surgical instruments) inserted through a small incision.

Also today, operations are performed with the installation of implants that perform the functions of a remote disk.

Surgical treatment of a vertebral hernia makes it possible to completely eliminate the hernia, but does not prevent its appearance in other parts of the pathologically altered spine. Therefore, even after the operation, it is necessary to observe the regimen, wear a corset, and perform exercises.


remember, that self-medication and treatment with exclusively folk methods for intervertebral hernia are unacceptable- this is fraught with aggravation of the severity of the patient's condition and the occurrence of severe complications, which cannot be eliminated without surgery.

The hernia treatment regimen is made by a neurologist strictly individually, depending on the severity of symptoms, the presence or absence of neurological symptoms, the size of the hernia and other factors.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Date of publication of the article: 21.04.2015

Date of updating the article: 10.11.2018

To answer the question whether it is possible to get rid of an intervertebral hernia without surgery, it is necessary to determine the type of hernia and the expected result of the cure.

The intervertebral disc consists of two parts - a jelly-like nucleus and a harder outer layer. A hernia can be characterized by:

  • Only by protruding the disc: that is, by changing its shape.
  • Or damage to the shell that holds the core of the disc. Then the jelly-like substance (core) seeps through the gap or crack into the outer layer.

Now we will consider the expected results of treatment of each type of hernia and how to achieve them.

Hernia type Expected results from cure Can it be cured without surgery?
Bulging disc Can be cured at home.

No surgery is required.

Hernia with rupture of the shell of the nucleus Complete restoration of the disc and functions of the segment of the spine in which the changes occurred It is impossible to cure at home without surgery.

Surgical intervention can restore the functions of the spine, but it is impossible to return the disc to its original state.

Bulging of the disc, hernia with rupture of the shell of the nucleus Complete relief from symptoms At home, it is possible to achieve the goal in 90% of cases.

The operation is rarely prescribed: if conservative treatment does not help or the symptoms are too serious (paralysis of the limbs, unrecoverable pain syndrome, dysfunction of the pelvic organs).

Now we will consider the possible options for treating a herniated disc without surgery, which can be used, including at home.

Attention! Almost all methods have certain contraindications. Be sure to discuss the possibility of their use with a neurologist before starting to treat a hernia.

Conservative methods of treatment without surgery


In order to treat a hernia of the spine without surgery, various drugs are used.

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

Group of drugs In what cases it is used, explanations

Pain relievers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Used for discomfort, moderate pain, inflammation

Opioid analgesics

The doctor writes a prescription for severe pain. Their use can be accompanied by side effects.

Neuralgia drugs

Often prescribed for hernias, since they are quite effective and safer than opioid pain relievers

Muscle relaxants

Prescribed in the presence of muscle spasms

Cortisone injections

The drugs suppress inflammation and relieve pain. The injection is done directly into the affected area. The doctor may prescribe a course of oral corticosteroids

In no case should you take medication on your own - contact a neurologist who will prescribe an effective treatment.

Spine sprain

There are special tables for stretching the spine, which have a healing effect by creating favorable conditions for disc restoration. When you are on them, the distance between the vertebrae increases, the pressure on the discs and their effect on the nearby nerve endings decreases.

On sale there are both professional medical equipment for stretching the spine and tables for home use.

Devices for skeletal traction of the spine

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

These procedures are used to eliminate pain syndrome caused by a herniated spinal disc.

Electric current is passed through problem areas in safe doses. Electrical impulses, stimulating the nerves, "lubricate" the pain sensations. The procedure is painless and performed without anesthesia.

It is ineffective to treat chronic back pain with this method.

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound treatment sessions help the patient get rid of pain and inflammation. Ultrasound accelerates blood flow and relieves muscle spasms and increases tissue plasticity, which can heal damaged discs and relieve symptoms. This method is perfectly combined with other types of therapy and quickly returns the patient to the joy of movement.

In terms of the achieved results, ultrasound sessions are similar to manual therapy.

Alternative treatments without surgery

There is still controversy about this category of methods: many talk about their ineffectiveness; other patients who have undergone treatment have reported amazing results. "Everything is individual"- this is important to understand if you are going to try any of the following treatments for a hernia of the spine.


Acupuncture - inserting needles into biologically active points of the body - has helped many patients to forget about pain and stiffness of movement. At the same time, there are examples when acupuncture was not effective enough.

If you decide to try this method to get rid of herniated disc symptoms, find an experienced, proven specialist.

Massage of biologically active points

This ancient healing practice is very similar to acupuncture. The difference is that pressure is applied to biologically active points with the help of fingers, not needles.

Only an experienced specialist who is fluent in the practice should also treat this method. The effectiveness of the method varies greatly from patient to patient.

Traditional massage

Back massage relaxes and strengthens muscles, stimulates tissue blood supply, and relieves pain.

Conversations that with the help of massage it is possible to "push" the core into place and the like are nothing more than myths.

Before signing up for a course of procedures, be sure to tell the massage therapist that you have a spinal hernia. This is important, because the sessions with you will differ from the classic back massage (and the specialist must have the appropriate knowledge and practice).

Bioelectronic feedback

This non-surgical and absolutely painless method involves reading, processing and re-transferring the changed information through special devices.

Bioelectronic communication is a good alternative to medications for chronic pain, as well as a great way to constantly be aware of any changes in the existing problem.


There are special yoga courses for people with spinal problems.

Important: regular yoga classes can only worsen the condition, since they involve twisting the body in different directions, which increases the pressure on the intervertebral discs.

A special set of exercises and a special technique for their execution (for different phases of the disease - their own exercises and techniques) accelerate the process of disc repair, help control symptoms and avoid hernia recurrence.

To learn the basics of yoga for hernia of the spine, you will definitely need an experienced instructor.

Over time, having gained experience, you can do it yourself at home - yoga classes may well replace gymnastics.

Yoga is an excellent prevention of spinal hernias

What can be done at home for hernia repair?

Gentle exercise regimen

With a herniated disc, it is recommended to reduce the load on the back and rest more: lifting weights and intense exertion will only aggravate the symptoms. When symptoms appear in the form of acute sudden pain, doctors recommend “lying down” for several days.

But lying in bed for weeks is not worth it - it will only delay recovery. After two to three days of bed rest, you need to start moving, but not very actively, avoiding sudden movements and stress on the spine.

Corsets and bandages

It will also be useful to wear a special corset or bandage (for example, cervical or vertebral - depending on the location of the damaged disc). This device supports the spine, relieves pressure on nerve endings and slightly restricts movement, helping the patient to avoid stress on the back.

Cold and hot compresses

This simple, completely free and effective treatment for herniated disc is ideal for home use.

Heat increases blood flow, thereby stimulating tissue oxygenation and repair, relieves muscle tension and has a mild pain relieving effect. You can use heated towels, heating pads, bottles of warm water, and other improvised means. This therapy is effective for mild bulging and mild symptoms.

Cold compresses have also been shown to be effective in relieving pain. It is enough to put an ice pack, wrapped in a towel, on the affected area of ​​the back for 10 minutes - and you will feel relief.

On a note: in one session, you can alternately use hot and cold compresses - this will increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

Exercise therapy

To avoid complications and surgery, patients with herniated discs need to perform a set of exercises that will strengthen various muscle groups, stretch the spine and help eliminate pain. An individual complex will be prescribed by a neurologist.

You can perform gymnastics at home or under the supervision of a specialist. A consultation with a doctor is required: you will not only learn about which exercises are shown for you, but you will also be able to make sure that they are performed correctly under the supervision of a specialist.

Let's summarize

It is impossible to completely get rid of a hernia of the spine and "return everything to its original place" 100%, but every patient has many ways to effectively eliminate symptoms.

Surgery is risky - don't go to such an extreme right away as long as you have more than 10 methods at your disposal to control your symptoms and lead a normal life.

In order for the techniques to really work, and not to harm yourself, be sure to consult with your attending neurologist.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Is it possible to cure an intervertebral hernia without surgery - that is what interests all patients with a similar pathology of the spine. Conservative treatment accounts for 85-90% of all cases of the disease.

It is non-surgical techniques that help to effectively cope with a hernia and return the patient to a normal lifestyle. The hernia decreases in size, the pain syndrome stops, the signs of inflammation weaken, the nerve roots get rid of the infringement.

Only in 10-15% of cases, surgery is necessary to remove the hernia and the destroyed disc. The operation is needed when there are absolute indications: paresis or paralysis of the legs, muscle atrophy, problems with the functioning of the pelvic organs.

Depending on the type of hernia, doctors use different treatment approaches. The expected therapy options and projections are presented in the following table.


Can it be cured without surgery?

Expected consequences and prognosis

Bulging disc

Healing at home is possible

The disc is completely restored, the activity of the spine is normalized

No operation needed

Hernia with a torn membrane of the nucleus

Mandatory operation required

The movements and functions of the spine are restored, but the disc cannot be completely returned to its natural position

Treatment without the help of surgeons and operations at home are impossible

Hernia with rupture of the membrane, protrusion of the disc

Non-surgical methods are effective in 90% of patients

Get rid of pain syndrome, signs of infringement of nerve roots

The operation is prescribed in the absence of the effect of treatment for 2-3 months

Surgical treatment is indicated for atrophy, paralysis, problems with defecation and urination, weakness of the heel

The need for surgery is confirmed by CT and MRI

Non-surgical methods of treatment

Traditionally, several doctors are simultaneously involved in the treatment of an intervertebral hernia: a surgeon, a neurologist, a traumatologist, an orthopedist. Methods for treating a hernia of the spine without surgery are based on physiotherapeutic, pharmacological techniques. Novocaine blockade helps many patients. With their help, such unpleasant manifestations as:

  • spasm;
  • pain;
  • edema;
  • inflammation.

A good result is given by vitamins for bone and cartilage tissue A, C, E, D. Conservative treatment includes medicines, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, alternative methods. Purpose of therapy:

  • reduce the risk of sequestration;
  • prevent the prolapse of the nucleus pulposus;
  • suspend destruction;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • relieve pain.

How to cure a herniated disc without surgery? Given the variety of reasons for the appearance of a hernia, doctors prescribe a combination therapy. The scheme includes medicines from different groups. Below are the main ones.

Drug groups

Action taken

Examples of drugs

Eliminate inflammation, relieve pain






Relieve pain syndrome




Muscle relaxants

Relieve spasm of the muscles of the spine






Relieve puffiness, eliminate inflammation




Vitamin and mineral complexes

Strengthens ligaments, regenerates bone tissue


"Vitabs Artro"

Collagen Ultra


Restore cartilage elements



Spine sprain

Herniated disc therapy is effectively supplemented with a simple stretching technique. To perform the stretching technique, special tables and simulators have been developed. With their help, an optimal position is created to restore the correct position of the disc.

A significant result is achieved due to the correctly selected distance between the vertebral bodies, the pressure decreases, the restrained endings of the neurons are released. Regular traction helps to solve the problem of a sore spine.

Medical equipment stores have professional equipment and home exercise equipment. Doctors prescribe the following methods:

  • water;
  • dry;
  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • without cargo;
  • with the addition of weight components.

Percutaneous stimulation is performed to relieve an attack of pain caused by a herniated disc of the back. Impulses are carried out through the painful areas in minimal quantities. The technique is completely painless and safe for the patient, it is carried out without preliminary anesthesia. The current pulses stimulate the endings of the neurons, as a result of which the pain stops. The method is most effective in the initial stages with severe pain.

Homeopathic solutions, along with other conservative methods, give good results in the early stages and in the absence of sequestration. With their help, it is possible to achieve the following effects:

  • relieve pain manifestations;
  • normalize local microcirculation;
  • restore lymph drainage;
  • reduce the size of the protrusion;
  • restore damaged nerve endings.

The effectiveness of ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound treatment has a beneficial effect on muscle and cartilage tissue. Under its influence, local microcirculation improves, muscle tone normalizes, elasticity of pulpous elements is restored. Regular conduct relieves the patient from pain syndrome and inflammatory processes. The intervertebral structures heal, the symptoms of pathology go away.

Spinal hernia treatment without surgery is the first choice in the absence of complications.

Video "Treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery"

In this video, Elena Malyshe will tell you how to properly treat an intervertebral hernia without surgery.

Surgical intervention often scares patients, so doctors prescribe an operation only if a person's motor activity or sensitivity is impaired. This occurs against the background of strong compression of the nerve fibers. Non-surgical treatment methods are used much more often. If there are no neurological symptoms, then it is better to do with a little blood without using a scalpel.

Treatment is prescribed by a vertebrologist. At the initial consultation, you must have with you:

  • MRI results;
  • X-rays of the spine (in 2 projections, with functional styling);
  • the conclusion of a neurologist.

Non-surgical treatment is aimed at centering the vertebrae. Alignment of the load on the intervertebral disc occurs after they return to their normal physiological position. Then the growth of the hernia stops, the intensity of painful sensations decreases.

The best therapy methods

The course of treatment includes:

  • orthopedic correction;
  • drug therapy;
  • carrying out novocaine blockades (used in the acute period);
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage manipulations;
  • exercise therapy sessions.

Conducting orthopedic correction

The procedure is carried out simultaneously in 2 planes - horizontally and vertically. After restoring the correct state of all segments, the specialist eliminates the pathological impulses emanating from the charged area. Additionally, there is a redressing of the intervertebral joints.

The treatment is combined with post-isometric muscle relaxation. Against this background, the normal motor stereotype is restored.

Basic methods of orthopedic correction are presented in the table.

Features of drug therapy

Depending on the specific symptoms and general condition of the patient, medications are prescribed in the following forms:

  • pills(the effect occurs within 35-40 minutes);
  • injections(intended for stopping an attack of lumbodynia, the effect occurs 15-20 minutes after the injection);
  • local funds(used for severe inflammation, when the possibility of delivery of beneficial components through the circulatory system is excluded).

Group of medicinesDrug namesDescription
NSAIDsMovalis, Nimesil.


Affect the main links of the mechanism of pain syndrome development. The mechanism of action is associated with the suppression of the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase.
AnalgesicsNarcotic - Tramadol, Hydrocodeine, Codeine, Proxifen.


Non-narcotic - "Dikloberl", "Baralgin", "Indomethacin".
Designed to relieve severe, acute pain. They can be both narcotic (recommended for 1-time use) and non-narcotic.
Muscle relaxants"Midocalm", "Baklosan", "Sirdalud", "Tizanil", "Baclofen".


They help to get rid of muscle spasm and reduce the intensity of pain. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to combine them with NSAIDs.
Chondroprotectors"Khonsurid", "Mukosat", "Chondromed", "Structum", "Chondrolon", "Chondroxide".


Most drugs contain chondroitin sulfate. Such drugs are prescribed to relieve pain, reduce the inflammatory response and improve functional performance.

* Click on the image in the table to enlarge.

Conduct and effect of novocaine blockade

The analgesic effect is due to the action of novocaine. Additional medications are corticosteroids.

"Novocaine" in ampoules
"Dexamethasone" in ampoules

The maximum concentration of drugs is observed in the area of ​​the location of the neoplasm. The healing effect of medications is evenly distributed throughout the body.

The blockade is a paravertebral procedure. The injection is placed at trigger points - in those areas where there are strong painful sensations.

  1. The patient lies down face down.
  2. The specialist palpates the painful area, identifies trigger points and calculates the number of injections.
  3. The injection is placed after thorough treatment of the skin with antiseptic drugs. The distance from the vertebral spinous processes is 4 cm from the side. The medicine is injected until the syringe needle rests against the transverse process.
  4. The doctor partially removes the syringe and directs the needle under the process (depth - up to 20 mm).

The effect appears at the same minute and lasts up to 21 days. The course of treatment includes 4 procedures. A stable positive result can be achieved by combining blockages with other methods of treatment.

Physiotherapy methods

The following methods are used:

  • electrotherapy (galvanization, electrical stimulation);
  • laser therapy;
  • ultrasound therapy.
Method of exposureDescriptionNumber of sessions

The effect of galvanic current activates the system of regulation of local blood circulation in tissues, promotes an increase in the concentration of acetylcholine, prostaglandins, bradykinin in tissues. As a result, blood vessels expand, local blood flow increases, and tissue nutrition returns to normal.5-7

An electric current of low voltage and low strength is used. It has an effect on the excitability of nerve receptors.5-6

Promotes the acceleration of reparative processes, removes the manifestations of inflammation, relieves swelling. Effects - analgesic, antispasmodic.5-7

It is accompanied by the normalization of blood circulation and dehydration of the inflammation focus.5-7

Massage manipulations

Massage helps to reduce the intensity of painful sensations and accelerate rehabilitation.

The procedure is not carried out in the acute stage. When pain occurs, the session is canceled.

Physiotherapy exercises

Exercise therapy is the final stage of treatment. First, the exercises are performed under the supervision of a doctor, then independently, at home.

Take an upright position. Perform head tilts forward, backward, while the movements should be smooth. You can't throw your head back too deep. The number of repetitions is 6-8.

Remaining upright, turn your head several times to the left and right. In this case, one should look down, behind the back. The number of repetitions is 6-8.

Inhale (starting position does not change). Exhaling, tilt your head to the left, while pulling the right upper limb downward. Do the same in the opposite direction. The number of repetitions is from 4 to 6.

Maintaining the starting position, with the fingers of the joined palms, reach for the shoulder blades, maximally including the shoulder joints in the work. The number of repetitions is 4-6.

While inhaling, raise the upper limbs. As you exhale, gently lower, spread your arms to the sides. The angle between the body and the lower limbs should be 90 degrees. The number of repetitions is 6-8.

Video - Exercise for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and joints

Get on all fours (preferably on a gymnastic mat). On inhalation, you need to round your back, pulling your chin towards your chest. As you exhale, bend in the lumbar region and look in front of you. Do not throw your head back. The number of repetitions is 6-8.

Exercise 7. "Cat"

Starting position - sitting on your heels, legs apart. As you exhale, slowly, slowly stretch your arms forward, alternately stretching either the right or the left upper limb. Repeat 4-6 times.

Starting position - sitting on your heels, legs together. Without lifting the pelvis from the heels, reach up with your hands, try to stretch yourself as much as possible. Repeat 4-6 times.

Get on all fours. Lunge with your right foot forward, sit on your heels. As you exhale, stretch forward. Do the same with the opposite leg. Movements are performed smoothly and slowly. Repeat 4-6 times.

Video - Spine treatment and health maintenance

Lie on a large gymnastic ball. With your feet you need to rest against the wall. Circular rotations are performed with the hands forward and backward. The amplitude in the shoulder joints should be maximum. The exercise is allowed to be performed using weights (dumbbells, water bottles). It is not necessary to bend too much in the lumbar spine. Repeat 4-6 times.

Lie on a gymnastic ball. Ride until it is under the hips. Keeping the starting position, swing your legs up. Relax and stretch your upper limbs forward and your legs backward. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 12 - Leg Swings

Lie on your stomach, place your arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Get up, connect the shoulder blades as much as possible. You cannot throw your head back. Perform the exercise 6-8 times.

Exercise 13. "Cobra"

Keeping the original position, connect the upper limbs into the lock. Straighten your arms at the elbow joints, stretch to the heels as much as possible. Repeat 6-8 times.

Roll over onto your back, stretch your arms up. As you exhale, stretch up for your arms and down for your legs. Pull the socks towards you. Do 4-6 reps.

Without changing the starting position, inhale and make a slight deflection in the thoracic region. As you exhale, press your lower back to the floor. The exercise is performed as smoothly as possible, slowly. Repeat 3-5 times.

Video - Flexible and strong back in 15 minutes

Turn over face down. Raise your left arm and right leg at the same time. Do the same with the right arm and left leg. Repeat 6-8 times until slight fatigue appears.

Exercise "Swimmer"

Without changing the starting position, simultaneously raise the upper and lower limbs. Spreading your arms, the lower limbs need to be brought together. Then spread your legs to the sides, hands together. Do not throw your head back. Repeat 5-7 times.

Maintaining the starting position, at the same time raise the upper and lower limbs. Hold this position for 2-4 seconds. The number of repetitions is 3-4.

Exercise for the back "Fish"

Turn over face up. Inhaling, raise your hands up through the sides. After exhaling, relax, bounce back, relaxing the muscles one by one.

With a hernia, it is strictly forbidden to raise both lower limbs high at the same time. Also, you can not perform sharp twisting movements in the lumbar region. The duration of 1 session is 8-10 minutes. Exercises should be performed regularly, strictly as intended.

Swimming and water treatments

When a person swims, all muscle groups are activated. Additional stress on the spine is excluded. He gradually straightens, his form becomes natural.

With a hernia, you should not use an aggressive swimming technique. Instead, it is advisable to "drift" on the waves.

  • holding on to the side, rest your back against the wall of the pool. Maintaining a 45 degree angle, raise your legs straight. Start turning them first to the left, then to the right, 1-2 repetitions are enough;
  • take any auxiliary equipment for swimming (ball, inflatable pillow). Having placed it in the area of ​​the collarbones, rest your chin;
  • release another floating craft in front of you (distance - 30-50 cm). Try to catch it without helping yourself with your hands. If you manage to catch the craft, then you need to squeeze it with your knees and hold it for 1-2 seconds.

Video - Spinal hernia: treatment in water


The duration of non-surgical treatment depends on the patient's well-being, his age and the brightness of the clinical picture. If all the doctor's recommendations are followed, complete recovery occurs in 80% of cases.

It is worth listening carefully to your own feelings. Frequent headaches, discomfort in any part of the spinal column, dizziness, loss of sensation in the limbs, "lumbago" can be symptoms of a serious illness. on our site you can find out why fingers go numb. Should I go to the doctor immediately and when is numbness the norm?

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