Secrets of the first pyramids. Research and versions of the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids

The necessary conditions: open the region of Saqqara

Reward: 4,000 XP

Exclusive content for Assassin's Creed Origins Deluxe and Gold editions.

Find Merckx

As you explore the area around the broken pyramid at Saqqara, you meet a man (1) being pursued by bandits on camels.

Talk to Merckx

Kill the pursuers and talk to the rescued one. His name is Merckx, and he is engaged in the study of pyramids. Bayek agrees to help him.

Go through and explore Sites to pick up Artifacts

Merckx has one of three artifacts he needs for research. The other two are located: in Sneferu's tomb (2) and in the Hugros shelter (3) . Send Sen to pinpoint locations.

Tomb of Sneferu

Climb the northernmost pyramid and go through the open tunnel with north side. Light the torch and follow the tunnel. At the bottom of the first inclined tunnel is a very small shaft that you must go through.

You find yourself in a room with a flammable lamp. To the right of the lamp there is a “through crack”.

In the next tunnel, cross the bridge over the pool. At the end of the tunnel there is a deep shaft. Jump to the opposite wall and drop down to the floor. Slide under the wall through the open slot in the blocks at the bottom of this shaft. You find yourself in a chamber with platforms.

First camera

The first camera has a simple solution. When you enter the chamber, lift the weight (A) and go to the first moving platform (B). This sends the platform crashing to the ground. Now move the big shelf (C) along the rails to the same platform. This provides enough counterweight to move to the next shelf (D) on the floor to the second platform (E). Now it will not go down from your weight, and you can enter the next chamber (F).

Second camera

Break the vase in the corner that blocks the entrance to the second chamber. In the first chamber you see two balancing platforms - one on the left (G) with a vase on it and one on the right (H) with five weights on it. There is a high room (I), accessible from the upper platform at the back of the room. The puzzle in the room to your right leads to the artifact you need.

Break the vase (G) arrow. Jump onto the platform (G) Continue jumping from the platform to the high ledge at the back of the room. There is treasure in the right corner. Don't confuse this camera with the next one because it is very similar.

Third chamber

Enter the last chamber with the platforms. There is a platform on the right (J) with two weights on it. There is a wooden frame in front of this (K), used as a platform to move to the second balance platform (L). This platform is raised and when you jump on it, it lowers and prevents you from exiting into the chamber above (M).

Just take two weights from the platform (H) in the previous chamber and place them on the platform (J) along with other cargo. The weight is now enough to stay in place when you jump from (K) to the platform (L). All you have to do is jump onto the high ledge leading into the chamber (M).

Artifact and ancient tablet

There are four chests on the left side of the room. Fourth (N)- This is an artifact needed for the task. Interact with the ancient tablet to complete the objectives in the location and earn an ability point.

Leave the tomb

In the room with the ancient tablet, slide near the left wall for quick exit from the tomb. You swim underwater through a long tunnel and emerge from a high shaft on the western side of the pyramid.

Hugros Shelter

The necessary conditions: approach the shelter

Reward for exploring the location: 400 XP

Goals in location: kill the captain (1), find the treasure (1)

Hugros Shelter (3) is located inside a very large cave. It's best to approach the top above the cave. Once inside, use Sena to tag enemies. Then drop down onto the lower ledge (4) .

Shoot the bandit on the ledge to the left, deeper in the cave. It sits next to the arrow rack where you can refill your bow ammo and tools.

Now climb up to the ledge where the bandit was standing and cross the short bridge back to the right. After the bridge, hide in the grass; a couple of bandits remained deeper in the cave.

You need to get to the treasure chests near the tents, one of which contains an artifact.

Talk to Merckx

Kill the captain in the cave to complete the objectives in the area, then return to Merckx (5) , which is now located on the northwestern edge of Snefru's pyramid.

Reach the top of Sneferu's tomb

Climb to the west side of Sneferu's pyramid. At the top you see the third artifact (6) . Bayek places three artifacts in the empty slots to complete the Diagram. This points to a vault in the ruins to the east.

Talk to Merck about the Diagram

Merckx (7) moved to the eastern side of the pyramid. Talk to him.

Escort Mercx to the temple ruins

Escort Mercx east to the ruins (8) . Go to the vault entrance (9) covered with sand.

Bayek reveals the entrance to the vault. Shoot the wooden barricade at the entrance.

Escort Merckx to the vault

Drop down into the vault, light the torch and follow the tunnel. Along the way you will come across cobras. Kill them and continue into the chamber, where you will find a treasure with a rare weapon and a model of a pyramid in the middle of the room.

Talk to Merckx

Talk to Merck to complete the quest.

Historians have put a lot of effort into debunking the mysteries of the great Egyptian pyramids. In their opinion, these grandiose structures are just the tombs of the pharaohs of antiquity, built for them by the backbreaking labor of hundreds of thousands of slaves.

But in fact, with pyramids everything is not so simple, and inquiring minds are discovering more and more secrets in the pyramids, their structure and shape, the answers to which have yet to be found.

The Mystery of the Chinese Pyramid

It turns out that pyramids are not only in Egypt. In China, near the city of Xi'an, there are at least 16 pyramids. Unfortunately, this area has been a restricted military zone for many years. Therefore, they were discovered only by accident: in 1947, an American named Maurice Sheenan took several photographs of the Chinese pyramids while flying over them in a light plane. The photographs were published by several American newspapers. The Chinese authorities immediately responded to these publications with an official letter, in which they stated that “the existence of these pyramids has not been confirmed by anything.” Many years passed before the Chinese government finally confirmed the existence of these structures, however, calling them nothing more than “trapezoidal tombs.” Since then, several scientists have been able to observe the tombs with their own eyes, but the Chinese authorities are in no hurry to give opportunities to study them. It is still unknown what they are hiding in the Xi'an area.

Why don't Egyptian authorities stop vandals?

It is not so easy for scientists from all over the world to obtain permission from the Egyptian authorities to excavate and simply conduct research in the area of ​​the pyramids. Every time, government officials strictly stipulate where this or that scientist can conduct his research, and violation of the established rules is fraught with serious troubles with the authorities. But with the Egyptians, oddly enough, things are completely different! Anyone who has been to the Great Pyramids of Giza has seen intrusive souvenir sellers who, in addition to tacky clay cats and busts of Tutankhamun, sell pieces of stone chipped from the pyramids. And recently, near the pyramids, tourists noticed the famous Cuban actress of “adult films” Carmen De Luz, and in a very frank manner, from which observers concluded that some kind of not very decent movie was being filmed in the interiors of the pyramids. As a result, a paradoxical situation arises: for scientists, penetration into the area of ​​the pyramids is a problem, but for vandals the road is open! The Egyptian government has been promising to change the situation for some time, but the problem, as they say, is still there. Why do the Egyptian authorities have such difficulty allowing scientists to access ancient tombs, but do not see any problem with local looters getting into them? Perhaps they are afraid that overly attentive pundits will notice something that they do not need to know about? The question is still open.

And there are pyramids in Sudan!

Yes, Egypt is by no means the only country where pyramids were erected. They also exist in Sudan, and in this African side there are more of them than in any other country in the world! There are 255 Nubian pyramids in Sudan. Only 14 of them are dedicated to the warlike Sudanese princesses. The rest is the legacy of the warlike Nubians who lived in this territory in the 6th century BC. At the top of each pyramid was an image of the solar disk. Rumor has it that the Nubians stole the idea of ​​​​pyramids from the Egyptians, building similarities to the great pyramids for the burial of 21 kings and 52 queens. However, it is possible that these tombs were built in parallel - according to at least According to scientists, the Nubian tombs in Sudan date back no earlier than 10 thousand years BC, and the Egyptians did not take part in their construction. Alas, not all Sudanese pyramids are available for study today - in 1834, adventurer Giuseppe Ferlini destroyed 40 Sudanese tombs in search of treasures. It is noteworthy that no one believed in the antiquity of the artifacts he obtained, and he was unable to sell them. This is what is called "bad karma"!

Thermal scanning revealed bright spots in the pyramids

In October 2015, an international team of scientists, together with specialists from the Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University, conducted a thermal scan of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, using thermal imaging and neon radiography technology commonly used to study active volcanoes. During a temperature scan of Tutankhamun's tomb, scientists discovered a sharp jump in temperature in its northern part, showing that there was a hidden cavity under the surface of the slabs. According to Nicholas Reeves, a researcher at the University of Arizona, the high-resolution image shows that inside the tomb there is a hidden door to unexplored chambers and to the resting place of Queen Nefertiti - the wife of Tutankhamun's father. But that's not all. In all three great pyramids of Giza, sites with elevated temperature. Researchers don't know what this means: simply, for some reason for a strange reason, some blocks have a higher temperature than all the others, and this has nothing to do with the weather. Currently, researchers are busy searching for hidden cameras in the pyramids to explain this phenomenon.

Hidden pyramids in Antarctica

In some photographs and on Google Earth maps you can see pyramidal tombs in the snow of Antarctica. Researchers call them "snow pyramids." The Internet public who saw these images believes that the Antarctic pyramids were built by human civilization living in Antarctica. Two of the three Antarctic pyramids are located on the continent, one is in close proximity to the coastline. each of them corresponds in shape to the pyramids of Giza. The first of them was discovered by an Antarctic expedition from 1901 to 1913. At the same time, geologists decided not to tell the world about their discovery. Some researchers believe that these pyramids served as housing for people, since 100 years ago the temperature in Antarctica was much higher than it is now. Dr Vanessa Bowman from the British Antarctic Research Center says: "100 million years ago, Antarctica had rainforests similar to those in New Zealand today." Some researchers believe that the pyramids in Antarctica are the legacy of the Atlanteans. And, in their opinion, they can completely change our view of human history. However, skeptics consider them to be just hill-shaped ice formations that grew over millions of years. Further research will show who is right.

Italian pyramids

In 2011, archaeologists excavating an Etruscan tomb in one of the cities of Italy were faced with an incomprehensible mystery. A team of scientists from Italy and the United States was excavating under a wine cellar in the town of Oriveto, where they discovered a staircase in the wall. Continuing to dig, they found several chambers and tunnels connecting them. Analyzing the structure of the discovered tomb, they soon realized that it was shaped like a pyramid. The structure was dated to around 900 BC. In shape it resembled Sudanese tombs. Considering that the army of the Roman Empire conquered the territory of Sudan even before our era, scientists began to look for a connection between the Sudanese tombs and their Italian find, as well as with another Italian structure - the Pyramid of Cestius in Rome. This pyramid, located in the area of ​​the Protestant cemetery, is one of the oldest and most protected Italian sites. Until recently, it was in a dilapidated state, but after Japanese businessman Yuzo Yagi donated 1 million euros for its renovation, it was completely restored and opened to the public in May 2015.

Canada also loves pyramids

Canada is a young country, and few people would immediately believe that there are pyramids similar to the Egyptian ones in Edmonton, Alberta. Meanwhile, this city is simply full of pyramids! In the center, near the Muttart Conservatory, there are pyramidal greenhouses where plants from all over the world are cultivated - from Africa to Western Canada. On the roof of Edmonton City Hall is a huge glass pyramid that changes colors every few months, turning green, blue, red, purple and orange. And at MacEwan University, less than 10 kilometers from City Hall and the Muttadt Conservatory a few blocks from City Hall, there are two pyramids in front of the entrance. There are several other buildings in Edmonton that have pyramids on them. The reasons why Edmontonians love the pyramids so much is unknown.

Who built the pyramids?

Probably not everyone remembers that. that the Egyptians at the time of the construction of the pyramids were typical black Africans. According to scientists, there is no reason to assume that representatives of races other than the typical population could have lived in Egypt at that time northern Africa. But what is even more interesting is that, contrary to popular belief, the pyramid builders were apparently not tortured slaves. The legend of the use of slave labor in the construction of the pyramids was first invented by ancient Greek historians - and today Hollywood has readily picked it up. In fact, skilled workers from all over Egypt worked on the construction of the pyramids. At the same time, judging by the surviving records, in addition to wages, they received another interesting privilege: a worker who died during construction had the right to be buried in a tomb next to the pharaoh. If we were talking about slaves, the Egyptians would not have allowed such a violation of the caste principle.

Mysteries of the Greek pyramids

Another country where pyramids were discovered is Greece. Several structures called the pyramids of Argolis are one of the most famous ancient monuments of this Greek city. Until recently, it was believed that these buildings were ancient tombs, since ancient Roman manuscripts said that soldiers who fought for the throne of Argos were buried here. But in the 20th century, scientists doubted this, judging by some signs that they were intended for some other, hitherto unknown purposes. Another pyramid in Greece apparently existed northwest of the Peloponnese, but little remains of it: over the centuries, local residents stole the stone for their own needs.

The Mystery of Orion

One of the things that amazes scientists about the Egyptian pyramids is that they were literally built in the center of the Earth. The relative position of the chambers of the king and queen in the largest pyramid reflects the relative position of Orion and Sirius in the firmament. Here is what the author of the book “Fingerprints of God” Robert Boval writes about this: “
A mind-boggling fact about the Egyptian pyramids is they are made literally in the center of the earth. At the southern point of the King’s Chamber inside of the Great Giza Pyramid, is the same point of the Belt of Orion. The Queens chambers are in the direction of the Sirius star. Here is a quote from The Fingerprints of the Gods by Robert Bauval: "The constellation Orion is also oriented along milky way, like the Great Pyramids - along the Nile. And the star, which the Arabs call Mintaka, is oriented relative to Orion and Sirius in the same way as the smallest of the pyramids is relative to the other two. The location of the pyramids on Earth corresponds exactly to the orientation brightest stars in the firmament in the year 10450 BC."

What were the pyramids made of?

This news will probably disappoint many, but nevertheless, the fact remains. For centuries, Egyptologists have admired the art of Egyptian engineers, who were able to assemble such huge and geometrically complex shapes from huge limestone blocks. However, only in our time, when it became possible to carry out spectral analysis, it became clear that limestone blocks, as well as more expensive alabaster, granite and basalt, were used only for decoration, including external ones. Most of interiors were built from raw brick with the addition of straw - the main material from which most buildings were built during the era of the Ancient Kingdoms - from the poor man's hut to the royal palaces. This, of course, adds prosaism to the buildings, but does not detract from the engineering talents of the ancient Egyptians.

Where did the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza go?

Looking at the photo of the largest of the pyramids of Giza, it is easy to notice that the strictness of the form of this ancient tomb is violated only once. Where the eye simply demands the final top stone to complete the strict triangles of the walls, there is only a flat platform that violates the perfection of the geometric structure. Why? There are several versions on this matter. One of them says that the top stone was gold and was stolen many centuries ago. The other is that the platform at the very top was designed to be flat for some reason unknown to us. But the Spanish researcher Miguel Perez Sanchez claims that at the top of the pyramid there was the so-called Eye of Horus - a mystical transparent sphere symbolizing the union of the Sun and Sirius - the star of Isis. It is still impossible to say with certainty who is right.

Ancient pyramids of Bosnia

And again the pyramid in Europe! This time - the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon. According to historians, this is the largest and oldest step pyramid in the world. It was discovered by an American researcher from Boston, a Bosnian by birth, Semir Osmanagic. In 2006, he publicly announced that on Mount Visocica, where he was excavating, he had discovered underground passages and inclusions of lime mortar - and, after months of excavation, having removed many layers of earth, he showed people a mountain that was indeed a pyramid! However, Bosnian geologists did not believe Osmanagic’s statements and, having checked his conclusions, in turn, stated: Visocica is not a pyramid at all, but an ordinary hill, to which nature gave a shape similar to a stepped one. And the fact that the steps are so even is due to Osmanagich’s “cruel joke”. However, the Boston Bosnian himself does not give up and claims that he found a real pyramid in his homeland, and geologists are simply captive of stereotypes. Time will tell who is actually right.

So what were the pyramids actually used for?

Back in school, we were taught that pyramids are the tombs of pharaohs, and nothing more. However, what we have learned today about pyramids, including those built outside Egypt, casts doubt on this. In fact, historians agree with us. Today, there is much more than one version that explains why the pyramids were really needed. In particular, experts suggest that they were used as treasuries, giant antennas for communication with the gods and recharge divine energy, meaningless buildings designed to create jobs and relieve social tensions, shelters during sandstorms and Nile floods, brothels for the highest Egyptian nobility and even sewage treatment plants to clean up the Nile waters. Moreover, the author of each of these unexpected theories has his own evidence. Which one is right? As always, time will tell.

NASA specialists have found pyramids in space!

And finally, at the end of the day, here’s a brand new, fresh riddle for you! Compared to the pyramids, she is just a baby - she is not yet 10 years old. In 2007, NASA launched the robotic spacecraft Dawn to explore Ceres, a minor planet in the solar system located in the asteroid belt. Now look at the photo that Dawn sent to the puzzled scientists from Ceres! On the surface of the planet, a structure is clearly visible, with outlines like two peas in a pod, similar to a pyramid! It turns out that this form is sacred not only for the Earth, but also for the cosmos? Let's hope that this mystery will be solved faster than the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids, which scientists have been struggling with for centuries.

The world is on the verge of a major archaeological discovery. Not long ago, researchers of the Egyptian pyramids discovered new secret rooms in the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. Using the Explorer robot, they tried to get inside through the narrow tunnels of the 4,500-year-old structure, but they failed.

Then the joint development of British, French and Canadian scientists came to the rescue - a robot called Judy. The device received this name not by chance. Djedi was the name of a magician who served Pharaoh Cheops. It would seem that there is no magic, just technology. However, this time the attempt was successful and the robot was able to safely overcome the mysterious southern tunnel emerging from the queen’s burial crypt into one of the newly discovered faces of the pyramid.

The “magic” robot managed to safely overcome the tunnel and even looked behind the “secret door”, behind which the recently opened chamber was hidden. What the video cameras on the robot showed alarmed the whole world

In a secret chamber, the robot discovered strange maroon-colored hieroglyphs dating back to 2500 BC.

It is noteworthy that the tunnels (southern and northern), passing at an angle of 90 degrees from the queen’s crypt, were found by researchers back in late XIX century. They were discovered by engineer Waman Dixon from Britain. Twenty years ago, German Egyptologist Rudolf Gantenbrink first equipped a robotic expedition through the northern tunnel, but the robot was unable to reach the goal. He hit a very sharp turn and crashed. The next expedition of another robot through the southern tunnel was also unsuccessful.

Having traveled 63 meters in the southern direction of the Cheops pyramid, he came across a strange door with brass handles.

No one knew what was hiding behind the mysterious door. Fans of mystical theories and anomalous chronicles fueled interest. Fans of Cheops assumed that behind the door was hidden a secret vault containing knowledge and books from the lost Atlantis, alien instruments or other “magical” artifacts.

What can I say, even the brass handles themselves were very intriguing. Until that time, no one had found a single metal object in the pyramids. A lot of crazy and daring hypotheses arose that these handles are elements of an electrical system that was left by aliens and is capable of teleporting the pyramid to another planet.

Ten years ago, a crawler robot, Royer Pyramide, manufactured by the American company iRobot, rolled up to the secret door. He managed to drill a hole in the monolithic door and insert a miniature television camera inside the mysterious chamber.

The inside of the cell was empty. Millions of people holding their breath saw another door appear in the distance...

And the other day, almost ten years later, tireless seekers of ancient artifacts are making a new attempt. The researchers again sent the robot to the first "secret door". There are rumors that last time they managed to spot something suspicious and now they collected more full information. Robot Magician Jedi is essentially a copy of its predecessor, but only with a much more modernized camera. A special device is controlled by a rod and resembles an endoscope that takes pictures good quality. With the help of new technologies, it was possible to see the first “secret camera” in great detail.

For the first time, scientists looked at the “secret door” from the reverse side. The surface of the doors is very carefully processed, being perfectly smooth and polished. Brass rods pierce the door right through and are crowned with small loops.

Robot Jedi confirmed that behind the first secret chamber there is a second one. Scientists think that Pharaoh Cheops may be buried in a sarcophagus there. And the empty sarcophagus that was found before, which is known today, was made deliberately as a distraction.

At the moment, the most important find is the dark burgundy hieroglyphs depicted on the floor of the “first secret room”. Egyptologists have already begun to decipher them and the results will be ready in a few days.

In the meantime, researchers and interested people are left perplexed. There were suggestions that the tunnels were built for ventilation. But the question arises - what is the door for? And besides, so carefully crafted and with elegant brass handles? The tunnels are made in the shape of a perfectly even square 20x20 cm. A person cannot crawl through them. Maybe a cat? But why do cats need brass handles?

The spatial location of the southern tunnel adds mystique. It is oriented strictly towards the constellation Orion and the star Sirius.

Many scientists come to the conclusion that the souls of the pharaoh were supposed to travel through the tunnels and fly out into the Universe. But there are doors and plugs? It will obviously interfere with "traveling..."

Researchers do not despair and continue to work scrupulously. According to their plans, the final report will be ready in 2012. Will they open Pandora's box on the fateful date?

The pyramids of Egypt are simply stunning; the legends and myths force you to hold your breath and listen in admiration. Scientists and researchers have been trying for most centuries to get to literally this word, to the truth that the most unique people keep inside themselves man-made miracles peace!

In accordance with the Egyptian religion, the pyramids were needed for people who had gone to the afterlife, because together with embalmed bodies, everyone was buried there necessary for a person things, everything he needed during his life: precious jewelry, clothes, household utensils and other items that he might need in another life.

It is believed that the larger and higher the pyramid, the more powerful and richer the person was during his lifetime. Now, looking at such large structures, it is difficult to imagine what kind of wealth the pharaohs must have owned, and that all this was built by human hands; however, it should be taken into account that all construction was carried out manually, without the use of special construction equipment.

And when you also look at the numbers, it will seem completely unrealistic - the area of ​​the largest and well-known Cheops pyramid is 85,000 m3, the length of each side of the pyramid is 230 m and the height is almost 150 m. To really imagine how much this is, then just remember a 9-story building, its area is approximately 10,000 m3. These numbers are, in fact, shocking! The most fascinating thing is that it took only 20 years to create such a brute!

Shrouded in mystery from creation itself. To this day, scientists do not agree on when and by whom the pyramids were built. The ideas are generally divided into two theories:

1st - that the pyramids were built long before the first Egyptians by aliens;

The second one says that it was the Egyptians who were the creators of these unique objects.

At the same time, they continue to argue about the actual purpose of the pyramids. Some believe that the famous pyramids at Giza were intended as beacons for alien ships, indicating a course towards the Sinai Desert, which served as a typical port. This version is confirmed by a photograph taken by NASA's galactic spacecraft from space.

If you superimpose a map of Egypt on a map of the starry sky, you will notice that the placement of the pyramids coincides with the stars, the placement of the Nile can be compared with milky way, and the three pyramids at Giza are recognized as Orion’s belt. But not everything coincides - 2 monuments of the 5th dynasty do not fall into such a code, but they are not stars, but they are 2 parallel medians.

Archaeologists have found unique ancient Egyptian manuscripts and texts that, according to legend, were acquired in ancient times from the Nefers - people with divine capabilities who lived in Atlantis.

And these are no longer some hypotheses, there is real documentary evidence of this. Whoever those Gods who were worshiped in Egypt were, ordinary mortal people who knew the laws of the Universe or aliens, they gave the Egyptians knowledge that we have not known until now. In particular, the Egyptians glorified their knowledge of the synchronization of the heavenly and earthly in history by constructing the entire complex of pyramids in strict accordance with the star map.

Like the stars, the pyramids of Egypt are very diverse; we can only solve the mysteries hidden in the majestic structures that have carried ancient knowledge through the centuries. There is a legend that when all the doors are open and the last riddle is solved, the end of the world will come. But at the same time there is another legend, which says that in the pyramids, like in the others, hidden knowledge is hidden that will help reveal the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, and with them the secrets of the philosophy of the world.

While the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids remain secrets and excite our fantasies, no one has yet been able to guess them, perhaps because they are looking in the wrong place; after all, one of the legends says that the secret is hidden not on the walls and in writing, but in the buildings themselves; this knowledge is the source of a separate energy, which is destined to be read only by a chosen one!

Despite the development of science and technology in the modern world, humanity is not yet able to answer the huge number of mysteries that ancient civilizations left behind. Following the paths of thousands of years, scientists and esotericists are trying to bring the solution of the secrets of antiquity at least a little closer, groping for the truth step by step. One of the most important areas of their activity is the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. Still undiscovered, despite the long history of excavations and research.

The mystical complex, which includes three great pyramids and a statue of the Sphinx, has excited and continues to excite the minds of modern researchers. The ancient pyramids are the only one of the seven wonders of the world that remained indestructible under the pressure of the dry desert wind and passed through the centuries unchanged. No other wonder of the world has received so many hypotheses and theories, and this is not surprising. After all, looking at three gigantic structures, it is impossible to believe that they themselves did not have a hand in their construction egyptian gods. The debate among scientists, which has not subsided since 1822, is tied not only to how the pyramids were built, but also to who exactly did it.

Among the assumptions, there are absolutely fantastic ones, but there are also those very similar to the truth, which are no less surprising. Now we can say with confidence that the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt go back to 2500 BC. Presumably at this time the construction of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, the most majestic of the three, was completed.

The original height of the pyramid was about 146 meters and it was lined with white limestone, which glittered in the sun. Now its height is about 135 m, and not a trace of limestone remains. Its remains can only be seen at the top of the Pyramid of Khafre. Many people are looking for sacred meaning in the size of the pyramids, but most likely this is not the place to look. It is much more interesting to fully understand why these majestic structures were erected.

According to the legendary occultist H. P. Blavatsky, the Egyptian pyramids were built not 2500 BC, but 75 thousand years earlier and were intended to store the gene pool of humanity represented by the Atlanteans, who, in fact, built the pyramids. This point of view does not look more fantastic than many others, so it can be taken into account. Especially if you remember the words of Nostradamus, who said that the pyramids were built by people from Atlantis using mental influence on gravity.

Conducted Scientific research proved the presence of voids, both under the pyramids and under the Sphinx. Scientists launched a robot into the mines of the lower tier, which rested on the doors made of limestone. Therefore, the theory that the secrets of human civilization are kept in underground rooms has the right to life. Interestingly, the Egyptian authorities are not eager to give permission for further excavations. Either they don’t want to even slightly undermine their travel business, or they are really afraid of something.

Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids directly related to the name Imhotep. The work of this great scientist runs like a red line through the entire history of Egypt, starting from 2630 BC. The man who became a god. A brilliant personality of his time, comparable only to Leonardo da Vinci, and then only with great reserve. It was Imhotep, being the high priest and holding the position of chief adviser to the pharaoh, who developed the design of the first pyramid made of stone blocks. A mystical figure who became the god of medicine for the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. The High Priest was distinguished by his extraordinary abilities, the fantastic nature of which for a man of that era made scientists doubt the reality of his existence. Imhotep was a brilliant doctor - the founder of Egyptian medicine, and an architect who not only invented the shape of the pyramid, but many other architectural forms. Writer and philosopher - Imhotep took with him the answers to most of the mysteries that scientists have been working on for the twenty-first century.

Another interesting theory is the use of pyramids as an energy plant.

Several confirmations of this hypothesis can be found based on the architecture of the Cheops pyramid. Did it make sense for the ancient Egyptians to build such a grandiose structure just to honor the memory of the pharaoh? The pyramid is riddled with various shafts and canals throughout its entire height and length. It has been scientifically proven that these channels are laid in accordance with the maps starry sky. A vertical channel runs along the center line of the pyramid, which may be an energy installation for communication with the Universal Mind or the spirits of ancestors, according to the beliefs of the ancient people. It is interesting that inside the pyramid there are a large number of rooms that have nothing to do with the burial ritual. It has not yet been proven whether Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) was actually buried in the burial chamber of the Great Pyramid or in another place.

With each new discovery, the mysteries of the pyramids of Ancient Egypt leave more and more questions than answers. The Pyramid of Cheops is built on the basis of more ancient pyramid, the construction time of which is supposedly 14 thousand years BC. Its size is so large that it occupies about half the volume of the Great Pyramid. When arranging and painting the interior spaces, special lanterns, possibly electric, were used. They were discovered during excavations and still gave off a faint light, despite thousands of years since their burial.

Exists hypothesis that the Egyptians received electricity using power plants such as the Great Gallery in the Cheops pyramid. On the edges of the pyramid, scientists discovered various images made using grooves. Drawings can be seen in reflected light if desired. On the southern side of the pyramid, most likely, there is a portrait of the ancient Egyptian god Thoth, one of the most significant gods in Egyptian mythology. Riddles in stone, the secrets of the pyramids of Ancient Egypt will excite the imagination of mankind for a long time, receiving their response in books and films. We can only hope that the technologies of the twenty-first century will still be able to reveal to people knowledge that was buried under a layer of sand and time.

Back in the 10th century, the historian Masudi argued that the Egyptian pyramids of Giza are not only a repository of all the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians on issues of astronomy, art and religion, but also contain “historical and prophetic predictions.” In 1865, Robert Menzies suggested that if we take the sacred inch of the Egyptians as a basis and measure the length of the inner chambers of the Egyptian pyramid, we will find the chronological dates of the most important events past and future. Based on the discoveries made by Mr. Varil in 1948-49, Egyptologist-symbolists believe that the architecture of most temples of ancient Egypt contains a number of symbols of a philosophical, historical and especially religious nature. In their opinion, the location of the foundations of the colonnades and even the superstructures of the surface structures of these monuments indicate esoteric knowledge hidden from the layman. In turn, the famous astronomer, director of the Bourges Observatory, Abbot Moret, devoted his life to uncovering the mysteries that the study of ancient Egyptian temples and the Pyramid of Cheops in Giza brings to scientists.

The results of measurements of the Egyptian Cheops pyramid obtained by engineer Davidson turned out to be amazing. The diagonal of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops gives its absolutely accurate direction along the meridian, and the accuracy of this direction is theoretical North Pole reaches 4 minutes 30 seconds: this is more accurate than the Paris Observatory. In addition, this meridian, passing through the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops, divides the surface of the sea and land into two equal parts, counting America and Pacific Ocean. Moreover: the latitude passing through the center of the Cheops pyramid also divides the entire globe into two equal parts, according to the amount of land and water. Thus, 2500 years BC. The Egyptians knew the exact ratio of the surface of all continents and it was not by chance that they chose the mouth of the Nile to build the Egyptian pyramids of Giza. When measuring the Cheops pyramid itself, it turned out that the perimeter of the Giza pyramid, divided by double the height, gives the exact number “Pi”, with an accuracy of one hundred thousandth. It is interesting that the sacred measure of the length of Egypt, i.e. The pyramidal inch (by a strange coincidence equal to modern English) is one billionth of the Earth's orbit traversed by it in 24 hours. Another linear measure of the pyramid is the cubit, equal to 25 inches, or 635.66 millimeters - one ten-millionth of the polar radius of the Earth. The sum of the two diagonals of the Egyptian pyramid, expressed in inches, gives the number of years during which the north pole of our earth makes one complete revolution. The volume of the pyramid, multiplied by the specific gravity of the stone from which it is made, gives the theoretical weight of the globe. The same measure is found once again in the king’s chambers when measuring the “sarcophagus”. We find its volume in relation to the volume of the globe. This volume, so to speak, the weight standard, coincides exactly with the weight of one English pound (453.59g). The archaic units of the English measures exactly correspond to the “sacred” units of Ancient Egypt!
