How to draw a dog sitting sideways. How to draw a puppy with a pencil step by step for beginners? Simple and accessible master classes

The dog is one of the most common pets. The world of dogs is diverse and interesting: they can be large and small, shaggy and hairless, purebred and mongrel, with or without long, short ears and tails. Thanks to such diversity, choosing an object to draw is not easy.

Depending on the artist’s skill, you can try to draw:

  • Cartoon dog.
  • A realistic but abstract dog.
  • A real purebred dog.

It is better for a beginning artist to make his first sketches from a photograph or picture. Drawing from life is not advisable, as it is a difficult task for a beginner.

Children's drawing

Often a simple request to portray a dog causes a lot of difficulties. Usually children pester their parents, begging them to draw funny dog or show how it's done. The problem is that many parents don't know how or don't remember how to draw animals.

A detailed drawing explaining how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step will help resolve these difficulties.

The dog can be drawn by the parents or the child himself, but then it must be painted. Children like color pictures.

Real dog

Drawing cartoon characters is interesting, but any novice artist wants to create a real picture in which the dog will look “as if alive.”

Before you start drawing, you need to decide on the key points:

  • Appearance dogs. A puppy or an adult dog, big or small, what kind of coat, color, coloring it will be, etc.
  • Dog pose. It is better for an inexperienced artist to learn to draw a dog that is sitting or standing, gradually complicating the task. The hardest thing to portray is a dog in motion.
  • Angle. It’s easier to draw full face and in profile, more difficult – half-turn, three-quarters.

You should not choose complex objects for your first drawings. It's better to start with simple pencil sketches.

First you need to depict the dog schematically: use geometric shapes to designate the head, chest, torso, and paws. Using thin center lines you can sketch out the pose and, if necessary, outline the dog’s movements. After this, you can proceed to drawing the animal. The lines should be smooth; nature does not like sharp corners. Lastly, the fur, color, and coloring are drawn.

In order for the dog to turn out realistic, it is necessary to respect the proportions of the animal and its features. It will be easier to draw a dog step by step with a pencil if you use the following recommendations:

  • Proportions adult dog and the puppy are different. In order not to make a mistake, you should not draw from memory; it is better to take a picture and copy from it.
  • Head. In profile, the head is depicted as a circle with a rectangle. For ease of drawing, you can draw a straight line from the nose to the back of the head, which will show the nose, eye and ear. The frontal view of the head is drawn in the form of a circle. Then draw the diameter vertically and divide it with dashes into 3 parts. At the level of the top line are the eyes, and the bottom line is the nose.
  • Eyes. They resemble human ones. The dog's eyes are rounder in shape, the white is almost invisible, and the iris and pupil are visible in cross-section. Most often the eyes of dogs Brown. Their size directly depends on the size of the animal: than bigger dog, the smaller the eyes. In order for your eyes to appear alive, you must not neglect the glare. With the help of eyes you can show the animal’s mood, fear, aggression, friendliness.
  • Mouth. Usually, upper lip covers the lower one, leaving only a small triangle visible.
  • Ears. Pricked or half-dropped ears are positioned slightly higher than heavy, drooping ears.
  • Neck. It resembles a trapezoid: it expands downward.
  • Torso. The dog's back and belly in profile should not be parallel to the ground and to each other, because hind legs the animal is shorter than the front ones.
  • Paws. In most dogs, the elbows are located at the level of the chest, its lower line, and the knees are slightly below the stomach. There are 4 toes on each paw, the 2 middle ones are larger and higher, the side ones are smaller and moved back. There are fifth toes on the front paws, but they are located higher, near the wrist. The dog does not rely on the entire hand, but only on the fingers.
  • Wool. It should be drawn in the direction of growth, with strokes from the root to the tips. First, outlines are sketched, and then details and colors are drawn. It is necessary to consider which side the light is coming from.

Schemes for drawing a head from the front can be seen in the photo.

In order for the dog’s head not to appear flat, you need to carefully draw the muzzle and folds of the skin on it.

Pedigree dog

Dog breeds are numerous and varied. Appearance, sizes, proportions, colors are so different that it is difficult to distinguish common features. It is recommended to use the advice given above taking into account the characteristics of a particular breed.

To make the drawing more realistic, it is advisable to read the description of the breed, its standards, and carefully examine the dog or its photograph.

A simple drawing tutorial purebred dog you can watch the video:

If you don't know how to draw a dog step by step with a pencil, we will teach you. Your drawing will come out on paper easily and beautifully, no doubt about it. And all because our lessons are for children and beginners. You just need to strictly follow the instructions.

When drawing a sketch of an animal figure, it is best to use simple shapes and lines that will help transfer proportions easily and more believably. Next, with each stage, adjust the drawing and bring it to perfection in order to get later beautiful picture. For coloring, use only bright colored pencils, because the image should turn out bright and elegant.

  • How to draw a dog easily and beautifully
  • Stages of drawing a dog:
  • Stages of drawing a dog:

Simple Dog Drawing for Kids and Beginners

Necessary materials:

- eraser and sheet of paper;
- pencils.

Steps to drawing a cartoon dog:

1. To depict the lower part of the muzzle, where the mouth will be, draw an arc. On the right side, draw another tiny arched line to create a dimple on the dog's cheek. This figure is very similar to a smile.

3. From the left top point“smiles” we draw a straight line that goes up. But from the lower right part of the original figure we draw three vertical lines. These will be our pet's paws.

3. At the intersection of two figures we draw a big nose. We also begin to draw top part heads and small eyes, which will be of different diameters. The drawing is in perspective, so the right eye will be closer to us, and the left eye will be further away. This is how we get the right large contour of the eye and the left small one. Draw a semicircle to the lower ends of the vertical lines.

4. Draw a vertical line to get the outline of the dog’s head, and also draw an arc from it. This way we get the back and part of the hind leg. At this stage, you should also pay attention to the dog’s ears, which will be droopy. Therefore, we draw ovals close to the contour of the head. Connecting two geometric figures with the outline of the head using lines.

5. Draw the dog’s legs in more detail, especially the back one.

6. Draw in detail the eyes and the dog’s face itself. We thicken the ears a little at the base and get a ready-made contour drawing of the dog, which can and should be colored with bright shades of pencils.

7. The pet itself will have a red coat color. So for the base color we use a yellow pencil, which we use to paint over the entire surface of the body and head.

8. Create volume with an orange pencil.

9. Finally, we work on the fur areas on all surfaces of the illustration with a burgundy pencil to achieve a red tint.

10. We completely paint over the dog’s large nose, as well as small pupils. To create a clear outline of the drawing, you should work on each line.

So we get a finished drawing of a dog that will give good mood for the whole of next year.

How to draw a dog easily and beautifully

Necessary materials:

- eraser;
- pencils and a sheet of paper.

Stages of drawing a dog:

1. Draw the head of a pet in the form of an oval. From the left side of the circle, we begin to draw a spiral to the right side to get the body and tail of the dog. Twist the tip.

2. Add two pairs of paws to the spiral using sketchy simple lines, and also add small ears in the upper part of the circle.

3. We slightly adjust the contour of the pet’s body and head, because we need to show the fur. To do this, erase the lines a little and draw hairs in their place.

4. We detail the legs: both front and back.

5. Then you can take enough time to draw the eyes, nose and mouth with a tongue. The dog's face should be kind and cheerful. Let's add a few lines of fur on the surface of the body and move on to coloring the picture.

6. We completely paint over the areas of the body and head. Let's leave only the mouth, nose and eyes white.

7. Let's add yellow wool with a brighter sunny shade. This is how volume begins to emerge in the dog’s drawing.

8. Now we will paint over the tongue with a red pencil and work a little on the shadow on the fur areas.

9. Use a black pencil to paint over the nose and pupils of the eyes. Next, we outline each line in the drawing in black.

10. A drawing of a cheerful dog with a New Year’s touch is ready to please everyone with the upcoming winter holidays, as well as a time of miracles, cheerful gatherings with friends, soulful evenings with family and receiving gifts.

How to draw a puppy with colored pencils

Necessary materials:

- a sheet of paper (it is best to take half-cardboard);
- pencils and eraser.

Steps to drawing a puppy in a cup:

1. The small size puppy will be placed in a beautiful cup. Therefore, the first thing you should do is draw it. We place the object just below the center so that we can then add the body and face of the dog to the drawing. Draw elongated ovals at the base of the cup and its upper part. We connect the sides and get a beautiful silhouette. Let's add with right side small pen. For the cup you should also draw a small saucer. We draw it using ovals. We connect the edges and then remove the auxiliary lines with an eraser.

2. Place the puppy in a large cup. To do this, draw the head in the form of a circle, and then draw the front part of the muzzle. From the sides of the pet's head, draw two arched lines to outline the body. Add two tiny circles to the top of the cup to create legs.

3. Draw in detail the dog’s face, where there will be beautiful three-dimensional eyes, a large nose and a small mouth. We will also add a contour line for a different coat color. Let's finish drawing the puppy's head when we add beautiful hanging ears on the sides.

4. Draw the dog’s body and legs in detail to get a natural drawing of your beloved pet.

5. Choose your favorite color for the cup. It is advisable to choose a bright shade. For example, red, which is often found in New Year's illustrations. Use a pencil to paint over the entire silhouette of the cup along with the handle and saucer. Create a uniform color on each of the elements.

6. Use a brown pencil to paint over the ears, paws, body and a small part of the muzzle.

7. Add a burgundy pencil with a brown note to the drawing to get a honey-colored coat in all areas of the illustration.

8. Paint over the remaining areas of the fur with a black charcoal pencil. We also create a nose and eyes for them. Create highlights in the eyes with a yellow pencil. Finally, we work out each line with a dark pencil.

So a New Year’s drawing of a dog gradually appeared on a white sheet of paper. Such an original illustration, where a cute puppy sits in a cup, will delight everyone in the coming year.

Beautiful dog in pencil step by step

Necessary materials:

- pencils (HB and colored);
- eraser;
- paper.

Stages of drawing a dog:

1. To draw the head and front part of the body, we use simple geometric shapes - ovals. We draw them with a simple pencil, overlaying the outline on top of each other.

3. Now we finish drawing the tail in the background of the picture and the hanging ears.

4. We deform the outline of the dog’s head and begin to draw in detail the body, where in the drawing we have the paws, tail and chest with the neck. Let's add some strokes to draw the fur.

5. Move on to the dog’s face, where we draw the nose and mouth. We outline the outline of the ears in detail.

6. Add the eyes and folds of fur around them. We clarify the general outline of the drawing and move on to coloring.

7. For the base coat color we use a yellow pencil with a sandy tint. We completely cover the drawing with it, only leaving the eyes and nose untouched.

8. To create a beautiful shade of fur, use a brown pencil. Apply neat strokes to the shadow parts.

9. Finally, take a dark brown and black pencil. We paint over the shadow areas, and only then we can create the outline of all the details of the drawing. We also paint over the nose and eyes with a black pencil.

10. So we get a finished drawing of a dog on New Year 2018 as a symbol.

But look,

To draw such a dog with a pencil step by step, you will need from five to ten minutes of free time. The drawing is not very difficult, but you still have to try. The most important thing is to maintain the proportions of the body and head, since if they are not observed, the dog will either turn out to be very thin or fat, or it will have a too small or large head. Draw a puppy with a pencil step by step. This drawing is of medium complexity. To draw a dog with a pencil step by step, you need to follow all the recommendations in the article and look carefully at the pictures.

First, we need to draw the base lines of the head, muzzle and body future dog. To do this, draw two circles and one oval as shown in the first picture. The upper circles are the place where the dog's head will be, and the lower oval is the future of the dog's body. We draw a line for the eyes through the head, and we also draw an auxiliary line through the body.


Draw the dog's neck and hind leg with a pencil, as shown in the left picture. The hind leg starts almost from the middle of the auxiliary line of the body. On the right picture are auxiliary lines for the front paw.


We draw the front paw, relying on the additional lines we drew in the previous step, and removing the auxiliary lines that we will no longer need.


Draw the fur on the chest, and then start drawing the ears. This is not difficult to do, and you can draw the ears exactly the way you want. On the ears we make an imitation of fur. We draw a collar on the neck, but you can do without it, or replace it with a bow.


Now you need to add the dog’s muzzle and remove unnecessary auxiliary lines from the face, namely the circumference of the head and the nose of the muzzle. The muzzle fits almost perfectly into the circle, which in our case is the smallest in the drawing. For now, we leave a line for drawing the eyes of our animal.


There is very little left - we draw the eyes, nose and other small details. At the last step we add a tail and another paw. The paw is drawn in almost the same way as the left front one, which we drew earlier. The dog is drawn! We got a very cute dog.


Well, now let's decorate our cute dog!

How to draw a Dog

Drawing on the theme: "Dog"

Master class "Drawing a dog" with step-by-step photos.
Hilimonchik Natalya Aleksandrovna - teacher primary classes gymnasium school No. 5A in Kostanaya, Kazakhstan.
Dear colleagues, I am offering a Master Class on drawing a dog in elementary school. Children have a rich imagination, but it is difficult to draw something from an idea. Step-by-step drawing will help the children draw a dog. This way of working is very convenient for working with younger schoolchildren. They can easily reproduce the drawing using the step-by-step explanation.
Goals: introducing children to the technique of drawing a dog.

1. Teach children how to draw a dog step by step. Learn to analyze, find characteristics. Learn to convey shape, structure, proportions, volume.
2. Develop visual memory, imaginative thinking, motor abilities, perseverance, and hard work.
3. To cultivate aesthetic feelings, artistic taste, love for animals and nature.

Album, simple pencil, colored pencils or watercolors, eraser.

I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to determine what our lesson will be devoted to:
He lay across the porch
Our shaggy-legged castle.
But both at night and during the day
Strangers will not be allowed into the house.

You guessed it right, today we will learn to draw a dog. You will draw with a simple pencil and step by step.
Introductory conversation.
There are different information about exactly when the dog was domesticated by humans, 15 or 20 thousand years ago, however, despite the controversy, experts agree that the first domesticated animal was the dog.
Dogs are known for their learning abilities, love of play, and social behavior.
A long time ago there lived a dog in the forest. Alone, alone. She was bored. The dog wanted to find a friend.
A friend who would not be afraid of anyone.
A dog met a hare in the forest and said to him:
- Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!
“Come on,” the bunny agreed.
In the evening they found a place to stay for the night and went to bed. At night a mouse ran past them, the dog heard a rustling sound and how it jumped up and barked loudly. The hare woke up in fright, his ears shaking from fear.
- Why are you barking? - says to the dog. “When the wolf hears it, he’ll come here and eat us.”
“This is an unimportant friend,” thought the dog. - Afraid of the wolf. But the wolf is probably not afraid of anyone.” In the morning the dog said goodbye to the hare and went to look for the wolf. She met him in a remote ravine and said:
- Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!
- Well! - the wolf answers. - It will be more fun together.
At night they went to bed. A frog was jumping past, the dog heard it jump up and bark loudly. The wolf woke up in fright and let’s scold the dog:
- Oh, you are so, so so! The bear will hear your barking, come here and tear us apart.
“And the wolf is afraid,” thought the dog. “I’d better make friends with a bear.” She went to the bear:
– Bear-hero, let’s be friends, let’s live together!
“Okay,” says the bear. - Come to my den.
And at night the dog heard him crawling past the den, jumped up and barked. The bear got scared and scolded the dog:
- Stop doing that! A man will come and skin us.
“Gee! - the dog thinks. “And this one turned out to be cowardly.” She ran away from the bear and went to the man:
- Man, let's be friends, let's live together!
The man agreed, fed the dog, and built a warm kennel for it near his hut. At night the dog barks and guards the house. And the person doesn’t scold her for this - he says thank you. Since then, dog and man have lived together.

Let's try to draw a dog together step by step with a simple pencil. The last step is to color the drawing of the dog with colored pencils or paints.
Step-by-step job description
1.First you need to draw the basic outlines of the dog
Draw the dog on the entire sheet of paper; it will be easier for you to draw small details and a large picture always looks more impressive than a small one. First of all, we draw the torso and head, and the one that will be the dog’s head is a little smaller in diameter than the lower one.

2.The general outline of the dog appears in the picture.
Draw the joint markings for the paw and the lower parts of the three paws, since the fourth paw will not be visible. Connect the paws with lines, exactly as in my drawing, and connect the oval of the dog’s body and head. All these figures are not difficult to draw, but it is very important to position them accurately. The proportions of the dog, and the entire drawing as a whole, will depend on this in the future. Check again the exact location of these contours and move on to the next step.
In this step you only need to draw the general outline of the dog's torso, paws and head. It may not be difficult to do, but be extremely careful. This outline will determine how the entire drawing of the dog will look. You can draw this outline several times, removing inaccurate lines. Start tracing the outline from the head and further along the back to the paws.

3.Ears, nose, eyes and tail appear in the drawing of the dog.
Draw the dog's nose. Draw a small line from it and draw the winding lines of the dog’s mouth (mouth). Connect these lines with another line for the chin. I think you can draw the dog’s ears and tail yourself, without comments.

4.The drawing of the dog is nearing completion, add details
The auxiliary lines now need to be removed from the drawing. Draw in part of the fourth paw, claws and draw the outline of the dog's fur.

Physical education minute
We tried to draw.
We tried to draw.
It was hard not to get tired.
We'll rest a little
Let's start drawing again.
(The hands were stroked, shaken, kneaded.)
5.The final step of the drawing.
The last stage of any drawing is the easiest and most interesting. At this stage, the dog will already be in “full glory” in the picture. It’s not at all difficult to slightly correct the drawing, emphasizing the dog’s hair with sharp pencil strokes. Choose the desired color yourself and paint with colored pencils or watercolors.

This is where our lesson ends, you did a very good job today, I hope that you learned a lot of interesting things: you came up with wonderful drawings, individual, original. This can be seen at the exhibition of your works. Well done! Thank you!

IMPORTANT ADVICE (Sergey Mikhalkov)
You can't raise puppies
Through screaming and kicking.
Puppy raised by kicking
Will not be a loyal puppy.
You after a rough kick
Try calling the puppy!

There are many dogs in the world
And on a chain and just like that.
Service dogs - border dogs,
Ordinary yard balls,
And young timid mongrels,
Why do they like to yelp from under benches?
And those pampered lap dogs,
Whose nose is snub and whose voice is thin,
And no longer good for anything -
Stray dogs are always hungry.
Ready for a fight at any moment
Dogs are fighters and bullies.
Dogs are proud and touchy
They calmly doze on the thresholds.
And those with a sweet tooth are sycophants
They lick everything from any utensil.
Among dogs of any breed
There are handsome men and ugly men.
There are giants - these are Great Danes!
Short-legged bulldogs,
And wire-haired terriers,
Some are black, others are gray,
And it’s a shame to look at others:
It's so overgrown that you can't see it!
Everyone knows the dog's properties:
And intelligence, and sensitivity and heroism,
Love and loyalty and deceit,
And disgusting lordship.
And complete obedience,
And this is all from upbringing!
Lazy well-fed housewife,
And the button dachshund is lazy!
The border guard is fearless - a warrior,
And the dog Ruslan deserves it!
The owner of the dog is a fist and a miser,
A burdock mongrel to match him!
No wonder the dog bites those
Who throws a stone at her in vain?
But if someone is friends with a dog,
This is why the dog serves him well!
But a faithful dog is a good friend
Depends on good hands.

PUPPY (S. Mikhalkov)
I'm off my feet today -
My puppy is missing.
I called him for two hours,
I waited for him for two hours
Didn't sit down for lessons
And I couldn’t have lunch.
This morning
Too early
The puppy jumped off the sofa,
I started walking around the rooms,
Wake everyone up.
He saw a blanket -
There was nothing left to cover.
He looked into the closet -
He turned the jug of honey over.
He tore my dad's poems,
Fell to the floor from the stairs,
I climbed into the glue with my front paw,
I barely got out
And disappeared...
Maybe it was stolen
They took me away on a rope,
They gave me a new name,
Guard the house
Maybe he's in the dense forest
Sitting under a prickly bush,
Got lost
Looking for a home
Poor guy, does he get wet in the rain?
I didn't know what to do.
Mother said:
- Let's wait.
I grieved for two hours
I didn’t pick up books,
I didn't draw anything
She just sat and waited.
All of a sudden
Some scary beast
Opens the door with his paw,
Jumping over the threshold...
Who is this?
My puppy.
What's happened,
If immediately
Didn't I recognize the puppy?
The nose is swollen, the eyes are invisible,
Cheek twisted
And, digging in like a needle,
A bee is buzzing on its tail.
Mother said: - Close the door!
A swarm of bees is flying towards us.
All wrapped up
In bed
My puppy is lying flat
And barely wobbles
Bandaged tail.
I don't run to the doctor -
I'm treating him myself.
I wish you all good luck and creative success!

We have already learned how to draw a cat, now we will figure out how to draw a dog step by step. The animal can be depicted in several versions: a simple “cartoon” sketch for those who skipped art classes at school, or a more complex and detailed pencil drawing of a dog. Thanks to the detailed step-by-step description, this task can be easily completed by anyone. The main thing is a little patience, perseverance and a good mood.

For drawings you will need: a set of pencils (2M, M, TM, T, 2T), an eraser, a sharpener, sheets of paper.

Young children struggle with complex lines, so we found some easy and fun dog pictures. Such drawings are the simplest and any child can repeat them.

cartoon character

Many children have favorite cartoon dog characters. Balto, Dalmatians, Walt Disney's Goofy, characters from Lady and the Tramp or Bolt - that's far from full list cute and funny dogs, which children and adults love so much. We offer to draw Baby from the animated series "Barboskiny" - the youngest in the "dog family", a reasonable, obedient, but playful dreamer puppy and a funny bulldog from the animated series "Tom and Jerry"

Baby Barboskin

Using a hard pencil, draw two circles. The first, large one, is the head, and in the place of the second, smaller one, there will be a puppy’s tummy. Mark where the ears will be.

We mark the body and paws with straight lines.

We mark the muzzle with thin shading. Pay attention to the symmetry of the features. We mark the eyes, nose, mouth and eyebrows. Let's draw pointy ears. Then, based on the markings made at the previous stage, we draw the paws and torso with soft lines. Use an eraser to erase the markings and extra lines.

Let's detail the Baby's face. We draw a jumpsuit and an applique on it. We mark the collar, toes on the front paws and sneakers on the back paws.

At the final stage, use a soft pencil to add shading to the fur and give clarity to the features of the muzzle. We draw pupils, teeth, detail the clothes (add buttons on the straps, a pocket in front and shoes). We finish drawing the tail.

Baby Barboskin is ready.

Toothy bulldog from Tom and Jerry

In real life, a bulldog may not be the friendliest breed. And in the cartoon he is a very funny and amusing dog. Thanks to the step-by-step MK, you can easily draw such a curious pet. The main thing is to maintain proportions and adhere to the algorithm.

Funny dog ​​coloring book

If a child asks to draw a dog, then don’t get lost. Try this simple and cute coloring page. Afterwards, you and your baby can color the dog with bright markers, colored pencils or paints.

The drawing of a dog begins with its muzzle. To do this, draw an oval above the middle of the sheet (Figure 1). Then we add the head and ears (Figure 2). Now you need to draw the dog's paws. Please note that the paws widen and become thicker towards the bottom.

We draw paws. Ask the child to take part in the process and draw three short lines - the fingers of the animal (Figure 3). Then add two semicircles. These will be the hind legs (Figure 4).

We connect the front legs with a short line, thereby completing the drawing of the body. Add a short ponytail. The silhouette of the animal is completed (Figure 5).

Let's move on to the muzzle. We mark oval eyes, a nose, a sweet smile. Add two curved lines – the puppy’s eyebrows (Figure 6).

Attention! Don't cover your eyes completely. Leave two white, unshaded circles. The pupils will be here.

We depict the nose in more detail. Here, too, you need to leave an unpainted spot-highlight. This will add liveliness to the dog. The dog coloring book is ready.

How to draw a playful dog

This image can be made very quickly. The sketch is simple, so part of the “work” can be entrusted to the young artist.

Step 1: Place the sheet diagonally and draw 6 identical circles at the bottom.

Step 2: Mark circles No. 1, 4, 5 and 6 to your child and ask him to draw two short parallel lines in each. The lines should be centered. These will be the dog's paws.

Stage 3: Above circle No. 2 and 3, draw the head of the animal in the form of a semi-oval.

Step 4: Use an arcuate line to connect the head to the last paw. This will be the torso.

Stage 5: Draw the tail. It can be long and shaggy, or short and perky, as in our picture.

On last stage draw a face. Round nose, eyes with pupils, eyebrows and ears. The curious puppy is ready. All that remains is to color the drawing.

Realistic images

Thanks to the next master class, we will figure out how to draw a dog step by step with a pencil. Be patient, it may not work right away.

Stage 1. Using thin, light lines, without pressing the pencil lead into the sheet, draw two ovals. This will be the head and torso. Where the ovals touch each other we draw a small circle, marking the future muzzle. We draw blank lines for the paws.

Stage 2. The most difficult in the whole drawing, since here the head and muzzle of the animal are drawn. And here there are several very important rules, on which the success of the “masterpiece” depends:

  1. The head should be in proportion to the size of the body. Don't be too big or too small.
  2. It is important to generally respect the proportions of body parts.

When drawing eyes, note that they are usually round. The shape of the pupils (dilated, constricted) and their location will determine the mood of the dog as a whole. A dog can carry any emotion: be angry, cunning, aggressive, sad, curious, and so on.

Stage 3. Using a soft pencil (2M) and a thick line, draw the outline of the body. We draw pads and claws on the paws. Don't forget to add a tail.

Stage 4. Erase the excess.

Stage 5. Finally, you can draw the fur, add shadows and shade. This will make the dog more realistic and lively.

Sketch by cells

Drawings using squares can be turned into a fun activity for the whole family. Dogs can be just pictures that need to be reproduced exactly or in the form graphic dictations. Such entertaining activities will help you pass the time in line, during a long trip on public transport, or anywhere else. We offer master classes of varying complexity on how to draw a dog by square. Some of them are suitable for preschoolers 4-6 years old, and more complex ones are for older children and their parents. You can use either a squared notebook or graph paper.

Graphic dictation “Dog”

For such a dictation, you need to take a notebook sheet in a square, step back 6 squares from the top and left and start drawing.


Drawings of a dog by cells

Serious dog:

Naughty hero

The favorite of many is the dog Scooby-Doo.

For experienced artists

Next step-by-step master class will teach your child how to draw a dog with a pencil in just 5 steps.

To make a portrait of a Spitz you will need:

Stage 1: draw the head.

Using a hard pencil H, draw the ears and fur along the outline of the pet. Focusing on the proportions indicated in the figure, we mark the muzzle. We mark where the Spitz's eyes, nose and mouth will be.

Stage 2: darken the face.

Using a black pen, shade the areas that will be the darkest. These are the nose, mouth, eye areas.

Stage 3: detailing the muzzle.

Using the softest pencil (B4 is best for these purposes) we draw the eyes, nose and protruding tongue.

Stage 4: designate the shadow.

We determine which side the “light source” will be on and, using a B2 pencil, draw the part of the fur on which the shadow will fall.

Stage 5: final

Use Soft B to finish drawing the rest of the fur. Pay attention to the direction of the fibers and the pressure with which the shading was performed. Spitz is ready.
