The original meaning of the name is Alena. Name meaning: Alena

Most people associate the name Alena with the image of a young red-faced young lady from the wrapper of a well-known chocolate bar. But what is actually the representative of this name? What character does it have, does it have Russian roots?

The origin of the name Alena

The origin of the name is associated with the ancient Slavic tribes Alens or Alons, living in the south-west of Russia. Fearless and strong warriors chose "flame" and "sword" as their emblems. If we adhere to this version, then the meaning of the name sounds like "scarlet", "fiery". However, history suggests other variations, for example:

  • in translation from Greek it means "torch", "torch";
  • from Hebrew - "oak";
  • the indigenous Yakuts interpret it as “rain rustling on the river” and call Alena the Lena River.

For a long period of time, everyone was convinced that Alena was a variation of the more popular. But in the modern world, most scientists agree that these are two different names, each of which has its own history and meaning.

The name Alyona dates back to the 17th century, because it was at that time that the first mentions of Alyona Arzamasskaya, a militant Cossack woman who organized a peasant uprising in support of Stepan Razin, appeared. For disrespecting the boyars and dignitaries, the girl was burned in a log house, and her name was deleted from the calendar. Even mentioning the name of a rebellious Cossack woman was considered a terrible sin. Thus, the boyars hoped that the people would forget about their heroine and erase her from memory. That is why for a long time it was believed that such a name does not exist and there are only variations of the name Elena.

The first mention of the name Alyona refers to Alyona Arzamasskaya - a warlike Cossack woman who organized a peasant uprising in support of Stepan Razin

Forms of the name Alena

Variations of the name: Alyonushka, Alchik, Alyonka, Lyolya, Lyoka, Alik, Elya, Lesya, Olya.

Alyona - affectionate appeal to a girl named Alena

Church name

Alena does not have her own name day, since it is not included in the list of church calendars. However, due to the fact that it was previously considered a derivative of the name of Elena, the same saints are considered to be patrons: the Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena, the Monk Helena of Diveevskaya, the Monk Queen Helena of Serbia. That is why Alena celebrates her name day at the same time as Elena:

  • August 10;
  • June 3;
  • July 24;
  • September 17;
  • March 19;
  • November 12.

Table: Alena's name in different languages

Name transliteration

Alena's name for a passport or bank card: Alena.

Autumn Alena is scrupulous about any business

What patronymic does the name Alena harmonize with?

The name Alena is combined with many middle names, but it sounds the most beautiful:

  • Alena Alexandrovna;
  • Alena Sergeevna;
  • Alena Yurievna;
  • Alena Pavlovna;
  • Alena Viktorovna.

The only exception is the patronymic Andreevna, since it has a negative impact on our heroine and not very good qualities are formed in her. Alyona Andreevna is characterized by greed, quarrelsomeness, laziness, a consumer attitude towards other people.

Video: Slavic "Alyonushka"

Characteristics and influence of the name

Even in ancient times, people were sure that the name and fate of its owner were secretly connected. At the same time, it was believed that knowing only one name, a person can easily be spoiled. That is why babies have always been given two names: one for people, the other secret, for the soul. Since that time, there have been rumors that if you want to change your destiny, change your name. Some modern scientists are of the same opinion. For example, the famous professor of psychology Boris Higir, knowing the name (and ideally also the patronymic and year of birth), could talk about a person unfamiliar to him as his best friend who trusted him with the most intimate secrets.

Scientist Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky supports his colleague and also assures that a person's name and character are interconnected. On this issue, he even wrote a research paper published in 1988 in the journal Sociological Research.

Shortly before this, Chicago specialists became interested in the topic, who found that the name strongly affects the fate and health of its owner. If it is capable of causing ridicule, then from childhood a person has to take a defensive position, fight for a normal attitude towards himself, which is imprinted on his psyche, health and character. They also told the story of the original parents who named their children: Meningitis, Laryngitis and Appendicitis, as a result of which they greatly ruined their lives.

French theologian Pierre Rouget published the book "The influence of the name on the life of a person", in which he wrote about the "music of the name." He believed that each letter is the source of a certain vibration that affects the character of a person.

Rhymes to the name: Alena - worthy of the throne; Alena is lovely, like Madonna; Alena is laid-back; Alena is a serious and intelligent person.

Among strangers, little Alena keeps herself apart

How the name Alena affects the character of the child

Little Alyonushka cannot be called an overly sociable and open child. On the contrary, among strangers, the girl will try to keep apart, not imposing her society on anyone and living only in her inner world. However, in a familiar environment, she transforms, becomes cheerful and cheerful.

The girl grows up kind, honest, sympathetic to the grief of others, which is often used by her peers. The only negative is the lack of firmness in character. For example, Alyonushka can bring home a street kitten, bathe it, warm it up, feed it and even cry over its bitter fate, but if the parents drive the animal out of the house, then the girl will not say a word in its defense. Despite this, it is impossible to call Alyonka a “cute, fluffy bunny” that never shows its teeth. If she realizes that even the slightest danger threatens her, she almost instantly turns into a cunning and dodgy tigress, who can hurt anyone who tries to encroach on her peace of mind.

As a child, Alyonka is very fond of fairy tales and thanks to her good memory she knows many of them by heart. However, she is generally an ideal child: the girl is smart, hardworking, assiduous, which helps her to master reading, mathematics, and sometimes foreign languages ​​even in preschool years. That is why, by sending the baby to the first grade, the parents are confident in her success. However, laziness and unwillingness to focus on the sciences that are not interesting to her do not allow Alena to be an excellent student - the girl studies averagely.

Natural laziness does not allow Alena to study perfectly well

How the name Alena affects the character and fate of an adult

Along with growing up, Alena's character also changes. From a timid, calm child, she turns into a purposeful girl, ready to achieve her goal at any cost. Alena is a creative person, so she has mood swings. Perhaps it is because of this that she often takes on several cases at the same time, but the rapidly fading interest does not allow her to finish at least something to the end.

The disadvantage of Alena's character can be called excessive impulsiveness and emotionality - qualities that she adopted from her father. Because of them, the girl cannot soberly assess the situation and quickly make the right decisions. For this reason, Alena sometimes gets into unpleasant stories that "sober up" her, acting like a tub of cold water poured directly onto her hot head.

Fortunately, even these sudden trips of fate do not break the girl. Alena regains control of herself and systematically moves towards the designated goal. It should be said that the owners of this name often achieve great heights, but in the process they lose real friends.

Alena is an attractive girl who does not lack the attention of the opposite sex

Poems dedicated to Alyona: I. Bunin "Alyonushka", A. Barto "Mysterious question", E. Martynov "Alyonushka".

Professions, business and career

Alena is very witty and does not accept hard physical labor. Therefore, he chooses professions in which it is necessary to think with his head. She often becomes a teacher, doctor, social worker, economist, or accountant.

But it is advisable for Alena not to meddle in commerce. The girl quickly gets tired of regular trips, meetings with partners, the intrigues of competitors, as a result of which she stops developing her brainchild and investing money in it. Alena will stay afloat only if a more experienced person starts pushing her.


Thanks to her mobile lifestyle, Alena's immunity is well developed, so she rarely gets sick. The girl's only vulnerable spot is her back, but if she initially manages to find a good specialist who will determine the problem, then she will get rid of the pain once and for all.

Alena's only weak spot is her back, so she should find a good specialist in this area.

Love, sexuality, marriage

A love relationship for Alena is not just intimate intimacy. It is selfless devotion, mercy bordering on pity. As a result, you should not be surprised if a girl, instead of an accomplished, self-confident guy, gives preference to a loser hovering in the clouds. The girl's feelings are always sincere, pure, real, bordering on self-sacrifice. The financial side is of little interest to Alena. The main thing is that the chosen one loves, respects and appreciates her as a person.

Natural charisma, good looks, sensuality - all this does not escape the male gaze, so Alyona never feels a lack of fans. However, the girl herself prefers not to waste on trifles and remain faithful to one chosen one, if, of course, he will meet her requirements. The sexual side of the relationship is very important for Alena, so she will demand complete dedication from her companion, otherwise she will quickly find a replacement for him.

Alena is far from an exemplary hostess, although she tries to keep the house clean and takes care of her family. Her house is always clean and there is delicious food, but the girl does this out of necessity, without enthusiasm. Among the family, Alena always tries to take a leading position, which often she succeeds. The girl's opinion is never discussed and is accepted by the household in its original form.

Alena doesn't like to do housework too much

Table: Alena's compatibility with other names

The fateful years of Alena's life

There are periods in Alena's life that play a huge role in her destiny:

  • 21 years old - it is at this age that the girl will make an important decision that will turn her life by 180º;
  • 27 years - serious internal changes will occur, both moral, psychological and physical;
  • 32 years is a period that determines what to be and what to leave;
  • 35 years is the time of final determination in life in terms of profession and family. A second marriage is possible;
  • 42 years is another crisis that can affect both family life and health;
  • 63 years - reassessment of values.

There are periods in Alena's life that play a huge role in her destiny.

Astrology and talismans named after Alena

Each name has its own talismans, and Alena also has them:

  • planet - Sun, Pluto;
  • zodiac sign - Gemini, Libra, Pisces;
  • element - fire;
  • number - 5, 7;
  • color - red, orange, scarlet;
  • totem animal - scarab, lion;
  • the season is spring;
  • tree - Chinese cherry;
  • plant - garden rose, lavender;
  • metal - gold;
  • mineral - aventurine, chalcedony and onyx;
  • lucky day - Tuesday, Sunday.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Alena

Each letter in a word carries a special semantic and emotional load. Knowing the meaning of the letters in the name, you can feel its full depth, suggest what impact it will have on fate:

  • A - thirst for physical and spiritual comfort, desire to create and reach new heights;
  • L - sophistication, artistry, constant search for oneself and one's purpose in life, the desire to be useful to everyone;
  • E - increased emotionality, sexuality, easy adaptability to any situation;
  • H - the presence of an internal "iron" core, wit, the ability to criticize their actions, hard work.

The first letter is considered the most significant, especially if it is repeated several times in the name.

"A" is considered the most significant letter of the name, since it stands at the beginning and is repeated twice

Description of the name according to the season

The season in which a person is born is also of great importance:

  • Alena, born in winter, is a persistent and principled person who always achieves what she wants. It is very important for her to have all the best, so she is too choosy even in choosing friends and life partner. Purposefulness and pedantry help Alena to bring all her ideas to life;
  • spring Alena is very fond of comfort and material prosperity. She is smart, ambitious, stubborn and calculating. The girl enters marriage late, since she devotes her best years to her career;
  • summer Alyona loves intrigue and she herself often becomes their main character. A significant flaw in her character is envy. Perhaps that is why the summer Alena has no close friends. She gives care, tenderness and attention only to her family;
  • autumn Alena is prudent and careful, demanding and a little meticulous about any business. The girl is used to dominating, so it is not easy for those close to her. However, in fairness, it should be noted that Alena's instructions are often not devoid of meaning.

Photo gallery: famous people in history with the name Alena

Alena Apina - Russian pop singer, composer and poetess, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), ex-soloist of the Combination group Alena Vodonaeva is a media personality who gained fame as the most controversial participant in the Dom-2 TV show Alena Shishkova is a successful model, second vice Miss Russia 2012 Alena Sviridova - Russian singer, songwriter, composer, actress, TV presenter Alena Yakovleva - Russian actress of the Moscow Theater of Satire, who received the title of People's Artist of Russia in 2008 Alena Khmelnitskaya - Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter Alena Venum - a successful blogger , which in the year of its channel's existence has gathered a million audience

Songs about Alena: V. Gorbunov "Sweet Alyonushka", gr. Nancy "Alyonushka", Mr. Credo "Alyonushka".

Horoscope named after Alena

The sign of the zodiac also affects the meaning of the name and the character of its owner:

  • Aries - a girl is overly authoritarian, which manifests itself both in relationships with household members and in communicating with colleagues. However, if relatives are ready to forgive Alena, then colleagues break off all contacts with her, since they do not intend to endure her excessive emotionality and impulsiveness;
  • Taurus is a principled and self-confident person who is used to manipulating people and this is how he achieves goals. However, in relations with her chosen one, Alena-Taurus changes dramatically, becomes a helpless, weak woman who is ready for anything for the sake of her feelings;
  • Gemini is a charming and attractive girl, optimistic about everything around her. Has many fans and easily overcomes all obstacles in life;
  • Cancer - a girl rarely achieves the tasks set for herself, since her dominant qualities are restlessness and excessive fussiness. In addition, the lady is convinced that she is never to blame for anything and that this villainous fate turned her back on her. Alena also shows discontent with her loved ones, believing that household members do not take part in her life and do not help her in any way;
  • Leo - a constant desire to be the center of the Universe, excessive self-confidence and importunity play bad jokes with Alena - others try to avoid her, since the girl simply annoys them with her assertiveness. Alena often treats her spouse like furniture, believing that he must unconditionally recognize her authority and never try to challenge her decisions;
  • Virgo - a girl lives according to a strictly planned plan, so it is very difficult for her to find a partner. As a rule, her chosen one is a person who can easily go through life, not paying attention to the excessive self-organization of his companion;
  • Libra - Alena, born under this sign, is often the soul of the company. A cheerful chatterbox and gull goes easily through life and always achieves what she wants. He does not feel a lack of partners, but he will choose only his complete opposite - a serious man who stands firmly on his feet;
  • Scorpio is a real creative person who is characterized by inattention, irascibility, impressionability. She always acts in a fit of feelings, which she often regrets afterwards. A girl cannot control her emotions even with a loved one, which is the reason for frequent quarrels between lovers;
  • Sagittarius - the inconstancy characteristic of Alena and the desire not to depend on anyone leads to the fact that the girl cannot achieve harmony either in the family or in relations with colleagues. She is too windy, loves new relationships and acquaintances. Therefore, for a long time he cannot decide on the candidacy of a life partner;
  • Capricorn is a reasonable and generous woman who is demanding both of herself and of others. He does not like pettiness and falsity, he immediately deletes such people from his life;
  • Aquarius - the main quality of this person is intelligence. She will never allow herself to condemn the actions of other people or interfere in their lives. She will marry only the person who will not try to control her and encroach on her freedom;
  • Pisces - the girl is very delicate, sensitive and good-natured. She will never impose her society or try to help if she is not asked to do so. Does not lack fans, believes in love at first sight.

Video: the meaning and interpretation of the name Alena

The meaning of the name helps to recognize the character of a person and makes it possible to slightly open the veil of secrets of the future. If the parents decide to name their daughter Alena, then they can be sure that this girl will have an unusually bright appearance, artistry and determination.

Alena is too demanding of her partner and capricious in sex. She is very picky, she must get to know the man well, his psychology, in order to move on to intimate relationships. She is often tormented by the contradictions between desires and the possibility of their satisfaction. She is erotic and amorous, but at the same time strictly observes external decency. Because of this, her passion often remains unsatisfied, which can cause numerous complexes. She strives for her ideal. Long before the beginning of a close relationship, she is able to determine the future partner. The feelings and power of attraction that accumulate in her from time to time sweep away all barriers, and, throwing away her principles, she amazes her partner with temperament and sophistication. She spends several years in her youth on her landscaping, and during this period her life proceeds in a measured and rational way. Practicality and common sense make her a boring partner, but extremely reliable and profitable. She will willingly help her lover arrange her life using her official position. Her generosity, however, borders on prudence, allowing Alena to benefit even from seemingly disinterested help. He will not share his property and will carefully think over everything before marriage. She is a pronounced materialist, but no difficulties never arise with her. She first strives to become rich, and then, if possible, happy. In love, she lacks a little imagination. But she is the perfect hostess. In adulthood, she may have one or two love adventures - and then not because she needs it, but more from the desire to prove to herself and others that she is still young enough, attractive. Alena can marry more than once. She does not like to flirt with men, she chooses a calm and moderate partner in sex, since she herself is very emotional. She should be the leader in the family. “December” Alena is more partial to sex, so she can often change partners until she finds a person to her liking. Loves men with a developed sense of humor, initiative, and not only in bed. If family life does not correspond to her ideas, she can, on her own initiative, part with her husband, regardless of the presence of children. She is very attractive, like no other woman, can captivate a man and take him away from his wife. Loves oral sex. Although Alena is independent by nature, in sexual relations she prefers to be led, to feel the passion of her partner and to submit to her.

It is best for “July” Alena Yulievna to marry a “February” man. She is in love, and the first marriage may end in divorce. The second time she does not get married soon, she looks closely at the man for a long time: she does not repeat mistakes.

Andrey Nikitich, Valentin Grigorievich, Vitaly Zakharovich, Vladimir Viktorovich, Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Naum Mikhailovich, Sergey Eduardovich, Yuri Vladimirovich are suitable for a successful marriage.

Azariy Davidovich, Alexander Dmitrievich, Adrian Stanislavovich, Bogdan Avgustovich, Valerian Emmanuilovich, Veniamin Antonovich, Georgy Yurievich, Davyd Arnoldovich, Ilya Rostislavovich, Leonid Anatolyevich, Stanislav Rodionovich, Stepan Nikolaevich, Felix are not suitable.

The meaning of the name Alena for you will depend on the version of the origin of the name that you choose. But about the versions of the origin and the meaning of the name, read on.

The most popular version of the origin of the name Alena is considered to be the version of the origin of the name Alena on behalf of Elena. According to this version, Alena is one of the folk forms of the name, which has become an independent name. Fans of this version believe that the meaning of the name Alena is "sunlight" or "sunbeam", as well as the name Elena. These are not all versions of the meaning of the name Elena. You can see the rest of the versions by clicking on the link.

There is a version that the name Alena is the name of pre-Christian Russia and it is associated with the name of one of the tribes, the tribe of Alans. This tribe lived on the territory of modern Ossetia. Until now, Ossetia is often called Alania. The Slavic tribes inhabiting Russia and the Alans actively contacted, and the name Alena appeared.

The name Alena is also a derived form of the names Madeleine and Alina.

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl

A girl named Alena is a wonderful, calm child. She communicates well with other children and quite easily finds a common language with them, which is a little different from Elena. The girl is kind and sympathetic, she is very feminine from the very childhood. Despite all the innate femininity and coquetry, the character of the girl is more like her father. Has a fairly independent character, so you have to learn how to make good arguments in order to convince the girl.

The girl studies well. Alena has a wonderful property to memorize everything quickly, but this leaves a certain mark. Alena gets used to gaining knowledge without exerting strength. If for some reason she lags behind the program, then independent study of the material will turn into torment for her. Here the help of parents and relatives will be very useful.

The girl's health will mostly delight her parents. Alena loves to spend time actively, which has a positive effect on her health. As a teenager, she may develop weight problems. This period of hormonal changes is better to be careful with the health of the child. In any case, with a sharp change in body weight, seek professional help.

Abbreviated name Alena

Lena, Alya, Elya, Anya.

Diminutive names

Alyonka, Alyonushka, Alyonchik, Alyonochka, Helen, Lenchik, Lenusya, Elichka.

Alena's name in English

If we consider that the name Alena and Elena are identical, then Alena's name in English will be - Helen, Elen, Ellen or Helena. If we consider that this is a completely independent name, then it needs to be transliterated. The transliteration of the name Alena is ALENA.

Alena's name for passport, according to the rules of machine transliteration - ALENA.

Translation of Alena's name into other languages

Unfortunately, the name has very little spread in other languages, so the name Alena just needs to be transliterated into the required language.

Alena's name in church(in the Orthodox faith) - Elena. This is one of the facts indicating the origin of the name Alena on behalf of Elena.

Characteristics of the name Alena

Since childhood, Alena has her own opinion on each issue. She loves to prove her own innocence, but she cannot stand listening to reciprocal arguments. She is mostly cheerful and enjoys life every second. At the same time, she is prone to sudden mood swings for no apparent reason. She can remember something unpleasant and immediately close in herself, although a minute ago she was happy and laughing. Likes to have fun and hates boredom.

To find a common language, and even more precisely, to like people is Alena's talent. If she learns to make money on this talent, she will be able to combine hobbies and work. Alena easily establishes contact with strangers and finds common topics for interaction. She has a clear ability to separate work space and personal space. This allows Alena to remove her negative character traits from prying eyes and appear better.

Family for Alena is very important, but in her specific sense. The man next to her should emphasize her success. Alena's approach to life rarely changes, even after the birth of children. Alena knows how to like the opposite sex and successfully uses it. She always has many admirers and she loves when there is a choice. Alena loves her children, although in her youth she devotes little time to them.

The mystery of the name Alena

Alena's secret is that he is a born manipulator. She very skillfully achieves her goal. For Alena herself, this feature is for the most part also a secret. She knows how to manipulate since childhood and considers it natural behavior. That is, she uses the weaknesses of people without thinking about it.

It is fashionable to call Alena's second secret her envy. She treats herself like a princess. Alena should have all the best. If someone is doing better, do not expect sincere joy from Alena. She can hardly bear someone else's success.

Planet- The sun.

Zodiac sign- Aries or Leo.

Totem animal- Scarab.

Name color- Yellow and red.

Tree- Cherry.

Plant- Lavender.

A rock- Diamond.


According to the main version, the name Alena comes from the Greek word, translated as "torch". Thus, apparently, the name Alena is purely Greek. But there is a second version of the origin, according to which it may have roots in Hebrew culture and come from the word translated as "oak".

The female name Alena is found quite often today in the countries of the former USSR, like many old names, which is not surprising, because it sounds beautiful and has a fairly good significance. Well, below we will talk in more detail about the issue of significance, and touch on the topic of the influence of the zodiac ...

Popularity: The female Russian name Alena occupies 23-24 positions in the ranking of popular female names and accounts for no less than 12 girls out of a thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Lena, Lenochka, Lenusha

Modern English counterparts: Olena, Olena, Helen

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Alena can bestow the bearer with a whole list of good qualities. Usually Alena is the owner of such qualities as openness, cheerfulness, sociability, stubbornness, determination, charm, sociability, positive attitude, optimism and restraint.

The main advantage is good nature. She was not created for deception or betrayal, and she does not know how to hide feelings. He will never lie, will not deceive, will not pursue selfish goals in communicating with this or that person. It's nice to talk to such a girl. She can be trusted. And with age, she also becomes very reasonable ...

Advantages and positive features: positive attitude, hard work, dedication, always achieves the set goals and never resorts to tricks, acts only according to his conscience and is guided by common sense in making important decisions.

Alena treats badly selfish and cunning, as well as negative and pessimistic people, injustice, lies, exaggeration, thoughtlessness of actions and insecure personalities.

It is believed that the name Alena has a very strong energy and is capable of giving rise to features in a girl that did not belong to any of her parents.

The nature of the name Alena

The nature of the name Alena is such that it endows the bearer of this name with a bunch of good characteristics. Typically, the character so named, as previously stated, is overflowing with leadership qualities. Alena is the owner of such willpower that one can only envy, a potential boss and leader capable of achieving incredible results in any business. At the same time, the character of this girl is far from always able to get along with people with similar traits - her exactingness towards people and the simultaneous fear of competition often leads to the fact that in her environment there are exceptionally weak-willed and manageable people. But there is another side to the medal - the character of the girl, called the nominal variation of Alena, is such that it promises her success, luck, dedication and planning, and this, whatever one may say, can bear its rather desirable fruits ...

On the other hand, the nature of the name is one of the most theoretical parameters, and in many respects it depends on a bunch of additional factors, including parental upbringing, the influence of the zodiac sign and even the season ...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the girl, who received the name Alena, is full of good moments, which is not surprising, because the meaning of this name usually endows the bearer with a good character and a bunch of important characteristics, including the gift of leadership, and emotionality, and activity, and energy, and benevolence, and cheerfulness , and mobility. The girl, over whom the meaning of the name Alena patronizes, has quite a lot of good qualities, and they all arise precisely in childhood, at the moment of the greatest impact of significance, but many excellent qualities are added in the course of growing up. As for childhood specifically, everything is simple here - firstly, Alena is a very effective and agile child, never bored and not sitting still, and secondly, she is purposeful and always achieves the goal set for her, whether she is set by her parents, or by herself, and thirdly, in her childhood, she may have incredible willpower, contributing to her rapid learning in any business. Which in turn affects everyone, without exception. Plus, Alena, over whom the meaning of this name is patronized, is a very sociable child, this girl has many friends and comrades, and it is almost impossible to catch her alone.


A teenage girl, for whom her parents at birth decided to choose the female name Alena, has no less advantages. She by nature remains a leader and ringleader, always in the first place, does not let anyone go ahead of herself and is ready to take on a sea of ​​responsibility - she has so many friends and like-minded people, but there is one drawback. This disadvantage lies in the fact that in her circle of communication she will never admit a person who has a chance of becoming her competitor in terms of leadership. A girl who has reached adolescence, and is patronized by such a parameter as the meaning of Alena's name, is a person with incredible willpower, self-confident, persistent, persistent, respectable and benevolent. She is ready to take responsibility and be responsible for people from her environment, she is ready to give all her best in business, but she is not ready to give in. Alena does not tolerate criticism and teachings, does not like selfish people, and most of all despises those who are prone to betrayal and deception. As for the school, everything is very simple here - it can study well and even become the favorite of the teachers, because it has all the data for this. Meaning endows her with excellent organizational skills, responsibility, commitment, diligence and determination - but all this can conflict with her femininity and desire to be a good girl. In the future, problems may begin to arise, but mainly in communication with men….

Adult woman

A girl named Alena's name and has already reached maturity may show many shortcomings at this stage. The main ones are such traits as stubbornness, persistence, persistence, uncompromising attitude, adherence to principles, straightforwardness and aggressiveness. The latter manifests itself only in moments when someone is trying, even if not on purpose, to offend her dignity and pride. Adult Alena loves to dominate the weak, but at the same time, in return for weak people, she gives what many yearn for - her protection, her willingness to help in difficult times, and her desire to be human, to take responsibility for the mistakes those people have made. In general, Alena is a good person in her essence - the value endows her not only with leadership inclinations, but also with conscientiousness, and justice, and kindness, which in turn simply cannot but be appreciated. The only negative point is that a girl who is patronized by the meaning of the name Alena usually has big problems in her personal life, but this is not surprising, because not every man is able to withstand such an assertive, strong, self-confident and self-confident woman next to with myself.

The interaction of Alena's character with the seasons

Winter - here the meaning of the season gives rise to the bearer of the name Alena, persistent and straightforward, principled and stubborn. It's bad to make such a joke - she can easily see through lies and sycophancy, and especially the latter strongly dislikes. This is a demanding girl, ready to endlessly search for truly loyal friends. Likewise, in choosing a soul mate - he will not fall in love with the first person he comes across, he will look for a prince.

Summer - such girls are mostly ambitious, calculating by nature, but too envious, and this is the main disadvantage. It is jealousy that will interfere with such a success in a career, and therefore it is not surprising if, already in middle age, she surrenders herself headlong to family life. Everything is bad with friends, but she will not need them if she finds something that will charm her and love.

Autumn - brings to this world Alain practical and smart, comprehensively developed, far-sighted and scrupulous, decisive. Such a person always makes decisions on her own, in no case will she accept anyone's opinion, and will never give up her position in proving her innocence. But there is a thirst for justice and excellent character - you will not expect lies and deceit from such.

Spring - at this time, one is born that will have stubbornness, prudence, self-interest and an incredible craving for material goods. It is difficult to build a family life with such a thing - its purpose is in power and money, but not in building a strong couple. That is why such people remain lonely until the deadline, unable to justify their noble origins.

The fate of the name Alena

The fate of a name is the most theoretical parameter of all. He is able to determine the possible fate of the bearer of the name Alena in relationships with the opposite sex, in love and in marriage. But at the same time, it is worth noting its inaccuracy and the fact that often theoretical data, which is fate itself and its definition, do not coincide with reality ...

However, there are several factors that even modern, advanced researchers believe in. They say that the fate of the name Alena can reward the bearer of this name with a difficult share in terms of her personal life, and the reason is in her character. She is a leader and a self-confident person who adores dominance, surrounding herself with people who need her domination, but wants to see an equally strong but compliant man next to her, and this is rare for a strong man to be compliant. That is. In fact, fate may lead her to create a couple with a very difficult future.

On the other hand, fate is such that it can turn the owner of the name, Alena, into an ideal wife and mother. She will gladly take on both female and male responsibilities, and at the same time, she will never cease to be an exemplary mother and at the same time a leader.

Love and marriage

All Alena's relationships, without exception, are extremely serious and responsible. These are the girls who want strong and lasting relationships, monotony and constancy in love, and not vice versa. That is why all of Alain's relationships usually last longer than those of other girls. It's the same with marriage - or even more serious.

The fact is that marriage for Alena is not just a stamp in her passport and a legalized relationship. For her, marriage is primarily a sign that she has found a soul mate, a person destined for by fate. That is why she will be looking for a man for the role of her husband for a very long time, choosing from a heap of fans (Alain always has enough of them). She will only lean towards a man who will meet all of her even the most unreal criteria.

She will be happily married only with a brutal, tough, demanding, but at the same time restrained and not too emotional man. He must respect her opinion, support in all endeavors, help her and please in every way. In response, she will give the same thing, and possibly more ...

Alena as Mother

It is difficult to say what kind of mother Alena will become. On the one hand, these are for the most part very responsible, punctual, obligatory and serious girls, who treat any business with maximum responsibility. This means that Alena will treat the child responsibly. But on the other hand, Alens value their freedom, independence, and personal space too much. But a child can deprive all of this ...

Only her husband can make Alena a happy, and at the same time a responsible mother. He should often give her a break from motherhood and maternal responsibilities. In response, she will increasingly want to experience what mothers experience. Hence the mother's love, and attention to the child, and care.

And an example, a role model, can also provoke Alena to love her mother's responsibilities. One has only to offend Alena's dignity a little by citing some “ideal mommy” as an example, and she will immediately begin to try to become even better.

Male name compatibility

The issue of the compatibility of the name Alena with male names has long been disclosed by researchers in this field. Thus, today we know several important facts, namely ...

The best combination of destinies and characters in terms of feelings is being established with such as Akim, Gabriel, Kazimir, Laurus, Ostap, Taras.

A lasting marriage can be achieved with Fedor, Pankrat, Igor, Laurus, Julius and Yermolai.

Name Alyona- this is the interpretation of the Greek name Helen ("helenos" - sunny, radiant). It received this form on the Slavic land in ancient Russia. The Slavs associated Alena with the fire element and called her - "fiery", "solar". There is a version that the name could have come from the name of an ancient tribe - Alans - the ancestors of the present Ossetians. Ossetia is still sometimes called Alania.

Alena - character traits

Little Alena is cheerful and cheerful, but she opens up only to well-known people. In the presence of unfamiliar faces, the girl closes herself in, often moves away from the team, so it is sometimes difficult for the baby at the initial stages in kindergarten or school. Adults should help the girl to adapt as much as possible, involving in games and activities with other children.

Adult Alena behaves more relaxed. She is smart, the girl has a unique memory - she remembers literally everything to the smallest detail. Alena is an actress in life, she often changes masks, but at the same time remains a sincere and kind person. The whole world is a theater for her, and she is a director. The representative of this name is a rather versatile person, trying to do a little of everything.

Alena is very impressionable, painfully endures the problems and troubles of loved ones. She is simple and open, she does not know how to hide a lie. The secret of her charm lies in the artlessness. Sometimes she is overly trusting, even disappointed, she does not stop believing people; she is inquisitive, at times, often pokes her nose into other matters, for which she often gets into skirmishes.

Alena is well versed in men, requires a combination of stability, ardor, romanticism and high spirituality in him. The girl loves male attention and expensive gifts. As a rule, Alena gets married early, believing that the main happiness of a woman is family, and becomes a good wife and mistress. Gives the chosen one optimism, joy, sharing bad weather and adversity with the spouse.

Alena - name compatibility

A happy marriage for the girl is expected with Andrey, Igor, Dmitry, Roman, Konstantin, Stanislav and Zakhar. Difficulties may arise with representatives of such names as Anatoly, Ivan, Vasily and Stepan.

Famous personalities named Alena

A. Khmelnitskaya is an actress, A. Arzamasskaya is a colleague of S. Razin, A. Sidko is an athlete, A. Apina is a pop singer, A. Bondarenko is a tennis player, A. Vinnitskaya is a singer, A. Telpukhovskaya is a famous photographer.

Alena - interesting facts about the name

- the number of the name - 5;
- zodiac sign - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius;
- planet-patron - the Sun;
- favorable colors - blue, yellow, orange, white and purple;
- plants - rose, cherry, lavender;
- stone talisman - chrysolite, aventurine, diamond.

An interesting fact is that Alena has an extremely powerful intuition, she often sees prophetic dreams. The girl is able to perceive information from the Cosmos, to receive knowledge from above.

Comments (1)

Alena 12/05/2016

Everything coincided, except: the sign of the zoodik I am a blessing, I can be sleepy, what will happen to me in the future, I remember everything to the smallest detail and often I am completely different: aggressive, kind, calm, funny and sad.

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