Where is the largest Ferris wheel in the world? The largest Ferris wheel

The Ferris wheel is one of the best attractions, which were invented by humanity. First of all, it’s safe and not scary. Secondly, it's incredibly beautiful. Even a nondescript city from a bird's eye view suddenly becomes unusually attractive, spacious and slightly mysterious, your chest fills with air, and your mood noticeably improves.

It turns out that the prototypes of modern Ferris wheels appeared more than three hundred years ago in Turkey. These rides were powered by human muscles. But the first Ferris wheel powered by a machine was invented by George Ferris for the World's Fair held in Chicago in 1893. This is how the Americans responded to the inventors Eiffel Tower- to the French. True, the answer turned out to be, although heavy (about 2000 tons), but not so high - four times less than the Parisian miracle designed

Since in the Soviet Union Ferris wheels were in the parks of almost every large city, most of our compatriots have had time to ride the slow ride more than once. But trying out the tallest Ferris wheel in the world is a completely different sensation, which a person on the planet of any age is unlikely to refuse.

The question arises: “Where is it located?” As with any record holder, there are multiple answers to this question. It all depends on the evaluation criteria.

It is generally accepted that it is located in the city-state of the Republic of Singapore. It is called the Singapore Flyer (“Singapore Bird”) and rises 165 meters above the ground. From the very high point wheels, you can survey the surrounding area over an area of ​​45 kilometers and even see the islands of neighboring Malaysia and Indonesia. This was built in 2008. At first it rotated clockwise, but then, on the advice of feng shui experts, it was turned back. There are 28 cabins attached to the wheel, each of which can accommodate 28 people.

In the world of technology, everything changes very quickly. Thus, from 2000 to 2006, the honorary title of “the tallest Ferris wheel in the world” belonged to the famous London Eye (Energy was then replaced by the Chinese giant Star of Nanchang), which held the palm for even less - two years. These rides were 135 and 160 meters high respectively.

But all these damn wheels are built using 21st century technologies. Experts call them observation wheels. Their booths are located not inside, but outside the rim, and are more like capsules. They are not held vertically by gravity, but can rotate independently due to complex system electric motors. As for the Chinese attraction, it is, apparently, some kind of transitional option between a traditional attraction and a modern “observation wheel”.

Therefore, the tallest Ferris wheel in the world of the classical type is “Sky Dream” in the Japanese city of Fukuoka. For a number of reasons, it has not been working since 2009 and has been partially dismantled.

But today the world has been announced a number of projects to create higher ferris wheels. True, most of these projects reached a dead end, and construction stopped before it could begin.

However, a 167-meter wheel is being built in Las Vegas, and a project for a 190-meter structure in New York overlooking the Statue of Liberty has been approved. It is planned that the 210-meter giant will become another decoration in the United Arab Emirates. This project will surely come to life, because a large shopping mall and the tallest hotel on the planet.

But there is hope that the question: “Where is the tallest Ferris wheel?” soon it will be possible to answer: “In Moscow!” The fact is that a project has been developed for the construction of a 220-meter attraction with a 275-meter spire in the Russian capital. For a long time city ​​authorities could not decide on a location. In the spring of 2013, it was announced that the giant would receive a residence permit near the Natalia Sats Musical Theater and the circus on Vernadsky Avenue. However, many believe that the location was chosen poorly: it needs to be built in the center so that there is a magnificent view of, say, the Kremlin and Red Square.

Not only Moscow could really be proud of such an attraction. The tallest Ferris wheel in the capital today is located on the territory of VDNKh. It was built for the city's anniversary 16 years ago and is 73 meters in height, which is not even a bit less than the first Ferris wheels.

When asked where the largest Ferris wheel in the world is located, you can often get quite contradictory answers. This is not surprising, since modern world changes at breakneck speed.

Singapore bird

Until recently, the proud title of “The Highest Ferris Wheel” belonged to the attraction built in Singapore in 2008. This miracle has a diameter of 150 meters, and lifts daredevils from all over the world who decide to view the surrounding area from a height of 165 meters above the ground. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the base for the wheel is a three-story building offering mass the most interesting entertainment for tourists, ranging from simple shopping to the famous fish spa, where your feet will be brought into perfect condition with fish specially brought here, or tasting unique cocktails.

The attraction is called "Singapore Bird", which is not at all surprising, because tourists really find themselves at bird's eye view. If you have a hard time imagining what it's like, it's like looking out from a balcony on the 55th floor! From here you can see not only Singapore, but also the neighboring islands!

It took almost three years to bring the unique engineering design to life.. An interesting fact is that there are 28 cabins on the wheel. The maximum capacity of each of them is 28 people. A full revolution of the wheel takes 28 minutes! It is not for nothing that the work of the wheel takes into account the advice of the best Feng Shui masters.

"Singapore Bird" did not hold the palm for long. In April 2014, Las Vegas, already an expert in entertainment for tourists, opened a wheel that lifts everyone to a point almost three meters (2.6 m) higher than Singapore's.

Like the Singapore Bird, the High Roller also has 28 cabins, but their capacity is much larger, up to forty people. Each capsule is equipped with an air conditioning system. Transparent booths slowly rotate to the accompaniment of music, which creates an incredible mood and a magnificent view. Thanks to these highlights, the owners expect that they will be able to have up to 5 million visitors a year!

By the way, cabins are readily rented for wedding ceremonies and other celebrations at bird's eye view.

It will be useful for tourists to know that the largest Ferris wheel today is open seven days a week. Ride it in daytime much cheaper than at night. During the day, for the pleasure of viewing Las Vegas from a great height, you will have to shell out 25 dollars, but at night, the panorama of the city sparkling with lights is already valued at 35 hard coins!

Future plans

Today, the palm in Europe is held by the London Eye, whose height is 135 m. It is also the fourth in the world, behind not only Vegas and Singapore, but also the Chinese city of Nanchang. This city boasts a 160-meter wonder that you can ride on for just $6! Melbourne closes the top five with the 120-meter Southern Star.

But time, as we know, does not stand still. Literally in 2016, a giant wheel is planned to be put into operation in New York, capable of lifting onlookers to a record 190 meters! But this won't last long. Dubai has already begun construction of an attraction with a diameter of almost 210 meters!

Each of us at least once in our lives rode a Ferris wheel and tried to spot our house from it. I would like to present to your attention the best, most beautiful Ferris wheels in the world, and also tell you about the largest Ferris wheel in the world

In the summer of 1893, the first Ferris wheel was introduced to humanity at the Chicago Exposition. The legendary structure was designed by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. Ferris' wheel measured over 260 feet (80 m) tall and weighed 2,000 tons. It could hold approximately 2,000 people. The 20-minute ride cost 50 cents.
Much time has passed since that time, and humanity has been able to build many similar structures.
This list features the 10 best Ferris wheels that are currently fully operational. Not only size was assessed, but also beauty and uniqueness. So, let's take a ride on the Ferris wheel, or as it is also called, the Ferris wheel.

10. Navy Pier in Chicago

This ferris wheel was built in 1916 at a cost of $4.5 million ($90.5 million today). total length wheel is almost 1 km.

The cost of the trip is $6, duration is approximately 7 minutes.

9.Singapore Flyer in Singapore - the largest Ferris wheel in the world

Began to function on February 11, 2008, height - 165 meters. Modern miracle has 28 air-conditioned capsules, one capsule accommodates 28 people.

8. Santa Monica Pier

This Ferris wheel is the world's first wheel that is powered by solar energy.

7. Big-O Ferris Wheel

Big-O is located in Tokyo, Japan. This is the first centerless wheel. Wheel diameter - 60 meters. It is also interesting because Tokyo’s largest roller coaster passes through it; its speed reaches 130 km/h.

6. Texas Star

The Star of Texas in Dallas is the tallest Ferris wheel North America and has been the main centerpiece of the State Fair of Texas since 1985. The wheel was built in honor of the sesquicentennial of Texas.

5. Wonder Wheel

The dimensions of this miracle - the wheels are not very large - 45 meters in diameter, but it is surprising in that not all passenger cabins are attached to the outer part of the wheel, some of them spin inside the wheel itself!

4. Riesenrad wheel

This amazing structure is located in the Wurstelprater amusement park in Vienna, Austria. It is already more than 100 years old, it is one of the first wheels, it was once considered the largest Ferris wheel in the world. It was built in 1897 for the anniversary of Franz Joseph I of Austria.

During the Second World War, the wheel was damaged, after which it was restored, but only 15 passenger carriages are in operation (instead of 30). The people of Vienna are very happy that the wheel is still standing in its place, it is a symbol of Vienna. Its height is 65 meters

3. Cosmo Clock 21

This is a huge clock - a Ferris wheel in Yokohama, Japan, 107 meters. It has 60 passenger trailers that are designed for 8 people each. The duration of the journey on it is 15 minutes. For the last 8 years it has been considered the largest Ferris wheel in the world.

This story began back in 1893, at the World Exhibition of Technical Achievements in Chicago. Then, to the surprise of the public, the world's first Ferris wheel was launched. At that time, the dimensions of the attraction were impressive: height - 80 meters, weight - two thousand tons. There were 36 cabins rotating on the wheel, and each of them could carry up to sixty passengers. The public liked the attraction so much (and, of course, it immediately paid for its construction) that other cities also began installing similar structures. Soon Ferris wheels ceased to be a curiosity. Many people, having taken a ride on such an attraction as a child, considered it boring - after all, the booths move slowly, and the panorama opening from above can be seen from a high-rise building. Therefore, to attract the public, a different idea was adopted - to make the rise as high as possible. Thus, for the celebration of the Millennium, the London Eye, the largest Ferris wheel, was opened in the capital of Great Britain. What does this have to do with Singapore? You will learn about this by reading our article.

Higher, bigger, cooler

The London Eye was installed on a temporary basis. It was assumed that the structure would be dismantled after two years of operation. But the attraction began to bring such unprecedented profits to the city (and at the same time became an attraction included in all guidebooks) that they decided to leave it. The fame of the London Eye haunted other leading capitals of the world. Already in 2006, the title of the largest Ferris wheel from Britain was taken away by China. An attraction with a height of 165 meters has opened in the city of Nanchang. It was not only the largest Ferris wheel, but also the cheapest. After all, it only cost six dollars to ride it. “Star of Nanchang” did not hold the palm for long. Two years later, the Soaring Singapore attraction went into operation. We will inform you about its parameters later. The Ferris wheel was considered the tallest in the world from 2008 to 2014. Then Las Vegas took the first place from Singapore. Las Vegas High Roller on this moment is the largest Ferris wheel, but it is only two meters higher than the Singapore one. It seems that Las Vegas will not hold its leadership position for long. After all, similar attractions are already being built in New York (192 meters) and Dubai (210 meters). The New York Wheel in Staten Island was scheduled to open in 2016. But work continued until 2017. The Eye of Dubai is also expected to open this year.

Singapore Ferris Wheel: description

Enough of the intrigue - it's time to open the Singapore Flyer parameters. This Ferris wheel was built over four years - from 2005 to 2008. Unlike the London Eye, installed directly on the ground, the Thames embankment, Soaring Singapore is built into a three-story terminal in which restaurants and shops are located. The diameter of the wheel is one hundred and fifty meters. But due to the fact that the lower cabin is not near the ground, the upper capsule rises 165 m. The height of the Singapore Ferris Wheel is comparable to a 55-story skyscraper. From the upper cabin you can see the surroundings for forty-five kilometers. Even the islands of Johor in Malaysia and Bintan and Batam in Indonesia are visible. The Ferris wheel performed its first show on March 1, 2008, and tickets then cost more than six thousand US dollars.

Description of the attraction

The popularity of the wheel in Singapore is also determined by the fact that for six years it was the tallest in the world, ahead of its predecessors by 30 (London Eye) and five meters (Nanchang Star). And it is only two meters behind the undisputed leader today. Las Vegas High Roller has a height of 167 m. The Singapore Ferris wheel makes a full rotation in twenty-eight minutes. It is noteworthy that it houses 28 capsule cabins that can accommodate the same number of passengers. If only the price was $28! Feng Shui experts took part in the development of the attraction. So, according to their recommendations, the direction of rotation of the wheel was changed. Seven hundred and eighty-four people can ride on the attraction at the same time. The wheel was developed in Singapore by Japanese engineer Kisho Kurokawa. He set out to give the person in the capsule the impression of free flight. And he succeeded. Only the floor of the booth is not transparent.

It would seem that what could be interesting about slowly rising and then descending from a height of 165 meters? However, this attraction is included in the standard tour package for walking around Singapore. The Ferris wheel is open seven days a week from half past eight in the morning until 22:30. But the ticket office closes at ten in the evening. However, tourists recommend approaching the attraction before sunset. Then you can enjoy both the daytime panorama and the night one. When the capsule reaches its top point, the loudspeaker notifies about this. Get ready to take pictures: the entire city-state of Singapore is in full view. You can see the Marina Sands Bay ship-shaped hotel, the famous durian-shaped Esplanade theater, a lotus-shaped science museum, a bridge that looks like a DNA strand, a football field located on the water and other attractions.


Tourists also recommend purchasing tickets online. You don't even have to print the electronic pass. It is enough to show the controller his number on the phone. This way you can save ten percent of the cost and get on the Singapore Ferris Wheel for 29.7 local dollars. The price for a standard ticket for adults is S$33. For children from three to twelve years old you need to pay 21 dollars, and people over sixty pay 24. In addition to standard cabins, there are also VIP capsules on the wheel. There is a very comfortable atmosphere there. You travel without companions, in your own company. For $69 you will be served a glass of expensive champagne, and for S$269 you will be served lunch for two. But in this case you will travel with a waiter.

Where is the attraction located and how to get to it

The Singapore Ferris Wheel is located on the south-eastern outskirts of the city, next to the Maritime Centre. His the exact address is: Raffles Avenue, 30. The easiest way to get to the attraction is by metro. You need to take the CC4 Circle Line and get off the train at Promenade Station. Next, you should rise to the surface of the earth through doors A. Immediately you will see blue signs advertising the Singapore Flyer. Following these signs will take you to the attraction in five minutes. All taxi drivers in the city know the Ferris wheel. You can also get to the attraction by buses No. 133, 111 and 106. The Temasek Avenue stop is located directly at the entrance to the building, which serves as a cosmodrome for the Ferris wheel.

Tourists often buy tickets for each excursion separately. They overpay, and then also waste time in queues. Most main advice Experienced travelers for newcomers to Singapore - purchase a City Pass. This ticket gives not only significant discounts in this very expensive city. You can plan your day to get as much done as possible. The Singapore Ferris Wheel is a stopping point for double-decker excursion buses, the right to travel on which is provided by the City Pass. You can also take it for a boat ride along the city’s many canals. Overall, if you do a lot of excursions in Singapore, this ticket can save you up to 35 percent of the cost. You should not be afraid that you will not have time to jump into a moving booth. If there are people with wheelchairs or disabilities at the entrance, the attendants stop the wheel for a short time.

How to avoid queues and other options

During the high season, the Singapore Ferris Wheel attracts a lot of people. The line moves quickly - after all, 28 people are allowed into the booth at once. But you can avoid the wait by purchasing not a standard ticket, but one with “priority entry”. There is another option. You need to purchase a regular ticket, but via the Internet, and go to the registration section on the website. This way you can choose a time to visit the attraction that is convenient for you. The “VIP services” option provides two rounds of skating ( total time- hour). You can order an additional glass of champagne or lunch. All cabins on the Ferris wheel are air conditioned. The windows are not dusty and clean. But it's worth stocking up on napkins, as people leave fingerprints on the glass, which ruins the photos.

How the tallest Ferris wheel was built April 12th, 2014

We continue to expand our series of everything in the world.

The tallest Ferris wheel on the planet has begun operating in Las Vegas. The HighRoller, built by Caesars Entertainment Corp., will, of course, be included in the next edition of the Guinness Book of Records because it is 165 meters tall.

The wheel has 28 air-conditioned glass cabins, each of which can accommodate up to 40 people.

The giant wheel makes a full revolution in half an hour. Tickets cost $24.95 during the day and $34.95 at night. The difference in price is understandable - after dark, Las Vegas is flooded with lights and, of course, looks more impressive than during the day.

Let's find out more about him...

Photo 2.

The giant Ferris wheel is located next to three famous Las Vegas casinos: Caesars Palace, Flamingo Las Vegas and The Quad Resort & Casino. It is expected that in the first year the services of the attraction will be used by 4 to 5 million people.

The High Roller took about three years to build as part of the $550 million LINQ shopping and entertainment district.

Photo 3.

Let us remind you that Dubai plans to build an even taller Ferris wheel - the 688-foot Dubai Eye. Plans have also been announced to build a record-breaking wheel in Moscow, the Capital View project, which will be more than 721 feet tall, with a 900-foot spire. But it is very likely that another tallest Ferris wheel will appear again in the United States - last November in New York they gave the go-ahead for the construction of an attraction on Staten Island with a height of about 623 feet.

Photo 4.

The second attraction is the world's first air hotel. The project was called Love Cloud. Enterprising businessman Andy Johnson converted a twin-engine Cessna 421 aircraft, which standard version accommodates six passengers. The chairs were removed and the salon was transformed into a love nest - a long sofa with soft pillows and red linens.

For $799, any couple can circle the skies over Las Vegas for 40 minutes. The crew of the “Cloud of Love” is not at all interested in what the “guests” are doing at this time.

Photo 5.

You can watch the rest of the information about construction in the video at the end of the post.

Photo 6.

High Roller is located near popular tourist attractions in Las Vegas - a replica of the French Eiffel Tower and the Bellagio fountain. Directly opposite the giant Ferris wheel is the most famous casino, Caesars Palace. By the way, the owner of the huge attraction is the Caesars Entertainment Corporation.

Photo 7.

By the way, the previous record for the size of a Ferris wheel belongs to Singapore. There, a similar attraction “Singapore Flyer” has a height of 165 meters. Another truly huge Ferris wheel is located in London. However, the London Eye is 30 meters lower than the High Roller in Las Vegas.

Photo 8.

The tallest wheel in Russia is located in Sochi, village. Lazarevskoe. Its height is 80 meters.

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