Suspension from herpes sore throat. Symptoms and treatment of herpetic sore throat. Differences between herpes sore throat and other forms of the disease

Sore throat is a very common condition in the throat. It can take several forms. In one of these forms, herpetic sore throat is isolated. In the medical classification, it bears several names - herpes sore throat, vesicular stomatitis, ulcerous sore throat, aphthous pharyngitis, herpangina. But in its essence and manifestations, it bears little resemblance to an ordinary sore throat, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the herpes virus.

Herpetic is an acute viral disease that affects the mouth and larynx. While other types of sore throat are usually caused by bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci). Most often occurs in children under 12 years of age, rarely occurs in adults. The disease is not terrible, but it requires complex therapeutic measures.

The name of the disease speaks of a characteristic symptom - small bubbles filled with liquid, similar to a rash with herpes. They cover the upper palate, arches, pharynx, tonsils, tongue. Round in shape, a couple of millimeters in diameter. At the beginning of the disease, the vesicles are filled with reddish contents, but over time it brightens and becomes transparent. When examining the pharynx, red rings around the vesicles are clearly visible. 2-3 days after the onset of herpes sore throat, they open up on their own, forming small ulcers on the mucous membrane.

The vesicles themselves and their rupture sites are very painful. The amount depends on the severity of the disease. In a mild form, there may be several of them, barely noticeable upon examination. With a more acute course, the vesicles cover almost all tissues of the larynx. After they burst, the resulting ulcers crust over. It is strictly forbidden to remove vesicles or crusts, this will lead to the spread of the virus and increased pain.

In addition to the symptom characteristic of herpangina, symptomatic manifestations are added to the general clinical picture, such as:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature to serious values ​​- 40 °;
  • severe chills, fever, joint aches, muscle pain, headache;
  • sore throat, resembling a stabbing or cutting sensation;
  • categorical refusal of water and food due to the previous symptom;
  • redness of the larynx mucosa, hyperemia;
  • nasopharyngeal congestion, runny nose, cough;
  • enlargement and soreness of regional lymph nodes;
  • nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, epigastric discomfort;
  • general ill health, weakness, in children - moodiness, insomnia.

The listed signs are typical for other forms of tonsillitis, as well as for pharyngitis, laryngitis and acute respiratory disease. Therefore, differential diagnosis is so important, which can only be carried out by a pediatrician during an internal examination. If it is impossible to call a doctor immediately, an independent examination of the pharynx will allow you to see the very vesicles that are characteristic only of herpetic sore throat.

Rarely, cases of an atypical course of the disease are recorded, when there are no bubbles and temperature, but there are only catarrhal changes. Most often, this form occurs against the background of a weakened immune system, after an infection. In this case, only the doctor can determine the diagnosis.

Herpetic sore throat in a child under 1 year old can be very severe. Conjunctivitis, severe headaches, trismus of the masticatory muscles, inflammation of the kidneys, heart pains join the general symptoms. Such cases of the disease are dangerous not so much by themselves as by their complications in the form of meningitis, encephalitis, pyelonephritis.

Despite the possible risks, herpetic sore throat in children and adults in most cases proceeds like a common ARVI. Therefore, you should not be afraid of this disease.

Features of herpes sore throat

Herpetic sore throat is an exclusively viral disease. The causative agents are Coxsackie enteroviruses (types A and B) and echoviruses (ECHO). They initially enter the oral cavity and multiply on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Over time, they are able to enter the bloodstream and spread through the bloodstream, causing serious complications. But this development of events is extremely rare.

Viruses form the basis of the serous content of the vesicles. When they burst, some of the pathogens die, and some enter the intestines and are subsequently killed by the immune system. At the same time, a stable defense against the disease is formed in the human body, so it is almost impossible to get sick again. Herpes sore throat is the only form of tonsillitis that provides lifelong immunity against viruses of this type. Cases of secondary infection with herpangina are extremely rare.

Herpetic tonsillitis is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, sometimes by oral, fecal, contact. Most often children suffer from this ailment, because they spend a lot of time in a team (kindergarten, school). Adults can also catch the disease, but it usually proceeds in a rather mild form that does not require special treatment. Herpangina is contagious throughout the entire period of the illness and even for some time after recovery.

From the penetration of the virus into the body, the appearance of obvious signs can take from 7 to 10 days. Sore throat begins suddenly and acutely, with a rise in temperature to 40 °, and sometimes 41 °. Gradually, catarrhal symptoms appear: redness of the throat, soreness, soreness, sore nose, muscles and joints ache, digestion is disturbed. On the second day, the temperature may drop slightly, but on the third day it usually jumps again to high numbers. Children should be given antipyretic drugs.

On the 3-4th day, the culmination of the disease comes, bubbles appear, the person feels very bad. After that, on the 5th day, the symptoms decline, the vesicles burst, the ulcers heal, the body temperature goes down, the general malaise goes away. On the 7th day from the onset of angina, recovery gradually begins - the ulcers heal, the inflammation of the mucous membrane subsides, the lymph nodes stop hurting. Full recovery comes on the 10-14th day of illness, depending on the body. According to statistics, herpangina in adults lasts up to 7 days, in children - up to 10 days.

This form of angina in most cases passes completely and without consequences, it cannot become chronic or cause relapses. But there are exceptions to every rule. Herpetic sore throat can cause complications if the virus has managed to penetrate deep into the tissues and spread there. So, in children under one year old, meningitis can develop with a fatal outcome. Also, disturbances in the work of the heart muscle, joints are possible, pyelonephritis, encephalitis, and bacterial complications appear. The severe course of angina and serious complications in medical practice are recorded extremely rarely. They are often associated with catastrophic human immunodeficiency.

Medication and home treatment

No specific treatment for herpes sore throat has been invented. The immunity of the human body fights the virus, and it can only be helped by symptomatic therapy. Antiviral drugs are prescribed in exceptional cases to children under 3 years old, when the defenses of a small organism are still very weak, and the disease is aggressive. It is allowed to take medications such as Viferon, Cycloferon, Citovir. The affected mucosa can also be treated with topical antiviral agents.

Symptomatic treatment includes such activities.

  1. Taking antipyretics - Nurofen, Panadol, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin. For children, you need to take only children's drugs and strictly observe the dosage. It is recommended to bring down the temperature only when raising it to 38.5-39 °. Adults can tolerate higher temperatures, allowing the body to fight the infection naturally.
  2. For severe sore throat, pain relievers such as Lidocaine, Teraflu, Hexoral, Tantum Verde can be used. But such drugs should not be abused if the discomfort can be endured.
  3. Gargling is the most effective treatment for herpangin. The procedure can be carried out for children from 5 years old and adults. For the solution, ordinary table or sea salt, soda is taken. 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm boiled water will suffice. Children's dosage is 0.5 teaspoon. Decoctions or infusions of herbs are also suitable - sage, calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot. Pharmaceutical liquids - Furacilin, Miramistin, Rotokan, Angileks have a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The rinsing procedure reduces discomfort in the throat and disinfects the mucous membrane, so it is advisable to carry it out often - up to 5 times a day.
  4. Irrigation and lubrication of the throat is also used for antiseptic and analgesic purposes. To do this, you can use Yoks, Ingalipt, Hexoral, Tantum Verde-spray, Cameton, Orasept. Until the age of 3, such treatment of herpetic sore throat in children is prohibited. An alternative is proposed - to lubricate the throat and oral cavity with Lugol's solution with a tampon. If you are allergic to iodine or thyroid disease, it is contraindicated.
  5. For children from 4 years old and adults, tablets, lozenges, lozenges can be sucked to relieve pain. Strepsils, Septolete, Faringosept, Lizak, Grammidin, Tantum Verde-pastilles will do. It is not worth getting carried away with such "sweets" so as not to damage the vesicles and, thus, not to worsen the condition.
  6. Antibiotics for the treatment of herpetic sore throat are used in exceptional cases when the disease is complicated by a bacterial course. In children, treatment is carried out with Penicillin or Augmentin. Adults can take antibiotics from any group: Azithromycin, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav, Cefepim, Ceftriaxone, Bicillin and others. You cannot assign them to yourself or your child on your own.
  7. In exceptional cases, the use of antihistamines is indicated - Zirtek, Loratadin, Claritin, Diazolin, Tavegil. These pills are drunk only if an allergic reaction appears against the background of a sore throat.

It is strictly forbidden to treat herpetic sore throat with antiherpetic drugs, such as Gerpevir, Acyclovir, as well as inhalations. These methods are, at best, useless, if not dangerous. For example, warming up mucous membranes can accelerate the spread of infection.

How to treat herpes tonsillitis at home? Folk remedies can help in the treatment of herpes sore throat. Salt and soda have already been mentioned - they are the first and irreplaceable helpers, because they are always at hand. Also, to rinse a sore throat, you can use beet or cabbage juice diluted with water. Honey with oil, when absorbed, relieves severe inflammation and soothes diseased mucous membranes. Aloe juice can boost immunity by taking 1 teaspoon in the morning. In addition, aloe is good for healing ulcers.

Drinking warm, never hot or cold, helps flush germs and relieve fever. You can brew ordinary or herbal tea, cook compotes, make fruit drinks, jelly, and just drink plain water in small sips. Nutrition that is gentle and rich in vitamins is one of the conditions for a successful cure. This is especially true for a small growing organism. The second condition is bed rest and a healthy microclimate in the room where the patient lives.

It is important to know that all medications and home remedies only relieve the general condition. Only immunity can cope with herpetic sore throat.

Herpetic sore throat in pregnant women

The risk group for the incidence of herpangina includes mainly children from 3 to 10 years old. During this period, they no longer have innate immunity from their mother, and their own is just being formed. But there are cases of infection in adults, if the protection against the virus in childhood has not been formed. Pregnant women are a special risk group.

Early pregnancy is the most risky for the fetus, says Dr. Komarovsky. Enteroviruses have the ability to cross the placenta. In addition, the general intoxication of the female body against the background of the disease prevents the normal flow of nutrients from mother to child. Together, these factors can adversely affect the development of the fetus and cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and heart. Cases of premature birth in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy are extremely rare. But a young mother should not panic, because, as a rule, adults are not affected by this ailment. And if this still happens, then it proceeds in a mild superficial form, and with timely treatment does not give any complications.

Herpes sore throat during pregnancy usually does not require special treatment. Symptomatic therapy should be selected with caution and only by the attending physician, because medications should not affect the fetus. Under the condition of good health of the expectant mother, herpangina proceeds easily and does not even require local treatment. The strong immunity of a woman copes with the virus itself without affecting the baby.

Prevention of sore throat

There are no preventive measures to prevent infection with herpes sore throat. General precautions should be followed:

  • permanently strengthen the general immunity of the body;
  • observe the correct regime of the day and sleep;
  • adhere to a healthy nutrition scheme;
  • engage in fitness, physical education, hardening;
  • get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol;
  • spend a lot of time outdoors;
  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • heal on time and do not tolerate colds on the legs;
  • observe hygiene and sanitary rules;
  • maintain a healthy microclimate at home and at work;
  • do not abuse chemical immunomodulators and antibiotics.

Herpetic sore throat is not a terrible disease, so there is no need to be afraid of it. Even if a child or an adult has contracted this ailment, with proper treatment and adherence to the regimen, the disease goes away by itself and never returns.

The disease herpetic sore throat was discovered in 1920 by T. Zagorsky. Despite the high prevalence, especially among children, scientific data on this disease have been lacking for a long time. Currently, the pathogen has been identified, the stages of the infectious process, and the foundations of treatment tactics have been formulated.

Herpetic sore throat (herpangina) is an acute inflammatory disease, accompanied by the sudden appearance of febrile symptoms, sore throat, aggravated by swallowing, enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsils and specific vesicular rashes on the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall, soft palate and pharyngeal tonsils. There may also be abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

To a greater extent, the infection is common among children, especially in spring and autumn. There is a high degree of infectiousness of this disease, the transmission routes are airborne (talking, sneezing), fecal-oral (dirty hands or food) and with everyday contact (nasopharyngeal exudate).

According to the modern international classification of anthroponous infectious diseases of the 10th revision (ICD code 10), herpetic sore throat belongs to B 08.5: a group of viral infections characterized by lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, a subgroup of enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis.

Herpangina causative agents

Viruses belonging to the genus are considered to be the cause of the acute form of infection. The type of nucleic acid of the virus is RNA. 3 groups are poured: A, B and C, however, herpetic sore throat in most cases develops exclusively when infected with the virus of group A, less often - group B. Preferably, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are colonized, where they quickly multiply and are carried with the blood stream to other organs.

Important: after recovery from a manifest (with a pronounced clinical picture) and hardware (without the manifestation of typical symptoms) infectious process in the human body, a stable immunity is formed, specific strictly to the transferred type of the virus.

In other words, if the child has had herpetic sore throat caused by serovar 2, this does not exclude the possibility of further infection with serovar 8 (in the presence of persistent immunity to the Coxsackie virus of serovar 2).

The last largest outbreak of sore throat provoked by the spread of the Coxsackie virus was recorded in 2007 in China. More than 800 people were infected, of which 200 needed hospitalization. This fact underlines the high degree of contagiousness of the virus.

There is information about a mixed infection, when, in addition to the Coxsackie virus, echoviruses were the cause. Echoviruses contain a similar nucleic acid and mainly affect children. The lack of adequate and timely therapy can lead to the formation of serious pathologies and the development of concomitant diseases. At the same time, the diagnostic identification of the echoviral nature of the disease is difficult due to the similarity of the clinical picture with bacterial infections.

It is noted that enteroviruses and echoviruses are characterized by a high level of penetration into mucous membranes, muscle and nervous tissues.

When infected with Coxsackie viruses, the classic picture of herpangina is recorded in a third of patients, in the rest the disease proceeds in the form of a mild fever.

In severe herpangina, enteroviral meningitis, encephalitis and myocarditis may develop.

Causes (pathogenesis) of angina

Herpetic sore throat is characterized by seasonality, with a maximum distribution in autumn and spring. In summer, the disease practically does not occur. This is due to the fact that viruses do not tolerate temperatures over 30 degrees.

Getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes, the virus causes hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, and when it enters the gastrointestinal tract or respiratory tract - herpangina, epidemic myalgia, serous meningitis, etc.

From the entrance gate of the infection, the virus enters the lymph nodes, where it begins to actively multiply. After that, the viruses enter the bloodstream, where they spread throughout the body with the blood stream. At this stage, the state of viremia is noted. Infectious agents, reaching and accumulating in tissues, provoke the development of local inflammation. Further spread of the virus depends on their serotype and the strength of the patient's immunity.

The incubation period of herpetic sore throat varies from 7 to 14 days.

The natural reservoir of the virus is a person, however, infection from animals, for example, pigs, is not excluded. In view of the high degree of infectiousness of this disease, the transmission of the virus also occurs during normal communication with a sick person or with a healthy virus carrier. Moreover, the latter may not show any signs of the disease.

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat in children

Herpetic sore throat in children occurs acutely. Symptoms are complex, with the initial clinical picture similar to that of an acute respiratory infection:

  • intense febrile symptoms (chills, muscle and joint pain, lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, headaches and dizziness, nausea, vomiting, bloating, lack of appetite);
  • with herpetic sore throat, a child may experience a small-point red rash;
  • immediately after the incubation period, there is a sharp sore throat, cough and nasal congestion.

Febrile symptoms persist for two to five days. When examining the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, there is a bright hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall, the appearance of multiple vesicles and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the soft palate, tonsils, uvula and posterior pharyngeal wall.

The vesicles are filled with serous contents. After opening the vesicular elements, small erosive and ulcerative elements are formed.

When a bacterial component is attached, erosive surfaces become infected and covered with purulent deposits.

Sore throat worsens with erosion. Subsequently, erosive surfaces heal within five to seven days (scars and mucosal defects are not formed).

An increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes is also characteristic.

In the absence of timely treatment, the disease often recurs.

In addition to the external signs of the manifestation of a pathological condition, there is an overgrowth of the submandibular and lymph nodes - one of the most characteristic manifestations of herpangina.

Atypical symptoms of herpangina

Atypical manifestations of symptoms are not excluded, including blurred signs of the disease in the form of erased febrile symptoms.

Important: herpetic sore throat in children, proceeding in the usual form without concomitant diseases, is characterized by a decrease in temperature 4-5 days after the first clinical manifestations.

In this case, erosive ulcers disappear on their own and without a trace within a week. In the case of a weakened level of natural resistance in children, herpetic sore throat may reappear 2-3 days after recovery.


When the first symptoms of herpangina appear, it is necessary to make an appointment with a pediatrician or otolaryngologist. As a rule, the doctor can accurately diagnose this disease without additional medical tests with the manifestation of the classic clinical picture. With pharyngoscopy, typical symptoms of angina are visually observed - bubbles with fluid, ulceration, inflammation of the posterior wall of the larynx and tonsils. Palpation reveals enlarged lymph nodes.

A clinical blood test shows an increase in the level of concentration of leukocytes in the blood, which confirms the development of the inflammatory process in the body. With microscopy of a blood smear, an increase in the concentration of eosinophilic granulocytes may be observed.

It is important to differentiate herpangina with diseases similar in manifestations: herpetic stomatitis, candidiasis, or chemical damage to the oropharynx.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

In case of difficulties in making a diagnosis, additional laboratory tests may be prescribed. There are 2 main ways of diagnosis:

  • aimed at detecting viral RNA in the blood - the PCR method, the advantage of which is the highest sensitivity, 100% guarantee and the possibility of conducting reliable studies even against the background of a course of antibiotic therapy. Biomaterial for analysis is collected in the form of a washout from the nasopharynx and oropharynx or a swab from the pharynx. The sampling procedure is painless;
  • a technique aimed at determining the level of antibodies to the causative agent in the patient's blood. For this, an enzyme immunoassay is carried out, the essence of which is the specific reaction of the interaction of antigens with antibodies. A positive result is given when determining an increased titer of antibodies to the Coxsackie virus or echoviruses at least 4 times.

After a comprehensive diagnosis with test results, it is recommended to visit a pediatric neurologist in order to exclude serous meningitis, as well as a pediatric cardiologist in case of complaints of pain in the heart of a child. If the identification of pathological deviations from the reference (normal) indicators in the analysis of urine, then it is necessary to make an appointment with a pediatric nephrologist.

On the methods of distinguishing angina:

Treatment of herpes sore throat in children

  • at the acute stage, isolation of the sick person is required in view of the high level of infectiousness of the disease;
  • abundant fluid intake that does not irritate the mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • it is recommended to feed the child with liquid sparing food;
  • observance of rest.

Herpangina therapy involves a systematic approach that combines general and local treatment methods.

General therapy methods

Etiotropic therapy has not been developed. Treatment for herpangine is symptomatic. According to the indications, immunomodulatory therapy is carried out.

With herpangine, children are shown the appointment of hyposensitizing drugs (to reduce the intensity of itching and the severity of mucosal edema). In addition, these products significantly reduce the permeability of blood vessels and relieve swelling.

Interferon preparations and interferon inducers, drugs that improve blood rheology and vascular tone (pentoxifylline ®, solcoseryl ®), vitamin preparations (ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E, group B) can also be prescribed.

With the development of complications (meningitis, myocarditis), cardioprotectors, analgesics, saluretics, anticonvulsant and antiarrhythmic therapy can be prescribed.

To lower the temperature, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs, for example, ibuprofen®, nimesulide®. When treating children, it is important to take into account not only individual drug intolerance, but also the minimum age for each drug.

Local treatment

Oral antiseptics are recommended for children. The most effective is hourly rinsing with furacilin, miramistin, chlorhexidine, as well as decoctions of herbs from the bark of oak or eucalyptus. As part of complex therapy, aerosols are prescribed to irrigate the throat and nasal passages, which exhibit anesthetic and antibacterial effects on the body.

With a wide area of ​​lesion with erosive ulcers, physiotherapeutic treatment is indicated - UV irradiation, which stimulates epithelialization and accelerates healing.

Antibiotics for herpes sore throat

It is known that antibiotics can have a detrimental effect exclusively on bacterial and protozoal cells. However, the appointment of antibiotics for severe herpetic sore throat is advisable to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection and the development of concomitant diseases. In addition, in case of illness, human immunity is weakened, and it is possible that an increased reproduction of representatives of opportunistic microflora is possible.

Important: the decision on the appointment of an antibiotic, as well as the acceptable dosage and duration of treatment, is made exclusively by the attending physician. It is forbidden to independently choose any medication.

This behavior threatens to aggravate symptoms and complicate the severity of the course of the disease.

Herpetic sore throat in adults

The clinical picture of the disease in adults and children does not differ.

Treatment methods for herpangina are similar to those for children. It should be noted that in adult patients who have undergone this viral disease, a persistent immunity to a certain serotype is also formed for life.

Consequences and complications

As a rule, herpetic sore throat in children and adults ends in complete recovery. Moreover, in the case of timely and adequate therapy, there are no complications. With dissemination of the pathogen, the development can occur:

  • myocarditis.

The most dangerous complications of herpetic sore throat in newborns and under the age of 1 year. In this case, mandatory hospitalization of the child in a 24-hour hospital and a 2-week quarantine of contact persons is required.

In 2015. at the Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she underwent advanced training under the additional professional program "Bacteriology".

Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work in the nomination "Biological Sciences" in 2017.

Herpes sore throat is a viral disease caused by Coxsackie viruses of group A, B or intestinal enterovirus. This disease received this name due to the fact that its external manifestations are very similar to the defeat of the herpes virus. Herpes sore throat symptoms and treatment in adults and children are different. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.

As soon as the virus enters the human body, it immediately begins to "master". First, the virus enters the lymphatic system of the abdominal cavity, then into the circulatory system, and already with the blood stream - into the lymph of the oral cavity, where it begins to actively multiply.

Herpes sore throat symptoms are different. It all depends on a person's immunity. The weaker it is, the stronger the clinical manifestations. Therefore, in adults, this disease is milder than in children. However, the main signs of herpes sore throat can be identified, which are observed in almost every case:

  • a sharp rise in body temperature (up to 39 degrees);
  • fever;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes throughout the body;
  • the child may have gastrointestinal dysfunction, which provokes vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

If you look at the photo, which shows what herpes sore throat looks like, you can note the presence of a red rash on the mucous membranes of the mouth. In appearance, they resemble watery vesicles, which open themselves after 2-4 hours, forming small ulcers after themselves, which completely disappear only after a week.

In this case, the mucous membrane swells, a plaque appears on it. Painful sensations occur even when swallowing liquids. The disease develops in just a few days. During this period, vesicles on the mucous membrane grow and become approximately 8-10 mm in diameter. Outwardly, the rash resembles purulent acne. Gradually, all these unpleasant symptoms intensify, itching joins them, and the cervical lymph nodes increase significantly.

The acute phase of herpes sore throat lasts for a week. If any complications do not develop against its background, then already on the 10th day after infection, complete recovery occurs. However, the patient is still contagious. But, if a person has a weakened immune system, then in a couple of days a relapse of the disease may occur, which is accompanied by high fever and severe intoxication of the body.

Sometimes this disease can proceed in an atypical form, that is, without plaque and rash on the mucous membranes. But at the same time, bubbles appear on the limbs, which poses the greatest threat to health. Indeed, after opening them, there is a high risk of a secondary infection.

Treatment of this disease must begin with the first signs of its development. Moreover, only a doctor should do this. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since with inadequate treatment, serious health complications can develop.

Possible complications

In most cases, herpes sore throat is observed in children aged 4-14 years. In adults, this disease is rare and occurs with blurred symptoms. However, it should be noted that if a patient, regardless of his age, has reduced immunity, for example, as a result of chronic diseases, then herpes sore throat can be severe. In this case, other organs are damaged by the virus, which can lead to the development of conditions such as:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • encephalitis.

This infectious disease poses the greatest threat during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. With its development, intoxication of the body occurs, which provokes disturbances in the nutrition of the fetus, the occurrence of hypoxia and pathological processes from the heart and nervous system. All this can cause the death of the fetus and lead to spontaneous miscarriage, or the need for artificial childbirth.

Treatment of herpes sore throat in children requires constant stay in bed and taking measures to eliminate discomfort. If the child has a high temperature (over 38 degrees), then it must be "brought down". This must be done not only because the child feels weak at elevated temperatures, but because such a condition can greatly harm the brain and lead to severe intoxication of the body.

If the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, then antipyretic drugs should not be used. It is necessary to give the body a chance to fight the infection on its own. The fact is that it is this temperature that indicates that the human immune system begins an active fight against the virus. And, as soon as it rises above 38 degrees, it means that the body cannot cope with the task at hand and needs help.

How to treat a child who has a high fever? To do this, you should give him an antipyretic agent in accordance with his age - Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuklin, etc. If after 30-40 minutes the temperature has not dropped to 38 degrees and below, an ambulance should be called.

To alleviate the condition of the child, namely to eliminate discomfort in the throat, it is necessary to rinse the mouth. For this purpose, soda and saline solutions are excellent for children, as well as decoctions of various medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, etc.).

If herpes sore throat is observed in an infant or child under 3 years old, then in this case it will be necessary to irrigate the oral cavity. To do this, you need to purchase a special product in the pharmacy that will be suitable for the child's age. If this is not possible, then you can use a regular syringe without a needle. But you have to be careful here.

It is impossible to treat herpes sore throat in young children with folk remedies! This can be dangerous. Folk remedies require the use of various herbal preparations, bee products, etc., which can provoke swelling of the mucous membrane and the onset of suffocation.

In addition, it should be understood that herpes sore throat is a viral disease that requires the use of special medications.

How to treat this disease in a child, the doctor will tell you. Depending on the age of the little patient and the severity of the disease, he will prescribe drugs that will quickly "put him on his feet." As a rule, general drug therapy for herpes sore throat includes the intake of antiallergic drugs, immunostimulants, vitamins, antiseptics, antiviral agents, etc. Of the latter, the most effective is Acyclovir, the dose of which is selected on an individual basis.

In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. They must be given to a child strictly according to the scheme prescribed by a specialist. Here is what Dr. Komarovsky says about this disease:

How to treat herpes sore throat in adults?

Treatment of herpes sore throat in adults is, in principle, no different from the treatment of this disease in children. Here you also need to gargle with various solutions, spend more time in bed and take medications prescribed by your doctor.

If there is a high temperature, it is required to take antipyretic drugs, for example, Aspirin, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, etc., as well as antiviral drugs and antibiotics (if prescribed by a doctor). How much time to take and what dosages are determined by a specialist on an individual basis.

To relieve symptoms, the oral mucosa can be treated with Lugol. This is an excellent iodine-based remedy that has several effects at once - relieves puffiness, kills infection, accelerates the healing process of ulcers, eliminates pain and prevents secondary infection. Today this drug is available in the form of a spray, which is very easy to use (see photo).

Physiotherapeutic treatment (electrophoresis, UHF, applications, etc.) can also be prescribed by a doctor. Drug therapy includes taking antiseptics and antiallergic drugs.

Do I need an antibiotic for herpes sore throat?

Antibiotics for herpes sore throat are taken only in case of complications in the form of a bacterial infection. For its prevention, it is pointless to take such medicines. This can only lead to a violation of the intestinal microflora and a weakening of the immune system.

Antibiotic treatment for herpes sore throat in children or adults will not speed up the healing process. Since these drugs are ineffective in the fight against Coxsackie viruses or intestinal enterovirus. With such a disease, only antiviral drugs can help speed up the healing process, for example: Acyclovir, Arbidol and others.

Are antibiotics needed for severe disease? In this case, only a doctor can make a "verdict" after assessing all the risks and possible complications. What antibiotic to drink is also decided by the doctor, depending on the age of the patient.

Remember, herpes sore throat is a viral disease that requires careful monitoring. In the event that it proceeds without complications, then there is no need to take antibiotics.


Treatment of herpes sore throat must begin with the first signs of its manifestation. If inactive, the virus can spread throughout the body, affecting various organs and provoking the development of other equally dangerous diseases. In this case, resorting to the help of folk remedies is not worth it, it is fraught with sad consequences. The best way out of this situation is to see a doctor. Only he will be able to prescribe adequate treatment, which will prevent the occurrence of complications and speed up the healing process.

Angina is a term known to medicine since ancient times. Angina is a general disease caused by an infectious agent with local lesions and inflammation of one or several elements of the pharyngeal lymphoid ring. Most often, the palatine tonsils are inflamed.

Of all sore throats, 90% are sore throats caused by viruses. Among viral sore throats in children, cases of herpetic sore throat occur at any age. It is useful for parents to know what this disease is and how it manifests itself, so that when faced with it, they do not get confused, but go to the doctor in time and start the correct treatment.

You will be surprised, but it turns out that herpes sore throat has almost nothing to do with the herpes simplex virus. Then why is it called that? The manifestations of herpangina were first described by Zagorsky in 1924, when the true culprits of the disease were not yet known to medicine. He called sore throat herpetic because its manifestations were very similar to a herpes rash: small, watery blisters covering the soft palate and anterior arches. To date, the true causative agent of herpetic sore throat has been established, but the name has remained the same.

Herpetic sore throat in children is a viral disease similar to a simple sore throat, and at the same time, it has signs of herpes infection. This type of sore throat is caused by the ECHO virus and is named after the city where it was first discovered. Both viruses are classified as enteroviruses. The most common culprit of the disease is the Coxsackie A virus. Other groups of viruses cause the disease much less frequently.

Can you get herpes sore throat?

Yes, you can and very easily. The susceptibility of children to these viruses is quite high. The virus enters the external environment with the patient's secretions (saliva, mucus from the nasopharynx, feces). When a sick child enters the children's collective, the disease quickly spreads among children. A virus from a sick child can get to a healthy child in several ways.

3 ways to get herpes sore throat

  1. Airborne. During a conversation, coughing or sneezing, a virus from a patient with particles of saliva enters the air and circulates in it. With a large concentration of children in one room (in kindergartens, schools or at family holidays), the virus quickly spreads through the air and enters the body of healthy children when breathing. This is the most common method of infection.
  2. Fecal-oral. In this way, infection occurs less frequently. The virus enters the body along with toys, a pacifier or other objects with which a sick child has previously been in contact. You can also get infected through food, dishes and dirty hands. In other words, a healthy child swallows the virus remaining on things or objects that were previously used by a sick herpangina.
  3. Contact. Infection occurs through direct contact of a healthy child with a sick child through mucus flowing from the nasopharynx. Young children can hug, kiss, bite, or lick each other, and they can easily catch an infection.

You can get infected from a sick person, from a carrier of the virus, who may not have any signs of the disease, or from a convalescent who can release the virus into the environment for another 3 to 4 weeks. Rarely, pets, with which children love to play, can become a source of infection.

Herpetic sore throat can be contracted at any time of the year, however, a sharp rise in the incidence is noted in the summer-autumn period. It is from the middle of summer and throughout the entire fall that the number of cases increases, and the risk of infection also increases.

More often than others, children under the age of 10 get sick. Although herpetic sore throat occurs among all ages, cases of the disease are much more common among children under 10 years of age. Children under the age of three have the worst case, their disease is always more severe than the rest. In babies up to six months of age, herpangina is extremely rare due to passive immunity (antibodies obtained from breast milk), which protects them from infection.

The mechanism of development of herpangina

After viruses enter the body through the nose or mouth, they collect in the intestines, accumulating in the lymph nodes, where they multiply. Having multiplied, the viruses begin to penetrate the bloodstream, and spread throughout the body with the blood stream. This is called viremia (the presence of viruses in the blood). Where viruses settle and cause harm depends on the properties of the virus itself, as well as on the defenses of the child's body.

A favorite place of accumulation of enteroviruses Coxsackie and ECHO are mucous membranes, muscles, especially the heart, and nervous tissue. It is in these places that viruses settle more often, destroy healthy cells and cause inflammation, which is manifested by the corresponding symptoms of the disease.

Quite often, there are cases when herpetic sore throat occurs against the background of other viral infections, for example, together with adenovirus infection or influenza.

Children who have had herpes sore throat remain immune to this virus for life, but it will not protect the child from another type of virus. Thus, when confronted with the same strain of the virus again, the child will not get sick, and if he encounters a new type of virus, he may again get sick with herpetic sore throat.

Who is at risk of getting sick?

There is a risk of getting herpetic sore throat:

  1. For children attending organized children's groups (kindergartens, schools, camps). Children in a group are more likely to catch an infection than unorganized children.
  2. In children who are often ill. Often sick children have a weakened immune system, and therefore the risk of getting sick increases.
  3. In children with chronic diseases.
  4. In children with systemic diseases being treated with drugs that suppress the immune system.

Manifestations of herpangina in children

The manifestations are manifold. Herpetic sore throat can be one single sign of infection, or it can be combined with its other manifestations.

During the course of the disease, a latent period, a peak period and a period of resolution or recovery are distinguished.

The latent period of the disease, when there are still no manifestations, but the virus has already entered the body, can last up to two weeks, but more often the child falls ill within 2 to 4 days after the virus penetrates.

For the period of the height of herpetic sore throat, an acute onset resembling the flu is characteristic. The temperature rises high, 39 ºС and higher, the head hurts badly, the whole body aches and hurts, weakness arises. Sore throat bother the child from the first days of the disease, it hurts to swallow, the appetite decreases, and a runny nose and cough can also join. A little later, other symptoms of enterovirus infection may appear - nausea, vomiting, loose stools, the child may complain that he has a stomach ache. Other symptoms do not always join, the disease can only manifest itself as a sore throat. Angina caused by Coxsackie viruses has its own characteristics.

Features of herpetic sore throat:

  • fast development. Inflammatory changes in the oral cavity occur from the first days of the disease. Characterized by the transformation of the rash from one element to another. Therefore, the appearance of papules (a rash protruding above the surface of the mucous membrane) may not be noticed. Most often, a rash is detected already at the stage of the appearance of bubbles;
  • on the reddened and edematous mucous membrane of the soft palate, tonsils and the posterior wall of the pharynx, single or watery or purulent vesicles are formed in a group. Bubbles are rare, but can even appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks. Unlike those caused by the herpes virus, bubbles never appear on the gums and on the surface of the tongue;
  • blistering rashes are painful. A child may complain that his mouth hurts, and small children may even refuse to eat or drink;
  • after a couple of days, the bubbles burst, and instead of bursting bubbles, erosion remains with a red rim along the edges. Erosions can be located singly, and can merge, forming extensive wound surfaces with uneven edges;
  • erosions heal slowly. The healing process lasts 2 to 3 weeks. Children with weakened immunity may experience repeated rashes, when they appear, the child feels bad, his temperature rises again and everything starts anew.

Closely located lymph nodes react to the appearance of rashes in the oral cavity. The chin lymph nodes are slightly enlarged. In children weakened after an illness, as well as with problems with immunity, in addition to the chin lymph nodes, the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes react. In such children, the generalization of infection is possible, the spread of a large number of viruses throughout the body, with the development of severe, life-threatening complications.

The recovery period begins with the normalization of the temperature. In the classic course of herpetic sore throat, the temperature lasts no more than three days, and then drops sharply. All rashes heal within a week. When a secondary infection joins, as well as with severe manifestations of enterovirus infection, the healing process is delayed, complications from the nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis), heart (myocarditis) and kidneys (glomerulonephritis) may develop. This development of events usually occurs if the child has any abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system.

In addition to the classic form of herpetic sore throat, there are also atypical erased forms. They proceed more easily, without characteristic rashes, recovery is faster. Latent forms often go unnoticed, since there are no characteristic manifestations, and the patient is usually diagnosed with ARVI.


The diagnosis with the standard course of herpangina, at the time of an epidemic outbreak, can be made during a routine examination. It is exhibited by a pediatrician or an ENT doctor. During examination, characteristic eruptions with typical localization are visible. Also take into account the seasonality and the presence of contact with patients.

However, in isolated cases of infection, the diagnosis is rather difficult. Of course, you can use laboratory research methods, but in most polyclinics, the necessary methods are not available.

Therefore, the diagnosis is made only on the basis of examination in the presence of a clear picture of the disease and according to the observation of the child during the course of the disease.

A general blood test reveals changes characteristic of the inflammatory process - leukocytosis and accelerated ESR.

Virological and serological diagnostic methods are used to accurately determine the pathogen. To detect the virus using the PCR method, swabs and swabs obtained from the nasopharynx are needed no later than 5 days from the onset of the disease.

The serological method is based on the detection of antibodies to enteroviruses. This requires a double blood test, taken at the onset of the disease and repeated with an interval of 10 - 14 days. A fourfold increase in titer indicates the presence of enteroviruses in the body.

If there are complaints and any deviations from other organs and systems are found, the child is sent for a consultation with a narrow specialist of the appropriate profile or for additional examination methods.

Treatment of herpetic sore throat

Most children are treated at home to keep the infection from spreading. Children under the age of one year, with a severe course, with the development of complications, disabled people and children with chronic diseases are hospitalized without fail. Below we will consider the main directions of herpangina therapy.

Regime measures

For a speedy and complete recovery, you must follow a number of recommendations, including:

  • isolation is the main principle in the treatment of contagious diseases. Moreover, the child must be isolated not only from the collective, but also from other children living in the family, brothers and sisters. High-quality insulation implies the presence of a separate room where healthy children will not be allowed, individual use of dishes, hygiene items. This is not possible in most families.

Therefore, for the period of illness, it is better to send one of the children healthy for a temporary stay with their grandmother or other relatives. Thus, you will reduce the time of infection in the family and the material costs of treating household members.

After recovery, do a general cleaning with disinfectants.

  • for the entire acute period of the disease, bed rest is required. Children, even with fever, are extremely difficult to keep in bed. But it is very important not to get complications. Try to keep the child busy with something, devote more time to him;
  • special attention should be paid to the nutrition of the child. Since the child has all sore mouth, it is necessary to exclude all foods that may cause irritation. These include sour, pickled, and salty foods, as well as solid and hot foods. Give your child warm liquid or semi-liquid food, not hot.

Feeding babies can be especially problematic. Because of painful rashes, babies often refuse to eat or even drink, and this is very dangerous at this age, because dehydration can quickly develop. In such cases, you can feed and water the child after anesthesia. For this, gels with anesthetic effect are suitable, or you can give an anesthetic syrup by mouth, for example, Nurofen.

Drug therapy

There is no specific treatment, so all treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Prescribe drugs with antiviral activity (for example, Arbidol). Prescribing antibiotics for viral infections is ineffective because they do not work on viruses. Antibiotics are used only in case of bacterial infection.

Despite the external similarity of rashes with herpes rash and the general viral nature of the diseases, the treatment is still different. For example, Acyclovir, which is successfully used to treat herpes and does a good job with its task, will not help with herpes sore throat.

The thing is that it has a selective effect on herpes viruses of various types and is ineffective in the treatment of enterovirus infection. Therefore, it is pointless to use Acyclovir to treat herpangina. For local treatment, it is better to use antiviral drugs in the form of gels (Viferon) or irrigate (spray) the affected mucous membrane with interferon.

Do not self-medicate, only a doctor is able to determine the true cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Improper treatment is not only a waste of time and money, but also an additional threat to the child's health.

  • to relieve swelling and redness, hyposensitizing agents are prescribed. These include Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil. They are selected in accordance with the age dosage;
  • to reduce the temperature, antipyretics (, ibuprofen) are prescribed, also in compliance with age-related dosages;
  • as a local treatment, the oral cavity is treated with various antiseptic, analgesic and healing agents.

To prevent secondary infection, it is recommended to treat the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions. Older children who know how to rinse their mouths on their own need to carry out this procedure every hour. Furacilin solution, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, various herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile, sage) are used as antiseptics. For children who cannot rinse their mouths, use antiseptic solutions in the form of sprays. After rinsing with an antiseptic, it is recommended to treat the mucous membrane with antiviral drugs (Interferon, Viferon).

As part of complex therapy, together with antiseptics, Derinat is prescribed - a drug that has proven itself well in the treatment of diseases that cause inflammation and damage to the oral mucosa. Derinat stimulates the immune system by increasing the activity of cells that can recognize and neutralize cells affected by the virus.

Derinat also activates and accelerates the healing processes, increases the resistance of cells and the body as a whole to the effects of viruses, bacteria and other infectious agents. In addition, it has antiallergic effect, relieves swelling and reduces inflammation. The plus is that Derinat can be used from birth and has good compatibility with other medicines.

In the treatment of heprangins, Derinat's solution is used for rinsing. The frequency of rinsing is 4 - 6 times during the day.

The only drawback is the small volume of the drug in one bottle. It only lasts once or twice. It is necessary to rinse for 5 to 10 days. Considering the cost from 250 and more in various pharmacies, it turns out that the treatment will not be cheap enough.

To accelerate healing, use sea buckthorn oil, Dexpanthenol, rosehip oil.

A good effect is given by the use of complex products: Ingalipt, Holisal, Tantum verde. They anesthetize, disinfect and envelop the affected mucous membrane, protecting it from irritation.

Physiotherapy procedures

Ultraviolet irradiation is also used to stimulate and accelerate healing. This method can be used only during the recovery period, after the acute inflammation subsides. In the acute period, UFO is contraindicated.

Modern mothers love to be treated with inhalations, using them from the first days of the disease. Inhalation is a good treatment in certain situations. But in the case when the cough joins the herpetic sore throat, inhalations are contraindicated, as are compresses. Any thermal procedures, which include inhalations and compresses, increase blood circulation, give viruses an excellent opportunity to spread throughout the body, affecting new organs.

  • together with general treatment, vitamins C and group B are prescribed. If the child does not have allergies, vitamin complexes that are suitable for age can be taken;
  • in case of violations in the work of immunity, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed. They can also be prescribed by a pediatrician, but it is better to consult with an immunologist to find the right drug.

The prognosis with timely treatment and adherence to all recommendations is favorable. Full recovery is coming.

Complications of herpetic sore throat

The development of complications indicates violations in the functioning of the immune system or incorrect and delayed treatment of the disease.

  1. Complications from the nervous system. These include viruses in the brain (encephalitis) and meninges (meningitis).
  2. Complication of the heart. They arise when viruses enter the heart tissue, which causes inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis).
  3. Complication of the kidney

Glomerulonephritis Is a serious complication that occurs when viruses enter the kidney tissue.

All complications can lead to disability or death, so all sick children with complications are treated in a hospital.


Vaccination against enterovirus infection has not yet been invented.

Therefore, the main method of prevention remains the timely detection and isolation of the sick.

For those who are sick and in contact with them, quarantine is introduced for a period of two weeks. In children's institutions where cases of infection have been reported, disinfection is carried out. Contact children are injected intramuscularly with gamma globulin, depending on the weight of the child. After the expiry of the quarantine period, children can be in the collective again.

During an outbreak of infection, the same means are used for prevention as for the prevention of ARVI. Antiviral drugs are prescribed. For example, interferon intranasally (drip into the nose) in a prophylactic dosage.

A good preventive measure is the normal functioning of the child's immune system. The formation of good immunity should be dealt with from childhood: lead a healthy lifestyle, treat on time and not start diseases, get vaccinated and follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Herpetic sore throat, like any infectious disease, requires timely diagnosis and treatment in order to prevent complications and the spread of infection. If you find any of the symptoms in your child, do not self-medicate, see a doctor. This disease is usually treated by an ENT doctor. In the absence of such a doctor, contact your pediatrician.

Antibiotics are not prescribed by doctors. Their effect is ineffective, so doctors prefer to use other methods of treatment.

This practice has been used for a long time and has proven itself well. It is not difficult to understand the reasons for such steps if you get acquainted with the disease.

What is herpes sore throat?

And antibiotics are not related. The disease is similar to the usual form, but there is a clear difference in the accelerated development. It becomes the reason for an immediate appeal to a specialist who will be able to choose the optimal method of treatment.

The cause of the disease is a viral infection that affects the body. In the spring or autumn period, the child loses his natural defenses, so parents have to deal with the dire consequences of a lack of vitamins. Yes, there will be no potentially dangerous drugs, but the baby suffers for a long time until it is possible to completely get rid of the virus.

Symptoms of herpes sore throat

An antibiotic for herpes sore throat is prescribed in exceptional cases. Usually, doctors recommend using traditional drugs that are well known to them. Before that, you need to get acquainted with the main symptoms that make you think about taking medications.

  • Persistent headache;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat;
  • Painful swallowing;
  • Discharge from the nose;
  • Muscle spasms;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck;
  • Loss of appetite and nausea.

These manifestations are considered the main signs that should push parents to visit a specialist. In practice, some adults often try to cure the common flu without going to the clinic, but this should not be done.

They only manage to relieve pain, but there is no fight against viruses. After the course, the disease only subsides, remaining inside the baby's body.

Herpes sore throat in the absence of symptoms

Herpes sore throat should not be treated with antibiotics. It will not bring the expected effect, therefore it will become erroneous. Although this is not the main problem that parents will have to face.

In half of the cases, the disease is initially asymptomatic, so it is not possible to visit the nearest clinic on time.

The absence of signs of illness is a real disaster. At first, the child feels only weakness and fatigue, but he cannot attach any importance to them.

Gradually, he only spends twice his energy on games and entertainment, and when the first symptoms appear, the throat is already completely filled with sores. From that moment on, doctors have to resort to complex medications, trying to achieve a quick recovery.

The consequences of herpes sore throat

Herpes sore throat is a dangerous viral disease spreading by airborne droplets. Only the infection does not always remain only in the throat, under certain conditions it begins to spread rapidly. As a result, the consequences are disastrous for the child.

The consequences of the disease are difficult to describe. In the chronic form, it does not occur, but a few days of delay is enough for the number of ulcers on the mucous membrane to increase several times. They bring with them incessant pain that cannot be eliminated by any medication.

If not antibiotics, then what?

Treatment of herpes sore throat in children with antibiotics is carried out only with the simultaneous development of other infections. If the virus is just beginning to actively affect the body, pediatricians recommend choosing a different method. What to use?

  • Anesthesia;
  • Rinsing;
  • Improving immunity.

Parents should consider in detail each method of dealing with the disease. This will allow you to identify effectiveness and find out which ones to turn to. A visit to a pediatrician will still remain a prerequisite for a complete cure, but some actions can be performed independently.


Pain relief is the first step towards relieving a child from suffering. It is the constant discomfort that most quickly throws him out of balance, and if we take into account how many foci are simultaneously formed in the body, we will be able to imagine the complexity of the situation.

The simplest way to relieve pain is to take the common syrups of Ibufen, Panadol, or Paracetamol. Together with this, they are good at lowering the temperature, helping parents to fight the second symptom. Due to this, adults immediately begin to actively influence, leading to the recovery of the baby.


Few children like to rinse their mouths, but you will have to teach them how to do it while playing. Gargling with herbs and some suspensions has been shown to work well in helping parents to decontaminate the throat. This slows down the spread of the virus and supports the healing of ulcers.

Rinsing allows you to use many different products. They remain only on the mucous membrane, therefore they do not affect the body as a whole.

This is one of the nuances that suggest how much easier and more useful it is to go this way. Usually, after taking medications, the baby will again face a decrease in immunity, so it is better to refuse them.

Boost immunity

Immunity is the best defender against viral infections. Pediatricians are constantly talking about this, advising parents on how to save children from medical procedures and unpleasant sensations. Practice shows that adults still forget about it until they have to deal with this or that disease.

Herpes sore throat in such cases turns into a real problem. Its development occurs quickly, but even at this stage, the protective properties of the body can be enhanced.

Various drugs have now been developed that give a sharp boost to immunity. An excellent example is the one that has become an indispensable helper for many parents.

Herpes sore throat does not take antibiotics. Their effect does not give any effect, so you should not make the body suffer from harmful chemicals once again.

It is much more beneficial to visit a doctor right away and take the recommended course of treatment. In this case, the dangerous effect on the body and on immunity will be reduced, so the baby will not have to suffer for a long time.

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