Cool scenes for Teacher's Day from students. “Commandments for a young teacher from experienced colleagues” with demonstration. Theatrical performance "ring show"

Scenario for Teacher's Day: “Teacher is a GREAT job!”

1. Song “Pursuit” entrance through the hall (children run into the hall, symbolizing “three horses”).
2. Teachers' council.
Director: What is this, what was that???
Students: And our holidays and the whole summer flew by so quickly...
Director: It's true, time flies by fast! But all roads lead to school! So students, horses to the right, teachers to the left, otherwise I can’t tell you apart... (they change lanes, take out folders, put on glasses)
Director: Well done, you are well prepared for the new school year, the dress code is even obvious...And so, dear colleagues, let’s start with our teachers’ council! You all bear a proud name - TEACHER! And Teachers are the only people whose return to work is celebrated by the whole country!!! But remember that school is an eternal movement forward, we do not stand still and today we will talk about innovations that await us in the near future. What is the main task of the school?
Teacher: Preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren, not only physical, but also mental! Give homework in doses, and not like some people, I won’t say who... they give a cart and a small cart, and the result is that the mother became hoarse... And the son became deaf... The neighbors learned the multiplication tables by heart, and the dog recited them!
Director: Margarita Lvovna, tomorrow a new exceptional student will come to your 9 “A”.

Teacher: So exceptional?

Director: Yes, he has already been expelled from three schools, but you must pull him up and prepare him not only for the Unified State Exam, but also the Unified State Exam.
Teacher: Allow me to make a proposal. I propose adding points to the rules for the Unified State Exam: 50/50, Call a friend, Help from the audience.
Director: What new and interesting things will our physical education teachers tell us?
Physics teacher: Lessons physical culture created in order to show the physical advantages of the teacher, and highlight the physical disadvantages of the students.
Director: Wow, that’s right, otherwise with us it’s the other way around... And what’s creative in our technology lessons this year:
Technology teacher: And from this year we will prepare children to master new modern professions: main course manager, soup dealer, compote marketing specialist, sandwich designer.
Director: Okay, what about patriotic education? Why are life safety and civics teachers silent? How will you implement the tasks of the state, how will you teach?
Life Safety Teacher: I will teach my subject in such a way that everyone will want to join the army, buy a portrait of Putin and join the Public Popular Front!!!
Director: Well, well, let's see, go for it! What about art and music???

Music teacher: Children need to know by name and face domestic and foreign composers and artists over the last 500 years, teach everyone how to read a musical score, teach everyone how to play different musical instruments and create your own orchestra...

Director: Wonderful and grandiose plans! Go ahead, learn to play instruments!

Music teacher: Yes, how come, many children don’t even have hearing!!!

Director: But no one forces them to listen, let them play, and that’s it!!! Oh, I forgot to introduce young aspiring teachers to our team! These are people who truly love their work! Artyom Ilyich, name three reasons why you love your job?

Young teacher: June, July, August...

Teacher: We have a question - what about a salary increase or is our crisis not over yet?

Director: Salary regularly, according to schedule. And there is always a way out of the crisis - a gypsy girl with a way out... from the crisis!

3. Song-remake of teachers for Teacher’s Day
to the tune of “The Long Road”
Summer flew by unnoticed, the school year has begun again.
We're tired of sitting around doing nothing - there's plenty of work waiting for us at school!

Oh, the teacher’s lot is hard - we live from bell to bell
Teachers' council, exams, notebooks... And the family? Well, family comes later!

We meet children, our tormentors, to whom we need to give knowledge.
And we go to school, forgetting our family and home, in order to give a part of ourselves to them!

Forgive me, my family, my teaching duty is calling me!
Our life is boiling, seething, being with children has long been my destiny!

We meet children, our tormentors, to whom we need to give knowledge.
And we go to school, forgetting our family and home, in order to give a part of ourselves to them!
4. Skits for children and parents.

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.
Who was walking on the street
Who rested in the after-school program?

Suddenly Kolya told the guys
1st reader.
Let's talk, kents, about school...
I broke a window yesterday
What do you have?
2nd reader.
And we brought the hedgehog to our class,
And you?
3rd reader.
And in our physical education,
The people are breaking the record in kind.
Vanka threw a grenade like that,
What even NATO found out.
4th reader.
We have a fun class!
This time.
We found a gas mask - that's two.
They wandered down the street in it - that's three!
5th reader.
And fourthly, our teacher
Came to my house
Because in the corridor
I was running around like crazy.
6th reader.
How crazy? So what's wrong?
But to the “bashkas”, for example,
A policeman came.
Uh-uh, your diction is bad,
The police have come to you!!!
Straight to the porch, with a flashing light,
With a striped stick...
1st reader.
Here we are in Russian on Wednesday
Loaded with dynamite
And now a portrait of Tolstoy
He squints his right eye.
2nd reader.
And here comes to us from the institute
They brought the trainees.
We accidentally found one of them
They gave me a heart attack...
3rd reader.
And we got a black eye.
And you?
4th reader.
And we have a duty class.
And you?
5th reader.
And with us, and with us,
the case is exactly right:
In the classroom it's a neighbor of a neighbor
I was reading a book after lunch.
6th reader.
A book? This is bullshit.
Here's a briefcase - yes!

1st reader.
Children are not so bad
Moms, dads and grandfathers,
Grandmothers and aunts
Everything is taken care of by us!

2nd reader.
Study begins
The whole family is freaking out!!!

PARENTS take the stage:
It was in the evening
My heart was beating wildly. –
The school year has begun
And there are too many worries.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Dinner was on the stove
And the family was waiting.

Who was relaxing at the dacha,
Who made the purchases?
Mom Lena sewed the dress,
Mom Nadya cooked soup,

Mom Galya sang a song
Mom Lyuba watched the film.
Suddenly mother Olya said simply like this:

1st mother:
And we have 5 in our notebook! And you?
2nd mother:
And we have a C again! And you?
3rd mother:
And yesterday our son wrote an essay.
I came up with an introduction, and then dad composed it.
4th mother:
Well, ours plays chips and keeps shouting “UEFA!”
Such terrible screams gave me a headache.
5th mom:
My son got into a fight yesterday and rolled around on the floor,
I washed my pants for two hours and sewed up my shirt.
1st mother:
Ours doesn't like vermicelli, this time,
Make your bed, that's two,
And fourthly, I asked my son to wash the floor,
He answers, “I won’t have time, I need to learn the rules!”
2nd mother:
And our daughter doesn’t like
Get up for school in the morning.
And now we dream with dad
We buy a crane.
3rd mother:
Well, I really dream
To become like my daughter again,
I'd like to lose 25 years,
And become a child again!
4th mother:
I would jump on a jump rope
5th mom:
I would play hopscotch
1st mother:
Well, I’d like for 20 rubles
I could eat all day.
2nd mother:
Well, I would like to tell all the boys
I would give some bumps.

Yes, when we were children,
This time was not appreciated!
Our school years
Flew away forever.
3rd mother:
I have to go,
After all, my daughter needs to draw something there.
4th mother:
Well, my son told me to write an account.
6th mother:
I need to solve problems 2 and finish my school uniform.

Author. How quickly children grow!... Leather sandals size 12, sneakers size 37, shoes size 45... Snow-white nylon ribbon in a tight braid, perhydrol curls “like that girl’s”, earrings, rings, beads... First steps, first SMS -ki stealthily,
first cigarette... And yet it is a great happiness to be PARENTS and go to an excellent school for any reason and for no reason, to learn from wonderful teachers!

1st reader.
It's true, we give our word,
And learning is still cool!!!
2nd reader.
And our lyceum is wonderful,
3rd reader.

5. Song “It will happen again”
Load more and more of us
For some reason they did.
First grade at school today
Like an institute.
The teacher asks us
With "X" tasks.
Candidate of Sciences - and that one
Cries over a task.

It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
Oh oh oh!

And we have a problem -
Essay again.
Leo Tolstoy at my age
I didn't write that.
I don't go anywhere
I don't breathe ozone.
I'm busy at work


Load more and more of us
For some reason they did.
First grade at school today
Like an institute.
I go to bed at twelve
There is no strength to undress.
I wish I could become an adult right away,
Take a break from childhood!
Teacher: Well, who can tell what assignment you received in mathematics yesterday? Come on, tell Sidorov.
Student: You asked us to find the square root...
Teacher: Well, did you find it???
Student: I've been digging up the garden all day - but all the round ones come across.

Teacher: Petrov, you can hardly count to ten. I can’t imagine what you can become?
Student Petrov: Boxing judge, Mary Ivanna!

Teacher: Trushkin goes to the board to solve the problem.
Student Trushkin goes to the blackboard.
Teacher: Listen carefully to the problem statement. Dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many...
Student Trushkin heads to the door.
Teacher: Trushkin, where are you going?!
Student Trushkin: I ran home, I have candy!!!
Teacher: Tell me, what is a monarchy?

Student: Monarchy is when a country is ruled by a king.

Teacher: What if the king dies?

Student: Then the queen rules.

Teacher: What if the queen dies?

Student: Then the jack remains.

Teacher: Children, who took Ishmael?
Student: I didn't take it, honestly. Ask if Petrov took it! I do not know!
(The teacher complains to the head teacher. The actor in this role has a sign called Head Teacher)
Teacher: Imagine, I ask them: “Who took Ishmael?” But they don’t know!
Head teacher: Well, why are you worried? These are children, they will play and give back.
(The teacher approaches the director)
Teacher: During the lesson I asked: “Who took Ishmael?” Nobody knows. I told the head teacher about this, and she told me: “They’ll play and give it back!” Can you imagine?
Director: What class is this?
Teacher: 7a
Director: No, these won’t give it up!
Teacher: Tell me, what is the number of the word “trousers” - singular or plural?

Student: Above is the singular, and below is the plural.
During a Russian language lesson, the teacher says:
- Petrov, “I’m studying, you’re studying, he’s studying” – what time is this?
Petrov, with a sigh:
- Lost, Mary Ivanna!
Teacher: What kind of word is “egg”, Sinichkin?
Student Sinichkin: None.
Teacher: Why?
Student Sinichkin: Because it is not known who will hatch from it: a rooster or a chicken.
Daughter, let's show how we learned all the months of the year. Well! Ian...
- Var!
- Feb...
- Rahl!
- Now go ahead!
- Art, rel, ah, yun, yul, gust, yar, yar, yar, yul!
A first-grader examines a manicure from a high school girl (admiringly):
- Cool, your nails are so long!
A high school girl, simpering:
- What, do you like it?
- Well, yes! They must be so convenient for climbing trees!
Teacher: Let's remember the parts of the world, answer Dasha... (silent, trying to remember, the teacher helps with gestures)
Student (answers with the help of the teacher, gesturing with his hands):
- On the left is west, on the right is east, in front is north...
Teacher: That's right, but in the back, in the back, what do you have??? Tell me, what's behind you?
Student:(backs away from the teacher, then turns around, showing a huge patch on his pants)
- Damn, I told my mom that everyone would notice the hole in my pants!

“You know, just thinking about him makes my heart race, my hands shake, my legs give way, I can’t even speak.”
- And what is his name?
- Unified State Exam!
“Do you want me to give you a ride in a big foreign car with a powerful engine?”
- Then let's run quickly - see that red bus over there!

Show me Saturn! (takes the hoop and begins to rotate)
- Well done, otherwise Ivanov’s head will fly out of orbit!!!
A beautiful high school student, showing off, looks at the tablet as if in a mirror:
- My light, mirror, tell me! Tell me the whole truth! Am I the cutest in the world? Everyone is slimmer and more fashionable?
Mirror (drawn out, but angrily):
- I'll give you my answer! You frazzled me out! I am a tablet!
Biology lesson.

Teacher. Explain the structure of a butterfly.

Students. I forgot my glasses!
I... I didn't know there was a lesson!
Can I?
He stands up, raises his hands and sings:
Butterfly with wings
(whole class) blah-blah-bang-bang,
And behind her is a little sparrow
(whole class) jump-jump-jump-jump,
He's her darling
and shmyg-smyg-smyg-smyg (everything is sung in motion).

- Be equal! Attention! Pay in order!
(1st, 2nd,...last)
- Leave it alone! Three outfits out of order!
- You're lucky, there are three whole outfits, and I love dressing up so much!!!
- Stand at attention, one at a time in the column, march forward in steps!
The class sings “Together it’s fun to walk through the open spaces.”

Go to different sides and leave.

Teacher. Where?

He walks, spreading his arms. Where are you, where are you, where are you, where are you?
Teacher: no children, no wife - oh, school, school, what have you done???

7. Song “Pidmanula”

8. The appearance of the cleaning lady:
- Okay, finish your dancing! It's time to go home!
- Well, Aunt Glasha, please give us another minute!!!
- Well, who will wash the floors for me, 1000 square meters, you can’t clean up after yourself, but the whole school rests on me...
- Well, please, we’re preparing a holiday!
- And every day you have a holiday, then a conference, then a rally, but I have a regime!!! (constantly washes the floors, hides behind the scenes for a moment and comes out with a bucket, which he pours into the auditorium - with confetti)
- It was I who was angry because I wasn’t invited to the holiday, but now I’m with you, which means the holiday continues!!!
9. Song based on “Hope”.

Every person faces the teaching profession. First he meets her in the form of a student, then in the role of a parent. That’s why almost all people like teachers. And you can’t do without them!

Funny skits about teachers and Vovochka's parents

Oh, this notorious Vovochka really got all the teachers! But, as it turns out, his parents are not inferior to him in knowledge, resourcefulness and self-confidence. Therefore, funny skits about teachers and Vovochka’s parents will fit well into the scenarios of school holidays.

A skit about Vovochkin’s dad and his physical education class

This miniature is quite suitable as a scene for Teacher's Day. Funny stories associated with incomprehensible parents - what could amuse teachers more? The plot of this sketch begins with the fact that Vovochka’s dad comes to school with a bandaged head and on crutches. He demands from the director monetary compensation for an injury, since the clinic does not give him a ballot with payment. The director is surprised: “Why should the school pay for a broken head?”

Yes, not the school, but your physical education teacher! It was he who made the children do the exercise, which I also tried to do, standing outside the gym door - and this is the result!

What did Andrei Petrovich demand such an impossible from the children? - the director is surprised.

He told them: "Children, raise up right leg! I also raised my right leg. And he says: “Now raise left leg! I also tried to raise my left leg, holding the window sill with my hands, but I fell, hitting my head on the floor... And my legs got stuck in the radiator! It's amazing how all your children haven't gotten hurt yet!

Miniature “Anna Ivanovna from Kazan”

Funny sketches about teachers, written in the styles of the classics, are successful. For example, it could be a miniature that is somewhat reminiscent of “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish.”

Vovochka lived with his parents

Right next to my school.

They lived there for five years and two months.

Vovochka went to this school,

And parents regularly attended meetings.

Once my father came to the meeting,

Lo and behold, the teacher is all in mourning.

And then the father asked the teacher:

What happened, Anna Ivanovna?

The teacher answers the father:

Bitter grief has befallen us!

A commission came to the school,

I attended different classes.

So they looked into our class, yes...

I surprised everyone, I won’t hide it, Vovochka,

I can simply say that I was completely shocked!

He told the honest commission,

Like, I love extracurricular activities without memory,

It’s called “Myths from Kazan”... Yes...

He didn’t mention the legends,

He even clarified: they say, in Kazan

These myths were written by mythologists -

Indigenous Kazan residents.

Here the father was greatly surprised:

Why are you unhappy, Ivanovna?

My son gave you this compliment:

And you don’t like everything!

So it's an extracurricular activity

It was called something completely different!

There was not only talk about myths,

And also about ska-za-ni-ya!

And then the father flew up completely out of anger:

If you yourself, Anna Ivanovna,

You are a native of the city,

What is still called Kazan,

This is not an argument at all, unfortunately.

Attack a child with a claim!

Where did you get this from?

What, as if I was born in Kazan?

That's what you said yourself, in class

We study myths. AND - I AM FROM KAZAN!

The teacher grabs her head and screams: “Oh!” runs off stage. Vovochka’s dad shrugs and goes in the other direction.

Old Man Hottabych - did he exist?

You can imagine funny skits for Teacher's Day, in which an old tome with hieroglyphs inscribed on it will be used. You can get it from a bottle that Volka catches in the sea. Everyone in the hall will be expecting gin, and then... And Volka will also be surprised - it’s written completely differently in the book!

Or you can still release a genie on stage during the skit on Teacher's Day. The funny commandments that old Hottabych will pronounce will surely make all teachers and students laugh! Although the volumes for reading in a purely teaching circle and at a general holiday with students should still be different.

“Commandments for a young teacher from experienced colleagues” with demonstration

Funny skits will be very creative if the rules that are included in them are not only read, but also acted out. For example, it might look like this.

Presenter (experienced teacher):


By division, Tamara Stepanovna!

More specifically, Natasha, how?

With a shovel, Tamara Stepanovna!

Okay, Natasha, God bless them, the worms... Tell me ten animals that live in Africa.

Four crocodiles and six monkeys!

That's it, Natasha, my patience is over! Give me your diary, I'll give you a D in it!

But I don’t have it now... Vasilisa took it from me for a while. Today she will scare her parents with it.

Miniatures based on stories from jokes about Vovochka for a boy

What is two and two? Tanya, answer!

Five thousand, Mary-bath!

Wrong. What do you think, Petenka?

I think it's Tuesday!

You don't think at all, Petenka. And if you do think, it’s not with your brains... Vovochka, maybe you know the right answer?

Of course, Mary-Ivanna! Twice two equals four!

Absolutely right, you’re so smart, Vovochka! How did you guess?

So, if you subtract Tuesday from five thousand, you get four!

The second sketch can be based on Vovochka’s conversation with her parents. Mom asks her son what happened at school today. Vovochka proudly answers:

Mary-Ivanna praised you for your friendship!

How is that? - asks the surprised mother.

She said just that: “Well, Vovochka, thank you very much to your parents, they were very helpful to me!” And she also asked everyone to tell me if they had siblings. I was the first to answer!

What did you say?

Well, he said that I am the only child in the family! And Maria Ivanovna wiped the sweat from her forehead, raised her hands to heaven and joyfully exclaimed: “Glory to you, Lord!”

How to come up with miniature scenes for school holidays

All dramatizations are a reflection of reality. There is no need to invent them at all. It is enough just to carefully observe the children and teachers and write down everything funny incidents. No one can write better than life itself.

The holiday called Teacher's Day is approaching. In the meantime, he is gradually approaching, all the students are “running” in search of what they will surprise their beloved teachers with. And you run too? Or maybe you can show funny skits about teachers on Teacher's Day?

Thumbnail of passing the exam.

Dear students, hello. Today we have an exam, and today in our school, in our class, an experiment is being conducted. They connected cameras to us, and now they can see us all right in Moscow! So we behave well, don’t cheat, and pass the exam.
Here one student raises his hand.

Stepanov, what do you want?

It’s as if I already want to leave.

What does it mean to leave?! We have an exam!

So I want to “give it up” and leave.

Oh, give it up! This is another matter! But remember Stepanov, there are cameras everywhere, so don’t let your class or the whole school down!
Stepanov comes out and immediately goes to the teacher and gives him a heavy bag.

The teacher takes the bag and says in surprise:
What is this, Stepanov?

Like what? This is my exam!

The teacher looks into the bag, then wipes the sweat from his face and says:
Why small change?

It’s just that my dad works in a minibus, we always have this little thing!

The teacher gives the bag to the student:
Take it quickly, Stepanov. Cameras are everywhere, and you're poking me!

Stepanov takes the bag:
How then can I pass the exam?

Do you see my table is free? Sit behind him and leave the bag there.

The student sits down at the teacher’s table and says:
All is ready. I passed?

Which one passed, Stepanov?! See, cameras are everywhere! Come on, I'll help you now. Let me know what your question is.

How to hint?

Raise your hand, ask to leave and drop hints in between.

Stepanov holds out his hand.

Stepanov, what do you want?

Arthur Nikolaevich, before I answer the question “basic properties of the atom,” can I go to the toilet?

You can, Stepanov, go.

Stepanov comes out. And the teacher says:
Do you see how Stepanov easily passed the exam?! And all because Stepanov’s dad works in a minibus, and Stepanov is preparing to continue his father’s work and therefore is in a hurry to pass everything quickly and go study with his father!

Sketch - Modern teachers.

Teachers can be played by students.

The teacher's room, there are two teachers in it. Another teacher walks into the teachers' room with quick steps, throws a magazine on the table and speaks.

Teacher 1:
No, I can't do this anymore! I have no more strength!
One of the teachers in the room asks.

Teacher 2:
What's happened? Did you reach 8th grade again?
The third teacher, who was also already in the staff room, echoes.

Teacher 3:
Yes, 8"a" is just hell!

Teacher 1:
My mother told me: put on tights, a shorter skirt, and go to the city council building, maybe someone will fall for you! No, I put on a formal suit, and went to become a teacher, I went to make a career!

Teacher 2:
Well, you can’t do that because of one class! After all, these are children, we need to be gentle with them somehow.

Teacher 3:
It needs to be softer. But if it were up to me, I would “tighten the screws” for them!

Teacher 1:
How much more strict? I call Petrov to the board and ask – show Mallorca on the map. And he says, I won’t show you, but tell you how cool it is, my dad and I vacationed there in the summer!

Teacher 2:
Yes, really, Petrov is the son of a deputy, he can tell a lot! And in my lesson Ivanov holds out his hand and says - you can go out! I ask - where are you going? And he answers - feed the cat! I say - what cat? Did your cat stay at home or did you bring it to school? And he answers me - he downloaded the game, it’s called talking cat, now it’s time for him to eat. And shows me the tablet. I just don’t know what to do, I say, go feed the cat, I don’t need hunger victims in my class.

Teacher 3:
But my students flatly refused to teach Dostoevsky. They say that Rospotrebnadzor added their favorite site with games to the list of prohibited ones, and they responded by adding all the writers and poets that we study in school to their list of authors prohibited from studying!

Teacher 1:
Yes, these are not children, then... I don’t even know how to say it without swearing!

Teacher 2:
Well, no problem, there will be a holiday on our street, the time for tests and exams will come!

The door to the teachers' room opens, another teacher comes in and says:
Happy holiday, teachers!

Every year, at the beginning of October, each of the classes prepares a mini-concert or small performances for their teachers. Little talents, primary and secondary school students, demonstrate all their capabilities: they dance, play the piano, guitar, and other musical instruments, and recite poetry. However, the most anticipated in the festive program are always funny skits on Teacher's Day. Humorous scripts for skits are written either by high school students together with their parents, or by teachers. Since every time one of the parents or the children themselves films the holiday on camera, the most interesting moments of the performances are posted on the Internet for public viewing and discussion. The most incredible and original videos sometimes receive millions of views. Sometimes teachers themselves organize flash mobs that literally blow up the Internet!

Funny humorous scenes for Teacher's Day - video

School is a serious matter; and this statement, for sure, no one is going to dispute. However, to know where the line between funny and serious lies, there is humor in our lives. When preparing humorous skits for Teacher's Day, the guys give their all 100%! Every class wants to be the best. Let the guys’ performances not be compared: the flurry of applause received during the demonstration of the production and the explosion of laughter ─ the best assessment of their efforts.

Sketch “Othello and Desdemona” for Teacher’s Day, description and video

Among the scenes on October 5, the miniature “Othello and Desdemona” has been “at the top” for several years. The essence of the mini-performance is simple and very vital. The marriage of the spouses (Othello is a faithful hard-working husband and Desdemona is a young teacher) is bursting at the seams. The wife spends all her time at work, completely abandoning the house and household. The efforts of her husband, who trusts in the prudence of his soul mate, are in vain. All his admonitions to “cook something to eat” or “go to the store” do not find understanding with the class teacher who only loves her school. Having exhausted all arguments, young Othello attacks the slow-witted Desdemona. When schoolchildren perform such a performance, the hall literally shakes with laughter: the situation is very familiar!

Sketch for Teacher’s Day “Control” - description and video

Funny skit “Control” ─ a dramatization of a situation familiar to everyone. As soon as the teacher announces the start of the year test work, every student in the class suddenly has questions that have never arisen before. Some need to get out, others can’t figure out the test option, others don’t even understand where they are and what they need to do.

Sketch for Teacher’s Day “Expectations and Reality” - description and video

Another funny skit is based on comparing situations at school and is called “Expectations and Reality.” Children from high school show the difference between such familiar moments as the flu at school, questioning knowledge, understanding the teacher in the “ideal” view of teachers and in real life.

Skits for Teacher's Day for high school - video

On Teacher's Day, October 5 or the Friday before the holiday, most high schools perform dramatizations of various school and extracurricular situations. Usually children, especially high school and middle school students, do an excellent job of remembering and performing the skit perfectly. If difficulties arise when staging a mini-play or the children cannot remember the words, before the concert and performance they can re-watch the video with skits for Teacher’s Day. Video clips of the best performances of KVN teams will also help them with this. High school students will be able to choose the video they like and make their own, slightly modified, mini-play for Teacher's Day. The funny sketch “An Unexpected Check at School” will appeal to all adults, and even to the youngest viewers from primary school.

The production “History Lesson with Teacher of the Year” performed by popular comedians from “Ural Dumplings” will definitely appeal to future graduates. The situation played out in a funny play, fortunately, does not occur so often, but, unfortunately, it is all too recognizable in some of the Russian schools.

“English Lesson” is the name of a production for high school students, performed not only on Teacher’s Day, but also during other concerts dedicated to school celebrations. A careless student who comes to an exam with a teacher who is not very attentive to her students is a common school situation.

Skits for Teacher's Day for primary grades

For primary classes choose simple and short scenes. Kids still have a hard time remembering long texts, so while the children are performing, their first teacher should be next to them. If a student forgets words, a little hint from the teacher helps him not to get confused. Senior friends of first- and third-graders can take part in the performances. For example, in the miniature play “ Primary School» class teacher portrayed by a high school student.

Sometimes on Teacher's Day, students in grades 9-11 can act out a situation that does not occur in Russian schools. The success of the performance largely depends on the talent of the young actors. The scenes where little actors try on the roles of teachers and their careless students look very funny.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for 5th grade

Congratulating teachers on their professional holiday, students in grades 5-6 often choose an incendiary dance for their performance. Usually girls take a more active part in the production. Fifth grade boys are either hired as “back-up dancers” or they find a funny and talented solo dance performer. The style is chosen by the performers themselves. Today, hip-hop and disco, sports rock and roll and ballroom dancing are popular among the guys.

During the preparation of the performance, fifth-graders can invite children from high school to participate in the production. This dance will please everyone without exception!

If there are girls in the class attending sports schools and acrobatics classes, ask them to help the other kids learn the basic dance elements.

Beautiful dance for Teacher's Day for grades 10-11

In the tenth grade, many of the schoolchildren already know how to dance beautifully. Some of them get carried away ballroom dancing, contempo, modern trends in dance skills. If there is a girl or guy in the class who is professionally involved in this type of art, staging the performance ─ dance for Teacher’s Day ─ can be entrusted to this person. Having felt the full responsibility of the task, the teenager will cope with it with “five” marks. Sometimes parents, seeing how their children are worried when creating a script for their dance performance, ask their children to let them help evaluate the performance and, perhaps, critically evaluating it, point out the shortcomings to the children. You should never refuse such help. Valuable and wise advice from your dad or mom, even if they are very far from the art of dance, will give an advantage to your performance.

A video of your dance dedicated to Teacher’s Day can get tens of millions of views, just like a video with dance performances of Ukrainian schoolchildren. True, the guys rocked it at graduation, but who’s stopping high school students from repeating the same thing on October 5?

Congratulating your favorite teachers on their professional day, give them funny, humorous scenes for Teacher's Day or a beautiful dance. As a rule, teachers and concert guests enjoy fiery, energetic performances by young artists, dynamic performances, and frequently changing scenery during performances. When preparing a beautiful dance for October 5, 5th grade students can call on their friends from the senior class for help. A jointly prepared performance or dance of grade 10 and junior schoolchildren may end with a festive concert dedicated to all employees public education and, first of all, to our wonderful people!

Teacher's Day

1 Vedas. Hello!!!
2 Vedas . - Today is an unusual day!
3 Vedas - Today is an amazing day! Today...
All: Holiday!!!

1 Vedas . Glad! and Long-awaited!

2 Vedas Today is the holiday of those who proudly bear the title of teacher, master, teacher!

3 Vedas Thank you, dear teachers, for being you, for being who you are, and we love you all very much!
ALL: Happy holiday!
1st presenter:

October, as before, is painted with gold
The edges of heaven, forests and fields
To us again through all everyday worries
A bright holiday is coming - Teachers' Day!

2nd presenter:

For mentors - poems and songs;
The sparkle of inspired lines,
The wisest of all professions,
With the proud title Teacher!

3 Ved. Strict and affectionate,
Wise and sensitive,
For those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches you to achieve victories in work -
To everyone whose proud name is “teacher”,
We dedicate the concert.

Song "Happy Teacher's Day"

1 Vedas Every person chooses a profession not with his mind, but with his heart. Whether this is true or not in our school, we suggest checking it out!

2 Vedas We invite you to answer 9 questions and find out whether you are a real teacher or not! Your answer to the question will be your applause!

3 ved . So, let's get started. You carry everything from home that may be useful to you at your workplace.

1 led. You bring into the house a lot of useless things from the point of view normal people, your family and friends, who are watching with fear as the mountain of waste paper inevitably grows in your apartment.

2 ved. Your family has been sacrificed for education; they also work with you, although they are not on the staff. They work, quietly feeling sorry for you. Your child's fate is to wait. At the office, the teacher's room, at home, wait patiently and silently.

3 ved . People who are far from educated do not understand when you talk about your 30 children and 45 parents.

1 ved . There is always more money in your purse than your own (for an excursion, for curtains, posters, etc., etc.).

2 ved . Half the neighborhood greets you and the same half evaluates how you are, where you are and who are you with?

3 ved . You know how to paint, glue, hammer nails, repair furniture, work until the morning, persuade, forgive, go to work sick and get into someone else's position.

1 ved . You don’t know how to: rest wisely, say “no” to the administration, walk past book counters.

3 ved. You just can’t decide whether to accept congratulations or condolences from September 1st.

1. Ved We thought that our school employs real teachers, masters of their craft!

2 Vedas Teachers! They are like a light on the way
What a huge heart you need
Have it in your chest so that light for people carry
So that his trace cannot be erased forever!

A group of students (6 students) runs onto the stage. They line up and, one by one, begin to speak with inspiration and elation:

1.- Our dears!

2.- Favorite!

3. - Dear!

4.- Revered!

5. - Adored!

Enthusiastic (continues). Beloved, unforgettable, wrapped up, muzzled, bungled...

1. (interrupts, covering the Enthusiastic’s mouth with his hand). What are you talking about? (Strokes him on the head and explains to the audience.) I was completely stunned, poor thing. He started talking.

The group of students continues:

Our dear teachers!

We love you!

We respect you!

We honor!

We love it!

Enthusiastic (continues with inspiration). We bow, admire, admire, wonder...

1. (interrupting). Maybe stop fawning?

Enthusiastic (persistently And stubbornly). No way!

Group of students (continue one by one):

Yes! We understand how difficult it is for you!

With us, the unlucky ones!




Enthusiastic (interrupts and continues alone).

Lazy, loud, talkative, rabid...

1. (indignantly). Well, I'm tired of it! (Clamps the mouth of the Enthusiastic.

1st reader: To those who introduced us to first grade,

2nd reader: Who does everything for us,

3rd reader: To those who gives knowledge,

4th reader: Who's taking us to the theater?

5th reader: To those who give us grades,

6th reader: Who will not leave us in trouble,

To those who don't let you be lazy,

Who will teach us to work,

Who brings light to people

All in chorus: Hello student!

(A fairy-tale melody sounds, the curtain slowly opens, two buffoons appear, the projector shows an image of a fairy-tale palace, they sing to the music from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”)

Buffoon 1. The fairy tale suddenly knocked on the door in silence.

Buffoon 2. The holiday has come to school, I believe it and I don’t believe it.

Buffoon 1. A leaf fell, dawn floated, autumn came.

Buffoon 2. How many days and nights were you carried?


Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked.
Everything became clear to me now.
How many years have I been arguing with fate?
For the sake of this meeting with you.

(The phonogram of their film “Plasticine Crow” plays, they continue to sing. Video “School 1970”)

Buffoon 1. One simple fairy tale

Buffoon 2. Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Buffoon 1. Or maybe we want to tell you a story.

Buffoon 2. One wonderful school,

Buffoon 1. Or maybe not at school,

Buffoon 2. Or maybe still at school?

Buffoons (together). What's in Saving?

Buffoon 1. We gathered for the holiday,

Buffoon 2. Or maybe for a matinee,


To congratulate everyone on the holiday,
Everyone, all teachers!!!

(The Storyteller appears in the tower window.)

Storyteller. Believe it or not, but live in this world Galina-Krasa, director of the palace school. And beautiful maidens live in her kingdom, like swans, albeit a little, and how smart they are, it’s impossible to describe in a fairy tale.

(the tortured swan teachers come out “Hymn to the Teacher” to the tune “I love you life.”)

    Now that the day is over, you are walking out of school tiredly.
    There is so much to do ahead, even a day is not enough for this.
    Every hour, every moment there are continuous worries in front of you.
    You are a teacher and you knew that this work was not easy.

    How many of them, mischievous, naughty, stubborn, cheerful
    I met in class, realizing that life is a school...
    Sparing no effort, sometimes waiting for change,
    I walked along the same road that always led to school.

    There are many roads in the world, but your choice was not accidental.
    Feeling kindness and arriving at my native threshold,
    You will understand that our school will always be with you.
    Every life lesson is learned here, becoming your destiny.

Storyteller. There is a rumor about this kingdom that this is the most wonderful kingdom in the Makeevsky state. And they had a holiday, and guests came from all the volosts.


The English ambassador arrived for our morning pickle,
And in our house we have snacks - half a slice and mosol.

(Calls Ivan)

Get ready Vanka for the journey and get us some for the holiday
And artists, and gypsies, oh! Get someone!
If you fail, who is to blame, I will order your execution!
State business - you catch the thread!

Vanka .

There’s something I don’t understand, given my mind
I’m sipping my tea without bast soup, trying to figure out what’s what.
It turns out that all the politics in the country are on me
To make sure everyone is happy, I will provide for the guests!

Storyteller. The queen's word is harder than crackers. And our Vanya wandered off to look for happiness and plunder grief. But where to go - we need Vanya. Necessary. Ivan walked around the entire southern district, tired, no urine, and it was already nightfall. Lie down.

(Under the tree.)

And he has a dream...

1 presenter:(catching up) Shh...Quiet! There's a teachers' council there!!!

Scene "Teachers' Council". Teacher's room. Teachers are sitting, some are checking notebooks, some have taken out a cosmetic bag and are fixing their makeup, some are leafing through fashion magazine etc.

Head teacher: Well, Dear colleagues, let's discuss our, so to speak, problems

1 teacher (standing in a shockproof helmet):
I love children, friends, always,
But knowing their jokes,
I get defensive sometimes
And I cover my head.
After all, they will come in handy more than once
Teachers are brains,
And so I enter my class
I, in spite of fear!

2nd teacher (standing, hugging a gas mask):
This is my gas mask,
Only with him can I go to class!
I have been teaching chemistry for a hundred years,
But still - there is no peace!
They'll blow it up here, they'll blow it up there,
And not five minutes will pass!
I'm sitting in a gas mask,
And I lead the children in it!

3 teacher (holding a bag of sweets):
Rastil A image of a good man.
After all, I know Yualways for sure
That kids love chocolate
And I’m the guys’ favorite
Not only do I feed with knowledge,
After all, I love children from the bottom of my heart.
To the one who has learned his lesson,
I always put candy in my mouth!

4 teacher (holding a soccer ball):
In physical education, without difficulty,
There will be order forever!
Fell, did a hundred push-ups,
Then crawl to your dusty classroom!

5 teacher (holding a class magazine):
And my answer is simple,
The school director is in front of you!
And if I just want,
I will immediately expel you from school,
The kids read together
All the books assigned at school!

Here are my head teachers standing

They can give you advice...

Head teacher: If you have just recently
They gave me a class where there is no order,
Don't despair too much!
After all, they pay for this too!
Even if it’s small, it’s stable!


Enter class with confidence
And then hit it hard
On the table so that it shakes!
And start calmly
With a mournful voice
Talk about something important
For example, about behavior.


Well, what if this is it
It doesn't reach the kids
Then think about it in a moment,
Who is the “boss” here?
Tell him: “Shouldn’t you and I go out?
For a heartfelt conversation
In this quiet corridor?


If subtle hints
Have no results
In order to promote
Educational process
Call dad to school
With or without mom,
Ask about health
About success at work,
Praise, ask
Influence the evil child.
You can do it right this very hour!


And when a happy boy
Forgetting about all the fun,
Rubbing my buttock
Yours will leave the office,
Don't worry, calm down:
The class will immediately begin
Peace, quiet and grace!

And now there is a little left:
Remember and understand the code.
And in my work at school
Never use!

Director: Teachers, now is in store for you

Take an oath and fulfill my commandments

Music teacher- I swear by the piano

And "Moonlight Sonata"!

Labor teacher- I swear on a chisel

And a shovel!

Biology teacher- I swear by the roots

And a microscope!

Physics teacher- I swear by the dynamometer

And a strobe light!

Physical education teacher- I swear by the crossbar

And a horse!


foreign language - I swear by my fattest


Geometry teacher- I swear by the protractor

And a theorem!

Algebra teacher- I swear on the coordinates

And the system!

Teacher of Russian language– I swear by morphology

And punctuation!

Chemistry teacher- I swear by oxidation and stormy


A history teacher- I swear by the history of the ancient


Drawing teacher- I swear by the preparation, the stroke

And on the dotted line!

Literature teacher- I swear by the poem and the novel,

And a fairy tale!

Geography teacher- I swear on the globe

And a pointer!

    “Listen to the director, he knows better how many bad marks to give and to whom,”

    “Before you give a bad mark, think about who will correct it,”

    “Respect the head teacher: otherwise he will make so many “windows” that you won’t see the light,”

    “Be less upset, rebuild more”

    “Don’t blame the director for all the sins; there is also the Education Department,”

    “Don’t envy young teachers: they are so far from retirement.”

Student to teachers: We swear, we swear, we swear

Laughed!? And now on to the lessons! And work, work...

Storyteller: Ivan turned over on the other side and heard... The dove sings...


(Ivan wakes up.)


Either the devil is zealous now, or the air is drunk now,
Maybe there's something wrong with my ear,
Was such a law announced from the royal windows,
So that birds speak human language.


Don’t commit robbery, Ivan, but take me with you.
When you take me into your little room, I will become your destiny.
I will sing, dance, play and shine at the festival
And you can play the violin and entertain everyone.


What kind of parable is that - I don’t understand, okay - get into my bag.
We'll figure out who's going where and what's what on the spot.

(They walk through the forest to the music.)

I walked all day, but good luck at least a shadow
There are no artists in the area, everything is pure rubbish.


Don't freak out and don't whine, there will be a holiday, there will be a feast.
Come on, stand before me, Tit Kuzmich and Frol Fomich!

(They jump out of the chest.)

T.K. Why are we not buffoons, we can do everything: dance and sing

F.F. And we will show all the successes that cannot be seen in a dream

T.K. Don't judge us harshly, Vanya, we're trying our best.

F.F. What should you show teachers this holiday?

Together. Songs and dances are a miracle, it’s easy here.


Storyteller: Ivan put the dove and the buffoons in a bag and went on. He walked, he walked - he was tired. He sees that the hut is standing. I looked out the window, and there...

Scene "Desdemona".

There is a table on the stage, a chair next to it. Othello nervously paces around the stage. Desdemona is approaching.


I hear steps. Finally at home
My wife will cook dinner for me.
I'm fucking hungry, Desdemona!


Othello, I don't have lunch.


I really have no time for jokes, my dear.
Our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!
I'm just dying of hunger...


But I was working, not at the cinema!


What's in your bag? (takes a bag, takes out notebooks)
Notebooks again
Did you bring it home?
Woe is me!


I see that your nerves are not all right,
You even screamed more than once in your sleep! (Sits down to check notebooks)


Listen, Desdemona, really
It would be nice to have a snack now!


Othello! We've already eaten today.
And it’s even harmful to eat at such a late hour!


Listen, I have a job too,
But I can’t think of anything because I’m hungry!


Oh, honey, come up with something, really.
Read the newspaper! And hunger will disappear.


My hunger will not be satisfied. Really
Is it so difficult for you to go to the store?


I thought I'd come by at the end of the week.
But you could buy something yourself!
You're disturbing me, honey. By the way,
So little time left, dear!
I will be on duty at school until nightfall:
My class is walking at the disco.


What disco?! What kind of joke?!
Our family is about to be destroyed!


Oh, you know, you can’t be a slave to your stomach.
I ran, my class was waiting for me.


You run away from home like hell.
Work is more important to you, not family.
Have you prayed at night, Desdemona?
Die, unfortunate one, die, my love!


No, honey, I'll run to work,
You go to the store and buy this, that, that...
I'll come back in the evening and we'll eat together!

Storyteller: Vanya has seen enough, heard enough... And I got hungry. I looked to the left - nothing, looked to the right - there was a store of amazing things, Vanya stood in line.

The curtain opens. On the stage there are tables with objects laid out on them - experimental goods. There are two sellers at the tables with goods - active, cheerful, very kind.

1st seller (joyfully). And here is the first visitor! Please pass!

teacher (timid, nervous, unsure, glasses on the tip of her nose, which she adjusts all the time; she shudders at everything, constantly turns around in fear, fiddles with something in her hands, speaks quietly and politely) . Hello. Excuse me, did I get to the store?

2nd seller (helpful). Glad to serve! What do you want?

Teacher. I would like some... help...

1st seller (broad gesture towards the items). Please! Widest choice.

Teacher (joyfully grabs the first thing that catches her eye - a broom). Maybe this?

2nd seller (trying to take away the broom, they are fighting). Give it back! (dismissively). This is an outdated model...

Teacher (pleadingly). What do you recommend? After all, there was no sweet spot with the guys.

1st seller (energetically). Here! Especially for you: neat tweezers (shows) to pluck out loose tongues.

The teacher recoils.

2nd seller. And here is the kit (shows): hammer and nails for crucifixion on the most obnoxious desks...

Teacher (rolls her eyes, screams). No! No!

1st seller (to another). Look, I think she's too impressionable.

2nd seller. There's no point in doing this at school...

Teacher (pleadingly). Please... watch... something else

1st seller. Well, then - this is it: absolutely harmless and very effective!(puts out toilet paper rolls) Give a gift to a colleague - an English teacher.

Teacher (suspiciously). Toilet paper? Excuse me, how is this?

2nd seller. It’s very simple: send the student with this roll to the toilet and let him sit there until he uses it all, studying English language. You see, here the alphabet comes first, then the words(unwinding the paper) then verb tenses.

Teacher. Great idea! Is there such a guide for any other subjects?

1st seller. F formulas in mathematics, dates in history, complex topics in the Russian language... That's all for now, but we continue to work in this direction.

Teacher (joyfully). I take it, I take it, I take it! Oh! (stops) But if everyone sits in the toilet, who will we work with?Can I watch something else?

2nd salesman (helpful) . Please please!

1st seller. Here it is, just for you(starts to take it out from under the counter). "Straitjacket"! gags of various modifications, for example, a dummy gag. “Laxative water”, “Healing noose”...

The teacher can no longer speak, she only hums and shakes her head negatively.

2nd seller. Well then we don't know. You won’t please... Maybe a set “to help a beginning teacher”?

Teacher ( With hope). What's in this set?

1st seller (inspired). A gun for shooting the most impudent, a grenade for neutralizing the most obnoxious, a gas canister for self-defense, a fishing rod for catching...

(with these words Vanya runs out of the store)

Dance about the martyr teacher

Storyteller: Vanka got scared, ran away as far as his eyes could see and found himself in an unknown clearing. Sees an unknown vessel. Looking around, he approached the vessel with caution and took it in his hands.

Loud noise, like an explosion, a genie appears.
What kind of life is this! I just wanted to go online and send a letter to brother Hottabych, but again someone has problems...What do you want, my dear?
Gosha!!! Stunning...Gin! Real…
Well, what kind of people are they?! They can’t believe their eyes... The real me, the REAL ME!!! Come on, make a wish!

And what can I do, exactly what I want?
Well, right! Got up to speed...As expected - three wishes and no more!
Vania :
So, why come up with something like that...Oh! Well, I am a genius! I always dreamed of changing my math teacher's hairstyle!...ha ha ha! Exactly my first wish - I WANT Mary Ivanovna to become bald right now! What a joke!
Please! (snaps fingers)
Behind the scenes, the heart-rending scream of a frightened teacher is heard.
Wow! Judging by the scream - it works!!! So, why come up with something so big! So that all teachers get...Oh! My second wish is:
So that suddenly teachers become, like, well, like me!
They expressed themselves just as coolly,
had fun and laughed
they forgot to speak competently
and they taught us slang!”
“Be as it will be, as you wish,
Since you're dreaming about it -
Tomorrow all teachers
They will surprise you!”

Jin and the student leave the stage.
Voice behind the scenes:"Tomorrow has arrived."
To the stage under " "Vchitelka-microdistrict of our resident" teachers come out. To maintain intrigue, teachers may not turn their backs for a while, since they have signs attached to their backs - “chemistry teacher”, “physical teacher”, etc. Teachers smoke and laugh loudly. The bell rings. They shout “OH, WE'RE LATE!” and run backstage.
Voice behind the scenes:"Chemistry lesson".
Appears on stage chemistry teacher, who starts teaching the lesson:
“Hey, darova!”
The topic of our lesson is...
"Subject!" - hey, that doesn’t sound bad...
In general, we took those flasks
And that powder over there,
Right now we'll arrange it for the school
A nice little shock.
Pour, add
And let's shake it up a little...
The light goes out and there is an explosion.
The light comes on, the teacher is covered in soot, his hair stands on end.
Damn, it didn't work out again
We'll start all over again tomorrow! (runs off stage)

G voice behind the scenes: “Physical education lesson.” Jumps onto the stage on a skipping rope Physical education teacher:
“Get up! Shorts pulled up!
Let's wake up already!
And... to the left, not... to the right
Ivanov's journal for me.
Leafing through the magazine: “Stones,
Scissors, paper, one, two, three...
Ivanov, high five for you!
Just kidding, only three!
What did you say? Fell, did push-ups!
So, Kobylina comes to me.
Where did we go for a walk last time?
You see, there’s “ne” in the magazine.
I'm not in the mood for jokes today
I'm not myself today
In general, everyone changed their clothes
And let’s go home already!” (looks at his watch, leaves the stage)

Enters the stage literature teacher:
“No, well, what’s wrong?!”
Why are we all sitting?
Let's open your books
Let's hang out a little now!
So, Yesenin, Blok, Turgenev
Mayakovsky and Tolstoy.
What should I read today?
The choice is so great.
What did you say to Pyatrenko?
Classics for trash, right?
Came out, followed by Karpenko
What kind of wild gang?!
I remember a wonderful moment
I remember this one, I don’t remember this one.
While you're reading The Thunderstorm,
And I went to the teachers' meeting. (adjusts glasses, combs hair and leaves stage)

"Well? What the hell are the problems?
Who's got who already?
Let's discuss this topic
And - home, I'm so tired!
I'm on the Internet today
I found classmates
Mail, dog, dot Petya
I plunged headlong into it.
This is what my colleagues will say:
Tomorrow is a day off.
No, why wait so long?
Tomorrow is graduation!

All teachers in chorus:
“Yo, that’s cool, we’re happy!”
They dance and have fun. They go backstage dancing. Jin and the student come out.

“Well, are you happy?
All right? What more do you want?
You have the right to make a wish,
Another wish, you know?”
“I thought, what a mess!
Well, what have I done?
What a stupid fool I am
It was weird.
Teacher is not fun
The teacher is not a laughing matter,
Listen Genie, I want it again
Get your desire back.
I want to go to college
Then who,

How can the teacher not help me?!
Who will teach us high things,
Striving to become smarter, isn't it cooler?!
Bring them back to their senses, I beg you.
I value them very much!”
“Well, what’s good?
Do you want anything else?
"I want to congratulate them
Happy such a wonderful holiday,
May they forgive me
A naughty student!
May their dreams come true
One dream - cherished,
Give them what they want
Something specific!”

Sounds song "Million US Dollars" " Teachers come onto the stage, lining up in one line. The genie gives them bags of money (“RUBLES”, “EUROS”, etc.) Everyone laughs. After a while, the teachers put down their bags and come to the edge of the stage,Vania says the final words:
Well, but seriously...
You can get pennies
Giving your heart to us
Just to hear from the heart:
“Thank you teachers!”

Song of the kids


Spun around, caught in the autumn leaves
Our Vanka was hit by large hail a long time ago... (Pause)
The guy sees that it’s not a dream - it’s reality before his eyes
There are so many people in front of him beyond words!!!

(A gypsy camp appears with a song to the tune of “A in the restaurant.”)

We'll put things aside
And let's go all out with you
About your favorite teachers
We'll have a good talk
Let them have been teaching for a long time
We know that they love us all
Let many years pass anyway
Of course, we won't forget about you


And in our school, and in our school
There are a lot of different subjects
And choose whatever your soul wants
And somewhere here heaven begins.

(They dance a gypsy dance.)

    We say thank you to you all

    Thank you for being with us

    After all, without you it would be much sadder

    After all, only orators can speak like you

    After all, only fashion models on the catwalk can look the way you do.

    After all, only your closest and beloved people can sympathize and understand as you do.

Together: THANK YOU!


Oh yeah meeting, so I managed to get you all
That, FAQ cannot exist in this world at all.
Why do you spend your life in vain when you're sad and mopey?
Maybe you can dance and sing for the queen without arguing?

(Tit Kuzmich and Frol Fomich run in, interrupting each other...)

T.K. I never oppose useful prospects.

F.F. I'm ready for bees to join the hive, just to join the team

T.K. Give an order and even where, even for the extraction of ore

F.F. I will work hard for nothing without drinking and without water.

T.K. I am good for any business, I can enter any doors.

F.F. I’ll get you whatever you want, even a savvy louse.


We have to be on our way by five o'clock every day.
Because they are already waiting for us in that kingdom.

(The queen appears with her retinue.)

Storyteller. And the queen and her retinue meet Vanya and her guests

1st student:

Dear teachers!
Our entire army of students
I could tell you so many words
About the fact that we love you, although sometimes
You are leaving us with a headache.

2nd student:

Let the memory leave only good things,
Let it cause less trouble
That difficult but beloved student,
Who is not used to studying like this.

3rd student:

There will be fewer mistakes in the notebooks,
Wrinkles will only come from smiling,
May luck smile on you,
And let the teacher never cry!

4 student:

Whatever path you are on,
Everywhere above us and always
Alone, but shine brightest of all,
Shine, Teacher's star!

5th student:

A teacher's heart...
Well, what can you compare it to?
With the cosmic galaxy,
Which has no boundaries?
6 student:

Or maybe with the bright Sun,
What gives people light?
With the depths of the sea,
What lies dormant for hundreds of years?

7th student:

No, we won't compare!
And we will say: “Knock,
Teacher's heart
Hope, Believe, Love!”

8th student:

The teacher's reward is
The light of children's enthusiastic eyes,
Ability to think and listen
Nurtured in each of us!

9th student:

Now, perhaps, we will answer,
What does the word “Teacher” mean?
This is Fate and Calling,
Creativity, faith, luck!

Song completion (boys give flowers to teachers)
