What philosophy can give to business. Entrepreneurship Philosophy: Why Just Striving For Success Won't Lead You To An Effective Business. Philosophers are rethinking management practice

The attitude of a businessman to social responsibility is formally reflected in the philosophy of business. This governance tool has strong synergies and therefore has significant political implications. “States, business, international political and financial organizations must not forget about their fundamental responsibility to citizens, about their social mission. This is one of the basic lessons of the global crisis that must be kept before our eyes when building a long-term development strategy,” V. V. Putin speaking at the 100th session of the International Labor Conference in Geneva.

Philosophy (from the Greek φιλοσοφία - love of wisdom) is a form of social consciousness in which a generalized system of views on a particular phenomenon and a person's place in it is presented. Based on this general definition, business philosophy often simplistically presented as a judgment of interest groups about its value, its ideological platform, a way of expressing its meaning. There is a danger of confusion in this simplification. The fact is that the ethical meaning of business is often replaced by the goal legally enshrined in the company's charter - "making a profit". Considering that a businessman devotes most of his life to his business, it is reasonable to ask the question: can a monetary goal be perceived as the meaning of life? Business can also be viewed as a need for a source of means of survival, or an opportunity to get rich, or the right to rule over others. But is it possible to combine these needs with the meaning of life and the philosophy of a businessman?

As if the philosopher of the Russian Diaspora, IA Ilyin, wrote insightfully about our time: "The misfortune of modern man is great: he lacks the main thing - the meaning of life ..." Why am I undertaking everything? " The majority of contemporaries do not have this question even reaching their consciousness. They know nothing about "" why? " life, as they do not notice that they are ignorant. They have no answer, and they do not notice the absence of this answer. The lost, perhaps, would have been found, but for this you must first notice its absence, because only then the misfortune becomes removable " ...

The French idealist philosopher Henri Bergson (1850–1941) tried to present the meaning of life as a synonym for creativity. "It is the birth of the new, the expression of the wealth and abundance of the giving birth nature." In our opinion, such a perception of economic activity could inspire businessmen to great accomplishments and open to them unknown, stunning facets of life, but they do not always treat their work as a source of creativity, giving the opportunity for spiritual and intellectual improvement, strengthening health, a way of serving others and expressions of love for him, a means of charity.

Such opportunities are reminiscent of the business philosophy implemented under the banner of social responsibility.

Business philosophy is central to the social responsibility management system. It is presented as a set of agreed meanings, values ​​and goals of the people participating in it, as well as their motivational attitudes, in accordance with which the company operates. The constituent components of the philosophy are: the company's mission, vision, social strategy, social values, principles, key competencies, obligations to interested groups.

In the context of social responsibility business mission is presented as its public purpose, ethically justifying the ways and possibilities of satisfying the related needs of interested groups. It is a beacon that points the way to well-being, like the Walt Disney Company: Make People Happy. The Social Charter of Russian Business declares the following social mission of business: “We, representatives of the business community, see our public mission in ensuring the sustainable development of independent and responsible enterprises, which meets the long-term economic interests of business, contributes to the achievement of social peace, safety and well-being of citizens, preservation of the environment. environment, respect for human rights ". It is important for business to have dignity in order to carry the high mission declared by it. The level of this dignity reflects the vision. Business vision- "this is a picture of what one can dream of, a state of business that can be achieved in the distant future under the most favorable conditions"; it is a way of doing business, shown through the desired quality characteristics of its products and the motivational attitudes of interest groups, thanks to which its mission will become reality.

Social business strategy defines the criterion for the distribution of the burdens of social responsibility among the interested groups of the organization. It is fair when its burden is distributed in proportion to the value and value of their invested capital. Businessmen invest financial capital; consumers of products - a part of personal income, paying the price of goods; managers and employees are human capital, society is natural, and the state is administrative resources. Since these groups, in one way or another, participate in business, to the extent that they are socially responsible for its results, but within the limits of their limited competencies and taking into account their rational interests. In the practice of social responsibility management, it is advisable to distinguish between the philosophies of business, businessmen, other interest groups, and society (Figure 20.4).

It is customary to formally express the business philosophy in the form of the company's philosophy, which justifies its uniqueness in the market, identifies priorities in its activities and development and provides a common understanding of its goals. The most important directions of the company's philosophy are: philosophy of creativity, philosophy of quality, philosophy of the consumer, philosophy of personnel management, etc.

The philosophy of a businessman is substantively set by morality through the designation of what contradicts it. He is responsible to society for solving such social problems as: observance of civil rights, equality of women, getting rid of poverty and unemployment, protecting flora and fauna, etc.

climate in the economy and society, defining the boundaries of loyalty in relation to their possible illegal activities. Businessmen are socially responsible, on the one hand, for the honesty of funds used to increase capital; creation of new jobs; fairness in the distribution of income from their business; directions of capital spending; on the other hand, for the prosperity of corruption, social inequality, indifference to social problems, high levels of unemployment and poverty, etc. For example, it is unethical for a businessman not to put capital into business, but to keep it in a bank (usury). In addition, businessmen personally bear the burden of social responsibility for their way of life, since they are the idols of youth. She imitates successful people, so the society places responsibility on the shoulders of businessmen for what values ​​they position and promote.

Independent work

  • 1. Develop a business philosophy that you would like to do.
  • 2. Formulate the mission and vision of a businessman who would be authoritative for you.

The role of business philosophy in the company's management system is increasing. This is the formula for her success and well-being; a prism, or rose-colored glasses, through which the rainbow halos of business are visible, representing it as an instrument of service to society. A business philosophy is needed by stakeholder groups to give their rational orientations an ethically justified context. It provides criteria for the qualitative assessment of business activities, in terms of the degree of its adaptation to environmental conditions and the degree of participation in the transformation of this environment in accordance with objective opportunities and perceived social values. Business philosophy contributes to the improvement of the quality of life, attracts business people with views similar to its positions; creates conditions for trusting, equal and fair relations; will form a creative atmosphere around the business. Based on this, the manager needs the ability to develop a business philosophy.

Today's topic is dedicated to those who are interested in starting their own business or are already in the process of starting one. And I want to start with those things that do not lie on the surface, but which are the foundation of everything that happens and qualitatively affect the result. I want to talk about my own business philosophy, my vision of the business, how I relate to it and, of course, what incredible opportunities it can open for everyone.

It is generally accepted that a business is a business, the purpose of which is to make a profit! A common misconception is that money is the key factor in business! So many think so, which causes a not entirely approving attitude to this activity and to the people who are engaged in it - this is the vision of businessmen walking over their heads, ready to do anything if only it brings money.

I see it a little differently: considering that business is the best opportunity for self-realization, it is an opportunity to develop and express all your talents in your own business, develop personal qualities and live an incredibly interesting life with this, being both a screenwriter and a director!

Let's talk about everything in order ...

To climb high, you need to be below

Once, being a cadet of a military flight school, I read the book "". A lot of things inspired me, but what literally pierced me was the fact that almost everyone who achieved incredible heights, becoming multimillionaires and billionaires, once started from scratch. This touched me very much, because before that I thought that it was practically impossible to get up from scratch. That successful people are literally those who were pointed out by the finger of God and they were born in the families of rich parents, or they were originally prepared for a special fate, or they were born with outstanding abilities and talents - well, something like that, in general.

It was a discovery for me that most people who have achieved dizzying success started from where it is not possible to rise in the minds of most people at all. And that they also had a huge number of problems and difficulties. There are thousands of these examples: Thomas Edison, Joseph Prigogine with Valeria,.

Few people know that Roman Abramovich became a complete orphan at the age of three, and he was raised by his grandmother and uncle. And he started his business by creating a cooperative for the production of toys from scratch. Joseph Prigogine worked as a hairdresser from the age of 12 and, having saved up a little money, came from Makhachkala to Moscow, going through the hardest tests.

My wife, Larisa Gert, at the age of 14 washed the floors at school in order to earn a coat for herself, as the money that my mother earned was not enough, and at 16, having run away from home, left Yekaterinburg for Tyumen, entered a medical school. She started her career as a regular nurse, today she heads the GRS group of companies, developing an incredible number of talents and qualities, creating a successful business and with this a very large number of successful and happy people! You can hold a whole seminar on this topic! In my case - the same thing ... After the collapse of the USSR, my family lost everything, we lived in a one-room apartment with my grandmother (five people and a dog), and the situation, frankly, was very difficult. It was from there that I started, when there was no money, when my profession was not in demand, when the country was torn apart by the crisis and the catastrophic impoverishment of the population in the nineties.

The path in business, started from scratch, implies great value. It is when you go through the stages that you know what difficulties your team members may face, and you can influence this by giving growth to your team and your business as a whole. And those people who did not go through this, this especially concerns the children of rich parents who know only the side of the coin where there is prosperity, but how it was created - no. Very often, it is the lack of this experience that derails the inherited business, and the lack of professional qualities and skills does not allow one to have the proper authority and leadership, which often makes a boss a tyrant, and does not allow creating the proper climate and an effective team.

Through hardship to the stars

In addition to the importance of going through the stages in business from scratch, it is important to have a big dream. All great people have been obsessed with a great dream. We can say that a successful person is a person who got up one time more than fell. And what presupposes good reason to rise and go forward is determined by the dream, but this is far from the whole mission that the Dream fulfills!

First, the dream is the foundation of planning.

Have you noticed that very often we do not achieve what we want the way we planned to do it earlier? The point here is that the dream launches the work of the subconscious, building the process of forming events in details and trifles.

A dream is the shortest path to a goal.

And you can plan, including logic, or you can follow events while in practical meditation - connecting the goal with the process of practical action by following the events that you yourself have created. This is why I see incredible personal growth in business when we learn to manage events in our lives.

Secondly, the dream creates "problems"!

What I mean? One of the laws of the universe says: "The external is always a reflection of the internal." And no matter what goals we set for ourselves, the path that we need to go to the goal will mainly be aimed at creating ourselves. And only when we meet the goal, personally, professionally, mentally, we will achieve it.

I want to cite here the resonance effect from the course of school physics. We know that when the frequencies of the oscillations coincide, the amplitude tends to infinity. It is with this boundless power that the work of shaping events takes place. That is why a poor person inside, even working hard, cannot become rich - there is no coincidence of vibration frequencies. And that's why it seems that the whole universe is helping you, such an effect of luck when you come into resonance with your goals.

So, when we set a high goal, "life" gives us difficulties, overcoming which we develop personal and professional qualities. And of course a person is reliable or not - we can also understand by the ability to go through difficult stages. "You can trust him in any situation ..." And you must agree that reliability is no less important quality than professionalism.

One successful person who played a critical role in my development said:

“Success is a bad teacher. Not at that moment you grow, when you are bathed in the rays of glory ... The best teacher is the slaps you get from life. It is when you are below that you clearly see what you need to work on, what you need to change in your technique, communication, attitude, etc. "

This message completely changed my attitude to problems. Not that I treat it as a good - of course not. It also pisses me off when they arise in my life, but it pisses me off because I'm not on a level. On the other hand, I thank challenges for showing me where to grow.

Many people experience a lot of problems because they work a lot and earn little. That's not really the problem!

The real problem is when a person works a lot, earns little and he knows what is there, he will never earn more! Lack of perspective is the real problem, this is what makes people sink, get depressed and ruin their lives! A person is torn apart by an internal conflict: he wants to live well, but does what he does not even close. And many give up their dreams in order not to change anything. Instead of finding another profession, achieve whatever he wants, while remaining true to himself and his dream.

The relatively high cost of capital and space in Japan prompts Japanese firms to keep inventories to an absolute minimum. The concept of EXACT BO TIME production (see chapter 20) originated in Japan. Materials, parts and products arrive exactly when they are needed. Although the inventory methods used in Japan differ somewhat from the material requirements planning method, the objectives pursued in this case remain largely the same. The material requirements planning system is in many ways superior to the classical Japanese systems. However, the Japanese are ahead of American manufacturers in at least three ways. First, they are much more aggressive in minimizing inventory than production managers in the United States. Second, they are more successful and efficient at using these systems. Finally, they have done a tremendous job of integrating their inventory management systems with their business philosophy, their approach to quality management and the implementation of automated production management systems. Example 21.2. some of the problems and difficulties that American manufacturers face when they try to implement the just-in-time principle into the existing production planning and management system are noted.

Standard business philosophy assumes that "the more the better" it is better when there is more production and sales, more profit, wider area of ​​activity. Most businessmen perceive the cessation of growth as the beginning of the dying of the business.

Strategy is the main focus of efforts, business philosophy.

How business philosophy has evolved over time What is social marketing At what level are small (and not only small) companies in Russia now?

New advances in this area of ​​research have brought a marketing approach to mass consumer behavior. The most famous developer of this approach is the classic and patriarch of marketing F. Kotler. In the statements of the theorists of the market economy that marketing at the beginning of the 90s. turned out to be the pinnacle of business philosophy, contains a fair amount of truth.

Mission is a business concept that reflects the purpose of a business, its philosophy (this term literally means a responsible task, role). The mission helps to determine what the company is actually doing, what are its essence, scale, prospects and directions of growth, differences from competitors. At the same time, it focuses attention on the consumer, and not on the product, since the mission (philosophy) of the business is most often determined taking into account the purchasing interests, needs and requests that are satisfied by the business. Therefore, the definition of the mission is closely related to marketing and suggests an answer to the question How can the company benefit customers, while achieving greater market success?

The basic values ​​of the company, principles, methods of doing business can vary significantly depending on the department, division of the company, business unit, geographic location. These subcultures can conflict with each other if the management styles, business philosophy and principles of conducting business activities in individual divisions of the company are too different.

Modern marketing is a product of the collective creativity of entrepreneurs from different countries. In different periods of the development of market relations, the generalization of this experience allowed us to develop a whole business philosophy. Currently, there are several concepts of marketing management, on the basis of which firms build their marketing activities. Marketing came to Russia with the advent of market transformations, began to develop, but for its application it is necessary to seriously reorganize the organizational structure of enterprises, train specialists, etc. The list of marketing problems is shown in Figure 2.

Six Sigma represents a specific business philosophy and

Mission is the guiding philosophy of business that gives the company the meaning of its existence, that is, it is an ideal picture of the future, the state that can be achieved under the most favorable conditions.

In a strategic approach, the mission is seen as a strategic tool that identifies the target market and the business of the company. The philosophical and ethical approach interprets the mission as a kind of connecting cultural element that allows an organization to function as a collective unit. With this approach, the mission provides a basis for the formation of stable norms and assessments that determine the behavior of employees. This mission is tantamount to a business philosophy that helps employees perceive and interpret events in a unified way and speak a common language. It seems that both positions in the interpretation of the mission can be synthesized.

Marketing is a multifaceted concept. First of all, it is known as a business philosophy aimed at identifying the needs of consumers, target markets that a given organization can best meet by producing appropriate products, so that every employee of the organization thinks in terms of consumer, market.

A new qualitative turn took place in the 50-60s, when, having overcome the post-war difficulties, the economically developed countries entered a new stage of development. Marketing began to be seen as a broader process than intra-company planning and even than the strategy and tactics of the economic behavior of the enterprise. It was during this period that it began to be perceived as a "philosophy of business" and in its main outlines the modern concept of marketing was formed. Marketing was recognized by large corporations, which led to major changes in the structure of internal management. The main one is the creation of special marketing services and the transfer of sales management functions to the head of the marketing department.

Facilitators 102-103 Business Philosophy 23

Vision is the guiding philosophy of the business, the rationale for the firm's existence, not the goal itself, but rather a sense of the firm’s primary purpose. That is, vision is an ideal picture of the future, the state that can be achieved under the most favorable conditions. The vision determines the level of aspirations in the process of strategic management and planning.

The ideological basis is a vision, an ideal representation of the state of the business, in accordance with which the organization wants to bring its business. She moves along this path, achieving certain goals, which may have a specific embodiment in monetary form, a certain market share or consumer assessment of product quality. The path is determined by strategy, while the mission is the expression of the business philosophy and is determined by needs, customers, the nature of products and the presence of competitive advantages.

Every industrialized country in the world has its own distinctive characteristics in the formulation of a business philosophy. In Russian conditions, only large enterprises that have survived or were created on the basis of state property have their own history, priorities for working with personnel, traditions of clear discipline, and social guarantees. The majority of small and medium-sized businesses are characterized by a complete absence of their own philosophy, which contributes to a tough and not always humane attitude towards personnel on the part of the owner and to the maximum limitation of democratization of management.

Vision is the guiding philosophy of the business, the rationale for the existence of the company, not the goal itself, but rather a sense of the underlying purpose. In other words, vision is an ideal picture of the future, the state that can be achieved under the most favorable conditions.

Global management is a business philosophy that involves the operation of a company both domestically and abroad. Usually MNCs (as well as TNCs) resort to their economic activities in almost all available forms of international business. A global firm is faced with the task of identifying the most important fundamental invariants of models of world economic processes, regardless of national specifics. Invariants provide the ability to create a basic global business model that describes fundamental dependencies, explains and predicts the overall vector of changes. This model enables the divisions of the firm to speak a common language, facilitates coordination on an international scale.

When determining the share of proceeds from these types of activities in the total amount of proceeds from the sale of products (works, services), the total amount does not include revenue by types of activities for which a special taxation procedure is applied (section 6 of the Instruction of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 4 On Income Tax ). MARKETING is a modern methodology of an enterprise's activities, focused on meeting needs and making a profit in a competitive environment. Forms the way of thinking in enterprise management and the way the enterprise operates in the market. As a methodology, M. reveals the principles, organization and methods of market activities of the enterprise. Modern interpretations of M. are based on his understanding in the broad sense of the word as a philosophy of business.

In modern conditions, customer orientation is a consequence of the firm's acceptance of the concept of marketing, which is the philosophy of a business company and is built on four main premises.

One of the leading business philosophers, J. Ron.

MARKETING is a modern methodology for the activities of an enterprise, company, trade organization, etc., focused on meeting needs and making a profit in a competitive environment. In other words, the activity to promote goods, the market concept of company management, business philosophy in general.

Each competitor has a specific business philosophy, company culture, and specific beliefs that guide them. Most rival companies fall under one of four definitions.

The implementation of reforms in Russia, the purpose of which is to build a civilized market, necessitates the active use of marketing, which represents the philosophy of business, the strategy and tactics of participants in market relations. Today, more and more Russian manufacturers of goods and services are turning to the methods and tools of modern marketing, marketing research, product policy, marketing communications, commodity circulation, and commercial pricing.

The book opens with a discussion and explanation of the claim that marketing is a universal discipline. In this introductory article, we try to define the nature of the concept of marketing and distinguish between marketing as a business philosophy that guides the direction and development of an organization, and as a business function that contributes both to the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization's mission.

One of the important points of Matsushita's business philosophy is an independent business, which means that the business must be able to conduct research and development activities autonomously, independently, at its own expense.

The fourth stage in the development of the science of quality management conventionally begins in the 80s. XX century. Since then, the particular challenge of quality assurance has gradually evolved into an all-pervasive business philosophy. If up to 60-70 years. It was believed that only special structural units should deal with quality, then in the last 30 years a provision has been formed that the efforts of all services of the enterprise, all managers, specialists and workers should be directed to achieve the required quality. This is reflected in the name of the modern quality system (TQM) Total Quality Management. This system goes beyond production and includes quality management of design and development, analysis of customer requirements, after-sales service. At the same time, traditional technical control is not eliminated, but improved. The value of total quality control is that it is included in the criteria for evaluating the work of specialists and managers. Company managers do not treat quality improvement as an ordinary management function, but prioritize it.

Summary Basic information basic concepts, terminology Goal setting, mission, purpose of the company Description of the company Description of products (services) Business philosophy, ethics of the company Analysis of the external environment SWOr-analysis Risk assessment and strategy in the field of business insurance Characteristics of the market and market strategy of the company Financial summary (basic calculations)

The business philosophy at Dow Chemicals until 1993 was something like this. Bring a good project, and we'll find the money for it. This philosophy was based on the specific distribution of power in the company. The heads of large product-based divisions fought fiercely to increase the investment budget for their business. They tried to maximize production capacity, and then decide where to find orders in order to load the created capacity. The heads of the divisions not only had a lot of weight in the company, but were also official members of the Board of Directors. Thus, the Board of Directors has become an arena of battles over which particular project will receive priority funding. All investments were distributed in a similar way, although formally there was a general strategic plan for the corporation.

From that time on, the great career of the little Greek began. Like the fleet he owned, his wealth grew steadily, gaining the same gigantic proportions as his supertankers. At the heart of all this was a special business philosophy developed by Onasis - always taking such a risk, the concept of marketing is multifaceted. We distinguish four aspects that are quite different from each other. First of all, we understand marketing as a new worldview, as an ideology of entrepreneurship or as a philosophy of business (marketing is a way of thinking). The fact is that the way of thinking of people working in a market economy differs significantly from the way of thinking of workers in a planned-directive economy. They have different value orientations, different life attitudes, different motivation for certain actions, different principles. The situation is complicated by the fact that the majority of today's leaders and specialists of the national economy were brought up within the framework of the worldview of the Soviet period, which they were forced to change, which is very difficult to do. Apparently, the biblical parable about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt contains centuries of wisdom. Remember, Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt. But he did not lead him immediately to the promised land, but for 40 years he took him through the desert, waiting for people with a slavish way of thinking to die out and people who are free in spirit will be born and grow up, i.e. with a different worldview. A lot of time will also pass in our country, during which the way of thinking of people will change. It seems that the study of marketing, its main provisions will help speed up this long process.

Today, it makes no sense to draw up so-called detrilized "life plans", since very rapidly changes are taking place not only in the world, but also in the domestic national and regional markets. In addition, planning as a "mental anticipation of events and phenomena" only partially reflects the actual position of the situation in the future. And the longer the planning horizon, the greater the discrepancy is observed in the current and remote state of the business situation. The detailed life goals were replaced by new concepts, such as business philosophy, vision of the company's image in the future, a system of values ​​in goods and services, an intensification of competition for the consumer, and an increase in the production of high-tech products. The fundamental principle is to find a need and satisfy it.

The foundations of business philosophy were laid back in the 18th - 19th centuries. in the works of the classics of economic theory. They gave an initial scientific and practical definition of the essence and role of entrepreneurs in economic activity. Already at the beginning of the 19th century, their works highlighted the economic, organizational and psychological characteristics of entrepreneurship, which were later transformed into its functions. R. Cantillon, for example, developed one of the first concepts of entrepreneurship, according to his definition, an entrepreneur is a person acting in conditions of risk. J. Baudot, believed that an entrepreneur is a person who is responsible for an undertaken business. This is the person who plans, controls, organizes and owns the enterprise. The most important for the development of modern business was the conclusion of the scientists of the XVIII - XIX that the entrepreneur is the owner of capital, the owner of his own business, and that manages it.

In the twentieth century, philosophers began to pay even more serious attention to the development of the theory of entrepreneurship, its essential characteristics, and its role in the economic development of countries. The personal characteristics of entrepreneurs who are constantly achieving success in their business are subjected to serious research, practical recommendations for the implementation of entrepreneurial projects are developed.

New points of view on entrepreneurship are being expressed, and a fairly stable business philosophy is being formed. For example, according to F. Hayek, an entrepreneur, as an economic entity, is characterized by special behavior, a desire to discover various opportunities for making a profit. Hayek emphasizes that in modern conditions entrepreneurs operate within the framework of high market competition and the one who survives in this competition wins. Hayek argued that business, as the sum of spontaneous processes, is much broader than entrepreneurship, which, in his opinion, is equivalent to any other market profession.

At the same time, according to the American scientist J. Schumpeter, "entrepreneurship is not a profession and one cannot be in such a state for a long time." In the writings of Schumpeter, the most important problems of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship are outlined, the study of which is of considerable importance for Russian entrepreneurs. Thus, Schumpeter's doctrine of the essence of entrepreneurs, their personal qualities, motives of activity, etc., is of considerable interest. According to Schumpeter, entrepreneurs are a special type of people, and their activities are a specific problem, since they perform the functions of creating something new, but doing something new is much more difficult than the familiar and experienced. At the same time, the social environment resists the attempts of everyone who intends to introduce something new, in the economy in particular.

Schumpeter explores the problem of entrepreneurial motives that fit the motto: even more. First of all, it is the dream and will to found their own private empire, and in most cases, although not always, their own dynasty. Your empire gives the entrepreneur space and a sense of power. Schumpeter identifies the following group of motives: one needs "freedom" and "conditions for the development of personality"; the other wants to have a "sphere of influence", the third is driven by "snobbery."

The second group of motives is associated with the will to win. This includes, on the one hand, the desire to fight, on the other, the desire for success for the sake of success. In both cases, says Schumpeter, the economic side itself is completely indifferent to the entrepreneur. The amount of profit here is just an indicator of success. And in this group, one can distinguish such a motive as the desire to climb up the social ladder.

The third group of motives is associated with the joy of creativity, which in entrepreneurial activity becomes a certain motive for the behavior of an entrepreneur.

Schumpeter believed that the development of entrepreneurship requires two main factors: organizational and economic innovation and economic freedom Entrepreneurship: Textbook / Ed. M.G. Lapusta. - M .: INFRA - M, 2002.S. 14 ..

Thus, business philosophy can be defined as a section of philosophy that assesses the activities of a businessman, as a form of the subject's realization of goal-oriented rational activity in accordance with his interests and needs. This activity is based on objective (social) and subjective (personal) values ​​and norms organically included in its structure. This activity, on the one hand, is a complex system of adaptation of the subject to the changing external conditions of the environment, and, on the other hand, an active form of transformation of this environment in accordance with objective capabilities and personal values ​​and goals.

In a narrower, modern sense, business philosophy is very often viewed as the philosophy of a separate enterprise, company. A company, corporations, and any organization as a whole are the same living organism that, like a person, is born, develops, matures, experiences difficulties, and achieves success. And he is also looking for answers to the questions: "What is the purpose of the company's existence?", "What kind of organization will be in 10-15-20 years?" Answering these questions, the company formulates its philosophy - the ideological basis of the business. This helps her to define her uniqueness in the market, to identify priorities in activities and development, to provide a common understanding of the goals facing the organization.

The philosophy of the company is a set of meanings, values ​​and goals of the activities of the people working in it, these are the fundamental principles in accordance with which the organization carries out its activities. It can include such components as mission, vision of the company, values, key competencies of the company, obligations of the company to interested groups. Mission is the purpose, the raison d'être of the company, its main goal. It is a beacon that shows the way when it is difficult to navigate, vision is the desired image of the company, values ​​are a common system of basic principles of life and activities of the company for all employees.

But this, as has already been said, is the philosophy of business in its narrowest meaning. The following definition of business philosophy is considered more common: business philosophy is concepts that describe the most general principles, approaches to the production of products and services, production management, the relationship between an entrepreneur, employees of an enterprise, society, the state, and the natural environment. Business philosophy is based on cultural and national traditions, general concepts of the development of technical civilization. The activities of an entrepreneur are always social, and in a developed society the entrepreneur himself is well aware of this.

The most important component of the philosophy of entrepreneurship is the philosophy of quality, which also has a social focus. In modern industrialized countries at the beginning of the 20th century, a philosophy of entrepreneurship began to take shape, based on the concept of the so-called "consumer society", i.e. a society whose purpose is to meet the needs of fellow citizens. This concept of society was finally formulated in the 50s. The most important contribution to the implementation of this concept was made by US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who put forward the concept of state consumer protection in the early 60s. According to this concept, the state is obliged to actively intervene in the relationship between the producer of goods and services and the consumer on the side of the latter, protecting him from poor-quality products and taking upon itself the protection of his rights.

In this regard, the issues of social responsibility of entrepreneurs before society, citizens, and consumers are becoming topical.

The consumer becomes the main figure in society, his requirements (if they are socially safe) take precedence over the capabilities of the producer, and are protected by the institutions of the state and society. The most important achievements of the "consumer society" can be considered:

Consistent implementation of the ideas of freedom of trade, which led to the creation of an international market for goods and services - a consumer in any country can purchase goods produced in any country; the consequence of this is a sharp exacerbation of competition among manufacturers, an exacerbation of their struggle to improve product quality and competitive prices;

Development of systems of state and public protection of consumer rights to quality products and services; these protection systems not only allow the consumer to recover damages from the manufacturer for low-quality products and services, but also prevent the appearance of such products on the market, and also limit the manufacturer's monopolization of the market; a consequence of this is the need for the manufacturer to provide the consumer with a system of proof of the quality of the product even before the consumer has purchased this product;

A sufficiently high level of self-awareness of consumers who are willing to pay for quality and are ready to cooperate with the manufacturer to improve it.

Thus, in accordance with the existing philosophy of entrepreneurship, the entire responsibility for the quality of products and services lies with the manufacturer. The manufacturer has reacted differently to this responsibility at different times in history, embodying different quality philosophies.

In general, the issues of social responsibility of entrepreneurs in the philosophy of entrepreneurship are not given much space, although in an informational, post-industrial society, the social need for socially responsible entrepreneurship is more vividly expressed, the values ​​of business ethics are actualized, including in the rapidly growing service sector.

Today, the essence of business and ideas about its goals and main functions are changing, the social responsibility of entrepreneurship is being reformulated, especially in the Russian situation, the achievement of social justice in a market is becoming an urgent and difficult task.

The purpose of business today is not only to make a profit, there is also social responsibility, which presupposes a relationship of trust and partnership. The analysis of the social responsibility of entrepreneurship is determined by the need to comprehend the processes of creating a moral climate and developing business ethics that contribute to the development of civilized entrepreneurship.

Let's consider what is embedded in the concept of social responsibility of an entrepreneur. Social responsibility, in contrast to legal responsibility, implies a certain level of voluntary response to social problems. This response takes place in relation to that which lies outside the requirements determined by the law or in excess of these requirements.

The essence of the concept of socially responsible business (SBS) is that entrepreneurs should “not only take care of profits and paying taxes, but also share with society responsibility for social injustice, economic inequality and environmental problems, participation in the economic adaptation of socially disadvantaged groups population and environmental protection ".

The society has developed an idea that businesses should act responsibly in areas such as environmental protection, health and safety, civil rights, consumer protection, etc. Therefore, entrepreneurs should direct part of their resources and efforts to the benefit of local communities. in which their businesses operate, and thus for the benefit of society as a whole, since organizations cannot operate in a responsible manner for long periods of time in conflict with their environment. For a successful business, an enterprise must be able to adapt and respond to problems in the social environment in order to make this environment more welcoming to the organization. Spending on social responsibility is justified by the fact that various segments of society are improving, as well as improving public attitudes towards business, which increases consumer loyalty to product manufacturers, reduces the level of government regulation and leads to an overall improvement in the state of society. However, in order to become socially responsible, business must analyze its own direct actions and their environment and choose such programs that will help this environment to the greatest extent Gainutdinov R.I. Social responsibility of Russian business // Jurisprudence. -2006. - No. 4. P. 231 ..

However, there is no doubt that for any entrepreneur, the first place is the survival of his business and only then the problems of society. If an entrepreneur is incapable of doing business profitably, the question of social responsibility becomes largely academic. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs must conduct their business in accordance with social expectations and from a philosophical point of view, the goal of entrepreneurship should be to satisfy the basic life and cultural needs of a person.

As a rule, current problems do not provide an opportunity to develop and implement strategic plans, do not allow mentally "soar over the organization" and "bird's eye view" of the whole situation in which the organization is located, and then see your organization in perspective.

There are many definitions of the concept of "vision".

For example, B. Karlof gives the following definitions: “Vision is a concept that denotes a picture of a relatively distant future” 11 or “Vision is a picture of what one can dream of, a state of business that can be achieved in the distant future with the most favorable conditions and to which the aspirations of the owner of the company or its director are directed ”12.

Another definition is given in the collective monograph13: “Vision is the guiding philosophy of business, the rationale for the firm's existence, not the goal itself, but rather a sense of the firm’s primary purpose. That is, vision is an ideal picture of the future, the state that can be achieved under the most favorable conditions. The vision determines the level of aspirations in the strategic planning process ”.

Vision-based management is about the desire of people to work for the achievement of some ideals; vision can serve as a guideline for determining the level of claims of employees of the organization. Among the groups of guidelines for the organization's activities, one can single out ideals (what the organization strives for, but cannot achieve), goals (general guidelines for activities, the achievement of which is planned in full for the near future) and tasks (quantifiable guidelines that determine the form and time of implementation specific actions).

The value of the vision for the organization lies in the fact that it gives meaning to work, while becoming a means of motivating employees, and also allows you to combine the activities of many in one direction; does not emphasize the desire to make a profit, but emphasizes the unification of individual ideals. It ensures the continuity of the following one after the other goals of the organization and helps to develop criteria for their achievement. And because there is no finish line for vision, it creates momentum for continuous progress in the organization.

The factors influencing the formulation of the vision are shown in Fig. 7.2.

The vision may never become reality, but it can be revisited as certain results are achieved, since it is a mental journey from a real state to the unknown and helps to create a picture of the future by "mounting" known facts and ideals. The vision connects business with corporate culture and in so doing creates benchmarks of values ​​that are common to the individual performance of all employees in the organization. If this does not happen, then the dissatisfaction of the “lower classes” and the frustration of the “upper classes” begin to manifest due to the fact that the level of aspirations and vision of different categories of leaders of the organization are not the same.

The vision formation scheme is as follows: everything starts with the image of the image of the existing organization and its description; the experts then depict an image of the desired future state of the organization and, after compiling a description of this image, determine the gap between the desired future and the present state of the organization.

For example, the vision of a specific organization in the future, developed by the organization's personnel in the

Rice. 7.2. Factors Affecting Vision Formulation

The result of the discussion by the management team may be as follows: a mature, cohesive and systemic organization that is sensitive to sources of development; the corporate culture of most employees is focused on the development of the organization; from threats from the external environment, the organization is protected by a higher structure, it is also a source of absorption of the results of the development of the organization.

The vision defines the mission of the organization - what the organization is going to do and what it wants to become, i.e. its purpose.

“In the case of a broad understanding, the mission is considered as a statement of philosophy and purpose, the meaning of the organization's existence,” writes O.S. Vikhansky 14 At the same time, the philosophy of an organization is understood as a combination of values, beliefs, principles in accordance with which the organization plans to carry out its activities, and the purpose determines the activities that the organization is going to carry out, and what type of organization it is going to be.

In a narrow sense, a mission is a statement about why and for what reason an organization exists and how it differs from others like it. Here the mission is interpreted as the main overall goal of the organization, as a clearly expressed reason for its existence. In other words, “a mission is a purpose for which an organization exists and which must be accomplished in a planning period” 15

Let us add that this goal is complex, for it there are both internal and external reference points, due to which, obviously, the statements of some specialists that “the mission is distinguished by the focus on the external environment: on the client, consumer” 16. The organization as an open system carries a mission that determines the direction of the organization's development in the external environment and within itself.

The factors influencing the formation of the mission usually include: the historical characteristics of the organization; the style of behavior of its employees; the state of the environment external to the organization; the availability of the resources necessary to achieve the organization's goals; specific features of the organization. The mission, in addition, can be determined by the range of the needs of society satisfied by the organization, and by the totality of external forces interacting with the organization.

The theses accompanying the mission usually indicate: the target orientation of the organization; the name of the product that the organization offers to the external environment and the technology for its production; sociocultural values ​​adopted in the organization; own self-image (internal concept) and the impression that the organization wants to make in the external environment (external image).

What does a mission statement do for an organization?

Firstly, it enables the subjects of the external environment to identify the organization, and the organization itself to form its image.

Secondly, it forces us to reconsider the factors underlying management and helps to look at the activities of the organization from a bird's eye view (wide panorama).

Thirdly, it directs the vectors of interests of the organization's employees in one direction - towards the goal.

Fourth, it helps people in the organization to identify with the organization, which increases motivation.

Fifth, it establishes a certain social culture in the organization.

Sixth, it is the basis for the formation of the goals of the organization and making the most important decisions.

The requirements for the formulation of the mission are to select simple and understandable terms that provide unambiguous interpretation.

It is preferable to combine a short slogan defining the main direction of the organization's activities with a well-developed definition of the organization's mission.

The factors influencing the formation of the mission are shown in Fig. 7.3 (p. 98).

Determining the specific goals of the organization helps to move from a general mission statement to specific work plans. Objectives here refer to specific results of the vision. The goals serve as a criterion for assessing the possible success in the implementation of a particular strategy.

Usually we are talking about goal-setting, which is understood as the choice of a goal as an image of the future result of the organization's activities.

It is known from the theory of organization that each organization is a target community of people, but the goal should not be interpreted in a simplistic way. In fact, we are talking about a target structure consisting of at least three groups of goals, which represent an organic unity and the effectiveness of achieving which is different in the conditions of different structures.

Not all goals that can be formulated are achievable for the organization. In addition, the goals can only be achieved if there is a feedback from the control system to the controlled one. If we turn to Maslow's theory, it becomes clear that people cannot fully achieve their goals, therefore goal-setting is a continuous and iterative process.

The main groups of persons whose goal-setting affects the activities of the organization are the owners of the organization, its employees, consumers (buyers) of the organization's product, its partners, the local community, society as a whole. The formulations of goals should to some extent reflect the interaction with each of the named subjects. The greatest influence on the content- Purpose: Mission “outside” Requirements: - to form an image - to reflect the specifics of the organization Difference Name Impression, organization - to direct the vector from other products, which the organisation - to reflect the interests of the interests of the organization's employees which the organization wants to target subjects - along one path nization of pre-production genius - to identify lags externally in the external - to reflect the ways of achieving the organization in the external environment; goals in its environment MISSION - to achieve perception, - to help employees (THE PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION'S EXISTENCE) which will not cause identification of difficulties with the organization Own Sociocultural and different interpretations - to form a special idea of ​​oneself values, adopted by the socio-cultural environment in the organization in the organization Mission “inward” Fig. 7.3. Factors influencing the formation of the mission and goals are the interests of the owners, employees and consumers of the organization's products.

Attempts by specialists to classify the goals of the organization lead to the fact that in one case the target picture is considered in four dimensions: economic, quantitative, qualitative and from the point of view of development. In another case, the goals of the organization are presented in the form of lists of non-economic (social) goals, or economic goals (qualitative and quantitative indicators of activity), or temporary goals (short-term and long-term, more related to the mission). In the third case, key spaces are identified, within which goals are determined:?

position in the market (position in relation to competitors); ?

innovations in technology, methods of labor organization; ?

performance with less resources; ?

resources, future need for them; ?

yield - the quantitative level of the required yield; ?

managerial aspects - personal achievements of managers of the organization; ?

personnel - in terms of performing labor functions and attitudes towards work (goals should reflect a motivational focus - high wages, better working conditions, communication, etc.); ?

social responsibility as the duty of business to contribute to the well-being of society, to provide it with quality goods and services, to create a favorable ecological environment, to participate in solving acute social problems.

The criteria for the quality of goals are usually indicators such as:?

concreteness (the more specific, the easier it is to assess the achievement of the goal); ?

tension and attainability (increases motivation); ?

measurability; ?

comparability (goals of configurators and hierarchical comparability); ?

flexible ability to adjust the strategy.

In strategic management, it is important to remember about the so-called hierarchical structure of strategy, which is as follows: what is considered at the highest level of management

Rice. 7.4. Factors that determine the goals of the organization

a means of achieving goals, at lower levels turns out to be a goal. It follows from this that the strategy developed for the organization as a whole acts as a goal in relation to its structural divisions. On the basis of this goal, functional strategies (policies) of structural divisions are being developed. These strategies, in turn, are the goals of individual smaller divisions of the organization or individual employees.

Until recently, business administration school teachers urged managers to set clear goals for themselves and for their subordinates. Although the idea of ​​management by goals has lost some of its appeal as a management philosophy, it continues to influence the management practice of managers to this day.

Goal setting leads to a significant increase in productivity, experts say, with 90 out of 100 publications reporting this. None of the currently known methods of motivation, even approximately, can repeat this result. Nevertheless, Western researchers were unable, in our opinion, to identify the deepest reason that consistently leads to an increase in staff productivity when setting a goal.

The factors that determine the goals of the organization include the parameters shown in Fig. 7.4 (p. 100).

The procedure for developing the goals of the organization is that, starting from the formulation of the mission and taking into account the target settings of the main subjects of goal-setting, the goals are formulated taking into account the basic and strategic criteria. 7.3.

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