Is it possible to sunbathe with type 2 diabetes. The sun struggles with diabetes. Short-term and long-term trips with diabetes

Many people are confident that it is possible to sunbathe with diabetes and even need. Such thoughts are frivolous, which is why the number of hospitalized people at the hot season increases twice. The sun and high temperature in the air affect the well-being of diabetics, thereby increasing blood sugar levels. It is not worth completely abandoning the Sun, but only follow the rules to help maintain a general state normal.

Benefit and harm

Tan has such positive parties:

  • beauty of the appearance of the skin;
  • acceleration of the healing of dry wounds, dermatitis and rashes of a disgraceful nature;
  • saturation of the body vitamin D.

Not only diabetics, but also healthy people are forbidden to sunbathe at certain hours (from 12:00 to 15:00) under the scorching rays of the sun. High air temperature negatively affects the level of blood sugar, provoking unfortunate jumps and impairment of the balance. In addition, the health of the patients is worsening, weakness appears, the decline of forks, problems with heart are possible. According to the data of medical statistics, it is in summer that the number of cases of hospitalization of people with diabetes increases.

The harness is also as follows:

  • It is possible to burn a thin and light area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, eye, the occurrence of burns.
  • Heatstroke.
  • Weakening and dehydration of the body provoked by burns.
  • Violation of the integrity of the dermis layer, which entails infection of damaged sites and the development of the inflammatory process.

Tanning Rules for Diabetes

The sun radiates ultraviolet radiation that can damage the skin and eyes, especially when the sun is in the peak.

Patients of the endocrinologist are recommended to sunbathe into the shade of trees or under the beach umbrella. The tan, obtained in the shade, is considered no less beautiful and even, and most importantly, safe. There are warning measures for the correct tanning in diabetes aimed at protecting the body from the troubles of ultraviolet radiation and exacerbation of the state. The rules include the following items:

  • Tanned an empty stomach is prohibited, it is advantageous to eat well and drink water.
  • Wipe the skin after each bathing, do not leave the water droplets on the body to dry under the groaning rays of the sun. This often provokes enhanced burning.
  • Use protective creams before and after tanning. Use it for different parts of the body.
  • Do not remove the headdress to protect against ultraviolet and its negative impact on the body.
  • Sunbathe in the morning until 11 o'clock in the morning, and after 15:00 until the evening.
  • Do not walk bare feet in the sand and earth.
  • Wearing dark glasses, in order not to provoke the sunny beam impaired the retina and blindness.

People who have diabetes, it is important to protect your eyes from ultraviolet, since they are considered a susceptible place. Long-term footling on the Sun violates insulin production, which threatens a decrease in vision and full of blindness as a result. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for protection from solar burns and take care of your health.

Greetings to all! In connection with Lebedev Dilar, Endocrinologist, author of

On the calendar summer, although it is not visible on the street this year. And this fact is even more motivated to go into warmer edges, closer to the sun, sea and snow-white sand.

However, the question arises about the possibility of such a seafood for people with type 1 diabetes. What to pay attention to what dangers are waiting for, what to take with you on the road and other questions.

Immediately I will say that such a rest is not at all contraindicated with diabetes mellitus, you just need to be more attentive to yourself.

Like a healthy person, a man with diabetes on vacation lies: thermal and solar overheating, skin burns, danger on the water. Safety tactics is valid for everyone equally.

A much more urgent question about insuls, doses and other issues related directly to diabetes.


Insulin is a protein substance that denatures (folded) when exposed to high temperatures.

Therefore, on vacation, you need to take care to make the most important medicine in the life of a sweet person, reliably hidden from excess heat and straight sun.

The exit will be the purchase of special covers and thermos, which will maintain the optimal temperature inside, cooling the handle with the hormone.

But even while in such a bag or case, it is necessary to strengthen the direct sunlight from direct sunlight. We put the cover with the syringe sticks on the bottom of the beach bag and cover with clothes or towel from above. An additional buffer is created.

All insulin reserves need to be stored in the refrigerator number on the door. Watch that there is no contact with freezing elements. For insulin are devastated both heat and frost.

Always take a monthly insulin stock on the trip. When flying stocks, laying a suitcase between the clothes in the thickness of the suitcase or take into manual sting.


Due to moving closer to the equator, the needs in doses may fall. Therefore, do not forget to capture a decent amount of test strips, you have to measure very often.

Lucky those who have glucose monitoring. There is a smaller number of strips, but do not forget to take the stock of the sensors.


Based on the first item, you need to be prepared for the episodes of hypoglycemia, and therefore keep tablets or gels with glucose, well, or juices in the extreme case. In the hotel it is advisable to find packaged juices, because allegedly fresh juices are boldless water, and you do not recognize how much carbohydrates drink.

I do not recommend going to the sea at the work of the bolus insulin. Water procedures are quite a strong load and can bring sugar at the most inopportune moment when you are far from the coast, and only salt in seawater)))

In this case, it is better to wait for the peak of insulin or eat additional carbohydrates. It is better to braid too much than to wait for the rescuers when you start sinking at low sugar.

Be careful with alcohol! Remember that the risk of hypoglycemia at night is intensified.

List of diabetic accessories

thermal or thermosham to protect insulin from heating

room thermometer to measure the temperature in the refrigerator numbers and inside the thermoplace

spare knob

spare Glucometer with Pierce

reserve needles for syringe sticks and lancella for the puncturer

batteries for glucometter and scales

culinary scales

test strips for urine on sugar and acetone (in case of decompensation and ketoacidosis)

Drugs with frequent diseases on vacation (need to emphasize):

    antipyretic (nooofen and / or paracetamol)

    antiviral (Kagelin, Anaferon, etc.)

    sachets with sea salt for washing of nose (Dolfin)

    mouth cavity treatment (Malavit)

    intestinal sorbents (polysorb or smect)

    anti-Diamery (Loperamide or Imodium)

    antihrugal (Motilium)

    enzyme preparations (Creon)

    bacterial preparations (maxilak or priorophylus)

    antiallergic (Zirtek, Advantan cream)

    antihypertensive drugs

    cardiac drugs (Validol, Nitroglycerin, etc.)

    medicines for existing chronic diseases

Will there be problems on customs control?

For your peace, take a certificate from your endocrinologist that you have a diagnosis of diabetes and need insulin injections. Let this reference be certified by all official prints that only have a clinic.

Monitoring sensors on the human body are safely passing through the metal detector at the airport. Receivers and readers are better to carry through them, but to fold into a separate tray, although we passed through x-ray and everything was fine.

How does diabetes behave in the plane?

No one will tell you how sugar will behave in a plane a few kilometers from the ground. Each organism is unique and diabetes every one.

If you have to fly for a long time, 8-10 hours, then be prepared that in a fixed state the need for insulin doses will be higher.

Have a good rest and vivid impressions!

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedev Dilyara

The sun radiates ultraviolet radiation that can damage the skin and eyes, especially when the sun is in the peak. When the sun rises, we must take certain precautions to limit ourselves from the effects of the sun.

Skin protection

Many of us like to enjoy the sun, but some do not tolerate the tan.

Diabetics using Sulfonylmoevin (oral antidiabetic medicine) should be aware that these tablets can increase the sensitivity to the Sun and it is necessary to take precautions, limiting the frequent appearance in the sun.

Sun protection

People with diabetes must take care of their legs, as diabetes can hit the nerves of the legs and can cause difficulties with healing. If cuts, burns and corns are not able to heal, it can become dangerous for people with diabetes. Therefore, it is important to prevent legs from damage.

Diabetics are not recommended to walk barefoot, as they may not notice that they got burns or races of corn. It is also important to wear comfortable shoes that does not rub and installs the legs, as it can lead to Cozins.

When you are in the sun, check your feet during the day. It is also recommended to people with diabetes, apply sunscreen on the fingers and top of the foot.

Sun protection

We all should avoid direct sunlight in the eyes, whether we have diabetes or not, since the sun can damage the retina, known as solar retinopathy.

Diabetes may also increase the risk of diabetic retinopathy and thus diabetics must protect their eyes from the Sun to avoid any additional damage to the retina.

Sun drug protection

Preparations that we accept can also be sensitive to the Sun.

People accepting insulin or intretere-mimethetics should take care not to expose the medication to direct sunlight or not allow drugs to become too warm.

People with diabetes, like everyone, need Vitamin D. To begin to be synthesized in the body, it is necessary to spend at least 15 minutes in the sun. Vitamin D regulates metabolic processes, is responsible for creating new cells, and also provides bone strength. The substance is produced only in the sun, a sufficient dose of food is quite difficult. Therefore, staying in the sun is a vital necessity.

Tan has a positive effect on the mood of man. The sun rays contribute to the development of the hormone of joy - serotonin. The sun heals from psoriasis, eczema, depriving, etc.

However, it is worth remembering that people with diabetes are substantial at considerable risk if they are under scoring rays. In patients, the reaction of the cardiovascular system in the sun differs from the norm. This is one of the most vulnerable places of patients with diabetes. Predict how the vessels are reacting, it is impossible.Therefore, it is necessary to take care that the tan is as secure as possible.

The heat affects the formation of blood sugar. Under the influence of high temperatures, especially if a person is under open beams for a long time, the blood glucose level can increase. This will lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.

But with diabetes can be sunbathing. It is believed that vitamin D, which is formed under the action of sunlight, is able to reduce the dependence on insulin.

There are a number of factors that can negatively affect the health of diabetics:

  • presence of overweight;
  • skin damage.

Before visiting the beach, it is advisable to get a consultation of a doctor.

Security measures while in the sun:

  • You can not walk on the beach without shoes. The skin heals not as fast as in a healthy person, the speed of regeneration is reduced. There is a risk of infection, which will lead to hyperglycemia, diabetic foot and other problems.
  • After leaving the water, you need to immediately wipe the towel to prevent burns.
  • To avoid, you must always wear a headdress.
  • Especially harmful to take sunbathing from 11 to 16 hours.
  • People with a high sugar content in the blood are prone to loss of leg sensitivity. Often patients with diabetes do not notice that their lower limbs received. Also, non-surging for a long time of the wound can lead to dangerous complications, including Ganger. Therefore, it is important to monitor the state of the legs, constantly updating the sunscreen layer on them.
  • Diabetes is closely associated with a constant drug intake. It is important to ensure the safety of medicines, since some of them are sensitive to high temperatures. First of all, it concerns insulin and intreotine mimetics.
  • You can sunbathe with diabetes only in sunglasses, as the risk of deterioration and even loss of vision is increased. If you do not protect your eyes from direct sunlight, you can encounter and retinopathy.

Doctors do not advise people with elevated sugar levels to abuse solarium. It is much more intense of real sunlight, so it may be faster to cause skin damage. But if you choose short sessions, sometimes you can visit the solarium.

Read more in our article on how to sunbathe with diabetes.

The question of how bad is harmful or useful, still remains open. Someone believes that staying under the sun's rays only hurt the skin, giving her dryness, and wrinkles. But if you do not abuse ultraviolet, you can turn around a positive effect on the contrary. Especially the question of the benefits of the Sun is worried about people who suffer from diabetes.

Those who have encountered this pathology, as well as everyone needs. So that it began to synthesize in the body, it is necessary to spend at least 15 minutes in the sun. Vitamin D regulates metabolic processes, is responsible for creating new cells, and also provides bone strength.

The substance is produced only in the sun, a sufficient dose of food is quite difficult. Therefore, everyone, even those who are sick with diabetes, are recommended for several minutes a day to spend under open warm rays.

In addition to providing the body by the daily rate of the necessary vitamin, the tan has a positive effect on the mood of man. The sun rays contribute to the development of the hormone of joy - serotonin.

Also tan, including diabetes, helps to get rid of skin pathologies. The sun heals from psoriasis, eczema, depriving, etc.

However, it is worth remembering that people with diabetes are substantial at considerable risk if they are under scoring rays. The fact is that those who have faced this pathology, the reaction of the cardiovascular system in the sun differs from the norm. This is one of the most vulnerable places of patients with diabetes. Predict how the vessels will be reacted on the sun rays, it is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to take care that the tan is as secure as possible.

Is it possible to sunbathe with diabetes

People who have been discovered unpleasant pathology should treat their body with attention. As for the tan, he is not contraindicated with diabetics, but it is important to comply with the rules that will avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet.

In the summer, when the temperature on the street reaches a mark of 30 degrees and above, it becomes quite difficult to control blood sugar levels. The fact is that heat affects the formation of this compound. Under the influence of high temperatures, especially if a person is under open beams for a long time, the blood glucose level can increase. This will lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.

However, with diabetes, you can sunbathe if you follow the simple rules. It is believed that vitamin D, which is formed under the action of sunlight, is able to reduce the dependence on insulin.

But before you go to the beach, you should consult with your attending physician. It will help determine whether to truly sunbathe in the presence of pathology. After all, there are a number of factors that can negatively affect the well-being of diabetes with diabetes during a tan:

  • increased or jumping pressure, as well as heart pathology;
  • presence of overweight;
  • skin damage.

Security measures while in the sun

Tanning with diabetes need very carefully. It is necessary to remember the characteristics of the body in the presence of this pathology.

So that the sun's baths are only joy and have not brought unwanted problems, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Diabetics are more than other people prone to quick loss of fluid. Therefore, it is necessary to always have a bottle of water with you to quench thirst on time. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of fluid.
  • You can not walk on the beach without shoes. People patients with diabetes should especially take care that the skin does not damage. The fact is that the dermis will heal not as fast as in a healthy person, the speed of regeneration is reduced. Therefore, the risk of infection has arisen, which will lead to hyperglycemia.
  • Taking sunbathing on an empty stomach.
  • It is necessary to take care that skin covers do not burned. For this, after the exit of the water, you need to immediately wipe the towel.
  • To protect the skin, people with diabetes should necessarily apply creams, lotions, tanning sprays. Filters in the means must be at least SPF
  • To avoid the sunshine, you must always wear a headdress.
  • Doctors recommend not to sunbathe longer than twenty minutes. After this time, you need to go to a place where there is a shadow, for example, under an umbrella or trees.
  • Especially harmful to take sunbathing from 11 to 16 hours. Diabetes need to be avoided under ultraviolet at this time.
  • People with a high sugar content in the blood are prone to loss of leg sensitivity. Often patients with diabetes do not notice that their lower limbs received a sunburn. Also, non-surging for a long time of the wound can lead to dangerous complications, including Ganger. Therefore, it is important to monitor the state of the legs, constantly updating the sunscreen layer on them.
  • Diabetes is closely associated with a constant drug intake. Therefore, it is important to ensure the safety of medicines, since some of them are sensitive to high temperatures. First of all, it concerns insulin and intreotine-mimetics.
  • Sunbathing with diabetes can only be sunglasses. People with this pathology have increased the risk of deterioration and even loss of vision. If you do not protect your eyes from direct sunlight, you can encounter damage to the retina and retinopathy.

Is it possible to visit the solarium

Many people who do not like sunbathing, but want to get a beautiful dark skin color, are decided to purchase it under ultraviolet lamps. Since during diabetes, the tan is associated with a number of difficulties, the solarium seems to be an ideal output.

However, doctors do not advise people with elevated sugar levels to abuse artificial ultraviolet. It is much more intense of real sunlight, so it may be faster to cause damage to the skin. But if you choose short sessions, sometimes you can visit the solarium.

It is known that melanin for the sun is simply indispensable. You can accelerate it with solar rays, as well as the use of cream and tablets. There are special ampoules for injections. However, doctors strongly recommend doing injections.

Sugar diabetes patient is full of restrictions, and the adoption of sunbathing is included in this list.

As such, there is no prohibition, but the tan can lead to undesirable consequences. For patients with a diagnosis, active ultraviolet rays of the Sun carry specific problems.

And if for a healthy person the sun is pleasure, then diabetics need to comply with the principles of precaution.

Sun and Diabetes

Doctors categorically exclude the opportunity to sunbathe in the open sun with diabetes mellitus of any type. Since the diabetes is an endocrinological disease, it is worth noting that the thyroid gland also does not like direct sunlight.

In summer, stern patients with diabetes feel much worse. The number of hospitalizations is increasing. In a situation where there is no possibility to avoid open sunlight, it is necessary to comply with some rules:

  • It is impossible to go out in the sun before meals either immediately after eating.
  • In the heat, the probability of the level of sugar level in the blood increases sharply. For this reason, arterial pressure, heartbeat and sweating may increase. It is important to keep drinking regime to avoid dehydration.
  • You should carefully study the instructions of the accepted drugs. For example, sulfonylurea preparations increase the susceptibility of the skin to the ultraviolet rays. After receiving, instead of a golden tan, a dangerous sun burn may appear.
  • On hot days, all the necessary assistance to diabetics, on vacation or on the road, should be in thermal packages protected from high temperatures.

Each diabetic must listen carefully to its state. According to individual signs to mark its changes. In the heat it may vary much faster and important to take action on time.

With the help of scattered sunlight (under a canopy, in the shade of trees), it is possible to obtain a sufficient tan that does not bring injuries for sensitive skin with diabetes mellitus.


The sun and diabetes are both synonyms for lightweight, light natural fabric in clothing and comfortable closed shoes in the summer. In such clothes, the thermoregulation of the body and sweating will not be broken. An important factor in diabetes is the low threshold of sensitivity of the skin and healing of small wounds.

On the beach with a patient diabetes of any type can not afford to walk with barefoot. Even squeaming and small punctures often lead to the development of heavy wounds. After the beach, the feet and fingers on the legs with a cream with an antiseptic are mandatory.

Rest in water

The time of the active Sun from 10 to 16 hours. At this time, diabetics can not be located on open areas or in the fresh air pools.

  • for swimming, light plastic slippers are bought on a thick sole, because at the bottom there are often sharp objects;
  • after bathing, dryly wipe the skin, and immediately processed its tool with large (at least 15 units) by the protection index;
  • exercise and active sports events are transferred to early morning or after sunset, closer to the sunset;
  • on the rest of insulin and all components need to be stored in several places to eliminate the likelihood of accidentally forget it.

Food in hot weather

In the hot period, a diet with lightweight products is introduced. To exclude from the diet everything that provokes dehydration (fatty, salty, sharp, sour) and increase the consumption of mineral water without gas. An excellent option will be colder, okroshki and smoothies. In the summer days of the active sun on the beach as a snack you can take:

  • berries of red currant and cherry, they stabilize sugar in blood well;
  • berries of blueberries, it will not only reduce the level of glucose, but also improve blood circulation in vessels.

During the active summer sun, it is often necessary and gradually, carefully follow your diet.

Letters from our readers

Subject: The grandmother normalized sugar in the blood!

From whom: Christina ( [Email Protected])

To: Administration Website


Diabetes my grandmother is sick for a long time (2 type), but recently there have been complications on the feet and internal organs.

How to protect your eyes

90% of diabetes patients suffer from. Disease with diabetes progressive, so in sunny weather it is necessary to protect the retina of the eye from the bright sun. Making it should every person, and the sick diabetes first.

The main thing is not to pursue savings to buy fashionable plastic points in the markets. It is more important for the health of the eye to acquire glasses in optics with a special spraying, able to absorb ultraviolet rays. Optics offers glasses for vision correction with chameleon sunscreen.

If the patient for personal reasons do not fit the glasses, it is worth buying a comfortable hat with wide fields. In sunny weather with diabetes, ophthalmologists recommend vitamin eye drops.

Solar burn provokes a sharp rise in blood glucose level.


Lovers of solarium do not associate complications of chronic diseases with an artificial tan. In the salons, sugar diabetes are often not indicated in contraindications. But man must take care of his health itself:

  • the weak immune system of diabetics gets a thermal blow with which it is difficult to cope without consequences;
  • lamps in solariums emit UVA rays, which for 10 minutes. The session is irradiated by a person as for 2 hours outdoor sun on a hot day;
  • drugs for diabetics increase the sensitivity to long ultraviolet rays and the percentage of burns increases;
  • a visit to the solarium and the adoption of the drum dose of ultraviolet leads to severe complications in the endocrine system.


In the summer and for solemn cases, women want to give a pale skin shining look. Truck is produced in different versions (sprays, gels, cream, napkins), however, none of them suitable for diabetes patients.

  • The basis of the auto stock includes dihydroxyacetone (DHA). It is made from the hood of beet or sugar cane and in contact with skin cells of the skin gives it a tan color.
  • It is worthwhile that according to the conclusion of the European Commission on Consumer Safety, the percentage of auto markets on the human body cannot exceed 14.
  • The automagar is added to various sugar extracts to reduce color distortion on the skin.
  • Fondes and parabens cause severe inflammatory processes from diabetics, even in small acne, scratches or wounds.

According to studies of scientists, vitamin D, which is produced in the body as a result of a tan, reduces the insulin dependence of the patient.

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