How did the devil tempt Jesus Christ. The temptations of Christ. In fine arts

Perhaps there is no other fragment from the life of Jesus Christ, so chosen by the fans of asceticism, as His forty-day fast in the wilderness. Not a single lover of fasting can pass by this act of Christ without referring to it. The monks and their followers, for centuries, drew inspiration for their "exploits" from this event in the life of the Messiah. Such a phenomenon of asceticism as Great Lent (“Holy Fortecost”) is a direct offspring of the medieval monastic understanding of the behavior of the Savior in the wilderness. In turn, Great Lent, as a religious phenomenon, still has a strong impact on the entire external and internal structure of the church life of a huge number of Christians.
However, not everything is so unambiguous and ascetic in this act of Jesus, as it seems at first glance. A thoughtful Christian is simply obliged to ask himself the question: “what exactly motivated this act of Jesus”? What is the real reason for this behavior of Christ? Are such actions of the Head of the Church an example and a commandment for his followers?
This study will answer these questions. I hope that for lovers of the Holy Scriptures and Christians zealous for the truth, this work will be very interesting.

Why should the above questions arise in the head of a thinking Christian? Yes, because a person who loves Jesus must be well acquainted with His earthly life, set forth in four narratives, which eventually became known as the Gospels. Reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, it is not difficult to see that Christ was not an ascetic. And this forty-day fast stands apart and does not fit into the lifestyle of Jesus of Nazareth at all. Well, how can an ascetic have such a nickname: “a person who loves to eat and drink wine” (Matt. 11:19) After all, nicknames are not given just like that. Well, they can’t approach a lover of fasting with such a question: “why do the disciples of John fast often and pray, also the Pharisees, but yours eat and drink?” (Luke 5:33)
Any student imitates his teacher, this is the law. If John the Baptist often fasted and this was his way of life, then, accordingly, his followers did the same. But the disciples of Jesus, who took an example from their Master, behaved differently from both the disciples of John and the Pharisees.
Against this background, such a long fast of 40 days, even a one-time one, is puzzling.
When Christ entered the public service, when he had disciples and followers who followed his example, and his life passed before the eyes of thousands of people, he did not fast. And when He did not yet have a single disciple and there was no one to imitate Him, since no one sees His actions, He goes into the desert and fasts for a very long time - 40 days.
There is an opinion that by such a severe and long fast He prepared Himself for further service. But let me! Did He, the God-man, need to prepare? Was he not ready in the first place? Even if we take the human side of Christ, then at baptism the Spirit of God descended upon Him, is it not a sign of complete readiness? The Spirit of God is the armor! (Remember how the Apostles after Pentecost, “having been clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49), became perfectly prepared for the great mission. The Spirit of God completely made up for their previous shortcomings.) After His baptism, Jesus could immediately go to preach the gospel. However, for some reason He is delayed for 40 days in the desert.
Why did Jesus do this? What by your actions, You, my Leader and Teacher, wanted to tell me?
These and similar questions have been on my mind ever since I received salvation and righteousness through the Word of the Lord. I received by faith what I previously hoped to receive only after death, relying on my previous religious efforts. My former brothers and sisters in orthodox beliefs reproached me for deviating from the true path witnessed by many saints (monks) and, in particular, for disliking fasting. They constantly referred to this forty-day fast of Christ as an example given, in their opinion, by the Lord Himself for us to follow. I trusted more the voice of the Spirit given to me on the day of salvation and testifying to me that I am on the right path. However, I wanted a reasonable explanation for this, yet incomprehensible to me, act of Jesus.
The answer from God came to me from a completely unexpected side for me. One day, while watching television programs, I accidentally came across a Christian program about Samson. Filming took place from the places where the tribe of Dan once lived, bordering on the land of the Philistines. The presenter spoke in detail and interestingly about the life, culture and customs of that time. I kind of envied him. I would also like to visit the places where the ancient prophets lived. However, I did not like the host's critical assessments of Samson's personality and his actions. I remember how indignantly I barely watched this broadcast to the end, scolding this unfortunate preacher in my hearts. I felt sorry for the misunderstood Samson. I was also upset by the fact that such programs are watched by thousands of gullible Christians, who are imposed such a disrespectful attitude towards the ancient righteous. After watching it, I immediately opened the Bible and decided to read about Samson again. When I read the story about the very extraordinary deeds of the ancient Judge of Israel, it dawned on me ... I suddenly realized for myself why Jesus went into the desert and fasted there for 40 days. It turns out that there are many similarities between the behavior of Samson and the act of Jesus. (Those who are interested can read my article about Samson: "Standing up for the righteous. Samson." http://www..31710.5.html). I want to advise all Christians - intercede for the true righteous, both for the living and for those who have left this life. Your courage will surely be rewarded by God.

Well, now let's start interpreting this very extraordinary act of the Divine Judge of Israel.
To begin with, it should be noted that only Matthew, Mark and Luke describe this event from the life of Christ. I want to draw your attention to the fact that Mark only casually mentions the presence of Jesus in the wilderness. From which we can make an indirect conclusion that he did not attach doctrinal significance to this act.
“And He was there in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by Satan, and was with the beasts; and angels ministered to him” (Mark 1:13)
Mark only limited himself to a brief mention of the event itself and nothing more. The word "post" is absent from this single sentence about the event of interest to us. St. Mark paid more attention to the essence of Christ's teaching about faith. Unfortunately, many did not learn this main lesson and built the whole doctrine of asceticism on the details of the event, which the Holy Spirit acting through Mark was not at all interested in. When people ignore the main thing, the secondary naturally causes them more attention.
A detailed description of what happened in the desert was left only by lovers of a detailed chronology of the life of Jesus - Matthew and Luke. They fully satisfied the healthy curiosity of Christians.


In order to understand the reason for Jesus' forty days of fasting in the wilderness, it is necessary to pay attention to what preceded this. Desert history immediately follows the baptism of the Messiah. Without linking these events, we will not understand the logic of Jesus' behavior.
“In those days John the Baptist comes and preaches in the wilderness of Judea and says, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat. 3:1-2)
John the Baptist was a bright personality against the backdrop of a desert landscape, and many pious people were drawn to him, seeing in him the heir of the ancient prophets.
“Then Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region around the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins” (Matt. 3:5-7)
John's popularity was very high: "the people were in expectation, and all thought in their hearts about John, whether he was not the Christ" (Luke 3:15)
But John, in this tense atmosphere of waiting for the Messiah, honestly and publicly declares: “I am not the Christ” (John 1:20). One can imagine what a sigh of regret escaped from the chest of people who were waiting for the coming of the long-awaited Christ. However, immediately the “voice of the wilderness” spoke about the fact that there is One who is stronger than him and that he is John: “I am not worthy to bear His shoes” (Mat. 3:11). But the most amazing thing is that the one you are waiting for is already “among you” (John 1:26). Let each of us try to imagine the reaction of people with an oriental temperament to such fantastic statements. The people were thrown into the heat, then into the cold ... And then Jesus appears!
He approaches John for baptism. The formidable prophet, who did not allow the Pharisees and Sadducees to be baptized, suddenly behaves in an unusual way in relation to an unknown young man: “John held Him back and said: I need to be baptized from You, and are You coming to me?” (Mat. 3:14)
To this testimony from Righteous John is added the testimony from Above - in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven.
“And the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove, and there was a voice from heaven, saying: You are my beloved Son; My favor is in you!” (Luke 3:22)
All this happened in front of many people. Such a presentation to his Son was arranged by the Father God. From that moment on, Jesus turned from an unknown Israelite into a public and recognizable person. However, not only people saw and heard all this. All this was closely watched by another person. This important event in the life of zealous Israelites was closely watched by the devil. This fallen angel and the prince of darkness always turns his gaze to the righteous and saints. It was he who, with the help of a cunning combination, arranged for our sinless forefathers Adam and Eve to be expelled from the Paradise of God. It was he who separated from his father by proxy and sold the righteous Joseph into slavery. He was behind the actions of Saul, possessed by malice and envy, who wanted to kill the righteous David. He inspired all the false prophets of Israel.
And now Satan sees two informal leaders of Israel - the authoritative John, who is at the zenith of his popularity, and hitherto unknown young Jesus, who claims to be the Messiah. The devil needs to resist them. He must be doing something.
He will eliminate John with the help of an ingenious multi-move. The devil is aware of the conflict between John and Herodias. He will involve the daughter of Herodias and on Herod's birthday he will play on the female vindictiveness and vanity of the king.
And what can he do with this newcomer Jesus? Jesus is young, he is only thirty years old. Youth is at least inexperienced. Glory fell on Jesus in one day. John himself bows before him, a voice is heard from heaven, and all this in front of hundreds of people. Rare people can withstand such "copper pipes". People are easier to cope with "fire and water", they are better able to withstand difficulties and hardships. But when glory suddenly falls on them, when crowds applaud them and thousands whisper their names. Oh... As the history of mankind has shown, not many could stand the test of glory. Glory is often followed by pride and exaltation. And there, before the fall is at hand.
Such a young and respected by people, it is easiest for the devil to catch on the hook of arrogance and pride. Those with this disease begin to behave like greats. They begin to perform feats. They take on the unbearable and - they tear themselves.
And events suddenly begin to develop exactly as Satan would like, in order to play on human exaltation. “Immediately thereafter the Spirit leads him into the wilderness” (Mark 1:12)
Immediately after being baptized, Jesus went into the wilderness. He didn't just go there. He went there led by the Spirit of God. What for? We'll find out soon.
When the culprit of all human falls saw that the One to whom the prophet John pointed with his hand went into the wilderness, he probably rubbed his hands with joy. The victim walked towards him. The wilderness is a place of the misunderstood, unacceptable and exiled prophets of God.
When Jesus began to fast, the devil was already celebrating his victory, anticipating how he would easily catch this upstart and proud man.
"...and fasting forty days and forty nights" (Mat. 4:2)
Note! Jesus fasts not ten, not twenty, but exactly forty days! Why? Because that's how many days only two people in the history of Israel went without food. They were Moses and Elijah. Two great, glorified prophets of God.
What was the prince of darkness supposed to think, looking at all this? Right! Satan thought that this young and early man was not just sick with vanity. From such praises and from such feats, at least an overdose of pride and exaltation should occur.
- There are no forty days like Moses and Elijah! Don't be afraid of the animals! Do not be afraid, being, day and night in a deserted desert! Oh, how brave! Ah, how jealous!
And Jesus was aware of the devil's plans. “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (Mat. 4:1) He knew that the devil would “be led” to this. Jesus specifically went into the wilderness. He specifically fasted exactly forty days like Moses and Elijah. Christ knew that the devil knows how and loves to catch people on vanity and pride from religious exploits. He knew that he would be attacked by Satan from that front. Therefore, Christ has prepared a surprise for those who are used to deceiving people. He could have fasted more, but then Satan would have suspected a trick.
The conduct of Christ is God's well thought out plan of action to mislead the enemy of the human race. This bold plan was put into practice by Jesus, humiliating and throwing Satan into the dust three times.
But the devil did not know who was in front of him. Many, reading in the Gospel about how a fallen angel calls Jesus "Son of God", make a hasty conclusion about the dedication of the devil, into the mystery of Christ. But the phrase - "Son of God" in relation to Jesus, did not reveal at all who He really was. "Sons of God" - has long been called the righteous or the Israelites, leading a pious lifestyle (confirmation of this take the trouble to find yourself in the Scriptures). Before His baptism, Jesus lived like an ordinary pious Jew, being the son of a simple carpenter. Everyone thought that He was the son of Mary and Joseph.
“Is not this the son of carpenters? Is not His Mother called Mary, and His brothers James and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
and His sisters are not all among us?” (Mat. 13:55-57)
Remember how His mother Mary behaved when Jesus began to teach and His first followers appeared. The mother with her relatives came to reason with her Son, who, in her opinion, was engaged in something other than his own.
“And his mother and his brothers came to him, and could not come to him because of the people.
And let Him know: Your Mother and Your brothers are standing outside, wanting to see You.”
(Luke 8:19-20)
But she knew the secret of His miraculous birth. An angel of God spoke to her about the birth of a baby. However, after 30 years, everything was forgotten. The sudden active missionary activity of Jesus came as a complete surprise to everyone, including relatives. He really appeared in the religious "field" like a "sprout from dry ground" (Is.53:2).
The words of the prophet Isaiah were exactly fulfilled on Jesus: “There is neither form nor majesty in Him; and we saw Him, and there was no form in Him that would draw us to Him.” (Isaiah 53:2)
An experienced devil fighter, who has not known defeat for thousands of years, was completely unprepared for the fact that this Novice would send him to the hardest knockout. Devil plan to show a master class. Satan thought that the victory would be easier than ever and he fully enjoyed the fall of the One whom John pointed out with his hand. However, the planned spectacle did not work out.
As the well-known military wisdom says: "if you are strong, pretend to be weak." In war as in war. Mislead the enemy, deceive him and defeat him. Therefore, Jesus portrayed himself as a vain man who imagined himself to be Moses and Elijah. And the devil believed it and paid the price.
Even beasts use this tactic. So the mother bird, in order to avert trouble from her chicks, pretends to be wounded. She drags her wing along the ground. It barely flutters from bush to bush, and when it takes an animal or a person to a sufficient distance, it suddenly soars up, leaving its pursuer in the cold.

But back to the desert. We are in for a super fight! The fight between man and the devil!
If Adam in Paradise not three times, but at least once repelled the attack of a cunning serpent, then the history of mankind would have proceeded in a completely different way. We wouldn't die. There would be no murder, theft and violence on earth. Not a groan or a cry would be heard.
And now, after millennia, not in the Garden of Eden, but in the desert scorched by the sun, the new Adam and the cunning devil converge in single combat. Watch carefully every word in this historical, spiritual and intellectual battle. The devil is far from stupid. He is a genius, only evil. He does not like to use rough tools. He is a master of "subtle", intellectual game. He is a great chess player. He likes to build multi-moves. He plays religious "billiards" with us. His tool is thought, with which he imperceptibly, barely corrects us, and we, confident in our rightness, with a smart look, go to death.
Matthew and Luke tell us that after a long fast, Jesus wanted to eat: “... and having fasted forty days and forty nights, he finally got hungry” (Mat. 4:2)
The devil sees this and decides to play on it: “And the devil said to him: If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread” (Luke 4:3)
The main seducer of the universe just does not throw words into the wind. Let's, as if in slow motion, trace the deceitful movements of his thought. We will analyze in detail the "body movements" of this snake. The devil's speech in expanded form looks something like this:
- After 40 days and nights without food, the Righteous One wanted to eat, but the manna did not appear, and the raven did not bring bread. So you have to act on your own.
After all, whom John himself recognized, who had a voice from heaven, and who stood on the same step with the miracle workers Moses and Elijah, with one word of his can turn even a stone into bread. Don't be shy, you have every right to do so.
The sting of the devil's hook is hidden in the word - "led." "Veli", i.e. - command as having authority. The cunning serpent knows that God cannot stand those who think of themselves. Therefore, he proposes to Jesus that in this way he solves the problem that has arisen, thereby bringing Him under the wrath of God.
“Jesus answered and said to him, It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God” (Luke 4:4)
The first attack of the devil is repulsed. Jesus, like a skilled fighter, unexpectedly for the attacker, deftly dodges the insidious technique, in response to inflicting his first blow.
The one who from the first attempt in Paradise, circled around the finger of the same son of God - Adam, now he finds himself in an awkward position. The insidious blow did not reach the goal and fell into the air. Thousands of his servants of demons are watching Satan. The owner cannot disgrace himself before them. He's proud! So the devil tries again and attacks again.
“Then the devil takes him to the holy city and sets him on the wing of the temple, and says to him: if you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written: He will command his angels about you, and in their hands they will carry you up, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone” (Mat. 4:5-6)
Since Christ answered with a quotation from the Pentateuch (Deut. 8:3), then the time has come for the evil spirit to use Scripture. Falsely reading what is written in the Holy Text has always been the height of the art of seduction. (Then this science of deceiving will be called theology)
- Do you know Scripture well? Fine...
The devil accurately quotes from the famous Psalm of David under No. 90, in which God promises all kinds of protection to those who trust Him.
- If You are the long-awaited Messiah, it is necessary that the pious people would soon know about it. To do this, you need a spectacular miracle in a place sacred to all Jews, and your popularity is guaranteed. Throw yourself down from the height of the temple. The Son of the Most High must believe that nothing will happen to Him. God will surely perform a miracle, and people who see it will glorify Jehovah for such a brave Messiah and follow You!
“Jesus said to him, It is also written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God” (Mat. 4:7)
Jesus again deftly avoids this professional technique, responding with the commandment of God (Deut. 6:16). On the scoreboard - 2:0! The prince of this world has never had such failures. The devil has never experienced such shame. None of the people so did not scoff at him. How many righteous people he managed to seduce, and this thirty-year-old Novice knocked him down twice already. Satan is passionate, therefore, hoping to win back, he rushes headlong into the third attack, not understanding Who is standing in front of him.
“Again the devil takes him to a very high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and says to him: I will give you all this, if you fall down and bow down to me” (Mat. 4: 8-9)
- You have big plans ahead of you to create the kingdom of God predicted by the prophets. Not a single empire can be built without me. Recognize my power and I will help you!
“Then Jesus said to him: Get away from Me, Satan, for it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone” (Mat. 4:10)
Jesus, like an excellent fighter, repels the third attack of the enemy and in response strikes a victorious blow, using again and five the word of God (Deut. 6:13). The opponent is defeated and lies in the dust. Angels of God rejoice and congratulate Christ on the first victory! Jesus thrice disgraced the deceiver of the universe, repulsing all the blows of the enemy with the commandments of Jehovah, thereby earning the respect of the Angels of God: "... and behold, the Angels came and served Him" ​​(Mat. 4:11)
After the third repulsed attack, Satan realized that before him was not a simple Israelite, but Christ, the Messiah, sent by God. Beelzebub realized that he had fallen into a trap that he himself was plotting. The prince of this world was himself caught in arrogance and pride.
“And having finished all temptation, the devil departed from Him until a time.” (Luke 4:13)
The devil had to retire in disgrace, his tail between his legs, like a beaten dog. And Jesus, surrounded by the Angels of God, inspired by this victory, went from the wilderness to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, who were to hear the Gospel message of salvation from sins.
“And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee; and the news about him spread throughout the surrounding country. He taught in their synagogues, and was glorified by all” (Luke 4:1-15)


Jesus gave the devil a good beating from the first days of his ministry. In the very first battle with the enemy of the human race, He forced him to wallow on the womb and eat dust, showing His strength and fulfilling the ancient prophecy of God:
“And the Lord God said to the serpent: Because you have done this, you are cursed above all the cattle and above all the beasts of the field; you will walk on your belly, and you will eat dust all the days of your life” (Gen. 3:14)
The fallen angel really "hit his face in the dirt" in this desert martial art. Satan was crushed to dust. The prince of this world, as if after a hard knockout, barely crawled “on the womb” from the battlefield. Beelzebub and his demon servants were convinced that John the Baptist was not mistaken in pointing his hand at Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. The evil spirits realized that Jesus really is the Christ foretold by the prophets, so then they shouted in panic when they were driven out of the people: “You have come to destroy us; I know You, who You are, the Holy One of God” (Luke 4:34) Yes, Jesus really came to bury the kingdom of darkness and all the seriousness of these intentions, the prince of this kingdom felt on himself in full measure, having received three weighty slaps in the desert.
But in this act of Christ was another trap for the devil. God misled the murderer twice. Satan himself, without realizing it, swallowed another hook in the place with the bait. By his victorious actions in the desert, Christ only angered the devil and provoked him to revenge. From now on, Beelzebub will change tactics. From now on, he will act not directly, but through people subject to him. Satan will use his entire army from high priests to pagans. The evil spirit mobilizes all the forces of darkness from slander to betrayal, and after three years will kill Jesus. For his disgrace in the wilderness, Lucifer will avenge his offender by a shameful death on the cross. Blood for blood. Humiliation for humiliation. That is why Satan will not only eliminate Christ, but will kill Him in a theatrical way, putting him on public display and making a spectacle out of the execution. That's why Jesus was so mocked. That is why they spat in His face, beat him on the head with a stick, scourged him, and, dressing him in purple, laid a crown of thorns. And already crucified and dying on the cross, He was tormented by thirst under the scorching sun, they gave him to drink not water, but vinegar.
The Devil has prepared for his Offender the most painful and shameful death. Behind all these actions was the main sadist of the universe. The evil spirit did not forget anything and longed for revenge for three years, and when the opportunity presented itself, he won back in full. One can only assume that the “victorious” monologue that mockingly whispered Satan to the wounded and emaciated Jesus at that time:
- Well, the Savior of Israel, the fairy tale is over? Mission Possible? Commanding the winds and the sea, weakened. In a word, he who raises the dead and gives sight to the blind cannot help himself. Where is Your former power and wisdom? Are you silent?..
And your best friends, where are they? Run away? And where is that, well, the most zealous student, whom You also called “stone”? "Kiffa"! Ha ha ha! He three times! Hear, I denied You three times. Soon your illiterate apostles-fishermen will return to their leaky nets. But You promised to give them 12 thrones. What an inglorious end...
Yes, you were a worthy competitor. No one has given me such trouble before You. Me and my team had to seriously mess with You... There in the desert You humiliated me very much, so my servants became depressed. But I accepted the challenge. Yes, You were successful and people followed You. When you entered Jerusalem and the people enthusiastically greeted you with palm branches, I was close to despair. But I fought to the end and won. Here is the result of our confrontation - You are on the cross... and today you will die. Do you know why this happened? I will explain to you...
There in the desert, I really underestimated You. The debut was for you. After that, I closely followed your actions. I have been looking for a crack in Your behavior for a long time, but You were perfect. However, three years later, I found your weak point... You turned out to be not a patriot. You don't love your country. You rebelled against God the Father and did not fulfill His will to build the Kingdom of God for the descendants of Abraham. But that was your main task. Your ancestors fearlessly fought for the freedom of Israel, but You? Having phenomenal abilities, which the high priests envied, You did not lift a finger to free Judea from the pagan invaders. But the people were waiting for just such a Messiah. When I was able to convey this thought to one of Your disciples, he understood everything and became disappointed in You. Judas treated you like a traitor to your homeland. He responded with betrayal for betrayal. How could I do anything with You if God had not backed away from You. Jehovah himself has turned his back on you. Therefore, You are convinced. All sinners are in my power. Admit defeat, because you are dying! Why don't you answer me?! You have nothing to say... However, everything is clear to everyone. I leave you surrounded by two robbers - a worthy retinue for the failed King of Israel.
“It was about the sixth hour of the day, and there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.
and the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn down the middle.
Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said: Father! into your hands I commit my spirit. And having said this, he gave up his spirit. (Luke 23:44-46)


“The Lord God opened my ear, and I did not resist, did not step back. I have given my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who strike; He did not hide My face from reproach and spitting.
And the Lord God helps Me: therefore I am not ashamed, therefore I hold My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed.” (Is.50:5-8) Jesus courageously endured not only torture, ridicule and mockery from the enemies. He clenched his teeth withstood the INCONSISTENCY on the part of friends and those who sympathize with Him. He knew that Satan would be led to external “Godforsakenness.” Christ expected this and was ready to endure everything for the salvation of people. Therefore, on the eve of His death, He said:
“Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out.
And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Me.
This He said, making it clear by what death He would die. (John 12:31-33)
And the devil, sensing blood, blinded by malice and a thirst for revenge, without realizing it, brought the ancient prophecies about Christ to fruition:
“He was tortured, but suffered voluntarily and did not open His mouth; He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth.
Therefore, I will give him a share among the great, and he will share the booty with the strong, because he gave his soul to death, and was numbered among the wicked, while he bore the sin of many and became an intercessor for transgressors. (Isaiah 53:7,12)
The behavior of Jesus both in the wilderness and in the last days of earthly life are two parts of one plan: “This one, according to the certain counsel and foreknowledge of God, was betrayed” (Acts 2:23) The “bridge” between these two events is the conversation that took place between Jesus and Moses with Elijah, on the Mount of Transfiguration: "they spoke of His departure, which He was to accomplish in Jerusalem" (Luke 9:31). Jesus strictly forbade the disciples to talk about what they saw “until the Son of Man rises from the dead” (Matt. 17:9). The closest Apostles obeyed Christ, although they did not understand “what it means to rise from the dead.” (Mark 9:10) Why such a conspiracy? Why such precautions? Because Jesus was preparing the main trap for the prince of this world, in the entire history of mankind. Leakage of important information should not be!
The best proof that Satan believed that God had departed from Jesus is still the sounding sermons of illiterate Christians about the God-forsakenness of Christ to this day. Personally, I have listened to this nonsense more than once, perched on the pulpit, dumbfounded by laziness, unfortunate pastors. And this is with the testimony of Isaiah, where it is written in black and white: “He was despised and humbled before people, a man of sorrows and acquainted with sickness, and we turned our faces away from Him; He was despised, and we regarded Him as nothing.
But He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our sicknesses; AND WE THOUGHT THAT HE WAS BREAKED, PUNISHED AND HUMILATED BY GOD” (Isaiah 53:3-4)
When the devil, through people subject to him, killed Jesus, who had not sinned in anything (in fact, Christ did not abandon his main mission to establish the Kingdom of God and was obedient to God; under torture, He did not get scared and did not ask for mercy, but being on the shameful cross , did not grumble at the Father for such a fate), Satan - signed his own death sentence: “in order to deprive by death of power the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil” (Heb. 2:14)
Therefore, dying on the cross, Christ said with the last of his strength: “It is done! And, bowing his head, betrayed the spirit. (John 19:30)
That Jesus is the Messiah is only part of the truth. The Apostles and the demons knew this. And no one knew that Jesus is God Almighty. This was the main secret of the mission of Christ: “and being found in appearance as a man” (Phil. 2:7)
The resurrection of Jesus smashed the devil's "victory" to pieces. And the Apostles, inspired by the rise of Christ from the dead, carried the good news to all the people of the earth.


Should we Christians copy these actions of Jesus in the wilderness? Not! Should Christians fast for 40 days? Not! A Christian must be guided by the Gospel, and not be a prisoner of medieval delusions: "... we are children not of slaves, but of the free" (Gal. 4:31)
This act of Jesus from the field: "do not try to repeat!" Not everything Jesus did should be thoughtlessly copied. Being in a completely different cultural and historical environment, we are not required to dress like Jesus or eat the same food that He ate.
If you imitate everything that Christ did, then all children of Christians, upon reaching the age of 12, should run away from their parents and hide in Temples and Houses of Prayer.
Looking at these actions of Christ in the wilderness, we should only admire the wisdom of Jesus and rejoice with the Angels of God about His victory over the devil.
Let people deprived of the wisdom of the Spirit fast as much as they like. Let them set ascetic records, needlessly torturing their bodies, and boasting to each other with their "achievements."
We will keep the commandments of God, not the commandments of men. Let us modestly but steadfastly endure those difficulties that will fall to our lot from God, and not those that we artificially create for ourselves. Do not worry! Problems will find us. A zealous Christian will have as many adventures in his life as Jacob or David had. God will surely give us the opportunity to fight our Goliath. We will certainly be persecuted by modern Saul. And the insidious Balaam with his "open eye" will try to mislead us. In the life of a true Christian there will certainly be a place for achievement.
Those who pedantically observe a religious diet and, out of illiteracy, call these bodily exercises (1 Tim. 4:8) - fasting, as life has shown, during non-artificial trials - fall. Such "wars of Christ" that have observed monastic prescriptions for years, in times of temptation turn out to be completely untenable to repel a real enemy attack. “If you were weak on the day of distress, then your strength is poor” (Prov. 24:10)
It's funnier and not think of a way to protect yourself from the attacks of the devil, with the help of pickles and potatoes. Maybe "dryness"?
This monastic "belly dance" only amuses the one who loves to deliver a single, carefully prepared death blow. It is this spirit of lies that teaches us to defend ourselves against it with such a “weapon”, knowing that it is useless. Only he is interested in Christians being armed with this pseudo-weapon (“dry crackers”). With such "chefs", the devil will easily finish off at the right time.
And yet, if anyone absolutely wants to imitate Christ in the wilderness, let him learn the lesson. Jesus, by his behavior in the wilderness, this lesson really teaches us. The apostle Paul learned this lesson, which is why he wrote: “be imitate me, as I am Christ.” (1 Corinthians 4:16) What kind of lesson is this?
When hands were laid on the Messiah in the Garden of Gethsemane, He did not use His omnipotence, “... or do you think that I cannot now implore My Father, and He will present Me more than twelve legions of angels?” (Mat. 26:53), He said to Peter.
Therefore, Paul, imitating the Teacher, with those to whom he preached the gospel, behaved in a special way:
“For being free from all, I have enslaved myself to all, in order to gain more:
to the Jews I was like a Jew, in order to gain the Jews; to those under the law he was as under the law, in order to gain those under the law;
for those who are strangers to the law - as a stranger to the law, - not being a stranger to the law before God, but under the law to Christ - in order to gain strangers to the law;
to the weak he was as the weak, that he might gain the weak. I have become everything to everyone in order to save at least some.
I do this for the Gospel, that I may be a partaker of it.” (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)
Christ, being God, behaved like a mere man, hiding His divinity. Jesus behaved very modestly, forbidding after healings to glorify Him. Therefore, Paul, with his own, with the members of the Church, behaved just as modestly, hiding and not sticking out his chosenness:
“We do not seek human glory either from you or from others:
we could appear with dignity, like the Apostles of Christ, but we were quiet among you, like a nurse lovingly treats her children.
(1 Thess. 2:6-8)


Christ gave His disciples a short prayer known as "Our Father", which contains the following words: "... and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" (Mat. 6:13) But those who mindlessly copy the actions of Jesus in the wilderness, it is asking for temptation from the evil one. You gentlemen "pull death by the mustache." Those who provoke us to ascetic deeds should be answered as Jesus answered: “Do not tempt the Lord your God” (Mat. 4: 7)
- "Well, what are you," they will object to us with a smug smile. The same was said to the devil.
Indeed, this was said to the devil, who, referring to the text of the famous psalm, advised Jesus to take another bold act - “throw yourself down”, while relying on God's help.
This religious bravado with all sorts of fasts and other monastic tricks can end badly. Read these lines carefully, you who rely on vegetable oil and other religious rubbish, in the fight against the prince of darkness. Will not your heart tremble when this monster, which you yourself called:
“His heart is as hard as stone and hard as the bottom millstone.
When he rises, the strong men are in fear, completely lost in horror.
The sword that touches him will not stand, neither the spear, nor the javelin, nor the armor.
He regards iron as straw, copper as rotten wood.
The daughter of the bow will not put him to flight; sling stones turn to spit for him...
There is no one like him on earth; he is made fearless;
looks boldly at everything high; he is king over all the sons of pride."
Will you not hear from the evil spirit: “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” (Acts 19:15)


Amazing thing! The Orthodox, who incessantly teach the whole world and turn up their noses denouncing all who are not like them, themselves, in the light of the three temptations of Christ, act contrary to the will of God. And they do it openly and without shame. However, this has already happened:
"How! you steal and kill and commit adultery and swear lies and incense to Baal and walk in the footsteps of other gods that you do not know,
and then come and stand before me in this house, over which my name is called, and say: \\\\\\\"we are saved\\\\\\\" to continue to do all these abominations.
Has not this house become a den of thieves in your eyes, over which my name is called? Behold, I have seen it, says the Lord.” (Jer. 7:9-11)
Let's start with the third temptation. Did you remember him? Jesus refused the help of the devil, in whose power all the kingdoms of the earth, and our opponents in the 4th century, went to cooperate with the Roman state, in the person of Emperor Constantine, for the sake of building a Christian empire. For this, the Roman pontiff poured a golden rain on them and made them powerful in this world.
Remember the second temptation of Christ... The devil offered Jesus to perform a miracle in front of the people who came to the temple. And by this temple miracle to draw attention to Himself. And now remember our lovers of temple miracles. I will give just one example - the descent of the blessed fire in Jerusalem. Under this "miracle" television broadcasting is organized on central channels. This fire is delivered by plane to Moscow. For many "believers" this is the main evidence. Proof of what?
Well, the first temptation of the devil, to which Jesus answered that a person will live, is “by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.” (Mat. 4:4)
Those who united with the pagan state, through the emperor Constantine, those who put on temple piety and asceticism, in the Middle Ages, under various pretexts, did not allow people to read the Bible in an understandable language. Attached to the "relics" - please. Sprinkle with holy water, please. Anything but the gospel. Everything that the soul desires, but not the letters of the Apostles. Talk to the average Orthodox. They do not know the Bible at all and are not interested in it. However, they know for sure what holiday is coming soon and whether it is possible to eat "meat" today. Not in the best condition are those who call themselves "priests".
However, this has already happened: “And I said to myself: these may be the poor; they are foolish because they do not know the way of the Lord, the law of their God;
I will go to the nobles and speak with them, for they know the way of the Lord, the law of their God. But they all broke the yoke, broke the bonds. (Jer.5:4-6)
And if someone, nevertheless, overcomes these man-made obstacles and manages not to fluently, but thoughtfully read the Gospels or Paul's letters, then such a wise guy is waiting for the official interpretation written in advance by the monks. It will firmly clamp the human thought into a canonical vise. Thinking in this religious concentration camp is strictly forbidden! And if you, still feeling hungry and dissatisfied, start looking for the truth and turn directly to Jesus through the heads of these intermediaries, then the people in black coats assigned to you will declare you crazy and begin to forcibly treat you.


Do you want to perform feats? Do them in the family field. Love with Christian love, not those who are far off, but your neighbors. The family is an excellent cover for someone who lives not for show, but before God. It is in the family, regardless of your status, that the positive qualities of your character will come in handy. The family will require patience, sensitivity, wisdom and sacrifice from you. Family circumstances will highlight your weaknesses very well, and you will have to work on yourself. It is family life that will put a real assessment of your spiritual state. It is in the family that a person develops harmoniously, because. The creator of the family is God.
The New Testament did not remove the family from its pedestal, as some people think. The family is a spiritual institution for all time! It is deeply symbolic that Christ dedicated His first miracle to the creation of a family. Jesus and the apostles came to the wedding and helped a poor family who had not paid for the food for the guests by turning ordinary water into good wine.
The spirit of asceticism does not fit the family way at all. Asceticism and its eternal companions - autarchy (independence) and ataraxia (equanimity), have a devastating effect on family relationships. Under the guise of serving God, the monastic ideology humiliates and devalues ​​the authority of the family. Monasticism is a hidden attack on the family.
Neither Christ Himself nor His disciples, the apostles, were ascetics. And we must not stray from the gospel. Those who preach asceticism to us, under the guise of piety, are in fact Neoplatonists. What is Neoplatonism and how it penetrated the church is a topic for a separate study.


Sergey asks
Answered by Natalya Amosenkova, 06/10/2012

Sergey writes: “Did Jesus drink water in the desert during the 40-day fast? You can’t survive without water. If so, then if we want to fast in order to understand the will of God, we also need to drink water. In general, I found little information about fasting .. . Precisely about biblical fasting."

Dear Sergey!

In the wilderness, Jesus Christ had to endure in those aspects in which man had fallen. I think if so, then we are talking about food. Ellen White also says several times that Christ suffered from hunger, but never mentions suffering from thirst....

Satan assured that the fall of Adam is proof of the injustice of the Divine law and the impossibility of fulfilling its commandments. Christ was to atone for the fall of Adam by taking on human flesh. But when the tempter seduced Adam, the nature of the first man was not weakened by sin. He was in the prime of life, in the fullness of mental and physical development. He was surrounded by the glory of Eden, he communicated daily with heavenly beings. When Jesus went into the wilderness to fight Satan, everything was different. The human race has weakened both physically and morally for four thousand years. Degradation touched and mental abilities. Christ took upon Himself the infirmities of degenerate humanity, for only in this way could He save man from the deepest abyss of falling.

Many believe that one way or another Christ could not overcome any temptations, but in this case He could not take the place of Adam and win where Adam failed. And if a person were comprehended by trials even for one iota more difficult than those endured by Christ, then He would not have been able to help us. But our Savior took on human nature with all its inclinations. He put on human nature, which tends to succumb to temptation. We are not threatened with trials in which He would not stand.

At the heart of the first great temptation of Christ (as well as the holy couple in Eden) was gluttony. Where the fall began, our redemption was to begin with. Where Adam fell by indulging his appetite, Christ must have conquered. « And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he became hungry at last. And the tempter came to Him and said: If You are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread. And he answered and said to him, It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” ».

From the time of Adam to the days of Christ, self-indulgence continually increased the power of carnal desires., until they have acquired almost unlimited power over a person. People have become so degraded that they are not able to overcome their passions on their own. For man's sake, Christ endured, having triumphed in an extremely severe trial. For us, He exercised self-control that overcame hunger and the fear of death. This first victory meant that we had gained the upper hand in other areas, which are inevitably affected in all our battles with the forces of darkness.

For forty days He fasted and prayed. Emaciated, weak from hunger, tired, tormented by mental anguish,His face was deformed more than any man, and His appearance more than the sons of men » ().

Compare also the following texts from the Bible. The Bible mentions that Moses, supported by God, neither ate nor drank. Christ is said to have not eaten.

And [Moses] stayed there with the Lord for forty days and forty nights, he did not eat bread and did not drink water; And [Moses] wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the ten words.

And [secondarily] prostrating myself before the Lord, I prayed, as before, for forty days and forty nights, I did not eat bread and drink no water, for all your sins with which you have sinned, having done evil in the eyes of the Lord [your God] and provoked Him

and after fasting forty days and forty nights, he finally got hungry.

There, for forty days, He was tempted by the devil and did not eat anything during these days, and after the expiration of them, he finally became hungry.

Even if Jesus Christ would drink water, this did not make His task easier, and our human fasting cannot be compared with His in terms of severity. Here are some other interesting words:

The temptations that Christ resisted are the same ones that seem to us so difficult to overcome. And for Him, these temptations were stronger - as much as He is more perfect than you and me.. A terrible burden of the sins of the whole world lay on Him, but Christ triumphed over gluttony, love for the worldly, for earthly glory, which gives rise to arrogance. (The Desire of Ages, Chapter 12 - Temptation)

And please don't take my next words as a personal insult. Probably, not every person can fast for a long time, but from every Christian who seeks the face of the Lord and His will, God expects to maintain the fast that He speaks of in the chapter. And if we can make a fast as a restriction in food once or several times in our life, then we can practice the second one all the time.

: 1 Cry loudly, do not hold back; lift up your voice like a trumpet, and tell my people their iniquities, and the house of Jacob their sins.

2 They seek me every day and want to know my ways, like a people who do what is right and do not forsake the laws of their God; they ask Me about the judgments of righteousness, they desire to draw near to God:

3 “Why do we fast and You do not see? we humble our souls, but you do not know?” “Behold, on the day of your fast, you do your will and require hard work from others.

4 Behold, you fast for strife and strife, and to strike others with a bold hand; you do not fast at this time so that your voice will be heard on high.

5 Is this the fast that I have chosen, the day in which a man torments his soul, when he bends his head like a reed, and spreads sackcloth and ashes under him? Can you call this a fast and a day pleasing to the Lord?

6 This is the fast I have chosen: Loose the chains of iniquity, loosen the bands of the yoke, and set the oppressed free, and break every yoke;

7 Share thy bread with the hungry, and bring the wandering poor into your house; when you see a naked man, clothe him, and do not hide yourself from your kindred.

8 Then your light will open like the dawn, and your healing will soon increase, and your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will follow you.

9 Then you will call, and the Lord will hear; You will cry out and He will say, “Here I am!” When you remove the yoke from your midst, you stop lifting your finger and speaking insulting things,

10 And thou shalt give thy soul to the hungry, and feed the soul of the sufferer; then thy light shall rise in the darkness, and thy darkness shall be like noon;

11 And the Lord will always be your guide, and in time of drought he will satisfy your soul and fatten your bones, and you will be like a watered garden and like a fountain whose waters never dry up.

12 And your descendants will build up the deserts of the ages: you will restore the foundations of many generations, and they will call you the restorer of ruins, the restorer of ways for the population.

13 If you keep your foot, for the sake of the Sabbath, from fulfilling your desires on my holy day, and you call the Sabbath a delight, a holy day of the Lord, honored, and honor it by not attending to your usual affairs, to please your whim and idle talk, -

14 then you will have joy in the Lord, and I will raise you up to the heights of the earth, and I will give you the inheritance of Jacob your father to taste: the mouth of the Lord has spoken this.

God's blessings and may your sacrifice be pleasing before Him.


Read more on the topic "Post":

23 Mar

The Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness: Ten Interpretations

The Apostolic Lent continues. It was once introduced into the practice of piety as a compensatory measure for those who, for one reason or another, did not fast during Great Lent. Great Lent is associated with the forty-day sojourn of Christ in the wilderness. The main content of this sojourn is the temptation of Christ by Satan. Many of us, unfortunately, have a Monophysite consciousness: we see little, with difficulty, humanity in Christ, His same nature as ours: but He, too, was tempted, like all of us, for He was a man. In addition, the temptation of Christ in the wilderness raises many other difficult and profound questions. Ten texts were collected on this occasion.

And the greatest, of course, interpretation of the temptation of Christ in the wilderness - "The Poem of the Grand Inquisitor" Dostoevsky, generally one of the main texts of Christian thought. The “poem” traces all the main conclusions implied by the temptations of Satan, builds in essence something like the “philosophy of Christianity” as such, freedom, power, society, state, etc.

We have two film adaptations of "The Poem" - an absolutely wonderful forty-minute film by Evans, and a teleplay by M. Ulyanov.

"Grand Inquisitor" Anastas Matseyna - a philosophical analysis of the "Poem", and thus the temptations of Christ. Matseyna writes in particular:

« In three temptations, the whole further path of mankind was expressed. They expressed the innermost destiny of man. They revealed that facet of human nature, from which Christ turned away, on which He did not build his teaching and therefore, in the opinion of the inquisitor, he lost.

The temptations of Christ are a concentrated image of the history of mankind, and the history of mankind is the revelation and concrete manifestation of these three temptations in life. What happened then in the desert is happening every day throughout the history of mankind. The three temptations hide the contradictions of human nature, which grow and develop in history. The three temptations are like a seed that gradually sprouts and grows into a broad tree of history.

« Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (in Serbian: lit.: And he led the Spirit of Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. - Per.) (Matthew 4:1). Oh what a humiliation! Let at least the tempter come to Jesus, and here Jesus goes to his footstool! The pure one goes to "impurity", the blessed goes to the damned!».

"Temptation"- a chapter from Merezhkovsky's book "Jesus the Unknown", an attempt, as it were, an "apocrypha", an artistic insight into what was happening then in the desert (I must say that this chapter is usually criticized). Here Merezhkovsky, among other things, pays special attention to the role of animals and angels in the event of temptations. Here is the beginning of the chapter:

« Even now, sitting on a stone, he knew that if he looked at the person sitting next to him, he would see himself as in a mirror: a hair into a hair, a wrinkle into a wrinkle, a mole into a mole, a fold of clothes into a fold. He and Not he is the Other.

Where is he, where am I?

- Where am I, where are you?

Who said it, him or me?

- Me or you?

- Meschiah - meschugge, meschugge - meschiah! Mad Messiah - Mad Messiah! - the juniper rustled, whispered, as the Jesus brothers used to whisper in the dark corners of the Nazareth house.

- Where am I, where are you? Me or you? No one will ever know, no one will ever distinguish us. Fear him, Jesus; don't be afraid of me - yourself. He is not in me, not in You, he is between us. Wants to separate us. Let's be together, and we will win - we will save him ...

How long the Dead whispered, rustled. The living one did not know whether it was forty moments or forty eternities?

The dark sparkle is more and more dazzling, the blue is more poisonous, the decay is stinkier, the whisper is more distinct.

- I'm tired. You are tired, Jesus; one for all, one in all ages-eternities. The thirsty one wants water, the Jehovah wants not to be - to rest, to die - not to be ... "

Chapter from the book of St. G. Chistyakova"Above the lines of the New Testament". Here Father Georgy Chistyakov traces how the temptations of Christ tempt the Church. He starts like this:

« In the mysticism of the Old Testament, the desert is the place where man meets God. Mitbar (desert) - a place where there is nothing but stones scorched by the sun, where you will not meet anyone and find nothing. But here we are waiting for the One whom "no one has ever seen," as the prologue of the Gospel of John says. God cannot be seen - this is one of His main characteristics; and the One Who cannot be seen can be met exactly where there is complete emptiness. The desert sharpens the senses of a person, and above all the feeling of thirst. Let us remember the psalm: “As a doe desires to streams of water, so my soul desires to You, O God! My soul longs for the mighty, living God…” (Ps 42:2-3). Like a fallow deer exhausted in a waterless desert, the human soul yearns for God. This image will move from psalm to psalm. Such an understanding of the desert - as a meeting place with God - is typical for the mysticism of three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But Jesus in the wilderness does not meet with God, but with Satan. Why?»

Chapter "The Baptism of Jesus. Temptation" from the book of B. I. Gladkov "Interpretation of the Gospel". In addition to a detailed analysis of the temptations, Gladkov here asks questions about Satan and evil. For example:

« Some, even those who believe in Christ, are tempted to ask: how did God allow the existence of evil spirits with the power to do evil, a power that is incompatible with the concept of His omnipotence and goodness? How to reconcile the concepts of the omnipotence of God and the power of the devil? And does not the power of the devil undermine, does it not limit the omnipotence of God?».

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Saint Luke of Crimea (Voino-Yasenetsky)

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, and after fasting forty days and forty nights, he finally became hungry.(Matthew 4:1-11).

"Then" - when is it?

Immediately after baptism in the Jordan. He did not go himself, but was raised up by the Holy Spirit.

What does this mean: why did not He Himself go, why was He raised up by the Holy Spirit?

This means that He was a true man and at the same time True Gods, that everything human, except for sin, was not alien to Him. He was subject to all human weaknesses. He feared and trembled at the thought of His terrible end—of His crucifixion.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, before His cross, He prayed to God until the bloody sweat: He asked if it was possible that this terrible cup of suffering would pass Him by.

He was afraid of suffering, as it is natural to be afraid of every living being, every true person.

The thought of suffering, the thought of His terrible end did not leave Him, and not once, but several times, He spoke about this to His disciples.

He spoke with pain of heart - he spoke about the fact that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of the Pharisees and scribes, that they would spit on Him, beat Him and crucify Him (Mk. 10, 33).

The Lord Jesus Christ always had these terrible thoughts precisely because He was not only God, but also a man.

And the whole story of His temptation from the devil in the wilderness, which I will be talking about, is a clear evidence that He was a genuine man - a True God and a man.

The history of His temptation in the wilderness refutes the heresy of the Monophysites Eutyches and Dioscorus, who taught that in the Lord Jesus Christ human nature was swallowed up by Divine nature.

But human nature in His Most Holy Person was united inseparably and inseparably with the truly Divine nature. It contained all human feelings and the human will. He also had suffering. human.

And behold, this True God was led up by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness; He did not go himself, but was raised up by the Holy Spirit.

What does this mean: why was it necessary for the Holy Spirit to lead Him into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil?

Again, because He was a true man, again because it was difficult for Him, as a man, to decide on this difficult feat, the feat of a forty-day fast, on life in the wild desert with animals, with lions, hyenas, wolves. It was difficult for Him to decide on a heavy temptation, for He knew that it was coming.

God the Father and God the Holy Spirit never departed from Him during His earthly life. They supported, strengthened Him in His heavy struggle. They helped Jesus, and that's precisely because He needed Divine support, needed the help of the Father and the Holy Spirit, He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness and was there with the beasts, and did not eat or drink for forty days and forty nights.

What was he doing in the wilderness?

Why was it necessary to stay so long in these difficult conditions?

He was preparing for His divine feat, for the feat of redeeming the human race from the power of the devil with His Blood. He gave His body for torment, for torment, for mortification. He prepared himself by deep, unceasing prayer, by conversation with God the Father, with God the Holy Spirit.

He needed solitude, a complete absence of communication with people in order to completely go into communication with God. He needed to strengthen His human will by this fellowship, to accept from God the Father, from God the Holy Spirit their Divine almighty help.

That's why He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, that's why He fasted, absolutely fasted for forty days and forty nights.

A post for such a feat is necessary. Only in fasting and prayer could He receive those greatest powers that strengthened Him for the feat of saving the human race.

So He sat, and He slept on the bare stones. Lions and hyenas roamed around Him, and He prayed and did not stop His conversation with God.

“And the tempter came to him and said: If you are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread.”

The tempter, the ancient serpent, Satan, approached Him only when He had been fasting for forty days.

Why didn't he start earlier?

Because he knew what people who fasted with a full fast for a long time also know: he knew that by the end of a two-week, three-week, and even more monthly fast, not only the body of the fasting person is weakened, his will is also weakened; he begins to feel sorry for himself, tears flow from his eyes, tears of weakness, tears of self-pity; his soul trembles, fearing death from hunger. And his will relaxes to such an extent that he begins to think about ending the fast, about ending his feat, about refusing it.

"If you are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread."

Satan began to tempt. How dare he tempt the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the genuine and true Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity!?

Did he, the devil, know this?

One must think that he did not know, and above all because if he had known, he would not have dared to tempt, but in trembling would have gone away from the Son of God, from the True God.

He did not know.

So thought the great saint of God - John Chrysostom.

How to explain his ignorance?

Why didn't he know? After all, he had just heard the voice of God on the day of Theophany in the Jordan:

"This is My Beloved Son, but in Him I am well pleased."

He heard it, but did he understand it as it should be understood: did he understand the name of the Son of God in the way we understand now?

No, he did not understand: he considered Him only a great prophet, close to God, close to true sonship with God.

All the people chosen by God, the people of Israel, knew only the One God - Yahweh - Jehovah. He never thought about the trinity of God in Persons.

The Christian race learned the secret of the Holy Trinity only when the Lord Jesus Christ Himself revealed it to the human race.

Did the Angels of God know; did Thrones, and Authorities, and Powers, Cherubim and Seraphim, Archangels and Angels, did they know the secret of the trinity of God, of the redemption of the human race by the Lord Jesus Christ?

No, they didn't know either.

The Holy Apostle Paul says that God sent him to reveal the eternal mystery of salvation to the Gentiles, “so that now the manifold wisdom of God may be made known through the Church to the rulers and authorities in heaven, according to the eternal purpose, which He fulfilled in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph. 3, 10-11). And the Angels did not know the mystery of the incarnation of God the Word until this mystery was fulfilled, and it was fulfilled in the human race, in the Church of Christ.

Only through the Church did the Thrones, and the Authorities, and the Principalities, and the Powers, and the Archangels, and the Angels learn this mystery - the mystery of the redemption of the human race by the Lord Jesus Christ.

It can be thought that even the mystery of the trinity of God in Persons became known to the heavenly powers only when the Lord Jesus Christ revealed it to people, and when it was revealed on the Jordan on the day of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus by the Voice of God the Father from heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit into the form of a dove on the Baptized.

And if so, then the devil was unaware of this, and the voice of God: “This is My Beloved Son,” he did not understand in its true and deepest sense.

He might think that Jesus is only the greatest chosen one of God, the son of God only in the moral sense.

That is why the devil began the first two temptations with the words: "If you are the Son of God."

Why this assurance?

Did Jesus Himself have to make sure that He was the Son of God!?

Of course not.

This was necessary for the devil: he asked for himself, asked to resolve his bewilderment, asked the Lord Jesus Christ an insidious question: if you are the Son of God, then work a miracle, command the stones to become bread. You are perishing from hunger; because You are a miracle worker, why don’t you want to use Your miracle-working power to satisfy yourself with bread, into which you will turn stones.

Satan knew that the temptation of the womb, especially of a man who has fasted for forty days and forty nights, is very difficult.

He hoped to overcome Christ by this temptation, but did not win, for the Lord said to him in answer:

“It is written in Scripture: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

An answer from Divine wisdom, an answer that a simple man could not give.

Who would say that it is possible to live without bread, to live by the word of God?

And Christ said, and later, after the lapse of centuries, many hermits confirmed this with their experience, for they fasted all their lives, they fasted unimaginably for us: they did not eat six days a week and only on Sunday they took a little bread and water and lived for a hundred years and more.

What strengthened them, what replaced their food?

The Word of God.

The Word of God was a substitute for food for the Lord Jesus during His fast in the wilderness.

The devil is put to shame, but he does not back down.

“Then the devil takes him to the holy city and places him on the wing of the temple and says: if you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, He will command his angels about you, and they will lift you up in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone. Jesus said to him, "It is also written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

The devil begins his temptation again with the same words: "If you are the Son of God." Prove to me that You are the Son of God! If You are the Son of God, then the words of Psalm 90 will be fulfilled on You, and the Angels will take You, and You will not be broken, having fallen from the height of the roof of the temple.

What is the meaning of this temptation?

Satan wanted the Lord Jesus Christ to show his miraculous power in a different way than he should, to use it for empty miracles.

Think about what would happen if the Lord obeyed the devil and co. He performed such a miracle if he climbed onto the roof of the Jerusalem temple and threw himself down. His fall would not have been a simple fall, but a quiet but smooth descent to the earth, for the Angels of God would have supported Him.

Then, amazed by such a miracle, the people would have bowed before Him, as before the greatest Wonderworker. But He does not seek faith and obedience to Himself by coercion; He seeks only faith, love for Himself, free obedience to Himself, from a pure heart. He should not work such false miracles as the Antichrist will work, who will tempt a great multitude of people.

He will work other miracles, the motivation for which will always be His love for people, His mercy, His compassion.

He will heal the unfortunate paralyzed, restore sight to the blind, even raise the dead, miraculously feed five thousand people with five loaves.

He will also create an amazing miracle of walking on the waters of the Lake of Gennesaret, but this miracle was intended only for His disciples; He did not perform such miracles among the people.

And empty miracles, false miracles, miracles that Satan demanded of Him, contrary to God, are impossible for Him, the True God, for nothing empty, nothing false, insincere, can be the work of the Son of God. Therefore, Christ answered Satan again meekly and without anger with the words of Holy Scripture:

"Do not tempt the Lord your God!"

Satan is put to shame, but proceeds to the third temptation; no longer says “if you are the Son of God”, but acts differently:

“Again the devil takes him to a very high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and the devil said to him: I will give you power over all these kingdoms and their glory, for it is given to me, and I give it to whom I want; therefore, if You worship me, then everything will be Yours” (Luke 4:6-7).

How dare Satan say that everything is given over to him, if the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said almost the same words about Himself: “All things are given over to Me by My Father” (Luke 10:22).

And again: “I have given Me all power in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18).

What lies Satan? No, this time he is not lying, although he is a liar and the father of lies. He does not lie because he speaks only about the power of the earth, about the glory of the kingdoms of the earth, which he really has at his disposal. And Christ Himself calls him the prince of this world. After all, Satan will give the Antichrist world power and glory, he gives power and wealth to those who bow to him and are imbued with pride and malice, like him. Satan helps them in every possible way, and therefore he does not lie when he says that the power and glory of the kingdoms of the earth are betrayed to him. Who is betrayed? Not by God, of course, but by people who rejected the power of God and worshiped Satan.

And the Lord Jesus Christ speaks of a completely different power, faithfully!? Him by His Father, about all power in heaven and on earth, about Divine power, about grace-filled power, about the great gifts of the Holy Spirit, which those who love Him and follow Him receive from Him. And with earthly power and glory He rewarded His chosen ones to a great extent: Joseph, the son of the patriarch Jacob, the king and prophet David and his son Solomon; for all power in heaven and on earth has been given to Him, and He rewards not only spiritual, but also earthly sinless blessings.

Satan tempted Him with the power and glory of all the kingdoms of the earth, the glory that the Antichrist would receive in order to distract Him from the path of terrible suffering, with which He was supposed to redeem the entire human race, but received an answer worthy of the God-man:

Get away from Me, Satan; It is written: "Worship the Lord thy God, and serve Him alone."

And the devil retreated. But, as the Evangelist Luke says, he left Christ only for a time (Luke 4:13).

How is it before time? Don't you know how many sufferings, how many temptations from the evil scribes, high priests and Pharisees, taught by the devil, Christ endured?

Satan did not leave Him, when He wept with bloody tears, praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, when His soul trembled before the sufferings that lay ahead of Him, Satan did not leave Him.

The Lord put all temptations to shame: after forty days of fasting, He put the devil to shame and withstood easily against all temptations.

"Then the devil left him, and the angels came and ministered to him." (Luke 4:13, Mark 4:13).

Let me add one more word:

Satan tempted the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan and his angels tempt us all, and we all need to struggle with these temptations, we all need to, following the example of the Lord Jesus, repel all temptations with the words of Holy Scripture.

And if we manage to complete the difficult task, if we overcome all temptations, it will be the same with us in the end as with the Lord Jesus. Angels will appear to us, worship us and serve us.

We all deserve such an angelic honor!

26 March 2019

After baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting there for forty days and forty nights, He finally felt hungry. Then the tempter came to Him and said: "If You are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread." Jesus answered Satan with words from the Holy Scriptures: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

Then the devil decided to tempt Him also with words from Scripture. He lifted Jesus to the roof of the temple and said: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written:“ He will command his angels about you, and in their hands they will carry you up, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Jesus said to him, "It is also written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

Once again the devil decided to tempt Jesus. He lifted Him up to a very high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and said: “All this I will give to You, if you fall down and bow down to me.” Then Jesus said to him, "Get thee away from me, Satan, for it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone.'" Then the defeated devil left Jesus, and the angels came and ministered to the Son of God.

We, too, can overcome the temptations of Satan, following the example of Jesus: with the help of the word of God and prayer.

Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ

Jesus left Nazareth and settled in the city of Capernauim, located near the Lake of Gennesaret in Galilee. So the prophecy of Isaiah came true: “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, on the way by the seaside, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people sitting in darkness, saw a great light, and light shone on those sitting in the region and the shadow of death.

From that time Jesus began to preach and say: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Many people from different places followed Him, and He taught them and healed them of their diseases.

Jesus chose twelve disciples to be with him everywhere and taught them in a special way. Here are the names of these disciples: Simon, Andrew, John, James, Philip, Bartholomew *, Matthew **, Thomas, Jacob Alfeev, Thaddeus ***, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who later betrayed Jesus. All the disciples were ordinary people, but God gave them happiness to be friends and disciples of Jesus Christ - the Son of God.

Andrew and his brother Simon-Peter were fishing in the Sea of ​​Galilee. Jesus saw them and said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." This meant that He would teach them to turn people away from sins and lead them to the truth. Leaving their fishing nets, Andrew and Peter immediately followed Jesus. Calling them and moving on, Jesus saw the brothers James and John in the boat with their father Zebedee mending the fishing nets. Jesus called them, and they, leaving the boat and their father, followed Him. Likewise, the rest of the disciples, as soon as they were called, immediately followed Jesus. Jesus began to send them to preach and gave them the power to heal sickness and cast out unclean spirits.

Jesus' First Miracle

One day Jesus was invited with his disciples to a wedding in Cana of Galilee. It so happened that during the wedding feast there was not enough wine. The mother of Jesus was also there. She told Jesus, "They have no wine." But Jesus told her that His time had not yet come to perform miracles. Mary then said to the ministers, pointing to Jesus, "Whatever He tells you, do it."

There were also six stone water carriers (jugs). Jesus, turning to the ministers, said: "Fill the vessels with water." When they did. He said, "Now draw it and take it to the steward of the feast."

When the manager tasted the contents of the jars, he called the groom and said to him: “Every person serves good wine first, and when they get drunk, then the worst; and you have saved good wine until now. He did not know where this wine came from; only the servants who drew water knew.
