Prevention of seasonal allergies in children. Spring allergies in children. How does hay fever manifest

The main symptoms of seasonal allergies are cross-reactions and plant provocateurs. Recommendations for people suffering from hay fever

It's a shame, but when in the spring everyone is happy with the first greenery and the flowering of fruit trees, some of us feel completely different emotions. Indeed, for people suffering from seasonal exacerbation of allergies, spring is the period when pollen and spores of some plants appear in the air, provoking allergic reactions: rhinitis, irritation of the mucous membranes, suffocation or skin rashes. Red eyes and a swollen nose are the most harmless reactions that can occur as a result of contact with an allergen.

Seasonal allergies - symptoms of pollen allergy

  • Sneezing, itching and sore throat and palate, runny nose, nasal congestion and swelling;
  • Shortness of breath, dry, tearful cough, shortness of breath, choking, asthmatic component;
  • Redness and itching in the eyes, tearing and photophobia;
  • Allergic dermatitis - itching and rashes on the skin, redness or roughness of the skin;
  • General deterioration, weakness, irritability, headache, depression.

People with seasonal allergies , you have to take care of contacting the allergen as little as possible, because if you do not take measures, the disease can progress, involving other organs and systems of the body's life in the process. The most dangerous complications of seasonal allergies can be the diagnosis of asthma or the onset of Quincke's edema.

How can we keep our condition from getting worse and prevent allergies from ruining our lives?

Of course, in order to know the enemy by sight, it is best to take an allergen test and determine what exactly is the provocateur of an allergic reaction, which foods can cause cross-reactions, and at what time to wait for the deterioration of the condition. The allergist will prescribe medications that will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and slow down allergic reactions. Of course, if hay fever has been tormenting you for more than a year, it would be reasonable to undergo a course of treatment in advance, during the period of remission, then you will be prepared for an unfavorable period, and the body will not react so sharply to the appearance of irritants.

  • Take antihistamines as recommended by your doctor.
  • Create optimal comfortable conditions at home: air temperature about 20 C, humidity 50-70%;
  • Remove all dustbins, do wet cleaning daily;
  • Install an air conditioner with a purification and ionization function or purchase an air washer. If this is not possible, hang wet gauze on the window during airing;
  • Try to be less outdoors during the period of maximum flowering, when going outside, wear sunglasses, and rinse your face and mucous membranes thoroughly with cool water upon returning to the room;
  • While in the car, close the windows, use the air conditioner;
  • Back home, brush your clothes with a steam brush, and take a shower yourself;
  • Do not keep animals at home, do not use household chemicals, give up upholstered furniture, you do not need unnecessary irritants;
  • Avoid foods that can cause cross-reactions;
  • Choose cosmetics and skin care products with care;
  • Eat a hypoallergenic diet to avoid getting worse
  • Before any medical procedures, inform the doctors that you have an allergy.

In April-May, birch, poplar, willow, hazel, apple and dandelion pollen soars in the air, which are the most aggressive hay fever provocateurs. Summer comes the time when the pollen of cereal grasses becomes dangerous: timothy, wormwood, fescue, foxtail and other plants. In autumn, ragweed, quinoa, plantain, nettle, corn and sunflower most often become allergy provocateurs. Also, the time for active reproduction of fungi of the genus Alternari, Cladosporium comes.

It is dangerous in that over time it can take other forms and the list of allergens that cause response reactions may include not only pollen, but also many products, dust, animal hair, etc.

It has been proven that if a person suffers from hay fever, then there is a high probability that he is allergic to certain foods. In the special table of cross-reactions, you can find out which foods are contraindicated for you. So, if you shed tears and sneeze in April-May, then you need to be careful with foods such as nuts, berries and fruits with seeds, parsley, carrots and celery. And if you know that you are allergic to cereal pollen, you need to give up baked goods, kvass and smoked sausage.

The most annoying thing is that if there is an allergy, it is impossible to get rid of it forever. But, in our power to alleviate our condition and prevent the progression of the disease.

Allergy in children in spring is a very common phenomenon. Sneezing and the appearance of a runny nose in a baby causes anxiety in parents, and they immediately begin treatment. After self-diagnosis, the anxious mother starts giving cold medications. And the cause of coughing or sneezing can be. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to distinguish colds from allergic manifestations.

Seasonal allergy refers to a disease that occurs at some point in the year. Another name for this type of allergy is hay fever. Seasonal allergy is officially recognized as a disease that negatively affects performance, school performance and can cause serious complications in the form of bronchial asthma. Most patients are observed.

Starting from the period of spring flowering, a large amount of pollen from various plants and trees is released into the air. For allergy sufferers, spring is a real challenge. They cannot walk freely, sleep, and little patients become capricious, become restless, eat poorly, which further alarms their parents. Flowering begins in mid to late April. During the warm season, the flowering of some plants ends and the period of others begins. Therefore, the concentration of allergens can be maintained in the air for a long time.

What factors influence the appearance of allergies?

Sometimes allergies can occur in people who have never had an allergy before. The occurrence of an allergic reaction in a child is influenced by:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • bacteriological and viral diseases;
  • deterioration of the environment;
  • artificial feeding;
  • improper behavior of the mother during pregnancy;
  • general health;
  • lack of vitamin D.

With a genetic predisposition, the child is threatened by the same allergens as the parents. But babies can outgrow their allergic age. After 13 years of age, the immunity of children passes the stage of formation. If the parents followed the instructions of the doctors, then the disease may disappear. But the problem is that most parents may not know or remember which pollen they have had a negative reaction to.

At first, the baby may be prone to allergy to pollen from one plant. This is called mono-allergy. When there is no treatment, a reaction to other allergens (polyallergy) occurs. For example, a child develops allergies to food, animal hair, household dust, chemicals. Clothes washed with powder can provoke rashes on the baby's body.

The presence of bacteriological and viral diseases weakens the immunity of children, so they need to be treated in time so that other ailments do not develop. Doctors recommend not switching to artificial feeding unnecessarily, as this doubles the risk of seasonal allergies. Breast milk contains many nutrients that strengthen babies' bodies, thereby increasing disease resistance.

During pregnancy, a woman should monitor her diet and regimen. Certain foods should not be overused as they are the most common cause of allergies. These products include chocolate, nuts, halva, honey, citrus fruits. The expectant mother should avoid food that contains preservatives, flavors, dyes. It is unacceptable to smoke and abuse alcohol.

Which trees are dangerous for children?

Any tree or plant can become dangerous for a child. But there are trees whose pollen most often annoys people. Birch is in the first place. In addition to it, allergies can be caused by:

  • alder;
  • maple;
  • hazel;
  • ash;
  • Apple tree;
  • apricot;
  • cherries;
  • ambrosia;
  • sagebrush;
  • Pine.

The condition of allergy sufferers during the flowering of vegetation is aggravated by meteorological factors. When it rains, pollen settles, and its concentration in the air drops sharply. In windy, dry weather, the opposite process occurs. The wind carries microparticles of flowers to those areas where there is no park zone.

To make it easier to determine which allergen is causing the baby's reaction, the mother needs to observe which foods she is allergic to even before the flowering period. For example, if a baby has an allergic reaction to fruit puree, juice, then these are prerequisites for the occurrence of hay fever. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that identical protein molecules enter the fruits and pollen.

Such a connection is observed between alder and carrots, melon and dandelion, citrus fruits and some types of chamomiles. If it occurs after eating plum jam, then a walk in a birch grove can provoke a cough and a runny nose. Avoid apple blossom areas if the child is not allowed kiwi or potatoes. When and honey, dandelions and wormwood are dangerous.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies

The symptoms of hay fever differ depending on the stage of the disease, the age and state of health of the little patient. The main signs of the disease are:

  • coryza with clear discharge;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • insomnia;
  • itching and burning in the nose (the child rubs his nose);
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • rashes on various parts of the body;
  • dry skin;
  • irritability;
  • lack of appetite;
  • a slight increase in body temperature (rare).

These signs may also be accompanied by ear congestion, hyperactivity, coughing, sneezing. Skin rashes usually appear on the abdomen, groin, and between the fingers. Insomnia as a symptom appears when a baby has a stuffy nose and cannot breathe. Breathing can be impaired with the development of bronchial asthma. In this case, you need to start treatment immediately.

An allergist will help diagnose the disease. Diagnostic measures include skin tests for allergens and blood tests for antibodies. No tests are carried out during the flowering period. During the examination, it is necessary to inform the doctor about all the manifestations of allergies that the child may have had before, but have passed. Since there is a link between hay fever and food allergies, reactions to certain foods may persist during the winter. For example, if you were allergic to buckwheat pollen in summer, then the reaction to honey collected during this period may persist in winter.

How is hay fever treated?

Treatment of spring allergies in children requires a serious approach. A neglected disease will lead to complications that can affect in the future. All that is required is to exclude contact with allergens. This is easier for people with food allergies. It is enough to remove from the diet foods to which there is a reaction. But in the case of a pollen allergy, this cannot be done.

Therefore, doctors prescribe antihistamines. These can be drops, syrups or tablets. The dose is set individually, depending on the age and weight of the baby. For a rash on the skin, antiallergic gels are used, and for an allergic rhinitis, nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are used.

Children may be advised to take vitamin D, probiotics, and immune-boosting drugs. In addition to treatment, parents should follow some measures to reduce the manifestations of the disease. In order not to aggravate the child's condition, it is necessary to get rid of pets (cats, dogs). Do not start instead of fish or parrots. Bird feathers are also allergens.

The baby's room should always be clean. Remove household dust daily. Do not cover the floor in the room with a carpet. Use synthetic pillows, not feather pillows. Wash your baby's clothes with soap without additives or strong odors. Remove all plants from the nursery.

Additional reminders for parents

Walking will have to be shortened or done after rain. You should not walk in parks or in highly polluted areas.

If possible, change your place of residence during flowering.

Some parents take their children from megacities to the sea. Close windows when driving.

Set a routine for the child. Let him go to bed and get up at the same time. Provide a drinking regimen. Water procedures are important during this period. Rinse your baby every 2 hours. Observing these measures, you can significantly affect the patient's condition.

Allergies are more pronounced in spring than in any other season of the year. According to statistics, 85% of all allergy sufferers suffer from its exacerbation during this period. We will talk about why this is happening, how it threatens and how to deal with the manifestations of this disease in this article.

Seasonal allergies are a serious problem. Each season has its own list of the most aggressive allergens that cause the most problems. The peculiarity of this time of year is that the body, being weakened after the winter cold, lack of sunlight and vitamins, easily responds to the effects of any irritants.

The immune system is in a rather deplorable state, with a "half turn" comes a cold, exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

In addition, the concentration of allergens is highest during this season. So, plants do not bloom in winter, there is no cold in summer, but in such a "transitional" time of the year absolutely all irritants can "work". The air temperature outside is still unstable, there are frosts, snow can fall even in May in some regions. And people, sensing the approach of warmth, neglect warm clothes. Hence the allergy to cold.

So, what can you be allergic to in the spring?

Spring allergens

Blooming plants gives allergy sufferers a lot of trouble

As mentioned, any known allergen can have negative effects on susceptible individuals. By distributing them in order of decreasing influence this season, you can get the following list:

  • pollen of plants (flowers, herbs, trees);
  • Pets;
  • food allergens;
  • medicines;
  • contact allergy (both to clothing and to household chemicals);
  • mold fungus (activated by mid-May);
  • insects (also appear towards the end of spring).

Looking at this list, one can understand that allergies in early spring before the flowering of plants quite take place, since allergy sufferers suffer not only from pollinosis. It is difficult to judge when the allergy ends in spring, because the flowering time does not end on May 31, but continues until the end of September.

Hay fever

First of all, people are disturbed in the spring. Pollinosis brings maximum inconvenience: an allergy to bloom in spring is rightfully considered by WHO to be a pathology, which to a greater extent disrupts the usual way of life. To find out what blooms in spring during this period, you need to contact.

It should be remembered that this document is drawn up separately for each region of the Russian Federation. After all, the periods of activation of the flora in Norilsk and Rostov-on-Don are significantly different.

However, by averaging the indicators, the most generalized flowering schedule can be identified:


Spring-autumn flowering calendar (can be enlarged)


  • Birch;
  • maple;
  • alder;
  • lilac;
  • beet;
  • Pine;
  • Linden;
  • chestnut;
  • dandelion.

Despite the fact that there are quite a few allergens, there is a gratifying fact: weeds, which are the most powerful irritants, begin to bloom only in the middle of summer.

Food allergy

It cannot be denied that this type of allergic reaction is relevant at any time. And if a person suffers from an allergy to oranges, then it will manifest itself both in the spring, and in the summer, and in the fall.

However, it is at this time of the year that cross-allergy becomes most relevant.

So, with a hypersensitivity reaction to birch, symptoms can occur when consumed:

Photo: Rash on the hands as a symptom of food allergies
  • drain;
  • celery
  • and even potatoes.

Under "normal conditions", severe allergies to these foods do not develop. But as soon as birch pollen begins to hover in the air, it becomes simply impossible to consume these vegetables and fruits.

It often happens that still unripe products end up on store shelves

There is an opinion that unripe vegetables and fruits are less allergenic than ripe or even slightly spoiled ones. However, this is not entirely true: some substances from "green" products in themselves are more irritating than from "ready-made" ones, and their concentration is higher.

In addition, these ingredients can be poisonous.

Household allergies

Allergy to dust and mold in spring it is not as widespread as in autumn. The fact is that fungi begin to activate only towards the end of spring, and the sporulation process starts even later. Therefore, "mold allergy" is rather a problem of the end of the year.

But dust mites have an autumn-spring seasonality. People, "raking debris" in the corners after winter, inhale a large amount of dust. As a result, many of them have exacerbated allergies.

Concerning pets, then they are especially "dangerous" at this time. First, active molt begins. And despite the fact that wool itself is not an allergen, it contains particles of proteins that cause negative reactions. With wool scattering throughout the apartment, they enter the respiratory tract and mucous membranes.

In addition, spring is a period of searching for a mate for breeding. This means that all the hormonal and enzyme systems of the animal are activated in order to attract a "spouse". The substances secreted by the animal become more active and "aggressive".

Contact allergy

The seasonality of this disease is, of course, very conditional, but there is a place to be. On the one hand, people start to clean their house, wash windows, someone makes repairs - hence a lot of household chemicals, cleaning products and even building materials.

On the other hand, spring is also a time of love for people. This means that women are starting to use decorative cosmetics and perfume twice as actively. Overdried skin in winter weather requires intensive care. All these are "hazard factors" for the development of allergic reactions.

In addition, people change clothes from woolen to lighter ones. But it's still too cold to wear chintz blouses. Hence the abundance of synthetics. And it very often causes skin allergies.

Medicines and insects

Photo: Red rash on the body - severe allergic reaction to the drug

By the end of spring, mosquitoes and ticks are already beginning to activate, but for this time of year this problem is not so urgent.

But the drugs used for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases and exacerbations of chronic ones may well cause unwanted reactions.

So, for example, pneumonia very often appears in the spring, and it requires antibiotic treatment. People with systemic autoimmune diseases (eg, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis) need hormone therapy, which also causes allergies.

Thus, spring allergies are multifaceted and varied for their reasons. What are its manifestations?

Symptoms of the disease

Allergy symptoms in spring, as at any other time of the year, are determined by its cause.

Pollinosis is characterized by:

  • cough;
  • nasal congestion;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • conjunctivitis (eyes turn red, tearing begins, there is a feeling of sand in the eyes);
  • the appearance or increased frequency of attacks of bronchial asthma is possible.

Among the manifestations of contact allergy:

  • itchy skin;
  • peeling;
  • redness, inflammation of skin areas in contact with the allergen.

Food allergy manifests itself:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence
  • and also symptoms from "other groups".

If we talk about how allergies can worsen in the spring, then it is worth noting a high variety of symptoms. Often, allergy sufferers have reactions to several different irritants, so a person whose skin turns red and itches, sneezing at the same time with a sore stomach is not such a rarity.

Allergies in children and pregnant women

Children are the most susceptible category of people. Allergy in spring in children is characterized by the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms, their variety. After walking along the street during the period of dusting of the allergen, the child may become worse literally before our eyes:

  • a severe runny nose appears in a few hours,
  • frequent sneezing
  • sore throat, cough,
  • redness of the eyes and nose.

The main danger of spring allergy for the child population is that hay fever with incredible ease turns into bronchial asthma, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition for this.

Allergy to spring during pregnancy is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when all major organs and systems are laid in the fetus.

Spring allergy treatment

It is quite difficult to get rid of allergic reactions to the end at home. Often (although not always), this requires the use of special immune methods, for example, allergen-specific immunological therapy. This is a kind of "vaccination" against allergens.

However, this treatment is rarely used. In most cases, symptomatic agents are used - those that eliminate the main manifestations of allergic reactions. These include antihistamines.

Preparations from the 2nd and 3rd generations of antihistamines, are available in the form of tablets and syrups, are easy to use and have a minimum of side effects. Effective remedies for spring allergies:

  • Fenkarol,
  • Ksizal.

There are also mast cell stabilizers, but drugs from this group can only be prescribed by a doctor to avoid irreversible consequences.

To eliminate the symptoms of food allergies, are used enterosorbents... For example:

  • Smecta,
  • Polyphepan,
  • Polysorb.

They help to quickly remove the allergen from the body.

To relieve itching and inflammation, you can use local antihistamines and hormonal ointments.

  • The first include Fenistin, Gistan;
  • The second group includes Beloderm, Advantan.

However, the uncontrolled use of glucocorticosteroid drugs can lead to a decrease in local immunity and the development of skin pustular infections.

Treatment with folk remedies is also acceptable.

However, it will be effective only with contact forms, general symptoms cannot be removed, it is only possible to support the body.

So, get rid of itching and flaking decoctions of chamomile, string, bay leaf will help. You can use them in the form of compresses, lotions, homemade ointments. Immunity raises well mummy, rosehip broth.

But extravagant remedies like vinegar should not be used. And it is important to remember that if there is a "spring allergy", folk remedies are not a panacea. After all, they can also cause undesirable ones in the same way. The reaction is like the original allergens, having exactly the same natural plant origin. Do not get carried away with herbs for coughing and intestinal manifestations.

Treatment of children and pregnant women

Most antihistamines are contraindicated in both categories. There is a very narrow group of medicines that can be given to children:

  • Diphenhydramine,
  • Suprastin,
  • Pilpofen,
  • Fenistil.

They are available in the form of syrups and suppositories, so the administration of the drug will not cause problems.

Women who are expecting a baby can take antihistamines only from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

An earlier appointment can be made exclusively by a doctor and for health reasons. To cope with allergies, only local treatment is used - zinc ointment, nasal rinses, vitamin complexes.

Starting in the 2nd trimester, in severe cases, an antihistamine may be recommended, for example:

  • Zyrtek,
  • Allertek,
  • Pilpofen.

But for women who have already given birth, Zyrtec is contraindicated, because it passes into breast milk.

In general, it is difficult to answer the question of what can breastfeeding from allergies. The optimal way out is to stop breastfeeding for the duration of treatment, followed by a return to it (if possible), or with a transition to mixed or artificial feeding.


How to prevent allergies in the spring? There are quite a few preventive measures:

  1. Carry out wet cleaning in the house as often as possible;
  2. Maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels in the house;
  3. Wipe your shoes with a damp cloth and wash your clothes every time you go outside;
  4. Wear a medical mask while walking;
  5. Go outside in calm weather;
  6. Walking after the rain;
  7. Air the room only in the evening;
  8. Use air filters;
  9. Comb out and wash pets;
  10. Do not wear synthetic clothing;
  11. Minimize the use of cosmetics, household chemicals;
  12. As prescribed by a doctor - for prophylactic purposes, take antihistamines or membrane stabilizing drugs;
  13. To prevent the development of respiratory diseases, to be treated in time, not allowing diseases to become chronic;
  14. Follow a diet.

What should not be eaten with allergies in the spring?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question - it depends on what you are allergic to. However, you should avoid eating potentially dangerous foods:

  • chocolate;
  • citrus fruits;
  • fishes;
  • nuts;
  • wheat;
  • unripe fruit.

Where to go in the spring from allergies?

Best of all in the northern regions or countries, where the flowering of plants has not yet begun, where nature is still in a frozen state.

Thus, allergies in the spring are a serious problem that can cause a lot of inconvenience to susceptible people. She makes her own changes in the usual way of life. However, by observing some preventive measures, you can minimize the inconvenience.

Seasonal allergy is the defensive reaction of the immune system to certain environmental stimuli that occurs during the warm season. This ailment has another well-known name - hay fever, derived from the Latin word with the root of pollen, and this is no coincidence, since the cause of intolerance to seasonal allergies is various parts of plants and their components released during their growth or flowering. ICD code 10 J30.2.

Seasonal allergy is most often expressed in the form of rhinitis and conjunctivitis, in some patients skin manifestations of the disease are recorded, in severe cases, bronchial asthma is formed.

The disease was first described by the English physician John Bostock in 1819. It received its official name - seasonal fever. At first, it was assumed that hay caused the symptoms characteristic of a cold, but, as it turned out, later sneezing and nasal congestion were caused by plant pollen. But this was proved only 54 years later in 1873 and also by a doctor from Great Britain, David Blackley.

In Russia, for the first time, they started talking about seasonal allergies in 1889. It happened in St. Petersburg at a meeting of the society of Russian doctors. Doctor L. Silich made a report on this topic. At the same time, he first drew attention to the relationship between allergies and the human nervous system.

In the late 50s and early 60s, the USSR began to massively import wheat and other grain crops from the United States. Together with them, ambrosia was first introduced to the territory of Russia, and then to other republics.

The pollen of this particular plant in 1960 caused massive bouts of allergies in the Krasnodar Territory.

Nowadays there are more and more people suffering from seasonal hay fever every year. According to official data, 20% of the world's population suffers from this disease. But according to unofficial data, there are much more of them.

And despite the fact that modern medicine has made some progress in the fight against the elimination of symptoms of seasonal allergy, it has not yet been possible to completely overcome this pathology.

The causes of hay fever

The main reason for the development of an atypical reaction of the body is the components of pollen, about 50 subspecies of trees, grasses, shrubs and flowers, which are ubiquitous and capable of causing hay fever, have been identified.

The flowering of plants begins in mid-spring and ends at the end of August. A list of them is presented later in the article.

Therefore, the likelihood of seasonal allergies during this period is very high. In some patients suffering from hay fever, the disease develops on rare plants, including indoor plants, which can bloom several times a year.

Due to the high prevalence and severity of seasonal allergies, numerous studies were carried out, during which it was possible to find out that the pathology most often develops in people with genetic inheritance. In these cases, hay fever can occur in the first years of a baby's life.

It also happens that the disease first begins to manifest itself already in adulthood, while a specific reaction of the immune system can be caused by the following provoking factors:

  • Changes in the body's defenses under the influence of other allergic diseases. Pollinosis can occur in people who have suffered from intolerance to a certain type of food, drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals for a number of years.
  • Deterioration of the ecological situation.
  • Chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system.
  • Production factors.
  • A significant weakening of the immune system after suffering infectious and inflammatory diseases, due to improper diet, disorders in the nervous system.

When does it appear most often?

Symptoms of seasonal allergies are most pronounced in the spring and fall, in the middle of summer they are less pronounced. In the spring, the disease develops with the flowering of birch, maples, hazel, sycamore, alder.

In summer, allergies are aggravated by intolerance to cereals, wildflowers and garden flowers. In late summer and early autumn, it begins to bloom profusely and secrete wormwood and quinoa seeds.

At the same time, you need to understand that the pollen of some plants, for example, ragweed, is carried very far in a strong wind, so if it does not grow in your region, this does not mean that you will not sneeze.

Flowering of plants per year by months:

  1. Spring - maple, birch, willow, hazel, poplar (May), oak, acacia, alder, hazel, wildflowers (May);
  2. Summer - rye, sorrel, fescue, pine needles, and other cereals.
  3. August, early autumn - ambrosia, quinoa, wormwood.

Influence of weather conditions

Weather conditions have a significant impact on the well-being of patients with hay fever. In rainy weather, the pollen remains on the ground and the general well-being improves. On windy and hot days, pollen components are carried through the air, easily get into rooms and provoke the onset of rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

The pollen of some plants has a minimum weight and can be carried by the wind for tens of kilometers, which explains the development of hay fever to a certain irritant, even if it does not grow in the patient's area of ​​residence.

Seasonal allergies develop not only to pollen, but also to fungal spores, which are also quite easily carried by the wind. Fungi also include mold that forms in damp rooms.

Pollinosis for mold can be year-round, since it multiplies and grows in residential buildings regardless of the season of the year.

Pollinosis symptoms

Seasonal allergy manifests itself in different forms - it can be a slight deterioration in well-being or a rapidly developing picture of the disease with all the ensuing symptoms.

It is always necessary to treat any hay fever, since mild forms of the disease quickly turn into severe ones; only timely therapy with specially selected groups of drugs can prevent this process.

Seasonal allergy manifests itself in the form of damage to the respiratory organs, eyes and skin:

  • occurs when pollen enters the nasopharyngeal mucosa. There is sneezing, itching in the nasal passages, congestion, the release of copious mucous secretions. Without the use of antihistamines, such a condition can be troubling throughout the warm season, with periods of subsidence and exacerbation of the process.
  • Conjunctivitis is manifested by redness and, lacrimation, itching, sensation of a foreign body in the eyes.
  • Rashes on the skin can be both small-punctured and large blisters. The rash itches, which leads to irritation.

The most severe manifestations of pollinosis include bronchial asthma - a disease manifested by attacks of shortness of breath. The general well-being of patients also suffers - insomnia, irritation appear, and efficiency decreases.

Sometimes seasonal allergies, along with characteristic symptoms, can manifest themselves with an increase in temperature, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease.

The fever usually stops after the acute symptoms of the disease have subsided.

Temperature for seasonal allergies

Let's dwell on the temperature for seasonal allergies in more detail. It can be either completely absent or increased.

A slight increase in temperature with hay fever up to 37.5 degrees indicates that the immune system is trying to fight the allergen. As a rule, this temperature does not go astray.

Here it is important not to panic, but to figure out whether the temperature provokes ARVI or another disease. If not, then it will be sufficient to take an antihistamine and after 1-2 hours everything will return to normal.

Diagnostics of pollinosis

The diagnosis of seasonal allergy is not difficult to expose to an experienced allergist. The patient is examined and interviewed, other ailments are excluded. To confirm the disease and to accurately determine the allergen, special skin tests are performed.

The doctor can suggest conducting tests only in those months when there is no influence of the alleged allergen, that is, in late autumn or winter.

For a more accurate diagnosis and identification of the causes of allergies, additional ones may be prescribed.

Seasonal allergy treatment

Seasonal allergies should be treated both during the exacerbation and in other seasons to prevent relapse. During an exacerbation, antihistamines are used in the form of tablets, drops, sprays, ointments.

Drug groups and lists

For the treatment of seasonal allergies, drugs from one of three groups may be prescribed:

  1. Antihistamines - are subdivided into drugs of 1, 2, 3 (4) generations. Available in the form of tablets, drops, sprays, syrups. They block the release of histamine in the body - a reaction to an allergen-irritant, which is manifested by the symptoms described above.
  2. Corticosteroids are hormonal agents. Available in the form of ointments, sprays, drops. Very effective, but indicated for severe cases where conventional medications fail to suppress seasonal allergy symptoms. Children, pregnant and lactating mothers are prescribed very rarely in especially severe cases (Quincke's edema) as they have many side effects.
  3. Stabilizers - symptomatic histamine is produced by the destruction of cell membranes. Drugs from this group strengthen cell membranes and prevent the release of histamine.

A list of effective antihistamines that quickly relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies:

  1. Suprastin;
  2. Tavegil;
  3. Diazolin;
  4. Loratadine;
  5. Zodak;
  6. Fenistil;
  7. Pipolfen;
  8. Diphenhydramine;
  9. Xymelin (spray);
  10. Fenistil;
  11. Blogir 3;
  12. Ezlor;
  13. Cetrin;
  14. Astemizole (Gismanal);
  15. Terfenadine;
  16. Aqua Maris Sens (for washing).

Despite their good effectiveness, some of them cause drowsiness (especially for the first five points), so they are best taken before bed.

If the symptoms of seasonal allergy are manifested by bronchial asthma, then it can be removed with the help of Salbutamol, Pharmoterol, Budesonit.

List of cell membrane stabilizers, available in the form of drops and tablets:

  1. Iphyral;
  2. Intal;
  3. Cromoline;
  4. Ketotifen;
  5. Tiled.

New generation antihistamines

Drops and sprays

Since the symptoms of seasonal allergies are often manifested by rhinorrhea, swelling of the nasal mucosa, redness of the eyes, doctors attach particular importance to drops and sprays in its treatment.

We have prepared two materials in detail on this topic:

  1. List of nose drops for allergies, instructions for use.
  2. List of sprays.
  3. List of eye drops for allergies. For example, Azelastine is very effective.
  1. Vasoconstrictors - Navtizin, Knoxprey, Nazivin, Nazosprey, Galazolin, Tizin Xylo, Otrivin and others.
  2. Antihistamines - Allergodil, Levocabastin, Fenistil, Cromhexal, Levocabastin, Sanorin (Anallergin), Vibrocil.
  3. Immunomodulatory - IRS 19, Derinat.

It is important to understand that vasoconstrictive nasal drops are not recommended to be taken for more than 5-7 days as they become addictive, the nasal mucosa is burned out, which is then difficult to restore.

List of eye drops for seasonal allergies:

  1. Vasoconstrictor - Okumetil, Vizin, Octilia, Polinadim, Vizomitin, Tsipromed, Tobrex, Alomid.
  2. Antihistamines - Azelastine, Lekrolin, Opatanol, Montevizin, Allergodil, Ketotifen, Cromohexal, Dexamethasone, Cromofarm.

Hormonal drugs

In the absence of the expected effect of the therapy, drugs with glucocorticosteroids are prescribed - hormones effectively relieve swelling, inflammation and itching.

List of hormonal drops prescribed for seasonal allergies:

  1. Prevalin;
  2. Forinex;
  3. Flix;
  4. Beconase;
  5. Etacid;
  6. Nazonex;
  7. Metasprey;
  8. Nazofan;
  9. Glensprey S.

The peculiarity of these hormonal sprays is such that they act only on the nasal area, and not on the entire body. The therapeutic effect occurs on the 3-4th day of admission.

They can be used for a long time, almost the entire flowering period of the allergen plant. But in any case, such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor. And before you drip them, you need to carefully study the instructions for use for them. This is especially true for age restrictions, side effects and contraindications.

Ointments and creams

With seasonal allergies, ointments and creams are used if the symptomatology of the pathology manifests itself in the form of itching of the skin and urticaria. They are simple and hormonal.

TOP of the most effective means

Many are looking for the most effective remedies to help them quickly get rid of seasonal allergies. This is the wrong approach. All modern drugs listed above and found on the links, especially the new generation, do their job well. But the point is:

  1. First, they may not suit everyone. Therefore, you need to try to take one drug, if it does not help to change to another, while it is important to look at the active ingredient.
  2. Second, there is an addiction to a certain agent, and specifically to its active substance. Those. if you have been rescued for one year, in which the active ingredient is Loratadin. Then next year it may not help and you will have to switch to (active ingredient Levocetirizine) or another agent.

Certainly the most effective are hormonal agents, especially injections, drops in the nose and eyes, but they must be taken as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment experience of one of our readers

One of our readers shared his experience of treating seasonal allergies. We will miss preventive measures, we will tell about this below, we will dwell in detail on the course of treatment.

In the first few years, salvation from seasonal hay fever was found in. But since this hormonal agent is addictive, at one point the agent acted only for a week instead of two months. Just in the period of exacerbation, it became a disaster. Since the usual antihistamines did not help, I had to go to the doctor again.

The manifestation of symptoms to the eyes and skin did not spread, therefore the following treatment was prescribed:

  1. Spray Avamis (you can analog, see above) - in the morning, a zilch in each nostril.
  2. In the evening, a tablet of Cetrin.

After two days, the symptoms began to decrease, on the fifth day they disappeared. The treatment lasted a month and a half until the ragweed stopped blooming.

If Cetrin does not work, the treatment can be adjusted and a medicine with a different active ingredient can be selected.

To reduce the severity of seasonal allergies in the warm season, preventive treatment prescribed a month before a possible exacerbation of the disease helps. All this time, enterosorbents are taken, for example, Polysorb, in order to maximally remove from the body toxins that provoke hay fever.

Two to four weeks before the beginning of the flowering of the allergen plant, you need to start instilling Avamis spray (Flix, Forinex) into your nose.

Specific immunotherapy

Features of the treatment of seasonal allergies in children

When treating seasonal hay fever in children, it is important to choose the right antihistamine, which is taken based on the age of the baby.

For example, a doctor may prescribe the following nasal drops for children under one year old:

  1. Vibrocil;
  2. Allergomax;
  3. Marimer (for flushing);
  4. Grippostad Rino (vasoconstrictor);
  5. For oral administration - Allergonix, Feniden, Fenistil, Zyrtec.

From a year and older:

  1. Desal;
  2. Rolinoz;
  3. Parlazin;
  4. Zodak.

Often prescribed to children before and after a year with seasonal allergies. They have a pleasant taste, but at the same time, the healing effect is the same as drops and tablets.

From two years old:

  1. Momat Reno;
  2. Nosephrine;
  3. With hormones Nasonex and Dezrinit.

From 6 to 12 years old, as a rule, the treatment no longer differs from that of an adult, it is only important to choose the correct dosage of drugs. Of course, hormonal drugs are an exception.

Antihistamines in the form of tablets for a child should be selected by a doctor based on the presence of concomitant diseases.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

Treatment of seasonal allergies during pregnancy must be monitored by a doctor. He must select a treatment regimen with antihistamines. It is important to exclude, and if it does not work, then to minimize the use of hormonal agents.

You need to drink more water, up to 2 liters per day, more often rinse your nose with saline solutions, which you can make yourself (1 teaspoon of kitchen or sea salt per 200 ml of warm water) or purchase at a pharmacy, for example, Dolphin complex, Aqua Maris, Linaqua , Marimer and others.

More time needs to be devoted to preventive measures.

Folk remedies for the treatment of seasonal allergies

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of seasonal allergies is an additional method that does not exclude the use of antihistamines.

It is worth using natural remedies in advance, not during an exacerbation of the disease in order to strengthen immunity, cleanse the body of toxins, and correct the functioning of the digestive system.

An infusion of dried shoots and black currant leaves will help to strengthen the immune system.

2 tbsp. tablespoons of raw materials are poured with 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 1 hour. Then everything needs to be passed through cheesecloth and add another 200 ml. warm water. Take for 7 days every 2 hours in a tablespoon.

Celery and nettle are also good for strengthening the immune system. You can juice both plants in a 1: 1 ratio. To do this, the raw material must be ground in a meat grinder, and then squeezed by hand through cheesecloth.

Celery can be taken as a vitamin supplement before meals. Consume ½ teaspoon of the plant three times a day.

Promotes health and horsetail. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured in 200 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the infusion is filtered. It is taken every hour, 20 ml for 14 days. Take a break every 2 days.

Nettle has similar properties. The sprig of the plant is infused in 200 ml. boiling water for an hour. Do not add sugar. You need to drink every day for 2 weeks.

Dry or fresh figs contribute to the normalization of the digestive system. You need to use the product twice a day before breakfast and dinner on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. The norm is 1, 2 fruits.

There are many other recipes for traditional medicine that help strengthen the body, it makes no sense to list them all here. However, it is worth mentioning that honey should be used with caution for the treatment of seasonal allergies, since this product is a strong allergen and, on the contrary, can provoke serious attacks of the disease.

Seasonality of allergies is a concept that is relevant in relation to two types of allergic reactions: to insect poison and plant pollen (). And if the danger of allergy to insects persists for a long period (from mid-spring to mid-autumn), then the manifestations of hypersensitivity reactions to plants can last for different times - from a week to 4 months.

Seasonal Allergies Allergies are caused by an increased sensitivity of the immune system, which protects the body from bacteria and viruses entering it. In some cases, the immune system raises a "false alarm", reacting to the penetration of certain substances (allergens) into the body, which do not carry any harm to health, as an enemy, and takes appropriate protective measures. This inappropriate response is called an “allergy”.

Seasonal allergy symptoms

Hay fever can occur at any age, but more often between 8 and 20 years (less often after 40 years).

It can manifest itself only as itching in the eyes, nose and throat, as well as signs of rhinitis: nasal congestion, sometimes. Loss of smell, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses () and the addition of bronchial asthma (especially in wet summer) are possible. Atopic is caused by bronchial hyperreactivity when the allergen is inhaled, which leads to bronchial spasm, accumulation of mucus and swelling of the mucous membrane, this provokes suffocation and paroxysmal cough.

Plant pollen can cause skin allergic reactions, for example, acute. It usually lasts from several hours to several days. Unlike acute urticaria, chronic urticaria that persists for weeks or months is rarely an allergic reaction. It is most commonly associated with food allergens and additives, as well as drugs.

Hives can take many forms, but they are always characterized by the presence of blisters that can merge with each other. The rash can appear anywhere on the body and be accompanied by severe itching.

Quincke's edema - one of the types of allergic skin reactions Quincke's edema Another manifestation of allergic skin reactions is angioedema or Quincke's edema. It can affect the face, lips, eyelids, mucous membranes, and other parts of the body. Itching is often absent, a painful burning sensation is felt. Quincke's edema becomes life-threatening if it spreads to the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx: a swollen tongue and the back of the throat block the airways and can lead to suffocation.

Plants whose pollen is often allergic

It most often develops upon sensitization to pollen of cereals (timothy, foxtail, oats, rye, etc.), trees (birch, maple, alder, hazel, beech, elm, willow, poplar, ash) and weeds (ragweed, dandelion, plantain , sorrel, goldenrod, quinoa, wormwood, etc.).

Diagnosis of seasonal allergies

The main diagnostic methods are examination and questioning of the patient. The interview of the patient or his parents is very detailed, it includes an analysis of complaints and possible provoking factors, the history of the disease, information about the diseases of relatives, about the lifestyle and work, the treatment carried out.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe various additional research methods, depending on the specific case.

Determination of the concentration of immunoglobulin E in the blood

For the diagnosis of allergies, it is of great importance to determine the concentration of IgE (immunoglobulin E) in the blood. An increase in its content testifies to the production of specific antibodies against allergens by the body. The determination of IgE is carried out in the blood serum taken from the patient from the vein. For the test, more than 200 allergens are used, both total and allergen-specific IgE are determined, thus indirectly judging the allergen that caused the formation of group E immunoglobulins and is responsible for the allergy.

Provocative tests

If an allergic reaction develops in response to the introduction of the alleged allergen, then the allergen can be considered causally significant (specific).

Skin tests

Application to the skin (forearm or back) of small amounts of purified allergens in known concentrations, the results of an allergic reaction can be evaluated after 20 minutes. A test is positive if papules, erythema (redness) or rash develop.

Basic principles of seasonal allergy treatment

When a dangerous period comes, the first and most logical precaution is to limit your contact with the allergen. Keep your windows closed. Use conditioners whenever possible. Raise the windows while in the car. When returning from the street, shower and rinse your hair. Do not dry your laundry outside. When gardening, you can wear a protective bandage over your nose and mouth.

Minimize your outdoor time as much as possible, especially outside the city. If you are allergic to fungal spores, it is not recommended to stay in places where there is dead hay, as well as in forests and parks with fallen damp leaves. If possible, spend this time on vacation in a different climatic zone, where flowering has already ended or has not yet begun, or where there is less pollen, for example, on the seaside.

Whenever possible, go outside at the most favorable time. The least amount of pollen in the air is on rainy, damp days, and fungal spores, on the contrary, in dry and sunny weather. On windy days, the amount of pollen and fungal spores in the air is much higher, moreover, they are transported over long distances. Therefore, quiet, windless days are more suitable for outdoor activities. The safest time of the day is in the morning, while the pollen is still damp. Most of the spores of fungi in the air occur in the evening.

See an allergist. He will test, determine what is causing your allergic reaction, and prescribe treatment. The most widely used for the treatment of allergic diseases are antihistamines. They block the action of histamine, a substance responsible for allergic manifestations. Some antihistamines - suprastin, diphenhydramine, tavegil - can often cause drowsiness, this should be taken into account by people driving a car. New generation drugs (loratadine, cetirizine, fexofenadine, ebastine, kestine) do not have a sedative effect. It is possible to significantly reduce the effect or even completely get rid of allergies with the help of allergen-specific immune therapy. It lies in the fact that before a dangerous period, certain doses of causative allergens are injected under the skin - this contributes to hyposensitization, that is, a decrease in sensitivity to this allergen.

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