Why does a small child dream? Dream interpretation of a small child. Why do you dream about someone else’s child, a girl?

It is not at all surprising if young parents or those who are preparing to become children dream of children. But if you don’t have children, or they are already grown, but you dream about kids, such dreams can carry an important message. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to what a child and a girl dream about.

Dream books from different times and peoples disagree about what a girl dreams about. As a rule, in rigid patriarchal societies it is believed that a girl in a dream is not the most good sign. However, both Russian and European dream books assure: if you dreamed of a girl, then it is very important what she was like and what exactly happened.

  • For example, a girl could be born in a dream.
  • A female baby could be present in your dream.
  • It could be your daughter or a stranger's child.
  • It is worth paying attention to the vision in which twins were present.
  • It is important who dreamed of the girl - a woman or a man.
  • The interpretation of the dream will also depend on what exactly the girl was like in the dream - beautiful and joyful or unkempt and upset.
  • When you dream of a little girl, you can hold her in your arms, feed her, braid her hair, and so on.

As almost every dream book says, a girl in a dream means news and news. What signs about upcoming events you dream about can be understood if you analyze all the details.

Why do you dream about a child, a girl whose birth occurs in your dreams? The plot of such a dream is interpreted depending on who saw it. If such an event occurred in the night vision of a girl or unmarried woman, she needs to carefully monitor her behavior - lack of self-discipline can have an extremely negative impact on her reputation.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she gave birth to a daughter, some dream interpreters assure that the baby who will be born in reality will be female, and the birth will be favorable. Why does a woman dream of a newborn girl if she does not yet plan to have children? This vision means a lot good development events both on the personal front and in the career direction.

Vanga's dream book says that if a woman dreams of lungs, the coming events in reality will be joyful, and worries will bring pleasure. Why do you dream of a child (girl) born after a difficult birth? It is worth preparing for the fact that in the near future it will take a lot of effort to successfully resolve problems.

If a man imagines that his wife has given birth to a daughter, then in reality he will have a chance to realize his stunning idea and receive certain dividends for it. The reward will not necessarily be monetary - new horizons may open up for the sleeper or he may be accepted by a higher circle of people.

Seeing in a dream a girl who was born to a friend (for a woman) or to a stranger (for a man) is a warning. Firstly, you should not envy those who are close to you, so as not to spoil your relationships with people. Secondly, if you were planning to start a new project, you should postpone it - otherwise someone else will be able to benefit from the fruits of your labor.

  • A breastfeeding baby can also symbolize a pleasant surprise. As the pre-revolutionary writes Noble dream book, a child-girl comes in dreams, foreshadowing a “miracle.”
  • A baby looks into your eyes - your current romantic interest has good chances develop into long-term relationships.
  • If according to the plot of the dream infant- your daughter, such a vision can also portend troubles that will pass you just when it seems to you that they are about to fall on you.

Why do you dream of a child - a girl - not yours, but in your arms? If the baby is someone else's daughter, but the emotions were positive, then your friends may need your help. If the feeling of having to take care of a child was painful, in reality someone wants to shift their problems onto your shoulders, but you are quite capable of avoiding this.

Double Happiness

Often a baby does not appear alone in a dream. A dream where twins are present suggests that all omens for you are intensifying. If you dream about twin girls, this portends a good development of events both personally and financially.

The girl “in duplicate,” says Modern dream book, can also promise the sleeper the appearance of a reliable friend, on whom he can rely as on himself. If you dream of twins who are keeping secrets, it is quite possible that you will be able to “crank out” a very profitable, but not very legal business, which will end quite happily.

Why does a woman dream about a girl if she feels like this very little girl? For a woman, such a dream means that in reality she should grow up, says the French Dream Book. Why does a man, especially a childless one, dream about a little girl? This vision foreshadows an imminent pleasant and joyful meeting with friends or relatives who have not made themselves known for quite a long time.

Why do you dream of a little girl - beautiful and well-groomed? Interpreters believe: when you dream of well-groomed children, including a beautiful baby, this is a good sign associated with upcoming pleasant events. If the girl you dreamed of was disheveled and grimy, in reality it will be necessary to show extreme scrupulousness in business.

Why do you dream about the girl whom, according to the plot of the dream, you had to adopt? The psychological dream book says that adopting a child is a signal about strong feeling loneliness of the sleeper and the desire to take care of someone. The dream book warns: when getting rid of loneliness, you should not forget about moderation, and you should not take responsibility for the actions of others.

You are rocking the baby in your arms - this portends that your plans are quite labor-intensive, but feasible. Dreams in which you feed a little girl while holding her in your arms have a similar meaning - a difficult task will bring a solid income.

Do you feel in a dream that you have a baby in your arms? heat, - this portends recovery for one of the family members. Seeing an adult girl in your night dreams promises positive changes in life. Braiding a girl's hair is a sign of conversations in which a fair amount of frankness may be required from you.

As you can see, most dreams about girls are good and good dreams. And if they warn us about some upcoming difficulties, then we are quite capable of coping with these difficulties.

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Small children often evoke tenderness and the most pleasant emotions in us, both in dreams and in reality. Little girls look especially delightful in adorable dresses, with bows on their heads, resembling angels. Why is the little girl dreaming?

Why does a little girl dream according to Magini’s dream book?

In general, seeing a child in a dream is a good sign, which means that soon you will hear some good news or changes for the better. It’s especially good if you dream of a girl with a boy. For example, twins - in this case you can safely count on receiving interdependent benefits.

Small beautiful girl in a dream - to great joy and amazing news. Red-haired girl - you will also be amazed. What if you dreamed of a blond baby? In the near future you will receive support and help from your neighbor. This may come as a surprise. Seeing a girl with black hair symbolizes a mean blow that you did not expect to receive.

Many women dream of having children. “Why do I dream that I gave birth to a girl?” - this question often torments both adult ladies and young girls. The dream means that it is time to make an effort to implement your plan - this is a successful project and promises reward for your efforts. And for pregnant women, a dream with the birth of a girl promises an easy release from the burden. Pregnant women often get scared and ask: “Why am I dreaming about a little girl?” In any case, this is a good sign.

Seeing yourself as a little girl in a dream means confusion; perhaps the woman will find herself in a helpless position. Someone else’s girl in a dream is a surprise: you will be amazed by someone’s successes and income.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation according to Vanga’s dream book

The fortuneteller claims that for an accomplished adult mother who dreams of a baby girl, and especially her birth, this is a sign of fate. Soon she will again have to experience the feeling of falling in love and ardent passion.

Those who dream of pooped baby girls can rejoice - this means unexpected easy income or even regular profit.

Baby girl according to the modern dream book

A baby girl seen in a dream predicts the loss of loved ones - their imminent move or departure.

If you have been hatching plans for a long time and cannot begin to implement your plans, a dream with a little girl simply pushes you to determination - it’s time to act, now they can come true. For those who already have an adult unmarried daughter, the dream hints - prepare a dowry for her.

Seeing a little girl in a dream according to Miller's dream book

In Gustav Miller's book of dreams, a little girl is associated with joy and financial well-being. If the girl is beautiful and dressed smartly, this can be interpreted as an upcoming rapprochement of capital with your partners on their initiative. Otherwise, the thing you planned will take a different turn. Don’t be afraid of this, because even in this type of sleep there are no negative consequences.

If you dream of a crying girl, you need to take care of your health and take measures to prevent diseases.

I dreamed about a little girl - interpretation according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

It is important to pay attention to the mood of the little girl in your dream and how you behaved. If she is cheerful and cheerful, good luck awaits. The girl is capricious, whining - it’s okay: the luck will be imaginary and threatens to end in trouble. A crying girl can dream of pleasant surprises associated with receiving material benefits for your budget and additional income. If a sleeping person calms a girl, then, most likely, his problems in real life.

The meaning of the dream depends on who had the dream with the little girl - a man or a woman.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about a little girl? To what's coming soon future mom will give birth to a daughter, and this process will go well. For an unmarried man, such a dream promises parting with his bachelor life and finding his soul mate.

If you dream that a girl is talking to you, the surprise awaiting you will play an important role in life. Scold her - get ready for troubles, the culprit of which you yourself will become.

Dreaming with a little girl according to Hasse's dream book

I dreamed of a little girl in my arms - try to remember who was holding the child - if it is you, then the dream may mean the birth of a baby of the same gender as you.

Often a newborn girl in a dream symbolizes new idea or a project that requires your participation. Perhaps this indicates a budding relationship.

Nursing a baby for a woman - who has a dream subconsciously experiences a desire to have children; for men - similar feelings or fear of fatherhood.

A dream in which you saw a girl with long hair, can predict long way. At best, a pleasant journey.

Dream theme:

Interpreting dreams is a fascinating and interesting activity. If you enter in search engine in the vastness of the Internet, the query: “why do I dream about a child, a girl, whom I don’t have,” then there are a lot of possible answers. Often, users also try to find out: “What does a girl, whom I don’t have, warn about in a dream?”

What if I dream about a child, a girl I don’t have?

The note that the child in the dream turned out to be female is actually very important. Because of it, the entire interpretation can radically change. Most often, a dreaming baby warns a person that in the near future he will receive unexpected news, learn about some important events or phenomena. In addition, the sleeper may be very surprised for some reason. True, it is almost impossible to predict in advance whether the news will be good or bad. But, if you carefully analyze all the details of your own dream, you can find little things that are invisible at first glance, which will turn out to be a hint on this topic. You need to try to solve them correctly. A child laughing loudly probably indicates that the events that happened will please the person and lift his spirits for a long time.

If a little girl is seen by an adult, accomplished lady, who in a dream is having fun and childishly with the baby, then, most likely, many problems in her life arise due to excessive gullibility and too naive behavior. The dreamer should remember from time to time that she herself is no longer a child. She should learn to take responsibility (including for other people) and finally grow up. Of course, living “with rose-colored glasses” is always easier. But in this case, it is unlikely that others will take the woman seriously and trust her with any important, responsible matters and tasks. In fact, real life is not at all as bad and difficult as it might seem at first glance. You need to learn to look for joy in it and positive points, without hiding behind the image of a small and naive child.

If such a dream is seen by a girl who in reality is in " interesting position", then you should not attach much importance to the dream. Most likely, it is simply the result of the daytime thoughts and dreams of the young lady, who imagines the time when she will finally have her long-awaited daughter.

Often a girl seen sleeping by a child is the personification of the state of the sleeping person’s soul. Therefore, the first thing you should do is try to remember what the baby looked like, what condition she was in, what she did, what she talked about, etc. The child can point to best features character of the dreamer, which will help her achieve her goals in life, as well as hint at existing problems and mistakes. To improve your own life, all you have to do is correct them.

If a girl in a dream looks unhappy, tired, sad, then in reality the girl herself is probably very exhausted from work and/or everyday problems. It's time to finally go on vacation or just have a good rest this coming weekend. If you don't do this, you can easily lead yourself to serious stress and depression.

Sometimes a baby appears in a person’s dream if in real life he dreams of a daughter. This is true for both the fair sex and men. If the sleeper still cannot decide to finally acquire heirs and only dreams of them, then it is worth remembering that one day it may be too late to think about a family. There is no need to be afraid to take responsibility and radically change your own life. Yes, with a child everything will be different and much more difficult, but at the same time, happiness will also increase many times over. One smile from a baby can erase many problems and lift your spirits. If a girl has already appeared in a person’s dream, then it is likely that she may soon appear in his life in reality.

What does it portend?

If an unfamiliar little girl is dreamed of by a representative of the stronger sex who already has children and does not plan to expand his family, then this sign can be considered especially successful for businessmen and business people. He suggests that this is a favorable period for concluding the largest serious transactions and expanding the business. Surely everything will work out easily for the sleeper. In addition, the dream under discussion may foretell the dreamer the appearance of an assistant in his work. Your new friend will be strong influential person, which will help the sleeper cope with his enemies and any obstacles on the way to his goals. You should not refuse the services offered. Not to any negative consequences such outside help will not lead.

If a girl in a dream holds a wallet or money in her hands, then this portends the person having additional income. Thanks to him, the dreamer will be able to improve his financial situation and begin to live exactly as he has long dreamed of (without saving and limiting himself in everything). Of course, for this you will have to work actively, make a lot of effort and spend personal time. But the result is definitely worth it.

If the dreamed baby cries bitterly, then this is a negative sign. It suggests that the dreamer will have health problems. It is difficult to predict in advance which ones. Therefore, it is best to go to your doctor and get everything checked necessary tests, as well as undergo prescribed examinations. Prevention of existing ones is especially important chronic diseases. Otherwise, one of them may escalate and cause a lot of trouble and trouble for the sleeper.

If in a dream a person sees a child, a girl, but in reality does not have a daughter of his own, then the interpretations can be very different, both positive and negative. Therefore, first of all, you will need to remember as many details and details of your dream as possible.

There is no clear answer to the question of why a little girl dreams. When interpreting the image of a child, dream books advise taking into account how the baby looked and how she behaved (crying, being capricious or happy, playing). The feelings of the sleeper towards the girl are of great importance. If the dreamer experienced positive emotions from meeting her, the plot will have one meaning; if a person was unpleasant about her presence, the interpretation will take on the opposite interpretation. It also depends on whether the girl is dreaming about a man or a woman.

Crying girl

For a young woman, holding a capricious baby in her arms means fear of change. If a married lady dreams of a crying newborn, this speaks of daily hassle and bustle that obscure the path to the goal. Breastfeeding a baby to soothe a girl hints that you should pay attention to your health. If elderly woman holding a crying baby in his arms in a dream, this means a long illness.

A young guy sees a whining newborn as a sign of unpleasant problems. A married man dreams about crying girl makes it clear that serious changes will soon come, perhaps an addition to the family. It promises good news for an elderly person.

It is worth considering this symbol from several dream books:

  • English;
  • French;
  • Assyrian;
  • Russian ancient.

According to the English dream book, seeing a female baby at night and being happy means that good friends will help you overcome life difficulties. If you hold the baby in your arms, soothe her, or breastfeed, this speaks of the dreamer’s aspirations, which will bring good results. The French dream book gives the following interpretation: a little girl who dreams of being pregnant promises a difficult but favorable birth. When an unmarried woman saw a baby in a dream, it means that in the near future she will meet a good man, a quick marriage is possible. The Assyrian dream book predicts that the dreamer who sees a little girl will have a long journey to previously unknown places.

According to the Russian dream book, holding a crying baby in your arms means tears and losses.

Girl laughs and plays

If you dreamed of a beautiful smiling female child, then the sleeper will experience positive changes in life. Playing with a girl and communicating means an unexpected arrival of guests. If someone else's baby asks to be held, then you should expect cash receipts. When a man plays with his daughter in a dream, it means career growth or an addition to the family. A woman communicating with a cheerful, playing baby means unexpected pleasant changes.

If a girl is dressed in a beautiful red dress, this indicates serious love relationships, a passion that will completely capture the dreamer. Child in clothes white- waiting for the sleeping person a pleasant surprise. A yellow dress means a short separation from a loved one. A girl dressed in black means a positive solution to the money issue.

Russian old dream book offers this interpretation: if a man dreams of a baby playing and smiling, this indicates an addition to the family. For a woman, such a vision means loss and destruction of relationships. The Assyrian dream book says that cheerful child in a dream - this is an unexpected meeting that does not bode well. English believes that such a plot for an unmarried girl foreshadows a successful turn in life. For a man in adulthood, he promises a worthy proposal related to career growth, for a young guy - starting a family or the birth of his first child.

According to the French interpretation, a little girl playing comes to the darlings of fate in a dream. Its appearance means fame and fortune in the near future.


Sick or dead child, seen in a dream, is a serious warning for the sleeper. If the appearance of a deceased girl frightens a person, then it is urgent to take care of their health. A baby who is sick and lying on the bed speaks of losses and experiences that will cause serious stress or nervous breakdown. Dead in your arms means that the dreamer is in real danger from enemies. If you see a pregnant baby in a dream, you should be wary of women's gossip. The fear of an unmarried girl who saw such a dream indicates that there is an unpleasant person in her circle who wants to upset the dreamer’s plans.

If the appearance of a sick child does not cause any emotions in the sleeping person, then unpleasant news from afar will affect close relatives.

A dead girl in a coffin promises a difficult time.

The image of a sick baby, according to the Assyrian dream book, foreshadows a long illness. If a man sees an unhealthy child, this means a dangerous injury in a fight or battle. For a woman, such a dream symbolizes the collapse of all hopes and material troubles. English dream book considers a dead baby as a sign of misfortune and tragedy. An old Russian dream book promises the dreamer a crop failure and poverty in the next two years.

If you dreamed of a child, then you definitely need to remember whether the dream was a boy or a girl. Besides great importance has and who exactly dreamed of the child.

Having seen a child in a dream, you should definitely find out why a girl is dreaming about a child and what to expect from such a dream.

What if the baby is a girl?

In most cases, such a dream means that in reality one should expect some unexpected events, as well as surprises, and it is completely unknown what kind they will be, positive or negative. This can only be determined by additional details that are present in the dream.

If an adult woman dreams of a little girl, and in her dream she associates herself with the girl, then such a dream means that, probably, in the very near future she will have a very strong surprise, which is associated with material expenses. Most likely, the problems will be associated with the woman herself, because the dream indicates her somewhat naive and childish behavior.

In general, the girl who was seen in a dream adult woman, as if personifies the state of her soul, which is why she should pay close attention to her image, appearance, as well as behavior. This is what will help her realize what positive character traits she has, or pay attention to existing problems and try to solve them in the best possible way. in the best possible way and very quickly.

In addition, a dream in which a woman sees a little girl may indicate pregnancy in the very near future. But if you dream about the birth of a girl, then this may symbolize the beginning of a new, happy relationship.

If a man dreams of a girl, then such a dream means that he will soon have very strong support in his business life.

After such a dream, it is best to immediately begin to lead business meeting, because the probability of success of such negotiations is very high.

If you dream that a little girl enters the house, then this may mean nothing more than that you will definitely need to expect guests soon. In a dream, there is no need to prevent and allow the child to enter the house, because otherwise, although not significant, but quite noticeable troubles may arise in life.

If you dreamed that a girl was talking about something, then such a dream means that additional income will certainly appear soon and indicates material well-being. If the conversation is long and thoughtful, then the chances of making a profit increase greatly.

If you dream that a girl is crying, then this may symbolize a deterioration in her health and that is why it is worth additionally carrying out the prevention of various existing chronic diseases, or doing a full in-depth examination of the body.

If you dream that a child is a girl bathing, then this may be a symbol of the beginning of a very favorable period for any changes in life.

What does it portend?

At the same time, you can additionally master a completely new profession or start engaging in a new hobby.

If the child is cheerful and cheerful, then this may be a symbol of the fact that many new friends will soon appear, or a new mutual love which will bring happiness.

If you dream that a girl is walking on the street alone, then this may mean that the person who sees such a dream is completely independent and has nothing to fear, but should achieve his goals and maintain an active life position all the time.

If a woman dreamed that she was lulling and nursing a child, then this may be a sign that she may soon be deceived by those whom she trusts most and even by the most devoted and faithful friends They will be able to turn away at the most inopportune moment.

It is very bad to see a sick child in a dream, especially if you dream about your own daughter, because this means that the person who dreamed about this will suffer greatly and be tormented by mental anguish.

A dream in which a girl dreams that she is taking her first steps certainly means that in real life, the person who dreamed about this can fully rely on his own strengths and at the same time not at all rely on the opinions of others.

If you dream that a woman is giving birth to a child, this undoubtedly means wealth and additional profit. If the girl in the dream is plump and strong, then this means that soon there will be pleasant troubles, but if, on the contrary, the girl is thin and weak, then troubles should be expected.

But basically, seeing a child in a dream is always some kind of sign from above, which can portend troubles.

But do not forget that there are dreams that do not mean anything at all, they only display and symbolize what a person was thinking about before going to bed.
