Examples of characteristics per employee. Sample characteristics for certification. Drawing up characteristics for an employee, samples for various cases

Throughout his life, a person is faced with various situations of assessment. Most often, his personality is subject to a comprehensive study in cases of employment, dismissal, transfer, admission to educational institutions, etc. In such cases, a characteristic is drawn up - a description of the business and personal qualities of a person. How to draw up correctly Samples and examples of such documents are in the article.

Structural elements characteristics

In order to have a general idea of ​​how it is compiled from the place of work, a sample of it should be on the table of each representative of the personnel department or manager. The main data that describes the characteristic from work are:

  • work success, professional knowledge and skills, incentives or penalties;
  • social characteristics of a person;
  • business and moral qualities of the employee.

In general, you can use a general structure, which should correspond to the characteristics of the employee from the place of work. A sample (or diagram) looks like this:

  • the name of the organization, the date of compilation, the outgoing number of the document (if the characteristic is not drawn up on the letterhead);
  • FULL NAME. employee, date of birth, position;
  • education and stages of professional activity of the employee;
  • all kinds of awards, punishments;
  • qualifications, suitability for the position;
  • personal qualities of the employee;
  • the goal or direction where the characterization is being prepared;
  • signature of the person responsible for drawing up the characteristics of the person and the manager, round seal.

It should be remembered that there are several potential structures that can be used to request characteristics from the workplace. It is better to prepare forms, samples of such a document in several versions, depending on the intended request - for law enforcement agencies, for an educational institution, for banking structures, for dismissal, etc.

Employee qualification level

It is necessary to describe in the characterizing document about the qualifications of the employee, the assessment of his professional suitability:

  • all levels of education (with an indication of the specialty and the period of study);
  • training;
  • self-education, participation in trainings, educational programs;
  • publications and participation in scientific conferences;
  • promotions and functional responsibilities;
  • introduction of a new one in the workplace.

Business qualities

Business qualities are personality traits that help to successfully cope with work. They also need to be taken into account when a characteristic is drawn up for an employee from the place of work. A sample document may include the following items:

  • a responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • initiative;
  • interest;
  • result orientation;
  • purposefulness;
  • willingness to take risks;
  • striving to improve their skills;
  • organizational skills;
  • level of self-organization;
  • motivation.

Employee social data

Social information is data that is not directly related to the work process, but in one way or another can affect the performance of work functions by a person. For example, the presence of children in a woman can affect her periodic absence due to their illness, the length of vacation or social benefits. Depending on the purpose, such data are often included in the compilation of a characteristic from the place of work.

The sample in such cases should include data on the possible disability of the employee and related contraindications, marital status and the presence of minor children, the presence of disabled close relatives and custody of them, the financial situation and the availability of additional jobs, etc.

The psychological characteristics of the employee

In the sample and example of writing a characteristic from the place of work, you can include individual psychological data about the employee. This will allow you to get a more complete picture of the person. Such data include:

  • value orientations and moral qualities;
  • leadership inclinations;
  • peculiarities of thinking;
  • neuropsychic regulation (balance, resistance to external stimuli, endurance or resistance to stress);
  • the nature of communication with people (sociability, tact, benevolence, the ability to work in a team);
  • method of action in conflict situations.

Job description: examples and sample

Such a sample, in addition to standard data, should indicate the following facts:

  • educational influence of the teacher on the younger generation, the use of innovative methods in work;
  • educational successes of the students entrusted to him, which show the effectiveness of the teacher's work;
  • psychological characteristics of a person that affect the development of his students;
  • the ability to find contact with parents, persuade;
  • the presence of pronounced organizational skills, a creative approach to work;
  • extracurricular activities;
  • ability to work with documentation;
  • transfer of teaching experience;
  • own example to the younger generation.

These data will help to understand how humane the teacher is in relation to children, modern in his teaching activities and whether he can be entrusted with the leadership of the educational process as a whole.

A characteristic for an employee is the most important document that gives an idea of ​​the correspondence of a person's personal and professional qualities to the position held. It also shows his work potential, the desire for growth in the service and allows you to make a decision about a possible reward or punishment.

Typical characteristic per worker: structure

Any document has its own structure, which helps to present information as logically and completely as possible. The employee profile includes the following necessary information:

  • information about education, positions held and their terms;
  • description of qualifications and characteristics of work;
  • information about incentives, achievements and penalties at the workplace;
  • psychological traits, the nature of communication with colleagues and other business qualities;
  • the purpose and place for which the characteristic was drawn up.

Personal data

Personal information, which includes the characteristics of an employee, includes not only his personal data. This is also the date of birth, marital status, children, physiological characteristics (the presence of contraindications, for example), the social living conditions of the employee and his family (for example, the presence of disabled close relatives, if it matters for the place where the characteristic is made). Depending on where the document is presented, the characteristic may contain information about other areas of a person's life. This may be the presence and absence of previous convictions, bad habits and other things.

Employee qualifications

Characteristics of an employee is, first of all, a description of a person's business qualities and professionalism. Therefore, the qualification takes one of the main places in the document. It should be described here:

  • education, its levels, retraining, refresher courses with dates;
  • the main stages of labor activity (places and positions held);
  • functions and tasks that he solves at this place of work;
  • the degree of fulfillment of the requirements for the employee;
  • self-education and ways of self-improvement of the professional level.

Merit, achievement, punishment

All the awards and penalties that have been imposed speak for themselves about the success of a person's labor activity. Therefore, the characteristic must indicate:

  • certificates of various levels with nominations;
  • extraordinary individual awards and associated merit;
  • qualitative or quantitative changes in the workplace that are the merit of the person;
  • implementation of their own innovative ideas at work;
  • disciplinary and other labor penalties.

Psychological picture

The psychological traits of an employee largely affect his labor potential. They are often the reason for promotions. It is important here to describe exactly which traits contribute or hinder successful work performance. These include:

  • purposefulness;
  • poise and pedantry;
  • ability to work in a team and / or be a leader;
  • communication skills;
  • analytic skills;
  • ability to plan and manage time;
  • value orientations;
  • strength and mobility of nervous activity;
  • self-confidence, the ability to stand your ground, convince.

Sample characteristics per employee

Maria Petrovna Petrova, born in 1989, has been an employee of the Mystery cafe since 2012.

Maria has a higher education with a degree in marketing: in 2013 she graduated from ... (name of the educational institution). In 2012, she began her professional career in a cafe as a waiter. From 2013 to 2015 she worked as a bartender in this establishment. Maria's main responsibilities included serving the customers of the cafe according to the requirements, accepting orders, advising on dishes on the menu and promotions of the cafe, paying customers, maintaining cleanliness in the hall.

During her work in these positions, Maria Petrova showed herself as a hardworking, attentive, principled employee. She is able to quickly learn and apply knowledge in non-standard situations in practical activities. For successful and responsible work, Maria was promoted to administrator.

At this workplace, the employee performed the following functions: organizing and monitoring the work of personnel, labor discipline of subordinates, organizing the work of the recreation room, advising clients and resolving conflict situations. In her position, Maria managed to demonstrate her leadership potential, good organizational skills, ability to plan and meticulously monitor the quality of work of colleagues. She is responsible for the development of a system for more efficient organization of staff working time, taking into account the requirements of labor legislation.

In dealing with her subordinates, Maria Petrovna is strict, but fair. Knows how to properly motivate colleagues for effective work. She is always friendly with clients. Knows how to establish contact with people, resolve controversial situations and maintain the image of the institution.

In 2016, Petrova Maria took 2nd place in the city competition "Effective Leader". Prior to that, she was repeatedly awarded prizes and certificates from the management of the cafe for her personal contribution and conscientious performance of her duties.

Maria Petrovna is actively engaged in self-education, reads the necessary literature, attends professional development trainings. Believes that the result depends on the effort invested.

The characteristic is compiled at the place of demand.

.Doc format

Any institution that a person has to deal with will always be interested in his capabilities, skills, abilities and other data that may be useful to him in the workplace. All these data are entered into a special document - a characteristic. The need for it is dictated by the fact that on the basis of these data, a decision is made on the satisfaction of applications and employment, study or, justified, refusal.

The characteristic, as a rule, is written by the head of the enterprise, in any case, it is the head who endorses it, and he bears responsibility too. But in practice, either a person appointed by the head or the employee himself, who needs to draw up this document for himself, works on the compilation. In any case, before signing, the information must be checked for compliance, since, after all, this is an official document.

The characteristic briefly describes:

  1. service (labor success, professional qualities, reprimands, penalties)
  2. social human activity
  3. business and moral qualities (leadership, relationships with colleagues).

Types of characteristics for employees

The characteristics are different, and the spelling depends on why and who needed this information. For example, a credit institution is completely uninterested in what success a person has achieved on the production front, just as it makes no sense to provide information on the creditworthiness of a person at a higher educational institution.

So how do you write a characterization correctly?

Everything, in fact, is not difficult. The characterization itself, in principle, is written quite naturally, like an autobiography, like an essay, the main thing is to adhere to the plan of the main sections.

Let's start by choosing the direction (where this document is required - within the institution, or to external structures).

  1. An internal characteristic is needed to influence the employee within the organization (such as: rewarding, promotion, collection, dismissal).
  2. An external characteristic is provided outside the organization (to a potential employer when changing a job, to banking institutions, to educational institutions, to law enforcement agencies, to the military registration and enlistment office). In this case, the document is simply obliged to contain the personal data of the employee, who must give his written consent to their use, processing and transfer to third parties.

Next, you need to know exactly where and why the characteristic will be provided. For example, if the goal states “at the place of demand”, then this means “anywhere”, and of course, the information can be specified in the most general terms, without specific clarifications.

The main frame of any characteristic for an employee looks like this:

  • At the top of the sheet, the name, date of compilation, and outgoing number are indicated;
  • Application form. Surname, name, patronymic characterized in the nominative singular. His position, marital status, year of birth.
  • Stages of professional development of an employee. It is necessary to draw up a chronology from the moment of hiring, production achievements, participation in projects, scientific or technological developments, the contribution made to the development of the enterprise, and any activity of the employee to the present;
  • Also, in the characteristic, it is necessary to indicate information about penalties and awards. For the objectivity of information, this section lists all titles, certificates, awards, reasons and methods of penalties. Actually, this information is entered in the work book (personal file) and the personnel department has free access to it, who is usually assigned to the compilation of characteristics.
  • All the skills and abilities of the employee, his professional and, relations in the team, conflicts, leadership qualities, and so on are listed here.
  • The purpose of the characteristics. This point does not need comments - it simply indicates where the document is provided.
  • At the bottom of the sheet are visas (with decoding) of the responsible employee who made the description and the manager, the round stamp of the institution is obligatory.

Example of characteristics per employee

Here we will give an example of how to draw up such a document. Please note that there is no specific standard for it, and you can draw up a characteristic both based on an example with a strict standard (first sample), and in a free manner (second example of a document).


Production characteristic - example

Manufacturing Performance - Another Sample

Performance characteristics from the place of work - filling sample. Characteristics from the place of work: basic requirements, types and rules of writing. Samples of performance characteristics for several types of government agencies.

Why do we need a testimonial from the place of work: basic requirements. Often getting a job in a new organization, the applicant may be faced with the need to provide a recommendation from the previous place of work. The more familiar name for this letter is a description from the previous place of work. In addition, a characterization for an employee is needed not only when changing jobs, but for example, for the police, court and other institutions. This article will consider what needs to be written in such a document and sample characteristics for several types of government agencies.

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The initial concept in the field of various characterizing documents is the production characteristic. Depending on the data that needs to be provided to a certain organization, there are several types of a sample for filling out production characteristics for an employee:

When applying for a job, do not forget that it should not exceed 40 hours.

Sample production characteristic (general form)

Drawing up characteristics for an employee, samples for various cases

A characteristic for an employee is drawn up without any mandatory sample, but when writing a document, managers traditionally try to reflect the following information:

  1. Personal data of the employee: full name, date of birth, etc.
  2. Information about the length of service of the employee. Here the manager indicates the information when the employee got a job in the organization, the date of dismissal, if it happened, the increase or decrease of the employee. You can report on receiving additional education and advanced training, incentives and penalties.
  3. Personal characteristics of the employee. The most extensive and important part of the document. If a person occupies a leading position, it is worth noting his organizational abilities, responsibility for himself and his subordinates, the ability to make difficult decisions. When an employee is a performer, you need to describe his willingness to fulfill the tasks of management, initiative, desire to achieve high results. In addition, in this part, you can report on relationships with colleagues, whether the team has respect for this person or whether he has a complex character, and he is not able to properly build his relationships.

A number of requirements are imposed on the characteristics of an employee from the place of work:

  1. The characteristics of the employee from the place of work, a sample of which can be seen below, is written manually or on a computer, on a sheet of A4 paper.
  2. Having indicated the basic information about the employee, it is worth adding to which organization and why the document is sent.
  3. To give the document legal value, the date and signatures of the head of the enterprise, as well as an employee of the personnel department, are put on it. It is necessary to certify the document with the seal of the organization.

The characteristic has no statute of limitations. The issued document can be presented as needed, at any time. If an employee has lost the characteristic issued to him, then he has every right to contact the former manager for re-issuing the document.


The characteristic has such a feature as a formal approach to its compilation. It is not uncommon for managers to use the same template to characterize their employees. What is the basis for mistrust of the information specified in the document.

An example of a characteristic from the place of work

This document was issued to Anatoly Petrovich Ivanov, born on May 7, 1966. working at VTB Bank. Address: Irkutsk st. Lenin 40 (bank details) from January 24, 2014 to the present day.

Marital status: Married. Ivanov's wife Olga Pavlovna, born on July 24, 1971

Ivanov A.P. Graduated from the Irkutsk Financial Institute with a degree in Accounting. This is a specialist - a professional in his field, punctual and responsible. With management and subordinates, he maintains a supportive relationship, is restrained, patient and delicate. In situations where conflicts arise with clients, he is correct. He is able to solve any problem by peaceful means. She takes part in the life of the work collective with pleasure, attends courses for advanced training.

The document was provided for the social security authorities.

Head of the Economic Department of VTB Bank Roman Petrenko.

Sample characteristics for the driver from the place of work

A characteristic for the driver from the place of work is issued in the case of:

  • driver requests;
  • requests from various organizations.

The document can be:

  1. Interior. Drawn up according to the requirements of the internal acts of the organization. For example, to transfer a driver to another department or to another position.
  2. External. Issued at the request of the driver or at the request of institutions not related to the organization in which the employee works. For example, courts, prosecutors, banks, etc.

Sample characteristics for the driver from the place of work:

Date of preparation.

Title ("Characteristic").

Driver's personal data. Full name and position held. You can specify the employee's date of birth and education information.

Professional information. Employment date. Achievements. Awards and Punishments.

Features concerning driving a car (careful, observes traffic rules, helps other road users)

Manager's signature.

Sample characteristics of an employee in court

Any citizen can become a participant in the trial. In order for the court to recognize the qualities of this person, a testimony is requested from the place of work to the court. At the workplace, everyone shows their best side and the employer, unlike relatives, is an uninterested person.

There are times when the employer refuses to issue this document to the employee. In this situation, the law cannot coerce the employer. If the employee turns to the judge to make an official request, then in this case the employer will not refuse, therefore the refusal to the judge's request can be punished.

Sample characteristics from the place of work to the court:


on Petrov Fedor Sergeevich

Fedor Sergeevich Petrov has been working at Luch LLC as a tractor driver since April 1, 2015. Currently holds the same position.

Throughout his work, Fedor Sergeevich decently fulfilled his job descriptions, with a high degree of responsibility and kept the tractor in good condition, periodically undergoing a technical inspection. He is a disciplined and organized employee.

He communicates with colleagues tactfully, does not conflict.

Has no disciplinary punishment. Driving a tractor, I never violated the traffic rules.




Sample characteristics from the place of work to the police

Such a document to the police may be needed to form an opinion about the identity of a suspect or witness. It may also be required for a person who gets a job with the police. Accordingly, the content of the document may be completely different, but the approximate structure is still the same.

Sample characteristics from the place of work to the police:


Name ("Feature").

Personal data of the employee.

Information about the person who made the document.

Information about the employee's job responsibilities and his success in work.

Personal qualities of the employee.

Family status.

Signature of the originator of the document.



A characteristic is a story about an employee that is not strictly limited. The volume of the document depends on the achievements of the person in the labor field and on the desire of the manager to list the achievements and qualities of the employee. Despite the lack of a strict template for the document, managers still write it adhering to certain standards.

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