Cooking sulfur liver. Sulfur liver with her own hands - Kimecia. Chemical treatment of media

  • 1 testimony for appointment
  • 2 How to prepare for the surrender of the analysis on cholesterol?
  • 3 Types of analyzes for cholesterol
    • 3.1 General blood test for cholesterol definition
    • 3.2 How to hand over a biochemical blood test?
      • 3.2.1 Biochemical studies
      • 3.2.2 Colorimetric methods (Ilka method)
      • 3.2.3 Enzymatic method
      • 3.2.4 Alternative methods
  • 4 Express Analysis
  • 5 What is a lipidogram?
  • 6 Deciphering the result and norm
    • 6.1 What is an atherogenic index?

Few people know that cholesterol is a common - an important component that ensures the proper work of the body. In medicine, the norms of its content in the blood are determined, so doctors recommend watching the indicators so that the cholesterol level is not low or, on the contrary. Common and biochemical blood test is often used as the most accurate procedures that are carried out in each clinic. The cholesterol level is determined by research methods, preferred enzymatic. In addition, a pharmacy can be purchased a special test system to carry out a laboratory express analysis without leaving home.

Control of cholesterol in the blood is simple, but an important procedure even for healthy people who do not suffer from diabetes.

Indication for appointment

It should be noted that the rate of cholesterol content is a value of non-permanent, and the older the person becomes, the higher the indicator rises. Do not be afraid and limit yourself in the consumption of good cholesterol. If even the substance will not enter the body, he will provide himself. And the liver will help in this.

Since 20 years old, doctors advise at least 5 times in 5 years to take tests to monitor cholesterol in the blood. This analysis is included in the test list with preventive medical examinations. In addition to prevention, doctors use research at the following cases:

Analysis on cholesterol is obligatory if the heart, kidney, liver, diabetes, etc. is required when suspected of disease.

  • to estimate the likelihood of heart violations: stroke, heart attack, ischemic disease, atherosclerosis;
  • when making a diagnosis of kidney and liver diseases;
  • with endocrine anomalies (diabetes mellitus);
  • during dispensary surveys;
  • to diagnose dlypidemia (violation of lipid metabolism).

To determine the current content of cholesterol, it will be necessary to pass blood from the vein, which will continue to be subject to laboratory learning. There are 2 types of blood tests: general and biochemical. In addition to cholesterol, determine how much protein, glucose and other substances in the body.

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How to prepare for the surrender of the analysis on cholesterol?

The doctor always draws the patient's attention to the rules for passing the analysis. If the patient is not prepared on the eve, the result will be in unreliable and will have to undergo a procedure again. In order not to spoil the analysis, it is better to familiarize yourself with the rules:

  • 12 hours before visiting the laboratory, it is unwanted to eat food, it is necessary to donate the blood on an empty stomach.
  • Preparation includes absence in fatty food and alcoholic beverages at least 2 days. It provokes a temporary increase in the level of substance. Drinking clean water, and tea, coffee is better not to drink 6 hours.
  • We'll have to suffer and do not smoke before analyzing at least an hour.
  • To lead yourself to the state of peace, if before that the person fled or walked at an accelerated pace.
  • It is better to take blood testing in front of X-ray radiation, a rectal examination or physiotherapy procedures.
  • It is important to remember that there are a number of drugs that contribute to increasing cholesterol. About the reception necessarily warn the doctor. These drugs include diuretic products, antibiotics, vitamins.

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Types of cholesterol tests

General blood test for cholesterol determination

General analysis helps to diagnose atherosclerosis and the risk of ischemic disease. The blood under study on cholesterol in adults shows how much common cholesterol is contained in venous blood. This technique is the most common, and the material is taken from the finger or from the vein. The analysis is carried out exclusively in the laboratory. Indications for destination can be anomalies of an endocrine system, a disregard of renal work, liver dysfunction, treatment control.

Early mentioned that there is an increase in the level of substance depending on age. In addition to age features, there is a difference associated with gender. The difference shows that in middle-aged men, the lipid indicator is elevated, whereas in women, the increase is observed only after 50.

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How to hand over a biochemical blood test?

In addition to the general analysis, the biochemistry method is equally distributed, from which a detailed report on the state of the body is obtained. Biochemical analysis allows you to detect possible deviations of the internal mechanism, the presence of inside the infection or lack of any substances. With a biochemical examination, many indicators (glucose, protein, bilirubin, potassium, creatinine and others are evaluated. Decoding the results that biochemistry gives:

  • increased protein in the blood - a sign that in the body there is an infection or arthritis, rheumatism or even oncology;
  • deviation from the norm of glucose speaks of the presence of endocrine disease.
  • with an elevated level of lipase, pancreatitis is possible;
  • reduced Gaptoglobin - violation of the liver and spleen;
  • elevated cholesterol is the main indicator of the development of atherosclerosis.

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Biochemical studies

It should be noted that the biochemical blood test for cholesterol includes the study of blood serum with certain methods:

  • colometer (150 species that are based on the color reaction);
  • the nehelometric method compares the "turbidity" of two solutions: standard and studied;
  • fluorimetric (determines the amount of substance in blood serum);
  • titometric and gravimetric;
  • gas cohromatic and chromatographic research;

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Colorimetric methods (Ilka method)

Ilka method in blood test to cholesterol is simple and does not require special training.

Colorimetric methods were called, due to the analysis process using color reactions. For example, the Biol-Croft reaction implies the addition of potassium, acetic and sulfuric acid persulfate, which causes red staining. And the reaction of Lieberman Burchand is so oxidizing cholesterol that it turns out the acid of emerald color.

The most common and effective is the colorimetric method Ilka. For execution take such reagents:

  • acetic acid;
  • sulfuric acid;
  • ethanol;
  • acetic anhydride;
  • special acid mixture: 10 ml of ice acetic acid is mixed with an angidride and, mixing, add 10 ml of sulfuric acid (while the liquid should be colorless);
  • calibration solution, which includes exactly 232 ml of cholesterol, 3 ml of chloroform and 100 ml of ethyl alcohol.

The principle is based on the reaction of Lieberman-Burchand: in the interaction of acetic anhydride with an oxidized medium, the water molecules from cholesterol occurs, which leads to the formation of chemical acid painted in greenish or blue. This method is relatively easy to use, does not require preparation, but has drawbacks: causes toxicity and corrosion in modern analyzers because of which laboratory technicians prefer to use enzymatic methods for determining the substance.

The enzymatic method in the analysis gives good results, but the procedure takes place in several stages. Back to the category

Enzymatic method

This technique includes the use of enzymes (cholesterolhesterase, cholesterol oxidase, peroxidase, catalase) and passes in 3 stages:

  • enzymatic splitting of cholesterol ether under water influence;
  • oxygen oxygen over cholesterol and hydrogen peroxide;
  • the process occurs in one test tube.

(NH 4) 2 s n. . In the structure of these compounds, there are (dimeric / polymer) chains of -S-S atoms ( n.) -S-.

Known numerous hydrogen polysulfides, general formula H 2 S n. where n. varies from 2 (hydrogen persulfide) to 23. These are yellow oily liquids; As the sulfur content increases, the color varies from yellow to red.

Ammonium polysulfides (NH 4) 2 s n. (n. \u003d 2 ... 9 ...) Apply to the Burning Steel. Sodium polysulfide mixture (Na 2 s n. ; In the old days it was called "sulfur liver") for a long time they use in the leather industry to remove the hair with the skins. Sulny liver For this purpose, they prepare sulfur with soda. The resulting greenish-brown mass is dissolved in water with a stronglyshore reaction and when the solution is standing, it is gradually decomposed with the separation of hydrogen sulfide (and disorderly produced). Some organic Persulfide type derivatives are used as fuel solid jet fuels. Calcium and barium polysulfides are used in the fight against pests in agriculture.

Homeopathy Classic Encyclopedia Home Medicine J Lori

Sulfur Liver (Gepar Sulfur)

Sulfur Liver (Gepar Sulfur)

Skrugic medicines . Spongia, Dulcamara, Sulfur.

Specific action. On the mucous membrane of the respiratory path; on the skin and iron vehicle; on suction and allocation; on salivary glands.

Application. Stubborn and inflammatory skin diseases, especially on the head and face; disorders from mercury abuse; Persistent ulcers, chiri and naryavi, inflammatory response of the respiratory path; bronchitis; Gum disease from mercury; croup; inflammatory and chronic cough; inflammation and flow from the ears; inflammation of the glands, predisposition to the suppuration; inflammation of the almond glands; toad; Ryg; Pustules on the connecting shell of the eye; ulcers on the cornea; diphtheria.


Outside surface. Inflammation of the skin with redness, heat, swelling and soreness; acne between hair roots, very sensitive and painful; Unhealthy leather with predisposition to ulceration; an increase in glands with inflammation or suppuration, ulcerative or raw skin diseases with silent separators; strongest itching, flexulation and heat; skin crackling; knocked outwards of joints, very painful and sensitive, sweat is easily caused; dry heat by body; Fear of heat, accompanied or replaced later, burning red face, or inflammation, or face; hives; firm tumor of breasts; Silver sweat under mouses; heat, red and swelling of the ankles; Mocking scabs on the head; Stricks for ears; Red hot tumor of joints; sticky, sour sweat, especially at night and by morning; Hair get out, and the head remains completely bald; Redness and swelling of the nose; lips swollen or ulcerated; acne on the forehead; swelling ankles, legs and knees; cracking the skin of the legs; Yellowish face color, blue circles under the eyes.

Breath. Weakness in the chest; partial or complete voice loss; whistling, rapid, hoarse, disturbing breathing; shortness of breath, cough and abundant wet; Cruel suffocating cough ending with vomit movements; deep, depressed cough with difficulty breathing; Stubborn hoarseness; rough voice; familiar fever at night; soreness of the upper part of the respiratory path; deep sharp sighs after cough; cramped breathing, with throwing the head back to facilitate air access; cough appears immediately after swallowing the fluid; dry cough with a convulsive urge on vomiting and vomiting; Or a wet cough with the hoosening of the mucus in the chest and choking when lying.

Stomach, guts and feces. Indigestion; the severity, bloating of the stomach, even after the easiest food; belonging to the contents of the stomach and with heartburn; severe thirst; Changeable appetite, sometimes voracious; greenish, bile or acidic vomiting with mucus; calling on the bottom with residents; sluggish, dry or communal feces; or very liquid, bloody, clay and sticky, or whitish with sour smell; very hot and dark urine, mostly at night; or abundant turbid and whitish urine with the sediment of the same color.

Pain. Pulling, tearing, stuck in the joints and limbs, especially when touched; tickling throat, as if there was stuck fish bone; piercing or drilling headache and forehead as if it is crushed or opened; Pain in the eyes, exactly they are pressed into the brain; jerking, ricking pain in the teeth; the lavender, pulling pain in the bones of the face, jaws, ears and temples; Kolotier or thread in the liver and spleen; thread or compression in the guts; lubrication in the legs; shooting or pain in the lower back, like when bruised, or shooting, rubbing, brown in the chest; Pain when moving the eyes.

Eyes and ears. Chronic inflammation of the eyes, eyelids and ears; Red eyes, hot, inflamed; Silver flow from the ears; itching in ushah; ears outside red and swollen; bonding age per night; Eye protrusion or convulsive closing; Tearing at night or by night and sensitivity to the light day.

Nose, mouth, throat and gums. Leak from one nostril; nasal bleeding mainly in the morning, with dullness or exacerbation of smell; abundant salivament; Whitish, curls in the mouth; swelling, heat and redness almonds; Gums hot, swollen and hurt.

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Liver liver produces 24 hours from 1 to 1.5 liters of bile; Its part of it is sent to the intestines, the other - in the gallbladder, serving a warehouse, tank. Bile turns fats contained in food substances, in the substance, which is then split into the small intestine to more

Oxidation of the surface of metal elements
Equipment of copper, silver, bronze or brass with aqueous solution
Sulna liver

Sulfuric liver (Liver of Sulphur. / Liver of Sulfur.) - Potassium polysulfide or sodium polysulfide.

Copper and silver are well patched with an aqueous solution of sulfur liver, gradually acquiring thick black color, and bronze and brass are weak shades.

Singing over the fire of the patinishing composition and gave the name "liver" in the old days - from the word "oven", "sinter".

Patina - film (raid).
Patina is two species: natural and artificial.

Natural patinbut - This is a thin but sufficiently dense and durable oxide film, formed on the surface of decorative elements in natural conditions (under the influence of the environment).

Natural patina often consider noble and, as a rule, try to preserve it.

Artificial Patina - The tax, which is formed on the surface of the decorative elements after applying to their surface of various mastics, solutions and other, intended for this, compositions.

Oxidation - Creating an oxide film on the surface of the decorative element as a result of a redox reaction. Oxidation is used, among other things, to obtain a beautiful decorative coating.

For oxidation of copper, silver, bronze or brass you will need :

The subject itself, the surface of which will be treated with a solution of sulfur liver;

Sulfur liver (working concentration - 10 g. Sulfur liver per 1 liter of water, however, changing the concentration,
The temperature of the solution or exposure time, on copper and silver you can get a wide range of patina colors -
from reddish brown and purple to black);

Glass or plastic container;

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