Map of mental illness in the world. The number of crazy people is growing at an unprecedented rate. On rates of inpatient psychiatric care in European countries as a result of deinstitutionalization

An open day was held for journalists at the Serbsky Scientific Center for Psychiatry. Doctors talked about their developments and provided statistics. Unfortunately, they are disappointing: due to mental disorders, the number of people with disabilities has increased by 13% in recent years. There are many suicides: among children and adolescents, for example, every 12th person attempted to die. And every five thousandth succeeded.

One of the reasons for the increase in the incidence, doctors say, is that people are afraid to admit that they have mental problems. According to studies, about one in three people have depression or neurosis. But the prevailing stereotype that these problems do not deserve attention makes it difficult to seek help. Meanwhile, a timely appeal to a specialist will help, at least, to improve life, and in some cases, possibly, to prevent a tragedy.

The courtyard where two babies died a little over two months ago, it seems, has never been so quiet before. Galina Ryabkova, who threw her sons from the balcony of the 15th floor, was declared insane. Instead of a prison, she will receive compulsory treatment.

“She is a very closed woman, you could see it. She is all in herself, that is, apart from everyone,” the neighbors say about her.

"An attempt to get away from contacts, to retire is always fraught with the formation of depressive states," notes the director of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Doctor of Medical Sciences Valery Krasnov.

Depression is the most common mental disorder, estimated to affect 10% of Russians, at 15 million people. And 70% of them have never turned to specialists for help.

Anna was sure for 10 years: she had heart problems. Relatives advised me to consult a psychiatrist when, due to constant nervous breakdowns, a woman lost her job.

"My blood pressure and heart rate increased very much. At first I went around all the doctors, a cardiologist, a neurologist. But it turned out that it was in my head," says a patient of a psychiatric clinic.

"With our diseases, a phenomenon often arises called anosognasia - a lack of understanding of one's disease," says psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences Alexander Bukhanovsky.

Anna asks not to show her face. Fundamentally. She hides from acquaintances that she is being treated in a psychiatric clinic and is very worried that this will prevent her from finding a new job. Psychiatrist Alexander Bukhanovsky is trying to destroy stereotypes on the pages of the newspaper, which he and his colleagues publish in a small print run.

"They believe that our specialty is helpless. Nothing of the kind. Today psychiatry is the same science as other medical specialties. They are afraid of us, they think that our patients are dangerous," said psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences Alexander Bukhanovsky.

No medical documents prove to Olga's now ex-husband that everything is fine with her again. The woman was diagnosed with postpartum depression. Treatment in a psychiatric clinic improved my health and broke my life, in which only my mother remained by her side.

“When I got sick and got here, my husband decided to divorce me, leave me and take the child away from me.

In the United States, one in four Americans seeks mental health care. Jane Goldberg explains that often a bad mood is already a cause for concern. The patient is on the couch, on soft pillows. Jane is in the chair behind, so as not to be embarrassed with a look when they begin to talk about personal.

"It becomes a lifestyle. Like going to the gym. Sessions of a psychoanalyst are exercises for the inner self, they teach you to listen to yourself," says psychoanalyst Jane Goldberg.

According to the World Health Organization, by 2020, mental disorders will be among the top five factors leading to disability. Even overtaking cardiovascular diseases here. In this case, the main cause of disability will be depression.

Elena has been tormented by panic attacks since childhood.

“Every morning I woke up in this panic, anxiety, I could not realize what was happening. I was terribly tormented,” she says.

The woman went to many doctors for several years, but the correct diagnosis was made too late. Now Elena is doomed to regularly undergo a course of intensive therapy.

"In many countries, first of all, they turn to a primary practitioner. He has the necessary set of knowledge and skills to find out mental health problems, touch them at least. Our therapists try not to touch this area of ​​activity," the director of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry notes. Doctor of Medical Sciences Valery Krasnov.

In Russia, 40% of healthy people have mental disorders that have not yet developed into a disease. Psychiatrist Valery Krasnov is ready to question the sanity of the heroes of some Internet videos that break records in views.

“I don’t find anything funny in this. It worries me. If a lot of Internet users watch it for fun, it only saddens me, as evidence of insufficient culture,” says Valery Krasnov, director of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, MD.

Patients with mental disorders, on average, live 15 years less. Neuroses and psychosis are the cause of 20% of premature deaths in the country. True, the reason is indirect. They don't die from depression and panic attacks. They turn life into a nightmare, where cancer or heart attack are no longer a cause for concern.

It is one of the most serious problems facing all countries, since at one time or another in life, such problems arise for at least every fourth person. Prevalence rates of mental health disorders are very high in the European Region. According to WHO (2006), of the 870 million people living in the European Region, about 100 million experience anxiety and depression; over 21 million suffer from alcohol use disorders; over 7 million - Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia; about 4 million - schizophrenia; 4 million for bipolar disorder and 4 million for panic disorder.

Mental disorders are the second most important cause of the burden of disease (after cardiovascular diseases). They account for 19.5% of all years of life lost as a result of disability (DALYs - years of life lost due to illness and premature death). Depression, the third leading cause, accounts for 6.2% of all DALYs. Self-harm, the eleventh leading cause of DALYs, accounted for 2.2%, while Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia, which ranked fourteenth in the list of causes, accounted for 1.9% of DALYs. As the population ages, the number of people with such disabilities is likely to increase.

Mental disorders also account for more than 40% of all chronic diseases. They are a significant cause of loss of healthy life years due to disability. The single most important cause is depression. Five of the fifteen major factors affecting the burden of disease are classified as mental disorders. In many countries, 35-45% of absenteeism is associated with mental health problems.

One of the most tragic consequences of mental illness is suicide. Nine of the ten countries in the world with the highest suicide rates are located in the European Region. According to the latest data, about 150,000 people voluntarily die annually, 80% of them are men. Suicide is the leading and hidden cause of death among young people, ranking second in the 15-35 age group (after road traffic accidents).

V.G. Rothstein et al. in 2001, it was proposed to combine all mental disorders into three groups, differing in severity, nature and duration of the course, and the risk of relapse.

  1. Disorders that force patients to be monitored by a psychiatrist throughout their lives: chronic psychoses; paroxysmal psychoses with frequent seizures and a tendency to transition into a continuous course: chronic non-psychotic conditions (sluggish schizophrenia and related conditions, diagnosed as "schizotypal disorder" or "disorder of a mature personality" in the ICD-10) without a tendency to stabilize the process with satisfactory social adaptation; dementia conditions; moderate to severe variants of mental retardation.
  2. Disorders requiring observation in the active period of the disease; paroxysmal psychosis with the formation of long-term remission; chronic non-psychotic conditions (sluggish schizophrenia, psychopathy) with a tendency to stabilize the process with satisfactory social adaptation; relatively easy options for oligophrenia; neurotic and somatoform disorders; mild affective disorders (cyclothymia, dysthymia); AKP.
  3. Disorders requiring observation only during the acute period: acute exogenous (including psychogenic) psychoses, reactions and adaptation disorders.

Having identified the contingent of patients in need of psychiatric care, V.G. Rothstein et al. (2001) found that real mental health services are needed for about 14% of the country's population. While, according to official statistics, only 2.5% receive this assistance. In this regard, an important task for the organization of psychiatric care is to determine the structure of care. It should have reliable data on the true number of people in need of mental health care, on the socio-demographic and clinical-epidemiological structure of these contingents, giving an idea of ​​the types and amounts of care.

The number of patients in need of help is a new indicator, "the actual number of mentally ill patients." The determination of this indicator should be the first task of an applied epidemiological study aimed at improving mental health care. The second task is to obtain a basis for improving treatment and diagnostic programs, planning the development of psychiatric services, calculating the necessary personnel, funds and other resources on the basis of the "current number of mentally ill patients", as well as on the basis of a study of the clinical structure of the corresponding contingent.

When trying to estimate the “actual number of patients” in the population, it is necessary to decide which of the commonly used indicators is most adequate. The choice of one indicator for all mental health problems is inappropriate. A specific indicator should be used for each group of disorders that unites cases that are similar in severity, course, and risk of recurrence.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the selected groups, to determine the "actual number of persons with mental disorders", they propose indicators; life prevalence, year prevalence, point prevalence, reflecting the number of persons suffering from this disorder at the time of examination.

  • For patients of the first group, life prevalence reflects the number of persons who have experienced this disorder at any time during their life.
  • For patients of the third group, year prevalence reproduces the number of persons in whom the disorder has been noted during the last year.
  • For patients with the second group of disorders, the choice of an adequate indicator is less obvious. E.B. Prytovoy et al. (1991) conducted a study of patients with schizophrenia, which made it possible to determine the period of time after which the risk of a new attack of the disease becomes the same as the risk of a new case of the disease. Theoretically, it is this period that determines the duration of the active period of the disease. For practical purposes, this period is prohibitively long (it is 25-30 years). Currently, active dispensary observation is stopped if the duration of remission in paroxysmal schizophrenia is 5 years. Taking into account the above, as well as the experience of psychiatric institutions in the duration of observation of patients with other (non-schizophrenic) disorders included in the second group, we can choose the prevalence over the past 10 years as a satisfactory indicator for it (10-year prevalence).

To estimate the actual number of people with mental disorders, it was necessary to adequately estimate the total number of people with mental health disorders in the population. Such studies have led to two main results.

  • It has been proven that the number of patients in the population is many times greater than the number of patients in psychiatric services.
  • It has been established that no surveys can identify all patients in the country, so their full number can only be obtained by theoretical assessment. The material for this is the data of current statistics, the results of specific epidemiological studies, etc.

Prevalence of mental illness in Russia

Analyzing WHO materials, national statistical and clinical and epidemiological materials, O.I. Shchepin in 1998 identified trends and patterns in the spread of mental illness in the Russian Federation.

  • The first (main) regularity is that the prevalence rates of all mental illnesses in Russia have increased tenfold over the past 45 years.
  • The second pattern is a relatively low level and a slight increase in the prevalence of psychosis (mental or psychotic disorders proper: an increase of only 3.8 times over the entire XX century, or from 7.4 cases per 1,000 people in 1900-1929 to 28, 3 in 1970-1995). The highest prevalence levels and growth rates are characteristic of neuroses (increased 61.7 times, or from 2.4 to 148.1 cases per 1,000 people) and alcoholism (increased 58.2 times, or 0.6 to 34.9 cases per 1,000 people).
  • The third pattern is high rates of growth in the prevalence of mental underdevelopment (30 times, or from 0.9 to 27 cases per 1,000 people) and senile psychoses (20 times, or from 0.4 to 7.9-8 cases) ...
  • The fourth regularity is that the greatest increase in the levels of prevalence of mental pathology was noted in 1956-1969. For example: 1900-1929 - 30.4 cases per 1,000 people. 1930-1940 - 42.1 cases; 1941-1955 - 66.2 cases; 1956-1969 - 108.7 cases and 1970-1995 - 305.1 cases.
  • The fifth regularity is actually the same level of prevalence of mental illness both in the economically developed countries of the West and in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (an increase in 1930-1995 by 7.2 and 8 times). This pattern reflects the general human essence of mental pathology, regardless of the socio-political structure of society.

The main reasons for the increase in the number of mental disorders in the modern world, according to WHO experts, are an increase in population density, urbanization, destruction of the natural environment, complication of production and educational technologies, an avalanche-like growing information pressure, an increase in the frequency of emergencies (ES). deterioration in physical health. including reproductive, an increase in the number of brain and birth trauma, intensive aging of the population.

The above reasons are fully relevant for Russia. The crisis state of society, sharp economic changes with a decrease in the standard of living of people, changes in values ​​and ideological ideas, interethnic conflicts, natural and man-made disasters that cause migration of the population, breaking life stereotypes significantly affect the mental state of members of society, generate stress, frustration, anxiety, feeling of insecurity, depression.

Closely related to these are socio-cultural trends affecting mental health, such as:

  • weakening of family and neighborhood ties and mutual assistance;
  • a sense of alienation from state power and the system of government;
  • the increasing material needs of a consumer-minded society;
  • the spread of sexual freedom;
  • the rapid increase in social and geographic mobility.

Mental health is one of the parameters of the state of the population. It is generally accepted to measure the state of mental health in terms of indicators characterizing the prevalence of mental disorders. Our analysis of some socially significant indicators made it possible to identify a number of features of their dynamics (according to data on the number of patients who applied to the out-of-hospital psychiatric service of the Russian Federation in 1995-2005).

  • According to statistical reports from medical institutions in the Russian Federation, the total number of patients who applied for psychiatric care increased from 3.7 to 4.2 million people (by 13.8%); the overall incidence of mental disorders increased from 2502.3 to 2967.5 per 100 thousand people (by 18.6%). The number of patients who were diagnosed with a mental disorder for the first time in their lives increased in approximately the same proportions: from 491.5 to 552.8 thousand people (by 12.5%). The primary morbidity rate has increased over 10 years from 331.3 to 388.4 per 100 thousand of the population (by 17.2%).
  • At the same time, there have been quite significant shifts in the structure of patients according to individual social characteristics. Thus, the number of people of working age with mental disorders increased from 1.8 to 2.2 million people (by 22.8%), and per 100 thousand people, the number of such patients increased from 1209.2 to 1546.8 (by 27.9%). In the same period, however, the absolute number of working mentally ill people decreased from 884.7 to 763.0 thousand people (by 13.7%), and the indicator of the number of working mentally ill people decreased from 596.6 to 536.1 per 100 thousand. population (by 10.1%).
  • The contingent of patients with mental disabilities increased significantly over the specified period: from 725.0 to 989.4 thousand people (by 36.5%), i.e. in 2005, in the contingent of all patients, almost one in four was mentally disabled. Per 100 thousand people, the number of disabled people increased from 488.9 to 695.1 (by 42.2%). At the same time, the decrease in the primary disability rate for mental illness, which began in 1999, was interrupted in 2005, it began to grow again and in 2005 amounted to 38.4 per 100 thousand people. The share of disabled workers at work fell from 6.1% to 4.1%. The share of children in the total number of mentally ill people who were recognized as disabled for the first time in their lives increased from 25.5 to 28.4%.
  • With a fairly moderate increase in the total number of the mentally ill, the contingent of those hospitalized increased slightly. In absolute terms: from 659.9 to 664.4 thousand people (by 0.7%), and per 100 thousand of the population - from 444.7 to 466.8 (by 5.0%). At the same time, the increase in the number of hospitalized patients occurred exclusively at the expense of patients with non-psychotic mental disorders.
  • The number of mentally ill persons committing socially dangerous acts increased: from 31,065 in 1995 to 42,450 in 2005 (by 36.6%).

Thus, in 1995-2005, with a moderate increase in the total number of patients with mental disorders who applied for specialized care, the contingent of patients itself became "heavier": both due to a significant increase in the number of patients with mental disabilities, and due to a significant reduction in the number of workers mentally ill.

According to the statistics of diseases, most people do not die from old age, but from the consequences. At the same time, there is significant progress in medicine, but lifestyle often interferes with the fight against ailments.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system are the main ones all over the world. Risk factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • wrong.

The number of overweight people is rapidly increasing, and the heart cannot cope with the load. According to statistics from heart disease in 2012, 17.5 million people died. Of these, 7.4 million died due to coronary heart disease.

The second place in mortality from heart ailments is occupied by cerebrovascular problems - atherosclerosis, stroke, hypertension. Statistics demonstrate an increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction in women aged 55 to 60 years. Experts attribute this to the ability of sex hormones to prevent the formation of atherosclerosis.

According to statistics, the disease of atherosclerosis in the modern world begins much earlier than 100 years ago. The initial stage of the disease is diagnosed already in adolescents. 75% of men and 38% of women suffer from this ailment after 30-35 years.

Heart disease statistics include data on the "disease of civilization" - varicose veins. The statistics expresses the problem of the disease of the veins of the lower extremities in the following figures:

  • 25–33% of women suffer from this pathology;
  • 10–20% of men have this disease;
  • in Russia, varicose veins were diagnosed in 38 million people.

A special case of varicose veins is hemorrhoids. Disease statistics show that about 70% of the population suffers from the disease. The reasons are a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and regular weight lifting.

CRHD ranks fourth among heart diseases according to the WHO. Women, children, adolescents and young people are more susceptible to this pathology. The provoking factors are lowered immunity, frequent colds, stay in damp, cold rooms. What place does Russia occupy in mortality from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels? In the diagram, the indicators are distributed by countries of the world for 2006:

Blood Disease Statistics

Diseases of the blood belong to a different class of pathologies, different from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, according to the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10. This includes different types of anemia - pathologies in which the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases.

According to the WHO, the statistics of anemia disease recorded about 2 billion people with low hemoglobin in their blood. Most of them are women and children. Pregnant women often suffer from anemia.

Gastrointestinal Disease Statistics

The statistics of gastrointestinal diseases, which was carried out on the basis of the GAUZ of the Orenburg Republic of Bashkortostan, demonstrate an increase in the number of pathologies:

Disease year 2012 (%) year 2013 (%) year 2014 (%)
Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer10,5 7,0 6,7
Gastritis3,6 0,8 1,2
Hernial pathology12,4 19,0 19,4
Other bowel diseases, including the colon10,2 7,7 14,8
Peritonitis0,9 0,5
Liver pathology8,7 7,0 5,9
Gallbladder and biliary tract32,9 35,0 31,6
Pancreas20,8 22,7 18,8
Enteritis and colitis0,3 0,1
Anus abscess1,5

The statistics of liver diseases show a slight decrease in the number of cases, however, the number of diseases of the biliary tract has increased. The most common is chronic cholecystitis. This ailment leads to:

  • pregnancy;
  • a rare meal that provokes bile stasis.

According to statistics, 17–20% of the adult population of the planet are susceptible to cholecystitis. The statistics of gastritis disease show a smaller number of cases against the background of other digestive diseases. By itself, inflammation of the walls of the stomach is not a very dangerous problem, troubles begin with its development or the appearance of atrophic gastritis, when the cells of the mucous membrane die off.

For two years, the statistics of intestinal diseases shows an increase in the number of cases by almost 2 times. According to statistics, an ulcer, as a stomach disease, is carried by about 14% of the world's inhabitants. Abdominal pathologies include:

  • sharp abdomen;
  • prolapse of the rectum;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • closed abdominal injuries;
  • perforated stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • foreign bodies of soft tissues.

As a result of damage to the abdominal organs, adhesive disease can develop. Adhesion of adjacent organs with sticky films occurs, which are subsequently shortened and thickened.

As the statistics of rectal diseases show, problems in this area do not rush people to go to see a doctor, and in vain. Constipation, rectal fissures, polyps are very common. In women, pregnancy and childbirth often cause pathologies in this area. Running processes give rise to other troubles as well.

The diagram shows the structure of morbidity (A) of infectious diseases and mortality from them (B).

The fight against infectious anomalies is hampered by the emergence of new types of bacteria that are resistant to modern antibiotics. The problem is associated with the widespread availability of antibacterial agents in pharmacies and their excessive consumption.

Another dangerous factor is. For more profit, animals intended for slaughter are fed a large amount of antibiotics, which are then left in the meat used for nutrition. Antibacterial agents are also widely used in dairy farms to combat mastitis in cows.

HIV data in Tatarstan

The number of people infected with immunodeficiency in 2017 from January to June is presented on the state website of Tatarstan and amounts to 571 people. In 2016, this figure was 654 people. The statistics of viral diseases in this category highlight the main ways of transmission of infection - through blood, from mother to fetus, contaminated medical instruments, sexually.

Prion diseases

Prions are pathological proteins that do not contain DNA and RNA. Once in the human or animal body, they multiply by absorbing healthy protein structures, which also become prions. The immune system does not fight these proteins, since it does not perceive them as foreign. Prions are resistant to boiling, formalin treatment, cold, radiation and UV radiation.

Diseases cause damage to the central nervous system and can be infectious or inherited. Transmission ways:

  • infected foods;
  • bone meal, in livestock feed;
  • gelatin and collagen;
  • the soil;
  • medical instruments;
  • medicines made from the brain and lymph of cattle;
  • tissue for transplantation.

There are no official statistics on diseases in the Russian Federation, since there is no way to make a correct diagnosis. For 25 years, only 20 cases of infection have been known. Usually, the diagnosis is made after the death of the patient according to the existing complications. Prion pathology is not amenable to treatment, from the disease - 100%.

Fungal Disease Statistics

According to the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 832 million people in the world suffer from dangerous fungal pathologies. The largest concentration is observed in 14 countries of the world, including Pakistan, South Korea, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Egypt.

Among age-related diseases, statistics distinguish oncological problems. Against the background of other ailments, the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors increases with age. Disease statistics in Belarus:

Modern cancer statistics are associated with a changing demographic situation around the world, when increasing life expectancy increases the number of older people against a background of low in some countries. In addition to new diseases, about which no one even heard 100 years ago, there is a serious increase in oncological neoplasms in an aging society.

Over the past 5 years, only in Bashkiria, the number of cancers has increased by 15.4%. In Crimea, 391 cases of tumor pathologies were recorded per 100 thousand people (2014). Predictions on the statistics of the disease in the world:

Leukemia disease statistics

Leukemia is increasingly detected in children 3-4 years old or elderly people 60-70 years old. The number of people suffering from this ailment is about 25 out of 100,000 people.

Endocrine Disease Statistics

As the statistics of thyroid diseases show, the share of this pathology in the total number of problems with the endocrine system is the highest (38.1%).

Thyroid problems are largely associated with a lack of iodine in the body. In Russia, iodine deficiency and the resulting illnesses are unevenly distributed across the regions. Disease statistics in Ukraine are presented in the diagram:

The table shows diabetes statistics from the 2016 WHO report

Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

  • the first is an autoimmune disease that usually occurs in children and cannot be prevented. It accounts for 5% of the total number of cases;
  • the second usually appears in adults or the elderly and is a consequence of poor lifestyle choices, including obesity and low mobility. This type of diabetes can be prevented or controlled.

The leaders in the number of people with diabetes are China and India. The main reason is the high population density. America is ranked 3rd. In the United States, the problem is associated with unrestricted consumption of fast foods and the resulting obesity. Russia ranks in fifth place.

Adrenal disease statistics

Hormones produced by the adrenal glands are involved in metabolism and are responsible for human adaptation to external conditions. 85% of adrenal problems are associated with previous illnesses - tuberculosis, heart attack and stroke, as well as with long-term hormonal therapy.

According to statistics, respiratory diseases (RCD) are considered to be the most common. According to the Institute of Pulmonology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the annual increase in the number of cases of the disease is 5-7%. At the same time, the statistics of influenza diseases during the epidemic shows 5-10% of the affected from the general population of the country.

Allergic rhinitis or hay fever often occurs in children 7–10 years old. The most widespread is at the age of 18-24 years. For 10 years, the number of people susceptible to this disease has increased 5 times.

Of particular note is colds after Epiphany bathing. The question of faith is very personal, but it's not worth going into the water for the first time in a 30-degree frost. For some, such experiments ended in serious illness and death.

Smoking Disease Statistics

Consumers of tobacco products suffer from problems with lungs, cardiovascular pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases. of diseases associated with smoking has more than 5 million cases.

Globally, 10% of people suffer from kidney-related diseases. At the same time, the statistics of kidney diseases indicate the presence of a chronic form. Anomalies are classified as follows:

  1. Immunity pathologies (chronic diseases).
  2. Infectious and inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis).
  3. Changes in the background of metabolic disorders (kidney stones).
  4. Toxic damage.
  5. Complications after other diseases.
  6. Vascular nephropathy (in pregnant women).
  7. Genetic changes.

Statistics of pyelonephritis diseases in Russia show that women are more susceptible to this disease. Men suffer from it 6 times less often. Every second kidney pathology is associated with pyelonephritis. Every year in the United States, 8 million people are admitted to hospitals with symptoms of pyelonephritis. The statistics of genitourinary diseases are presented in the diagram:

The main reason for the spread of pathologies of female organs is the inaccuracy of the information received by young girls. There is a lot of controversy about sex education in schools. Parents are ashamed to devote their child to reproductive issues, the result is perverted information from peers and a bad first experience, ending with a sexually transmitted disease or inflammation.

Inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages can pass unnoticed, but in 1 out of 5 cases, they lead to the inability to give birth to a child. A real problem in gynecology has become an increase in women by 1.4 times over 5 years. The statistics of breast diseases distinguishes 40% of women in Russia with benign formations.

Statistics of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

According to the WHO, statistics of skin diseases make up 22% of people in the world suffering from epidermal problems. A pathology such as atopic dermatitis is considered to be hereditary. It is transmitted to a child by one of the parents (50% of cases) or both (75%). The incidence of this pathology in children is 5%.

The statistics of eczema diseases annually totals 2.36 million people in Russia alone. Psychologists classify skin pathologies by 73–84% as psychosomatic ailments.

Mental illness statistics

Mental health problems in Russia are higher than the world average - about 25% versus 15%. The difficult economic situation, the availability of drugs and the emergence of "death groups" in the global network worsen the indicators for the country.

The practice of receiving psychological services has not yet taken root in Russia, and conversations with priests in the church replacing it were destroyed by the revolutionary reforms after 1917.

Statistics of diseases of the nervous system

Neurological Disease Statistics:

  • more than 6 million people in the world die from stroke every year;
  • 50 million people have epilepsy;
  • annually there is an increase in dementia patients by 7.7 million people.

CNS and PNS, the relationship of the brain and spinal cord

In Russia, the statistics of nervous diseases gives the following figures:

  • 20% of all dead people die from a stroke;
  • 25% of all stroke deaths die in the first month, and 30% during the first year, the remaining 45% later;
  • only 20% of people who have had this disease return to a fulfilling life.

Visual diseases statistics

In the world, 285 million people have vision problems. At the Russian ophthalmological forum in 2015, statistics of eye diseases were provided - in 2014, 11,108.8 cases were registered per 100 thousand people.

The most common are diseases of the nose - 37%, followed by pathologies of the ear and pharynx - 30.7% and 21.8%, respectively.

Pathology of the child's body

Disease statistics in Russia show that children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to infectious diseases. ARVI occurs 6 to 8 times a year and accounts for 90% of all diseases of babies. A child can become infected in kindergarten, while walking and in public places.

Health problems in schoolchildren are distributed over different age periods. 30% of children in schools carry the following diseases:

  • neurosis;
  • ENT diseases;
  • myopia;
  • scoliosis;
  • gastritis;
  • cardiovascular pathology.

Complications after DPT

The DPT vaccine is directed against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, which are diseases that can most likely cause the death of a child. Data on diseases among vaccinated and unvaccinated children:

  • before the vaccination appeared, 20% of children in Russia were infected with diphtheria, 10% of them died;
  • tetanus statistics recorded death in 95% of children;
  • whooping cough was carried by 100% of children.

Some health problems are normal after vaccination. Young children should be given injections not in the gluteus muscle, but in the thigh, the muscles of which are already sufficiently developed. Mild complications after vaccination:

  • fever, redness and swelling of the injection site - 25% of cases;
  • lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting - 10% of cases.

Moderate complications:

  • seizures in 1 in 14,500 children;
  • crying for more than 3 hours - in 1 in 1000 children
  • a temperature of 39.5 ° C and above - 1 in 15,000 children.

Serious complications include an allergic reaction in girls (boys), which occurs 1 in 1,000,000 cases. The rules for preparing a child for vaccination are common to all vaccinations.

Hereditary disease statistics

The causes of hereditary pathologies are mutations:

  • gene abnormalities are associated with their damage;
  • chromosomal diseases are associated with changes in their number and structure.

Statistics of genetic diseases in the world:

The statistics of congenital diseases show that the probability of having a child with Down's disease is higher in pregnant women who postponed the establishment of offspring at a later age.

Purulent diseases statistics

This type of ailment is widespread and ranges from mild inflammation to deep lesions, which are included in the statistics of surgical diseases. Almost every inhabitant of the planet has faced a similar problem at least once.

In 2016 (9 months), 1606 industrial diseases were registered in the FSS of the Russian Federation, of which 62 were fatal. Provoking factors:

Statistics of diseases from laser radiation

Laser - optical quantum generators are widely used in production. Their use is associated with a number of factors that negatively affect people:

  • rays of powerful generators reflected from optical elements, devices and walls negatively affect the retina of the eye;
  • insufficient illumination of the production area;
  • sometimes there is a sharp increase in ozone in the room air;
  • neuro-emotional stress when working with hazardous equipment.

Disease prevention statistics from JCG at work implies the following activities:

  • persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to work with the JCG;
  • Once a year, laboratory staff are required to undergo a complete medical examination;
  • 1 time in 3 months a compulsory visit to an ophthalmologist;
  • carrying out cultural and educational work with employees;
  • mandatory intake of vitamins in spring and autumn.

Rehabilitation of patients

Medical statistics of diseases also provide insight into the prevention of pathologies and the rehabilitation of patients. Rehabilitation actions are aimed at restoring body functions and adapting a person to new living conditions.

Health problems that are fatal in 60% of cases are caused by coronary heart disease, stroke, respiratory tract damage and several other diseases:

Disease statistics in Kazakhstan

In 2016, an epidemic of anthrax broke out in Kazakhstan - a dangerous infectious disease that affects people and. The reason was the outbreaks at the site of infected cattle carcasses and the human factor associated with the spread of meat of sick animals in the regions. Human morbidity rates rose to 0.11 per 100,000 people compared to 2015, when no cases were reported.

According to the World Health Organization, there are now about 450 million people with mental disorders and abnormalities in the world. According to experts, the number of people suffering from dementia in the coming years will grow at an unprecedented rate.

According to forecasts, over 35 million people will need the help of doctors next year due to the development of degenerative brain diseases. And that number is expected to double every 20 years. Therefore, by 2030 the number of such patients may reach 65.7 million, and in 2050 - 115.4 million.

Only a small fraction of this mass of people will receive the necessary treatment.

The increase in mental illness will be most acute in the coming years in low- and middle-income countries. This is explained by the lack of qualified medical personnel and specialized clinics.

"Bagnet" decided to check how the world statistics are true for Ukraine and whether the number of mentally ill people in our country is growing.

In the main neuropsychiatric clinic of the country - the capital hospital. Pavlova - they said that in Ukraine the number of mentally ill people has remained at the same level for a long time. This is approximately 1 million 200 thousand people.

“Surprisingly, with the onset of the global crisis, 5-7% fewer patients are admitted to inpatient departments for treatment than in previous years. Although, it would seem, according to logic, everything should be the other way around. We expect that fewer and fewer people will be treated in hospitals in the future. And most people with mental disorders live and will live in the "ordinary world." This contributes to their speedy recovery, "- Mikhail Ignatov, deputy chief physician of the Kiev city neuropsychiatric hospital No. 1, explained to Bagnet.

According to him, the official WHO data on the number of psychiatric patients living on the planet is underestimated.

“In fact, the number of people who suffer from one or another mental disorder is 10% of the total population of the world. This is much more official data. It's just that many chronically ill people are unaware of their illnesses, do not want to be treated, etc., ”Ignatov said.

Employees of regional psychiatric hospitals were reluctant to make contact. For example, in the Kharkiv and Zhytomyr regional clinical psychiatric hospitals, the Bagnet correspondent was told that it was not customary for them to give comments and interviews to the press.

In the Transcarpathian regional mental hospital, Ignatov's information was confirmed - the number of patients remains at a "stable" level. Every year, about 3 thousand patients are admitted to the local hospital for treatment. In general, there are about 33 thousand citizens suffering from mental disorders on a permanent record.

The head physician of the Crimean Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 Mikhail Yuryev said that the number of patients in Crimea was "usual" and that he had not heard anything about the increase in the number of mad people.

To all further clarifying questions, Mr. Yuriev answered with awkward arguments about Honduras, apparently close to him by virtue of his profession.

The "interview" had to be stopped.

The largest percentage of mental deviations of various kinds, ranging from anxiety-depressive states and ending with severe forms of schizophrenia, falls on the most developed countries of the world. First of all, these are European states.

According to official WHO data in 2006, for example, out of 870 million citizens living in Europe suffered from the following ailments:

Depression and Anxiety Disorders - 100 million
chronic alcoholism - over 20 million;
Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia - about 8 million;
schizophrenia - 14 million;
bipolar disorder, 4 million;
panic disorder - 4 million

Mental disorders are the second most common after cardiovascular diseases. This is a huge number of disabled citizens who need constant or periodic supervision of doctors. Also, mental disorders account for 40% of all chronic diseases in general.

Depressing is the situation with ailments that lead to suicidal attempts (severe depression, etc.). 9 out of 10 leading countries of suicide are in Europe. According to the WHO, 150 thousand people voluntarily die annually. Moreover, these are mainly young men 15-35 years old (80% of those whose suicidal attempt ended in death).

The reasons for such indicators

The main reason for such a high prevalence of mental illness in developed and a priori more prosperous countries is considered urbanization. The frantic pace of life in metropolitan areas and the high level of stress lead to a constant increase in the number of patients with chronic depression, alcoholism and other dangerous conditions.

The second reason is the increase in the number of women in high employment. Due to the fact that women work during pregnancy (sometimes not in the most favorable conditions), the number of intrauterine fetal injuries is constantly increasing. This greatly affects the mental abilities of children, since it is the cause of all kinds of abnormalities in the development of the brain.

The third reason is the aging of the population. Due to the high standard of living and excellent medicine, life expectancy in Europe is one of the longest. At the same time, young people are in no hurry to acquire offspring, preferring to pursue a career and earn money. In European families, there are 1-2 babies; more - much less often. As a result, the population of Europe is rapidly aging, and this leads to an increase in the percentage of senile mental disorders in relation to all other diseases.

In other countries

The latest “reason” for the high incidence of mental disorders in Europe is their timely diagnosis and control. Regular screening of the population simply allows for more frequent detection of cases of these diseases. In less developed countries, diagnostics are at a much lower level, so it cannot be unequivocally stated that the population there is healthier. It is simply under-examined.

According to the WHO, from 75 to 80% of patients with mental health problems live "incognito". They get sick, but due to the poor level of medical care, no one knows about it. In many underdeveloped countries, it is generally not customary to see a doctor due to mental illness. For example, in the countries of Eastern Europe, it is customary to "treat" severe chronic depression with alcohol.

In most African countries, too insignificant percentage of the population survives to a ripe old age to be able to talk about some kind of prevalence of senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease, etc.). And medical care there is so poorly delivered that a person is able to die in the prime of life from appendicitis. There is no question of any diagnosis of mental illness.

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