Urine incontinence in the elderly. Urinary incontinence in elderly women: treatment and causes of appearance

Most elderly women are familiar characteristic symptoms Incontinetics - urination that is not controlled by the force of will. About 80% of patients entered into menopause suffer from urinary function disorders. Not all representatives of beautiful sex are asking for help to a doctor, exacerbating the situation and provoking the development of complications.

Urinary incontinence classification:

  • False. This is due to congenital or purchased urethra defects, bladder or ureter (for example, a total urethra epispadic, the result of injury - blade and ectopy of the ureter's mouth).
  • True (not related to the presence of gross defects).

Causes and factors provoking development

The incontinence of Urin in old age is often a diagnosed female disease. The reasons for senile incontinence of urine lies not only in age-related changes organism. Several types of urination disorders are isolated, each of which has a certain soil:

  1. Stress incontinence. Symptoms of this pathology can be seen during physical activity, as well as with sneezing and laughter. In the elderly, the problem occurs in 30 - 40% of cases;
  2. Imperative or urgent incontinence. The manifestations of this type of illness are familiar 15 - 20% of people. Disorder is a consequence increased tone Bladder. The pathology adversely affects external irritating factors, such as flowing water, cold air temperature, the use of hot drinks, etc.;
  3. Unprompected selection of temporary urine (transient).

If an elderly person has symptoms of such a disorder from time to time, it is advisable to make analysis. It is necessary to identify infectious inflammatory defeat, affecting the bladder or urethra - Urethra. In the elderly women, imperative urges for urination can also be associated with inflammation of the vagina and, as a rule, are accompanied by burning.

Consequence transferred diseases gOOD SYSTEM Can be enjoyed - urinary incontinence manifested during sleep. The disorder of excretory function also leads strong emotional shocks and some pathology of the central nervous system: Parkinson's disease, stroke.

The ladies who joined menopause may face the disease in view of the decline in estrogen - female sex hormones produced by ovaries. Hormonal imbalance provokes atrophic changes The cervix and fabric of the urethra canal.

Incoming urine release can be a consequence of a mechanical obstacle to its normal outflow. Tumors and concrections are localized in the bladder or urethra are capable of providing imbalance urinary function

The development of the disease contributes to some habits Risk factors:

  1. Regular use of carbonated and containing caffeine beverages.
  2. Insufficient amount of coarse fiberglass food in the diet and, as a result, frequent constipation.
  3. Climax associated hormonal restructuring of the body.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.
  5. Occupation defined species Sports.
  6. Chronic inflammatory process in a small pelvis.
  7. Smoking and accompanying cough.
  8. Reducing the overall muscular tone.
  9. Gynecological operations.
  10. Rapid, protracted or traumatic childbirth.
  11. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Therapeutic course

It is especially difficult to control incontinence from very old people. In the elderly, all organism systems weak, decreases protective function Immunity. The aging does not bypass the side and the bladder: weakens the tone of his muscles, and the walls of the organ thicken, losing the ability to stretch.

In order for the treatment of age incontinence of urine in women, it is necessary to visit the doctor and pass the necessary tests.

Hormonal failure leads to a decrease in the tone of the bladder, so the body loses the ability to hold normal number Urin. Urination disorder in older women may arise due to omitting and providing urethra, since the lack of female sex hormones can affect the urethra. For elimination delicate problem The doctor selects special drugs that contribute to the restoration of estrogen levels.

Relaxing agents help to cope with pathology laser technique treatment not requiring hospitalization or rehabilitation period. The adjustment with the laser is carried out for half an hour, helps strengthen collagen of vaginal tissue and quickly eliminate the symptoms of the ailment.

Treatment chronic diseases Requires regular reception of tablets that often become the cause of symptoms of incontinence. Such a side effect is observed from antihistamines, diuretic drugs and soothing drugs. A pronounced urination disorder may disappear after the abolition of unsuitable medicines.
If the development of incontinence contributes to the pathogenic microflora, antibiotic therapy is shown.

Complex exercise

There are special exercises designed to solve a delicate problem. We should not forget that the gymnastics should be done regularly, otherwise the long-awaited relief may not come.

Female urinary incontinence is adjusted by alternate reduction and relaxation of muscles supporting normal urination. This technique is called the Gymnastics of Kegel. Performing exercises daily, the first results can be noticed in a month. The duration of the total occupation rate is about 6 months.

Treatment of herbs

Many women, facing the first symptoms of illness, are trying to treat the incontinencies on their own. Recipes folk Medicine Well complement physiotherapy and drug treatment, but it is not recommended to apply them without coordination with the attending physician and to clarify the causes of pathology.

To eliminate the impact disorder that occurred during the menopause helps the brushing leaves and the Hypericum. For its preparation, you will need 2 tbsp. l. Berries and leaf lingers and 2 tbsp. l. dried hunter. The resulting mixture is poured with 3 glasses of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Herbal decoction Fix and drink 3 times a day before meals.

Lamberry sheets are rich in phytoncides - active substanceswho destructively affect microorganisms, causing diseases Bladder

Surgical methods

In some cases, medications do not bring the expected effect and the quality of life of a woman continues to decline. If this happened, it is necessary to pay attention to other ways of treating the disease, for example, on modern surgical methods (Fixation pelvic dna with the help of synthetic materials, elimination of anatomical defects, etc.).

Relaxation of the urinary bubble sphincter, which caused the resulting councils, is not amenable to conservative treatment. Tablets will not restore the normal excretory function until the neoplasses are removed.

How to prevent disease and prevent the development of complications

So that the symptoms of pathology did not affect normal life rhythm, older women should carefully monitor the body's condition. Preventive recommendations will avoid problems with urinary function:

  1. The bladder must be completely empty, even if there is no urgent need to visit the restroom.
  2. Products containing a large amount of sugar, not the best way affect the functioning excretory system. Tomatoes, citrus and milk have a similar effect.

Alcohol is rendered irritant on the bladder, so drinks containing alcohol must be excluded from the menu

  1. We should avoid lifting weights and unbearable physical labor.
  2. It is impossible to limit the amount of fluid consumed. Some women drink very little water, hoping that such a measure will help avoid frequent urges to the toilet. However, dehydration will lead to the opposite effect - urine will become concentrated, and therefore irritation of the bladder increases. Probability of development bacterial infection Also increase. If the symptoms of incontinence occur mainly during sleep (enuresis), you can shorten the volume of fluid on the night.
  3. Hygienic means (soap, toilet paper, bath fillers) should not be color and highly flavored.
  4. The pressure rendered on the urinary system is often associated with the acquisition of a woman of excess kilograms. Having got rid of excess weight, patients often celebrate significant relief.


Any type of urine incontinence requires competent treatment. The causes of pathology are diverse, so it is impossible to independently select the therapeutic course. Only a specialist can be prescribed or recommended the operation, collecting a full history of the disease.

Inconteintion or urinary incontinence is a pathology that violates natural urination control. This disease is quite common, it affects approximately 25% of the population of the Earth. As a rule, no chance is striking more than women, but it is also found in men. The uncontrolled urine release is unnatural for a person at any age, so the disease requires medication treatment. Except candles, creams and other pharmacological meansThe doctors usually prescribe pills from urine incontinence. About these effective tools And it will be discussed in this article.

The complexity of the incontinencies is that there are many reasons for the appearance of this ailment. Initially, it is necessary to define them, and only then determine which pills from urine incontinence to assign a patient. In each case, individual therapy is required, which positively affects the body. Doctors allocate several varieties of uncontrolled urination:

  • incorrect stressful urination is found almost half of the patients. Watering is distinguished when laughing, sneezing, cough or during physical exertion. Such a violation occurs at elevated intra-abdominal pressure, which appears due to a reduced amount of collagen in pelvic ligaments;
  • urgent incontinence is observed in 20% of patients. Such pathology is characterized by a sharp call for urination and its spontaneous allocation. Urine leak can occur simultaneously with the call or after it. Undage occurs due to increased pressure inside the bladder and reduced pressure of the urethra;
  • mixed type is diagnosed by almost 30% of patients. The disease is manifested with a laugh, cough or sneezing, simultaneously with which a strong urination occurs. Deals appear under the above reasons;
  • incontinence caused by additional diseases urine system, with diabetes or violation of the spine;
  • arbitrary urination can develop as sociality After taking medication drugs.

At the reception, the specialist will collect all the necessary data on the patient state. After that, the course of surveys will be appointed, which will help determine the cause of the development of incontinence. And on the basis of the data received, the doctor will be able to determine how to treat a parable and individually select best scheme Therapy.

Urinary incontinence - pills for men

The main causes of incontinuations in men are age-related changes, stress and various diseases of the genitourinary system (adenoma, impotence, kidney stones and various infections). As a rule, some diseases are well treatment, but it will take time for others, since incontinence can simply be one of the symptoms. However, to reduce the frequency of arbitrary urination, the attending physician can recommend special pills. Today there are many such drugs, the most effective are presented below:

  • Alpha blockers stimulate the relaxation of the prostate and bladder. Thanks to such properties, urine is normalized. Such drugs are prescribed if detected benignant tumor Prostates (Gitrin, Zoxon, Omnik, Cardure, Dalfaz, Osulosin, Nethegis);
  • Blockers 5-alpha reductase. The composition of drugs includes finasteride and dutteride. Tablets effectively normalize the dimensions prostatic gland, which allows you to significantly reduce arbitrary urination (Penester, Finast, Avodart, Overdiction);
  • antidepressants tricyclic based on imipramine. Medicinal products are qualitatively relaxed by muscle tissue and stop the nerve impulses that provoke spasm in the bladder (depthonil, apoto-imipramine, villaagon, pinch);
  • antispasmodic drugs are quickly relaxing muscles and reduce the frequency of convulsion in the bladder (Dipridge, Enabers, Detubrusitol, Pro-Banta, Detrol La).

If the disease did not cause serious violations in the body, then a specialist can recommend homeopathic drugs Based on natural herbs. Recommended to take Enoran, super optimal or urilan. All drugs must only be prescribed by the doctor, it takes into account the overall condition of the patient and will be able to recommend optimal therapy.

Incoming urination - Preparations for women

After inspection and complete diagnostics, the doctor will be able to establish accurate diagnosison the basis of which you can assign effective therapy. The reasons for the development of urinary incontinence quite a lot, therefore careful examinationwill allow it to determine and start therapy. As a rule, the doctor prescribes such drugs, depending on the causative agent of the disease:

  • the antidepressant group qualitatively removes the stress in the muscles of the urethra. Thanks to this impact, the urges in the toilet are significantly reduced, and the ability to keep urine (duloxetine, imipramine) is developing;
  • antispasmodic drugs, effectively remove inflammation, increase the time of the urine cluster time and control the nerve impulses in the bladder walls (tuber, spasm, oxybutin);
  • hormonal pills are prescribed when lacking female hormone estrogen. As a rule, such a complication occurs during menopause. Reception hormonal drugs Return normal work urogenital system and helps to eliminate urine incontinence (desmopressin);
  • anticholinergic medicines contribute to contractual activity muscular system In urinary channels, which does not allow arbitrarily allocated urine (ephedrine).

Drugs from urinary incontinence should only be prescribed to the doctor. All of them have a number of contraindications, the poet should not be engaged in self-medication, and it is better to entrust your health by a specialist. All drugs that help control the selection of urine must be taken no more than 1-2 months. All of them are addictive and over time cease to provide initial effect. It is important to regularly change and correctly select the course of treatment.

Elder incontinence - which pills drink

Arbitrary urination in the elderly age is found more than half of the patients. All these people need proper care, from the side of loved ones and medical personnel. This pathology Developed due to sharp reductions of the bladder and urethra. Also, the cause can be a variety of infections of the urogenital system. In addition, the elderly decreases physical activity, which contributes to the development of senile incontinence. Women are faced with such a problem during the climax period. However, all these features can be eliminated if you seek timely medical help. As a rule, the doctor recommends following tablets For the elderly:

  • Procatepic;
  • Oxybutinin;
  • Nifedipine;
  • Trimeter, in the presence of infection;
  • Amitripptipin;
  • Jerk
  • Detroliptol.

The therapy of the elderly is carried out individually, while the patient features are taken into account. Complement the treatment special exercisesthat help strengthen the muscles. If there excess weightthen you need to lose overweight. Specialists recommend drinking more liquid and include cranberry juice in the diet.

Urinary incontinence (or in-law) is perceived by many as a typical pathology senile age. Indeed, more than half of women suffer from this disease after 70-80 years. However, such a problem arises not only in older women, but also after delivery, on late time Pregnancy, after some operations and even in stressful situations.

The problem causes many inconveniences and restrictions in everyday life, leads to uncertainty, depressive states, closers, violations in sexual relations. Unfortunately, not all women are solved in time to seek medical care, silent about the ailment or looking for dubious funds of traditional medicine. You can only overcome pathology using competent treatment.

Causes of the disease

There are many factors that can provoke incontinuations. Among them, several main reasons can be distinguished:

  • pregnancy period and after the birth of a child when an enlarged uterus has high blood pressure on the organs of the small pelvis;
  • long stressful states;
  • age changes that cause a decrease in the elasticity of ligaments and muscle tone;
  • surgical operations on small pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, straight intestine) complicated by the appearance of fistula or.

A number of diseases should be noted in which urine incontinence is one of the symptoms. it diabetes, the presence of stones in the bladder, multiple sclerosis, stroke. Provoke pathological state Some drugs can (for example, diuretics), abuse of strong tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages, smoking, overweight. Even W. healthy woman Preparations S. high content Estrogen or antidepressants can cause problems with retention of urinary urges. After canceling these drugs, this state passes without treatment.

In women older than 50 years, urine incontinence can be hereditary. Availability B. childhood Enurisy years later can also act as a predisposing factor in senile incontinence.

Types of pathology

IN modern medicine Several types of urination disorders are isolated. Their classification reflects the features different casesmaking it impossible to control the process from the patient.

  • Stressing urinary incontinence

This state belongs to the most common. Unbleased selection arise during even minor physical exertion, with coughing and sneezing, when jumping and running, lifting weights, laughter. The main reason is the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic bottom.

  • Imperative urinary incontinence

Or the urgent - can be caused by the hyperactivity of the bladder. His nervous endings instantly react to the slightest exterior stimuli: water noise, bright light. The desire to reckon occurs suddenly when a woman cannot keep the process under control. Incontinence can be caused by cerebral diseases, hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes in the bladder.

  • Night incontinence of urine (enuresis)

It is more common among small children suffering from excessive nervous excitability. But there are often cases of development of pathology in women in old age, as well as more young representatives of weak gender.

Easy urinary incontinence arising at night may be caused by change hormonal background, psychological injuries, diseases of organs urinary system. Enurperse can occur after childbirth at the birth of twins or a child with a large weight.

The impossibility to control the process of urination does not always indicate a complete bladder. A small amount of urine can go through a jet or drop by drops.

  • Mixed incontinence

There is about a third of cases of pathology. This species Disorders combines symptoms of incontinence during physical exertion and urgent urge to urination. It is characterized by more frequent urge to urination - more than 8-10 times in daytime and more than once at night. This pathology often appears after childbirth or after transferred traumatic lesions A small pelvis organs.

  • Permanent incontinence

With this form of the invitation, the flow of several drops (leakage) occurs with small breaks during the day, regardless of physical voltage.

Manifestation of the disease in the period of menopause

Operational treatment

What to do, if conservative treatment did not give effective results? In these cases, small operations are prescribed. The main indicators for surgical intervention - urgent and stress incontinence. A number of contraindications should be taken into account. The operation does not conduct pregnant women, in the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system, patients who take drugs for blood dilution.

After preliminary consultation The urologist and therapist Sling operation are carried out under local anesthesia. On the front wall of the vagina, the loop is installed, which will support the bladder in proper position. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes. To control the process of urination, a catheter is installed, which is removed in a day or two after manipulation. After extracting the catheter, a number of women mark minor painful feelingswho are easily eliminated by painkillers.

The recovery period lasts from two weeks to a month. A woman should be in a state of physical and sexual rest, avoid lifting weights, intensive sports, driving a car. Sexy life Allowed no earlier than in a month.

Sometimes complications may occur:

  • bladder injuries;
  • bleeding;
  • development inflammatory processFor its prevention, the course of antibiotics is prescribed;
  • problems with urination immediately after the operation;
  • disorders of the intestine.

Conducting operation B. medical institution With a good reputation, excludes the risk of developing complications and makes surgical interference with absolutely safe for health.

Laser therapy

Laser impact is one of the most effective techniques for the normalization of urination. Using pulses, the walls of the vagina and the urethra can be processed. The treatment of urinary incontinence with a laser pulls the walls of the bladder, making them more elastic. The method has many advantages. It is painless, safe for the patient, does not require the observance of a long reducing period.

According to statistics, more than 90% of patients note positive results after sessions. laser therapy. The laser does not apply with strong omitting of the vagina, the dipping of the uterus, if there is in the body malignant tumors and bleeding. One of the contraindications is age older than 60 years.

Funds of traditional medicine

You can deal with the problem of urinary incontinence using folk remedies. Using ordinary medicinal herbs, it is easy to prepare champs and infusions that will help reduce the activity of symptoms without using medication treatment.

Folk remedies will be effective from urinary incontinence during their regular use and compliance with power rules. However, it should be borne in mind that the use of infusions and decoctions is not effective with an urgent incontinence arising during climax, age changes or the presence of inflammatory processes.

  • Dill seeds

Two tablespoons of the seeds pour 0.5 liters of hot water and leave to benty for the night. In the morning the infusion obtained is filtered and drinking before eating. The duration of treatment is 10 days. After a ten-day break, treatment is repeated.

  • Lamberry

For the preparation of medication take dry berries and leaves of the plant. They are crushed, add the same number of hormour grass, poured boiling water and maintained in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Take the decoction should be three times a day.

  • Elecampane

The root of the plant is poured boiling water, hold at least a quarter of an hour on a slow fire, insist in a darkened place for several hours, a small amount of honey adds. The resulting mixture is drinking 2-3 times a day.

  • Corn silk

2-3 teaspoons of cornflowers are poured boiling water, withstand a quarter of an hour or more, filter. Accept the resulting decoction several times a day at about half a glass with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

  • Shepherd bag

Two tablespoons of crushed grass insist in a glass of cool boiled water, filter. Take a tablespoon several times a day. This means Effectively with night incontinence.

Many patients also celebrate the effectiveness of the following domestic funds:

  • cold Baran cooked from Karina's bark, Elm, ash;
  • reception to breakfast glasses of fresh carrot juice;
  • use several times a day the chopping of crushed dill seeds;
  • included in the tea menu prepared from young twigs of cherry or cherry.

Treatment by folk remedies confirms its effectiveness for many years. However, if a woman does not see a significant improvement after passing the course, you should consult a doctor to appoint more effective methods or surgical treatment. Self-medication for a long time may be dangerous to health.

Changes in lifestyle and prevention

When a similar problem appears, a woman has to make certain adjustments to their lifestyle. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to personal hygiene. To avoid irritation and infection of the skin, after the shower should be treated by the affected areas with moisturizing anti-inflammatory creams or drugs. Well, if they contain vaseline, lanolin or cocoa butter. During the adoption of the soul, it is necessary to use warm, but not hot water.

Many women have to give up some of the joys of life because of the concerns of the leakage and smell. You use absorbent protective gaskets to protect and eliminate these problems. Also in pharmacies you can purchase special underwear. It should be regularly changed and washed.

Prevention of urine incontinence involves compliance with the following measures:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to lift gravity exceeding 5 kg, it causes excessive tension of the muscles of the pelvic region and serves as a provoking factor in the development of pathology.
  2. Under any circumstances, monitor the full emptying of the bladder, not to postpone the process "for later."
  3. Monitor your food, prevent overeating.
  4. To identify and treat inflammatory diseases urinary system.
  5. Be active, observe the mode of the day, which includes sports, visiting the pool, walks.
  6. Follow the timely emptying of the intestine, fight constipation.
  7. Ensure a favorable emotional atmosphere, avoid stressful situations, chronic lack of sleep, increased physical and psychological loads.
  8. Control the amount of drilled liquid (1.5-2 liters per day).
  9. Monitor the mandatory empty of the bladder before bedtime.
  10. Do not abuse sweet carbonated drinks, packaged juices, strong tea, coffee and alcohol.
  11. Regularly visit the urologist.
  12. Perform for prophylaxis.

Special attention is listed preventive measures It should be given to future mothers and women in the climax. A great value has an emotional positive attitude.

Urinary incontinence is a disease that requires careful prolonged treatment. Only comprehensive therapy Together with changes in daily mode and nutrition, it will eliminate pathology and return the opportunity to lead the usual lifestyle.

Nobody is insured against aging. From a certain age, each person begins to notice a gradual deterioration general status. Over time, pathological disorders begin to develop in the body, appear various aids. One of the most common problems is urine incontinence. This pathology is reflected on the quality of human life. In this article, we will look at why it appears in men, as you can fight with it.

general information

Implanting is a condition characterized by uncontrolled urine release against the background of violation of the operation of urinary bodies. Such a disorder is several times more often observed among representatives of the beautiful gender than men. One of the predisposing factors is pregnancy. The risk of developing pathology increases as the body aging. The incontinence of urine in elderly men is a fairly common problem that requires comprehensive qualified assistance. It is not always it is an inevitable state for elderly people.

Injection of urine refers to the category of insufficiently diagnosed disorders, as a result of which the effectiveness of treatment is noticeably reduced. Today, more than 200 million people are familiar with such a diagnosis, 25% of whom are men. According to statistics, about a third of the patients wakes up among the nights repeatedly to go to the toilet. At the same time, every eighth declares that urination occurs before it comes to the restroom.

The problem of treating men with such pathology is that only units are ready to talk about it. Two thirds of patients who experience this kind of disorder do not receive high-quality therapy and do not use aids to eliminate it.

Causes of incontinence

Among the main reasons for the incontinence of urine in men of old age, two types of disorders are disturbed: the pathology of the central nervous system and diseases affecting the prostate gland.

Each disorder or injury, which is accompanied by nerve damage, can lead to incontinence. The risk group includes the following categories of men:

The common cause of this pathology is the defeat to their number include the following:

  • Benign hyperplasia. With the development of the disease, the prostate begins to squeeze the ureter, which leads to a violation of urination.
  • Total prostatectomy. This is the most common and at the same time an effective method for the treatment of prostate cancer. The side effects of the operation are erectile dysfunction, as well as incontinence.
  • The influence of ionizing radiation.

Manifestations of incontinence

Pathology is accompanied permanent sensation Presence foreign bodies in urethra, frequent urges to urination, feeling incomplete emptiness bubble. As a result of constant moistening of the skin, the urine appears anelity, dermatitis, and infectious processes are joined to them.

The complication of incontinence can be considered so-called hypodynamic obesity, since a person loses the ability to maintain a full-fledged physical activity regime. Due to lack calm sleep Fatigue and insomnia appear. The main problem still remains psychological discomfort due to incontinence.

When described symptoms, it is necessary to seek help to a doctor. Only after the comprehensive survey, the specialist will be able to confirm the diagnosis of "urinary incontinence". In men of elderly, treatment in most cases is effectively. If you neglect the problem and postpone a visit to the doctor every time, not to avoid complications.

Varieties incontinence

Depending on the root causes, involuntary urination can be:

  1. Stress. In response to physical load, cough or laughter is allocated small volumes of urine. Stress incontinence arises due to the weakening of the pelvic bottom organs.
  2. Urgent. Incontinence appears on the background increased activity Bladder. Pathology, as a rule, provoke external stimuli (water noise, washing dishes, cold season).
  3. Transient. A sharp calling for urination arises so quickly that a person does not have time to reach the toilet. In the elderly, the pathology of this species can be conjugate with the infectious inflammatory lesion of the bladder.
  4. Incontinence overflow. This is a rare form of disorder. In most cases, its appearance is due to the hyperplasia of the prostate gland of benign nature.

Many men have several types of incontinence at the same time.

Medical examination

The treatment of urinary incontinence in older men implies primarily the definition of the cause of the disorder. For diagnostics use certain tests and analyzes. The scope of the required studies determines the doctor individually, based on the symptoms and the type of illness.

  • Diary of urination. The use of records allows you to control the amount of fluid consumed and the emptying frequency of the bubble.
  • Analysis of urine. Helps to identify the presence of bacterial flora and blood impurities, as well as diagnose diabetes mellitus.
  • Ultrasound bladder, kidneys.
  • Warofloumometry. Allows you to determine the volume of the selected urine, its speed and time that is required for completely emptying the bubble.
  • Profilometer. During the diagnosis, the pressure in the urethra canal.

When the urinal system of the urologist cannot detect disorders, he directs the patient to a neuropathologist. Based on the results of analyzes, doctors can confirm the diagnosis of urinary incontinence. In men of elderly, the treatment of this disorder is comprehensive and includes several methods of therapy at the same time. They described in more detail just below.


The struggle with incontinence should begin with eliminating stressful activity. For this, men are recommended to sleep at least nine hours a day. Better better no later than 11 pm. Before bedtime should not smoke or eat alcoholic beveragesSince this affects the tone of the muscles of the urinary system. If at this time fails to fall asleep, you can take a soothing infusion or decoction. For these purposes, the motherboard, tea with Melissa, Valeriana, is perfectly suitable.

Proper nutrition

Changing the usual diet is an important stage Fighting such pathology as urinary incontinence in elderly men. Treatment at home does not imply compliance with a strict diet, but some rules still have:

  1. It is necessary to eliminate sharp and marinated dishes, as well as all spices.
  2. Salted and sweet products fall under strict control.
  3. You should try to refuse drinks with caffeine.
  4. Power base when incontinence - products with fiber. If the intestines will be fully empty, it will not put pressure on the bladder.

In general, doctors recommend adhering to standard rules. healthy nutrition. The diet should consist of non-fat varieties meat and fish, large number of fresh vegetables, equal milk products. Power intake is necessary to correct body weight and overweight. After all, it is the last problem that is predisposing to the emergence of incontinence by a factor.

Exercises of Kegel

This set of exercises is recommended by many specialists with such a disorder, as urinary incontinence in elderly men. Treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating spontaneous urination. To do this, it is necessary to strain and alternately relax the muscles of the crotch.

Initially, it should be determined where exactly they are. To do this, you need to try to dramatically stop the process of urination and remember the sensations. After that, you can move directly to the exercises yourself. It is necessary to strain the pelvic muscles for 3 seconds, and then relax at the same time. Gradually, you can increase the time interval.

Medical therapy

If using the methods described above, it is not possible to eliminate urinary incontinence in older men, the treatment complicate. Also, drug therapy is prescribed in infectious or neurological etiology of disorder. To eliminate disorders use:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Alpha blockers ("Terasosin", "Warrystral"). These drugs are prescribed to combat incontinence caused by an increase in the size of the prostate gland.
  • Antispasmodics to relax the bladder.
  • Some antidepressants ("Duloxetin", "imipramine").

Duration medical therapy Usually does not exceed three months. If, after a while, the doctor re-analyzes the diagnosis of urinary incontinence, the elderly men resume treatment with tablets.

Surgical intervention

In most cases, thanks medical treatment Implanting manages to achieve positive dynamics. In the ineffectiveness of such therapy is assigned operational intervention. Tactics of treatment is determined depending on the form of disorder and the results of previous attempts to combat the ailment. The operation usually requires patients with paradoxical / stress incontinence. Can be performed next species Interventions:

  1. Implantation of the artificial form of the sphincter. In the crotch zone, the surgeon makes a small incision by which the silicone prosthesis introduces into the urethra. It consists of a cuff, pump and a tank with sterile liquid. The pumping of the cuff prevents urine outlet.
  2. Sling operation. Under the ureasual channel itself, the doctor places a loop from an inert material. The main function is to raise urethra a little. Thus, intra-abdominal pressure will not be reflected on it.
  3. The introduction of a special gel into one of the walls of the urethra.

Cancer is one of the main reasons why urinary incontinence develops in elderly men. Drugs with such a diagnosis are usually ineffective, so the bubble is removed. but human body It cannot fully function without this organ. From part of the intestine make an artificial version of the bubble, and the ureters are sewn into it. It will open on the front abdominal wall, so the urinary in this area is additionally placed.

Using the varints described above surgical intervention It is possible to completely eliminate the incontinence of urine in the elderly men.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many patients do not trust conservative therapy and prefer to use recipes for treatment folk drugs. Such an approach takes place, but it must be advised to consult a doctor. Below are the most popular treatment options by folk remedies.

Sage is considered medicinal planthealing from many ailments. To prepare a decoction from incontinence, it will take 40 g of dry grass. The mixture must be pouring a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Accept the decoction is recommended for one glass three times a day.

Yarrow is occupied everywhere. It is actively used in his practice. folk healers. If it is necessary to get rid of you will need 10 g of grass to pour the glass of water. The resulting mixture must be boiled about 10 minutes. After the decoction is imagining, it can be taken 150 g three times a day.


How to prevent urinary incontinence in senior men? Treatment (tablets, operation, folk remedies), presented in the materials of this article, requires patience and time. This is especially true of cases when patients postpone a visit to a specialist every time.

So that you do not have to face this problem, you need to periodically pass comprehensive examination organism. When identifying pathologies and diseases of the urinary sphere, it is impossible to neglect treatment. Otherwise, hazardous complications may develop, the main symptom of which is incontinence.

IN preventive events The key role belongs to the strengthening of the muscles of the pelvis and the fight against excess weight. It is very difficult to influence the remaining factors.


Now you know what should be with the diagnosis of urinary incontinence in the elderly men's treatment. Reviews of many patients testify that this problem can be dealt with. The main thing about this issue is to reveal the disorder and clearly follow medical recommendations. Be healthy!

Many factors affect the development of urinary bubble dysfunction and urinary incontinence in old age, including hormonal restructuring of the body, lifestyle, side effects of adopted drugs, medical and surgical conditions and conditions.

Many older women have urine incontinence develop gradually for a long period. The process can begin in the period of menopause. With age, when the body undergoes the decline of functional activity, the symptoms of urine incontinence deteriorate, turning into a serious medical problem.

Urinary incontinence imposes a serious imprint on the identity of an elderly womanWhat affects its social interactions, self-esteem and satisfaction with life. It also increases the risk of increased concern and anxiety, depression and self-insulation. From a medical point of view, urine incontinence increases the risk of dermatitis, secondary infections of the genitourinary system, laying out, sleep disorders. It is believed that the involuntary expiration of urine is one of the most common chronic diseases among the elderly women. Sure, great importance It also has the features of the anatomy of the urinary system of a woman, and the presence of a history of labor natural waywhich lead to weakening or damage to the pelvic bottom. A group of scientists spent interesting research. When polling 189 nuns, average age which amounted to 68 years, it was found that 50% of them were disturbed by urination. According to elderly houses from 60% to 78% of older women suffer from urinary incontinence.

Types of urine incontinence in older women

There are several types of incontinence that occur by different reasons. The most common urgent incontinence associated with uncontrolled spasms of the muscles of the bladder is most common, which makes the elderly person literally run to the toilet because of a sudden desire to reckon. It is also often encountered with stress incontinence when an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during cough, sneezing, exercise leads to urine leak.

Picture. Types of urinary incontinence in older women.

Unfortunately, often among the elderly, the functional type of disease is also observed, when as a result of accompanying severe physical or mental diseases and immobility, as well as lack of care, old man Can not visit the toilet.

Significantly deteriorates the phenomena of urinary incontinence in older women in the presence of other chronic diseases. Physical I. mental diseases, the lack of help of relatives and loved ones (if such assistance is necessary for visiting the toilet), the adverse effects of drugs can lead to the deterioration of the state of an elderly woman. For example, the energetic cough associated with the diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the reception of the drugs of ACE inhibitors, the exacerbation of heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can accelerate or strengthen urine incontinence in older women.

Attention! Despite the fact that with age capacity and the reduction capacity of the bladder decreases, incoming abbreviations Increase, and the function of sphincters is weakened, urinary incontinence is not a normal part of the aging. It is very important to understand that this is a myth. The survey and treatment can help cope with this problem and significantly improve the quality of life.

Clinical example

An elderly woman at the age of seventy years old at the inferior daughter turned to us in the clinic. From the history of life it turns out that earlier she applied to the clinic in connection with the depression associated with the loss of her husband, has three adult children, previously worked as a music teacher, in this moment Located on pensions. Previously loved to visit theaters and concerts, which does not do in lately. Never smoked, alcohol does not abuse. On the day he drinks two cups of coffee and several glasses of water. Digestive drugs are taken from drugs due to peripheral edema lower extremities.

When talking with a woman, it turned out that she suffers incontinence in the form of random urine leaks. For the first time with this problem, she ran into a second child. It was manifested in the form of rare episodes of the leakage of a small amount of urine during cough or sneezing. Over time, episodes of incontinence began to repeat more often and acquired another character, sometimes an urgent desire appeared to empty the bladder. And later, Nicturia developed - incontinence at night. Woman told that she stopped meeting friends and does not want to visit public places Due to embarrassment and fear unpleasant odor. In addition, she feels more tired due to frequent visits to the toilet at night.

For general inspection The woman did not have revealed concomitant diseases. For gynecological inspection Atrophy of the mucous membrane of the vagina was determined, which is a frequent phenomenon in older women. After a laboratory and instrumental examination, the patient was delivered diagnosis of mixed urinary incontinence.

According to the recommendations of the doctor, the patient stopped the reception of diuretic drugs, which are not necessary for the treatment of swelling of the lower extremities, but at the same time adversely affect the symptoms of urine incontinence. Also, the doctor is registered hormonal Ointment Estrogen for the treatment of atrophic vaginite. It was also recommended to reduce coffee consumption, which can exacerbate the symptoms. With a subsequent visit, the woman noted some weakening of Nikturia, but reported on the continued phenomena of the urgent and stress incontinence of urine.

As initial treatment It did not give the desired results, the doctor prescribed the patient performing the exercises of Kegel to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom. After a month of conscientious classes, a woman noted a significant improvement in the symptoms, but involuntary urination was still noted 1-2 times a day. Therefore, to stop the spontaneous reductions of the muscles of the bladder, which are the causes of the continuing urine leakage, several drugs were attributed to the patient. At the same time, it was necessary to continue to perform the exercises of Kegel and adhere to the data earlier recommendations.

In a month of treatment, a woman told about full cure, incontinence was bothering her no more than once every two weeks.

From this clinical example it's clear that elderly age - This is a risk factor for urinary incontinence. But every elderly woman should understand that it is not the norm and should not put up with annoying symptoms of the disease. Specialist help and family support allow you to cope with the problem. Elderly woman, like any other, worthy better quality Life.

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