Fgos methods and forms of control informatics. Organization of control and assessment activities in computer science lessons. By the form of presentation

Option 2

1.What does computer science study?

2. Name the three main entities of the world around us.

3. Name a fact you know from physics.

4. Name any rule of the Russian language you know.

5. What properties of information do you know?

6. Give an example of a timely communication.

7. What determines whether the message you receive will be informative for you?

8. Give an example of information activities of people.

9. What types of figurative information does a person receive with the help of the senses?

10. What information processes do you know?

11. To whom can a person convey information?

12. Give an example of storing information on an external medium in a figurative form.

13. Give examples of modern media.

14.What is the telephone line when talking on the phone?

15. What is the result of information processing?

16. What is a universal information processing device?

17. Give an example of information processing in your activity.

18. Give an example of information storage in wildlife.

Independent work

The system of independent work should ensure the assimilation of the necessary knowledge and skills and their verification; reflect all the basic concepts provided by the program; to form the methods of educational work; lead students to find techniques on their own; ensure that the same questions are repeated in different situations.

An important role in the development of the student's independent thinking is played by a systematically conducted and properly organized written independent work.

According to its purpose, independent work can be divided into two types:

teaching (the goal is to find out how firmly the basic concepts are learned, how they are related to each other, how students understand the hierarchy of these concepts, highlight their essential and non-essential properties)

controlling (the goal is to test the ability of students to apply the knowledge gained in practice)



1. Formulate the definition of the algorithm.
2. How do you understand the terms: a) "a finite set of actions"; b) "from the class of the same type"? Please provide explanatory examples.
3. List the properties of the algorithm.
4. Explain the essence of any (of your choice) properties of the algorithm.
5. List the types of algorithms.


1.Explain the essence of the property "certainty".

2. Explain the essence of the property "unambiguity".
3. Explain the essence of the property "effectiveness".
4. Explain the essence of the property "mass".
5. Explain the essence of the property "finiteness".


1. How would you prove that the proposed sequence of actions is an algorithm?
2. Prove that the practical application of the Pythagorean theorem is an algorithm.
3. Can you consider the phenomenon of "water cycle in nature" as an algorithm? Explain.
4. Can this sequence of actions be considered an algorithm?
Get the key.
Insert it into the keyhole.
Turn the key 2 times counterclockwise.
Remove the key.
Open the door.
5. In one of the Russian fairy tales, the hero is given an assignment: “Go there, I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what.” Can a set of actions be considered an algorithm? Justify your answer using the properties of the algorithm.


1. Formulate the definitions of the algorithms:
a) linear, b) branching, c) cyclic.
2. Give an example of a specific problem that would be solved using an algorithm: a) linear, b) branching, c) cyclic.
3. List the ways of writing algorithms.
4. Write down the algorithm for solving the problem in the form of a flowchart: y = √a + 2b.
5. Determine the type of algorithm from item 4



1. Make a note of the algorithm definition. Underline the words in the definition that reflect the basic properties of the algorithm.

2. Explain the essence of the property "unambiguity". What happens if this property is violated?
3. Name the performer of the following types of work: a) cake preparation; b) sewing clothes.
4. What is a complete set of initial data for solving a problem?
5. Determine and write down a complete set of initial data for solving the problem: "Determine the area of ​​a circle"


1. Make a note of the program definition. How does a program differ from an algorithm? Give an example by which this difference can be seen.

2. Explain the essence of the property "effectiveness". What happens if this property is violated?
3. Name the contractor for the following types of work: a) shoe repair; b) filling the tooth.
4. What is a complete set of initial data for solving a problem?
5. Determine and write down the complete set of initial data for solving the problem: "Calculate the leg of a right-angled triangle."


1. Make an algorithm for calculating the area of ​​a triangle using Heron's formula (write the algorithm in the form of a block diagram). Determine the type of algorithm.

2. Write down in the form of a flowchart the algorithm for solving the following problem: "Determine whether the point C (x, y) belongs to the segment AB, if the coordinates of the ends of the segment are known."


1. Make up an algorithm for finding the area and hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle (write down the algorithm in the form of a flowchart). Determine the type of algorithm.

2. Write down in the form of a flowchart the algorithm for solving the following problem: “Square the smaller of the two given numbers, and reduce the larger by 2 times. If the numbers are equal, then find their sum. "


Such a form of knowledge testing as testing began to be introduced into the school at a qualitatively new level.

The test is a system of small-sized tasks, covering in aggregate a large range of questions of individual chapters of a computer science textbook and the course as a whole.

Tests are presented in three types in two versions:

The first type of tests (involves filling in the blanks in such a way that a true statement is obtained. Students are limited to the fact that instead of dots, they indicate one or two words that they consider necessary to be missing);

The second type of tests (students must establish whether each of the proposed statements is true or false. Students must not just give an answer or, but show the ability to reason, draw appropriate conclusions, recognize a correctly formulated mathematical sentence from an incorrect one);

The third type of tests (offers a choice of several answers, among which there are correct and incorrect and an answer suggesting a refusal to complete the assignment. The number of answers is limited to the three most significant, since the set of answers should be easily visible to students).

Test 1. Computer and information

  1. A device that processes information is

  2. a) random access memory; d) monitor;
    b) external memory; e) keyboard.
    c) processor;

  3. A disk drive is a device for
    a) information processing;
    b) reading and writing information;
    c) storage of operational information;
    d) long-term storage of information;
    e) read only information.

  4. The printer buffer is
    a) a device for connecting a printer to a computer;
    b) a part of the external memory where the printed text goes;
    c) part of the RAM where the printed text goes; d) a program that connects the printer to the processor;
    e) a program that connects the printer with RAM.

  5. To store the word "INFORMATION" in the computer memory requires
    a) 10 bytes; b) 5 bytes; c) 20 bytes; d) 1 byte; e) 9 bytes.

  6. Insert the desired words instead of the ellipsis: "Magnetic disks - devices for ...".
    a) information processing;
    b) long-term storage of information;
    c) entering information;
    d) information output;
    e) exchange of information.

  7. The machine word addresses change in increments of 4. The computer has an amount of RAM equal to 0.5 Kbytes. How many machine words are there in a computer's RAM?
    a) 64; b) 256; c) 128; d) 32; e) 16.

  8. The smallest addressable part of the RAM is
    a) byte; b) bit; c) machine word; d) kilobyte; e) file.

  9. You are working on a computer with four-byte machine code, which means that the addresses of machine words change with a step
    a) 16; b) 2; at 8; d) 4; e) 1.

  10. Insert the necessary words instead of the ellipsis: "... memory means that any information is entered into memory and retrieved from it by ...".
    a) Discreteness, addresses; d) Addressability, bytes;
    b) Addressability, values; e) Addressability, addresses.
    c) Discreteness, bits

A written test of the knowledge and skills of students must be carried out at various stages of the assimilation of what has been learned, which will make it possible to obtain information several times about the assimilation of the same material. For this purpose, it is advisable to carry out various kinds of control work, which can be divided into two types:

1.checking tests - designed to check the assimilation of a separate fragment of the course during the study of the topic;

2. final control works - are the final moment of repetition at the end of the year. An essential component of this work is the repetition of basic theoretical questions.

Test work is an integral part of the learning process and carries out educational, upbringing and developmental functions.



1. Present in expanded form: a) 4563; b) 100101 2; c) AC6 16.

2.Translate the number 74 from the decimal number system to binary, octal, hexadecimal;
3. Follow the steps:
1) in the binary number system: a) 11001101011 + 1110000101; b) 101011-10011; c) 1011x101.
2) in octal number system: a) 564 + 234; b) 652-465.
3) in hexadecimal: a) DF45 + 128A; b) 92D4-11AE.
4. Using the ASCII code table, determine the code for the letter Y and display it in eight-bit format.


1.Present in positional form: a) 7045; b) 110101 2; c) 1D5 16.

2.Translate the number 83 from the decimal number system to binary, octal, hexadecimal;
3. Follow the steps:
1) in the binary number system: a) 1110101011 + 1110110101; 1011 - 1100011; c) 10101x 111.
2) in octal number system: a) 641 + 427; b) 254 - 125.
3) in hexadecimal: a) F154 + 12DA; b) 12C4-9E1.
4. Using the ASCII code table, determine the code for the letter Z and display it in eight-bit format.


This is one of the forms of the most successful consolidation of knowledge on the material covered.

Open tests. Before starting to study the material, students get acquainted with the list of questions and mandatory tasks on the topic, as well as additional questions and tasks. The student independently chooses the credit level and solve the proposed problems. The test is considered passed only if the student has completed all the proposed tasks.

When studying some sections, also taking into account the peculiarities of the study group, it is sometimes advisable to conduct closed tests. In this case, students do not get acquainted with the questions and tasks on the topic in advance, but receive them during the test behavior. In this case, it is possible to use cards - instructions in the event that the student cannot cope with the task, but this is reflected in the assessment or the student completes an additional task.

Thematic tests are held at the end of the study of a topic or course; they must be differentiated or multi-level, multivariate.

At the same time, a distinction is made between: SELF CONTROL TRADITIONAL: dictation, independent work, practical work, test work, traditional assessment, assessment by the volume of work INNOVATIVE: testing (including computer testing), the educational portfolio method, the project method

In self-control, special attention should be paid to the mastery of students' techniques for carrying out such controlling actions as: verification with a sample (answer); solution of the inverse problem; check on a particular case; verification of the results obtained by the condition of the problem; a rough estimate of the desired results; solving the problem in various ways; modeling.

Check Check yourself (Reinforcement of what has been learned, preparation for the study of new material) Text created with the help of special computer programs Any verbal statement in oral or written form. Information in writing. Text Text information Text document In the lesson, we will use the terms that we learned in the previous lessons. Let's repeat them.

Check Check yourself (Reinforcement of what has been learned, preparation for the study of new material) Text created with the help of special computer programs Any verbal statement in oral or written form. Information in writing. Text Text information Text document

Dictation This form of written test of knowledge makes it possible to prepare students for the assimilation of new material, generalization and systematization of the past, good practice of skills and abilities when performing elementary operations. Dictation is a list of questions that can: Dictate by the teacher at a certain time interval; Demonstrated through a projector.

Dictation "Two-dimensional arrays" 1. Write down a command with which you can determine (reserve) space for an array M, consisting of 4 columns and 5 rows. 2. What is the dimension of this array? 3. What is the size of this array? 4. Write down the command that allows you to assign the element located in the 3rd row and 2nd column to the value. Write down the command that allows you to display the element located in the upper right corner of Table M. 6. Write down the command that allows you to display any element, located in the 2nd line of array M. 7. Write a command that allows you to display the arithmetic mean of the elements located in the corners of table M.

Independent work An important role in the development of student's independent thinking is played by systematically conducted and properly organized written independent work. According to its purpose, independent work can be divided into two types: teaching (the goal is to find out how firmly the basic concepts are learned, how they are related to each other, how students understand the hierarchy of these concepts, highlight their essential and insignificant properties); controlling (the goal is to test the ability of students apply the knowledge gained in practice)

TRAINING AND CONTROL INDEPENDENT WORK. ALGORITHMS, THEIR KINDS, PROPERTIES AND RECORDING METHODS. OPTION 1 1. Formulate the definition of the algorithm. 2. Formulate the definition of the executor of the algorithm. 3. What is a complete set of source 4. List the types of algorithms. OPTION 1 1. Write down the definition of the algorithm. Underline the words in the definition that reflect the basic properties of the algorithm. 2. Name the performer of the following types of work: a) cake preparation; b) sewing clothes. 3. Determine and write down a complete set of initial data for solving the problem: "Determine the area of ​​the circle" 4. Make an algorithm for solving this problem.

Types of independent work At the first stage of knowledge formation, and especially in weak classes, the method is used - "solution by analogy". At the first stage of knowledge formation, and especially in weak classes, the method is used - "solution by analogy". Determining the result of executing an algorithm or program theoretically is a more difficult task that requires significant knowledge. Determining the result of executing an algorithm or program theoretically is a more difficult task that requires significant knowledge. Solving the problem on its own. Solving the problem on your own.

Find the maximum of two numbers Input a, b a> b Y = aY = b Output y start end yes no b Y = aY = b Output y start end yes no "> b Y = aY = b Output y start end yes no"> b Y = aY = b Output y start end yes no "title =" (! LANG: Find the maximum of two numbers Input a, ba> b Y = aY = b Output y start end yes no"> title="Find the maximum of two numbers Input a, b a> b Y = aY = b Output y start end yes no"> !}

Practical work: allows the teacher to judge the level of logical and abstract thinking of students, as well as the ability to realize their capabilities in solving specific problems in practice and to establish a relationship with the material being studied; allows the teacher to awaken students' interest in acquiring knowledge.

Testing Testing works can be divided into two types: 1. Testing tests - designed to check the assimilation of a separate fragment of the course during the study of the topic; 2. final control works - are the final moment of repetition at the end of the year. An essential component of these works are tasks for repeating basic theoretical questions.

Control and independent work is carried out both "theoretically" and at the computer. Various types of practical work allow students to form computer literacy, test the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Test work for students of grade 8 "Technology of processing graphic information" Part 1 - theoretical (testing) Draw up instructions for working with tools in a graphic editor: (...). Part 2 - practical After completing the test, students are invited to complete a drawing on a given topic: "School of the Future", "Winter Landscape", "House by the Sea", "Flower Glade", etc.

"Presentation creation technology" Task 1 (test) Instead of (...) insert the necessary words. 1. Power Point is (...) a program for creating presentations. (Answer: applied). 2. The presentation consists of (...) on which objects can be created: (...). (Answer: slides; text, sound, hyperlinks). 3. Main features of Power Point programs: (…). (Answer: creating and editing slides, inserting objects, animating objects, viewing a presentation, saving a presentation, printing slides). Task 2. (practical) Create a presentation on the topic "Project of the first computer".

TESTING In practice, four forms of test items are most widely used. These are: 1. closed test tasks (with the choice of the correct answer from several proposed ones), 2. open test tasks, 3. tasks to establish correspondence, 4. tasks to establish the correct sequence. Recently, preference is given to the open form of tasks in which the probability of guessing is zero. But this does not mean that other forms do not allow you to make a good test. Each form has its own merits and demerits.

Method of projects Rich material for diagnostics and subsequent correction of knowledge, I am given individual tasks for modeling, as well as interdisciplinary tasks (method of projects). The student completes the work for several lessons, then in the final lesson the projects are defended. For this lesson, the teacher should try to pick up non-standard creative assignments for students.

Summer The sun is standing over the spacious Nivas. And the sunflower is stuffed with black grains. S. Marshak To the beginning To the beginning 35

1. A device for printing drawings on paper. 2. A device for visual display of information 3. A device for printing texts and graphic images. 4. Cursor control device 5. The main input device for text and digital information. 6. A digital camera capable of capturing images in real time. 7. Input device in the PC of color and black-and-white images from paper. 8. A machine for computing, storing, processing and issuing information according to a predetermined algorithm. plo t t e r k mon and t o r pr p r n e r mouse

And in conclusion, I would like to say that the solution of any problems is impossible without constant adherence to the rule: nothing will work if there is no mutual understanding, cooperation between an adult and a child, and mutual respect. The upbringing and training of a person is a complex, multifaceted, always urgent task. Every child has a huge potential, the realization of which largely depends on us - adults.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of control in computer science lessons

1.2. Forms of control

1.3. Control methods

Chapter 2. The main forms of control in computer science lessons at school

2.1. Traditional forms of knowledge testing

2.2. Features of testing in a computer science lesson




In recent years, in Russia in the field of education, there has been a rapid increase in interest in the automation of various types of educational and administrative activities. In the learning process, first of all, this affected the informatization of monitoring the learning outcomes of students. The most popular type of such control is testing based on the dialogue of the information system with the user. The rapid growth in the speed of technical means, the decrease in prices for computing equipment, the emergence of high-quality and powerful programming systems have increased the need for systems that allow objectively, quickly and reliably assess the knowledge of students, offering interesting forms of interaction with them.

The issue of creating such systems is not unambiguous, and the authors of existing developments sometimes deviate from the pedagogical and psychological side of the issue, trying to maximize the attractiveness of their software products at the expense of multimedia. Sometimes programmers simply ignore the process of interacting directly with teachers, which is reflected in existing applications. Very often, the teachers themselves do not have an adequate command of methods for assessing the quality of control and measuring materials.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of control in computer science lessons.

1.1. Knowledge control and control functions

Control is one of the main components of the educational process, and the quality of students' knowledge ultimately depends on its correct organization at all stages of learning. In turn, the control components are:

 verification of learning outcomes (correct or incorrect) and their measurement (in accordance with the indicators adopted in the selected system);

 assessment as a process during which the student's actions are observed and compared with a sample (benchmark) or established indicators, and, as a result, an assessment (mark) is given.

Control has three main functions:

 manages the process of assimilation of knowledge. Control makes it possible to see mistakes, evaluate learning outcomes, correct knowledge, skills and abilities;

 fosters cognitive motivation and stimulates creative activity. A properly organized control system allows you to awaken a sense of responsibility for the learning outcomes (getting a higher grade), promotes the desire for purposeful work to correct mistakes;

 is a development learning tool. Most of the monitoring activities are educational and developmental in nature, since the teacher explains to each child what his mistakes are, what needs to be done to understand the educational material, and helps to find the correct answer. In addition, the development of the child's personal qualities occurs: share, healthy pride, striving for success.

Certain requirements are imposed on the control system and the basic principles should be adhered to in its construction.

Objectivity is a basic requirement and principle for organizing control. It lies in the fact that the control system should be friendly to students. Questions, tasks, tasks and projects must be justified, and the assessment criteria are adequate to the requirements for the level of training and age characteristics of students.

Open technology - is that the assessment of students is carried out according to uniform criteria, which must be justified, known in advance and understandable to each student.

Consistency, which in turn is considered from five positions:

 control should be continuous and carried out from the very beginning of training until its completion;

Control should be a natural part of the learning process,

• the control system must have continuity;

 the means, methods, forms of control, methods of evaluating and interpreting the results must obey a single goal;

 all students of a particular educational institution must
obey the uniform principles and requirements that are laid down in
the basis of the developed model.

1.2. Forms of control

In the modern control system, various types of verification and assessment (diagnostics) of knowledge are used. From the point of view of the functions performed, the following forms of control can be distinguished:

Ascertainer, whose purpose is to monitor the actual assimilation of the material;

Formative, aimed at tracking changes, analyzing the compliance of the results with the expected, identifying factors that affect the result;

Corrective, aimed at correcting identified knowledge gaps.

HER. Minina distinguishes between control by a teacher, a comrade, a computer, and self-control, noting the special importance of control by a comrade. The controller learns to understand the course of someone else's thought, to explain what he knows himself, translates his knowledge into external speech.

Computer control "exacerbates" errors and draws attention to them, leading to the next stage - self-control. This is the highest and most difficult form of control. A person generally tends to trust himself, and at the same time maintain self-esteem. The ability to perform self-control, albeit with the help of a computer, speaks of a high degree of independence of thinking, reflection, and self-criticism.

It is also important to be aware of what is being controlled - the result or the mode of action.

It is easier to control the result, but the correct result may hide an error in the method of action. Control of the latter is, of course, more important.

From the point of view of the time factor, the following forms of control are distinguished: preliminary (input, initial, preliminary), current, periodic (thematic, stage, milestone) and final (examination).

Prior control is designed to identify the level of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as the development of students at the beginning of training. It is usually used at the beginning of the school year or before studying a new topic (section).

Current control is a systematic test of knowledge, skills and practical skills of students, carried out, as a rule, in the course of training and is an element of many lessons, especially combined ones. Allows you to accurately determine the degree of formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, practical actions, as well as their depth, strength and perfection. In this case, the teacher not only determines the level of mastery of the current educational material, but also provides a repetition of previously covered topics. It is carried out in the form of an oral questioning, written verification work, frontal conversation.

Periodic control is a test and assessment of knowledge, carried out after studying large sections of the program or a long training time, taking into account the assessments of current control. It is carried out in the form of tests, interviews, tests, testing.

The final control is designed to determine the final results of training, to fix the required minimum of training, which will ensure further training. It is carried out after studying the course or at the end of a certain stage of study (quarter, half year, semester, completion of the level of education). Its types are tests, defense of essays, transfer and final exams.

1.3. Control methods

Control methods are methods of diagnostic activity that allow timely feedback in the learning process in order to obtain data on the effectiveness of the educational process.

Methods of monitoring learning outcomes in informatics, first of all, can be divided into computer and non-computer.

The informatics office provides ample means and opportunities for individualizing training and monitoring its results. Along with the well-known, traditional methods, the teacher has the opportunity to use the means implemented with the help of a computer, when the controlling and evaluating functions are transferred to the computer.

In modern didactics, the following control methods are distinguished:

1. Methods of oral control: conversation; student story; explanation; commented reading of the text of the textbook; reading a technological map, diagram; message; offset; exam, etc.

Oral questioning is the most common in the verification and assessment of knowledge. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the teacher asks students questions about the content of the studied material and encourages them to answer, thus revealing the quality and completeness of its assimilation.

The basis of oral control is the student's monologue answer and the question-answer form of the interview. Oral control is carried out every hour in an individual, frontal or combined form. This form of work is called a survey.

Experienced teachers are proficient in a variety of survey technologies, use didactic flashcards, developing cognitive games, etc. It is possible to record on a tape recorder the students' answer, followed by listening and assessment by the teacher (V.F.Shatalov). The most complete form of verification is an exam.

Problems of novice teachers when organizing an oral survey: the lack of a survey technique that allows a significant number of students to be interviewed in a short time; inaccuracy of the wording of the questions; lack of consideration of the individual and age characteristics of students.

In oral questioning, the teacher divides the material under study into separate semantic units (parts) and asks the students questions for each of them. Oral questioning (conversation) can be combined with the students' written exercises.

As an effective and most common method of testing and assessing student knowledge, oral questioning has its drawbacks, however. With its help in the lesson, you can test the knowledge of no more than 3-4 students. Therefore, in practice, various modifications of this method are used, in particular, frontal and condensed surveys, as well as "lesson points".

The essence of the frontal survey is that the teacher divides the material being studied into relatively small parts in order to test the knowledge of a larger number of students in this way. With this method of questioning, it is not always easy to give students marks, since the answer to 1–2 small questions does not make it possible to determine the volume and depth of assimilation of the material.

The essence of the condensed survey is that the teacher calls one student for an oral answer, and 4-5 students are asked to give written answers to questions prepared in advance on separate sheets (cards). This survey is called condensed because the teacher, instead of listening to oral answers, looks through (checks) the written answers of students and marks them for them, thereby “condensing”, saving time for checking knowledge, skills and abilities.

A well-known modification of oral questioning is the assignment of a so-called lesson point to individual students. A lesson point is awarded for the knowledge that individual students demonstrate throughout the lesson. So, the student can supplement, clarify or deepen the answers of his comrades, give examples and participate in the answers to the teacher's questions when presenting new material, be smart when consolidating knowledge, thus revealing a good assimilation of the topic being studied. Setting a lesson point allows you to maintain cognitive activity and attention of students in the lesson.

2. Methods of written control: class and home written work, control and independent work, dictation, essay, etc. In written work, the student is faced with the task of not only showing theoretical knowledge, but also showing the ability to apply it in practice to solve specific problems or problem situations. Skillful application of methods of written control makes it possible to reveal such skills and abilities as the degree of proficiency in written speech, the ability to logically and adequately construct and present a text, to give one's own assessment of the problem, etc.

Work description

The purpose of the work is to study control methods in computer science lessons

Reveal the importance of knowledge control in a computer science lesson

Determine the basic forms and functions of control

Consider the main types of control

Analyze different control methods

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of control in computer science lessons 4

1.1. Knowledge control and control functions 4

1.2. Control forms 6

1.3. Control methods 7

Chapter 2. The main forms of control in informatics lessons at school 12

2.1. Traditional forms of knowledge assessment 12

2.2. Features of testing in a computer science lesson 15

Conclusion 25

References 26

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“Methods of teaching informatics. Computer verification forms
knowledge. Advantages and disadvantages."
Student of the Faculty of DPO on
Teacher Education:
Alexey D. Pilipuk

Moscow, 2017
Table of contents
Introduction................................................. .................................................. ............. 2
1.Specifics of computer testing and its form .................................... 3
2. Innovative forms of test items for computer testing.
computer testing ................................................ .................................. 7
4. Online testing, its application in distance learning ............... 11
5. Advantages and disadvantages of computer testing. ...........................12
Conclusion................................................. .................................................. ..........fourteen
Literature................................................. .................................................. .......... 17

An important condition for optimizing the educational process is
systematic receipt by the teacher of information about the course of assimilation of knowledge
students, which the teacher receives during the control of educational
cognitive activity. Students also need to receive from
teacher information about the correctness and incorrectness of the learned
material. The teacher can do this only on the basis of admission.
feedback from students to teacher. Systematic information
about the state of knowledge of students allows the teacher to quickly use
rational ways and means of teaching, predict the results. For
to get the desired result, you should track and
control, first of all, the quality of the educational process, the level
knowledge of the skills and abilities acquired by students in each subject
training cycle. Quality control of knowledge is one of the most important
means of increasing the efficiency of the educational process.
Control means identifying, establishing and assessing knowledge
students, i.e. determination of the volume, level and quality of learning
material, identifying learning success, knowledge gaps, skills and
skills for individual students and for the whole class, to make the necessary
adjustments in the learning process. To improve its content,
methods, means and forms of organization. Checking the incentive to regular
knowledge, to the conscientious work of students, as well as an objective form
self-control of the teacher.
The most common are traditional forms of control,
which includes oral questioning, individual or frontal.
Along with this, various types of written survey are also used.
Consider the advantages and disadvantages of verbal knowledge testing.
Develop speech, logical and imaginative thinking, the ability to analyze and
make independent conclusions.
During the discussion, it is ascertained whether the students understand the
It is found out whether students can draw conclusions of a worldview nature.
Opportunity to close gaps in student learning.
Inability to organize a systematic and complete individual
control of the knowledge of each student, because there are a large number of
It is not possible to compare student responses to the same question.

Does not allow making an objective conclusion about the level of training of students,
since student assessment depends on the subjective opinion of the teacher, the nature and
the pace of the student's response, from the level of preparedness of the class.
Based on this, it is difficult to talk about the objectivity of the assessment.
It is necessary to apply new, more objective forms of control,
which will have a clear certainty, unambiguity, and reliability.
This form can be considered a test of knowledge and skills. Test is
system of tasks that allows you to measure the level of assimilation of knowledge, the degree
development of certain psychological qualities,
personality traits. The test differs from the usual control of knowledge in that
that a standard is prepared for it in advance, with which the student's answer is compared.
Test control of knowledge requires a lot of effort on the part of the teacher.
The educator must know how to choose the right tests and how to write them.
After all, not every set of questions with possible answers to them can be called
dough. The work of creating tests and evaluating their effectiveness is enough
difficult and long.
1. Specificity of computer testing and its form.
It is necessary to assess the quality of each test - compliance with the program
and the real opportunities of students, taking into account the strong
current time limits for the execution of test tasks.
Compliance with the program is verified by reviewing the literature. Examination
The "feasibility" of the test and even each task in the test is possible only
after checking in a real experiment.
It is desirable to capture all the program material, or at least the most
essential part of it.
Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of the knowledge test.
The speed of obtaining the result and thus establishing communication with
student and discuss the results. Cognitive activity increases
Reaching a large number of students in the lesson. Disciplines
schoolchildren, teaching them to constantly prepare for a systematic test
control. Saving time on control. Improved psychological
atmosphere of the educational process, the teacher ceases to be a source
negative emotions when assessing knowledge.
Possibility of guessing in closed-type tasks. If the test task
contains only two answer options, then half of the answers to such a test
the task can be guessed. (Giving more credibility to the wrong
answers can be reduced the possibility of guessing, the optimal number

there are four possible answers). Ability to write off answers to tests closed
type (A large number of test items and a limited time
eliminates the possibility of cheating). The teacher does not see the course of the solution (the move
mental activity of the student), if the results of their work
the student presents only as an answer number. Availability guarantees
the student has no knowledge (Inclusion of tasks of an open type, as a result
answers to which the student must independently logically construct an answer
to the question and state it specifically).
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the test
knowledge testing versus traditional forms
control. The use of computer test programs is
the optimal means of monitoring and assessing knowledge due to its
objectivity, ease of use and analysis of results. Test
tasks are convenient to use when organizing self-control, when repeating
teaching material in preparation for the lesson. Tests with success can be
use along with other forms of control. The main advantage
test check in speed, and traditional check in its
Since the beginning of the XXI century. testing has become widely used in education
computers. A separate direction has appeared in pedagogical innovations
- computer testing, in which the presentation of tests, assessment
results of students and the issuance of results to them is carried out using
The test generation stage can technologically proceed in different ways, in
including by entering blank tests into a computer. Today
there are numerous publications on computer testing,
developed software tools for generating and
presenting tests.
Forms of computer testing. Computer
testing can be carried out in various forms, differing in
technologies for combining tasks into a test (Fig. 1). Some of them have not yet
received a special name in the literature on test problems.
Computer testing

the form
blank test with
set of tasks
th layout
test options
lengths from the bank
testing with
adaptive tests
of varying length
from the job bank

Fig. 1. Forms of computer testing

The first form is the simplest. Ready test, standardized or
intended for monitoring, is introduced into a special shell,
the functions of which may differ in the degree of completeness. Usually at
final testing, the shell allows you to present tasks on the screen,
evaluate the results of their implementation, form a matrix of results
testing, process it and scale the primary scores of the subjects
by transferring to one of the standard scales for issuing each
the subject of the test score and the protocol of his assessments according to the test items.
The second form of computer testing involves
automated generation of test variants, carried out using
tools. Variants are created before the exam or
directly during it from the bank of test tasks.
The third form - computer adaptive testing - is based on
special adaptive tests. The ideas of adaptability are based on
considerations that it is useless for the student to give test items that
he will probably do it right without the slightest difficulty, or
guaranteed to fail due to high difficulty. That's why
it is proposed to optimize the difficulty of the tasks by adapting it to the level
readiness of each subject, and reduce by excluding
parts of the tasks the length of the test.
2. Innovative
computer testing.

Innovative tasks using the capabilities of a computer
testing are by far the most promising
direction of development of automation of pedagogical measurements. Basic
the reason for this is the great potential of innovative assignments for
increasing the information content of pedagogical measurements and increasing
meaningful validity of tests.
Two aspects can be distinguished in the use of innovative tasks:
didactic and psychological-pedagogical.
The first assumes
detailed meaningful interpretation of test results in
the context of the cognitive, educational and
general educational skills, and the second allows you to assess the level of development
thinking processes in a student and identify the features of his assimilation
new knowledge. Most of the innovative tasks developed for

the present time, ensure the improvement of measurements in both
directions. Thus, innovative assignments allow expanding
the possibilities of the pedagogical measurement itself by obtaining
results in new, previously unavailable areas of quality assessment
preparedness of students.
to assess the level
the formation of functional literacy of the examiner, you can
suggest a passage of text that has errors and then ask
identify them and correct them by retyping sections of the text.
For example,
Innovative assignments help reduce the impact of random
guessing for. by increasing the number of possible responses without increasing
the cumbersomeness of the test tasks. For example, when assessing understanding
of the text read, you can ask the student to select a key
sentence in the text and point to it with a mouse click. Thus,
each sentence in the text passage becomes an option for selection
instead of 4-5 answers in traditional tasks with ready-made answers. For
improving the form of tasks using a complex drawing,
dynamic elements, including images, animations, or videos;
thus, the time for reading the condition is reduced. Empowerment
testing occurs when the sound is turned on, which allows dialogue with
students, to evaluate the phonetic features of his pronunciation when
foreign language testing,
interpretation of various sounds.
Innovation in the development of tasks for computer testing
cover five related areas. These include:
form of the task, the subject's actions when answering, the level of use
multimedia technology, level of interactivity and counting methodology
New mission form innovations include visual and audio
informational series or their combination. Visual information can
wear realistic (photo, film) and synthesized (drawing, animation)
character. The type of information combined with the test form determines
the format of the answer that the examiner selects or creates. At
the use of photographs or drawings, the information contained in
test items is static in nature. Cinema reflecting the real
the world and animation bring dynamics to the execution of the test.
The student's response to assignments depends on those innovative
funds that are included in the test. When included in tasks, sound
information that suggests a student's voice response to answer
using a keyboard, mouse, or microphone. Significant place at
responses are assigned to interactive processes. Interactive work mode
students in computer testing means alternate issuance
audiovisual information, in which each new utterance with

the student's side or the computer is built taking into account the previous
information from both sides. When organizing an interactive
mode in computer testing is mainly used on-screen
a menu in which the student chooses to answer the tests, creates
or moves objects - components of the response. Less commonly interactive
mode use voice input of the answer.
3. Comparative characteristics of innovative forms of assignments for
computer testing
Comparative characteristics of innovative forms of assignments for
computer testing for various improvement purposes
pedagogical measurement is given in table. 1.
Quests of increased difficulty always take longer to complete.
answers, regardless of whether they are presented using a computer
thorny virtual reality simulation, do they have a form
laboratory work, essays or use multimedia technology. From
over time, the number of complex tasks should be insignificant - not
more than 10-15%, in some cases - 20-25%. Variety of sound and
visualization in computer testing leads to the emergence
schoolchildren have fatigue, therefore, when included in the test, even a small
the number of difficult innovative tasks is necessary, significantly
reduce the length of the test, which negatively affects the content
validity, reliability and information security of pedagogical
Table 1
Comparative characteristics of innovative forms of assignments for
response forms
computer testing
The main
and the difficulties
Reduce the effect
task forms with
the answer
The answer is numeric
(or text),
in water
keyboard or
voice via

To raise
the rise
constructive and
The answer is chosen

used by
regular menu or
The answer is chosen

used by

creative and
carried out
objects on the screen
and is designed
used by
keyboard, left
and right buttons
When designing
the answer
foamed bifurcation
different stages

Low or
Turning on
Average or
Average or
multimedia for
natural ok
environment and
user in it.
objects using
task forms with
the answer

the simplest level

Average or
task forms with
the answer and
difficult level


expand coverage
to realize
skills, cognitive

step by step
different stages


If your computer testing does not use multimedia and
interactive technology, then the calculation of the primary scores of students
is carried out traditionally by summing up the estimates for individual
The attraction of multimedia technologies leads to
multidimensionality of test results, since the assessment of the whole
spectrum of creative, communication, general subject and other skills with
through innovative forms of assignments are always associated with several
measurement variables. The advent of interactivity further complicates
scoring procedure for students, it becomes dependent on the answer
the examiner at each step of the test tasks and requires
political evaluations.
Checking the results of performing tasks with a constructed
a regulated response is carried out by comparing the response
examiner with a standard stored in the computer's memory, and includes
various synonyms for correct, answer with acceptable spelling

It is much more difficult to automate scoring in tasks with
a freely constructed answer (such as an essay) in the humanities.
To date, foreign testologists have developed special
programs for automated essay checking. Evaluation criteria in
these programs are quite diverse: from considering superficial
characteristics of essays such as length and degree of completeness of the answer to difficult cases
analysis using the achievements of computational linguistics. Usually
all these various automated scoring programs require
participation of experts only at the time of the start of work,
qualified teachers need to "train" the computer
a program for evaluating any detailed answers.
Automated test linking process when it
occurs in advance and not in adaptive mode, includes assembly (generation)
parallel options, the choice of the rule for scoring test takers
students and correction options to fulfill the requirements of theory
pedagogical measurements.
Inevitable differences in the difficulty of options arising from
the existence of measurement errors are eliminated after testing by
alignment of scales obtained when calculating test scores for individual
test options. Among the related issues, the solution of which is also
necessary for automated test layout, includes work on
filling the bank of test items and assessing information
safety testing.
Automated assembly of a test with a fixed number of tasks
assumes the existence of a specified test length, specification and
bank of calibrated tasks, To a workable bank that supports
generation of a multivariate test, task frames must be included
of varying difficulty for each content element with stable
parameter estimates. With the help of a special software tool
mental, providing an analogue of the traditional blank
dough ready for presentation a few minutes after the start of generation and
providing high quality pedagogical measurements.
Variant layout technology must support system
thematic control over the frequency of inclusion of each task from the bank in
test. The number of identical tasks in parallel variants,
used to align the scales according to the options, should not exceed 15
-twenty %. To control the frequency of including the task in the variants as
restrictions, the maximum possible percentage of the choice of each
tasks from the bank. When it is reached, the task is no longer used in
further test generation procedures.
Usually numerous parallel or quasi-parallel variants
tests are created in offline mode for subsequent presentation in

online mode, including when interacting with
Day of Expansion of Communication Opportunities
computer control in real
adaptive testing :,
providing step-by-step optimization
selection of the difficulty of tasks when generating an adaptive test.
time is recommended,
4. Online testing, its application in distance learning

In the simplest sense of the interactive learning mode, the student
has the ability to receive (read, watch, listen) only that
information that he chooses to assimilate using
computer. Complication of possibilities and technologies of implementation
interactive mode leads to a simulation of the surrounding world and
behavior of objects in it, allowing you to simulate reality.
Of course, today, for many reasons, in training
not all features of the interactive mode are used. V
in particular, according to A. G: Shmelev, who is the largest
specialist in Russia on the use of interactive technologies in
educational and psychological testing (Teletesting system), in
the modern Internet is dominated by non-interactive forms of presentation
educational information.
In accordance with the classification of computer networks into local and
global simplest interactive mode is organized within one
room or educational institution or using the Internet. How
as a rule, interactivity is based on asynchronous communication
communication, when the teacher's reaction to the test results is delayed
character due to the time it takes to check the test in
automated mode and scoring of students based on the results of its
In the first case, when several dozen
or hundreds of computers,
special program implementation -
tool shell - provides the issuance of online test tasks for
the whole group of test-takers, usually in an individual time-frame. On
on the screen of each computer from the local network, a task of one of the
parallel options, test. When providing information mode
security for the whole group of students can be used only one
test variant.
The online test using the Internet does not have
fundamental differences from the case of using a local network when
the simplest level of interactivity without adaptive mode, when everything
students complete the same test options. Quests overwhelming
most require students to select one or more correct

responses using well-known dialog objects such as "selector
buttons "(radiobuttons). Test scores are calculated by
comparisons of students' answers with a key and comes down, most of all, to a simple
summation. The transfer of the final test score can be carried out
via email.
The time spent on the presentation of the test result,
determined by the duration of the transfer (usually from a few seconds to
several hours) and the time interval that will pass before
the moment the student reads the mail that came to him. In some
cases where a student requires documentary evidence of points,
test results can be delivered offline by recording to
information carrier. Thus, the low level of interactivity
quite suitable for final testing outside the adaptive mode, when
the student must work without the help of a teacher, and getting results
may be delayed in time.

variety takes the form of test items. In particular, a student
it becomes possible to edit the text presented in the task, with
by introducing new sentences or replacing one part of the text with
another. In tasks to establish the correct sequence immediately
after the subjects have selected a certain order of elements, the computer
displays the new sequence on the screen, etc. If the establishment
synchronous communication does not interfere with time zones, interactive immediately
provides the effect of "teacher next to", due to which, when performing
monitoring tasks the student receives help, grade or hint
A high level of interactivity is provided when
when interacting with a teacher, sound and video are used, which
requires significant financial costs, but easily allows
identify the identity of the student taking the test remotely
5. Advantages and disadvantages of computer testing.
Computer testing has certain advantages in terms of
compared with traditional blank testing, which manifest
especially noticeable during mass checks, for example, when carrying out
national examinations such as the exam. Presentation of test options for
computer saves money on printing and shipping
blank tests.
Other benefits of computer testing are manifested in
current control, self-control and self-training of students; thanks to

the computer can immediately issue a test score and accept
urgent measures to correct the assimilation of new material based on analysis
protocols based on the results of performing corrective and diagnostic
tests. Possibilities of pedagogical control with computer
testing significantly increases by expanding the spectrum
measured skills and abilities in innovative types of test items,
using the diverse capabilities of the computer when turning on
audio and video files, interactivity, dynamic problem setting with
using multimedia, etc.
Computer testing increases information
control process capabilities,
it becomes possible to collect
additional data on the dynamics of passing the test by individual
students and to differentiate between missed and not
available test items.
In addition to its undeniable advantages, computer testing has a number of
the disadvantages shown in Fig. 2.
Problems with computer testing
test subjects on
Impact on
learners experience
work on
interface on
for reliability
its results
Fig. 2. Problems with computer testing

Typical psychological and emotional reactions of students to
computer testing. Usually psychological and emotional
student responses to computer testing are positive.
Students like the immediate issuance of test scores, protocols
testing with the results for each task, as well as
innovative nature of control in the case when involved
modern hypermedia test delivery technologies. Dynamic
multimedia accompaniment of tasks on the computer, combined
software for interactive presentation,
the opinion of students, provides a more accurate assessment of knowledge and skills,
more motivates to complete tasks compared to blank

tests. It is also convenient that instead of filling out special forms for
answers, you can simply select the answer with the mouse. If testing takes place in
adaptive mode, the exam time and length of
Adverse reactions usually cause various restrictions that
sometimes overlap when giving out tasks in computer testing.
For example, either the order of presentation of tasks is fixed, or
the maximum possible execution time for each task, after the expiration
which, regardless of the subject's desire, the following task appears
test. In adaptive testing, students are unhappy that they
do not have the opportunity to skip the next task, view the entire test
before starting work on it and change the answers to the previous tasks. Sometimes
schoolchildren object to computer testing because of the difficulties,
that arise when performing and recording mathematical calculations and
Impact on Prior Level Test Performance
computer experience. The results of foreign studies have shown that
the computer experience of schoolchildren, in many cases
significantly affects the validity of test results. If in the test
included tasks without innovation with a choice of answers, the impact of work experience
with a computer on the test results is insignificant, since from
students in such tasks do not require any complex actions when
performing the test. When presented on the screen of innovative types
tasks widely using computer graphics, and others
innovation, impact of prior computer experience on test score
becomes very significant. Thus, with a computer
testing must take into account the level of the computer level
the student for whom the test is intended.
The influence of the user interface on the results of the computer
testing. The user interface includes student-accessible
functions and possibilities of movement on test items, placement elements
information on the screen, as well as the general visual style of presentation
information. A good user interface must be clear and
correctness of the logical sequence of interaction with
examinees, reflecting the general principles of graphic information design.
The more thought-out the interface, the less attention the student will pay to it.
draws, concentrating all his efforts on completing the test items.

Compared to traditional forms of control, computerized
testing has several advantages: fast results
tests, the release of the teacher from the laborious work of processing
test results,
unambiguous recording of answers,
confidentiality for anonymous testing.
After analyzing the modern literature on this topic,
the following requirements for a unified
automated testing system:
protection against unauthorized access to test questions.
The solution to this problem can be carried out by means of encryption.
unlimited test base, which is designed for both
the variety of the test, and for less repeatability of questions;
simplicity of the program interface. Many specialists, especially
whose specialization is not related to information technology,
are rather poor at handling computers and computer
programs, therefore, the clarity and accessibility of the interface is important
the requirement for the testing system;
ease of administration of the test. This requirement also
important. The easier the development environment, the less tests, the less
there will be questions regarding the work on the computer. Simplicity
administration is solved through the use of a separate
programs for creating or adding themes and tests to the database and installations
full automation of the testing process. Testing
should be carried out without the supervision of the teaching staff over the course
testing. Therefore, the whole process - from asking the test questions
teacher, identification of a specialist, testing, before
evaluating the result obtained and entering this result into the data file,
must take place in a completely autonomous mode;
loading speed. This criterion is important for computers with
low speed. A person should not wait for a question to be loaded into
for a long time. Each picture, graph should be
optimized or compressed. They should not contain redundant
information, but include only the necessary part;
cross platform portability with Microsoft GUI support
accounting of requests. Each test should be
to be recorded for control. This is necessary for accounting
unsuccessful testing attempts, if the test was interrupted for some reason
either reason. This will provide control over user actions;
targeting non-programming users. Application

the testing program should not require experience with others
the testing system must support multimedia files
(graphics, video, sound, animation). This is necessary to set complex
questions such as displaying graphs, drawings, videos and
Analysis of the literature revealed the following types of questions
computer control of knowledge:
 arbitrary type or keyboard input;
 entering multiple answers in a specific sequence
 entering missing parts of lines or letters;
 selective type of question;
 alternative type of question;
 sequential type of question.
For effective control of knowledge, it is necessary to correctly use
all types of questions.

Avanesov V.S. Methodological and theoretical foundations
test pedagogical control: Author's abstract. dra ped. Sciences / Saint
Petersburg state. Unt. - SPb., 2001.
Avanesov V.S. Scientific problems of test control of knowledge. -
M., 1994.
Aleshin L.I.
Computer testing of students
Library Faculty of Moscow State University of Culture // http://laleshin.narod.ru/ktsbf.htm.
Andreev A.B. Computer testing: a systematic approach to
assessing the quality of students' knowledge / M., 2001.
Zyryanova N.M. "On the pros and cons of computer
testing "// Personnel management. № 1 (5), February 2003
Mayorov A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for the system
education. (How to Select, Create, and Use Tests for Purpose
education). - M., 2001.
Shafrin Yu.A. Information Technology. - M .: Laboratory
Basic Knowledge, 1998.
Shmelev A.G. Computerization of exams: the problem of protecting against
falsifications. - M., 2002 .-- S. 7173.
Posted on Allbest.ru

Department of Education of Administration of Navashinsky District

Municipal educational institution Gymnasium

Creative work

"Control of knowledge, skills, skills

at the informatics lesson "

(Generalization of pedagogical experience)

Work completed:

teacher MOU Gymnasium in Navashino



Introduction 3

ChapterI. Theoretical aspects of control of knowledge, abilities, skills of students.

1.1. Types, methods, functions, forms and means of control 6

1.2. Features of control of knowledge, abilities, skills in a computer science lesson 12

1.3. Ways to improve the control of knowledge, abilities, skills in a computer science lesson 13

ChapterII. Methodological features of the organization of control of knowledge, abilities, skills

students in a computer science lesson

2.1. Methodological features of the use of tests in the control of knowledge 14

2.2. Methodology for organizing tests in a computer science lesson 20

2.3. Features of drawing up tests 23

2.4. Laboratory and practical work as a means of control

knowledge, skills and abilities of students in computer science lessons 25

Conclusion 29

References 30

Appendices 32


“Only when teachers know

what necessary make, they can make»

The problem of activating the lesson, forms of questioning and control are very important components in the educational process.

Students perceive control as a test necessary for the teacher, but not as an activity that they themselves need.

Pedagogical control performs a number of functions in the pedagogical process: evaluative, stimulating, developing, teaching, diagnostic, educational, etc.

The control process is one of the most time-consuming and responsible operations in teaching, associated with acute psychological situations, both for students and for the teacher. On the other hand, its correct formulation helps to improve the quality of student learning. [No. 1, p. 153]

Lately, the priorities of education have changed in the world. If previously knowledge in itself was valued, now general educational skills have come to the fore: the ability to acquire and effectively use knowledge. The reasons are clear: at present, knowledge is quickly becoming obsolete or insufficient, which means that you need to master the methods of updating and replenishing it. His future self-determination depends on how a student can apply this knowledge, how competent he is in a wide out-of-school context. This is not only the ability to acquire and apply knowledge, it is communication skills, skills of self-control and self-assessment, the development of creative abilities.

One of the essential elements of the learning process is to test the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by students. The development of an operational control system that allows an objective assessment of students' knowledge, identifying existing gaps and determining ways to eliminate them, is one of the conditions for improving the learning process.

As practice has shown, despite the large number of didactic materials and methodological recommendations on various academic subjects addressed to teachers, many of them experience great difficulties in organizing control over the assimilation of students' knowledge. There is a formal application of means and methods of verification, in some cases subjectivity in assessing students' knowledge, an underestimation of the teaching role of verification. Students are not sufficiently involved in assessment activities, as a result of which the formation of self-control skills is impaired. Limiting the use of various forms, methods and means of control reduces the possibility of identifying learning outcomes, implementing the basic verification functions. [No. 18, p. 67]

Checking school work, students' knowledge is perceived by them as grief, as a source of stress and anxiety. Teachers, moving quickly forward, with apprehension and reluctance, begin to check the results achieved.

At the present time, they are trying to give verification and control business content: not only the teacher checks the progress of the students, but the students also check the level of their knowledge. In addition, the teacher checks himself, the level and correctness of teaching the material being studied. In this case, various forms and methods of verification and evaluation are used.

The didactic has long been looking for an answer to the question of what can be done to improve control, to reduce the negative aspects of this process, but the progress she has made is constantly out of proportion in comparison with the needs. I tried to make my contribution to solving this problem in relation to the lessons of computer science, a relatively young subject, studied in school only since 1985. The teaching of this subject is in its infancy and tends to change constantly. There is a process of accumulating experience in teaching informatics in various educational institutions with various educational systems and programs. All of the above determines the relevance of the topic of this work.

Target of my work: to show the methodological basis of knowledge control in computer science lessons, which I use in my work.

An object research - the process of monitoring students' knowledge in teaching computer science at school.

Item research is the result of control of students' knowledge and skills in computer science.

The purpose, object, subject of the study made it necessary to solve the following tasks:

- to study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of control of students' knowledge;

- to study and analyze psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem of organizing control of students' knowledge in computer science;

- highlight the main directions of improving the control system;

- to summarize the experience of drawing up and using tests;

- to summarize the experience of using offsets;

- to summarize the experience of drawing up control works;

- to summarize the experience of using projects in the control of knowledge;

- to summarize the experience of drawing up and using laboratory and practical work;

- to approve credits and tests in school practice.

To solve the set tasks, the following basic methods of pedagogical research were used:

Study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem;

Elements of an empirical research method;

Observation, study of the experience of the implementation of knowledge control in school practice;

Conversations with teachers of informatics on the problem related to the topic of the work;

Generalization of their own experience in the application of various control methods in their practice.

ChapterI. Theoretical aspects of control

knowledge, abilities, skills of students.

1.1 Types, methods, functions, forms and means of control

1. Views control.

Didactics distinguishes the following types of control: current, periodic,final and self-control.

Appointment the current(formative) control - checking the assimilation and evaluating the results of each lesson, the constant study by the teacher of the work of the whole class and individual students. Based on the results of this control, the teacher finds out whether the students are ready to assimilate the subsequent educational material. The most common deficiency is the teacher's focus on lagging students.

Distinctive feature the current control is its implementation at all stages of studying a topic or section: familiarization with educational material, formation and development of knowledge and skills, their consolidation and deepening. For the effective use of current control, it is necessary to apply a variety of forms and means of verification in their rational combination: frontal and individual, oral and written, designed for the whole lesson or part of it. [No. 16, p. 12]

· Periodic(thematic) control checks the degree of assimilation of the material over a long period (quarter, six months) or material on the studied section by individual students and the class as a whole, when knowledge is mainly formed, systematized. This type of check is usually carried out in conjunction with an ongoing check.

Thematic control can be carried out both in the form of a written test, and in the form of credits on the topic covered. When conducting thematic control, part of the tasks should correspond to the activity according to the model, and part - to the activity in the changed and new situations, which will provide each student with the opportunity to fully demonstrate the level of their preparation on the topic.

· The final control is carried out on the eve of transfer to the next class or level of study. Its task is to record the minimum preparation that provides further training. Knowledge based on the results of studying the topic can be assessed positively if the students have mastered all the main elements of the program material.

Another kind of control - self-control... Self-control together with self-assessment is carried out by students constantly in the learning process. It is necessary that during each test the student not only learns what he has learned, what mistakes he made, what he did not learn, but also realizes the validity of the assessment given by the teacher, understanding how to independently assess his knowledge. To do this, it is necessary to acquaint students with the assessment criteria, gradually develop the ability to meaningfully evaluate their knowledge. A clear formulation of the requirements for knowledge and the criteria for their assessment fosters a conscious attitude of schoolchildren to learning, contributes to the awareness and correct assessment by students of the level of their educational training.

2. Methods of control.

Methods of testing knowledge: observation, using a book, oral control, written testing, practical work, didactic tests, programmed control. [No. 11, page 14]

· Observation, that is, the systematic acquisition of data on the knowledge and development of the student, is carried out by the teacher in the process of daily work. This method provides certain information about the level of knowledge of students, about their ability to organize their workplace, the order of work, about their efficiency and independence. It is advisable to conduct observation to take into account the individual characteristics of students associated with their temperament, age, gender, interest in learning, attitude to their own success. The results of observations are taken into account by the teacher during the work and the overall assessment of the student. The biggest drawback of this method is a large amount of subjectivity and intuition.

· Book use as a method of testing the knowledge and skills of students, it is most often used in learning languages ​​and in testing the skill of finding information. Checking the latter is most often carried out in computer science lessons in elementary grades.

· Verbal control, as a rule, consists in the students' answers to the teacher's questions during lessons, exams, tests. In the classroom, oral individual, group, frontal, combined polls are used. The main form of oral questioning is conversation. It is advisable to use various survey techniques: cards, games, technical means. It is necessary to minimize the teacher's subjectivity when applying this method.

· Written control allows you to deeply and effectively test the knowledge of students. In a written survey, punched cards, manuals with a printed basis, didactic cards, and a programmed survey are used. The main forms of written control are homework, classroom, independent and control work. When carrying out control, it is advisable to break control questions into blocks according to the level of complexity.

· Practical control methods aim to test practical skills, skills of students, the ability to apply knowledge in solving specific tasks. They represent conducting experiments, experiment, solving problems, drawing up diagrams, maps, drawings, drawing up programs, etc. This test method satisfies the principle of connecting learning with practice, with life, orients the student towards the application of knowledge. Today, this control method is the most modern and viable.

· Didactic tests emerged on the basis of psychological testing and programmed learning. The advantages of test control are objectivity. This kind of control removes the subjectivity of the expert - the teacher, which occurs in other methods.

A didactic test is a set of standardized tasks for a specific material, which establishes the degree of mastery of it by students.

To solve the problem of interpreting freely constructed responses, a number of techniques are used: recognition by keywords or letter combinations, the use of artificial intelligence elements that allow interpreting the semantic structures of human speech, including those entered not from the remote control, but through a microphone.

· With the introduction of computers into the pedagogical process, programmed control received a new, powerful impulse and is widely used today. Saving time, ease of developing methods, high efficiency, clear posing of questions - this is an incomplete list of the benefits of programmed control.

3. Control functions.

It is important that the control and assessment of students' knowledge meet general didactic requirements and perform accounting, control and corrective, teaching, educational functions. [No. 16, p. 33]

Accounting function control is manifested in the systematic recording of learning outcomes, which allows the teacher to judge the progress of each student, his achievements and shortcomings in educational work.

Control and corrective the function provides "teacher - student" feedback, which is necessary for the teacher to make adjustments to the teaching methodology, to redistribute the teaching time between various issues of the topic caused by gaps in the knowledge of schoolchildren, the level of class preparation.

Learning function control is manifested in the fact that in the process of checking the state of knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren, the material is repeated, the teacher focuses the class's attention on the main issues and the most important ideological ideas of the course, points out typical mistakes, which contributes to the deepening of students' knowledge.

Educational function control and assessment implies stimulating students for further educational work, gives additional motivation in cognitive activity.

4. Forms of control

In search of ways to more efficiently use the structure of lessons of different types, the form of organizing the educational activities of students in the lesson is of particular importance. In pedagogical literature and school practice, basically two such forms are accepted - frontal, individual. The first assumes the joint actions of all students in the class under the guidance of the teacher, the second - the independent work of each student individually.

Frontal form of organization of educational activities of students This is a type of activity of a teacher and students in the classroom, when all students simultaneously perform the same work common to all, discuss, compare and generalize its results with the whole class. The teacher works with the whole class at the same time, communicates with students directly in the course of his story, explanation, demonstration, involving students in the discussion of the issues under consideration, etc.

For maximum efficiency of the educational activities of students, it is necessary to use, along with this form of organization of educational work in the classroom, other forms of educational work.

Individual form of organizing the work of students in the classroom. Each student receives a task for independent fulfillment, specially selected for him in accordance with his training and educational capabilities. As such tasks can be work with a textbook, other educational and scientific literature, various sources (reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, anthologies, etc.); solving problems, examples, writing, abstracts, reports; carrying out all kinds of observations, etc. Individual work in programmed teaching is widely used.

It is advisable to carry out individual work at all stages of the lesson, when performing various tasks; for the assimilation of new knowledge and their consolidation, for the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, for generalization and repetition of the past, for control, for mastering the research method, etc.

Sooner or later, each teacher faces a problem: how to achieve objectivity and a positive educational effect of assessment? This problem can be solved by using various forms of control in the classroom, the classification of which is given in scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 1. "Forms of knowledge control"

So that the lessons are not boring and the children do not get tired, it is necessary to combine various forms of control in the classroom. In pursuit of this goal, I develop most of my lessons in this way.

5. Means of control.

Speaking about the means of control of knowledge and skills, most often they mean an assignment or several assignments that are offered to students in order to identify learning outcomes that correspond to the set goals. Controls differ by activity, function: [No. 5, p. 52]

    By activity
Lessons - traditional:
    Control works, including individually differentiated ones; Practical work and laboratory work; Tests; Independent tasks; Offsets; Independent work (teaching and monitoring); Abstracts, reports.


· Competition projects;

· Protection of abstracts.

3. Lesson non-traditional:

· Round tables;

· Didactic multifunctional games;

· by function:

· Ascertaining - tracking the actual assimilation of the material;

· Formative - statement of changes. Analysis of the correspondence of the obtained results to the expected ones, identification of the factors influencing the result.

· Corrective - correction of deficiencies.

For each job, the children are offered tasks on cards. To control knowledge I use laboratory work, independent work (according to the proposed plan, according to the name and purpose of the laboratory work), reports on the research carried out, tasks, dictations, design work.

1. 2. Features tocontrol of knowledge, abilities, skills in computer science lessons

Control of students' knowledge and skills is a prerequisite for an effective educational process. Not only the teacher, but also the student and his parents should know about the requirements for the level of preparedness of students, because with a properly organized system of recording progress, the estimated scores should be objective signals for the completion of the compulsory educational material. When organizing the examination of knowledge, abilities, skills in computer science lessons, a number of features of this subject are taken into account:

1) The computer science course is represented by two interrelated sections:

    information Technology ; fundamentals of computer science and technology

where the computer acts as a highly efficient means of collecting, storing, processing information, using new information technologies:

Therefore, when monitoring learning, special attention is paid to checking the basic concepts, disclosing the relationships and interdependencies of the above sections.

2) Computer science as an academic subject provides great opportunities to implement educational tasks through a variety of approaches: experiment (mental and computer). (For example, at the initial level - on the topic "Performers and the system of performer's commands", the guys conduct a whole research on creating a virtual performer and executing possible commands for him, write and sketch in a notebook, after further acquaintance with a graphic editor, they create images on a computer)

practical and laboratory work, solving logical problems, etc. [No. 11, p. 15]

When checking knowledge, abilities, skills, the assessment of not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills is taken into account. For the purpose of an individual approach to learning, students are offered multilevel assignments, as well as assignments that take into account the different speed of students' work. When organizing and planning a test of knowledge in computer science, one cannot but take into account the age characteristics of students, since it is precisely taking into account the various methodological techniques that are most effective for each age group that makes it possible to induce students to active learning activities.

1. 3. Ways to improve the control of knowledge in the informatics lesson

The most important feature of the traditional methods of monitoring and assessing the preparation of schoolchildren was that they were completely focused on a certain maximum level of assimilation of material in informatics. The traditional control system set a high level of requirements and ensured a high level of preparation of well-performing students. This system was rigid for those who went below this level. Nowadays, getting a basic education has become necessary for every member of society. In accordance with this, the entire methodological system is being rebuilt in terms of ensuring deep differentiation of teaching, taking into account the interests of all groups of schoolchildren. The results of such control can give positive information only about the preparation of students who have completely coped with the proposed tasks. With regard to those who cannot fulfill them. It can be said about them that they know nothing.

Traditional approaches to control did not satisfy the ideas of level differentiation, and therefore require revision and improvement in the following directions:

· Increasing the information content on the achievement of the level of compulsory training by students and strengthening the completeness of control;

· Reorientation to control and assessment by the '' addition '' method (the mark should be set for reaching a certain level of training);

· Strengthening the differentiating power of control;

· Orientation to the final learning outcomes;

Organization of control at different stages of training .

It is considered necessary in the development of the content of knowledge control in informatics that the control should ensure the greatest possible completeness of verification at a mandatory level. [№ 1, p. 34] It is the complete information about mastering the compulsory learning outcomes that makes it possible to judge whether a student is ready or not ready to advance in the course, whether or not he has fulfilled the program requirements.

Another principle of control is associated with the selection of the content of tasks of an increased level: at an increased level, students should not be required to demonstrate the completeness of mastering the material; here the main emphasis is on checking the depth of assimilation, understanding, flexibility of knowledge.

Assignments of an advanced level, intended for inclusion in testing, represent a heterogeneous mass and reflect different levels of assimilation of the material, gradually increasing in complexity.

At an advanced level, the student should be given the opportunity to make certain choices, taking into account the individual characteristics of his training.

ChapterII . Methodological features of the organization of control of knowledge, abilities, skills of students in a computer science lesson

2. 1. Features of the use of tests in the control of knowledge

Currently, to determine the quality of students' knowledge at the final certification, a unified state examination has been introduced, which mainly provides for a test form of checking the knowledge of graduates. We have to admit that students need to be psychologically and technically prepared for this form of testing in advance, and not be confronted with a fact at the end of grade 11. Thus, the test of knowledge is recognized as one of the forms of testing the knowledge of students.

Text control is currently one of the priority areas for improving the methods of in-school control.

Test - these are standardized tasks, according to the results of which the knowledge, skills and abilities of the subject are judged .

I have certain requirements for tests:

· Certainty (general understanding);

· Reliability;

· Practicality;

· Ease of use;

· Predictive value.

When writing tests, I also take into account the following requirements:

Strict compliance with the sources of information used by students;

Simplicity - each task should consist in requiring the subject to answer only one question;

Unambiguity - the formulation of the task should comprehensively explain the task set before the subject.

When choosing criteria for assessing tests, I also take into account the thinking skills that students should acquire in the learning process:

· Information skills (learns, remembers);

• understanding (explains, shows);

· Application (demonstrates);

· Analysis (ponders, reasoning);

· Synthesis (combines, models);

· Comparative assessment (compares by parameters).

Fulfillment of approaches and requirements make tests an objective and effective tool for determining the quality of education at a given level of assimilation of educational material .

The question arises: why are we talking about some specially compiled tests, if until now they used control works, after the completion of which it was possible to establish what the student had learned and what had not been learned. Indeed, by checking the student's test, you can do this. The problem is how to objectively assess the knowledge and skills of students at a given level of mastering the subject.

To build a test, you must have a sufficient number of items in the test form. The difference between the tasks of the test form from the usual tasks and exercises is that these tasks: have the form of a logical statement; brief; include answer options or space to answer.

It is possible to distinguish (by) four main groups of tasks of the test form:

1) with the choice of the correct answer from several proposed;

Such tasks are the most common. The main disadvantage of multiple choice assignments is the ability to guess the correct answer. Appendix # 1 contains a test on the topic "Information" for students in grade 5 and a test on the topic "Software of a personal computer" for students in grade 7. In Appendix No. 2, in the form of a diagram, the result of the test carried out in grades 5, 7 at different stages of mastering the material is presented:

· When repeating knowledge;

· In the control of knowledge;

· While consolidating the acquired knowledge.

Conclusion: the possibility of using test items with a choice of answer options in a computer science course is quite wide. It is used at various stages of the assimilation of the material. As practice has shown, adaptation of younger students to this form of control during learning is required. The use of this type is more rational in the middle and senior management.

2) with an open answer;

If tasks with a choice of answer options can be criticized for being able to guess the correct answer, then guessing is excluded here, since the answer fits into the space allotted for it. For example, a test element on the topic "Types of information"

1. What do you think, what type of information processed by a computer these pictures belong to:

___________ _________ ________ _________ ______

The use of tasks of this type is relevant for conducting ongoing checks on the assimilation of subject terminology, definitions, dates, formulas. In the 6th grade, it is good to use when testing knowledge

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