N. Amosov method of loads and constraints. Health mode - a mode of restrictions and loads. An interesting question: why do people get sick so often?

Heart surgeon Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov was one of the first promoters of a healthy lifestyle. He wrote a lot about this, and by personal example he confirmed his hypothesis about healthy lifestyle methods.

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Amosov's principles of a healthy lifestyle

Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov (1913-2002) - Soviet and Ukrainian thoracic surgeon, author of innovative techniques in cardiology and thoracic surgery, author of a systematic approach to health ("the method of restrictions and loads"), discussion papers on gerontology, problems of artificial intelligence and rational planning of public life ("social engineering"). Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1969) and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The principles and methods of a healthy lifestyle are outlined by N.M. Amosov in his book "Thoughts on health" (Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 1987, 64 p.). Briefly, the main ideas of his methods of healing, active and long life are as follows:

  1. You need to get health yourself, while trusting your feelings, the wisdom of your body. Health cannot be kept in check with medicines, pills, they are intended for the treatment of diseases.
  2. A lifestyle that ensures health, Amosov called a mode of restrictions and loads - to strain your body (but wisely!) And limit the craving for unnecessary comfort. “Modern civilization offers a person for a healthy and long life much more than limitations. You need to be able to use them: reject excess food and heat, make up for deficiencies in physical activity and extinguish excessive mental stimuli. This is the essence of the method of constraints and loads, ”he wrote.
  3. Active longevity, according to Amosov N.M., is determined by three factors: weight in accordance with the common formula - "height minus 100-105", regular exercise and state of mind (mental health).
  4. In no case should retirees leave work if it is interesting. He said: "This is more important than physical education!"

As N.M. Amosov asserted, a person should live in a mode of restrictions and loads, the disadvantages of which are usually obvious: right now you are too lazy to strain, right now you want something tasty.

Amosov's cardio workout

According to N.M. Amosov, the optimal is such a physical activity that gives a training effect, increases physical performance, has a maximum stimulating effect on the organ, system and function, or gives the best clinical effect.

  1. Increasing the reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  2. Maintaining a good level of muscle and joint function. The intensity of the exercise for the joints should be determined by their condition.

The gymnastics developed by Amosov allows solving the first and second tasks simultaneously.

Gymnastics consists of 10 simple exercises: push-ups, bends forward, to the sides, jerking movements with bent arms back, squats, running in place and everything that can be done at home (you will find suitable exercises, including with dumbbells, in the article ""). Especially Amosov highlighted brisk walking and jogging.

Throughout his life, Nikolai Mikhailovich modernized the complex several times, depending on the state of health, age: either adding or removing some exercises, for example, push-ups, "plow". Amosov performed each exercise 100 times, and even at a fast pace! Only during the last ten movements was it allowed to slow down and stretch the ligaments as much as possible. The whole set of exercises took 25 minutes.

Daily gymnastics of Amosov himself, when he was about 80 years old, consisted of 3000 movements, of which 50% - with dumbbells. And 5 km of running into the bargain. So the academician trained for three years. Then, due to health conditions, he reduced his gymnastics for a year to 1000 movements a day. And over time, I returned to 3000 movements.

N.M. Amosov believed that not everyone needs to perform several thousand movements - as he did himself - but it is useless to do less than 20. Reducing gymnastics in half, you need to add jogging in place, for the elderly— brisk walking to maintain sufficient stress on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and exercise for at least 10 minutes.

Also, the author of the technique recommended using dumbbells and an expander to build muscle and increase strength. Z Anyone who does not waste time on the expander is advised not to wait for the bus, but to walk at a fast pace.

In most diseases, it is not nature or society that is to blame, but only man himself. Most often he gets sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreasonableness. But nature is merciful: 20-30 minutes of physical education a day is enough, but such that you suffocate, sweat and your pulse doubles. If this time is doubled, it will be generally excellent.

- N.M. Amosov

Heart rate

You should not allow a pulse of more than 150 beats per minute, at least for those who are over 40. To begin with, an acceptable load of 100-110 beats. N.M. Amosov believed that the pulse of elderly people while walking should not exceed 110-120 beats per minute.

In a nutshell, Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov is a doctor of medical sciences, a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a professor at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a cardiac surgeon, who was the first in our country to use a heart-lung machine in practice. In 1955 he created a clinic for cardiac surgery in Kiev, which in 1983 was transformed into the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. At the age of 80, Nikolai Amosov came up with his own "recipe" for overcoming old age, known as the "formula of three thousand movements a day."

Three pillars of the Amosov system:

    Maximum physical activity. Belief in youth. Restriction in food.

The entire Soviet Union heard about Amosov's physical education, his books on a healthy lifestyle were sold in millions of copies and were published in 30 languages ​​of the world. The ideas that were expressed in them were new and unusual for a Soviet person. Without conflicting with official medicine, he nevertheless expounded a rather "seditious" for those years views on medicine and on life: go to doctors as little as possible, treat pain with physical activity and overcome the disease at the expense of the internal reserves of the body, which, as he assumed they were "fueled" by some parallel force. Is it possible to unconditionally follow his system? Our experts are discussing this today.

Exercise beats age

In his younger years, Amosov did not specifically do exercises. He never even learned to swim, dance or ride a bike. He thought about physical education at almost 40 years old, when he felt that problems with the spine could put an end to his profession as a surgeon. Intuitively, he understood that medicine would not help, but only aggravate the course of the disease, and therefore decided to fight himself. Running, exercising, strength training - he did it with great intensity, through strength, through pain, having developed his own system: 1000 movements a day and 2 km of jogging.

Feeling the approach of old age, I decided to conduct an experiment: I increased the load three times. Now his gymnastics consisted of 3,000 movements, half with dumbbells, plus 5 km of running. At the same time, he knew that he had aortic valve defect, but did not attach any importance to this. Well-being lasted about three years, then shortness of breath and angina pectoris appeared.

What is he right

Genetic aging reduces performance, muscles become detrained, lose the necessary mass and cease to function as a "second heart" in the body. Indeed, all our 700 muscles and 400 tendons and ligaments are involved in the blood circulation process. And when they stop working, the whole load of pumping blood falls on the little heart. Naturally, it does not cope, problems with blood vessels begin, microcirculation worsens. Old age is progressing. To break the vicious circle, you need to move. As Amosov correctly noted, "the heart trains with any physical education."

What is wrong

Increasing physical activity is dangerous. After all, as soon as a person exceeds the threshold of his own compensatory capabilities, the depletion of reserves begins, and the movement no longer helps, but on the contrary - harms the body, quickly depleting it. This is exactly what happened during Amosov's experiment. He recovered from a disease of the spine, but did not save his heart. In 1986, Nikolai Mikhailovich received a pacemaker, and in 1998 - an artificial valve and two shunts. During an operation in Germany, it was found that the volume of the heart increased 3 times - a thing completely unacceptable for any person, and even more so for a cardiac surgeon who missed the moment when it was necessary to reduce the load.

How to

It is not just movement that heals, but the correct and dosed one, selected individually, taking into account age, weight and existing diseases. Only a professional can determine this dose. We have a physician-kinesitherapist dealing with sore muscles. He determines the state of muscle tissue and selects the training system that first helps to restore the deep ligaments of the spine and joints, breathing and only then the muscles, gradually increasing their volume to normal.

You need to train every day

The system of loads, according to Amosov, is 3000 movements, half of which with five-kilogram dumbbells, and 5 km of running per day. System of restrictions - consumption of the minimum amount of food, preferably refusal of meat, raw food diet.

What is he right

Nobody argues that the body needs a load every day. Our muscles, ligaments and tendons require daily breakfast, lunch and dinner. But just as overeating is harmful, so overtraining is harmful. Therefore, Amosov was absolutely right, asserting that the increase in the intensity and duration of the loads should be gradual.

What is wrong

A large number of movements, and even with weights, wears out the ligaments and muscles. Such loads lead to breakdowns in compensatory mechanisms and to disruption of microcirculation in tissues. Muscles need rest: some - 24 hours, others - 48, the third - 72. Therefore, it is correct not to increase the load, but to alternate them. Amosov's call to vegetarianism can also be considered very controversial. Avoiding animal protein with this lifestyle can lead to physical exhaustion. Not to mention the deficiency of trace elements and vitamins, which threatens even a normally eating person.

How to

Muscles need to rest if you load them completely. For a trained person, it takes 30 - 45 minutes of training on simulators, for an untrained person - up to one and a half hours. There should be no more than three such workouts per week. And every day you can practice for 10 - 15 minutes, but with great intensity and changing exercises.

Be careful not to be captured by doctors

To doctors, Amosov argued, a person should go only in case of emergency.

What is he right

No pills or surgery should be considered the only way to solve the problem. You should not run to doctors unnecessarily, you need to improve your health. After all, the bulk of the population needs the help that medicine cannot provide as long as there are no clinical manifestations of the disease.

What is wrong

Relying only on yourself is not entirely correct. Blindly following a particular health system just because it has helped others is also wrong. A healthy lifestyle is a largely individual concept, and only a specialist can determine which "health program" is right for you.

How to

Only 5 - 7% of people are considered absolutely healthy. 72 - 75% of the population are healthy only conditionally. These are people with reduced immunity, with chronic diseases in remission, people in a state of pre-illness, when the pathological process is already developing, but has not yet clinically manifested itself. And it is they who most of all need health improvement - full-fledged healthy nutrition, vitamins and movement.

Nothing ages more than the willingness to grow old
What is he right

You cannot improve your health by training alone; there must be an appropriate attitude.

What is wrong

Any slogan idea - set a goal, be zealous, fight what gets in the way - is an individual philosophy developed for a specific, individual person. All authors of odious methods suffer from one common drawback - they create their own "religion", which, of course, helps at the initial stage to achieve a certain goal, but then it starts to go to the detriment.

How to

You should not leave the traditional religion, which just does not welcome the emergence of such systems and teachings. Old age is a natural state of a person, our path on earth is not endless. Therefore, all attempts to make it such are still doomed to failure. Psychologists say that old age, on the contrary, must be loved, and one's strength and energy must be directed to improving the quality of life.

Women's gymnastics

For women who do not have free time, push-ups, squats and strengthening the abs help a lot to maintain muscle tone and cope with cellulite.

ExercisesQuantityPeriodicityExecution technique
Squats3 series of 50 times, until a burning sensation in the muscles2 times per weekSquat with a straight back, without lifting your heels from the floor, and exhaling with a loud "ha-a" sound. Squat Depth: To a level where the thigh line is parallel to the floor.
Push ups10 episodes 10 times2 times per weekThe distance between the palms is 20 cm; do push-ups without touching the floor with your chest, keep your back straight.
Abs workout3 episodes 20 times2 times per weekAny abdominal exercise, such as lifting the knees to the waist or to the chest on a horizontal bar.
Attention! Increase the number of repetitions of each exercise gradually, observing the recommended number of approaches.

Cardiologist, academician, Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov with great enthusiasm encouraged people to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this part, he did a gigantic job. He himself was primarily a clear example of the fact that physical exercises prolong human life, bring vigor and strength, make a person more resilient and resistant to damaging environmental factors. Finally, they create a safety margin in the human body.

Here's what he writes: “Primitive man hardly walked, but ran, like all animals. Civilization took him one step. Those excellent reserves that nature has created in man are programmed in us very cunningly. Reserves exist only as long as a person makes the most of them, exercises. But as soon as the exercise stops, the reserves melt. This has been known for a long time. Try to put a healthy person in bed for a month, so that he does not get up for a second - you will get a disabled person who has forgotten how to walk. It will take half a month to put him on his feet and calm the terrible heartbeat. "

Even at the age of forty, when an x-ray showed changes in Amosov's vertebrae, caused by the long-term operations he was carrying out, Nikolai Mikhailovich developed gymnastics: 10 exercises, each with 100 movements. When a dog appeared in the house, morning jogging was added to gymnastics. He supplemented the system of movements with restrictions on food: he kept a weight of 54 kg. This was the "mode of constraints and loads", which became widely known.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov is a cardiologist surgeon, Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, holder of the Orders of Lenin, the October Revolution, Honored Scientist. He came to medicine and very soon felt the urgent need to raise it to the level of exact sciences. The war interrupted his work.

Nikolai Amosov was born on December 6, 1913 in a village in the north of the Arkhangelsk region. Mother worked as a midwife, father went to the First World War, was captured, sent his diaries, never returned to his family. After graduating from college, Amosov in 1932-1933 worked in Arkhangelsk at a power plant at a sawmill. He entered the correspondence industrial institute, then the Arkhangelsk Medical Institute. In the first year I graduated from two courses, moonlighting teaching. After graduation, I wanted to study physiology, but a postgraduate position was vacant only in surgery. In passing, he completed the project of an airplane with a steam turbine, hoping that it would be accepted for production. They did not accept it, but they gave it an engineering degree.

At first glance, this is the usual fate of a young man in the post-revolutionary years. Except that Amosov in the shortest possible time managed to get two professions and treated each of them as if his life depended on it. He did not want to be an ordinary engineer, a cog in a large mechanism, and in medicine he saw more opportunities than the residency at the regional hospital gives. It's not about careerism, not about ambition, it's just that even then Amosov was hatching his main idea. In 1939, Nikolai Amosov graduated from the medical institute and in August of the same year he performed the first operation - he removed a tumor, a wen on the neck.

The Great Patriotic War began, and Nikolai Mikhailovich was immediately appointed the leading surgeon of the field hospital. He was lucky, every time he found himself in the thick of the war. When the offensive began near Moscow, hundreds of seriously wounded began to come to Amosov, and not all of them could be saved. The main diagnoses are infections, joint injuries and hip fractures. There were no modern pain relievers or today's treatments.

The doctor could only rely on the nature of the wounded soldier, the strength of his body: if he does it, he does not. Our surgeons and our fighters are no strangers, let us at least recall the times of Pirogov and Sklifosovsky ... A surgeon is not God. Unfortunately, successes were often replaced by failures. To the arrival of the "bony" Amosov could never get used to it. He developed his own methods of operations, to some extent reducing the mortality of the wounded. Nikolai Mikhailovich went all the way of the war until the victory over Germany, and then took part in the war with Japan. He was awarded four orders for the war. In the conditions of frontline life, he found the opportunity to write his first dissertation. The experience of a military surgeon here turned out to be an invaluable gift of fate.

Nikolai Mikhailovich describes this time in the article "My Biography":

“43rd year. 46th Army, Bryansk Front. The village of Ugolnaya, cut off from the main road by snowfall. In the cold huts there are six hundred wounded. High mortality, appropriate mood. Destroyed villages, work in tents, no electricity. The frozen wounded were brought to us from the front line in whole columns in open trucks. We removed only those who were lying down from the cars, and those who could move were sent to another hospital. By the time the ambulance train approached, 2,300 wounded had accumulated ...

The year 1944 was relatively easy. Trains ran regularly, and there were no difficulties with evacuation. At the same time I married the operating sister Lida Denisenko ... Summer breakthrough of our troops in Belarus. The troops moved quickly forward, after several crossings they approached the border of East Prussia. Victory Day was celebrated in the city of Elbing ... When we crossed the Volga, hopes for demobilization melted away.

Having traveled all over Russia, we disembarked in the Primorsky Territory. In August, they declared war on Japan. We received lightly wounded at the border and moved to Manchuria. At this time, the Americans dropped atomic bombs, Japan surrendered. In September we were transported to the Vladivostok area. Here the hospital was disbanded: the orderlies left, then the nurses and doctors ... "

During the war years, Nikolai Mikhailovich gained vast experience, became a virtuoso surgeon. In the Far East, he wrote several scientific papers, a second dissertation. More than 40 thousand wounded passed through it, about seven hundred died: a huge cemetery, if you put it together ... After the army was disbanded, he again ended up in Manchuria, treating typhus patients in a prisoner of war camp. In 1946 Amosov was demobilized.

It was not easy, S.S. accidentally helped. Yudin, head of the Sklifosovsky Institute. After Yudin, we did not have an international-class surgeon: an honorary member of the societies of Great Britain, the USA, Prague, Paris, Catalonia, doctor of the Sorbonne. Having been from 1948 to 1952 on denunciation in Siberian exile, returning, like a hungry, pounced on operations. In 1954, after the congress of surgeons of Ukraine, in Simferopol, he died. ECG showed a heart attack, but no blood clot was found in the coronary vessels. He was only 62 years old.

Under the patronage of S.S. Yudin Amosov was left in Moscow. The military registration and enlistment office gave out rations for two months - some cereals, several cans of canned food and many loaves of bread. His wife Lida returned to study at the Pedagogical Institute. Almost daily Amosov went to the medical library and read foreign surgical journals. In December S.S. Yudin took Amosov in charge of the main operating building, so that he put the equipment in order. I had to remember the engineering profession: the hospital had some overwhelming equipment, and it was broken. They did not offer him to operate, and did not allow him to ask for pride.

During this time, I wrote my third Ph.D. thesis: "Primary treatment of knee wounds." Fortunately, in February 1947 Amosov received a letter from Bryansk from an old acquaintance, a hospital nurse. She wrote that they were looking for the chief surgeon in the regional hospital. This is where all his military experience came in handy: he had to operate on stomachs, esophagus, kidneys ... other internal organs. He was especially good at resection of the lungs - with abscesses, cancer and tuberculosis. Nikolai Mikhailovich developed his own method of operations.

In 1949, Amosov chose the topic for his doctoral dissertation: "Resection of the lungs in tuberculosis." Sent to Kiev to make a report on this topic and demonstrate the technique of the operation. I liked the report. Upon his return, he was invited to work at the clinic and immediately read lectures at the department of the Medical Institute. Dreams became reality. In 1952, his wife Lida entered the Kiev Medical Institute, obsessed with the dream of a surgical career. At the same time, Amosov was invited to head the clinic at the Tuberculosis Institute, and his doctoral dissertation had already been submitted for defense.

On November 10, it was time to say goodbye to Bryansk. At first, in Kiev, surgery did not get well for a long time. He went to Bryansk to operate on the lungs and esophagus. In January 1953, he received a letter from his friend Isaac Asin, a pathologist: “Don't come. Watch out. You are in great trouble. " An investigation has begun against Amosov. For five years of work in the Bryansk hospital, he made 200 lung resections for cancers, suppurations and tuberculosis. All removed material was stored in formalin barrels. The investigator sealed the barrel and asked Ashin to confess that Amosov removed the lungs of healthy people.

The department quickly held a party meeting, at which the murders were openly discussed. And no one came out in defense of Amosov. Later it turned out that the husband of a hospital nurse, an investigator, wanted to make a career on Amosov, to uncover a criminal surgeon. Just before that, a group of Kremlin "poisoning therapists" headed by Vinogradov had been arrested in Moscow and reported in the newspapers about their sabotage. Fortunately, Stalin died on March 5, 1953, the case was dropped. The doctor from the Kremlin hospital, on whose testimony the accusation was based, first received the Order of Lenin, then disappeared.

After visiting Mexico at a surgical congress and seeing a heart-lung machine (AIC), which made it possible to perform the most complex heart surgeries, Nikolai Mikhailovich was eager to do the same for his clinic. Returning to Kiev, he sat down for the sketches of the AIK. I remembered that a graduate engineer had once designed a huge plane. He made a drawing in a week, the apparatus was made in two months. At the beginning of 1958, they already tried to turn off the heart on a dog, and at the end of the year they risked switching to a person. Only the third patient underwent surgery in April 1960.

Since then, in his clinic, with the help of AIK, they began to regularly perform operations on patients with congenital heart disease and other pathologies. At the same time, he was appointed to head the department of biological cybernetics at the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1964 Valery Ivanovich Shumakov transplanted a calf heart, then Bernard transplanted a human heart. It was a challenge to Amosov's professionalism, to which he had nothing to answer.

In September 1967, Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov went to Austria for the next International Congress of Surgeons. By this time, his position among surgeons was high. Cardiac surgery with artificial circulation has developed intensively, with the largest and best statistical results in the country. He put the prosthetics of the aortic valve on the stream.

In 1969, Amosov's book "Thoughts and Heart" was published in the USA. The reviews were excellent, and Look magazine sent a correspondent and photographer to it. And writing began after one tragic incident.

“One day in the fall of 1962, after the death of a sick girl during an operation, it was very bad. I wanted to get drunk and complain to someone. I sat down and described the day. This is how the chapter “First Day” appeared in the book “Thoughts and Heart”. I ruled for a long time, waited, doubted. I read it to my friends, acquaintances, everyone liked it. They published it in Science and Life, then published it as a book.The writer St. George, an American of Russian descent, translated into English, there have been translations into almost all European languages. "

Just start writing, then you won't stop - this is a kind of psychoanalysis, addictive like a drug. Then fiction was replaced by science fiction, memoirs, journalism: "Notes from the Future", "PPG-22-66", "The Book of Happiness and Misfortune", "Voices of the Times" and, finally, "Thoughts on Health."

In 1983, the Amosov clinic was transformed into the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, where, in addition to surgical duties, he also performs directorial duties. January 7, 1986. Nikolai Mikhailovich has high blood pressure and an almost constant headache. In the mornings, the pressure is 200, and in the evening - all 220. The pulse rate dropped to 34 beats per minute. The need for a pacemaker became apparent. January 14 in Kaunas Yu.Yu. Bredikis sews in Amosov a stimulator, and the quality of life improves. You can even run. And he resumes physical activity, brings them to the limit.

On December 6, 1988, Nikolai Mikhailovich voluntarily left the post of director of the Institute, where he worked for 36 years and where 56 thousand heart surgeries were performed. Parting with the team and the sick was difficult. However, 75 is age. Although only yesterday I defended a 5-hour operation, it means that I still have physical strength. But there was no more strength to endure human suffering and death. There was no mental strength ... Four years have passed. In 1992, Amosov felt acutely how infirmity was approaching inexorably.

He makes a difficult decision for himself: to part with surgical practice. At the same time, he does not think about himself, he worries about the patients, does not want to expose them to danger, since his physical condition can affect the results of operations. He, as before, continues to perform his 1000 movements, 2 km of jogging daily. Amosov at the age of 79, despite his sick heart, makes a paradoxical decision. Instead of reducing physical activity, he decides to increase it three times.

Moreover, he says that the pulse must be brought to 140 and above, otherwise the exercises are unproductive. The meaning of his experiment is as follows: aging reduces performance, muscles become detrained, this reduces mobility and thereby aggravates aging. To break the vicious circle, you need to force yourself to move a lot. Amosov calculated that for this you need to perform 3000 movements, of which half with dumbbells, plus 5 km of running. So the experiment on overcoming old age began. In the first six months, he rejuvenated by ten years, began to feel better, the pressure returned to normal.

Three more years passed. In 1995, the body began to malfunction: shortness of breath, angina pectoris appeared, it became clear that the heart defect was progressing. Nikolai Mikhailovich could no longer run, put the dumbbells aside, cut gymnastics. But still his spirit is not broken. The fight for longevity continues. Professor Körfer from Germany undertook to operate on Amosov. An artificial valve was sewn in and two coronary artery shunts were placed.

It seemed that after such an operation, Nikolai Mikhailovich should reduce the load to a minimum. But Academician Amosov is not like that! He did not give up and continued the experiment on himself, with the goal of establishing the limits of the compensatory capabilities of the human body. And again exercises. First, light gymnastics, then 1000 movements, and then the entire load in full. And so, day after day, 360 days a year, seven days a week, without giving himself any indulgences, Dr. Amosov was engaged. Amosov wanted to establish whether a person can suspend the destructive effect of old age, whether physical activity postpones the aging of the body.

Having lived actively for 89 years, he fully proved that a person can not only slow down aging, but even defeat such a severe disease as heart disease. Obviously, if not for heart disease, Amosov would have lived much longer. Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov died on December 12, 2002.

From the book by M. Shoyfet "One Hundred Great Doctors"

"A man is digging his own grave with a spoon and a fork" - this phrase of the legendary doctor, Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov, was heard by me many years ago and for some reason engraved in my memory.

Amosov's experiment with the war against old age, due to intense physical exertion, seems unusually interesting. Which can be called successful - despite a bad heart (this is such an irony ...) the doctor lived for 89 years.

It is also surprising how close this system seems to us, yogis, to our way of life. It is certain that there is a certain general truth, such as it is - regardless of whether you are a yogi, a doctor, or simply a person who is conscious of his health!

"... If we talk about the essence of training, then this is a mode of restrictions and loads (RON). This is my strong point. However, I did not come up with anything original. Three main points:

The first is food with a minimum of fat, 300 g of vegetables and fruits daily, and so that the weight does not rise above the figure (growth minus 100) kilograms.

The second is physical education. This is more complicated. Everyone needs it, especially children and the elderly. Since now at work almost no one physically strains, then, in theory, for decent health, everyone would need to do an hour a day. But a normal person has no character for this. Therefore - at least 20 - 30 minutes of gymnastics, this is about 1000 movements, preferably with dumbbells of 2 - 5 kg. I advise you to exercise in front of the TV when the News is on to save time. As an addition to physical education, it is advisable to allocate an area for walking, on the way to work and back, one kilometer at a time. It is useful, and saves nerves, given the poor transport. I'm not talking about jogging - it's unrealistic. But it's useful.

The third point is perhaps the most difficult: mental control. "Learn to rule yourself." But oh, how difficult it is! There are many recipes, including meditation, I will not describe. I use a simple technique myself: when the heat is high and a lot of adrenaline is released, I fix my attention on the rhythmic rare breathing and try to relax my muscles. The best thing in such moments is to do vigorous gymnastics, but the situation usually does not allow. But all the same, as soon as it allows - work. Excess adrenaline is burned during exercise, and in this way the vessels and organs are saved from spasms. In animals, stress is resolved by running or fighting, but humans are not allowed to. "

Very interesting about food. The basic principles are as follows (by the way, we intuitively also came to similar conclusions!):

Food is not a way to increase UDC
The most important mistake a person makes is that he is looking for a way to increase mental comfort in food - UDC. Hence all the health problems associated with being overweight: intemperance in diet, overeating and gluttony.

First, you need to monitor your weight, prevent obesity or underweight. Amosov advised to adhere to a simple form that will help to calculate your optimal weight: height - 100. At 60, the academician himself weighed 63 kilograms with a height of 168 cm, and in old age, when “growth went down” with a height of 165 cm, 55 kilograms. Although he himself noted that this is not enough for his growth.

Secondly, Amosov was one of the first to draw attention to the role played by the neuropsychological factor on a person's weight. We all know how many, when they are nervous, begin to "seize" their excitement. Amosov said that nervous excitement distorts the work of the intestines and stomach. That is why, one of the conditions for how to live to a ripe old age, Nikolai Amosov called a happy life.

No matter how strange it may seem, Amosov did not advise strictly adhering to the diet. He recommended to eat 4 - 5 times a day, but at the same time he was categorically against "preventive" meals - those when a person sits down to eat because lunch time has come, and not because he wanted to eat. Nikolay Amosov himself never ate "for prevention" and did not advise others to do this. The main principle is LESS! Amosov said that irregular food is good for a healthy person! Irregularity is the mechanism that triggers the metabolism.

The more meals you skip, the better for your body. But the author did not recommend doing this forcibly (going on a diet, arranging unloading and hunger strike). The system of restrictions is that you need to be able to stop yourself, not to overeat. If you do not eat your fill, but get up from the table with a feeling of hunger, then it does not matter, not how many times a day you eat, not at any time of the day. The “don't eat after 6” rule is designed for those who overeat.

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“In most diseases, it is not nature or society that is to blame, but only man himself. Most often he gets sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreasonableness. "

NM Amosov, a prominent scientist, well-known surgeon, cyberneticist, in this book convincingly asserts a healthy lifestyle, physical culture, physical activity. The reader will find answers to the questions: why we are sick, what is health and how to maintain it for many years.

“This book is about knowing yourself. Who he was, how he changed, what is left ... ”So modestly the author defines the task of his memoirs, although he has every right to a higher assessment of such a long and bright life.

Memories of N. M. Amosov are a piercing, very personal confession and at the same time a voluminous portrait of the era: war, hopes of the sixties, medical discoveries that shook the world, again hopes and disappointments already at the end of the eighties, meetings of "voices" and life portraits of contemporaries - outstanding surgeons S. S. Yudin, A. N. Bakulev, A. A. Vishnevsky, academician Sakharov, politicians and cultural workers.

Let's turn to the topic of health. It is ridiculous to ask: "What is health?" Everyone feels: no illness, good health, I can work. There are, of course, academic definitions, but I will not give them. Is that one, adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO): health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease.
Is health important? Everyone will answer: "Of course!". They even like to say: "The main thing is health!"
However, is it really so important? Several years ago I conducted small questionnaires through the newspapers Komsomolskaya Pravda, Nedelya, and Literaturnaya Gazeta. He asked: "What worries you more?" The answers were: first, economics, second, crime, third, politics, fourth, family and society, and only fifth, health. But ... while it is - health - is. By itself, it does not make a person happy. Habit. Other concerns are more important.
But when he is not there, when diseases come, then immediately everything else fades into the background. And when old and death looms not far away ... But let's wait to talk about old age.
The importance of health on a national scale is consistent with these personal assessments:
health care expenditures account for 3-8% of the gross national product (GNP). Do not compare with the military-industrial complex, the police, the army, not to mention the spending on stupid policies, which are generally incalculable ...
So let's not exaggerate! But it’s too bad to be sick ... And when children are sick, it’s a pipe.
In general, health is a subject worth taking seriously.

Talking about medicine, revealing the essence of the work of a surgeon operating on the heart, the author shows how a person walking an unbeaten path, seeking, doubting, mistaken, wins in the struggle for the most sacred thing on earth - for human life.
Talking about medicine, about life and death, and finally about himself, the author is frank to the point of ruthlessness, he is talking with his own conscience. And this teaches you to think more accurately and deeper, makes you think about how to live.

In recent years, Amosov was very ill, underwent a serious operation, but continued to write books in which he wrote the following words about himself: “I am 88, plus a bad heart (stimulator, valve prosthesis, coronary bypass grafts).
True, I am conducting an experiment to overcome old age: two hours of gymnastics, an hour of walking, diet, but the prospects are doubtful. The complex of my exercises includes gymnastics - 2.5-3 thousand movements, of which 1.5 thousand I do with dumbbells. Honestly, dumbbells are great. "
The book is a presentation of his personal experience of using great physical activity in order to delay old age, and maybe even rejuvenate.

The famous surgeon, scientist, writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov (1913-2003) did a lot to popularize knowledge about the structure of the human body, its functioning and malfunctions.
Why did we remember this? The fact is that his publications, like old songs, hits of past years (remember "Dark Night", "Moscow Nights", etc.), having passed a competitive selection for many years, remained in the people's memory as something which is usually called classics in any genre of human activity.
His central idea that taking care of one's own health is everyone's personal business, and all medicine with all its fantastic possibilities is nothing if the will of the patient is not connected to recovery, has not become obsolete over the years, but has only strengthened even more in the minds of doctors, and patients, but, unfortunately, not all. Many people do not understand that to be healthy "... you need your own efforts - constant and significant. You cannot replace them with anything ..." (hereinafter, quotes from the works of Nikolai Mikhailovich).
It seems that the human body is akin to a house. If the house is swept, cleaned, renovated in a timely manner, in general, looked after, then life in this house goes on normally. If it is the other way around, then as a result there is a cobweb in the house, and sores in the body. But, nevertheless, "... A person is so perfect that health can be restored from almost any point of its decline. Only the efforts necessary for this increase with old age and the deepening of diseases ...". As N.M. Amosov asserted, - a person should live in a mode of restrictions and loads, the disadvantages of which are usually obvious: right now you are too lazy to strain, right now you want something tasty.

Cage scheme at different levels of fitness

The advantages in the sense of not getting sick, unfortunately, are remote and do not seem real now, and the younger a person is, the less obvious it is to him. N.M. Amosov on the pages of many of his books and articles tried to substantiate the method of restrictions and loads.

"... A person is strong. Troubles come from the detraining of" working "functions and overtraining of" regulators "as a result of social life conditions that conflict with biology. Modern civilization offers a person for a healthy and long life much more opportunities than limitations. to use them: reject excess food and heat, make up for deficiencies in physical activity and extinguish excessive mental stimuli. This is the essence of the method of restrictions and loads. The details are not important.

What can you get in return? Salvation from disease? Yes, and that. Life extension? Problematic, but possible. But the main thing is power over oneself. By controlling bodily desires directed towards food, warmth and laziness, one can learn to control thinking: ... "peace and will." Isn't that enough? ... "
Our health magazine. "Why talk about disease?" - the reader will say. "But if there were no illnesses, who would have thought about health at all? Therefore, you have to go from the opposite - to show what illnesses arise from in order to outline the ways, how to escape from them. No, not only with medicines, but also with activity."
The issues of disease and health have to be analyzed at different levels: biochemistry in cells, physiology in organs and the whole body. Let's start at the cells, at the molecular level. All medicine looks to molecular biology with hope.

The activity of a cell is reduced to numerous chemical reactions, each proceeding under the influence of its own protein - an enzyme. Proteins are synthesized, "printed", in ribosomes according to templates - samples represented by RNA, which themselves are obtained by copying one gene with DNA. They say: "One gene - one protein." Thus, genes contain a set of models for all types of proteins - cell enzymes, and in addition, a lot of special genes - "instructions" that turn on and stop the synthesis of certain proteins, depending on the activity of the cell.

Biochemists have established an interesting fact: all living proteins break down into simple molecules at a constant rate. Its value is defined as the "half-life" of the samples of radioactive isotopes. For proteins of the heart muscle, it is approximately 30 days - this means that out of 200 g of protein after 30 days, only 100 g will remain, after another 30 days - 100/2 = 50, etc., if new molecules are not synthesized during this time ...
It is important to understand two types of processes that take place in a cell and in an organ consisting of many cells.
The first is training. If the external stimulus is strong, it forces all the molecules of the "working" elements to work with the maximum voltage, they give the maximum "synthesis request" to the DNA ribosomes, and they also synthesize the new protein as much as possible. In this case, the "old" protein continues to decay at a constant rate. Under heavy load, synthesis overtakes decay, and the mass of protein increases, and the power of the function also increases.

Doctors say: "Hypertrophy". The simplest example is training an athlete: the greater the load, the more muscle mass and the heavier the load to be lifted.
The second process is detraining. Suppose that the external stimulus is sharply weakened, the function decreases, and the "demand for synthesis" of new molecules decreases. At the same time, the mass of protein accumulated with a large function continues to decay at the same rate. Decomposition overtakes synthesis, the total protein mass decreases (atrophy). The athlete quit training, his muscles melted, and he can no longer lift even half of the load that he lifted earlier.

These mechanisms of training and detraining of protein working structures are universal for all cells - muscle, nerve or glandular for all their functions.

The cell lives according to its own programs set in its genes. It is very much like a modern large factory, controlled by a good computer with flexible programs that ensure that plans are carried out in any difficulty. If environmental conditions become unfavorable for the cell, then its functions gradually weaken, and finally life itself freezes.

How is cell health expressed? This is the implementation of life programs: nutrition, growth, specific functions, reproduction. "The level of health" is the intensity of life manifestations in normal environmental conditions, which is determined by the fitness of cell structures. There is another definition: "The amount of health is the limits of changes in external conditions in which life is still going on." "The amount of health" can be expressed in terms of "reserve capacity". For example, when driving on a flat road at normal speed, a car engine requires 15 horsepower, and its maximum power is 75 horsepower. This means that there is a fivefold reserve of power, which can be used for driving uphill or on a bad road ... It's the same in a cage or organ (see diagram).

In theory, the cell should not "hurt" as long as it has a normal supply of energy and building materials, as long as it periodically receives stimuli from the outside that give it a good training, and as long as its controls - DNA - are in order. In fact, all the structures of the cell are renewed, new "details" are made according to the programs inherent in the DNA - in the genes. Even if it was bad and the cell "got sick", then create normal conditions for it, and after a while it will renew its structures and should recover, if only the genes are in order. Molecular geneticists say genes are rarely damaged. Think how good it is!

Nevertheless, there are a lot of diseases, and all of them are primarily manifested in the cells.

What cell of a complex organism do we consider to be sick? The one that does not produce sufficient function in response to normal irritation coming from the body systems, which does not fulfill its division programs, the one whose chemistry is disturbed, and it produces incomplete metabolic products that are harmful to other cells.

In general, from the standpoint of the whole organism, its cell is sick if it does not cope with the functions required of it - to exercise movement, release hormones, and produce nerve impulses. In order not to get into the jungle of complex science, we will list the possible causes of cell pathology.

Detraining... If the cell periodically did not receive large loads, it detrains and gives a reduced function to a normal stimulus (see diagram). If the stimulus exceeds the limit of the achieved fitness, the cell enters a pathological regime - chemical reactions do not go to the end, and their products accumulate in the cell. They can be conventionally called "interference".

Poor supply: there is not enough energy or building materials in the blood - glucose molecules, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, oxygen, absorbed by the corresponding organs from the external environment.

Sometimes this happens when a barrier of intercellular structures - products of connective tissue - arises between the blood and the cell, or blood circulation through the capillaries is disturbed (the so-called microcirculation).

There is also a "poisoning" of cells with microbial toxins or other toxic substances that inhibit the action of enzymes. The accumulation of end products of cell metabolism can also act if they are not removed due to circulatory disorders ("slags").

Finally, direct damage to genes is possible - from radiation, poisoning, the introduction of new DNA sections introduced by viruses or as a result of mutations. This is the most severe pathology, since the blueprints for making enzymes are violated. True, the cell itself has the ability to "repair" the double helix of DNA, if one of its strands is affected, but only in the process of its division.

Cells can "get sick from any of the listed reasons, and different reasons become the most important for different human diseases."

Thus, if we delve into what has been said, the conclusion suggests itself: man is practically eternal! At least, nature has created the prerequisites for this. Is the protein of all organs constantly disintegrating? So what! It is also constantly resynthesized according to genetic programs. It seems that for this it is enough just to take food of the right composition, to prevent detraining of any muscles and to have a healthy psyche. Well, at least. But how can this be achieved? What do you need to do for this? Exactly - to do it! Already from this small amount of information "from NM Amosov" it is clear that it is necessary to DO something!

Taking into account the unfavorable cardiological situation, our journal takes on the assistance in teaching its readers the right actions. It is no secret that if we are talking about driving a car, then at the services of drivers and driving schools and a lot of literature on the rules of the movement and on the device of the car. But there are just very few targeted means of teaching how to drive your body through the labyrinths of life with minimal health losses. And the most valuable information about how a person is healed in the "Help yourself" mode leaves the doctors' offices with the patient. And where will he report this? The "hearts" finally have a magazine, on the pages of which you can not only listen to healers, but also turn on the collective mind to help comrades in misfortune, and therefore YOURSELF! We are waiting for your letters with stories about your self-healing.

based on the work of N.M. Amosova

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