Your opinion about the zodiac sign Cancer. What does the zodiac sign Cancer mean? Most suitable partners

People born under this sign are particularly sensitive - even a casually spoken unkind word can plunge them into depression; Moreover, Cancer has quite strong internal energy, and there is no doubt that his depressed state will quickly be transmitted to others. But you shouldn’t imagine Cancer as a constant melancholy, suffering every second from the imperfections of the world - he also loves to laugh and is endowed with a very good sense of humor.

The life of a Cancer is characterized by alternating periods of ups and downs, and even under the most favorable circumstances, people of this sign sometimes prefer to retreat and take advantage of the lull to rest. They take it not by force, but by cunning, not by aggressive attack, but by starvation.

Cancer has nobility and selflessness, but shows these qualities extremely rarely, so many people seem to be a narcissistic egoist. Cancer indeed high opinion about himself, therefore, when he finds himself in the center of attention, he behaves at ease. Cancer loves honor and fame, but takes them for granted and, moreover, will always prefer financial and other material benefits to them.

Cancer prefers a quiet family life rather than a bright social life; He can be generous with loved ones and stingy with strangers. This statement applies not only to money, but also to the manifestation of feelings.

Cancer men are distinguished by their desire to hoard and try to settle into the world around them as comfortably as possible, at the same time ensuring a good supply for a rainy day. At first impression, such people seem stingy, but the point is rather that they try to be as rational as possible in their expenses, preferring long-term investments. The Cancer man will not waste his energy on trifles, he rarely gives his best, but he still achieves his goals.

Cancer women seem soft and balanced, but their mood is very dependent on those around them. For those born under this sign, the support of loved ones and the approval of friends are important. They are excellent mothers and faithful wives, in addition, the concept of “female friendship” for them is far from an empty phrase.


Peter Rubens, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, J. Darwin, George Sand, Franz Kafka, Rembrant Van Rijn, El Greco, Pissaro, Jean Corot, Edgar Degas, Marcel Proust, Rockefeller, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Gina Lollobrigida, George W. Bush, Sylvester Stallone , Pierre Cardin, Giorgio Armani, Ringo Star, Lion Feuchtwanger, Marc Chagall, Julius Caesar, Carlos Santana, Anna Akhmatova, Liya Akhedzhakova, Alexander Shirvindt, Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana, Diana Gurtskaya, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Andrei Myagkov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Alsou, Valery Shantsev, Konstantin Borovoy, Mike Tyson, Ralf Schumacher, Yulia Bordovskikh, Alla Budnitskaya, Tuta Larsen, Zhanna Aguzarova, Leonid Agutin, Yana Poplavskaya, Maria Arbatova.

The character, preferences, inclinations and habits of a person depend on how the stars aligned at the moment of birth. The zodiac sign Cancer is one of the most emotional, but at the same time the most closed. This most interesting personalities, behind whose apparent coldness lies a rich inner world and creative nature; true friends and most interesting interlocutors.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

On June 21 the sun turns to zodiac sign Cancer remains there until July 22. People born at this time are distinguished by sensitivity, subtle mental organization, and caution. They are very attached to loved ones and family, and are extremely homely. The zodiac sign Cancer is under the protection of the Moon. The influence of the night luminary is manifested in the subtle sensitivity and vulnerability of such people, the ability to guess the thoughts of others.

The element of the zodiac sign Cancer is water, and “water people” are distinguished by some coldness, detachment from others, and introvertism. Water also adds softness and tenderness to the character. At the same time, for those born in July, the element is calm, standing water, so such people tend to stay away from the stormy currents of life and are careful in everything.

Zodiac sign woman Cancer

Description of the zodiac sign Cancer in relation to women:

  • romance;
  • tenderness;
  • natural modesty;
  • vulnerability;
  • secrecy.

Representatives of the fair sex born in this constellation attract people with their modesty and charm. They are balanced and punctual, therefore they are successful in their work, although they rarely reach special career heights. Such women are devoted to the family and take care of the home with pleasure. It is believed that this is a female constellation. Personalities are soft and sensitive, responsive, slightly mysterious - the way they want to be seen.

Zodiac sign man Cancer

Cancer interesting sign zodiac, he is more suitable for the fair sex for his gentleness and sentimentality, therefore, there is a strong feminine principle in the character of a man born between June 21 and July 22. This is expressed in caring for the home, strong emotionality, attachment to the family, a certain tendency to hysteria, and natural modesty. Cancer man - trusted friend, faithful companion, caring and gentle spouse. He is a careerist and can be tough and principled in his work.

As for the disadvantages, these are:

  • visible coldness (although behind the coldness lies a rich inner world and a vulnerable soul);
  • unstable psyche (periodic hysterics);
  • indecision;
  • isolation (they experience problems within themselves, it is not easy for them to get along with new people).

Cancer - compatibility with other signs

It's easy to say which zodiac sign suits Cancer: those born under this constellation enter into strong alliances with representatives water element, as sensitive and gentle as themselves; or with a stable and practical Earth. It will be difficult for them to get along with fiery, stormy personalities (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); such unions will be good only in sexual terms. Such a person does not understand the frivolity and inconstancy of Air: it will not be easy for him to get along with Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.

Cancer Woman - Compatibility with Other Signs

Which zodiac sign suits a Cancer woman? Any representative of the water or earth element:

  1. Best combined with other representatives: Scorpios and Pisces. Partners will complement each other intellectually and at the same time get along well sexually.
  2. The union will be strong with stable, homely, serious representatives of the Earth: Virgo and Taurus. They have a lot in common.

Cancer man - compatibility with other signs

What zodiac signs are Cancer men compatible with? With the same ones as a woman born under this constellation:

  1. The Scorpio woman will turn out to be a real find: the partners will be close intellectually, and in bed the compatibility will be one hundred percent.
  2. With a Taurus woman there will be a complete idyll in the house. The only thing is that the fair sex will need to show her stubborn character as little as possible.
  3. In a Pisces woman, a man will find a reliable and true friend, pal and intellectual twin.

Zodiac sign Cancer - professions

The characteristics of the Cancer zodiac sign influence his choice of profession. Those born under this constellation will be successful representatives of the following professions:

  1. Psychologists: such individuals are not only prone to self-examination, but also have a great understanding of people and easily make contact. They are sensitive listeners and can give excellent advice.
  2. Educator, teacher: these professions are suitable due to the natural responsiveness, attentiveness, caring and kindness of those born under this constellation. In addition, they also have a strong creative streak, so they will use their own special approach to teaching.
  3. Bankers, entrepreneurs, lawyers: representatives of this sign can work from dawn to dusk, they know what they want and know how to achieve their goals, at the same time they are excellent interlocutors and know how to persuade.
  4. Artists, art critics and any others are suitable for such people due to their rich inner world, ability to think outside the box.

Cancer - stones by zodiac sign

To understand what stone the Cancer zodiac sign has, you need to look at the person’s specific date of birth.

  1. Those born in the first decade (June 21–July 1) are passionate and enthusiastic people with great creative potential and artistic abilities. Moonstone, agate, amethyst, carnelian, quartz, jasper, aquamarine, and rock crystal are suitable for them.
  2. Those belonging to the second decade (July 2–11) are influenced by Mercury: they are frivolous, curious, and sometimes frivolous. Opal, pearls, turquoise, heliotrope, sardonyx, and chalcedony can become talisman stones for such people.
  3. Those born in the third decade (July 12–22) are dreamy, thoughtful, and often melancholic. Suitable stones for them: aquamarine, beryl, emerald, ruby, tourmaline.

Zodiac sign Cancer - talismans and amulets

A correctly selected amulet brings its owner success in all endeavors and good luck. For those who have Cancer as their zodiac sign, the talisman can be of several types:

  1. Due to the influence of the Moon, any product in the form of this celestial body (round or crescent-shaped) is suitable as a talisman: bracelets, pendants.
  2. Since this is a representative of the water element, animals are the patrons of the sign: these are any inhabitants of the underwater world.
  3. Any necklaces with large beads will bring good luck.
  4. Fans made from bird feathers will do; silver cutlery.
  5. A pendant made in the shape of a heart will give you harmony in your relationships and soul.
  6. Any images of fish and aquatic creatures bring good luck and harmony.

What tree does the zodiac sign Cancer have?

According to the Druid horoscope, each constellation is protected by one or another tree. The tree of the Cancer zodiac sign again depends on the specific birthday:

  1. Those born before June 24th are patronized by birch trees: they are modest and shy people, slightly withdrawn into themselves, but very kind and easy to talk to.
  2. From June 25 to July 4 is the time of the apple tree, which imparts sentimentality and sensitivity to those born at this time. Such people have a lively analytical mind and a thirst for knowledge.
  3. The patron tree of those born in the middle of the month (from 5 to 14) is Fir. People born at this time are noble, reliable, conscientious and scrupulous, but slightly withdrawn, taciturn and demanding.
  4. The zodiac sign Cancer is also represented by elm (06/15–06/22). These are kind and generous individuals, distinguished by their love of humanity and responsiveness. Good leaders and conscientious workers.

Zodiac sign Cancer - flowers

Each plant and flower has its own special energy, and depending on the horoscope, a particular plant is more or less suitable for a particular person. Those born under the sign of Cancer value comfort and home, so indoor flowers help them maintain harmony in their souls. The following plants are suitable for representatives of this sign:

  1. The symbol of those born at this time is the violet, and this plant will tell everything about the zodiac sign Cancer: it is a symbol of the hearth, elegance and beauty, hiding behind external simplicity and modesty. Violet is especially suitable for those born in the third decade of the month;
  2. Since this is a representative of the water element, any plants with fleshy leaves are suitable: agave, Mason's begonia, lovely dieffenbachia, hybrid fuchsia.
  3. The most powerful talisman is clover, which brings good luck in all matters. A bouquet of these wildflowers will definitely be appreciated.

Representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign are known as excellent gardeners; these are people who truly have “green fingers”. They enjoy spending time on the ground and love to create greenhouses at home. It is best to give such people flowers in pots; even a small indoor potted plant (rose, lilac) will be appreciated by them above any, even the most luxurious bouquet.

Zodiac sign Cancer - celebrities

Many celebrities according to the zodiac sign Cancer - both contemporaries and those living in the past:

  1. Gottfried Leibniz – June 21, 1646
  2. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - June 29, 1900
  3. Princess Diana – July 1, 1961
  4. Mikhail Zadornov - July 21, 1948
  5. Sylvester Stallone – July 6, 1946
  6. Soso Pavliashvili – June 29, 1964
  7. Tom Cruise - July 3, 1962
  8. Dmitry Dyuzhev - July 9, 1978
  9. Grigory Leps – July 16, 1962

Who doesn't want to know better? loved one or just an acquaintance? Or maybe understand yourself? If you use a horoscope, where each person has their own sign, then this will not be so difficult. Knowing the date of birth (day and month), the zodiac sign is determined. And already from it you can determine the character and temperament, strengths and weak sides, advantages and disadvantages of a person. The hero of this article is the Zodiac sign Cancer.

People born in the constellation Cancer are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, and homeliness. As a rule, the sign is considered the most successful for representatives of the fair half of humanity, who become unsurpassed housewives, faithful wives and caring mothers.

For representatives of this type The most important thing in life for the zodiac is security and stability. Because Cancers are vulnerable, although they don’t always show it to close people.

If they are offended, they can hide in a shell from which it may be impossible to get them out. Often, if unrequited love or a problematic breakup has happened in their life, they find themselves alone, not letting anyone close.

But the problem is that this is unacceptable for Cancer, since it is he who needs family and home more than others. Happy life Without a family, Cancer will not succeed.

In life, representatives of this constellation seek stability. They don't like to take risks, and this applies not only love relationship, and financial sector. He handles money very carefully, doing everything in order not to let his loved ones down.

If he borrowed from someone, he will return the borrowed amount exactly on time and in full. He expects the same attitude from other people.

Cancers worry a lot and often. They do this even over trifles, although they can give the impression of a strong and unshakable person. In fact, many of them are as helpless as small children. Some seek help and support from stronger and more experienced people.

There are a lot of diplomats among people born in this constellation. This is explained by a peculiar talent that helps them achieve their goal. However, diplomacy completely disappears when a person is offended, because he can behave completely recklessly, childishly.

It is this drawback that Cancers need to fight so as not to spoil relationships with others. Not every person will tolerate the childish whims of Cancer, especially if he also refuses to explain the reason for the offense.

For many, representatives of this sign remain a mystery. They give the impression of calm and balanced people. It happens from time to time that unexpected numbers are thrown out, which confuses friends and relatives. Unraveling the nature of such a person is difficult and not accessible to everyone. Considering that Cancer himself does not want to fully open up, then this is almost impossible to do.

Cancers are excellent partners for creating a family. However, not everything is so simple here either. They dream of a partner only for themselves and for him to live and do everything only for them. And this can manifest itself in causeless jealousy, and not bright and understandable jealousy, but melancholic, touchy, with reproaches and tears.

It is the representatives of the constellation Cancer that are considered admirers of purity. Therefore, their home is always in museum order, and their work is unlikely to involve dirt and disorder. And if they are tied up, then they manage to restore order at work and put everything in proper form.

Cancers have a rich imagination and always choose a slightly refined atmosphere conducive to creative work. If they learn to monitor their mood and not give in to emotions, then they will do much better.

They are usually diligent and patient at work, but do not accept pressure. They have only one reaction to pressure - no reaction. Cancer will wait until the pressure is over and decide everything itself.

Among famous Cancers Julius Caesar, Ernest Hemingway, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Marc Chagall and others.

People whose zodiac sign is Cancer have excellent memory, developed intelligence and life experience. Naturally, these virtues help in life, especially if you do not use them for soul-searching and revenge. The worst thing is if he starts to understand himself and uses all the methods available to him to do this. In this case, multi-day depression is guaranteed.

Another not the most best feature Cancer is his fear of life and living it out in dreams. He likes to think, imagine, change the situation in his thoughts, and not go forward. He thinks much more actively about the past than about the future, and this is not the best path to a happy future. And if he also made several mistakes in this past, then mental anguish for several years to come is guaranteed. In addition, if something scares Cancer in the future, he will “back away” or may stop.

Among all the signs of the Zodiac, Cancer is considered one of the most loving and gentle. He shows his love to the fullest by playing a little, doing everything for his partner. But even in the best relationships there is a threat of flight, the so-called retreat. If something threatens his peace and measured life. After all, not everyone can accept a problematic situation as it is. In this case, Cancer gets very scared and thinks for a long time about what needs to be done, and whether something needs to be done in principle.

Travelers and adventurers from Cancers are not very good: they are very homesick for home, homeland, friends and acquaintances. And if they get used to something, it will be very difficult to wean themselves off it. By the way, this also applies to love relationships. If you live in harmony with him, then you will hardly be able to find greater returns from any of the representatives of the zodiac circle.

Among positive qualities This sign can be distinguished by perseverance, a patronizing attitude towards loved ones, and leadership. Leadership is worth mentioning separately: Cancers often make decisions in the most difficult situations when no one can solve something.

In addition, they are distinguished by patience, which helps them achieve their goals and overcome some shortcomings. They are also overly hardworking, thrifty and prudent. It is very difficult to push them to take extraordinary and risky actions.

Negative qualities are fear and uncertainty. Fear often comes from childhood, when something didn’t work out for the small but stubborn Cancer and someone close to him criticized him. These injuries can interfere with life throughout your life. In addition, you should learn to bear criticism more easily and relate to it more simply. Then she won’t force you to give up your goal and won’t ruin your mood.

They also do not like to engage in dialogue if there is a possibility that they may be “defeated.” If Cancer does something wrong or is guilty of something, then admitting guilt is also difficult for him. Because of this, he can begin to lie and get out using all available methods.

In love, Cancer can be called the most sensitive and vulnerable sign. It is on love that his whole life can depend: in childhood - on the love of his mother, in adulthood - on the love of his partner.

And if this love brings pain, then Cancer can become the most unhappy on earth. After all, loneliness and rejection are not for him.

A lot in the life of this sign depends on the relationship with the mother. If a person cannot cut ties with his mother, he may live in her house until old age, never deciding on a relationship.

Men can become mama's boys, women can become companions to their mothers.

At a young age, Cancers dream of love and try to find their ideal. Their imagination clearly depicts what an ideal partner should be like.

By the way, it is their rich imagination that allows them to become excellent lovers who can give their loved one unearthly pleasure.

Cancers expect love from every relationship and consider every relationship to be the one from which children will be born. And if this does not happen, then there is no limit to disappointment. Disappointed and abandoned, they return to their mother or seek loneliness.

Cancer men come in two types: affectionate and loving husbands and fathers and capricious and ambiguous romantics. The first ones are implemented in family relationships and get pleasure from making their partner happy.

The latter are in constant search for an ideal and suffer a lot. It is this type of man who becomes happy with much older ladies who remind them of their mother.

Cancer women also come in two types: affectionate and shy, women with a childlike character and women with high self-esteem. The former become good housewives and mothers and can sacrifice everything for the sake of their family and husband. The latter often look for an ideal and constantly experience a feeling of disappointment.

In relationships, Cancers are accustomed to obeying their loved one too much and doing everything for them, even a little more. Such people will be excellent life partners if they feel loved. And if they don’t feel love, they will be unhappy, and they will make the partner who doesn’t love them enough unhappy as well.

Cancer compatibility usually depends on age. At a young age, the best partners for them are Pisces and Scorpios.

After all, each of these signs is characterized by deep and passionate relationships.

In later life, they are most compatible with Gemini and Virgo, which helps them become less cautious and more active.

After forty years, there is high compatibility with representatives of your sign and Capricorns, with whom it will be possible to build a harmonious and happy union.

Cancers are fine with fidelity if they receive love and understanding from their partner. If this is not the case, then he can go to great lengths.

Cancer is not only the most sensual and vulnerable sign, and also the most promiscuous in sexual relationships. He is very quickly attracted to his partner and does everything to please.

In sex, he loves variety and is not limited to standard types of sex.

Women love to treat men like mothers, so they can choose partners much younger than themselves.

Men are often attracted to older women.

Sexual intercourse with Cancer can last a very long time: both men and women are in complete control of themselves and want to please their partner. In addition, Cancers love to be caressed.

In sexual relationships, Cancers can play both an active and passive role, rushing from one extreme to the other. However, in any case, a night with a representative of this zodiac sign will be remembered for a long time and only from the best side.

Diligent, loving, faithful Cancer Zodiac- How would we be without you? We would lose grace, efficiency and much that is necessary in our lives. We would be without deep empathy and compassion.

Cancer is an integral part of society. Your Zodiac Sign Cancer reflects a profound influence on other people, and indeed on the world in general. Your ruler is the Moon, and thus you are associated with influencing the ebb and flow of the emotional waters around you. This is a lot of work, but Cancer always copes with this task of managing emotions perfectly.

Each zodiac sign has its own reverse side. Cancer Zodiac, you can be a reliable shoulder for everyone around you - help your loved ones in any life situation. But your element is water, which can be unpredictable. Sometimes, by combining the unstable nature of water with the ruling Moon, we can end up with a mixture of variables. It happens that you are a kind healer of souls for everyone around you, and sometimes you are a hermit within a noisy company with your own problems.

Zodiac sign Cancer is a lover of blue-green and silver. These colors hint at your abilities for healing (green), intuition (blue), sensitivity and a sensitive soul (silver).

Watch video Cancer zodiac:

Astrologer's advice: The description of the zodiac sign can be much more complete if we consider the year of birth and the section will help with this Chinese calendar. Go to the appropriate category.

Keep in mind that Cancer Zodiac very connected to its astrological symbol.

Zodiac symbol Cancer

Sign symbol crab. Visually, this symbol represents two crab claws, always ready to grab. Interesting thing about crab claws...they don't let go of what they grab. Zodiac Cancer is locked into an idea, goal or belief (be it good or bad), only fools try to snatch it out of their hands.

When there is harmony inside Cancer, then in its surroundings we will see the same absolute order. And if we see tension in the external world around Cancer, it means he has some kind of internal problems and an imbalance.

Cancer symbol also resembles the infinity symbol, the figure eight turned on its side. This symbol has great potential lessons for Cancer. Too often, many Cancers will try to hold on to something that should have been let go long ago. The concept of the infinity symbol encourages fluidity. This reminds us to let our energy flow freely so we don't get stagnant - a good thing for Zodiac Cancer to remember.

Representatives of the Cancer sign have pronounced sensitivity - even a ridiculous joke said in their direction can cause depression; Moreover, Cancer has good internal energy, and it can quickly adapt after a depressed state. Cancers should not be considered melancholic, because they love to joke, and they do it no worse than others.

The life of Cancer represents light and dark stripes, and, even in the best moments, people of this sign sometimes prefer to pause and take advantage of the lull to think and make a decision. They take you not through stubbornness, but through cunning, not through aggressiveness, but through starvation.

Cancer has nobility and selflessness, but he is in no hurry to show these qualities, so from the outside he will seem like an egoist in love with himself. Cancers have high self-esteem, so when they find themselves in the spotlight, they begin to behave defiantly. Cancer loves flattery and attention, but takes it for granted. Also, representatives of this sign give great importance material values.

Cancer would rather choose the quiet one family life than bright and secular, filled with various surprises. They are stingy in showing feelings towards friends, but they have no barriers for their family.

Cancer men They strive to save money and try to get comfortable in everything, providing confidence and reserves for a rainy day. At the first contact with such a person, it will seem that he is stingy, but the point is rather that he is trying to be rational in his expenses, preferring long-term investments. The Cancer man will not waste his strength and energy on trifles, the return from him is not maximum, but he still achieves his goals.

Cancer Women They seem gentle and calm, but their mood is dependent on the world around them. They need the support of family and friends, because they are constantly waiting for approval. They are excellent mothers and faithful wives.

Element of the sign

Cancers belong to the water element. Such people try to avoid stormy currents, choosing a slow but thorough movement along the bottom. They are concerned about the problems of their own safety and security. Cancers use the thickness of the water as additional protection from unnecessary vibrations.

All representatives of the water element, and Cancers in particular, know how to focus on insignificant but interesting little things, although sometimes they give them great importance, thereby limiting their freedom.

For Cancers, a lake is a priority over a fast river; they are not afraid of boring and routine life and prefer deep study superficial situation, while being well aware that diving in too quickly can be disastrous. Therefore, before starting, they thoroughly test the waters.

Work and career

Among Cancers big number outstanding people who have a scientific mindset - they enjoy studying and comparing facts, analyzing. Cancers love history, and therefore they make excellent specialists in the field of antiques.

Cancers are endowed with imagination. Cancer's ability to keep secrets and instill trust and calm in people makes them good lawyers. They also make good psychologists and psychotherapists.

Cancers have passion, but they are haunted by bad luck, so they make better businessmen than gamblers. It is worth noting that Cancers are very responsible about their work, they perform their duties conscientiously down to the smallest detail, and it does not matter what position they occupy.

Cancers love the earth, and therefore gardening comes very naturally to them. Also, Cancers take food very seriously and attentively, and become excellent cooks.

Psychological picture

Cancers are in no hurry to show others their true character, preferring to portray a calm and confident person, but people quickly read this mask: Cancer’s fears are too strong to be hidden under the mask of calmness and confidence.

Cancers are not particularly impulsive, but they are prone to sudden mood swings. A representative of this sign can become very offended or angry even over trifles, and then calm down and seem to forget about what happened. When communicating with Cancer, it is worth knowing that his behavior is connected with the phases of the Moon and changes in accordance with them.

Cancers make decisions quickly, but do not go ahead towards their goal. Before reaching a goal, Cancer explores possible plans development of the situation, and the path to retreat.

Cancers are prone to hoarding, preferring real benefits rather than prospects, and they categorically do not like to risk money. Even if they feel successful in the business, they will invest significantly less into the business than they could - this is how Cancers protect themselves from financial losses, which they fear more than anything else.

Cancers are very vindictive and sometimes vindictive, but they do not fight openly, preferring to do everything on the sly so that no one finds out about it.


The sensitivity of Cancers is a real problem primarily for themselves: they are prone to depression and sudden mood swings. On the other hand, an optimistic Cancer recovers from even the most serious illness right before our eyes and remains healthy until old age.

Skin is an eternal problem for Cancers, because... They are very sensitive and prone to inflammation, even the most minor cuts and abrasions take a long time to heal. Representatives of the sign should also pay attention to the kidneys and bladder, because they are weak, and their care should be appropriate.

Cancer desperately needs walks fresh air, as well as relaxation by the water. The sea can cure Cancer of the melancholy that provokes illness, faster than success at work or even happiness in the family, to which people of this sign attach great importance.

Cancer calendar

Select your birthday and find out detailed description Cancer born on this day!
