Anatomy of beauty: why patients choose anatomical implants for breast augmentation. Breast implants: round and anatomical (teardrop) Anatomically shaped breast implants

In 1961, a breakthrough in plastic surgery was salt endoprostheses - round bags of saline that are fully compatible with the human body. But too soft, detectable by a tactile way, with a tendency to rupture, salt implants were replaced by silicone ones in the mid-90s. These gel-filled elastomers are safe for the patient and remain immobile even if damaged. Silicone implants with different fillers most closely simulate natural breasts, do not stand out or feel to the touch.

Types of implants by shape

Round implants- the best choice for severe ptosis. They lift the chest, make it lush and voluminous in the upper part. Endoprostheses of this shape are most suitable for patients with a wide chest and rounded outlines of the "native" bust. They are easier to install for the surgeon, and cheaper for the patient. But for many, a significant disadvantage is their unnatural appearance.

Invention drop-shaped (anatomical) implants changed the view on mammoplasty: visually they repeat the natural shape of the female breast. Teardrop-shaped articles with a cohesive filler and textured surface are well fixed in the glandular pockets and grow into the patient's tissue. These implants retain the softness and smoothness of the outlines of the mammary gland, but at the same time they keep their shape in a horizontal position. Anatomical implants are ideal for enlarging very small breasts and provide proportionality and naturalness to the breast. Sometimes the pectoralis muscle deploys the implant. Such an "incident" with a round implant will be invisible, while in an anatomical endoprosthesis the deformation of the breast will be visible. For a surgeon, working with "droplets" requires a lot of experience and skill.

Implant profile

Patients with different body types require different types of implants. Profile - the ratio of the size of the projection of the implant to the width of the base - can be low, medium and high. Round implants have the same width and height, while teardrop implants differ in both height and width. It is this parameter of anatomical implants that allows the doctor to choose the most suitable option for a woman and give the breast an ideal shape. Teardrop implants are also versatile for eliminating sagging and filling the upper pole of the breast.

What stars have enlarged breasts with anatomical implants?

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Which doctor augments breasts with anatomical implants?

There is no absolute unity in the use of certain types of implants among plastic surgeons. Each specialist is guided by the wishes of the patient, structural features of the mammary glands and chest, their own vision of beauty. As you know, breast augmentation with anatomical implants has a higher cost and requires special knowledge and skills from the doctor. Some plastic surgeons make mammoplasty expensive and good, others cheap and bad. In terms of your own appearance, it is important to find a middle ground in the price / quality ratio. The plastic surgeon knows exactly which implants will emphasize the advantages and hide the patient's shortcomings (for example, curvature of the spine, asymmetry of the breasts or nipples), make the mammary glands the most natural and harmonious for her body type. The professionalism of Maxim Leonidovich is evidenced by his enormous employment: four plastic surgeries and 40 consultations a day, a planned work schedule for months in advance. And what is most important - an individual approach to each, because in the matter of choosing an implant there can be no universal advice.

Now breast correction with anatomical implants at the plastic surgeon Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko costs 190,000 rubles.

Round implants are endoprostheses of the correct shape in the form of a rounded cone. The purpose of their development is to create smooth, round outlines of the female breast, increase the volume.

Round endoprostheses appeared first, and for a long time were the only implants for enlarging mammary glands. Not so long ago there appeared endoprostheses created in the form of a drop, the so-called anatomical implants. Both types of endoprostheses have similar features:

  • a silicone shell covered with a protective layer on top to prevent the filler from getting into the surrounding tissue;
  • have two types of surface: smooth, textured;
  • the internal contents are represented by a gel or saline solution.

To understand how round implants differ from anatomical ones, you need to consider their main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:



maximize volume

do not increase volume much

look harmonious in any position of the body

Natural shape when sitting or standing, excluding lying down

ball shape

drop shape

breast lifting effect

imitation of natural breasts

easy to implant

more difficult to implant

lower cost

more expensive

when they are turned over, the breast retains its shape

can move, leading to deformity of the chest

produce a push-up effect without wearing a bra

restriction of wearing push-up bras

indicated for ptosis of breast tissue, asymmetry, breast augmentation by several sizes

shown when the mammary glands are initially flat

Augmentation with round implants makes the breast round, soft, with proportional contours. You can choose an endoprosthesis of the optimal shape according to the physiological characteristics of each woman.

The special advantage of round implants is their high plasticity. This quality of endoprostheses allows the breast to be positioned naturally in any position of the body. If a woman is in an upright position, then the breast with round implants takes on a teardrop shape. Lying down makes the breasts flatter, which is natural for natural breasts. This type of implant is perfect for women who are actively involved in sports and dancing. They look very mobile and natural under heavy traffic. Round implants are easier to install. The result largely depends on the presence of a certain volume of glandular tissue. Their main disadvantage is the unnatural effect of overcrowding in the upper slope of the breast when a large implant is inserted. But this factor is a consequence of incorrect installation due to the surgeon's mistake. Breast asymmetry limits the use of round implants.

Types of round implants

Each woman has individual anatomical characteristics. To obtain maximum naturalness, several types of round implants have been developed. The main criteria for the selection of endoprostheses:

  • size (110-800 ml);
  • type of filler: biodegradable, saline solution, silicone gel;
  • low, medium, high and extra-high profile - the ratio of the diameter and height of the endoprosthesis;
  • shell material and texture: silicone (smooth), polyurethane (textured);
  • the degree of density of the gel content: silicone or cohesive (non-flowing) gel with different softness parameters.

The best are implants with a gel as a filler. Bioimplants and prostheses filled with saline, over time, begin to lose volume, the ability to support the breast. The gel filler is superior to saline in organoleptic properties, for example, to the touch. Saline implants have the likelihood of wrinkling, leading to a change in the shape of the mammary glands. The textured surface, due to the micropores, allows the surrounding tissues to grow better into the shell of the prosthesis. This minimizes the likelihood of its rotation.

How to choose the size? There is no exact recommendation for the choice of implants. Only an experienced specialist is able to assess the anatomical features of the patient's figure and chest, the size of the chest and determine the most suitable implant. The main parameters taken into account by a specialist:

  • the volume of the mammary glands;
  • the presence of asymmetry;
  • the degree of ptosis;
  • the volume of tissue around the mammary glands;
  • qualitative characteristics of the skin, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • parameters of the chest, shoulder width, waist, hips.

The choice of the optimal implant is based on its type, width, height, projection. Round implants are characterized by equal width and height, while the highest point of the projection is slightly higher than the center point. To correct breast asymmetry, low-profile round endoprostheses are installed. In case of severe ptosis, deficiency of own tissue, endoprostheses of medium and high profile are used.

The duration of the implants is unlimited. Manufacturers also assure their complete safety. Replacement of endoprostheses for the entire period of use is not required, with the exception of some cases:

  • their break;
  • a sharp change in body weight;
  • postponed pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • complications after mammoplasty: implant displacement, fibro-capsular contracture, calcification, breast deformation process.

In these cases, free replacement of endoprostheses is provided.

The main advantage of round prostheses is a uniform increase, giving a beautiful round shape to the mammary glands. But the choice of the optimal endoprosthesis will depend on the recommendation of the plastic surgeon and the wishes of the client herself. It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct choice of the clinic, to study the reviews of the operated women on the Internet.

Modern women increasingly want to be beautiful, always and under any conditions. Almost all defects in appearance today can be easily corrected using the methods of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery. Beautiful breasts are one of the most popular requests of patients, and therefore the question of choosing implants for breast augmentation is still very relevant. Round or anatomical - that's what worries patients who decide on breast plastic surgery. Implants of any shape have their own advantages and are better suited for certain categories of patients. Today on the site read about who is suitable for anatomical implants, and what are their main features.

Anatomical implants for breast augmentation: main features and benefits

Anatomical implants or teardrop-shaped implants are installed daily in thousands of patients around the world. With their help, you can get a beautiful, safe and most natural result of correcting the shape and volume of the breast.

Anatomical implants are now represented on the aesthetic medicine market in a wide range, doctors and patients can choose from different products, but they prefer proven and well-established manufacturers.

That is why Natrelle ™ anatomical implants from the Allergan company deserve special attention, which are leading in the list of the most popular implants. Read more about them later in this article.

Anatomical implants:
... which patients are suitable for anatomical implants for breast augmentation;
... advantages of anatomical implants for breast augmentation;
... features of Natrelle ™ anatomical implants for breast augmentation.

Which patients are suitable for anatomical implants for breast augmentation

Anatomical implants for breast augmentation are not suitable for all patients, since their specific shape determines some of the features. For example, after the installation of anatomically shaped implants, the patient's breasts in the supine position do not “blur” like a natural breast or a breast enlarged with round implants.

However, it is drop-shaped endoprostheses that are suitable for women who:
... want to get the most natural breast shape;
... have an asthenic physique;
... carried out breastfeeding;
... have very small breasts;
... have asymmetry of the mammary glands.

In all these cases, the installation of anatomical implants for breast augmentation will help to achieve the best aesthetic results.

Benefits of anatomical implants for breast augmentation

Patients today very often choose anatomical implants for breast augmentation. This is due, first of all, to their pronounced advantages over round-shaped implants, namely:
... anatomically, implants guarantee the most natural appearance of the breast after plastic surgery;
... anatomical implants can be installed in patients with an initially flat chest;
... anatomical implants allow not only to increase the volume of the breast, but also to raise the breast itself, areola and nipple, thus correcting postpartum ptosis;
... the installation of anatomical implants reduces the risk of capsular contracture after breast augmentation.

Thus, anatomical implants can be installed in patients to correct several aesthetic breast problems at once.

Features of Natrelle ™ anatomical implants for breast augmentation

High-quality and safe anatomical implants Natrelle ™ for breast augmentation are presented by the Allergan company. Anatomical implants Natrelle ™ Style 410 provide the most natural and proportional breast shape. The highly cohesive gel, which is incorporated in these implants, guarantees a predictable result and a minimum level of complications, and the BIOCELL ™ texture allows to reduce the rotation of the implant, and provides a minimum percentage of capsular contracture (1.9-5.6%). The INTRASHIEL ™ barrier layer covers the implant 360º and minimizes the diffusion of the gel, while the orientation marks provide good tactile and visual control of the position of the implant in the formed pocket.

Anatomical implants Natrelle ™ Style 510 have some important features. The concave base of the implant ensures its maximum adaptation to the chest wall and reduces palpation of the edges. The BIOCELL ™ texture also reduces the rotation of the implant and significantly reduces the likelihood of capsular contracture, the INTRASHIEL ™ barrier layer minimizes gel diffusion, and the orientation markers allow correct positioning of the implant in the pocket. A distinctive feature of Natrelle ™ Style 510 anatomical mammoplasty implants is a unique combination of two types of gel: a soft cohesive gel in the base area, and a denser Firm cohesive gel in the nipple projection area.

Anatomical implants are the best choice for those patients who want to obtain a pronounced, but the most natural result of breast augmentation.

That is why many patients prefer Natrelle ™ implants from the Allergan company, the high quality and proven safety of which make them a very demanded and popular product ..

Anatomical implants are tear-shaped endoprostheses. The original purpose of these implants was to reconstruct an injured breast or breast after a mastectomy. Today, anatomical implants are widely used in conventional aesthetic surgery and are the preferred choice of many patients and many surgeons.

It is believed that anatomical implants look more natural, as they follow the natural contours of the female breast. The natural shape of the female breast is really not round, but tear-shaped - on the upper part there is a flat slope, which gradually increases in volume and protrudes forward in the lower part.

Yet the naturalness of the breast does not depend on the shape of the implant. In fact, an implant of any shape can look unnatural, fake. And naturalness primarily depends on how correctly the implant is selected and installed, how much its size and shape correspond to the individual characteristics of the patient.

The main disadvantage of anatomical implants is the "rigidity" of its shape. Even a slight displacement or rotation of such an implant can noticeably distort the shape of the breast. Secondary surgery is often required to restore the original position.

Breast augmentation with anatomical implants: the photos are impressive

If mammoplasty is performed by an experienced surgeon, the breast with anatomical implants looks great - a beautiful natural shape, slightly raised "teasing" nipples. It is believed that most men like this kind of breast - "standing, but like one of their own." Again, it should be emphasized that round-shaped implants in some cases will look more natural and beautiful than anatomically shaped implants. Only an experienced surgeon can simulate the appearance of the breast after surgery after a personal examination.

Our clinic will help you choose the most suitable implants, taking into account all factors - from the width of the chest, preferences and ending with the length of the submammary fold. You can try on new breasts right at the consultation!

From the beginning of the heyday of the aesthetic direction in medicine and to this day, breast prosthetics is considered the most popular procedure in plastic surgery. Breast implants are medical devices made of biocompatible quality material. They are placed under the muscle or skin in order to simulate the shape of the female breast and increase its size after surgery.

Types of breast implants

Modern plastic surgery uses two types of implants:

  • silicone;
  • saline.

The composition of both products assumes filler and silicone shell... Product types are classified according to the density of the filler gel, called cohesive or viscous. This gel helps to maintain the firmness and shape of the breasts even if the outer shell ruptures. This can be seen from the examples in the photo before and after the procedure.

The consistency of the saline implants is softer to the touch, but they contain the effect of hearing the movement of bubbles... This means that when the woman moves, the liquid overflows and makes sounds. If the membrane ruptures, saline then flows out into the breast tissue. This does not pose a danger to the body.

Implant shapes

(photos before and after the procedures are given below) are considered the most appropriate for breast correction with obvious asymmetry and ptosis. A round implant is necessary for those who want to get the most voluminous and raised breasts.

Today there are several forms of round implants: low- and high-profile. It should be remembered that after installation they are capable of turning over and do not provide a natural appearance. This can be seen from the photo before and after the operation. Because these prostheses are easier to fit, doctors love to work with them. Round dentures are relatively cheap.

Anatomical (teardrop) implants are widely used to increase the volume of the breast, as well as when a woman wants to preserve the naturalness and smooth contour of the breast after surgery. Anatomical (teardrop) implants are more expensive than round but it is more difficult to work with them.

According to some experts, given the growth of the capsule, the teardrop-shaped (anatomical) prosthesis acquires a round shape over time. The anatomical prosthesis tends to shift, so the breast can become deformed in appearance, as evidenced by the photos before and after the procedures. In order to avoid such nuances, when choosing anatomical prostheses, it is necessary to choose those that are characterized by textured surface.

Anatomical (drop-shaped) implants are able to keep the shape of the breast even when the woman is lying down, which looks unnatural.

Dimensions of the breast prosthesis

The size is calculated based on the volume - in milliliters. To put it more simply - one breast size corresponds filler volume in 150 ml... The size of the breast prosthesis is added to the natural breast volume. This means that after the operation, the patient with the second size receives the fourth.

They are distinguished by implants of adjustable and fixed sizes. In the first case, the filler is injected into the sheath during surgery after the implant has been placed. Thus, the surgeon will be able to correct the size of the breast in "real time". The surgeon will make decisions after examining the characteristics of the body, including the condition of the skin, body proportions and chest width.

Breast implant life

Modern implant manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty for the prosthesis after its installation. Theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except for situations when their integrity is violated and the shape of the breast has changed (examples can be seen in the photos before and after the operation). In addition, mammoplasty does not interfere with the normal lactation process... However, there are certain cases that force the patient to undergo the operation again:

  • a sharp change in weight;
  • change in the shape of the breast prosthesis due to pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • defects in the shell of a round or anatomical implant (the photo before and after the operation perfectly reflects the process).

Main manufacturers

Advantages of endoprostheses

  1. Biocompatibility and sterility - modern implants guarantee a minimum risk of rejection by the body and do not provoke inflammation.
  2. Imitation of a natural breast - the prosthesis exactly follows the shape of the breast before the operation, both visually and tactilely.
  3. The safety of the filler is of the salt type, which is harmless to the body, and the cohesive gel, even if the prosthesis is damaged, is not transported into the body.
  4. Low burst rate - this can happen solely due to severe injury or impact.
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